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  1. There comes a point in your evolution where you must throw away all so called authority futures. You must kill the Buddha to become the Buddha. I cannot speak to anyone's experience but my own. I don't really contradict Ball or Tolle. We agree more than we disagree. We all fundamentally agree on nonduality being the Truth. The rest is minutia. Again, I have never said that your desire to commit "immoral" actions will increase. I simply said that no matter what action you take, you will love yourself if you are fully conscious. This is total liberation: you are free to do whatever you want and still love yourself. This does not mean you will become a serial killer. This is so obvious I shouldn't even have to qualify it.
  2. @Leo Gura There is a huge contradiction to how you and Martin W Ball use 5-MEO DMT: (What he is describing is a lot of what you are doing here. It is also one of the reasons why you prefer to plugging it, instead of vaping it. Not saying that you are wrong or that he is right, but it is important to note this, because he used 5-MEO and you do consider him to be liberated.) Taken from Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling The Enigma of Nonduality with 5-mEO-DMT Energetic Therapy
  3. So I never slept much last night but despite that I am feeling back to normal this morning. Could anyone please shed some light on what happened? I think it was a mystical shift of some sort from the world of multiple perspectives to nonduality. Kind of like the mind probe that is me merged back into the one self but only partially.
  4. Sin means to miss the mark: "The English Biblical terms translated as "sin" or "syn" from the Biblical Greek and Jewish terms sometimes originate from words in the latter languages denoting the act or state of missing the mark; the original sense of New Testament Greek ἁμαρτία hamartia "sin", is failure, being in error, missing the mark, especially in spear throwing;[3] Hebrew hata "sin" originates in archery and literally refers to missing the "gold" at the centre of a target, but hitting the target, i.e. error.[4] "To sin" has been defined from a Greek concordance as "to miss the mark".[5]" - The missing of the mark in the sense of sin is to miss nonduality! It's the "fall of humanity", the development of the separate ego, necessary for us to develop individual personalities out of the simple state of oneness in "the garden of Eden". So the ego is an artificial veil hiding "the kingdom of God", which is within us (Luke 17). Notice, the kingdom of God IS already within us, the Bible says. It's just that the fallen veil of separation - us being "born into sin" - hides the kingdom of God, so there needs to be an apocalypse when the ego has served its purpose and we have become developed enough. Apocalypse means unveiling, meaning removing the ego, both individually and collectively, and thereby revealing the kingdom of God. ""Apocalypse" (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling".[1]" - When we cling onto the separate ego we will lose our life, and when we lose our ego we will find our nondual life: "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 10:39
  5. Some of my trips even go beyond 60 mins. Sometimes 1h20m. It's beyond good. It's the only way to seriously do this work. You want as much time as possible to bask and contemplate in that glorious nonduality. And it's important to keep your eyes open. - - - - - - It would be awesome if we were able to find a way of extending the trip duration even more. Perhaps some supplement combo could do it. But you have to be extremely careful testing out combos. The wrong combo could be lethal. For example taking 5-MeO-DMT with MAOI is extremely dangerous and should never be done.
  6. There is quote from the Tao Te Ching: "Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know." - Lao Tzu That's nonduality! Because in nonduality there is no actual separate person, hence nobody saying it even when they say it, haha.
  7. Well of course I do such "science" myself by testing on myself. You cannot understand 5-MeO by doing it on guinea pigs. You must become your own guinea pig. Of course there is value to studying the chemistry of it. But science cannot be used to explain nonduality. I have explained this many times in the past. You can have truth without proof, but you cannot have proof without truth. The domain of truth is much larger than the domain of proof. There are many things which are true which cannot ever be proven with evidence. Because all evidence is indirect. You are imagining lack of awareness. Right now you are aware, imagining that you will one day lose awareness. That is imagination. You are confusing your thoughts of the future for reality. You're not aware that all future is conceptual and happening right now (as an image). The future is an image in the present. That's what future IS!
