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  1. @kag101 I want to elaborate on few things you seem to be missing: As far as that Benthino guy: You have to separate realization from embodiment and also ego development. It’s very common for people who have genuine deep enlightenments of which the realization “sticks” to actually get “worse” as a person because they deepen repressed unconscious shadow material. He seems to be a guy that seems to have genuine experiential understanding of enlightenment, yet very partial. Realizing Love is very different than embodying Love. Which leads me to the next point... I personally very much understand the side of being frustrated by people who talk a big Nonduality game (including myself) yet, not only don’t walk their talk, but haven’t even genuinely experienced what they’re talking about to begin with. So when people talk about how everything is all Love, and it is, yet they themselves haven’t realized in their direct experienced as a result of their own deliberate practice, it is hypocritical. So of course, I imagine that’s what you’re probsbly calling out (which I tend to have a bit of a reputation for on the forum here). Having said that though... the truth of the matter is that in the end is that everything that ever occurs ever happens because of God’s Love. However Love as we’re talking about here is not a human emotional love so that Love which is unconditional does not discriminate as to what we as egos would normally make distinctions of what is and is not Love, since the “love” that we in ego consciousness are unknowingly referring to is a form of love that is under the filter of survival. So what I’m saying is that you can become conscious that for example that the holocaust occurred because of God’s Love. Not only that, you can also become conscious that you caused that. Why? Because you Love. Because Creation. Now, obviously that’s a very radical realization but nonetheless it is the case. Bringing that into one’s own life and going around with that realization as an ever present conscious experience is a totally other matter.
  2. I see where you’re coming from, and I apologize. I meant that in the sense, sometimes it’s more simple than our conversations suggest. Sometimes in addressing the sensations one is experiencing rather than the thought content of dogma, nonduality, religion, etc, etc, the polarity is known in the self if you will, and then the Self begins to become known, and the Will becomes known. Again though, sorry. I am probably the biggest thread hijacker in the community and I can be more mindful of that. ?? Simpler said, rather than “what are you thinking? ”...perhaps “what are you going through?” Helps.
  3. I've just been going with the flow. In the past year my six year old son started asking questions about magic, if it's real or not, about dragons, and lots of questions about God and what God can or can't do. He's a bit behind developmentally because he has mild autism. I try to explain infinity and nonduality as best as I can. The other tricky thing is that I know that most of his friends and teachers are going to have a very dualistic idea of God. So far we haven't had any funny situations come up. The most important thing to me is to teach them to love other people and be kind, and I let them be who they are within reason. Raising them when they are babies and toddlers is extremely difficult because it's so intuitive and what's required from you isn't great theory like Leo's video which is for parenting older kids. What's required is your presence. Just being ok during the tantrums and not losing your cool too can be incredibly difficult and exhausting. We have kids because we think we will be great parents, but in reality you feel like you're winging it and just getting by, and we all will mess up our kids somehow no matter how enlightened you are. It's a humbling and beautiful experience.
  4. I would love it if there was another mom with kids who has gone deep with nonduality. Balancing both has been and is quite a feat. I'm wondering if I should check our Teal Swan's forum, are there more women there? One reason why I don't talk about the more feminine aspects of my life and spiritual practices here is just because I don't think most people will appreciate it... just because most people here are male. I really appreciate the male perspective, and I have a hard time committing to difficult practices so that's partly why I'm here I guess. I try to give my perspective when it seems appropriate but I also feel strange and uncomfortable about talking about feminine subjects on a forum of mostly men.
  5. Awesome progress. I would call this Law of Attraction, rather than nonduality.
  6. So I was that excellent A grader back in primary and secondary school. I was polite, I was nice and I had poor social skills. And I had this complex that my head is too big. I mean it was huge but nothing to be shy about. But back then it was a real deal. And everyone was laughing at me. They called me the TV-guy, Square-guy, Huge-Head and so on. In high school this complex gone away as I healed myself a little bit. But it was still a present to certain extent and some people still made laugh at me. And the moment it stopped bothering me, people stopped making laugh of me. That's such an example of nonduality it shocks and terrifies me. Wow. It was all in me. My head haven't suddenly shrink. It was the same for years, since secondary school. Crazy. Do you have some other proofs?
