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  1. I always misunderstood the tao te ching and got shit for my wrong interpretation of it. Instead of pointing the fault toward myself. I am going to project that onto the founder of daoism, Lao Tzu and beat his ass. My plan will be exceptional in history. All the Jackasses that Jordan Peterson called out are going to be proud of me. So, i thought first of leaving my body and beat his butt in Nirvana. I then remembered that i will be stuck in kama-loka and all my animosity will be erased before i arrive there and that is not good. So instead of going there, i will bring him down here, Sadhguru style. Sadhguru built this shiva lingam to embody some high evolved spiritual soul by worshipping it. There will be much snow next week. I can make this huge snow sculpture of a vagina and a penis together in no time. I will do some chanting and bowing and Lao Tzu will embody the vagina/penis. Then i will smash the snow sculpture! However, i have read somewhere that the suppose Lao Tzu is Gautama Buddha. Basically, buddhas scriptures where transported to China but the originator is the same person but got called by a different name, Lao Tzu. So some people believe he is reincarnated in Shambhalla that is somewhere in the gobi dessert, Mongolia. In this case i have to take a huge loan and not pay it back. Cause this will be a one way trip. I have seen the Top Gear guys traveling in mongolia in some special suv. I think i gotta buy one of those. To find the place i will hire a channeler for a few thousand bucks. We will try to channel some of Lao Tzu close chumps in Shambhala. When I get the information i need. I will then just give up and fall asleep in my cozy sofa in a heavenly bliss state and disappear.
  2. @soularlight I'm not sure where it started that enlightenment brings happiness and an end to suffering. Enlightenment is simply the realization that the you you believed you were is an illusion. When it is realized the illusion collapses leaving Being or Actuality. This is what is referred to as mystical because Being is prior to any type of conceptual realization which is still being made by the ego mind, wherein enlightenment is the collapse of the ego mind. Thats pretty much it. There is bliss with this realization because you are one with reality itself...the best way to put it is you ARE reality. This isn't some special state as people confuse it with the ego seeking something - it is actually the complete lack of ego. it just is what it is.
  3. Look to this day For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course Lie all the verities and realities of your existence. The bliss of growth, The glory of action, The splendour of achievement Are but experiences of time. For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow is only a vision. And today well-lived, makes Yesterday a dream of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well then to this day Such is the salutation to the dawn! Kalidasa
  4. @NahmI have a hard time understanding what you just posted. Im aware that I am not my thoughts or feelings. I try to detach from it everyday. I dont think I'm ready to understand it either. Ill just accept that things are the way it is and work on the fundamentals. Exercise and diet. Having mindfulness. I don't have the free will to commit suicide anyway. Im being watched 24/7. I do admit that this spiritual work has been really dangerous to me and I wasn't ready, but I have learned a lot about myself. Just had an argument with my dad about it on how Leo has fucked up my brain. I got really pissed off but he is right. I do think though what Leo is doing is for the better for humanity. Not that I claim that I know what Leo "knows", but what he is saying makes a lot of sense to me so when I get caught up thinking about, committing suicide seemed so easy. Ive had temporary states of bliss during meditation and whenever I got out of it, the material world become a joke to me. Total garbage.
  5. First of all, thanks for so many replies, seems like what I knew deep inside is true, just needed more clarification from other point of view, and it seems that my insecurities, and fear or rejection is what constantly does not let me take the final step in leading the way to attraction, unless the girl is more leading or gives me obvious signs. @Gesundheit Before Covid, i was doing quite a bit of approaching, sometimes it would lead to numbers, sometimes to dates, never to any relationship. Since i went through constant development and rejection, naturally i felt like i just kept failing and nothing works, so back to the drawing board. @Leo Gura Do you think getting rid of this approach anxiety/ insecurity is a way towards better life and higher-consciousness? It is something that I have been debating for a long time, I just can't understand, how important reality is in the end. If I finally make the realization (i already know this, but i have not felt it) that I am god, I am conciousness, then it sort of eliminates the need for sex and relationships, doesn't it? Other part of me wants to just spread joy, love and enjoy this dream together with someone else, who also understand atleast spirituality in-general. @Sine The funny thing is, that sometimes I feel like I have worked so hard on having this "attractive lifestyle" that some women told me they feel bad since I make them look like they have not achieved anything. I have studied abroad, i have done student exchange programmes, I travelled, i saved money and purchased a car, I lived a lone for a long time, I have been working out and living semi-healthy lifestyle for a long time, I also used to love to party a lot and go out, for me, it looks like it's a good balance, but then again, it is my life so creating a general opinion about it is quite hard. On some dates, I end up simply talking too much about my life I guess. @Preety_India here comes the confusion, Mark Manson's book How to attract women through honesty explains that vulnerability is the number one thing a man should have when trying to attract a girl, vulnerability shows that you are not afraid to show your weaknesses, and that you know them, and you are not afraid to be rejected for that. So what you recommend now, is to simply never show my vulnerable side and simply outright lie or hide them? That creates even more issues. And what is security anyway? Secure in my situation in life? Secure in my lifestyle? I already enjoy everything BESIDES my relationships with women, that by far is my most lack aspect of my whole life. I can be friends and find ways to interact to women no problem, moving on to a relationship of any kind besides friends is where I am stuck. @Nahm Thank you Nahm, but my inner dialogue becomes the monkey mind when I am around others, especially women. I have reached states of awareness with bliss and simply pure knowing when im alone from time to time, but when I am around others, seems like most of my spirituality work gets overshadowed by other personalities. Also, the more I work on myself, the more time i spend alone, the more I feel needy, the more I feel the need to find a relationship, and the more i start questioning every woman as if "is she the one i will have a relationship with?" @RendHeaven Alright, i get it, i knew it most of the time, I lack direct action towards explaining what I want from women, without being completely honest. My final question is, what should I do with this co-worker, since I feel like the sings of attraction from her are sort of gone, I am leaving the work soon, that means we wont see each other as often, i am debating on: a) finally tell a woman, that I like her and i care for her, and that if she would like to continue talking with me and see where this goes to, we should do so, and if she does not like me, we should go our separate ways. b) simply not tell her my feelings, and end the relationship right here, assuming she has no attraction to me, and that i do not want to be friendzoned again. Thank you all for your replies!
