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WaveInTheOcean replied to beastcookie's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am enlightened and I'm addicted to MANY things. The most obvious one is: life. I'm addicited to limiting myself to exist as this human form, I'm currently imagining myself to play. This means I'm addicited to: - breathing (my number one addiction, oh god, I love this one...Breathing, wauw man! You should try it) - water and food (also high on my list, food is nice) - sunlight (also a favorite addiction of mine) - social contact from time to time (it's just so fun playing with other imaginary characters - I can't help myself ). - sex from time to time, either jerking off or doing it with a beautiful woman... cos why not, it's nice! - sleeping (not that I like it that much, but I have to, to live) - many more things. Of course, ego will now say that the above things are "good addictions" and that tobacco and alcohol are "bad addictions". But this is the job of the ego -- discriminating between things -- not the job of Love. From Love's perspective there exist only Love, and tobacco and alcohol is just as much Love as breathing and water is. The above listed things we tend to label as "good", even though they are obvious hard-core addictions. They are "good" addictions -- according to ego -- because they help the body and mind thrive and survive. It is the ego's main task to make sure the mind and body and social persona always survive. Not only survive, but thrive! Gotta get that genes carried on together with nice genes from a stunning partner, am I right? <3 But, ultimately, from a totally 100% objective standpoint: What is wrong with smoking tobacco everyday or drinking 1 L of vodka everyday? It kills you, you say? But then may I ask: what is wrong with death?? Why do you prefer life over death? What is the difference between life and death? Is there any difference? When you keep asking why-questions like this, you come to a point where you realize that what you really are is just that: a (fucking) survival machine. All your values, beliefs, way of behaviour, thoughts, ideas, are not yours (in the sense that you voluntarily created/made them up) -- they are adoptations from other egos. This is the first step of self-realization. Then, next, you can realize that this survival machine (body, mind, ego) luckily enough is not your true nature, but is just imagination. And that you are *that* which imagines (Love, God, Consciousness). "But enlightenment for me is the joy of being, no need to do anything about a craving. Acting on a craving is immediately taking you out of the present moment. " Depends. If you try to hold your breath for some time, don't you soon feel a strong, strong craving to breathe out? Does this take you out of the present moment? What is the difference between acting on this craving of breathing delicious air and then a craving for a cigarette filled with delicious nicotine? ... Of course, I see where you are coming from. People who are not awake and addicted to e.g. alcohol/heroine, they use alcohol/heroine to run away from their own mind, because their mind is filled with so much fear, worry, regret, shame and other negative self-thoughts. By running away from their mind they actually get into the present moment by using these drugs. I haven't tried heroine, but I'm sure it's very blissful, much like a state of pure nirvana. Of course, the trick of life is to reach nirvana without being dependent on external conditions. Because external conditions are always that: dependent, limited, not-real, imaginary, impermanent. So those hardcore addicts have to run into their fear (not using) in order to go through the pain needed to awaken. Psychedelics helps, sure. A lot. "Hm... well as I progress on my own journey it's really hard to do anything bad to myself. Excessive eating would not be possible for example, I don't perceive caffeine as something bad but would not be able to drink 5+ cups per day. Basically obsessive, excessive, addictive behaviour is not compatible with awakening, at least not for me. Not because I judge it, not at all, but because the drive/compulsion is weakened. " Awakened beings are perfect! So are unawakened beings! Jesus was perfect. The dude on my street using heroine every day is just as perfect as jesus. Perfection is all there is. Only egos see non-perfection. Anyway, relatively speaking, I'm glad on your behalf, that you are in a state of mind, where you have a hard time doing anything "bad" to yourself. Self-love, even though this in the beginning refers to love to the illusory separate self, is pretty fundamental if one wants to awaken. At least during some part of the path. I have a hard time doing it as well. But this may change. It doesn't matter. You see, your judgment of excessive, addictive behaviour being incompatible with awakening is a thought that comes from ego. Love doesn't judge. But in any case, I still resonate with you. When you truly, truly are awakened beyond awakened, all dualistic concepts in mind and heart collapse to One. This means you see your own life as the same as God's life. Your life = God's life Life = Heaven The relative = The Absolute No difference between any dualistic oppositions. It's all One. And therefore, of course, you want to treat your body like it's a body of God. This means, yes, exercising, eating healthy and doing other healthy things, including not being addicited to anything too harmful (heroine, alcohol and so on). Caffeine is to be honest pretty harmless, but still, I limit myself to one cup on the morning, and nothing else. I don't want to be dependent on anything. God wouldn't like that/That wouldn't be God-like. And I am God And yet I'm addicited to breathing and food. LOL Love <3 -