  8. @tsuki Not being someone who has read Thomas nearly as much as the "canonical" scripture, I don't have any outside interpretation of this. I'll share my initial thought on this. A lot of Jesus' parables where he said "whoever has ears to hear should hear" are either extremely important or extremely simple truths. I'm curious about the context of this parable, but my guess is that it doesn't have much context. I think the interpretation might be along these lines: Casting your net into the sea will net you a lot of things. These things might be ideas, objects, luxuries, friends, or really anything that could be measured along good to best. The beauty of a parable like this is how widely it can be interpreted. For example, you could apply this to dating or stocks or ideals surrounding nonduality. The fisherman found a lot of options in his net. Most of these options are valuable, but not very valuable. They are little fish. Back then, a fisherman could still sell these little fish, but it would probably be a hassle to do so, and the profit would be minimal. Fisherman also tend to have limited space on their boats, and if they fill it full of little fish, they won't have room for bigger ones. The fisherman chose the largest fish and kept it, while releasing the others. He chose the best option after examining what he had. In dating, this is choosing your spouse from the options available. In stocks, it's carefully perusing your options and picking the best one. In idealism, it's looking at all the various options and throwing away the parts that are confusing or dangerous to your mindset while keeping the best ones. But in a lot of things, choosing one option means throwing away the others. In dating, if you choose the big fish, you don't want to be sampling the other fish on the side. You want to go all in on your choice. The fisherman decided it would either be too much of a hassle to deal with the extra fish, or perhaps that he wouldn't have room for more and better catches if he was greedy and kept the little fish to himself. Maybe he realized that it was better to put the fish back and let them grow so more opportunities would arise later. In stocks, you have a limited amount of income to spend, so you can't put money in all of the options out there. You need to pick and choose the best ones and throw away the others. Sometimes those opportunities will be better later, so it might be a good idea to let them mature for a while and re-examine later. This is a really interesting parable (as most of Jesus' parables tend to be) that can be interpreted in a large number of ways. I think the simplest interpretation might just be "choose the best option for you and throw away the rest." Edit: I looked it up to see if I could find context, but alas, Thomas is literally a book of parables with almost no context on all of them. I did find an alternate interpretation that might be useful as well (says the same thing but in different words):
  9. @DrewNows Having never taken any sort of psychedelic (and having no desire to), my personal belief is that you will see what you want to see. Not your surface thoughts, but those deeper down. It probably takes ahold of what you want and makes it more visual. So a person who is more receptive to enlightenment might see things that make them believe they are experiencing enlightenment, but all of that was already within them. They're simply shortcutting and avoiding the difficult part of figuring it out themselves. Similarly, a person in a dark state of mind may see some very dark things they don't wish on anyone. I've seen research suggesting psychedelics can be useful for addiction and other issues, but I would prefer that mind-altering drugs remain illegal for the average person. If it's licensed through a physician, that's a completely different thing altogether. @Bill W Don't worry about diluting my journal. It's all our stuff. Also, I rarely use it anyways, so if something is helpful for you to say, I want you to feel open. I think it's important to realize what is helpful to you and what isn't. Nonduality helps people in a lot of ways, but perhaps it's not something you need to focus on right now. In my opinion, a lot of it is rhetorical anyways (and intentionally doesn't make sense so you're forced to think about it more). The short version is that God is a part of everyone. This gets further shortened down to "I am God." This later gets translated to "Since I am God and you are God, I am you." Another way of looking at it is that you and I both share a lot of things in common. There's a mirror whenever we look at someone that shows us ourselves. That's basically the simple version of it where I am right now. I don't really feel like I am all that is God, but rather that God exists within me and within everyone, even the most evil person. I have much in common with so many people that it is often better to treat them like myself. This helps me be less frustrated with others for exhibiting the same flaws I have. Definitely see this in a lot of people. I know some people get all mixed up when viewing nonduality. They lose all sense of ethos, morality, ego, other, responsibility, and a whole bunch of other things... but not in a positive all-encompassing way. More like in an actual loss. If A = B and B = C, therefore A = C and the consequences of B no longer exist. It can get very dangerous if a person is unable to remain grounded.
  10. Nonduality is a spectrum until it is not. However, when it is, it's difficult to tell up from down.
  11. @DrewNows Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Nonduality helps us realize that you and I are the same. We go through the same problems. My problems are your problems and vice versa. Helping me is the same as helping you etc.
  12. @Preetom I'm sorry, I don't follow. The purpose of existence is for it just to be? I wouldn't even call that a purpose. A purpose implies going from point A to point B (duality). But what you're saying is that point A is point B (nonduality) and that's not purpose, that's just how it is.
  13. @Mikael89 You don't believe in nonduality? You believe that there is truth and untruth? Are you still fighting for peace?
