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  1. @Shadowraix Not sure I follow / understand you. Can you elaborate on how remembering an experience helps grasp nonduality?
  2. The enlightened nonduality warlord Dang he should have born 1500 years ago in Arab ?
  3. In addition to lukewarm Christianity I have found many other spiritual teachings, such as nonduality, to be lukewarm in the sense that they are still trapped in a global ego view with all its limitations. Interestingly I have found the really "big" teachers such as Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru sometimes hinting at a larger reality. They have to keep their teachings very much within the global ego since that's their main and huge audience. On the other hand we have New Age teachings with all kinds of fantastic claims. Some of the claims are probably true but there is a lot of woo woo information too. And at the same time mainstream science has to keep their theories consistent with their past findings, and that's a good thing, but it's also very limiting and a slow process. And then there are people like Ken Wilber who have a lot of good ideas about the bigger picture but still are too trapped in the global ego. What I predict will happen in the coming years is that we will see an integration of all those kinds of teachings and an actual emergence of higher realities.
  4. Oh but according to Leo we’re not allowed to have nonduality wars...are we? Leo said it...
  5. There is no one in the nonduality realm..get it right.
  6. Oh My god I'm probably going to be accused of starting a nonduality war now...where is the oh peace and love...there’s just no hope for this self expression..sigh...
  7. I get nothing out of Leo that is not my own knowing reflected back at me. the opposite is also true not false it’s wrong to assume otherwise when preaching nonduality to the masses it’s not wisdom to give half baked ideas...that’s not’s confusion
  8. How is the animal mind able to compute universal consciousness? If you say that the human ego has evaporated, then judging by the brain processess occurring during a breakthrough experience of universal consciousness then the brain is obviously still activated. Now the brain is an apparatus which constitutes animal consciousness which is why it has evolved in such a way to help process the phenomenological field and develop specific faculties, to promote its survival. So how the fuck is it able to deal with universal consciousness without exploding or at least taking some damage? Judging by the law of nonduality where all distinctions collapse, is human consciousness actually just a subset of universal consciousness. Is human consciouses only realized into universal consciousness by the transcendence of being human. Or is it that the egoic ownership of one's consciousness dissolves in such a way that it is able to free float and permeate through an infinite field of exploration resulting in universal consciousness.
  9. Of course, this is a key issue which so many people get wrong. Most people are unconsciously acting out either an individualist dogma or a collectivist dogma without realizing that these are two mutually-interdependent forces which must be carefully balanced. See video: Aztec Nonduality, where I discuss the central importance of balance. A big part of conscious politics is recognizing that delicate balances must be struck between capitalism & socialism, individualism vs collectivism, freedom & limitation, and status quo & progress. None of these can be taken as absolute goods. Any philosophy or ideology which takes an absolutist position on any one of these is misguided, Tier 1, and will ultimately fail. Yin and yang must be balanced. But not necessarily down the middle. Balance is a complex and dynamic process, not the mid-point between any two positions. LOL, that was such a great episode!
  10. Much of nonduality teaching is through negation. "In logic, negation, also called the logical complement, is an operation that takes a proposition P to another proposition "not P"" - Even the very word non-duality means not two, implying oneness but actually zero is also not two and three is also not two, so intellectually it becomes confusing. There is also the problem of the subconscious mind having trouble with dealing with negations, such as: "try not to think about a pink elephant". And in a more general sense it becomes even trickier: what is not chocolate? That's vanilla, one might think, but strawberry is also not chocolate, and an iPhone is not chocolate and so on. My practice on the other hand is free from negation. It states what is, instead of stating what is not. That's much easier for the mind to deal with. The practice can be summed up as contemplating the hypothesis: Both past and future are changeless.
