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  1. Knowledge is a figment of the mind. It is completely conceptual. From the ultimate perspective of infinite Consciousness, what does knowledge even mean? It is nothing but a trap, to keep people from directly realizing who they are. The reason for the multitude of books in the infinite cosmic library is not to teach anything. It is to enjoy the storytelling, which is life itself. Without stories, there is no experience. There is only timeless, changeless, nothingness. The stories arise from Consciousness, they are infused with Consciousness, and they resolve back into Consciousness. They serve a purpose, and they are divine in their own right. Instead of dismissing life as a meaningless illusion, it is wise to realize, and celebrate, the reason that life exists.
  2. 800-900. Reading about these levels in "1000", and then starting with rasa and experiencing it was amazing, 600 really feels like this nothingness and no self, 700 feels like being the whole universe, etc. A highly evolved teacher radiates powerful spiritual energy, they usually do initiations and when you become their student you can connect with them and they will send energy that helps you, I don't think Ramaji or any non-duality teacher is at that level, they wouldn't teach like that, but your intuition will know what is right for you, and when you find him/her it will be incredible, it's better than finding your soulmate/twinflame because your teacher is your teacher
  3. I myself never had an awakening yet. But, based on listening to many people's experiences and reading a lot of literature on non-duality, it all points to the fact that there is no such a thing called this is a possibility and that is not. The moment you have imagined it, in a way you have already created it, in whatever subtle form it is being thought of currently. Solipsism is a possibility and if one is capable, one can experience it vividly within one's own mind space by projecting a whole universe and its reality and experience it with full, partial or no control of what can be and what cannot be within it. But, it is only one way of experiencing the reality. Not so very useful for external social interaction. In the external world you are just a character within the imaginary dream of another mind(Which we call as universe). There can be infinite such minds. This is just like how a whole universe is projected in our night dream. As a character you have your own mind, so does others. Other minds are not unreal. they are as real as yours. But then, what is real and unreal? Everything is a projection of consciousness like a mirage in the desert. Can you say mirage itself doesn't exist? Or can you say that the water that appears in the mirage is real? It is both real and unreal, yet being neither at the same time. Such is the nature of our experience too. It exists without existing. It is real yet unreal while being neither at the same time. Different categories of minds have different characteristics. Whatever one's disposition is, one experiences his thoughts and reality accordingly. This is true even in enlightenment so far as I have seen, with different people explaining their enlightenment experiences differently. But, there is a certain underlying fundamental reality that exists which is present and same and unchanging in all those experiences and it is that which projects all of this, which different people call differently, namely: GOD/CONSCIOUSNESS/EMPTINESS/NOTHINGNESS etc.. The Consciousness/God Can project itself as limited, unlimited, partial, full, or whatever.. it can project itself as anything and everything without any restriction. The statement: Everything is a dream is true, from the Absolute perspective. As is everything is real, from the Relative perspective. Consciousness as a whole oneness can and does project infinite realities within itself all the time. What one experiences may not be what another experience. That does not mean that the other person does not have a mind of their own with own feelings, emotions and a whole life of their own. They do. There are certain instances where people have experienced the experiences of others as their own. One such example is the story of somebody who experienced a life of some future person during Ramana Maharishi's time. There are stories in ancient literature of one person experiencing the experiences of another like they are experiencing it directly by themselves. Please do not underestimate Consciousness and reality. It is far more mysterious than anyone could ever imagine. The moment a person says that this is how it is and it cannot be any other way. They have already limited their experience from experiencing those other things.
  4. My pet theory is that the male is represented by the phallus which itself stands for evolution, pushing forward=humanity, while female is embodied by the vagina, which is nothingness, the other side of the world, but this nothingness is really everything, just like when the woman gives birth. I say this as a trans woman lol, which is actually ironic but idk.... I don't really mind.
  5. @RedLine How do you differentiate between you & enlightened & & & emptiness? What would you be without those distinctions, without those thoughts, without those beliefs, without differentiating? What is aware of the differentiating (thoughts)? Some, thing? No thing? @Breakingthewall Bit of a stretch there man.