  6. It’s like the scene in the matrix where they’re flying in the ship through the darkened real world...and then they rise above the clouds, and are swept away by the beauty. In the same sense it sounds like there was the natural bliss of being, or, what is, without self referential thinking...and then the narrative was believed again, and therefore death, separation, etc. That tingling and ringing is ‘it’ though. I once read the average person has over a hundred thoughts about themself everyday. I don’t believe it. Can’t see how that’s possible.
  7. First things first, this video is in HINDI. So, I wanted to share this here specially because I find this very valuable and I'll explain what he says here, in a model. I am not posting this in high consciousness resources because I want to talk about and share the model he is proposing. I had an awakening last night, the Self-realization(not God-realization) while listening to some music and reading the pinned post on enlightenment by Leo. Just after that, I found this video in my recommended. This video is basically confirmed by the awakening I had before watching the video and another one of God-Realization some weeks back. Now what he say about the chakras is different from whatever I thought about them previously. And also makes it easier for me because he straight up says activation comes through inner understanding of certain concepts(I might've verified this firsthand). So basically contemplating on things. Now, I don't think this 'activation' is same as accessing the 'holy shit' possibilities of the chakras that people like to talk about. Activation means like all blockages removed, and is reverberating nice and good. Like the video is more about how to attain the bodies associated with these chakras. Disclaimer: It may as well be that he is just associating chakras with these to get people to contemplate into these topics for 'powers'. Which is a good strategy ngl. This model isn't supposed to be linear because I personally haven't and most of you here also haven't experienced it linearly. Muladhar (For Material Body): Possibility given by nature(N.P) = Sexual Attraction, possibility achieved through sadhana/striving(S.P) = Bhramhacharya. So basically, through total understanding of sexual attraction, you'll become a Bhramhacharya. Osho throughout the video reputedly says to not suppress, but to achieve total understanding into the natural possibilities so they can be transformed into the striving possibility. An example he gives is, "You are on your path but you see a boulder blocking your way, you get all upset because you think it is an obstacle, but through total understanding of the rock, you realize you can go climb on it and actually the boulder allows you to go on a higher elevation floor like a stairstep. You realize it's not an obstacle but a possibility. The boulder is still there sitting like before, but you realized it's actually a possibility." Swadhishthan (For Etheric Body): N.P = Anger, S.P = Forgiveness N.P = Fear, S.P = Non-fear N.P = Disgust, S.P = Love N.P = Violence, S.P = Non-Violence Again he says here to not suppress any of these or you'll just be stuck in them forever. Key is total understanding which will automatically transform these. Manipur (For Astral Body): N.P = Doubt, S.P = Faith N.P = Conceptualizing/Mental-Masturbation, S.P = Actual Wisdom So, he takes his time to explain Faith here. He says by faith he doesn't mean Dogma or anything. It's something that arises when doubt turns on itself and doubts doubt. When it understands itself, it transforms into Faith. Anahata (For Spiritual Body): N.P = Imagination, S.P = Will N.P = Dreams, S.P = Vision Says these transformations result in psychic powers like looking through walls, telepathy, astral projection, remote viewing, long-distance communication. seeing spirits, etc. By imagination becoming will he probably means very powerful manifestation. I don't have much experience of this one so can't say much on it. Vishuddhi (For Soul/Self(Atman) Body) Activated by: Self-Realization So here is very accurately describes what I felt just before finding the video. Self-Realization, meaning you realize the True Self. You are in bliss and peace. True Happiness for the first time. You see your true nature. But, a person here might still say there are different Atman in different people. Infinite Selves. In this person's mind, they think he/she realized 'her/his' self only. So basically they do see they are one with everything and their true self is infinite and forever, but they still hold the idea of their being other selves in 'other people'. (Though I didn't have this delusion in my awakening last night.) Biggest obstacle here is the Bliss, Peace, Joy. One might stop here entirely and not go further because all this time the struggle was from suffering. Now they got out so they wanna stay there forever. If one's seeking wasn't orignally for truth but for bliss then they will likely stop here only. He says that it might even take several lives to get sick of yourself/ this bliss to then to go further. But it doesn't have to be the case. I think since we know this trap we can just bypass it. Another thing he says is, till Anahata science can explain, research is going on and we can talk about these with language pretty good, but after that, starting here, language starts to breakdown and reaches it's limits. He says science can even reach into researching this too. But not after this. Language can be used to describe this and the next 2 ones but, it's gonna be very probelmatic for those who don't realize it already. Language used to describe this and the next two are often contradictory and don't make sense untill realized directly. Language fucks up a lot and creates a lot of delusions explaining these. Agnya/Agya (For Cosmic Body) Activated by: God-Realization Here he says, one realizes "Aham Bhramasmi". There is no you anymore, there is only Bhraman. Only being. Pure being. One can see infinity. Also idea of an 