Yes. This is it. All guys, you see it? You shouldn't do "pick-up" / date girls because you want sex or w/e. You should do it, because it is an extremely important part of self-development for a man, also if you want to become enligthened/awake. Of course, sex is a nice carrot/bonus, don't forget that, but that's not the primary objective here. The feeling you get after overcoming one of your worst fears is identical to the feeling you have 24/7 when you have truly awakened. True peace, true confidence, freedom. Insecure men/virgins/many dudes they have an extreme fear of rejection. The hotter/the more interested they are in a girl, the more extreme the fear becomes "but what if she rejects me?" What to do? Step 1. Realize that the fear of rejection is 100% irrational. Either she says "yes" to you, or she says "no" to you. In either case you haven't lost anything, and in the first case you have gained something. You GOT NOTHING TO LOSE. Be brave man. Go into that fear and let it destroy you/enlighten you. Even in the second case, you only gain something: PAIN. And pain forces you to learn and reflect and develop. Step 2. Do it. And everytime you get rejected, just say fuck it and try again. Of course it hurts, Don't deny that. But pain is the messenger, and the message is: Wake up! The more pain you go through in your life, the closer you are to awaken. No kidding. start today
abrakamowse replied to actualizing25's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I agree. Let's go back to shooting ourselves in the head to become awakened Lol -
Raptorsin7 replied to beastcookie's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 Would you say it's easier to deal with addictions and stuff like that post awakening? I'm assuming for many awakened beings with obvious health issues(being overweight, alcoholism etc) that the main issue is that they don't see an issue and so they have no will or desire to change. -
James123 replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Awakened love is being love or in love with yourself (which is duality or every happening ), egoistic love is based on satisfying personal expectations. -
An young being replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Is the love awakened people are describing everywhere is the same as the love all people experience everyday in our lives? -
LfcCharlie4 replied to beastcookie's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don't set up expectations around awakening & enlightenment, especially around awakened beings. If you have a serious addiction, face it head on and don't expect awakening to fix everything for you, maybe Tolle & Hawkins don't want to give up their Caffeine, Ramaji is also overweight, awakened beings aren't perfect! -
Someone here replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Congrats Awakened one! Now can you please stop this covid 19 thing from toying with literally every human being.. Every reilgion.. Every enlightened master.. Every government.. Every institution.. Everything that's going on in our world today?????? -
I've read that the average age of self actualising is 36. That would mean that about half of the population, mostly older, are at least modestly awakened.
This will happen in the very distant future. There will be a time when everybody is awakened. However, we will no longer be called humans. We will become something else.
Nak Khid replied to actualizing25's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You assume the following 1) God exists 2) a person is not merged with God but when they die they become merged with God 3) that if something called "awakening" occurs a person who is awakened had an ego before this occurred but after they are awakened they no longer do _______________________________ Ego Death In descriptions of psychedelic experiences, the term is used synonymous with ego-loss to refer to (temporary) loss of one's sense of self due to the use of psychedelics. The term was used as such by Timothy Leary et al. to describe the death of the ego in the first phase of an LSD trip, in which a "complete transcendence" of the self ________________________________ So if all these people took LSD and some had ego deaths then how is it they still have egos after coming down? - did the ego merely go into hiding and not "die" ? - did the ego leave the body > but then sneak in again through the ear? -
Artsu replied to Nick_98's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you're already on the awakened path, focusing on plants can help trigger transpersonal consciousness. You'll start to see through the eyes of other forms of life. However, in my view, this doesn't mean those other lifeforms are above humans. They are below. It's just that humanity is part of a bigger whole, even if we are the most important parts. I think this relates to seeing multiple systems through spiral dynamics yellow, because the earth is multiple systems interacting in an ecological network. -
Inliytened1 replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nope. What we are telling you is the Absolute Truth. You are projecting that onto us. No one is judging. All is perfect - awakened or not. We just spit Truth here and call BS for the benefit of those who wish to know the highest Truths. Nothing better about being awoke - or special. But i can tell you it will change your entire outlook on reality - and also it feels like a metaphysical orgasm to infinity. -
WelcometoReality replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Only a thought will make the claim that it is awakened. We can use such language the question is if we know that it isn't true. -
That’s a good description of what I’m doing these days. Experience wise I’ve created multimillion dollar companies, which I manage via delegation, and awakened. Untangling mental blocks is my favorite hobby.