  14. It's convenient to say things like that when you are not suffering. I'd say it's a good explanation, but not complete or accurate. I mean nonduality in general. Not the OP per se.
  15. I would do that but there are no electric campers available yet. I'm feeling totally demotivated because of all this nonduality stuff and I just want to get rid of everything and rest. I've got a mushroom trip planned and that might reset my outlook on life.
  16. The understanding of reincarnation, or even of carnation, is in actuality itself you. The understanding is no more a product of an understander, than consciousness a product of a brain. There is not that which understands, and that which is understood. There is not one which incarnates, and reincarnates - there is nonduality, actuality, and it is only you. The inescapable fact, is the catalyst of the very thought “reincarnation”. It is Self evident. The conceptualized self survives via self reference , past reference, and future reference. The gospel Is, and there are none of these. Concept survives only in the mind of man, while man is, in actuality, only Mind. Who can it be said to “I reincarnate”? Who says this? Often the first step away is “soul”, the second “reincarnation”, an odd blasphemy of Understanding. A reservation for the understander, a table for one, at which no one is ever sitting. A thought about self, is itself, the self - not, in actuality, some thing, about some self. ALL is Well, so too are you, the misunderstanding, so too are you, every thought.
  17. @Shadowraix Piecing together insights can be tricky, especially from squirrely substances like mushrooms. The insights can be hard to make sense of. It helps very much to have a solid theoretical foundation in nonduality and spirituality beforehand. Which means reading lots of books and developing a theoretical framework. That helps me a lot. So when I trip and I see some new insight I can say, "Oh, hey, that's what that Zen master was talking about!" or, "Hey! That's what that yogi was talking about!" If you come into psychedelics with zero study, you will be so lost. You won't be able to make sense of it. Watching my videos should help a lot with this. People who trip need to watch my videos.
  18. @Leo Gura The thing about this is that you only realise what you can't handle or accept when it's literally staring you in the face halfway through a trip. I did "unlock" the nonduality consciousness by going high dose LSD, though it was a very rough experience and overall it surely could have been easier with patience and low doses. Got too caught up sprinting to the end goal, and peeked beyond what I was ready to see. The ego will always think it can handle it (particularly if it's arrogant, and spiritual). Resists being an important keyword, definitely, agree here. The deepest love always lies behind the surrender to the deepest fears. Of course, no surrender (as you struggle and resit), and hell ensues.
  19. Just experienced something similar. It caught me so off guard because it was a small amount of weed. I decided to contemplate 'Who am I?' to get the juices flowing and just went down the rabbit hole again. Saw that real 'not knowing' again, where I literally realised all the "distinctions" I was making up I was in fact just making up. This was fine until I started thinking about the infinite nature of consciousness and trying to conceptualise what a new dimension like space and time, what could be next and I literally created another dimension/sense with my thoughts and got trapped in it. The best way I can describe it is: "Symmetrical rippling frog hand vibrations which fell backward in connection to the next thought/action". Like how you feel smell/smight/sound are connected or associated in some way this new thing was connected to all those, this trippy shit started happening (I think I can see why martin ball was doing those movements now). I was stuck here and it wasn't slowing down, meanwhile I begun throwing up harder than I ever had before, dry retching on an 100% empty stomach (3 separate times). I've experienced pure 5-MeO before and nonduality with LSD many times and whilst this was a semi non-dual state (like partway) I realised and experienced a new dimension of infinity, it came from nowhere. I handled it suprising well, and prayed for ego to take me back to normal consciousness (it's so good, appreciate it). I engaged in the most "unconscious" behaviour specifically to try and accelerate the backlash . Hell can be a real experience, it's what you might call a bad trip. There will always be them, the good trip and bad trip are just different directions of the loop. Have experienced similar things before, but the vomitting made it way more intense. Weed has never given me a particularly good experience, it's almost too intense for me. But Leo is spot on, the spiritual path really is about accepting the "horrible" shit you don't want to accept. There does seem to be value in spiritualising your ego, if you really do that it turns out that nothing throws you off the path when you come back to it Consciousness is so fucking trippy it's unreal. P.S Sorry to hijack the thread, just felt a need to write this down somewhere and then this thread came up
  20. Is it possible to integrate an individual self with what some nonduality teachers say that there is no self. Yes! Think of the individual self as a unique point within the totality of reality. That point is nothing in itself yet it is a self through which reality manifests. And it fits with the nonduality claim that there is no doer, since a point cannot do anything. Yet, another equally valid perspective is that the individual is the whole of reality and its creative process localized at the unique point of the self. And yet another perspective which I think is valid is that the unique point is also the person's eternal soul. Point here is used in the mathematical sense: "A precise location or place on a plane. Usually represented by a dot."
