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Found 55 results

  1. Some people associate enlightenment with bliss . And they ask themselves if it comes with endless bliss. Am I the only one who doesn’t care about bliss or happiness. I would be very pleased with a constant “neutrality”. I just don’t wanna suffer, that’s all. Maybe some will say this kind of thinking, in terms of how enlightenment will benefit “me” is precisely what’s standing in the way of it. Maybe, maybe not, but I just can’t help myself to think this way. I don’t think it does harm, it’s natural to wonder for oneself what something mysterious like enlightenment would entail. And as long as there is a “me” sense here it will wonder how it will benefit oneself, even if enlightenment means the end of that very “me”
  2. What I gathered from Following your Bliss, is doing something you want intrinsically/ spiritually/ subconsciously Whereas Zone of Genius is something you are scared to grow into. It seems like its almost impossible to see the distinction between following your Bliss vs Zone of Competence.
  3. Higher prana levels equate to high joy and bliss levels as per Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I had created a thread on prana by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar earlier...
  4. I'm sure Leo has a blog post quote of himself saying: Ignorance is Bliss. Which seems to be true right? Zoning out, forgetting about the pain of others, forgetting about ones responsibilities ect. can correlate to a sense of bliss. Isn't it like that? And then we have this quote here from the man Sadhguru himself. And this quote also resonates with a lot of truth to me. So who is right? Has one of either uttered the real truth here? To this I feel like, Leo holds some truth here in regards of his view on humankind. Which is a lot more pessimistic and ignorant (blissful for him?) to see the good in people. Whereas Sadhguru seems to intuit that a human has the capability of realising the suffering in the world and integrating it in his fundamental blissful state. PS: Sorry @Leo GuraI just hate how you hate on people all the time. Isn't this wonderfully paradoxical
  5. Simply because Seeking more and more Higher ways of Being means Becoming More Close to Who You Are (less fluctuations or distortions to your real nature). Before Ending the bondage from the Dream and dissolving with the God Head, it is necessary a total complete Mastery of the energies and vibration of your Being. For example, 20 years of non-stop Bliss Peak. That´s the level of mastery you need to achieve within the human mechanism to prove yourself you truly are Absolute. In a way, you need to test yourself that you are the Being. And Nothing else but the Bliss. During the human life. Once your vibration and Beingness can no longer be disturbed by: A) External actions B) Internal Disturbances (thoughts, karmic energetic influences, etc). You are on the last track of the run. At that point, you do not need anything or anyone for the last push. You will be able to consciously chose everything, including dissolution.
  6. I dont mean conceptually saying "yeah is bliss, is love, blabla". I mean actually. Like that literally It is the quality of It, an Empty Bliss that Exists. Just for no fucking reason. Because It is literally THAT (Bliss). With this possibility, there is no question of what happens after death or where consciousness goes. Of course nothing happens. The Bliss remains BUT without the forms AND without the Thoughts. The theory of It is right now the Bliss quality of consciousness (consciousness at is purest Form/untouched by any fluctuation) right now It is veiled by Thoughts. This Thoughts veil or cloud heavily the true quality of consciousness. When "death" happens no Thought IS there, therefore Pure Consciousness remains, which turns out to be Empty Bliss (Bliss is not a simple label, It is the "material" or "form" of Consciousness). It is very real. It is not a label, It is not a simple peaceful state. It is literally Awakening To the purest Form of Consciousness. Empty Bliss. This changes everything. Death might not be actually real.
  7. Bliss extends infinitely, now it reaches a human body. What Bliss did was to create itself as something separate and chose to identify with body. From there, character and individual life as an illusion gets created. When human body stops working nothing happens, Bliss stays. You can meditate in such a way you realize universe is not even real, this is all united, is all a wave of Nothing for Ever. Objects, light, sounds, what you see is a projection of Bliss. When you look within you realize you can never die. Because this is already death. When death happens is just a Silent Intense Wave of Bliss for ever. But there will not even an 'I' to experience. That is death. (Still there will Be something. That will be real You. )
  8. The deeper I connect with reality the more bliss I find. I don't find the infinite love that Leo talks about though. If you had to pick one, what will it be? Bliss or Love?
