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March | Pisces | 28 🌌♓

350 posts in this topic

I somehow don't like Eid because the devils will break loose...

Idk, this is my first night, and I already got an eery dream.. .


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I feel so reluctant to spend my money on skincare. Why couldn't it be my mom's money? 


I bought all these 



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I'm afraid that I will become worser when I get older, not better. 

I saw my pic from last year and this year and wondered if I got worser. Surely, back then, I was more empty than I am now. I don't know. 


I wanna make sure that I became better by years and not worser. 


But no I couldn't. My eyes is not getting better. 


Edited by Sabth

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It's been a while since I've left university it's about four + years, and I'm still not doing anything. I don't know how to better my life. I'm neither rich nor doing anything. I wish we're not poor. Or, 

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I wanna lose weight and have a really great body. Can I ? 

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There are something I wanna buy but couldn't. 

And now I'm thinking on what to spend my money on. I can't buy everything. So I had to choose. Idk. 

If I buy something I couldn't buy another thing.  

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I'm afraid that what I buy would be a junks.

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It's sad to see people getting older 

like our teachers.  And then they will (be too old and) die.

I don't meet my teachers. But my sister do . And she's old. She's our childhood. Seeing us growing up. Idk. We used to be just fine. But I see people getting older. 

It's sad. 

Later they will be (brittle) too old to walk. 

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Will we be just fine? Will our great great great grandparents be proud of our world now? 

Idk. A lot of my father's friends have died. And my teacher too. And later they will slowly leave us to this world. Our generations , we will be left to this world

Are we prepared? Have they give us all that we need? Have they prepared us for this world? 


It might hv been ten years since I left high school. But some of my teacher are still teaching up to last year. Idk. Things might hv changed but they didn't. I wonder. 

It's sad to see people getting older. 

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Am I buying junks? 

Should I cancel it? 

I really don't know. 


These two cost about the same. With the bag is a little expensive. Should I buy the bag instead? And I wanna buy other things too. Apart from these two. 

Okay, it cannot be cancelled anymore.  So I have bought a bunch of junks.  Are those junks? ...

Edited by Sabth

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I wanna buy a camera that cost about $2080 after sale. Only if I have money. 

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I dream of a friend who is already getting married to another friend ,a long time ago. It felt like a family. I don't know why this friend appeared in my dream today. It felt okay


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My sister gave me this pretty angpao : 



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Idk. Is this a junks that I'm buying? 


I can still cancel it if I wanted to . 

I could have buy you know other things with my money. 

I could hv bought this : 


Or this :



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I walk with my brother 5km and he did 3. I am now 50.71kg. I wonder how much I can lose weight if I do this often. 


I took maybe around, 59 minutes. 


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I am now 50.10kg. I wish I can do this everyday. Wonder what my body will look like.

Anyway, my eyes are no longer perfect. But I still like to not wear my spectacles rather than wearing it because the colour is just better with my real eyes. And it looks much realer. Than when I'm wearing my spectacle. 

So I don't wear it when I run. But you no longer felt perfect.


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I wish to further my studies 

because I am literally not doing anything rn. 

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