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  1. "Reality is infinite nothingness capable of imagining conciousness" How can this Nothingness use imagination if it is not aware? Imagination presupposes an awareness first, can we really ever get behind conciousness? Really see it through, conciousness is existence without it there is literally non existence. Not even nothingness. The notion of imagination and nothingness can only arise if awareness is prior to it. How else could anything be? You cant reach outside of awareness and tell that it is nothingness outside of it and also say that it imagines awareness. Then something was present to observe that thing.
  2. @Gesundheit Regardless, this is essentially an inescapable mechanic of consciousness. What I’ve said above is what I have so far been able to verify through both contemplation and experience. The solipsism question is generally framed around the potential consciousness of “others” which is why I included it so much in my response. Do you care to explain your methods for arriving at this particular nothingness conclusion? I’ve had realizations of nothingness, but they all occurred within consciousness. I’m a bit skeptical of how you can know, in an epistemically solid way, that there is something other than consciousness when you would have to use consciousness (in my current understanding at least) to arrive at this conclusion, but I’m open to learn if you’re interested in showing me the way. Feel free to shoot me a PM about this or simply reply here.
  3. The mistake here is defining ultimate reality through consciousness as if consciousness is ultimate reality. It simply is not. Reality is not infinite consciousness. Reality is an infinite nothingness that is capable of imagining consciousness. Consciousness is just a tiny portion of infinity. Consciousness is actually not very different from thought, it's just a different manifestation/form of thoughts. Are you conscious of thoughts? Or are you thinking about consciousness? There's no difference. All of it is imagination couched within nothingness. So, you're left with not-knowing anything outside of imagination. And that's pretty much expected because, by definition, you know-not nothing.
  4. So I have been contemplating the idea of infinity lately. This is the idea that the universe had no beginning and will have no end, that everything that exists has always existed ad infinitum, and the reason why I experience my current life narrative under the illusion of "time" as I do is because of "ego consciousness". e.g. it is a biological narrative constructed where the rules are those determined by the laws of physics. Attaining enlightenment is to see past this illusion, my attachment to myself, my attachment to time, my attachment to reality and my bodily sensations to see the "nothingness" of existence. To simply "be" in its purest form. Assuming that I have understood this correctly at this stage, my understanding on why reality is the way it is, is similar to the idea of the "10 dimensions theory" presented in string theory, that reality is comprised of every conceivable possibility in every single configuration, and that consciousness is omnipresent in all of this, and the only reason why you are not experiencing everything ad infinitum is because of being "Lost" in the idea that you are separate from everything. You can think of it as per this video where they explain the 10 dimensions (or 11 dimensions, I don't really care, you get the point). The point is that every single dimension is omnipresent and time is an illusion of the ego. Is there anyone else out there that conceptualizes reality like this? And if so, what are your theories on what happens when you die? That when the current ego consciousness you currently are experiencing will kind of "start over" or that you will move onto the next "possible material experience" e.g. another human, animal, or any other material possibility in the infinite cosmic mind? Also, is there anyone who has an idea why consciousness "needed to exist in the first place"? I understand that there is "something rather than nothing" because nothing is inherently instable, and that even according to quantum physics, if there is an empty vacuum of space, sub atomic particles will emerge from nowhere because there is nothing preventing them from not emerging - a metaphor I use for how I "emerged from nowhere" when I was born. The material world makes sense in this fashion, but why is awareness the apriori truth as well? I hope I am being clear. TL:DR Why did consciousness or awareness always exist? What happens when my current experience of reality ends?
  5. Well, I do not necessarily agree with this "solipsism" way of thinking, I look (through my unenlightened lense) at the world, and see other people, other experiences of the world, and am wondering why it is the way that it is? Leo has said himself that we (you) and I are also Hitler, or the Cow on the way to the slaughterhouse and so even though I am right now experiencing my life through my lense, I must contemplate that I will also experience the Hitler timeline as well (and make all of his judgements and decisions, seeing the world through his eyes). I am wondering why I am right now I am experiencing it through MY lense, and what happens when I die? Because I get the impression some people believe that the ego will then die and I will have a huge DMT trip and merge with the selfless infinity, while others believe that the "I" will simply go to another form doing an eternal dance through all forms of experience. Sorry, it seems like a lot of people here are doing some categorical loops from "absolute, infinite wholeness" or "Nothingness" to relative humanistic terms like "the earth, commonality" "peace on earth" "Love thy neighbor" etc. It is hard to follow.
