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  1. @Jacobsrw So if i unterstood you right, materialism and hedonism cannot go hand in hand with spiritual growth because it reinforces the self. So here is something to think about young boy: Connor had this spiritual growth preciesly because he had this materialism and hedonism too much. He even said in his last videos that this was the main reason he went into depression because this hedonism did not make him happy. So he was in a desperate situation, he had everything materialistic thing possible and he realized this will not make him happy at all, which gave him the spiritual growth he has right now. You see, hedonism and materalism can make you a very spiritual person in the end. The more he was invested in hedonism, the more it was clear how hollow this is and parallel his pursuing in spirituality awakened more and more
  2. @JacobsrwAt least I can it more than you. You can do everything with consciousness, so even eating meat and enjoy life can therefore very spiritual. Think about it Another fact is, that not all your acting must be spiritual, lol I dont say he is awakened. But what you said, that his spiritual side is fake because he did not show it the videos before, that is what I want to show you that your conclusions could be wrong
  3. @LfcCharlie4 Thank you very much. Ok, I think you are right with just theories confusing the heck out of me and that I should just start practicing, which I have btw, but I was just still too confused that I lacked the motivation and I had to get some answers from people who are awakened like you so thank you. One last thing though, if everything is just imaginary, don't you ever have the feeling of what's the point?
  4. @Seraphim first of all, thank you very much. Second of all, have you already been awakened that you say this?
  5. @Parththakkar12 I get what you're saying. Because I have a healthy relationship with a very close girlfriend, I can see what you're talking about. We meet give each other emotional support, if the other wants it. We love each other completely and without judgement. So this is what the Reiki master told me when I was gone. "Relationships are based on conditional love. Only you have the power to offer yourself unconditional love." I think unconditional love is the love that is absolutely needed. There's probably a percentage to gauge happiness out there. And I'm sure there is a portion that is reserved for conditional love, i.e. community, close friendships (I'm leaving romantic relationships out of this, for now) But from what I understand, unconditional love of the self is what should be focused on until you have put your thoughts (ego), in their rightful place. Any outside interference will make you lean too heavily on others. And @Elham I see this as a trend. Leo is introverted. However I feel he was introverted prior to awakening. Here are my thoughts that could be incorrect, but, I believe if you are truly awakened or enlightened or have successfully killed your ego, you would be neither, or you would be 50/50. Because if only the one that sees, exists, then you are fully living in the present. It wouldn't matter if you were around others or not around others. You would simply, be. You would not have a preference as to "I like being alone" or "I like to be within a loving community." I can't speak on where Leo is at or if he's still introverted. But his awakening should have taken care of introverted-ness. He may isolate himself more to explore deeper stages of consciousness or whatever drugs do, but I would hope if he was not working on his thoughts (ego), he would be fully comfortable in a room full of people.
  6. One thing is I noticed: I feel like there has to be some 'spiritual handbook' or manual out there available underground to make a business out of spirituality, because when he became "awakened", his videos are exactly word for word describing enlightenment or awakening in an almost almost too good fashion. Almost came out sounding like Leo out the gates. Without prior investment in spirituality, how did he cough up all that info in a short amount of time without referring to something? I hope some of you see right through this facade because you might have to dive deeper into your spiritual work if you find this convincing or real lol.
  7. Kundalini is said to be the evolutionary and transformative energy that can be awakened in a person via spiritual practice. In my experience, this healing energy works wonders, from being able to heal real, physical, tangible areas of the body to profound emotional change that can radically change a persons life. Im talking healing acne, back issues, hearing issues (in my experience), to truly allowing one to fully feel their emotions and heal them. Ive also recovered from disassociation from this. Awakening is fun and dandy, we get to see the truth and become one with god, realize we are god, but lets be really honest here, profound emotional and physical change and healing is huge and to the most suffering, broken people this would mean would mean the world for them to have this resource and healing. I have not done years and years of work and have integrated god consciousness and such, so i cant ENTIRELY speak for that, although with how broken i was, and how i see so much suffering i the world, and so many people with disorders such as schizophrenia, autism, and other disorders of the mind, i think this aspect of what im awakening to seems way more important and profound than inquiry for truth, as this is what will really transform people and the world. So why arent we talking about it more??