  6. “You” can’t get it, must drop “you” to just “be”. “Word” of nothingness is an object, but “nothingness” is “not knowing “, “being”. Must Have a direct experience. You have no idea what are talking about, or didn’t even understand what been said in the topic above. If you dont know something, dont talk as you know. Therefore, firstly don’t mislead yourself and secondly others. Read the topic above! Good luck! Peace!
  7. It's precisely the notion of time which make us fall into this "other bubbles" trap. We think we exist in time, and therefore we assume God could be experiencing other POVs at this very moment. But when we realise that the Absolute is beyond time and that we are it, the notion of other POVs being experienced at this very moment necessarily falls away, becouse there's only one moment, only one Absolute, and this is it. For you, my POV doesn't exist as an actuality that's happening right now as something external to you, but at best just as part of your Infinie Potentiality (Nothingness). And the opposite from my POV. Yours is the only POV that exists, and mine is only POV that exists, and there's no contradiction. That's the mindfuck.
  8. Every knowledge learned in school is a conceptual appeareance just like the brain and my body which both appear in nothingness, correct?
  9. Hey Leo, Hey fellas I havent found this emptiness, nothingness, void everyone is talking about and neither did it just occur. Anyhow, my question is regarding a statement of Leo's in his Quantum Mechanic video. There he states, that Physicality takes place within consciousness and not that the brain produces consciousness. OK, I got that, but that then still means, that within this timeless UNIVERSAL field of consciousness, there is a person or animal tapping into it with their perspective and that makes up every perspective(worm, bacteria, human, dog....) possible. So for example, i took an MRI-Scan which is an appearence, but it is not an appeareance within consciousness that is priviledged to me but the staff and my doctor and everyone who can interpret the taken image. But now I'm confused about the notion of nonduality where all dualities collapse and therefore there should only be one observer and not so many right? Like I believe right now that my friends and family have just as a rich experience of the world in the year 2021 like me and my dog have but this notion of other identities (perspectives) in nonduality seems paradoxical. Can someone explain this to me?
  10. Egoing is identification with thinking, thinking related to separation. It's an illusion, like a mirage in a desert. Imagine there is a belief that a human being is a unicorn. And then the question pops up, how much control a unicorn has? There is no unicorn. There is only you/God/Nothingness/Love/Creation/Oneness. Imagine for a second that this is the case, there is nothing but you. Then the question about control doesn't make sense, right? To have a control it should be at least 2 things, but there is only one pure miracle
  11. That "more" you speak of is just consciousness itself. The nothingness from which everything arises (that is simultaneously everything paradoxically). We (or at least I) am not saying there isn't. By saying consciousness is all there is is very different than saying the ego and it's tiny individual experience is all there is. This ego is merely another appearance within the field of consciousness.
  12. It's not the emptiness or nothingness that most people think. It's nothing AND everything Nothing in the sense that there's nothing behind it, it's real meaning purpose or value... no goal if you will. Everything in the sense that it's an explosion of light color sound smell taste feel experience. There's a conditioned body/mind that sees and senses everything, but what's behind it? Is there a real Observer?
  13. @Leo Gura No I understand nothingness quite well actually but maybe I am not getting what infinite intelligence really entails.