  11. No, you are just making unwarranted assumptions here ...I wasn't raised studying Advaita Vendanta at all...I just happened to mention it because it relates to my own awakening I had long before I even knew what it meant....AV means the end of knowledge, the end of a sense of I exist as a separate person. Ironically it's a knowledge that takes you to your true-self which is the end of your assumed ownership of any knowledge into the natural non-knowing knowing state that is everyone and no one... VA literature is pointing you back to your original source, aka the unborn's the entrance into Nonduality...the Non-dual Self. I was raised in the material paradigm too. Knowledge of yourself is a relative aspect of the Absolute Not-Knowing Knower...,but this material world made no difference to me, it didn't make it any harder for me personally as I've already explained to Leo. Awakenings can happen to anyone at anytime if that's what life evolves in that person to happen, and it will happen only when it's meant to happen and not one second before...A person seeking enlightenment can seek and seek and seek for the rest of their lives until they are on their deathbead, and still never get it...but if it's meant to happen, it surely will, so it's not something that can be forced, it ususally comes univited.. well it did for me around the age of 7 .. Material and non-material reality are identical...because there is no such reality as a non-material -material world..they exist as one in the exact same moment now ....HERE there is not-knowing(aka non-material) known (aka material reality).....HERE Knower and Known are always one in the same instant, else how is anything known at all....So after enlightment chop wood carry water...carry on with ordinary living, no further inquiry is nescessary, because the realisation that there is no one to become enlightened and that enlightment is your natural state has dawned on you. There is nothing deeper to find because all dimensions and everything and every conceivable world of every permutation and every conscious state that could possibly be imagined are all existing simultaneously right now anyway...there is nothing outside of the consciousness arena because it's infinite and boundless. All Leo does is what a lot of nonduality speakers do ..and that is they just repeat what has been said thousands and thousands of times before by other awakened people over eons, it's all the same rehashed message made to sound's bascially just about listening to your own echo that bellows as and through your sensory listening organs for all eternity...just like all sensations, and emotions and feelings...listening to the sound of words with meaning is just another sensation no one is experiencing...aka YOU...IT'S ALL YOU AKA GOD It's as deep as it is shallow. But the one thing you cannot know on the relative human level is the Absolute because you already are the ABSOLUTE On the human level you can only know what you have personally experienced directly, you cannot know what you don't know. You can become aware of what you didn't know and then know it now...but you can never know the Absolute. For what is not-known will eventually become known, but what is unknowable can never be known.
  12. Some hardcore nonduality people might find my following Christ/Jehova/Allah/Krishna/Buddha/Evolution practice to be duality. And there is truth to that, so what can be done is to see both one's personal volition and the following of the whole movement of life as one process. That's oneness! And nonduality.
  13. That's all you have to remember here now that in your next incarnation you will not remember anything of your old stale life and that your new life will be all fresh and waiting for you to discover and fulfill your natural curiosity. In the life you have now..what you don't know cannot hurt you. Knowledge is the suffering, it's knowing you exist...because when you don't exist, there is no suffering. Human Babies and animals don't suffer because they have no knowledge of themselves existing, they are existence but they have no sense of self to whom suffering arises. It is only when knowledge is born does the poison that is knowledge enter the ignorance and innocence of existence being. You can have the bliss of ignorance and innocence now while in life, you don't have to wait until you die to end suffering. The end of knowledge is the end of suffering. Advaita Vedanta is the end of knowledge. And that's all suffering is, but ultimately there is no you that ever suffered, the real you has never takes a shift in conscious thinking to see that. As for Nonduality.. it is not for the faint of heart, it can make you feel lost, disassociated with life and other people, suicidal, and depressed, because it blows away the very foundation of your very existence the way you believed it to be, it's not for everyone. The brave will have the courage to jump into the abyss and embrace it with both arms, but for others, that thought will be terrifying, while it's a blessed relief for some ... if it's causing the feeling of hopelessness and despair, best leave it well alone and get back to ordinary living...and to remember you live only once as your unique never to be repeated character, so it's like what are you going to do with that one chance you have to dance your unique dance in this incarnation? it's your call. Make it miserable or's your conscious choice in every moment.
  14. Leo also said he doesn't want to preach to a choir of freaks and nondual assholes, and yet he is quite happy to do you see the weird irony in that ? that he is only talking to himself. Also, do you think preaching to the non - nondualists about nonduality are going to understand a single word he is saying when he practically is speaking from an Absolute context? ...and then he has the audacity to call the nondualists on his forum snobby assholes when they put their two pence worth in. Seems like a very confused mind-set to me.
  15. Do you not see the shit that comes out of the mouth of the knowledgeable one...Leo is preaching nonduality in a dualist context, the only context available, and I'm assuming he does this because he wants others to see and know to ''get'' this shit too.... but then gets all high and mighty when someone gets it the question is, now that we ''get it'' does that make us a nondual snob? Leo is two faced, he comes across as an amazing speaker on his videos, but on the forum, he's sloppy...just sayin...imho There's no such thing as an invalid criticism ...that's like saying oh I didn't mean to spill the milk, lets just put it all back in the bottle again and that'll make it better...well it too late for that.
  16. Many forum members are native English speakers and, as you suggest, could probably clean up some of their grammar so their posts are more easily understood. Yet for many forum members, English is their second or third language. We have a globally diverse community here. Learning proper grammar in a second/third language can be really challenging. I'm at an intermediate level of Spanish and my grammar is no where near optimal - I make a lot of errors. I'm very grateful for the patience and understanding that native Spanish-speakers have had with me. And I can't even imagine trying to communicate self-actualization and nonduality in a second/third language. I have a lot of admiration for those that do.
