Brandon Nankivell

How is the appearance of motion possible?

14 posts in this topic

The scenario

I'm looking up at a ceiling fan.

I perceive the motion of the fan blades spinning.

The problem

If the present moment and everything in it is ONE 'snapshot in timelessness' then shouldn't I just be perceiving a still snapshot, for eternity?

Like this:


Instead, I perceive movement.

Like this:


Even in a state of no-self / non-duality, this is perceived.

But movement requires time, and ONENESS / The NOW implies timelesness, right?

So how is it possible to perceive motion?

My speculation

A thought arising as a memory of the past position of the fan blade, and then the moment changing from this memory to perceiving the present moment in which the fan blade is now in a new position (1mm further than the past memory).

And it goes like now > memory > now > memory > now > memory.

Like a film strip at 60 frames per second (picture ON, picture OFF, picture ON, picture OFF, etc...)

But if the present moment is ONENESS, and there is no separation OR time, then how is it that I can perceive motion/animation/change?

Shouldn't I just be eternally perceiving a boring, motionless, static snapshot, and basically have 'eternal amnesia' of ever having seen a different snapshot to the one I am perceiving right NOW?

Maybe this is already happening, but I still don't understand why there is the appearance of motion/change.



Edited by Brandon Nankivell

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16 minutes ago, Brandon Nankivell said:

Shouldn't I just be eternally perceiving a boring, motionless, static snapshot, and basically have 'eternal amnesia' of ever having seen a different snapshot to the one I am perceiving right NOW?

Yooo, that is a great inquiry. Never thought about that.

After contemplating for some time I think there is a certain limitation that comes from viewing it through movie-frames-analogy. Because that analogy kind of comes with an assumption that there are small jumps between frames. But it's not entirely true.

Like this NOW is also fluid like soup of sensations and colors. It's like ever morphing play-doh. It doesn't change in time, because time does not exists. It just changes like fluid. Concept od time is something that happens inside this fluid. So no need for jumps and therefore we should not perceive static.


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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41 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Yooo, that is a great inquiry. Never thought about that.

After contemplating for some time I think there is a certain limitation that comes from viewing it through movie-frames-analogy. Because that analogy kind of comes with an assumption that there are small jumps between frames. But it's not entirely true.

Like this NOW is also fluid like soup of sensations and colors. It's like ever morphing play-doh. It doesn't change in time, because time does not exists. It just changes like fluid. Concept od time is something that happens inside this fluid. So no need for jumps and therefore we should not perceive static.


Thank you for your input 🙏

Right, there's no jump.

If I understand correctly, the screen we are reading this on is rapidly turning off and on at about 60 times a minute (60hz). The off setting is just a black screen.

In reality, there is no black screen.

It's just

ON > ON > ON > ON ...

But each ON is a slightly different scene to the one before it, creating the appearance of motion.

It still seems there are 'jumps'. But instead of jumping from ON to OFF (black screen), reality jumps immediately to the next scene.

Why is it not true that there are jumps?

How does the soup just change like fluid?

It still seems the changing of fluid requires a transition of some sort.

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It's a dream. Are you actually in Toledo when you dream you're in Toledo. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 minutes ago, Brandon Nankivell said:

In reality, there is no black screen.

It's just

ON > ON > ON > ON ...

Isn't there a black screen when you close your eyes.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Think of it like a video game. The basis of the whole game is a piece of code that "stands still" and exists outside of time and space, and yet it is designed to create an "illusion" (I actually prefer to call it an impression... sounds less derogatory) of movement, time and space. So time is timelessness in motion, if you will.

Why does the timeless code create the game of time and space? Well, why not?

Motion and stillness are simply the two sides of the coin of THIS.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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6 hours ago, Brandon Nankivell said:

If the present moment and everything in it is ONE 'snapshot in timelessness' then shouldn't I just be perceiving a still snapshot, for eternity?

Not necessarily. Remember, infinite kinds of consciousness are possible.

The rules in a video game are different than a human life are different from a cartoon, etc.

I AM reborn

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6 hours ago, Brandon Nankivell said:

Shouldn't I just be eternally perceiving a boring, motionless, static snapshot, and basically have 'eternal amnesia' of ever having seen a different snapshot to the one I am perceiving right NOW?


I AM reborn

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@Brandon Nankivell motion is held within the dream.  The dream has time, space, physics - all kinds of stuff.  But it's the dream.  Shut off the dream and you get the Now or the present moment itself.   Which is none other but You!

Edited by Inliytened1


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Time is the notion of change within the dream and the dream itself. A static dream is not the greatest good there could be. Therefore Oneness is not just the present moment. Oneness is infinitely all moments. It is time itself.

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Are not movement and non-movement part of the same one reality? In reality, they're continuous entities. For example, try to find the definite limit where the movement begins and where it ends. You'll find out it's either an infinite regress or it's rather arbitrary where you draw the distinction. Carving things out as distinct entities is something we do for convenience.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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God is giving you your environment through your third eye. And you make up everything that is happening in it. You are making up that its spinning. spinning isnt real its a lower form of what it is.

Edited by Hojo

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