  14. Leo is overly focused on druglike crown and mind oriented spirituality in the sense that understanding and infinity and the complexity of consciousness seem to him to be more important than other things. Sadhguru told the story of Shiva explaining that all of reality is made up of five elements, no matter the dimension, and that he can pack the cosmos into a mustard seed if he wishes to In this article Sadhguru explains that Sahasrar is just one dimension of things In the yogic culture there are beings known as Chakreshwaras who have total mastery and command over the five elements of nature, which are responsible for all possible dimensions and realms of consciousness, Sadhguru is supposedly one of these beings and he offers practices to cleanse the five elements. Whether we talk about reality, consciousness, infinity or nothingness is irrelevant, for yogis this is common sense and impractical if we want to do things in the world in other dimensions, life is not only about living from the dimension of the Sahasrar and the experiential understanding that expanding it can bring. As Hinduism and Buddhism teach, you can reduce everything to the play of the five elements in nature and develop command over them, thereby developing command over reality at any level, so why obsess over these crown oriented experiences that you keep inducing on a gross level through 5-MeO? All that you have to do is look at common Eastern spiritual traditions and the teachings related to the five elements and the senses to understand this, exploding yourself into infinite experiences of consciousness is one aspect and dimension of things and not at all applicable to every dimension of life Leo commenting on Sadhguru's understanding of consciousness is inane and the more you look at his opinions, the more you realize that he hasn't looked into Sadhguru or the Isha foundation to any real depth, or tried any of the practices that they offer. By teaching on the internet you run the risk of crystallizing yourself in this fashion, he has an enormous lack of understanding and experience with potent yogic practices and spirituality. There is yoga far more potent than the kriya yoga available online, or anything that Leo has discussed and talked about with you here or on YouTube Don't crystallize your consciousness by obsessing over one dimension of things, it can be difficult when you stumble into life-changing spiritual content as a Westerner to break out of that comfort zone and to continue to raise the bar. Leo's understanding of spirituality is one-dimensional and mind oriented due to the nature of his progress. Do you really think that somebody like Sadhguru, among other masters, who have taken many lifetimes alongside thousands of witnesses to consecrate a form like the Dhyanalinga, and direct disembodied beings to different wombs to see this done, are not more spiritually in tune than somebody who abuses drugs to obsess over experiences of infinity and consciousness, at this point like a broken record? In Hinduism there is something called parabdha karma (present-life karma) and sanchita karma (past-life karma), the purpose of any spiritual process is to exhaust your parabdha and sanchita karma so that eventually your consciousness develops mastery over different dimensions of life, to such an extent that you have the consciousness to choose your place of birth, or to leave the body at will and end the process of life and death for good. These processes "upgrade" the human system, so to speak, into subtler modes of function, causing these dimensions of karma to exhaust rapidly and free your consciousness from gross mental and bodily compulsions. The mental body or Manomaya kosha is always the first thing to be dealt with if you're doing real sadhana, because it is the gross compulsions that exist in the form of gross mental or bodily karma which determine your sober state of consciousness Drugs always stimulate the grosser bodies and exaggerate the psychological dimension of your experiences, this is why Leo is restricting himself to crown oriented spirituality, activating the mind and the crown in a lopsided manner and retaining the same physiological compulsions when you return to your sober state will never take you beyond these experiences and mental understandings. The teachings that he's been giving are commonplace in Eastern spiritual systems and processes, because the processes taught purify your physiology and allow you to function from subtler and more holistic modes of being, limiting yourself to drugs will limit you to and exaggerate the importance of the crown and the mind in a gross manner. This is ultimately spiritually regressive, because all understanding can be reduced to the five elements as they actually exist within nature, before they have been imprinted by karmic information or experienced in their ever multiplying and infinite forms by the mind I urge all of you to look into the background of the Isha Foundation and Sadhguru properly and thoroughly, and ironically, not to rest on your laurels and restrict yourself to this grossly drug-induced manifestation of spirituality
  15. @Eren Eeager The word "Nothingness" does not refer to what you think it does, hence your confusion.
  16. There isn’t a separate self, there are self referencing thoughts. Thoughts which go unnoticed, “me”, “my”, “I”, “mine”, etc. This is thought attachment, or attachment to finite thoughts which identify, or, the finite mind. When these thoughts are inspected and seen through, it is nothingness, infinite intelligence, which see’s through. The trap at hand is the dualistic nature of the self referential thought attachment, combined with the narrative about said separate self “being nothing” and “being made” infinite intelligence. That is what’s already the very awareness of these un-inspected thoughts. “It” is actually you, and as such “it” is uncovered, by you. This is the greatest joy in all of life. TLDR: Without the thoughts to the contrary..... there’s just that which you’re asking about. This is reality, as in pointing to what is actual right now. No one could tell you what “these” are, because it’s you. If interested, meditation. ?