'experience' or 'perception' also breaks down because there is literally only being. Biggest obstacle here is that this is so full, (since nothing can be outside reality), one doesn't understand how to go further. Basically you can't go more meta than this since it's literally everything, including nothingness. I, actually experienced this one first hand. So during the God-Realization, when I realized I was completely alone as well, I noticed I felt a very strong magnetic field permeating through my head with the center of head as it's center. I remember thinking "This might be the closest I have gotten to noticing the Agya chakra in direct experience and have activated it.) OSHO says that someone here will just straight up deny non-being, because by definition, it is not. However, non-being can also be understood and is infact the next realization. Sahasrar (No Body stated) Activated by: Realization of Non-being He says maybe till Agya you could explain a bit in deluded ways but here it is completely impossible. So he doesn't say anything else about this. Final remarks: I am sharing cuz i find it p accurate cuz of my direct experiences. Just wanted to share cuz I can not find an english version of this video and this just too valuable relatively.
  8. Oneness is such a complex "thing" for the human mind to understand. It isn't even a thing or a concept. It's what reality IS. It is ONE. Always. Whether you're aware of it or not. Of course awareness of "it" matters in the way you feel on the inside. If you're aware of the nature of reality -- that all is one, that everything is your own creation, self-designed by you as Oneness/God/Love/Infinite Consciousness -- then you can't help but feel good. That's at least my experience. However, this truth is also hard to swallow for the untranscended ego-person. Cos the truth unveils its illusory nature: There is no separate self, except for the mind-like-idea of there being one. So to see it requires surrendering, letting go. And it ain't easy to let go. To let go, to surrender to each present moment, is an artform that requires practice, and daily consciousness-work I'd say. "My enlightenment" on 2cb half a year ago in a sneaky way made me feel superior, perfect, untouchable, like God/Jesus walking around in human form. I neglected my shadow, I didn't acknowledge it. I didn't even had it as a possibility that I could ever be depressed again, haha. So fucking arrogant, a bit of spiritual ego, so much unconsciousness of the greater themes playing out, yet feeling like I knew it all! I didn't meditate on a daily basis (in fact I didn't meditate much even) and of course hubris hit me in the sense that my ego got to slowly take back control in unconscious ways. My lower self got back to work, so to speak, and this included feelings and thoughts of being a separate self that needed x,y and z go to be happy, that could truly never be fulfilled, but only be hurt and damaged. So I got into the lowest stages of emotional development of enneagram type 5, which included self-isolation, bad sleep, no meditation, suicidal thoughts, crying a lot, feeling like everything is pointless, and myself feeling completely worthless. In short, my knowledge of Oneness/Love/God was hidden far away in my mind. Sure, I still knew it, but I didn't feel whole and at peace. And feelings/emotions is what truly matters, not knowledge. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good lately. Been on a regular meditation practice for some weeks now, 30min 1-2 times daily. Had a few deeply healing 2cb trips as of late, as well as my changa trip yesterday, which in a sense felt just as deep, if not deeper, than my 2cb enlightenment trip half a year ago. Self-design on a very deep level was realized, which I sort of had realized before, but just on a deeper level this time. Such a relief. Pure healing for the soul to see that it was a conscious choice to "get into life" and that everything is going exactly as it should be (God makes no mistakes). Divine perfection. The answer and purpose always being Infinite Love. I was at the peak infused with Cosmic (Self-) Love through my mouth into my body by some very intelligent extra dimensional beings, which I of course also knew were me/my imagination, but I nevertheless deeply thanked them. I then for a long time was in this dimension/level of consciousness beyond ordinary life, where all the blueprints, engineering of life/physical reality is going on. It felt like pure bliss to see the perfection and intelligence behind it all. Such a relief. Such healing for the soul. I could change anything I wanted, yet I also realized nothing dramatically really needed to change. I agreed with the beings in this dimension that I'd like less OCD and more confidence in regards to my personality, and it sort of seem to have worked (early days still hehe). It's interesting to wonder about how much one's brain's neuroplasticity is increased during such a DMT breakthrough, or any psychedelic break through for that matter. Must be a fucking lot. An other characteristic of this "headspace"/dimension/level of consciousness, was how it felt like coming home. This is a state We are all so familiar with; I even suppose this is what deep sleep is, just without any remembering of it when you wake up. I intuitively knew I had been here many many times before, designing physical reality, life, personality, destinies. I even realized I had been here before on DMT before, also ayahuasca, also 2CB, but this was the "first time" I was "allowed" to retain deep knowledge lf it. This break through changa trip lasted almost an hour for me, which is 4-5 times longer than pure DMT. Pretty remarkable. In the early stages of my depression half a year ago I had s traumatizing changa trip where I felt my soul/mind was burned, raped by the universe. Surely kickstarted the deeper depths of my depression. Made me doubt everything. Actually, what it was, was that it was Infinite Love, but I at that time just weren't able to surrender