  8. Aha! Notice that in the Ancient Egyptian picture in the previous post the snake is encircling the heart and the head. It could indicate that the ouroboros symbolizes awakened kundalini energy between the mind and the heart, not between the 7th and 1st chakras. There are also pictures of pharaohs from Ancient Egypt with cobras coming out of their foreheads. The claim is that the cobra represents authority: It's also interesting that the funeral mask of Tutankhamun has both a cobra and a vulture coming out of the forehead. Kundalini is often describes as two serpents coiled around the base of the spine. Wikipedia says: "the royal insignia of a cobra (Wadjet) and vulture (Nekhbet), symbolising Tutankhamun's rule of both Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt respectively." That may represent two different aspects of kundalini.
  9. Love this! The power of flow and fluidity. It truly emanates in the throughout ones being so powerfully if they allow it to. Dancing is one such act I find fascinating. In some ways I see people being in their most awakened state when just mindlessly dancing. Had they known that the essence of life is a dance maybe they wouldn’t depend on a club in which to do it.
  10. He is strongly deluded about what it's like to be awakened/enlightened
  11. A lot of guld nuggets in this video. He's obviously awake. I can relate so much to everything he says. Full control over emotions. You can still be sad but it's a choice. It's beautiful. Acting is a spiritual quest. He talks about how many actors are enlightened, Jim Carrey is a good example, because they learn that during acting they actually become their role. And this is the same they've done all their life: acting and then becoming the person. But that's not who we are. Depressive vs expressive. Yes, depression is the opposite of fully expressing yourself. "no-brainer" = "enligthenment". Yes the brain is a limiter. It narrows the Whole (Reality) to a narrowly defined "thing"; your survival is now all that matters. He talks about "What if your girlfriend broke up with you? Or you lost your job?" , would you still be happy? Would you have control over your emotions? The thing is: most people will be depressed and sad if they lose their dream job/dream GF/dream BF and there's nothing wrong with being sad/depressed, but here is what is "not-good": They don't WANT to feel sad/depressed while they are sad/depressed. And that's real unhappiness, when you resist your emotion. And why don't they want to feel sad/depressed after their loss? BECAUSE SOCIETY LOOKS DOWN UPON SAD PEOPLE. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SAD, says society. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SMILE ALL THE TIME AND WORK THAT HAMSTER WHEEL 24/7 haha. See, if I lost my mom/dad/my dream job/dream GF w/e I'd probably also be sad. But I want to feel sad if that happens, I'm not the least in doubt. I want to. And I can be happy again anytime I want to. happiness and sadness is a duality. it's the same thing. It's all Happiness with big H (i.e. Love) as long as you don't resist. Enlightenment = No resistance / being in flow / free = being unlimited = being in-control = expressing yourself freely Being "normal" = resisting (in order to survive as a separate self) = tension in mind&body = being limited = being controlled by external things = not-being-in-control = being depressed Sadness is a beautiful emotion. Why are sad movies popular? It's beautiful, cos you can let go after you've watched it. Sadness is beautiful emotion if you realize its your own doing; that you in ACTUALITY can break free ANY TIME, you want to. But most people can't break free. And they can't break free, because they don't realize that it's something you can do. LOL Oh god. Great video, that's just why I wanted to share it in a post for itself on this beautiful forum. So how do you become Happy for good? You stop searching for it externally. And start looking inward to see who you are. When you find out who you are / what you have left out all your live up until now, your prior false self will be shattered, and you can now be anyone you want (which is the "state" of the true self: <nothingness/everythingness/God/Love/Consciousness/The Acting Self Always In Full Control>. You can be sad, you can be happy. You realize you're fully in control, and the most stunning part: that you've always been. Prior to awakening you were just pretending not-to-be-in-control. hehe;) You were (are, if you are not awakened) pretending to be a 'poor little me', swayed by external conditions. A victim. Either you believe you are on parole, with God up in the sky looking after you (religious people), or you believe you are just an accident. A biological accident that happened in a universe that is basically a cold, unintelligent machine with no deeper meaning, no finer emotions, no purpose, no love, no intelligence. (atheists/ hardcore scientific-minded ppl). Haha. What's up all pretenders on this forum. When are you gonna let go and stop pretending to not be in control?:D Stop pretending = letting go = not resisting <3 Could you at least pretend to let go of the "reality is a cold machine"-myth and try, just TRY, to imagine yourself to be believing in this myth: The Universe is playful. It's Intelligent. Reality is warm, filled with emotions, filled with purpose. Who's filling it up with