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  1. @Gili Trawangan You've only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. What you're missing is that this field of consciousness which everything is, is infinitely intelligent. Everything you see is materialized by this pure intelligence via Will into being. "Physical reality" is actually occuring inside a giant Mind which "thinks" it into being. Like a dream. Start to deeply notice the intelligence of every little thing around you. Every particle of dust is filled with infinite intelligence. Once you start to notice it, it will take your breath away. You've just gotten to used to overlooking the intelligence of everything. Also, there is no how. The very mechanism of reality is before you on full display. Reality does not work via any mechanism. It is impossibly direct. The how is the what. What a thing is is exactly how it is coming into being. In nonduality there are no mechanisms because those are all dualistic. It's hard for people to appreciate how radical this is. It means, for example, that your sense organs are not actually causing your perceptions. Nonduality denies sense organs basically because all of that is mechanical, dualistic, and indirect. Nonduality breaks all scientific chains of causation. From a certain level of consciousness you will see that there is no causation at all. Everything is instant manifestion. As if the whole universe exists in suspended animation. It is Eternal and Absolute. Keep tripping and you will discover more of these facets of God. Awareness is nothing. Even to call it a witness is too much and incorrect. There is no witness. The witness is nothing. If you turn your gaze back in on itself and ask what it is, you can feel there's nothing there. That's your so-called "witness". Just zero.
  2. To fully predict the future is impossible as Stephen Wolfram has shown with his definition of computational irreducibility. However, reality can still be deterministic. In fact, reality in the bigger picture can be changeless! And change is just a secondary effect of the changeless information being experienced in the single now moment and with infinite information, the change will go on forever yet still the whole of reality is changeless. In a changeless reality the new earth already exists and is inevitable. Nobody is doing anything, not even some God, being or process. Nobody can change anything. We do have free will yet our choices and actions are a part of the changeless reality, so it's the appearance of free will one might say rather than actual free will. And this is nonduality. In true nonduality nobody can do anything, not even existence itself, because that would be duality: a doer doing something to something else. Or reality changing itself, which also is impossible because that would mean "what is" turning into "what is not", again duality. And with the hypothesis that nonduality is true and that the new earth is inevitable, we can make a prediction about when the new earth will emerge. Even though full prediction of the future is impossible, SOME things can be predicted, such as: tomorrow the sun will rise again. I predict that we will have a new earth within decades from today. Because look at for example mainstream media and politics. Have you even seen anything more ridiculous and cartoonish than the phony conflict between "angry" Democrats and "arrogant" Trump? It's just a staged food fight basically. It's like in the movie A Beautiful Mind where (spoiler alert) the agents seemed very real in the beginning of the movie and then near the end of the movie the agents became more and more cartoonish and ridiculous. The same with the world today where we now see that basically everything is phony and staged as f.
  3. @andyjohnsonman This is explained by the notion of a soul. A soul is an individuated unit of cosmic consciousness which holds data even if you as the body/mind disappear. All souls are still ultimately one so this doesn't contradict nonduality. It just means there are layers to reality you are not aware of yet. Don't hold your body as primary. Soul is primary, body is just a costume it wears. Think of yourself as a hydra creature. Each head is one lifetime. Any head can be lost and the creature still lives on.
  4. Maybe just a little bit more theory to explain the autopilot practice. If I let the autopilot inside me take control over my actions and with my ego mind being only an observer, isn't that duality? And the autopilot, isn't that just the same as my ego mind, only that I now have split myself even further? The answer is that, yes it's a duality. However, the global collective consciousness is also duality! The global mind is a planetary self, in our case planet earth. The next evolutionary level as I mentioned earlier is a galactic consciousness, which too is a separate mind although enormous. So the idea with the autopilot practice is to move from separate ego self to a planetary self. In some ways that's less than achieving oneness, nonduality or enlightenment. On the practical level I think of it as achieving super powers, in a very tiny way at first, but then more and more abilities will emerge.
  5. @Serotoninluv One other thought that came up. If your mind insists engagement with the concept of solipsism, what would happen if you let go of identification and just explored it? Human minds are conditioned to think in opposites. It may think “I have to choose between solipsism or it’s opposite: not solipsism”. This puts a lot of stress on the mind and body. Such opposites are constructs of the mind. If your mind insists on conceptualizing it, you may find that aspects of solipsism have value and can be integrated with aspects of nonduality, reincarnation, the LOA etc. One could also observe the direct experience. When thoughts of solipsism arise, what is the experience? Are the thoughts related to feelings in the body? Which comes first; the thought or the feeling? Are the feelings bothersome? Curious? Could you convert an uncomfortable feeling of a solipsistic thought into a curious feeling?