to it/let go. Everything is Infinite Love, but it can feel like hell if you don't trust "it"/cant let go/are unable to surrender to it. This time I struggled in the first few minutes, but eventually managed to let go. Dno how. Mystery. Probably relates to how conscious you are before going in, and how healthy and prepareded your body-mind is on s bothe physical and spiritual level. Of course even not being able to let go is infinite love. Anyway, all this depression has been extremely humbling for me. I will take better care of "myself" moving forward. I will prioritize sleep, meditation, exercise, social relations, healthy eating. These things are extremely important if you want to be a vessel for Love. Just my few cents:D Enlightenment is infinite. I dno if I consider myself enlightened, I surely did back then. Now, it seems a bit more silly to say:D I now see the depression as Love, but I surely didn't in the midst of it; except somewhere deep in me I probably knew, just like everyone does all the time;) I don't think I per se got attached to pleasure or pain. Or in some ways I probably did. In the beginning of my depression I'd eat lots of candy/cake to dull my depression (attached to pleasure) and in the peak of my depression with daily crying and daily suicidal thoughts I surely was attached to pain/suffering in some way.
  9. Yea, I understand. Years ago I was much more tryhard, trying to read and understand all sort of things. Even if I didn't feel like doing that so much in the moment, sometimes I would push myself to do something in order to get something. A lot of that, needless to say, wasn't really coming from a relaxed or joyous place. If you do something with for example anxiety, like a restless energy, what energy are you anchoring within yourself there? Of course more of that restless, tryhard, anxious energy. That's not a very advanced feeling/state. How I see it, whatever you are choosing is what you'll be getting more and more of. If an anxious drive is what you chose, you become more of that and you'll live more in that world. If you look at all you can do now, and choose what option contains most joy, bliss, peace, curiosity, etc, then the more you make that your world. And aren't these feelings of relaxation, well-being, joy, excitement, etc, higher "stage" energies? So I would say that if you want to become the most advanced version of yourself, then especially you would act on the option with the best feeling in it. That can in some moments just be calling up a friend, taking a walk, etc. I would say that if you chose the path that makes you feel best in every moment, you'll end up in the best feeling state. I would relax more, act less from your head and more from what feels best.
  10. It doesn't matter whether seeking occurs or not because there is no goal or end result that needs to occur. When the body dies, there won't be a memory of the suffering or the bliss that was experienced. There won't even be the slightest remembrance of existence. It simply can't be done right or wrong, because right & wrong are conditioned concepts ultimately lacking in reality. ❤
  11. Extreme sadness, loneliness, and existential dread. These seem to be the results of my psychedelic trips and introspection. I understand I am God, and this reality is my own manifestation. During the peak of my trips I even felt the extraordinary bliss and pleasure of it. Yet, I cannot help but be haunted by the very dark implications of being utterly alone... and accepting that everything and everyone I ever loved are just figments of my imagination. Some guidance on how to deal with this, would be very much appreciated. My sincere thanks.
  12. Be careful to distinguish realisation for more beliefs. Believing that you are God, is very different to realising you are God. Belief can actually lead to overly nihilistic outlooks on life. Look at church for example. All their beliefs in having an awesome life, makes their life shit. The moment you truly realise you are God, you will experience bliss that you cannot currently fathom or comprehend. Consciousness is not the same as knowledge ...initially
  13. @SM-OConnor As you mentioned when your consciousness shifted to God levels of consciousness you felt pure Divine Bliss or we can also say Love - infinity which is identical - is your true nature. Yet since you were still in human form consciousness can drift between states and in those states - where you are almost in between but still directly conscious of oneness - that's when it is tough. But once you come all the way back to a normal state of consciousness - a dualistic state - it should get better and return to normal. Backlash should subside after some time. This is because - just as you do when you dream at night - you are placed in a state of consciousness to where the dream is real. Where there is a distinction between self and other. So in a normal state what your ego may be doing is twisting it into dread so that you run as far away from spirituality as possible. But notice it's only "bad" relative to the ego's bias, because if everything is one it will lose its identity. The ego also has a tendency to make it something "good" too and grab Godhood for itself haha. Anyways the main point is that as God you have infinite imagination, which means you have the ability to fall back asleep whenever you want - and when you do - the dream becomes real as you are no longer going meta or stepping outside the dream. This shift between duality and non-dual awareness is a craft that will take you some time to mold. But also you must try not to have a bias towards aloneness or oneness or at least go meta and notice that for what it is and be at peace with that Btw I'm doing it right now myself otherwise i wouldn't be able to have this conversation. I am immersed totally within the dream like a fish in water... I do it seamlessly. It is only if i go meta - which I just did right now - and shift my consciousness, that i will be conscious you are imaginary.