  17. I think this rule should be adapted. Any time the word God is used the individual must include a personal definition for the word. Half the time people are saying God, consciousness, nothingness, etc. on this forum they are talking about completely different things. God is just a shitty word because damn near everyone has their own meaning for the word.
  18. @Mason Riggle I like the idea! @Leo Gura If you don´t want to ban a word, this silly small word. Then replace it! By devil for example. Didn´t you tell, that God = Devil? OK, if you don´t want Devil, take Conscience/Nothingness..for example. Nobody will ask if Nothingless is unenlightened.
  19. 5-MEO DMT Trip Report First Time —> Nirvana Puking on Itself Dosage: ~20mg Bufo Admin: Smoke Hey guys, this is my first post on actualized and I just wanted to share my recent 5-MEO trip on Bufo. Warning: my language may be a bit abstract ;-) Pre-life Preoccupied with routine, taking care of endless tasks, perfectionism, feeling heavy laden. All I know is material. Maybe there is something more, maybe not. I don’t know, how can I know I have never experienced it. I listen to teachers, read words from wise beings. I intellectually get what they are saying but it might as well be meaningless. There is no resonation only a sense of “that sounds good.” Recently I became fixated on finding my Life Purpose. Choosing the one thing. Committing. In order to have some benevolent impact on the world. Because, that is what I was told. There was no real feeling of connection to this idea of purpose. Sure, there are things I like and would be good at but I was detached. Living life only on the surface. Give me a coffee, some good porn, sex, a friendly chat, a comedy, now there’s a little joy to get by. Preparation Let me read all the information I can get on the 5-MEO experience. I’ll read all the trip reports and watch Leo’s videos again. That will prepare me. And yes, I will create a preparation journal where I will list out all the possible things that could happen or sub conscious shadows that could arise so I will know how to deal with them. I will keep my thoughts pure, I will stop doing “bad” things to avoid having a bad trip. I will have long discourses with myself reviewing the pros and cons of the trip. What if I physically die? What if I’m attacked by demons? What if I end up loosing my mind? What if I’ll feel more loving afterward? ...Nonsense. Setting I decided to partake in a private traditional Bufo ceremony. It was with an energy worker/shamanic trained healer who I have been seeing for about 8 months. She felt this experience would help me to release trauma. For the entire week leading up to the ceremony I was waking up with intense anxiety and fear. Other than times when I was to go speak in front of others, this was some of the most intense fear I ever felt. I literally felt like as she was preparing the medicine that I was going to die. I felt sad. I felt dead. I felt FUCK IT. Trip She lit and held the pipe for me. Instructing me to breathe in slowly and steadily for as long as I could and then hold the smoke in. I breathed in for around 10 seconds and held for around 5-8 seconds. When I exhaled, a magnificent cloud of smoke filled what looked to be the entirety of the room. And then it began… Before my consciousness could have time to grasp the size of the cloud of smoke I just blew out, I found myself saying WOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH while being gently rested back my guide. The WOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH turned into what appeared to be a high pitched squeal and before I knew it I was tumbling down through an infinite kaleidoscope of regurgitating cluster fucks. It was as though I had been catipulted in the engine of the universe. Winding up and releasing to a cosmic vibration that resonated as a YA YA YAAAA YA YA, pulsating with GIBBERISH. This pulsation of gibberish shaking every fucking molecule of whatever it is that I was. It was just like some kind raw primordial energy of releasing gushers of infinite emotion all imploding and exploding simultaneously. Into Nirvana This kaleidoscope engine of regurgitating cluster fucks seemed to be gaining in power and speed. And it was as though IT was laughing at me as I was laughing IT.(I got a big smile on my face just now recalling). It was like I knew that IT knew that I knew that I was IT. In an instant moment of eternity, I sensed? (probably no word to describe this feeling) that every cell and molecule of my being was imploding on itself in a state of infinite cosmic flabbergastation. I was being maniacally ravished by the infinity of the universe as the sound of the cosmic symphony hyper blasted me to NOWHERE. Eternally EXHAUSTED, PUMMELED, DESTROYED. Nothing more to give. Nothing more to release. