
How do you solve the housing crisis?

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The housing crisis has spiraled out of control especially in Australia. For countries that value equality and justice so much cannot even afford to give a space to live for their own citizens is unreal to me. The same crisis plagues other cities across the world, but it seems to be particularly dangerous in Australia. 

How do you navigate this crisis? Have you been in a rent crisis? How did you cope and what are some long terms and short-term solutions to this problem. 

Stop immigration all together is not viable since that is a huge part of what fuels their economy. They have to put some checks on immigration for sure. But how do you solve this crisis from the supply side? 


Edited by Bobby_2021

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Things are getting really bad in the US too. I was living in southern California for a while and left because I wanted to buy a home. Owning a home there had become out of reach. The cost of living is better up here in Oregon but not by much.

I have seen the cost of rent almost double in the last 10 years in both places.

I'm curious what it's like in other parts of the country.


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The only thing people can do right now is to have get connected to locals or have family members who can arrange them a home.

There are 100 applications waiting for a home and I wonder where are all of these people going to live. 

@mrPixel have you looked into the possibility of buying land and then building in it. Lot's of people are taking that route and it seems to be cheaper than buying pre built ones.

I don't know when is this going to end. Also there will not be some kind of "crash" like people want to.

Property prices can keep getting higher because it is an essential commodity. 

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In a Hundred Years or so the ppl of that time will look back and judge us on profit and money being top priority over Human and Life Wellbeing, this is a guarantee, because we have  more food than we need to feed everyone on the planet and ways and means to build everyone a decent home for basics to be provided, but there is no Profit in this, so that is the problem, our economic system is profit based, get rid of that then WellBeing for all Life including Human Beings will begins to change and all can have basic provided without costs being factored in and immense Suffering in the mean time...

That is why the raising of Human Consciousness is primary of Importance, once that happens to a majority of the population, things will transform..

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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The USA allows billionaires to own massive ranches, but then has a housing crisis. There is enough room to build houses, and protect the environment, Most conservation areas are far away from urban places as it stands, and there is Alaska which is undeveloped due to its Arctic location. 

Re-zoning, identification of prime locations for new towns/cities, and incentives to construction companies can help in building more homes.


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In order of importance in the UK and Western Europe.

  • Raise people's level of development far enough that living with people, is more important than owning things.
  • Keep improving Verticle farming and how high it goes, reducing cost, and subsidizing it.
  • Reduce reliance on livestock (Beef/Lamb) these two take up the most room for their return in food.
  • Slow Birthrates (Happening now)
  • Stop drying up, and slowly killing areas of the planet forcing immigration. Less war wouldn't hurt.
  • Build more apartments.
  • Put into the culture the notion of large family apartments as the norm, media/news/politics saturation, very hard to break the white picket fences installed in people's minds, but it would be paying huge returns in saving space.
  • Improve high-speed connections for workers between countries, allow workers to work abroad and live at home.
  • Discourage people just building large homes, and leaving large areas of the country unaffordable to live in. Oh you have no workers, well done geniuses. - You can always tell when planning isn't being done right, it's a very hard art to get right.
  • Reward and honor good city planners. Never happens, it should be in the news. Reform the news while we are at it, to be balanced with successes that get no attention and problems that need attention.
  • Teach Systems not subjects. I like this line it's catchy, I'm going to repeat it often. Teach people to look at everything as an interconnected system from education, to training, to their everyday life, relationships, and goal setting etc.
  • Invest in colonizing areas of the world that we don't live in. Deserts, wartorn regions, Tundra.
  • Longterm, over hundreds of years, space colonization for an infinite amount of room.

Most land is used up in agriculture. We failed to introduce veganism on mass, so reducing the problem of livestock space, and going verticle is the new alternative. That and getting people to realise a good time with a few people enjoying themselves is worth a hundred mansions and fancy cars.

In terms of housing, the way the government divides up agriculture and housing for example into two ministries, makes less sense. When they are so directly connected in the outcome for land use. I understand they have different functions but on this issue, it doesn't help people see the culminating picture. Everything is divided up into subjects and departments with competing interests when it's a connected whole.

Edited by BlueOak

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