  14. @DocWatts Good observations, and all valid from the perspective of what humans think we need. Sadly, it is endogenous to our species that what we think we need rarely matches what we actually need. Of course there are basic survival needs, beyond which we couldn't exist. But most of what makes us miserable is the misunderstanding of who we are. When we let go of thought, and realize our true nature, it becomes clear that, as Consciousness, we are already infinitely abundant. The reason for our suffering is the egoic insistence on looking for happiness outside of ourselves, when all along the bliss is already here.
  15. Thursday 25/03/2021 14:47 Some strange deja vu feelings. Depression flared up with a particular flavour that I recognise. Maybe it's the time I woke up, the healthy food I ate and I'm currently hungry, the warmer temperature outside. Why was I dragged into life with any of this I wonder? Why did any of this happen? Why were my senses of reality uprooted as far back as I can remember? Why was I ever brainwashed with Islam? Why did I ever get bliss from it? Why did I ever develop an existential depression? I just rewind this unfolding and all I see are dominos and inevitably, forced into a path and fate before I could comprehend what was even going on. None of it makes sense. And for no apparent reason, I just feel the strangest feelings I haven't felt in a long time. And when these particular feelings come back, it feels like some of my memory also returns to me. These feelings. These feelings are the old form of how my depression used to feel. In a sense it feels purer, but it feels more heavy and totalistic because of that. Now I remember why or what I ever used to be explicitly suicidal for, now that I at least temporarily have these dimensions of my emotion returned to me. In this particular moment, I feel like my old self and feeling. Which you would assume is good but what it does to me is just remind me how fragmented and discontinuous I am. All these images and memories, past versions of myself, it all feels like one crazy or one bad trip. My life feels like one crazy bad dream. Maybe because I desired it so I now, at least right now, feel these feelings I had lost or forgotten. But now I feel more anxiety and fear from it. This was the anxiety and fear I turned my back on, cauterised myself to and ran away from. This pain is intense but...I also feel happy on some level for feeling what I thought was lost. This anxiety and uncertainty is intense. My recovered dimensions of emotion may pass away now, but I hope not. Honestly speaking, I could die happy like this. I'm grateful that I have my old feelings and dimensions of emotion in this moment, even if it is in the form of anxiety, and this feels like a "me" I wouldn't mind dying as. I'll take it any day over my cauterised self. I feel back in time 2-3 years ago. Some point 1-2 years ago, I have a blackout in perception corresponding to my antidepressant shenanigans. I think I'm maybe starting to understand things a bit better. I ended up cauterising myself because I couldn't handle this intense anxiety. The cost of shoving down and repressing my anxiety was the loss of liveliness and sensitivity. A tragic shame really, but I understand it. In a tragic sense, I did a mini suicide to myself already. With this currently alert and aware brain, I can see why. All I'm at right now, in this particular moment, is a visit to my state back in time. Whether I stay here I don't know. The chains of the past are both important to understand but move on from. Having this experience now makes me the more weary to arrive or finish something, dont know what that something is. Weary to overcome these chains -- I feel the flavour of my original depression, like sent back in time. I feel like a time traveller almost, sent back in time to correct the mistakes I made. Maybe this was the reason I was subconsciously attracted to this song I would listen to over and over on repeat. It wasn't until just now that I don't think I realised what the English translation lyrics of the song even meant, even though I skimmed over it. But the idea just popped into my head randomly now. I read the lyrics translations but my brain never interpreted or put the right pieces together. I probably interpreted this correctly the first time I read it a while ago, but my brain just now reframed and regrouped what sentences I put together to fit what I feel. Now I'm reading it as "Let's find the answer, regrets and mistakes" rather than just finding the answer (and not finding the regret and mistake). -- This primal fear and anxiety I feel, my mistake was running away from it. Well, now I feel it. Boy is it hard to deal with though
  16. It's like the most esoteric thing ever man. Hard to grasp. And also it's hard to recognise the benefits of it. I've had tiny visions and insights what it's like to get to the point Leo's at. Leo's more advanced than a lot of people realise. To live in complete and utter bliss. People don't realise what awakening really means. It's hard to get it like, which is why most of the time people who end up actually getting enlightened, usually start off with a shit mind or start with a life filled with unfulfillment, pain or suffering
  17. @Preety_India sometimes I wonder why wouldn't it be better if I just died. There would be nothing left to solve. No pain. No frustration. No anger. No nothing. Then only bliss........ Freedom.. Sweet freedom.... Freedom from a tormented life.
