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We all aim to stop seeking, to just be

But there's a momentum at place. 
There's a barrage of subconscious beliefs and fears we have about life, there are feelings, we have our surroundings, our friends and environments
that give off vibes that push us into seeking...this all is a Huge momentum.

I'll use this metaphor :
It's like trying to stop a car that is advancing at a couple hundred thousand miles an hour. 
If you force it to come to a full stop suddenly then you didn't stop, you crashed. 
You'll be knocked out and you won't remember what happened, and you'll be back to doing what you always did. 

Just like a car, if you want to stop you first gotta hit the brakes and slow down. 
And there is a lot of momentum to slow down. 

So aim to seek less, at the pace that your momentum allows you to diminish in a comfortable manner.

To respect this momentum is key in growing spiritually.
It helps bring about patience, which brings peace. 
It also helps you to take distance from what's going on in your body and mind. 

To take a step back to realize you are not the things you're trying to change about yourself nor are you the things you will have changed about
You are a the process inbetween those two. You are the change itself. 

Which is why enlightenment never stops, an end-state is never reached, that would mean the end of you.  
To change is to be. The journey is really the goal.  

The universe is in infinite expansion, ever-changing, ever-being. 
It's the only constant, that nothing is constant.  
We embody that propriety of the universe, as we are the universe, always changing, always being. 

The seeking can stop when we realize there is never an end, there's nothing to seek in infinity, you will never ''find'' what you're looking for because there
is always more to find.
But the seeking won't stop because we are constantly-changing. Which might appear confusing. It quite is.   
Seeking is us being which is why we're all enlightened already in that sense. 

But if we really want to enlighten we have to change the nature of our seeking, instead of trying to seek to be something, which is impossible as we are change itself, we should seek to be ourselves, meaning we should seek to be our change. 

Instead of trying to change out a place of needing to be fulfilled which is seeking, change out of a place of trust :
You're not trying to change because something is missing in your life, your changing is what fulfills you. 
Not the result after the change, the change itself.
So be absolutely ecstatic that there are things to change about you, that you feel like you could do better in some places. 

How can we be perfect and still want change? Because change is perfection.
Your imperfections are your perfections, because imperfection invite changes, which is perfect. And there will always be more imperfections and more change.

Change is our identity, there's no result to get, we change things because that's who we are literally, not because we seek to craft the perfect circumstance. 

If we really get that then we know that a grounded and permanent happiness and fulfillment cannot possibly come from outside circumstances that will always change and never be constant. 
Which is where unconditional love comes from. 
Love life not for what it is, but for all that it can be. 
Love someone not for who they are, but for the many persons they can be. 



Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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