  9. This is one of the first videos that really got me on to Sadhguru, he just explains it like no other. Here someone asks if Mediation/Yoga is like a Brain Exercise or something, Sadhguru explains that when You get something or achieve a goal what happens next? You want more, this is desire in action, Desire is Life, without it there is no Doing, but in the end You what You want out of everything, Love, Success, Money, Fame, posting a response, is Bliss, Bliss is not an Emotion, but a State of Being where Your Intensely Pleasant on the levels of Body, Mind, Emotion and Energetically which is the most important, when Your energies are highly intense, active and alive, then Your in Bliss. Its been proven that when in Bliss states vs Depressed states, everything about You works better, more creativity, more clarity, more intelligence, more of everything that makes Life worth living, it opens up Possibility and Potential. Good Video, he basically explains that whole reason why You want to do Yoga and follow a Sprititual Life Path..
  10. So lately in the forum the 'bliss' word have been coming up a lot...there seems to be people against it and people saying is the only thing to seek in the path. Here's what I found: Bliss is not just a normal state of consciousness. Bliss feels 'bliss' (or very good), because when the Bliss is being experienced, there is non-localisation of Consciousness. And what happens when there is not a feeling of existing inside anything? That you exist everywhere = Unity. So the 'state of consciousness' of Bliss is not just a dumb empty feeling that feels so good just because of nothing. It feels so good precisely because Unity is being experienced. So when some of you guys say... Ask yourself this question: Are you actually with that understanding or 100 Awakenings reached, experiencing Unity right now? Here's the thing: That dumb Bliss... actually provides Unity 100% of times! It never fails. Is direct. What about the profound data and understanding you have gathered? How many times when you hold those thoughts in your mind, Unity is being experienced? Just some interesting questions I think some of you guys would benefit from... Would love your input on this @Water by the River
  11. I see so much oneness/nonduality talk. An yet how many of these people if any can say they're okay with giving up attachments to many of their objects and aren't as tied to the 5 senses. Many religious founders spoke of a divine ecstasy/love rapture that is a fruit of spiritual development. An yet where is it and who talks about it? Curious what you all have found. Thanks :).
  12. This feeling when you realize you are love. Bliss that penetrates your every core. Feel it. What else is there except love? Only infinite healing. Infinite love. Infinite gratitude for this existence.. Infinitely falling in love with love. Life is a poetry. If you don't catch the drift you'll play around with the verses and miss the inner meaning. Find it now my friend.
  13. Bliss is my motivation in spirituality. I don't believe that's wrong, although I'm sure some would disagree with me. Yogis and such talk about bliss a lot, so I don't think its wrong to want bliss from spirituality I've meditated a decent amount, simply sat and watched the mind, and my mind has slowed down. It has quieted down a bit. I now go a minute or so without a thought coming. I'm in constant no-mind. But I feel no bliss. It's whats talked about all the time. When you are thoughtless, bliss bubbles up from inside of you. But I feel absolutely no bliss. I don't know why. If you're going to tell me that I have to not want it to get it, I think you're wrong because a lot of articles simply talk about attaining a state of no-thought and therefore experiencing inner joy/bliss Nothing really about wanting it or not wanting it. If it's all a sham and bliss doesn't actually exist within spirituality, just tell me now, so I can stop wasting my time
  14. In the past months I have been occasionally experiencing these very intense, almost overwhelming bursts of a strong blissful sensation, kind of in my head area, but more like in my whole field of awareness. I find my face crunching up in intense bliss and pleasure or in almost ecstatic laughter. Sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind, but it feels absolutely beautiful in those moments. It doesn't happen at a contextual level, it kind of just happens as a resonance or recognition of some pointer, although it can be preceded by contemplation. These bursts last anywhere from a few seconds to many minutes. I never had anything like this before I started watching and reading intensely on the nondual teachings, the books and videos on youtube. I am grateful for those moments of bliss, even if I never experience it again, they have been such a gift. But I would love to go deeper towards that which is springing this bliss to the surface. Which is the reason for this post. I understand it's probably not useful to conceptualize experiences like this too much, but the yearning to go deeper is so strong at times and I don't want to hold myself back. So if anyone has been through something similiar on the path and wants to point the way forward from here that would be very helpful. Much Love.