  18. Mindfulness Meditation- A Complete Guide with Techniques and Examples Mindfulness is the 1st or 2nd most important skill you can build. Credit to Shinzen Young who has created a very robust, complex and technical mindfulness system. This video will explain the basics of this system. As you get deeper and deeper into this practice, take a look at Shinzen Young and his mindfulness system. Mindfulness is a deep tradition that goes all the way back to the Buddha. Mindfulness is experiencing reality (literally) EXACTLY as it is. Reality comes to you through your senses, not through any other means. All you really got of reality is sensory channels through which you are receiving stuff (sight, sound, body sensations and feelings, emotions, thoughts, smell, taste). All you really have is what you're experiencing right now, in this very moment. Right now, whatever is happening to you, is what's real. And it's changing every single second. Rather than living on the raw information that your channels constantly feed you, you live on your fantasies (past, future, emotional reactions, plans and goals). Your life is mostly conceptual, not grounded in actual reality, the raw data that’s being fed to you. Mindfulness is putting you in touch with what's really, literally there. What's true right this very second. 3 Components of Mindfulness: Focus- the ability to direct your attention on certain phenomena for long periods of time Sensory Clarity- how clear you are perceiving the present moment Equanimity- the ability to stay grounded no matter what emotions or sensations you're experiencing Mindfulness attunes your senses times 100,000. Notice- pick a sensation and put your attention on it Label- silently say to yourself the channel of which you are perceiving this sensation through (seeing, hearing, or feeling) Savor- take in the RAW perceptions that are there for about 5-7 seconds Notice, label, savor Humans created these distinctions, so this is simply a SYSTEM to help our mind become more aware of what's actually happening in reality. This practice expands your awareness to the present moment, to what's literally right there in front of you. As you practice mindfulness more and more, you'll get better and better, causing extraordinary shifts in awareness and consciousness. Outer seeing (looking at lamp) Inner seeing (visualizing an apple) Outer hearing (the sound of a clap) Inner hearing (repeating in your mind 'I have to take out the laundry') Outer feeling (smell, taste, itch, sensation of butt on chair, sensation of feet on floor, beating of heartbeat) Inner feeling (emotion) Set a timer for 20 minutes. Every single day, sit down in a quiet place, calm your mind down, and run these cycles (notice, label, savor). Let your mind focus on whatever it wants to focus on. Then notice, label, and savor it. This cycle will take about 10 seconds. Your mind will wander off to some other phenomenon, which you do another cycle on. Repeat this for the entire duration of the practice. If your mind starts to wander away and get lost in stories, bring it right back on track and note, label, then savor. The most basic practice- you allow the range to be everything (sights, sounds, feelings, outside and inside). When you get more advanced, you can limit the range of what you let your mind focus on. You can limit to, for example, just sights, or just sounds, or just feelings, or just the inner, or just the outer, or both the inner sounds and the outer sounds, or just thoughts (inner sounds + inner images). Some more practical tips: As you practice this, multiple phenomena will come up simultaneously. For example, you may notice an itch in your foot while simultaneously saying 'itch' in your mind. For basic starter mindfulness practice, focus on any ONE that you want, usually whatever is drawing the most of your attention. So if the inner sound 'itch' is the most dominant, focus on that. If the phenomena disappears or stops, You could savor the gone-ness of it. If a phenomena changes, stay with it and notice what happens with it. Whatever it morphs into, stay with that. Life is a fluid dynamic thing that is always flowing, so don't take static snapshots of life here. If you're not clear what to label the sensation, go with your best guess, it doesn't really matter if you label it right or not. You'll get better at labeling more accurately as you practice. Labeling itself is an inner hearing sensation but don't label the labels Do this practice 20 minutes (you can gradually increase this up to 60 minutes per day), every single day without skipping any days ever. Be very consistent. Do this every single day for months or years. This'll take months and even years to see results. If you want to supercharge your mindfulness, take retreats. Vipassana retreats are great for this, and usually free. Retreats are usually 5-10 days of complete silence, 12 hours a day of practicing mindfulness. This basic technique is very powerful and can take you very far. The fancy elements aren't necessary, but you can go learn them if you want. There is no best meditation technique. Experiment with them. If you really want to self-actualize, test out each of these techniques for a month or three. There is no best technique. You may have favorites but even the not-favorites are very useful and powerful. This mindfulness meditation is so stupidly simple. You know how it works, not develop this habit. This is probably the most important skill you can develop as a human being. This is how you interface with reality. You need to start seeing reality as it really is. As it is actually happening right fucking now. This isn't an optional thing if you want to have a powerful life. Benefits: Enormous levels of awareness, focus, and consciousness (10,000 times more awareness than the average person has) In your work projects and creative endeavors you'll be able to focus for an hour straight no problem You'll be able to be fully present and to fully listen to what the people around you are saying Emotional mastery- all the nasty emotions you suffer from will melt away because you see it as it really as at high levels of mindfulness You can dissolve all physical pain and discomfort with sufficient degrees of mindfulness The more mindful you are, the more fulfilment you can get from everything you enjoy about life (food, sex, business, social interactions, parties, the list goes on and on) You can experience feelings of rapture, joy, and bliss just by being sufficiently mindful Behavior change- your bad behaviors will change effortlessly and automatically You can experience enlightenment and discover the real existential nature of who and what you and what life and reality is through mindfulness. You can focus the mindfulness lens on the 'I' you identify with and it will dissolve. My questions on this video: Does it matter how still we are? Do we have to remain completely still or does it matter? What are the differences and pros and cons between this and Daniel Ingram's noting practice? Eyes open or closed?