play, act, intelligence, warmth, emotions, and meaning? ........... YOU. You. You. You. God. You are God. It's all your doing. If you want reality/the universe to be a story of a God-creator in the sky looking after his children to behave well, then that's what it is. For you. If you want reality/the universe to be a story of a natural, physical, scientific, hard-coded, tough, rough, fully-automatic, cold, unintelligent machine made up of Natural Laws, where there just randomly, accidentally happened to be life on an otherwise lifeless rock floating around in dark space, then that's your story. Then you have to conquer nature and defeat it. That is what it's all about then. For you. But both these two myths (the religious & the fully-automatic-model) make you feel like a separate self. You see that? They re-nforce your concious/semi-unconscious deep belief that you are a separate human being isolated from everything else, living a temporary life, and that after that you will be death forever and ever in eternal darkness/nothingness. A separate isolated self that has to seek happiness externally during his/her limited life-span. Either from God in the sky -- salvation, by being "good" -- or from external, materialistic factors such as prestige, success, fame, money, social status, power, sex, food..., you name your addiction. But you see. No matter how much you try to be-good to please the Lord up in Heaven, or no matter how much success, sex and money you get, it will never make you really Happy. Why not? Because you still believe that you are a limited, separate 'self' living in a cruel world that will you no-good... You *KNOW* that you will eventually die and lose everything. And that makes you deeply depressed on the inside, whether you realize it or not. As long as you think of yourself as a temporary, separate self, you will constantly feel that you: lack "something". You will fear a lot. Regret a lot. You will be depressed by society/cultural norms/other people's opinion, because you always try to live up to their standards. But the only standard that matters is your own standard. Change your standard. Make the universe something that is intelligent. Buy into the acting-myth. That it's all a dream/act/game. And that you are the actor. That's a lot more fun than the fully-automatic and religious model, cos then you are eternal. You are just right now acting out one meta-characther, and after that characther has played its role, you will play a new one. You see? You are Divine, Eternal, Infinite, All-Powerful. You now see that it's all your dream. You are making it all function. It's all part of your play. It's all your doing. You feel CONNECTED. You are part of an intelligent dance. An intelligent play. The purpose is to see what we can imagine. How far out can we go? And how loving can we be? How powerful are our Divine Creative forces? What can we imagine? What can we do? Look at the past 10.000 years of human history. Look at all we have imagined, both "sad" and "beautiful" things. It's all play. It's all Creation. Your Creation. Of course just remember that you on purpose always choose to do something consciously and something unconsciously, simultaneously. If you did everything unconsciously, then that's equal to a deep sleep without dreams. That's where you go after you die. Until you wake up again:-) If you did everything consciously, you'd be nothing/everything/God. You see that? You can't listen to music, eat melon, beat the heart and shine the sun, all 4 things consciously, simultaneously. So you choose to do 2 things consciously: the music and the eating of the melon and then you do the sun-shining and the heart-beating unconsciously. :-) So even though everything is your doing, of course you will relatively speaking still be surprised when your conscious doings overlaps with the your unconscious doings, like the tree that might fall over your car tommorow, or how your loved one may get a sudden heart attack in 2 years, or how it's gonna rain like shit in 1 hour, or how you make an apple fall down from the tree while you read a book under it. By letting some things be done unconsciously, you can focus on something (i.e. make distinctions and thus manifest 'things'). That's what life is: a special type of focus. Your focus. Create. Express. Imagine. Love. <3 You see, if you could let go of all beliefs you have absorbed from the outside, what would be left? Pure experience. Pure being. Pure qualia. Raw conscious experience. And then you are free "to now put on" any myth you like. Will you choose the religious myth? The fully automatic machine-myth? Or the intelligent/play/act/dream-myth? See, all myths have their purpose. The religious myth was necessary for the evolution of ethics and "good behaviour"/good manners (a lot of harm came along too though, ofc). The fully automatic-machine myth/atheistic myth was necessary for the evolution of science and technology (which also brings good and bad things with it). Now we are in a unique position, us people who are living in the Western World. We have the comfy life now. We live in a democratic society where people mostly behave well, because they have been taught to behave well and because they can get food on the table everyday. And we got powerful technologies like the internet. So we can study anything we want. And we are all connected in a way we've never been before. And we can focus