  6. @Truth Addict If you spot it, you got it. Did anyone guide Dr. Strange to a manifestation of his True Nature? So. . . I also am in a bit of a personal transformation dilemma. That rascal @Nahm won’t show me how to build a crystal grid that transcends nonduality, stage Coral and 5-meo. So I guess I better go create a grid without an instruction manual. I don’t know how to create it, yet I do.
  7. this post blew my mind because I'm reading man and his symbols right now. As far as I can tell Jung doesn't talk about that kind of stuff. He isn't a nonduality teacher. He is still a genius and I highly recommend him. His take on archetypes, mythology, and psychodynamic theory is very good.
  8. Yes and no. Since God is all God ultimately creates all. Since you are God, you create all, including your own suffering. That's the trickery of nonduality. All formulations of it never quite capture both sides of it.
  9. @Angelite Have not found the right one if you feel that way. True passion is infinite. Timeless. It is enlightenment. @Aakash My biggest dream is to change the world with my music. Wake everyone the fuck up! Just look at how silly that seems haha. But I am passionate about it and have no thought about stopping at any point. It's what gets me up, makes me keep going. Overcoming all obstacles along the way. It's either this or nothing for me. What I'm trying to say, is that it doesn't matter how stupid it may seem, as long as it's burning in your heart. You becoming a kickass dancer could easily change the world for the better. Or you becoming a nonduality teacher. Or you know; whatever the heck. Just has to come from the heart. Can't go all egoic about it. Gotta be like a kid. And then develop a mature mindset along the way. You have that one huge dream. Everyone does. It just can be buried underneath for some. Explore until something clicks and lights you up. Trust me, you'll know when you find it. Can't be compared to nothing else. Hope you find my words inspirational, even if just a bit. Wish you luck!
  10. Is it possible to get tax exempt status for a property or organization that teaches nonduality, God awareness without any affiliation with an organized religion? Or would you have to claim to be Buddhist, maybe mystic Christian or one of the organized religions? My sister is an advanced yoga teacher, and she is running into problems with only being able to help people on a certain superficial level. It's like the yoga opens people up to emotions and then she isn't qualified or able to help them deal with those. I have found by doing this work that being able to talk out problems, talk out your past and interact with people is huge to being able to go to the next level. I want to eventually partner with her and do retreats when I feel qualified. But I hate the idea of being stuck to any limiting religious structure or copying from a model of existing spiritual centers or retreat centers. Just by accident, I found the perfect piece of property for a retreat center. It's a really strange piece of property because it has so much waterfront that the taxes are more than the loan payment for the property, partly because the owner is so desperate to sell it because the taxes are unfairly high. Someone manipulated the property lines ages ago so that this piece ended up with the burden of having unusable waterfront property that it has to pay taxes on. It still has great usable property on the lake and the energy of the place is amazing, it's like time just stops there. The other plus side of the way the lines are cut is that it's private with no possibility of having neighbors. I want to buy it but I know I can't handle the taxes every single year. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Am I biting off more than I can chew?
  11. I don't care, man. I am pretty sure I am just a chimp. But even if I were God, I don't care. Will that make me get laid with hotter girls? Lol Dude, seriously, stop assuming to know more about me than you actually do. What if I was enlightened? Your assumptions are pretty pathetic and unhelpful. Your reply does one thing marvelously. You are acting like religious people, but in a sneakier way. No evidence whatsoever. But, hey, scientists are on stage orange. They cannot comprehend the significance of what you're saying. It's hard being a turquoise, isn't it, Leo? But Truth, man, is something unspeakable, beyond words and forms, beyond time and space. Boundless. As Lavoisier said, "In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes.” So what scientists fail to understand is that it is possible to become directly conscious of that which is unchangeable. And which trascends birth and death. That which was there before you were born, and that will remain intact after you die. Wow... I liked the last two paragraphs. It is sure easy to fake enlightenement. I didn't read that study, but I heard about it. I don't have time to read that right now. And tbh, I find physics boring. But I will give it a try. So here's something I found on reddit: "No it doesn't. Winger and his friend aren't disagreeing on the state of reality, just their knowledge and interpretation of it." Not at all! The discoveries of science were all predicted in religious book. Right... I love how spiritual people belittle science, but they use it to justify their beliefs. Cherry-picking... EXACTLY! The way people talk about enlightenment is freaking annoying. Goddamn it: "The tao that can be spoken is not the eternal tao." Is that so hard to understand? Failing to do so that will make someone VERY repetitive and annoying -- just as annoying as Jehovah's Witnesses people. A wave talking all the time about the ocean will not help it realize the wave itself is the ocean. It would only be a wasted wave, because it spent most of its time trying to realize that it is the ocean (aka Enlightenment). But little did the wave knew, she would be integrated into the ocean sooner or later. Here's a song from Plum Village (Thich Nhat Hanh): And here's another one for people who are always bothering everyone around them telling that life is a game: Nondual version: The goal is not to become a nondualist. The goal is to become nonduality. A lot of people who are asleep are trying to wake others up... But they don't realize they are dreaming. It's as they're trying to wake up a character that in their dream, while they themselves are the ones who are asleep. I hope that made sense.