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to feel, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. I/IT then merged into a singularity which could only be described as Nirvana (although this label seems infinitely incapable of describing the experience). The ravishing stopped in a moment of eternity, and the I/IT energy expanded into the entirety of the universe. Infinite GLORY. Infinite POWER. Roaring out like an eternal primordial maniac of Pure LOVE and LIGHT filling out into the very fabric of space. I AM FUCKING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! whilst sensing the universe telling me this is what you have been wanting to know yes...? And then TAAAA DAAAAAA… Puke. Cut to opening scene. Rebirth A barf and a laugh. Face planted on the floor. What a great way to start the day. My guide was kindly placing paper towels by face and cleaning up my mess. How kind. Was I in one of those YouTube Videos where they put the camera on the ground and put speed on 2x. Like they are showing how to the clean floor or preparing a morning time breakfast. With light downtempo piano stock music playing in the background. Rays of sunshine shinning so charmingly on the hard wood floors. What a fucking joke! Every time a spit this beautiful lady (my guide) would come toward me on 2x speed to clean up my mess. I couldn’t get over the absurdity. I then felt, why not do it again!! Let me put all the blankets and pillows back in place, and press rewind. What madness! I then scratched that idea as my guide was shuffling around frantically trying to get me to lie down. Is it over? Who cares. How do I look? Like shit. Great. Pillow feels nice, let me put it on my face. Am I tired of the pillow on face. No, I like it. Ok, fuck this pillow. What the fuck!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *&^*&^^&RYGFGFUR&^RUFIUFV Mystical After rolling around in a pile of dumbfounded shinnanagations, I looked over at my guide. I noticed instantly the look on her face. The pain, the suffering, the sadness. There was this kind of dark mystical smoke around her. With every breath it was as though she was transmuting and releasing all the pent up negative emotional energy that I just expelled. Her face mutating from glorious to an old disheveled hag. Struck in awe, and gratitude for her being, I felt…BARF. Afterward “Well that was fun” were the first words spoken when I returned. I carefully strung them together before I actually said them. Seemed like a charming thing to say…The look on my guides face was one of concern for me and also for her home. Like you almost destroyed everything. O shit? Really. My bad. What happened? LMAO. It turns out, I actually was walking around violently and shouting loudly. I had no recollection… On the drive back home, I felt hungry. I could really go for something tasty I thought. I drove by In and Out burger. O, that sounds nice! But I’m a vegetarian and eat healthy. Maybe I’ll get their bread, lettuce, and tomato burger. I laughed. Isn’t that cute, I’m a vegetarian. Yes you are, your a good little vegetarian. Fuck you, I’ll have a cheese burger, fries, and coke. YUM YUM YUM YUMMMMMMM :-D Day After It is the day after as I write this post. I wasn’t able to sleep. I feel electrified..There is no fear. There are no limitations. I can visualize with pristine clarity. Infinite creativity. Any thought I have I can turn to a thing. No desire to journal, to meditate, to read, to do anything but just be. To pet and lie with my cats, to watch 4K nature programs, listen to beautiful music… THIS is bliss. And THIS is who I AM. %-D =) =/ =( => =< =-? Insights Like water colors on a canvas, just rinse, and paint something else Like an etch-a-sketch, just shake a start over Like a seemingly broken record, called life You think you get it, and then IT spits you out only to gobble you (IT) back up again A panting primordial beast exploding in a cosmic sea of infinite nothingness Every cell and molecule of being ejaculating on itself Tumbling through an infinite sea of cluster fucking kaleidoscopes regurgitating on themselves **Word of Caution** As Leo mentions, this substance has the potential to radically NUKE your entire life as you know it. If there is any preparation you could have in place it would be to possibly have some safety net of cash. Just in case you don’t want to go back to a job you’re not happy with. Be prepared to loose everything as you know it. Relationships, routines, wants/desires, EVERYTHING.