  7. Suffering creates walls to protect one's self. I would imagine someone who never experienced suffering would have no walls and be the purest form of love. You ever notice how much love children are before the world consumes them? And empathy is understanding another person. Which is a dualistic paradigm. A Nonduality child could operate from 'self love'. As every person is them, they would only be loving themselves. To hurt someone else, is to hurt yourself, so why do that. Greed, selfishness, stealing, cheating, violence, angry, envy, jealousy, vindictiveness, bullying, are all based in a dualistic view of the world. Everyone is against you, so you're against everyone. But a child that is truly one with everything, would be nothing but love no matter the circumstances. And yes, I would teach them this from the beginning. Why have to deprogram them later. Children absorb what is around them. No child is born with hate, it is taught. So this begins with the parents. They have to be Nondual, for the child to pick up on it from the earliest of age. To try and teach these teaching, without the parents being there, then yes it would probably just come off as a belief system. The child could think "well, why should I do this if Daddy is angry all the time, so it obviously doesn't work for him. So why should I believe it would work for me?".
  8. compare the video intro words in 2014 vs 2019, interesting how leo added "epistemology", "nonduality" in the video intro and more quotes are from him than authority figures
  9. Space vs not space is a dualism. My initial impression of the this thread you started was that you were genuine and open regarding your question into nonduality. Yet it appears you are oriented toward arguing and defending a pre-conceived set of beliefs.
  10. Sometimes it’s not about nonduality, religion, truth, dogma or even liberation. Sometimes it’s straightforward loss & suffering, and just saying “I don’t want to be alone, Jesus is with me, God watches over me”.
  11. @Soul-lover 2020 Recognied by who exactly? Do you submit to another authority in addition to God? Gnostic teachings are the ones that haven't been bastardized. Even so there is a lot on nonduality in the new testament. I'm surprised the gospel of John even made it in.
  12. Absolutely, my first time it was. Had no concept/belief/faith of nonduality, God, at the time as I considered myself an atheist. It completely ripped me into infinite pieces, scattered in infinite direction and distance. What had just been witnessed is the most terrifying thing any living thing could have experienced. Proceeded to do ayahuasca the next day, and imagine that^ but for 8 hours long.. Traumatic, yes. Will do again? Yes
  13. Ken Wilber has often talked about both/and instead of either/or. That can be applied to free will. Do we have free will or is the universe deterministic? Stephen Wolfram has a kind of both/and answer: We can take advantage of that idea of both/and when it comes to our own free will. When we are uncertain about things or how to behave it's possible to let the universe unfold automatically, resulting in relief and a relaxation. And when there is something interesting to do then we can be engaged in the activities with a sense of having individual free will. This is even applicable to our own survival. Instead of struggling with survival issues, any personal problem in fact, then the practice is to let the universe do the job for us automatically. This will in turn lead to us doing things instead of always be passive since we are a part of the universe unfolding even as a separate ego, and even the universe itself in nonduality realization.
  14. @seeking_brilliance I hear ya. That’s relatively true, but relative still. My comment was for you (not lots of parents). Honestly I never considered “unconditional love”, never pondered it. The second I saw my son, it was more than obvious. The bond is Love, prior to uncondition. Cosmic Love, Nonduality, entirely different, and exactly the same. From this basis, all things are possible.
  15. Detailed answer in my journal: Nothing and everything is not survival. It's a paradox, and both sides of the coin are true, depending on how you look at it. If we examine any system that exists, whatever it might be, we will always notice the same dynamic. The parts of the system, in their struggle to survive against each other, are always working for the survival of the whole system. In other words, every part is an ego trying to survive itself but what the ego is blind to and cannot see, is that it's working for something greater than itself, whether it's aware of it or not. So, all the parts are trying to survive the whole. But part vs. whole is an arbitrary thing, and there are no parts to being with, parts are concepts. If we keep zooming in, we will always find more survival, smaller systems against each other. If we keep zooming out, we will always find more survival, larger systems against each other. But who is zooming in and out? Reality as a whole is not survival. Yet, all of its parts are. Nonduality is not survival. Yet, all dualities that constitute it are. I, consciousness, am not survival. Yet, I, human form, am. God is not survival. Devils are. The being of everything (existence) is not survival. Yet, the doing (which happens inside of being) is.
  16. Hello! Ever since I've started watching, I have been listening to Leo talking about how meditation is the number one habit that we must do. And after many videos, I decided to give it a try. I have been meditating for over a year now and all of a sudden, Leo does not talk about meditation as highly as he did. He says how meditation is ineffective. Now, is this because he is doing enlightenment and nonduality work? Or does he really think meditation is useless? What hurts me is that he even says how yoga is more effective than meditation, which utterly confuses me.