  12. This is just my impression: to me, it sounds like direct experience of a detached observer combined with a lot of mental distractions. Plus, a lot of thought stories of who I am, what the problem is and uncertainty of what the solution is. There seems to be a back-and-forth between disidentification and identification. What I’ve found is that when I I get immersed into an expanded timeline, the sense of groundlessness and discomfort can increase. I like the image of Now being a vertical line and the construct of time (past and present) being on a horizontal line. Much of the seeking energy and discomfort I experience Now is related to stories along the horizontal timeline. Often, the further I go out, the more discomfort arises. The horizontal timeline/storyline is groundless. The story is constantly changing. My preferences, my goals, my friends, beliefs, feelings - is fluid - it’s not a grounded within the timeline. The story is constantly getting updated and changing. Personally, I’ve found the further out I go in the timeline, the more groundless it gets. Being immersed in today feels more grounded than being immersed in a lifetime. For example, “My whole life, I’ve been disorganized and unproductive. I’ve also got ADHD and I’ll never be able to find a lifetime career and live a meaningful, successful life”. That is waaay far out in the timeline and would lead to a lot of distress in my mind and body. It would feel overwhelming. There are times when I explore a lot in groundlessness and it becomes too much. My mind and body tell me to slow tf down, rest, integrate and stabilize. In regards to PD, sometimes my mind and body has a hundred different fragments of realizations and aspects of reality popping up all over the place. Rather than make it more complicated, sometimes it’s helpful to simplify and deconstruct. I would listen to what my mind and body is trying to communicate. If it is trying to communicate we are waaay off balance into groundlessness, I would get in touch with that. Rather than getting immersed in disorganized thought stories, I would try to listen to the wisdom of the mind and body. Perhaps the body wants a sense of routine and structure. Perhaps a daily schedule. Perhaps the mind and body wants to take a break from consuming nonduality ideas and spend a bit of integrating. Perhaps the mind and body wants a short term goal to work toward. This can give a sense stability. For example, training for a 10k race or starting a 30 day yoga series. This type of structure, routine and short term goals can help recondition the mind and body. I would also spend some time contemplating each day, without spiraling down into the rabbit hole. Perhaps spend some time developing awareness of patterns of thinking/feeling that arise in the mind and body. Observe the nature of these patterns and the desire to change - without going down a storytelling rabbit hole. Or perhaps consider building attention and focus skills. Just some ideas arising in my mind. Perhaps some may be useful, perhaps not. ?
  13. I am in a permanent state of nonduality, man. I don't understand what "positive" means. It's all one!! Positive = Negative = Form = No Form = Ox Tale = Hitler Therefore, I am not positive, because I don't like Hitler. But seriously, check some topics I created two years ago. I was extremely positive and butterfly and rainbows type of spiritual person, yet I also so deluded. I cringe when I read those. I see a lot of delusion in this forum, and I refuse myself to have a positive reaction to them. People are on a dead-end, yet they think they're evolving. I've been there.