  20. What's the connection between the two? Why being nothing makes you infinitely intelligence?
  21. Can " you" face that your enlightenment is not true and in a few years this nothing will turn into non existence forever Nothing = non existence. Pure conciousness is a fantasy and awareness to. Its the same when you say that Leo's infinite conciousness is fantasy, your nothing is a fantasy, yeah your " future" is nothingness = non existence , no more awareness being conciousness forms lights love or anything. Awareness is aware of it self which means it is always aware of something, either awareness is what we are and you cant die ever, just new dreams, OR We will die and nothing and something is gone to. Which one is it? If you are existing now you will always exist. Or the materialist is right and when the brain goes it is lights out. But if non existence was true, then you wouldnt have a dream like this, and if existence is true then you are IT now and forever and cant ever escape this. And if existence and non existence can co exist, that is a duality and then reality is not non dual? Not saying what im saying here is true or anything but this is the last " duality" to transcend. ?? Im just mental masturbating here obviously
  22. ??‍♂️ Tell that to “people” who has just “thinks” that they are “human” and in the “world” now. Ramana Maharshi just saying that when you have no thoughts, it gives you completely sleeping quality (which is nothingness) including so called during the day.
  23. So I am trying to dissect what something is, what nothing is and what occurs when I really start to question the true nature of these terms… Any 'thing' is a just a survival based, mental concept (eg, an apple, waltzing in the dark, the color red) It does not exist outside of myself and my desires … and is hence created rather then discovered Any 'no-thing' is the inversion of that thing (eg, not having an apple, not dancing in the dark, a transparent glass). The explicit creation of a 'thing' implicitly generates the concept of a 'not this thing' Ie, an opposite… not true zeroed out nothingness. The removal of these arbitrary divisions in 'things' leaves me with 'everything'. However this 'everything' is also a mental concept, along with its inverted pair 'nothing'. Removal of this concept leaves me with a nameless 'this'. Everything and nothing as one, but not really one because this would again imply the something/nothing pair. Questions: I am obviously trying to think my way out of this puzzle but is this even possible? … because every thought is itself another thought division and brings me right back to the start and back to the delusion of 'things' and 'no-things'? Does a true realization of 'this' only ever occur spontaneously? Are there any recommendations of exercises/actions I can do to embody this direction rather than having it just sit as a mental understanding alone? Many thanks in advance. G.
  24. I had a guided psilocybin journey about 3 months back. During the deepest part of the trip I meditated deeply on the duality of good and evil (pleasure and pain). I imagined the war for my soul as a chess match between god and the devil. My first insight was a realization that god would always win, and that even when my fearful ego (the devil) thinks it's winning, I'm really just playing into god's hands, it's just another vehicle I've created to show myself love. But then I went a little deeper and realized that there is no chess match, that there's no distinction between god and the devil. Now I thought I finally had realized the deepest truth of the universe, but in my arrogance I fell another level down, realizing that there is no truth or untruth. I feel through the bottom a few more times. I would realize that my previously imagined duality was a myth but would quickly become attached to this new level of consciousness. Ironically I guess that these "plateaus" are tricks of the ego to imagine I have some footing in the infinite soup of nothingness. Now, a few months later I'm still wrestling with this difficulty of "not knowing." I emotionally struggle some days and I search for rules to live my life by (eg: I just need to focus more on action, I need to feel my feelings more deeply, I need to go with the flow, I need to plan my days more, etc.) I suppose the paradox I'm struggling with is how can I both create and surrender at the same time? How can I have free will but also be at the mercy of the intentions of the universe. I know that I "am the universe" but this is very hard to remember now that I'm a few months out of this elevated state of consciousness. How does one live one's life simultaneously being in control and out of control of everything we do? Would appreciate some feedback, thanks!!
  25. Andrés has been killing it lately over on his channel and I think this is one of his best so far, tackling questions about what "nothingness" is. He even gives Leo a brief shoutout midway through the video.