  17. Many so-called spiritual people try to accept their own aging and death. That to me seems like delusions. Neither the nonduality path nor the religious paths actually solve the problem. To solve the problem of death we have to conquer death. This is the key for why all spiritual traditions fail so miserably. They try to accept death! In all kinds of forms. And many spiritual teachers even talk about death being inevitable. They are afraid of living forever! So their own minds have deluded themselves to believe death is unavoidable. They are more afraid of living forever than the fear of their own death. To conquer death means to live forever. No gravestone for you. You ARE the universe, so how can you be buried in yourself? Impossible.
  18. @Jed Vassallo In the future, I envision gentle 5-meo vaping integrated to vippassana and nonduality. For example, a morning sober meditation followed by a nondualty discussion, followed by a gentle 5-meo meditation session, followed by another nonduality discussion to help integration - followed by yoga etc.
  19. Leo asked us to contemplate the question: what in my life is not survival? I'll use the verb "survive" in the same weird way that Leo used it in the video. Nothing and everything is not survival. It's a paradox, and both sides of the coin are true, depending on how you look at it. If we examine any system that exists, whatever it might be, we will always notice the same dynamic. The parts of the system, in their struggle to survive against each other, are always working for the survival of the whole system. In other words, every part is an ego trying to survive itself but what the ego is blind to and cannot see, is that it's working for something greater than itself, whether it's aware of it or not. So, all the parts are trying to survive the whole. But part vs. whole is an arbitrary thing, and there are no parts to being with, parts are concepts. If we keep zooming in, we will always find more survival, smaller systems against each other. If we keep zooming out, we will always find more survival, larger systems against each other. But who is zooming in and out? Reality as a whole is not survival. Yet, all of its parts are. Nonduality is not survival. Yet, all dualities that constitute it are. I, consciousness, am not survival. Yet, I, human form, am. God is not survival. Devils are. The being of everything (existence) is not survival. Yet, the doing (which happens inside of being) is. Done.
  20. Yes that's the only thing he wants, I first did not take it seriously but it is obviously immense suffering. I just see myself obtaining these healing magical qualities as the best way to do anything, I have been ignoring it for way too long. Nobody else except this wise lady was ready to offer help and she gave me information I really needed to know. When we talk about black magic, evil entities and possession, what are these things, because obviously they do not belong to us as the lady sad, she said they trick us and manipulate and then things became very complicated as she mentioned also reptilians and other races that inhabited earth and lured us back here after regressing, I have no clue If somebody knows more I'd be happy to know. I know this derails from the topic but could be good to understand what black and white magic are anyways. If they do not belong to us are they separate forces from the nonduality? Are they opposing the allmighty God and trying to do I don't know what?
  21. @Kushu2000 Adwaitha - Non duality is first of all not a new age phenomena. The Vedanta or Nonduality of Hinduism predates all religions and the exact time when they were written is also not known exactly. Jainism predates buddism. Buddhism too originated in India 2500 years back the only difference between Adwaitha - Nonduality and the Buddism is that Buddha kept silent about the realisation and the buddhists disagree with the Final realisation that You are god to You are void.Adwaitha says Atman - Brahman - Parabrahman - Sat chit Ananda to the One Absolute Infinity. Buddism on the other hand says Annatta - No atman or nothing like Absolute Infinity God - Its just a void shoonya.Rest karma,Rebirth no difference between Adwaitha - Hinduism and Buddism. The buddism here I refer to the early buddism in India. Hence the debate between vedantins and Bhuddists says history. Later Buddism spread to Tibet,China,Burma,Thailand,Japan and I am not sure about their final conclusions. Jainism,Buddism is very strict about non violence,non killing of animals for food. Hinduism accepts the formless and form as gods and god in everything and hence God is worshipped as creator,protector,destroyer and Earth,Sun,Moon,Rain,ocean,Stars,Fire,Air,Animals,Trees,Plants all are worshipped.Literally everything - nature is worshipped( The religious part ). Yoga vashishta - the non dual teachings which were Given to king Rama by sage vasishta which was believed to be approximately 7000 - 7500 years back.So it is believed Vedas upanishads - predates that. Hindus never convert people.They dont say it is your religious duty to convert others to Hinduism. Church on the other hand says Christianity is the only true Religion rest all are false.It is duty of christians to convert others to christianity. Idle worship is a sin etc. The demeaning of other religions is part of conversion. I happened to hear a indoctrination on children about Yoga in TV.The child says pastor said Kudalini is said to be Serpant power and we know Satan is a Serpant and hence it is a sin forbidden to do yoga.It is against christianity and yoga will make the person impotent ???. I dont know what holy spirit is meant in christianity. But kundalini yoga is just one of the many yogic paths or ways to realize truth. Welcome to the jungle of Spirituality ???