  14. Straight to the point, ill divide the texts to ego backlash chapter and consciousness shift chapter for easier comprehension. Ego Backlash: 4 months ago I was really into psychedelics I had a great experience after my 2 tabs trip in the woods and got a really good taste of psychedelics. It had been some time and I tripped 2 weeks back to back. Those two trips were confusing as fuck. On the first trip, I saw a battle like the ego was battling to survive and after the trance phase I had a glimpse of nonduality which was looking at my trip sitter speaking and it felt like I was speaking which was pretty profound. That didn't last long and I couldn't wait to trip again but the 2nd trip was a flop which started 3 months of ego backlash. The next 4 months consisted of cigarettes (hadn't smoked in 2 and a half years), weed, drinking, video games, junk food and of course no meditation nor yoga or even gym. Consciousness Shift: I don't really know how to explain this. My experience has been really self-luminous and especially today it is like I am tripping. It actually feels like I am high on LSD but I am totally sober. I get the HD vision and the presence of the LSD and oh boy this is too intense to happen out of the blue. It feels like the body is inside of a ball of experience, I am not the body but I still don't know what I am. If I focus there is something new in my experience but I can't put my hand into it. It feels now the real work starts, this is too radical... @Leo Gura what is this?
  15. That’s because you have no direct experience of nonduality. It’s the greatest possible feeling. Infinite Love and Unconditional Acceptance of yourself and all individuals. Infinite Love of Infinite Love. The attitude you feed is the one that grows. It’s as if you’re bashing being a world champion boxer, but have yet to begin training, go to a gym, or step in a ring. But you can. You created yourself, and you created choice. Now, you can choose. Matter of fact, you are never not choosing. Hard to realize while blaming, I know. It will pass. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes. Charles R. Swindoll
  16. I know from a personal experience and from some people who told me about this as well, that people have nightmares, when they are working on their life and a lot of negative things are surfacing, I think it's a good sign actually Idk about the physical part though, do you stretch? Yeh, thinking about nonduality is very different from feeling it.
  17. @Conrad No, that's your and Leo's version of Islam (I wonder if you're related). Mohammad's teachings were dualistic, that's evident. There's Allah (Creator), and there's everything else (Creation). Adam was a clay that Allah created and breathed into him of His Spirit. That is if we want to take his teachings literally. Nonduality is your (and Leo's, and Sufi's) interpretation, not the original teachings.
  18. @Shin I feel ya. I know things pan out after a while. I am more stable than I was. I think. Physically I feel really strange, have you experienced this? Nightmares every night too. I don't understand how nonduality can make anyone feel better about anything. "Hey man, I'm feeling really down... my life is crumbling around me and I feel so tired and hopeless" "Oh, don't care about anything... you don't exist and neither does anyone else!" "Cheers buddy, I feel great now" "Just remember, there is no 'I'". Load of nonsense.
  19. @Sauvik the idea of nonduality is of no use to someone who is in orange, the only thing way you can teach them spirituality is if you get some parts of them to develop into green and yellow, so basically raising their self awareness. and that's done through meditation, or various spiritual exercises. taking psychedelics is good. ultimately to go into full nonduality you have to achieve yellow but don't forget you can never transition fully into yellow without having embodied all stages before it, and fully transitioned through them.
  20. So I was sleeping tonight and I woke up slightly, being like 50/50 wake/sleep state. Then I just felt something really weird, I started to shake as hell, felt like something is ressisting something for some reason, actualy it felt like a somewhat of a mystical experience, so being half asleep I though that surrendering is the best option (which previously I wasnt capable of doing so in normal states). Thought that if I would die now then let it be my death. And I just completely shifted from a shivering state to total calmness, my body became so relaxed when I surrendered to the experience, actualy it felt like I died then, the body relaxation was seen as a death of some sort. The next thing was that I was observing this and thinking in my mind and then an insight occured that my thoughts are also me, the nonduality was so total there (not only in material sence) that I just laid in bed with such an empty mind being total calm and just accepting everything that I actualy am. Then I just fell asleep and woke up all happy with energy. Maybe someone had this kind of experiences?
  21. Rupert and Eckhart both communicate at a more broad, simple level to not only attract an audience, but to be understood. It isn't their purpose to dive too deep into the metaphysics and scare people off. However, that doesn't mean they aren't fully God realized. To me, it just means full embodiment of enlightenment, which they have undoubtedly achieved. What you are talking about is something else. Leo's whole channel is the pursuit to speak about nonduality using language (dualistic) as accurately as possible. He does this so well that if you're not already God realized (full enlightenment) it will scare you. It gives you as close a taste as you can to Nondual consciousness, without having to do any work. That's why it's so invaluable, but also why Leo cannot have a big audience (he did in the early days, but not at this level). Actualized is for a rare breed of people willing to turn their old lives upside down. That doesn't mean Leo "understands" it better than Rupert or Eckhart, because it goes beyond language.