  15. (N,N DMT, not 5-MeO) I can remember only one time, as a complete beginner, I came into an oval shaped room and some humanoid like beings were trying to teach me something with their hands. That was just a really interesting trip. I was "somewhere". Then after that I've had a lot of mild trips. Just the visuals. But the ones that were really strong always show me complete horror. I reasoned to myself that I always took just one hit too litle (2 instead of 3, as everyone keeps instructing) and I came into some waiting room and if I made a breakthrouth it would pass and I would come to complete bliss. Because of this sheer terror I could never get myself to smoke it more than once or twice a year. And each time it was the same. Showing me hell. So I still have some old stash at for some years now, that I haven't really gotten to yet, and a few days back I decided to do it again, after 2 years. I wasn't scared, because I said I'm gonna go easy. I was actually excited for the first time. No jitters. To smoke a little, just to get those visuals. And I liked it, I wasn't scared of it anymore, so I smoked it for the last 3 days in the evenings. Every time putting a little bit more inside. I loved it, I actually just wanted to smoke it again and again, it was that good. So, yestarday I smoked some again and said I need more. Still in a daze I went to the table and put in twice as much as the last dose. It was a pretty neat I lighted it up, took it all in one long inhale. Waited 10 seconds, exhaled, and immediatelly knew this was it. That feeling when the trip just dawns on you. I laid back and it was strong as hell. Immediately I knew I took too much. But I didn't break through to some blissful dimension. I saw a women standing over me, not actually seeing her but feeling her and her voice, as she said "You've overdone it". Like a paramedic telling me this while we are driving in the ambulance. A similar thing happened some years before. In that trip I was also lying somewhere on the ground and some woman yelling at me "Look what you did!". It felt like I have brokend a large window of her street side shop and was lying in the glass in blood, just looking at her and not able to pick myself up. Like I was a drunktard who had a really really bad accident. So now I'm left wondering about yesterday. Was this again just some space before that bliss? Or did I just jump over to some terror space again? All the while I knew I exist, and that "I am", perhaps I didn't know that I am the same person who I am here in this reality. Or perhaps I did. But no loss of ego I think. No complete loss of identity. It was just me - or should I say some person who did something bad, somewhere - with a woman looking over me and telling me I've overdone it. All this time I kept feeling shame for doing something bad and I was just powerless to the people yelling at me. So. Should I put more in next time? I don't get it. Do I need first to get through some deep trauma in me, before it lets me visit the blissfulness? What? I do have a lot of problem with shame and I haven't yet been able to resolve it in my life. Could it be that it is that's why it's taking me there? Is it a problem of just letting go somehow? I just can't imagine taking a strong dose and actually getting to a nice place. Any insights?
  16. Namaste, people. I don't know if this guy's material has been posted on this forum before, but this guy is the guru of this apparent illusory dreamworld-dwelling non-existent self body-mind-organism, whose real self is consciousness or whatever.
  17. Doing spiritual practice 247 mindfulness with labeling for three days straight, spreading love, etc. And now I’m just on an edible, chilling, and feeling my true nature exude with every mundane act I do. This has been the case all last 3 days, especially today, even 100% sober/detoxing. This is way better than any drug I’ve ever done, combined with psychedelics, because I can be in love with mundane and profane. I’m dope as Fuck and have been through hell. I finally love myself. Consciousness is now my top value, along with health, equanimity, balance, and Love. Then use Music as a medium to spread my love for existence. Watch out❤️?? — P.S. Sobriety is the long term goal, however, occasional use with high consciousness is the ultimate solution in the short-term.
  18. So I did a 10 day silent retreat and had an awakening during my meditation where it was like my mind had a quality of peace and bliss and love. Sometimes I feel love like a piercing feeling in the heart and it’s so intense it feels overwhelming. Each breathe feels like I’m breathing in peace and that I am peace. And the intensity goes up and down at times. I also feel like I took molly or something most of the day. I feel this energy radiating out of hands and in my heart and in my brain. I’m completely sober no drugs nothing. Also my mind had a peaceful quality to it of relaxation. I was wondering if someone knew about what is happening and if there is some religious or spiritual texts that maybe explain what I’m going through. I do have moments of normalcy. But it’s few and far between. I’m not sure what to make of any of it. This has been happening since the retreat pretty much all the time now. I will say there is a hint of mild anxiety at times as the intensity increases to be very strong to the point where it feels like my sense of self is dissolving but also ease and love at the same time.