  6. While I appreciate the replies (thank you), I don't think I was clear it what I was asking. I am not necessarily asking for advise on how to become enlightened, and I understand that there is no "need" for a theory. I get it. Clear your mind from all presuppositions and poof you are nothing and everything and there is no "you". But still, it is not like once you become enlightened you simply dissolve into nothingness and disappear. You still have to deal with the platitudes of daily life afterwards. And it is "ok" to have a conversation after all of this. Buddha did. Jesus did. Frank Yang still does. They still have "theories" of the universe and existence, and they don't just wave away all questions with the "shh, clear your mind, nothing exists".
  7. I remember Leo once saying that "you" were basically the only thing that existed before the "big bang" or the illusion was created. What was then our conscious experience floating in nothingness. Nothing?
  8. Nothingness can not be experienced, can just be. Perception, experience is identified with ego. Good luck!
  9. Now downloading... A digital expression of Absolute Oneness. Infinity speaks just for You; Usually I would write about stuff for the purpose of reaching a higher conceptual understanding of nothing. For the benefit of everyone and nobody. At this given time, I will do the opposite. So basically the same. There is no one who could know or understand anything, at all. And there is absolutely nothing to know or understand. Yup. You guessed it; it's all an illusion. Surprise! Seems pretty darn simple and straight forward, right? If there is no you; how could you know or understand anything? No rocket science. However, thoughts are stubborn. They will ask. Complicate things. Run in circles for all eternity. All until awareness shines through all. Slays through dense clouds. Spreads through itself and fulfills itself, with itself. Knowledge is a two-way illusion. It double-fools. Both he who attains, as well as he who provides are imaginary. Nonexistent. In other words; both the perception of knowledge as well as the source of it are illusory. Hallucinations. The need for knowledge stems from fear. You know you want that safety net. You wanna secure yourself. You wanna know the unknown before stepping into it. Which is rather stupid of you. That is, if you seek freedom. There are no seatbelts on this ride. No seats at all. You are the ride. Riding yourself. You do not need safety nets. Why do you still fear yourself? Have you not caught your own tail already? Have you not stopped chasing nothing? Knowledge will never get you past fear. It will only let you know; you know nothing. And you seem to be afraid of not knowing. You overlook the thrill and excitement not knowing brings. No wonder you feel like there's no free will. You could not be imposing more control over yourself. You know you are keeping yourself as a hostage. Freedom is known by no one. Understand this: You do not understand. Never have and never will. You think. Thoughs produce pleasant emotions when thoughts seem to be making sense. When all seems to be falling in place. Clicking. Running smoothly. But that is simply the nature of thoughts. They stick together. No identification with thoughts = no need for knowledge or understanding, whatsoever. No fear of the unknown. More like; excitement and anticipation about not knowing anything at all. Emptiness. Infinity. Freedom. One must conceptualize nothingness while one fears emptiness. While the victim within finds eternal peace. Emotions arise. It's just energy in motion. Thought creates a story. Thought believes it's story. Awareness contains it all. Produces it all. Why, you might ask? Because it's freaking free, baby! Doesn't give a flying fuck. Doesn't have a need to know or understand a single thing. It knows itself simply by the obviousness of it's presence. No question about it. No thought about. Only Consciousness. Omnipresent. Omnipotent. Synchronicity is precisely how everything occurs. Or seems to be occurring. Synchronicity is not just you seeing a cute sign somewhere. Or feeling like the song from your radio speaks directly to you. Or getting a phonecall from someone exactly when you thought of them. No no... It is much more than that. Everything is precisely synchronized through a divine orchestration. You seeing cute numbers and signs is just the tip of the iceberg. You barely caught a few glimpses. Thoughts distort your perception too much. Just breathe and observe; everything is flawless. Nothing is ever too late. Nothing is ever too soon. Everything is precise and exact. Happening exactly when it is supposed to be happening, precisely as it is supposed to be happening. Effortlessly so. Unstoppably so. Everything is N O W. Always and forever. That is why knowing is not needed. That is why knowledge is not needed. That is why fear is no more. Just because nothing is; doesn't mean everything isn't.
  10. The enlightened ones stay at not knowing, and do not adopt beliefs, or supplement with assumptions of ‘proof’. There really aren’t enlightened ones, there is only the enlightened one. Perhaps there are beliefs to dispel. Know thy self. Careful to notice the thought of nothingness is empty. There is no nothingness to you.
  11. When I don't know I go by what Enlightened Ones have said as a working belief, i.e. until proved otherwise. Most Enlightened Ones say we had a say in our birth, our parents, circumstances etc. Knowing these kinds of things seems to be different than enlightenment. Personally I don't think we ever return back into nothingness or "murge" back into the All. I think we will always have some kind of vehicle to explore our worlds.