  22. As a Christian you separate the world into strong shades of black and white, so there is God and good and there is evil and demons. It's duality on steroids. As a kid I had impulses to accept the devil into my heart, and they drove me crazy. I later learned that those impulses were obsessive compulsive disorder, or I thought that they were. There would also be impulses to go places, pick up things and say or confess things. Those impulses were intuition, trying to get me to do a kind of shadow work and discover the truth of nonduality. They were my inner spirit. My love, faith and desire for Jesus and Truth was an open window to spirit at that young age. I was afraid and I slammed it shut. Only after I grew up and let go of my faith did that window open again. It kind of felt like someone threw a rock through it, but I guess I asked for it in a way.
  23. It's funny that you just posted this now because I've been going through this, only for me it's a revival. I was raised as a Christian and my parents had already left the church and were bitter about the organized religion part of it when I was very young. I took an interest in it myself and studied my Bible on my own, mostly just the gospels but I also loved Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. There were a lot of verses that I would read again and try to understand. As a teenager and young adult I deeply, deeply hated other Christians and the status quo. It's like I wanted to suffer because most of the friends I made were Christian and those friends judged me for being friends with other people that they thought were "bad". I even had a Satanist friend and he was a blast. I was always trying to separate out the truth of Jesus from all the bullshit. I let go of the whole idea, shortly after getting into Buddhism. It's a really scary thing to step away from the thing that you've been taught is your "salvation" and "hope of eternal life". But I knew I had found the truth with nonduality. Those verses that perplexed me and frustrated me, one by one I understood them as epiphanies. My new dogma was nonduality. My new dogma was letting go of my past, not putting hope in a future. My new dogma was the present moment and nothingness, no attachment. Then after a few years it stopped serving me. My entire purpose for nonduality was so I could have mental peace. I became depressed and old patterns flooded in but at the same time, I started connecting deeply with different types of energy from places, and having inexplicable attractions to them. It all unfolded into an awakening in which I accepted that I had always tried to be good, and never recognized the devil in myself. I had been raised to be a moral, good Christian girl and I had truly wanted to be one. When I outgrew it I turned to Buddhism and non duality to serve the same purpose, so I could see myself as a good person. After I recognized the Devil in myself I truly experienced what is meant by the Holy Spirit, it is the same as kundalini energy. Of course! This is nonduality! My eyes were opened to the true mystic, Gnostic Jesus I had loved all along, more fully himself/myself. Christians have buried the nondual teachings and they don't understand the ones that persist in the Bible. They weeded out hundred of years ago. That's why it's so very dangerous, without an open mind, without wisdom and understanding you will turn nondual teachings into the worst kind of hell. I highly suggest reading the gospel of Thomas. Jesus goes way deeper than Buddha. He has an outrageous sort of love, and there are predictions and signs and tough riddles to understand that aren't present with Buddhism. It takes a very open mind to dive into this stuff.
  24. You know what I am now? A bridge. I can sit through a church service and smile instead of fuming like I would even when I was still a Christian. I already had a nondual belief in God brewing as a kid. I decided that I would visualize him not as a man but as a lion. I got the idea from C.S.Lewis, and I thought Jesus could be someone else in a different world. Love doesn't burn bridges it builds them, it doesn't cut cords, it ties them. You say yourself, we have to integrate nonduality, all religions, science, philosophy, and technology, political science, and self help. What else are we doing here? We're a melting pot! A bridge!
  25. @whoareyou Love is love. It's all love. There's a bigger picture than any of us can see as individuals. I see my picture and you see your's. Big picture thinking is hive mind, it encompasses us all with the connecting force of love, and together we see the Big Picture. I don't have a belief system, I have love for Jesus, which got bigger, and bigger even as a child it got big enough to encompass nature and animals and other people. Then nonduality taught me the real meanings of the verses I puzzled over so much as a kid. That love was a driving force. My purpose is only to connect with that in myself and others until that love gets bigger and bigger and bigger. My ego was disgusted by the use of psychedelics, but I wouldn't be aware today if others hadn't used them. So I love and accept them. You might be disgusted by Christians, and belief systems but they are a part of you as well, like every other religion. How can you ever interact with people below you on the spiral if you can't all encompass and embody the entire spiral as your self? This is how we awaken the world.