  19. I recommend learning to open the first 6 chakras with similar techniques to the once I've shared. For the first chakra you should get a sense of comfort and grounding also tap into the earth element/the solidity of your body and the world around you. Also infuse it with love. For the heart chakra you should get a sense of love, start with this chakra as it contributes to the opening of the rest. To open the throats chakra is a bit life doing talk therapy. Say for yourself aloud or silently the things that you hold back. I feel... I want... Rest your attention on your throat. Keep going until you've purified repressed emotions. When that is done notice how you naturally want to express appropriation and gratitude. So you might start expressing negative feelings you feel towards yourself, your life situation or someone. When you have expressed the negative stuff you will naturally want to express what you like about the person. For ajna chakra you should feel present and blissful. Read Tara Springett's Enlightenment through the Path of Kundalini for general instructions on opening chakras. Read her book Healing Kundalini Syndrome to learn how to deal with side effects of energy work. As we increase our systems prana/energy/chi our chakra dysfunctions can manifest in noticable ways like head pressure or lethargy. It's fixed by fixing the root dysfunction. Head pressure is based by self-deception and narcissism for example. This is not dangerous and it's nothing to be afraid of it just give you a kick in the ass to fix your chakra dysfunctions. Also read SantataGamana's real yoga series (5books) to learn how to do kriya yoga. If you have trubbel feeling energy in a chakra you can do SantataGamana's Kriya Supreme Fire, found in Kundalini Exposed, on the chakra to fill it with energy. Disclaimer: this technique can increase your prana and thus manifest chakra dysfunctions as described previously. Once you've become proficient opening your chakras put it all together into this pranayama: Pranayama Instructions This technique comes from Mukherjee from but he is terrible at explaining the technique. It's the one SantataGamana modified to his own. It requires the ability to feel or have a sense of the first 6 chakras. Gently point your eyes towards the 3rd eye. Do kechari mudra if you can. (Advanced kriyabans have stretched out their tongue to be able to put it up the nasal cavity which stills the mind) If not, do baby kechari: touch the soft palate of the mouth roof with the tip of the tongue. Gently do ujjayi breathing. (Google it) On the in-breath, bring up the memory of the 1st chakra in kutastha (middle of the 6th chakra/middle of head). Mentally chant OM in the 6th chakra to open the remembered chakra. The chant should create a felt vibration in the head, just like you were chanting om out loud. Then you should get a sense of comfort in your head as the 1st chakra opens in your head. Repeat for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chakra and lastly chant OM in the 6th chakra alone. This should all be done during the in breath, as a total of 6 OMs. During the out breath repeat but go down instead of up. If doing a total of 12 OMs during one breath requires effort you can do one chakra per breath with 2 long OMs, one per in and one per out breath. Go up and down the chakras like this. All chakras are reflected in the 6th chakra, that's why they can be opened in it. To feel a chakra in the 6th chakra you can start by feeling it in it's location, then replicate the same feeling in the middle of your head. After a while you will be able to bring up a chakra in kutastha just by remembering it, with no need to divert your attention from kutastha. When chanting OM, you should get a feeling of bliss in your head. You should feel comfort, pleasure, joy and love for the first 4 chakras respectively and a sense of purification for the 5th chakra. At the same time you should feel still and at peace. The point of opening the chakras in the 6th chakra is to open both chakras at once and to collect the prana in the 6th chakra to enter into a state of witnessing. It should make you very present. Once you can do the pranayama combine it with the rest of SantataGamana's kriya yoga but swap his pranayama for this one. This is the pranayama that he bases his own pranayama on and it's more powerful. Trust me. Also read Enio Nimmis book Krita Yoga: Synthesis of a Personal Experience for better instructions on how to do the mahamudra technique. Kriya yoga techniques complements each other to form a balanced and powerful energy work regimen. The point of doing energy work and kriya is to enter into a blissful state. Once you have done that you will just want to sit and bask in that bliss. This will then lead you to enlightenment. The read to God is paved with bliss.