  17. I came into this world KNOWING I was both the Devil and God. Other people have confused me all my life. tsuki calls me a repressed saint and Leo calls me the Devil. Why do I create other people? Why is confusion better than being alone? I think the only kind of people who pursue nonduality are the type that HATE surprise parties. Then you get rewarded with the realization that life is just ONE BIG SURPRISE PARTY THAT YOU'RE THROWING FOR YOURSELF. At least there's cake.
  18. There comes a point in your evolution where you must throw away all so called authority futures. You must kill the Buddha to become the Buddha. I cannot speak to anyone's experience but my own. I don't really contradict Ball or Tolle. We agree more than we disagree. We all fundamentally agree on nonduality being the Truth. The rest is minutia. Again, I have never said that your desire to commit "immoral" actions will increase. I simply said that no matter what action you take, you will love yourself if you are fully conscious. This is total liberation: you are free to do whatever you want and still love yourself. This does not mean you will become a serial killer. This is so obvious I shouldn't even have to qualify it.
  19. @Leo Gura There is a huge contradiction to how you and Martin W Ball use 5-MEO DMT: (What he is describing is a lot of what you are doing here. It is also one of the reasons why you prefer to plugging it, instead of vaping it. Not saying that you are wrong or that he is right, but it is important to note this, because he used 5-MEO and you do consider him to be liberated.) Taken from Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling The Enigma of Nonduality with 5-mEO-DMT Energetic Therapy
  20. So I never slept much last night but despite that I am feeling back to normal this morning. Could anyone please shed some light on what happened? I think it was a mystical shift of some sort from the world of multiple perspectives to nonduality. Kind of like the mind probe that is me merged back into the one self but only partially.
  21. Sin means to miss the mark: "The English Biblical terms translated as "sin" or "syn" from the Biblical Greek and Jewish terms sometimes originate from words in the latter languages denoting the act or state of missing the mark; the original sense of New Testament Greek ἁμαρτία hamartia "sin", is failure, being in error, missing the mark, especially in spear throwing;[3] Hebrew hata "sin" originates in archery and literally refers to missing the "gold" at the centre of a target, but hitting the target, i.e. error.[4] "To sin" has been defined from a Greek concordance as "to miss the mark".[5]" - The missing of the mark in the sense of sin is to miss nonduality! It's the "fall of humanity", the development of the separate ego, necessary for us to develop individual personalities out of the simple state of oneness in "the garden of Eden". So the ego is an artificial veil hiding "the kingdom of God", which is within us (Luke 17). Notice, the kingdom of God IS already within us, the Bible says. It's just that the fallen veil of separation - us being "born into sin" - hides the kingdom of God, so there needs to be an apocalypse when the ego has served its purpose and we have become developed enough. Apocalypse means unveiling, meaning removing the ego, both individually and collectively, and thereby revealing the kingdom of God. ""Apocalypse" (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling".[1]" - When we cling onto the separate ego we will lose our life, and when we lose our ego we will find our nondual life: "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 10:39
  22. Some of my trips even go beyond 60 mins. Sometimes 1h20m. It's beyond good. It's the only way to seriously do this work. You want as much time as possible to bask and contemplate in that glorious nonduality. And it's important to keep your eyes open. - - - - - - It would be awesome if we were able to find a way of extending the trip duration even more. Perhaps some supplement combo could do it. But you have to be extremely careful testing out combos. The wrong combo could be lethal. For example taking 5-MeO-DMT with MAOI is extremely dangerous and should never be done.
  23. There is quote from the Tao Te Ching: "Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know." - Lao Tzu That's nonduality! Because in nonduality there is no actual separate person, hence nobody saying it even when they say it, haha.
  24. Well of course I do such "science" myself by testing on myself. You cannot understand 5-MeO by doing it on guinea pigs. You must become your own guinea pig. Of course there is value to studying the chemistry of it. But science cannot be used to explain nonduality. I have explained this many times in the past. You can have truth without proof, but you cannot have proof without truth. The domain of truth is much larger than the domain of proof. There are many things which are true which cannot ever be proven with evidence. Because all evidence is indirect. You are imagining lack of awareness. Right now you are aware, imagining that you will one day lose awareness. That is imagination. You are confusing your thoughts of the future for reality. You're not aware that all future is conceptual and happening right now (as an image). The future is an image in the present. That's what future IS!