on what's behind everything. We can focus on ourselves, find out who we really are. And then when we have found that out: we can create our own myth and transform the planet. Make it a better place. Help ppl wake up. We need a new myth. A spiritual myth. A myth where all human people are seen as conscious souis who have chosen to live their human lives themselves (and for a deep mystical reason!). As divine beings, not just as "biological/cultural/ethnic human beings". As avatars of The Godhead. As "physical" vessels for love/imagination/infinity/God/Consciousness. The play/dream-myth, where you by buying into it slowly can start to see that it's all One. Oneness. Because it's all play (God's play), but it's play with a deep intelligent manuscript behind it. Your manuscript, not your ego's or the cultural/societal ego's manuscript, but: God's/Your's manuscript. Everything has meaning, purpose, because it's part of an intelligent plan. You start to see reality as something filled with meaning, intelligence, emotion and purpose and love. Then we can create a more loving society on Earth with less suffering, less pain, and more love, more creation for creation's sake. But also see, that there can only be "good things", i.e. happiness, good, beautiful, joy, surprise, laughter, love etc if we have something opposite to contrast it with: sadness, hate, bad, ugly etc. That's why life is not just from the get-go: paradise. If it were paradise from the get-go, it would not be paradise! Haha, you see? It would be nothing. "paradise" is only "real" if we also got its opposite: hell! You can't have hell without paradise, you can't have paradise without hell. Just like you can't have life without death and vice versa. And fundamentally all these relativistic dualities are one and the same thing: God/Love/Consciousness. We did it. To dream. For creation's sake. When you can transcend all perspectives and all dualities and let go of the dream, what you are left with is Paradise though. Paradise with a big P. Because you see it's all something you do. It's your garden of play. Of love. Of imagination. Of creation. You are now consciously in full control over all your emotions. Want to be sad? be sad. Want to be happy? be happy. Want to hate? hate. Want to love? love. Want to be bad? be bad. Want to be good? be good. Want to be beautiful? be beautiful. Want to fear? fear. Want to be at peace? be at peace. When you're fully awake, you are in absolute control and everything that happens to you is seen as your own doing, consciously or unconciously, doesn't matter, still your doing. and it is beautiful and you want to be Loving towards everyone and everything with a big L, cos how can you not Love yourself?????? <3 Create. Express. Imagine. Love. <3
  12. @DreamScape So your kundalini awakening was not difficult ? I have read many story of people having traumatic experiences when their kundalini awakened, that now I have sometimes a small fear that popes up in my mind when I am having a strong experience. I would like to know if only some people have it rough or most people Also have you some experience with psychedelics ? I am curious to know if it changes things in that regard after the kundalini awakening.
  13. You said that you are awakened but since you trivialize everything, from my perspective you are nothing but a lazy arrogant ass talking about things that you cannot comprehend yet. And don't tell me about Truth because it wipes its ass with you as a toilet paper. Enjoy the matrix ?
  14. Hello brother. I'm happy on your behalf to hear that you too have awakened. Yes, I like your wording. We are still infants. However, I must say I already feel pretty much like a grown-up capable of enjoying and watering this beautiful garden of God (i.e. my garden), we normally call life. I have to say, my integration is going pretty smooth. Dno why. Always in the past, after trips, I have found integration very, very difficult. Especially after my Ayahuasca-trips. It took time. Now it just seems to happen without me doing anything. Of course me writing a lot on this forum is how I sort of integrate it a bit. But I don't even -- most of the time -- feel like it's me writing these messages. It just happens. I follow you 100%. My thirst for life is infinite/unlimited, right now, it seems. It's sort of scary to have so much "creative force" inside you, and so much freedom. The world is literally at my feet and it is OF COURSE beautiful beyond beautiful... but also a bit "wauww-let's-just-relax-for-a-bit-shall-we":-)
  15. The issue about self and others (especially regarding boundaries) has been a kind of a motif of my life, so I appreciate the topic. I've been thinking about if Ken Wilber's pre-personal-trans logic can be utilized in these issues to pinpoint your own stage. Especially pre-trans fallacy (, where spiritually awakened people are mixed up and mix themselves up with conventionally religious people. In this case, I've been thinking about people who are selfless because of harsh childhood conditioning, and they push their own needs to the shadow and never issue them. They feel like they are the most developed people for doing this, even though they actually are at the lowest rank. When people integrate and transcend (not spiritually bypass and shove it to the shadow!) their selfish needs, they evolve up to the highest level: genuinely selfless stage.