  22. @isabel yeah, Rupert is a shining light. My best friend recently went to his 3-hour meeting on Nonduality in NYC, and said it balanced and centered him. From a certain perspective, every word ever spoken is God's poetry, just like every form is art.
  23. The trip was quite profound and challenging for me. Pre-Trip: I meditated for 30 minutes and then contemplated about the differences between the Masculine and Feminine characteristics and traits. Trip: After taking LSD, I continued to contemplate and think. However, as soon as the effects started to take over, I was taken over by a sudden urge to strip naked and masturbate. Martin Ball has written about this, and he advocates that that one should let these things play out. So I proceeded to do that. However, in the midst of doing so, I became acutely aware of how my entire life, I've been running away (through tasks, hobbies, addictions, distractions) from being present and facing the emptiness of existence. No wonder, I keep looking for happiness elsewhere. I lost all desire to masturbate and every moment became painful, to such an extent that I didn't want to live any longer. The ego's defences were down, and I quickly went inside my bathroom, switched all the lights off and sat in complete darkness and silence, and started contemplating: Who am I? Why have I been trying to escape the present moment my whole life? I was afraid, and the silence and darkness added to it. It was clear that the fear was a product of my projections and that I was still not letting go. And once I did, it became blindingly obvious that it is all Absolutely Nothing! I have been looking for this realisation, and at the same time have been running away from it, which has caused me a lot of pain. With this insight still fresh and crystal clear, I came out to my bedroom and started meditating while resting on my bed. Because the ego was weak and fully surrendered, I had died, without even realising it. I started to laugh and cry (I'm still not sure how that happened, but it was literally laughter mixed with sobbing). This Nothingness was Absolute, groundless, ungraspable and completely imperturbable. All the things I have read and heard about sexuality came back into my mind. How the epitome of masculinity is Shiva- consciousness itself. From there, a number of things that I have read and seen about sexuality came back to me. Insights: Everything that we see and perceive is couched within Nothingness/Consciousness. And we all have Masculine and Feminine in us. Thus, every moment of existence is a play of the Divine Masculine (Shiva) and the Divine Feminine (Shakti). Life is a product of this Divine Love making. The black and white Duality of Man and Woman is merely simplistic thinking. David Deida once said that Life and existence itself is a Woman (with a capital W). And just like a feminine partner, life will shit test you. So long as one is identified with Absolute Nothingness, no challenge (including death itself) can scare you away. She (Life) will make love to you until the end of time, but She will also chop your head off as soon as you lose consciousness. Every time I become sad/hurt/angry, that's equivalent to failing one of life's tests. Being inauthentic hurts more than anything else. Authenticity = Death = Immortality = Imperturbability. When you are aware of the fact that death is an illusion, and so is any concept of separation, you will naturally let things unfold without becoming unconscious and neurotic. From this authenticity, one can live their true Life Purpose: In their career as well as their social life. This life purpose isn't just limited to 40-50 hours of work every week. The way we spend our money, the way we treat others, the energy we put out into the world, are all our creation. A truly authentic life means you can live every single day, knowing that you are Nothingness, and that no failure/loss can cause you to abandon your purpose. Radical openness = Selflessness. Only by being completely selfless, can one truly contribute to Absolute Goodness. And of course, this id paradoxical, since it is clear that nothing is in your control. Yet, there can be complete surrender and consciousness at the same time (like an erection, firm but relaxed). With an experiential understanding of Nonduality, one knows that claiming ownership of your achievements/possessions is futile, which then allows you to live life as a spontaneous unfolding of love and play. This is how one makes love to life. As David Deida wrote, 'Stop hoping for a completion of anything in life'. Which is a great pointer. Peter Ralston also wrote about this in 'The Book of Not Knowing'. I have a long way to go in this journey. A big chapter in my life is coming to an end soon, and it became clear to me what the next chapter ought to be. The key is to balance being s strategic motherfucker and surrendering to the Divine Will. Psychedelics are the best Teachers. No human teacher could have allowed me to have a direct consciousness of all this in one day.
  24. Promoting nonduality for Muslims through the Quran. So sly.
  25. @Leo Gura I shall play my nonduality Trump card. I've never met anyone who was truly a fool and I've never met anyone who was truly wise. If a country had Russia's intelligence and work ethic and also America's fun, free spirit, my God, that would be a great place to live. Could you have both at the same time?