VeganAwake replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are no stages to Awakening because ultimately it's a recognized( after Awakening occurs) there was never a separate individual that could become awakened. So although it sounds paradoxical it's later recognized it just never was the case. It was a misidentification with thoughts and energy in the apparent human body that gave the illusion there was a separate individual. -
Mu_ replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@VeganAwake And again to reiterate, this isnt a your wrong, he's right thing, again what your sharing is 100% true and in my opinion is not a aspect that a lot of people on this forum get, even though they claim they do, and in the same way, there is aspects that are 100% that you haven't seen either, and me to. This doesn't mean anything honestly, theres no such thing called awakened or enlightened, these are just terms created out of "..." that appear to make for an experience that there's levels and at one level awakening happens and before that it doesn't. And no its not illusion either..... -
VeganAwake replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Awakening is apparently real when you are still identified as a separate individual. When Awakening occurs it's recognized the separate individual never existed hence the comment Awakening is not real. ❤ Because there was never a separate individual that could have awakened. -
VeganAwake replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What's being pointed to is that Awakening isn't real because Awakening is recognizing the individual that believes it could in the future become awakened was an illusion, a missidentification with thinking and stored energy in the body as the 'ME'. -
Mu_ replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ok lets keep playing and having fun. What concept is ever100% the Dream? If there is nothing but ...... then there is no concepts and there is no Dreams... I mean what is happening now but only "......". Isn't by your own position, your doing what your saying is concepts. The whole separate "self" illusion thing that is awakened from is a concept. But i understand what your pointing to though this and this expression your giving can seem to lead to awaking from something that never existed, the gate-less game. In this same way the words, symbols, meanings, pointing to that I was hoping for you to look into when I mentioned your "ego" is the same thing, its pointing to additional aspects of ........ that are also just as true as the analogy your giving in waking up from a "self" illusion sense. Does that make sense? "See the sense of self cannot conceive of its own unreality so it will adopt whatever concept it can to keep itself alive." Is another example of the above, its not true ultimately, but it does point to something and that something is ....... or can appear to lead to awakening to ......... BUT again, there is and always ......... and so called illusion not awake person is ............... lol so much "........................................................................................" -
Globalcollective replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah and he has awakened through 5meo and the fact he's the baddest man on the planet ahah -
You could go and get involved right now. Or you could try to build your own way. That will take time. Its easy to go to a Gym, fall into line and become a health coach. Or even go to a University, consume their standards of information and bring it out into society. But this will not serve an awakened person. The real motivational people I respect are the ones who came from nothing. The ones who decided to walk their own way. I'm sure you feel the same. Fuck the Standard. Its 2020 Bitch, time to walk your own path or watch someone else create it. Find your own way. Throw all the rules and standards away and create something that no one has ever though of. I am excited to see what you will bring. As long as you don't conform to the norm. Because I'm not normal, and I won't learn and grow from anyone who is. And regarding not liking your job. FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Quit if it gives you pleasure and just watch how quickly you will grow and forget about those limitations. If you can afford it. And if you need the money, grind, and fucking work your ass off. That will only enhance your story. But always realize at what level you are willing to conform. Will you stay at a shit job for the money? So that you don't have to experience your perceived failure? So that others won't look at you like a loser? Or will you stay uncomfortable and press the reset button over and over again until you get the desired results that you know every fucking person deserves to have. Your choice. Don't sell out. Ever.
Globalcollective replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nak Khid yeah I've met mike tyson quite a few times and he's fully awakened -
WelcometoReality replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@James123 Ok here is an example of what I mean. I was always told I was such a sweet and calm little kid. Never angry. Then when I awakened I didn't identify with that calm guy any longer. It was just thoughts of how I should behave. So once I awakened from thought there was alot of stored anger in the body that came up that I had to work through. -
James123 replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
They are even in this forum. Lol. But when you become awakened, you see there is no you to be awaken. All you do is for Nothing