  19. So I decided to finally meditate seriously on the deepest I could go. I got intoxicated by bliss seeing that there is no substance, nothing is happening to no one. I have no idea why but this is so.... fucking blissful. I am still feeling it. It started in the forehead, spread to whole head. Then I focused how the different feelings of my body were not happening to anyone as well and were made of nothing, and then my whole body felt that bliss. I feel so relaxed. Like damn. I sat for a good while. Then I focussed on how this bliss itself is happening to no one, and that intensified it 5X. What do you guys have to say on this? Like could I be falling in some sort of trap? The bliss feels like the universe is(I am) in a constant state of blooming outwards as a flower. It's better than an orgasm.
  20. I was taken into the light of Source itself. It started within like 15 seconds of the meditation beginning. It was quite unexpected. Meditation had been quite weak for me. But I fully committed myself to learning more from a spiritual guide yesterday, and today I had a breakthrough. It was such a healing space to be in. Truly remarkable.
  21. Hello. Some while ago I self-realized and began perceiving the self as void, and shortly after as God. This is all well and good, but I am keenly aware that the next level would be when the experience gains a persistent blissful quality to it. This quality is closely related, but not the same as, that of divine love. Usually bouts of divine love result in ecstatic elation and intense feelings of pleasure, however this has a high somatic toll on the body, and by all accounts is supposed to subside and stabilize as a continual feeling of bliss. My question is whether anybody has any experience of successfully moving into this dimension, and if they have any advice as to expedite the process. From what I understand, stepping into this dimension of experience is what allows one to transmit self-realization to others via shaktipat, which is what I'm ultimately interested in.
  22. I feel excitement for writing this post. I've already talked numerous times about acting on your excitement, which is a principle I heard more often, but only took on when hearing it explained by Bashar. I've recommended this to numerous people. However, I know that I often misunderstood what this meant, and thought at times that acting out of anxiety was excitement, and highly suspect a lot of people who hear the suggestion will too. I'll therefore give my own still rather fresh insights about it, and also use Abraham Hicks' suggestion of the path of least resistance, which according to her is the same as the path of most allowance (excitement). Excitement here can be used synonymous with feelings as bliss, joy, love. You could subsitute it for things such as passion or attraction too, but excitement/joy seems to be a higher frequency, which is preferable when available. I'll sometimes use the word bliss instead of excitement, in order to lower the chance that you might mistake the tendency of acting out of anxiety to be coming from excitement. In acting out of anxiety, what you want feels 'out there' and it's like you're trying to get it. You'll feel an unrest and perhaps have a feeling or thought of 'I'm going to get this/work to it/grab it'. It could even feel like some sorta fear is there, something like 'oh please let me have it, give it to me'. There will be dense sensations in your body, like your chest and perhaps it feels like your belly is sort of clenched inwards. What you want is out there, and you are trying to get it from the place of feeling not having it. Likewise, trying to fill up a hole inside yourself is basically the same, like looking for a partner/pizza/whatever to complete you/make you happy/fill you up with love or some other feeling. That's not what I'm suggesting in this post. You can watch TV because you're really excited about a movie, which is great, but you can also do it to try to fill you up with some feeling, which isn't the same. In acting out of bliss/excitement, it's like you're coming from your bliss, acting quite literally out of your bliss and excitement. The excitement doesn't feel thrown outside, it's right here and you're acting from that place, you're in that space, coming from that energy and perhaps feel almost a bit magnetized to do something. It's like you'll feel 'light footed' to do something. It can feel like you really want to do something, because you'll be in the bliss of the acting itself. If you remember being a kid going on holiday, you might have felt excited and just sorta happy like you're already enjoying the thing of it. You can also have this for example in meditation when you're in that passion of that meditative state, in that energy. Or, sometimes I can play guitar, just for the feeling of bliss that it gives. Excitement according to Bashar can also for example be a peaceful knowing. Why choosing to act from your excitement and not anxiety? As I understand it, you get what you chose. If you chose to go with acting from for anxiety, you'll choose a life in which what you want is outside of you, and you have to struggle to get it. Life will support you in this and give you more things to act out of from anxiety. If you act out of your bliss, you'll choose that reality and life will be supporting of that. You'll be getting more blissful/exciting things for