  21. @Chi_ The memory of such experiences can make your sober state much more aware. With every experience comes learning. One would not even begin to grasp how profound nonduality is without a nondual experience. Experience is much more impactful than theory.
  22. Another realization I got, which is an obvious one, but I hadn't thought of it in the bigger picture before, is that our individual egos are a result of the collective ego of the society we live in. And then I started wondering how the heck we would be able to evolve out of that trap. But then I heard Roger Castillo mentioning that the ego will automatically start to be removed from people when we become aware and learn the new conditioning he is talking about. Roger is a "disciple" of Ramesh Balsekar, who was a very hardcore nonduality teacher, so the new conditioning might appear somewhat nihilistic at first, but seen from an evolutionary perspective it becomes a full picture for me. The new conditioning is the realization that nobody is a doer in the ultimate sense. So that's what will happen! If that's the truth, and I think it is the truth, then more and more people, including myself, will automatically become reconditioned.
  23. This is a great short book/poem about pure nonduality. Written by the Third Chinese Chán (Zen) Patriarch Jianzhi Sengcan. I recommend it highly for contemplation, for giving up the illusions you are stuck in. You can find it here.
  24. The founder of Israel and it's first prime minister was a Spiral Dynamic stage yellow thinker. I live in Israel and just recently finished personal biography research of this incredible man. As a student of spiral dynamic, I immediately noticed how developed he was on the spiral- especially by the end of his life... Here are some amazing facts about him: - Spoke 11 different languages (including ancient Greek in order to study philosophy from the source!) - He had a collection of over 27,000 books in his 2 houses! In his house in Tel Aviv, the entire second floor is a privet library with a bedroom! The library contains 22,000 books from all over the world! the diversity of the books is shocking: Greek and Roman philosophy in the original languages, History books of dozens of countries (including USA, UK, India, China, and many other countries in Africa, South America and Asia which he all studied), Books about all religions, Spirituality, Nonduality, meditation, yoga, psychology, brain science, astronomy, biology, medic, physic and much more... So how can you read so much as a prime minister? During the nights... - You can actually go to his house in Tel Aviv (today it's a museum) and witness the books and even read from them inside the museum (on his will he asked to give people read from the books in the future so the museum allows it for free) - His houses were very simple and modest and he valued the simple kind of lifestyle (look at the pictures) - After living in Tel Aviv for a few decades and after he declared the state of Israel and was the first prime minister, he went to live in the middle of the desert in a small "Kibuts" (a form of collective community settlement in Israel), growing his own food, having chickens and a cow in his house, reading and writing, doing yoga and meditating. - He traveled to Burma and India doing meditation retreats and practicing yoga. During his journey, he met with monks and enlightenment masters. - One of the most famous pictures of him is the "head standing" on the beach of Tel Aviv, Today there is a statue of him doing it (look at the pictures) - One of his best friends was Albert Einstein, they shared many ideas and Ben Gurion even asked Einstein to be the president of Israel! (In Israel, the president is mainly representative, and the prime minister is the one who actually runs the country). By the way, Einstein said no... - By the end of his life, he gave a British reporter an interview in English in his house in the desert (6 hours long) which turned into a 2 hours movie called "Epilog"- only when you hear him talk you can really understand what I'm talking about. Some quotes: "God? it's not the one in the bible, it's everywhere" "I don't believe in just a physical world there is much more magic than that in here" "Through yoga, man learns to control his body better - in his internal and external organs and in this way in his spirit as well" Ben Gurion was not enlightenment and during most of his life, he dealt with political issues and his main vision was to establish a state. In addition, he definitely had some spiral dynamic stage orange and green ideology, but he was also a true seeker who realized the fact that there is more to this reality than black and white thinking, especially by the end of his life just like Einstein and Maslow were. This post is just an introduction for you, If you want to know the full story go read his biography (the best one is of Michael Bar Zohar). In addition, watch the movie "Epilog".