  20. I have combined both. I realized that I can try to vape the 5-MeO Oxelate that I have thought is only used for plugging, and when I tried to vape it, it gave the same effects. Since then, I've taken out the vape when I felt like I could use it. Up until now, I wouldn't say that I have had "full-blown Ego-death". More like all things getting reduced into one. More like, realizing that imagination is the basis of all of existence. I will post a trip report about that. Leo, you should say "Whenever you get the urge to do weed, do it, but add some 5-MeO to the mix! The brain fog from Cannabis actually gets neutralized by the clarity of 5-MeO. It's like 5-MeO is pure clarity, such that all the illusions melt away. But the effects of cannabis are kind of "foggy", where we tend to for example forget our thoughts. When you are really high on cannabis, then go try some 5-MeO. It clears everything up and gives the high a tinge of ecstasy. Also, it seems to me that the Cannabis makes the 5-MeO last longer (in combination) and the visuals get affected to become more beautiful. The cannabis visuals are kind of subtle, as when one is looking at a white wall, it gives the effects of as if we were looking at one point on that wall being sober - kind of "applying" certain patterns onto the canvas, but in a subtle way, as if it were a template without content, structure without content. Combining 5-MeO (vaping) with Cannabis sort of fills that visual structure with more content. At one point, I was seeing eyes! As if certain strategic points of my visual field became eye-like. The thing that is the anti-dote to fear when it comes to 5-MeO, is that 5-MeO approaches nonduality, which makes reality simple. And simplicity is the essence of bliss. How can one be afraid when there is like nothing to be afraid of? And at that point, bliss occurs. Or at that point, I should've taken another hit from the vape , to fully merge with the nothingness so to speak. The worst thing that can happen with fear is if the thoughts, emotions, and actions are under the control of fear. So, the worst thing that can happen is if we act on that fear, which reinforces the emotional state and the thoughts. Acting on fear is basically to panic, and to let the panic snowball. Fear is emotional and triggers certain thoughts. The key to fear is to be the observer of those thoughts and feelings, without ever acting out. This is what we call "surrendering", just observing, just observing. One can do this several times to get the hang of it. That's what I'm doing with the 5-MeO right now. In preparation for a big ceremonial breakthrough down the road...
  21. I’m really tired today, however I find it very beneficial to write as the energy and state of mind I’m in now have a deep understanding to them. For the first time in a long time I just feel like a calm lake. Im seeing reality through a new lens. reality changes based on the energy your in. People can live on the same earth and have completely different experiences. sometimes your meant for things so your guided energetically to them. Sometimes. —— Its interesting to watch my energy change from a masculine type of male to a chill and calm type of person. Laid back. I’m not exactly sure what to do with myself right now. In the past I saw everything as perfect so no matter what I did I knew that it was an absolute perfect thing. many sadness, any love, any emotions and thought are absolute consciousness at play. It twirls, spins and laughs within and with itself. every action and everything is complete consciousness at play. then I started seeing reality from a pure masculine viewpoint. One where reality is very “real”, important and valuable. Calm, grounded, wise, and full of passion. I of course kept my past experiences and integrated them which was nice. now my energy is changing so much tonight. I feel like I’m being destroyed and then recreated energetically. ive changed my energy thousands of times to masculine, love, purity, calmness, and pretty much anything I wanted with just a mental command. It’s easy. ive learned so much from seeing reality from allll these perspectives and understood so much. ive noticed that I’m constantly growing and that I’m always guided in whatever is best for me. A constant growth. A constant love for life. It’s pure beauty and bliss. It’s pure love. Haha gosh, my energy really is changing. *rants some more* im noticing/seeing a decomposition of my ego at the moment. It’s dying and dying. It’s hard to explain the beauty of it all. The self ahahah. What a funny joke yet not at all and so much more yet all just words pointing to the same thing. infinite reality, infinity cannot be explained. Your brain goes “akdhksah” whenever it sees and when you get kicked back here it’s like “holy baby Jesus” LMAO. I wonder why I’m dying? I mean my sense of self keeps slipping then coming back but more pure and free. True freedom. True awareness. Truth, “understanding” on this plane of reality. the contextualization of all that is. so much is flowing through me that I can’t even type any of it. Too profound, too “much” lol. Nothing can ever be too much. *swoosh* off goes my mind. Off goes my self. Off goes my body. Off goes my heart. Pure positive truth and awareness of direct experience is what is left. Good day all. ?
  22. This one was amazing. On worldly pleasures, transcendence of suffering and attaining bliss while still in the body.
  23. @Spiral Wizard The reason we like positive emotion is because it dissolves the dualistic mind. When we have an orgasm our ego melts into the pleasure, when we see something beautiful our wittness melts into the wittnessed. Enlightenment = perfect non-duality = perfect happiness. Before I had my first enlightenment experience I had let go of almost everything and I was very blissful. Then I realized that what I authentically really want is being, pure being. So I let go of even the bliss and the attachment to positive emotion. Then I had the enlightenment experience. It was utter perfect happiness. Also you will reincarnate as all other creatures in the universe so better care about their wellbeing too. But then living selflessly is the pinicale of happiness so your wellbeing and the wellbeing of others synergize. Insofar as truth is non-duality it is what you want. However @Leo Gura prioritizing truth over happiness is oxymoronic.
  24. @Fkdel @Fkdel Has the meditation worked for you? I want to refine the technique would love input. I should also mention that if you want to go deeper into the manipura chakra and this kind of energy I recommend the book The Bliss of Inner Fire.
  25. About a month ago while meditating I came to a space of peace, comfort, and bliss. The image of Mother Mary came to me. I realized the light/love shining from her was the love I was feeling at that moment, that it was the same love she had for Jesus and that my mother had for me. I saw that Love is timeless, Love is always Love. I like to remain open-minded on the miracles but I'm sure some of these stories have been exaggerated, such as the time Jesus stepped through a puddle and someone shouted 'OMG he walked on water! '