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  1. My favorite TV show with a heavy self-actualization theme is "Breaking Bad." "Breaking Bad" is entirely focused on Walter's huge paradigm shift from chemistry teacher to ruthless drug kingpin and his transformation is deeply fascinating.
  2. Name: Lars Age: 25 Gender: Male Location: Cheltenham, UK Occupation: software tester (finding a life purpose is a major area of focus for me at the moment) Marital status: dating Kids: 5 year old daughter Hobbies: music, art, writing, reading, meditation, yoga, personal development, philosophy I’ve dabbled in personal development for many years but have only started taking it seriously after stumbling across Leo’s channel 8 months ago when looking for ways to improve my meditation. The last 5 years have been quite a process of transformation for me, following an early fatherhood and a very tough couple of subsequent years. I’ve gone from what us brits call a ‘wasteman’, primarily concerned with getting fucked up and lackadaisically tinkering with music to someone concerned with living life passionately, deeply and with purpose. I’m tremendously excited to have embarked on the path of self-actualisation - I feel like the kid Leo talks about in ‘vision for a self-actualised life’, buzzed up on the discovery that an amazing life can be engineered Big up yourselves people, it's all about this community - you guys rock! Personal challenges I’ve overcome: - Overseas fatherhood/ legal battle for custody/ toxic relationship, etc - Quit smoking - Gone vegan - Excessive partying - Built several habits: exercise, yoga, visualisations/ affirmations, italian practice, GTD weekly review, journalling - Fixed a paralysing lack of energy that was really getting in the way of my goals and happiness What I’m working on now: - finding a life purpose/ building a vision of my future - mindfulness/ ‘beginner’s mind’/ getting control over my perspective - social skills - self esteem - improving my balance of theory/ action (I’m guilty of procrastinating via overthinking!)