you to act on. In anxiety what you want is away, in bliss it's like you're in it, in the presence of it, in the bliss of it. In this way, life will thus support you in your bliss, and thus support (such as finances if required) will come to you in order for you to keep acting on your bliss. As Bashar suggest, your higher mind guides you with your excitement. If you don't look of what you're going to do from the lens of anxiety (like what can I get) but from the lens of what would be exciting/blissful/joyous/etc to do, you might find things that resonate in various degrees, like a sort of magnetism, this sense of bliss or excitement. The thing with the highest excitement is like a communication from your higher mind 'do this, this is the fastest path, here it is' and in this way your bliss will guide you. It might not seem like it's the straightest path to your mind, but this doesn't matter, as the physical mind doesn't know, nor needs to know how things will work out, that's the higher mind's job. The higher mind according to Bashar could be said to sorta layout the fastest route for you, that's avoiding all the obstacles that you would encounter when acting on lower frequencies (like anxiety), it will give you a way that navigates around your limiting beliefs. In many spiritual practices or teachings, people will say their way is the shortest, straightest path. But when you do it, you find it a lot of struggle and eventually might stop it. This is because the teaching or practice isn't in alignment with you and therefore actually not the fastest path, your excitement, the higher mind's route however, is. So act on the most blissful/exciting/joyful/attractive option and if you've acted on it and can't act on it no more, look at the next option that is most blissful, and of you go. Alternatively, the route of least resistance might be easier to understand for some people. It is actually the same thing, just look at the option that feels best, that makes you feel best. If you're in a down state, maybe you don't see much exciting options to act on, but you do find an option that feels 'ok', and then that would be the best thing to do. According to Abraham, you attract to your own energies, or at least things that are in the vicinity of that. So when you feel something is now 'ok' instead of 'dreadful', you'll and be in a higher state in which it might be easier to see even higher options, but will also get more things back from life that feel more 'ok' for you to act on. Therefore, you'll have less resistance and will then rise in energy, and therefore, more higher options present themselves to you. And up you go the emotional ladder and thereby attracting all the things you want and make you feel blissful, such as the partner that perfectly matches your own highest state. Nothing to get, but only to get yourself to feel better and letting all that thus makes you feel good, come to you, money, career options, partner, etc.
  23. In this video, between 1:01:12 and 1:02:19, Bentinho describes this painfully intense Universal Bliss that he felt during his last DMT trip, just like Leo described in his last blog update. And he goes on to say that he doesn't want that, because it's not Him, but a construct. And the reason that it's painful is because it is false. That everything is below YOU and only that, which is below, can be amplified. My contemplation tells me that he is accurate about ME being above anything that can appear or that can have a description, but psychedelic experiences offer contrast/learning for being in the human experience, so they have value on multiple levels, including but not being limited to, selfish/survival needs all the way to Pure Understanding and levels of consciousness. I'm wondering of your thoughts about this
  24. I had this realization recently after some feelings of pure joy and then followed by pitfalls of “dark nights of the soul” for about a year and a half I would hold onto those feelings of bliss or timelessness. Emptiness or heart filled sensations or third eye or crown chakra openings. I finally got it though. I am powerless. Things are happening and all I can do is surrender deeper. Even the word surrender isnt anywhere close to the meaning because even that is just happening. Life isnt here for utter bliss or even utter suffering. I start experiencing these new feelings and its like I want to freeze myself in place and stay in that state forever, but thankfully that did not happen. Even the suffering has its place. Even the moments of doubt and the pain. Its all life. Its amazing. Its happening. Maybe tomorrow Ill feel differently. Thats part of it. Thats amazing in itself! I was chasing Awakening but The point of life isnt to awaken. Im open to it. Im open to awakening if it happens. But Ill also love whatever else comes at me. I have no choice after all. (Choice and no choice arent totally true either)
  25. Love is blissful from our experience as human beings trying to understand ourselves but what is it from the Pov of God? Is the bliss gone? Is God left with just pure awareness without bliss? I mean like a bland raw being. This is a tragedy if this is true. I am actually preventing myself from freaking out from the exestintial terror of this idea. P. S: It has to be Bliss right? If not, how it could bear the weight of being the whole universe? How it could be itself without Bliss? I think.