  16. @Aaron p There is no way to know how much awaken someone is in this forum. They may or may not be awake more than Leo. Two possibilties that Leo is trying to pull off. One he is trying to push people's buttons to test their own ego and the other is Leo is biased. Someone can be completely awakened and may not be able to articulate it as well as someone like Leo or a great salesman like Tony Robbins.
  17. An ego can be infinitely free, infinite in its understanding of its own unreality, infinitely Loving, infinitely selfless. This is an awakened person I'm describing, right there. Also: as the ego sees it's unreal/that its true nature is everything, i.e. it identifies itself just as much with every other being on the planet as with its own private body..., naturally you could then say that the ego is still *just as selfish* as it's always been: now it just defines itself as EVERYTHING! :-) The all-encompassing ego. The person who knows that he is nothing and everything. The awakened person. Infinite Selfishness = infinite selflessness "Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows"
  18. How do you know that kundalini has awakened? And it is kundalini and not something else?
  19. " She actually believes she is this character!" And you believe you are the awakened characther. Which you are, sure. We are what we believe. Now, what do you choose to believe in? God or Ego? Doesn't matter. God = Ego, Ego = God But still, what DO you actually choose to believe in? The poor little me-myth? Or the "full responsibility"-myth? aka "the play"-myth? The play myth, I dig that, so I believe in that. Not that I'm any better than your girl there. She believes she is a girl. Nice. Then she is a girl. I believe I'm God. Then I'm God. We are what we believe. All is absolutely One. Or it is not even One. It's ________________________ and we won't give it a name.
  20. I’d say it’s a possibility, and i’d say it’s possible a lasting sober awakening requires a sober breakthrough. on the other hand, who’s he to say he would have fully awakened without those original psychedelics? i see a few guys who awakened dismiss their previous psychedelic use, but what if those early psychedelic breakthroughs laid the groundwork?
  21. @Lenny Thanks a lot for the detailed response man. It really put things in perspective. ? In some ways I think that my consciousness has shifted a lot in the past 5 years or so. My ego is definitely less of a problem in my life, I've learned to live with and accept who I am, and who others are, and try to practice no judgements and unconditional love. I'm generally more aware of my thoughts which help a lot with day to day living. But I have learned that I do still hold on to a lot of concepts and beliefs that limit my potential to become my highest self. And I'm working day to day to recognize the sneaky ways it holds me back. This forum is a helpful tool for knowledge, and a sense of belonging. But ultimately, I'm realizing that I'm looking for an "Ah-Ha" moment here, where someone is going to say something that makes my "brain" click, and I'll wake up and "know" that I'm awakened. I need to stop thinking this way, or anyway about it. The self-inquiry that I'm doing won't lead me anywhere because I keep trying to conceptualize and then deconstruct those concepts. I need to go past the deconstruction phase, but I think I'm too afraid to see what's on the other side of that. Like many have said, by asking all these questions, I'm standing on the river bank wanting to jump in and asking all of you how cold the water is, how deep it is, how many fish there are in there, where does this river go to...etc. I'm afraid that this will bring me somewhere I regret going. I still hold on to reality as a safety switch. If it gets too real, and can always question if Awakening is even "a thing" or "do I even need to go that far" or "this is good enough"....but all of that is just fear of the unknown and my ego kicking at screaming about it. At some point I just need to let go, at some point I hope I'll be ready. (Even though I know I'll never be ready) haha. Thanks again ??
  22. OK cool. I have read this book before. Because previously, you sort of hinted that you are awakened so I ask that question to test you. Glad to know that you understand so much. Thanks for sharing.
  23. How awakened is a being if when you see him in person, theirs a gold aura around him and he’s levitating for two hours?
  24. If you have awakened, you won't be making such question. There is nothing to improve. Even in the game of the relative domain, body language and manipulating appearances is not the most powerful. It can be a shortcut for short term results, but its not the highest level of game. Your psychology (beliefs) and energy is faaaaaar more important in relationships. Watch how mystery the best pua, doesnt use good body language and seduces every one.
  25. All the comments are very profound here. But seems like I don't need a model anymore after awakening to the truth of consciousness, some time ago. but I want to have the crystal clear understanding of all of the important models and how they interrelate. The models are scaffoldings to simplify the complexity of reality to those who are not yet awakened to the truth. Seems like we are already on the other side of it, and now analyzing it for more clarity.