  12. @Consept Okay, let me clarify before going any further that I understand what you mean very well, and I hope you're not assuming that I am stuck in a victim's mindset that you're somehow helping me out of. I understand the importance of mindset, and I would never dismiss it at any point in my personal life. That has been my initial position from the beginning even before starting to comment here. So, let's get that out of the way, and just keep our focus on the topic at hand, which is wealth vs. poverty. This discussion isn't about me complaining about poverty. It's about me exposing the injustice and inequality that is inherent within the heart of the social system. The social system is designed in such a way that can't be sustained without poverty. What I'm saying is that it doesn't have to be this. You should get the idea that there are poor people within the system. It's the other way around. There's a system that necessitates poverty. Now, I am going to play this little game you suggested, just to show you how gullible it is. Let's say that all of those poor people you talked about tried to be smart and decided to start saving/investing their basic income instead of spending it here and there. Is that even possible, realistically? Do you know what would happen? Any guesses? First of all, the basic income you suggested cannot come from nothingness or from Mars. The most fundamental fact here is: Money is finite, and therefore cannot increase overall, it only gets split between people. That being said, where do you suggest the money should come from? Who's going to provide that basic income? The government? The rich? The middle class? Other poor people? Whose money is going to decrease? Now, let's assume the problem above is solved and everyone is happy. The next step is choosing between 3 options (unless there are more): Spending Saving. Investment. #1 Spending: We already know what would happen. Let's go with #2 Saving: If everyone saved their money and did not spend or invest it. What's likely to happen is that the economy would collapse very quickly, because of recess and slumpflation. Money would just decrease in value. And that would create poverty once again. Now, with #3 Investment: Scenario #1: The investment market would close down very quickly or the stocks would drop down and lose value, due to over demand and lack of supply, and most of those poor people would end up right in the same place once again, poverty. A small portion of the poor would likely make it to the middle class, and the rest would have actually had spent their money in vain. Why? Because investment is not an infinite pool of ever-growing money. Now, as the money increases through investment, the poor growth rates would still be lower than the rich and the middle class, so they would likely eventually become poor again if they didn't figure out a way to make it further. If they succeeded in making it further, the overall value of money would decrease, and other people who would have lower growth rates would get marginalized at a certain pace, until they reach poverty. Scenario #2: Major capitols would bankrupt and many businesses would shut down due to lack of demand. Many rich people and even more people in the middle class would become poor, which still would not solve the problem of poverty. I don't know what else. Note: A mix of the 3 options would not work either. And actually, it's already the case. Some people invest, others save, and others spend. ________________________ The point of all of that is that poverty is not a simple problem that you can magically fix with a nice utopian idea. And that it's definitely not the poor's problem. Y'all need to get this idea out of your head, because it's wrong and poisoning your mind. Poverty is a systemic issue that has existed probably throughout all of human history within all of its civilizations. The root cause of poverty is simply selfishness, aka corruption, inequality, etc... Unless you have a solution to that problem, don't blame the poor for being stuck. Yes, I could break out of poverty, but someone else would have to be poor in exchange. Someone has to be poor. If it's not me, then it's you. If it's not you, then it's someone else. I hop you're appreciating the depth of what I said in bold. Even if I successfully became rich, someone else would have to become poor. And once I am rich, then it's very unlikely that I would go down anytime soon, because the system is rigged to support me. Do you see how the system is fundamentally rigged for the benefit of the rich? It's the same as the carrot and stick principle. The human riding the donkey is the rich using the poor for their selfish reasons. Now, of course, I'm not demonizing the rich here. They're just ignorant and unaware, and of course, extremely selfish. I understand why this is the case and why it's necessary at least at our current level of development. But I don't want to go into that here because it's kind of off-topic, and I've already written a huge post that I don't want to make any bigger. You're an intelligent person, I like reading your posts, and it's really a pleasure discussing with you. I hope I've made myself completely clear.
  13. Reality really is perspectival. I can be an enlightened being that sees love, light, and consciousness and live my life that way. I could have lived a life in a grounded, strong moralized person, and then seen life through his eyes. I could have seen life through the eyes of a mystic staring into nothingness. I could have lived any way and each way produces different energy, different consciousness perception. reality is just however you wanna see it. you can make your life however amazing or whatever if you wanted to. your life is in “your” hands to play, mold, and laugh with. the experiencer is the creator. Life is life. Then there about and infinite number of dimensions and realities and when I see them my mind kinda starts to go “...”. seeing into infinity easily really does force the “self” to die. All the resistance of self just fades. All that is left is a infinite consciousness that perceives reality for what it is. the anger, the love, the happiness. It’s all there. A loop. Reality= infinity = love= you= me= nothingness. ive mainly dealt with the love, light, prosperity side to enlightenment and haven’t been in the nothingness very much. I see love and light which is perception itself. Then I can also see infinity which makes me feel as if I’m dying.
  14. This is beautiful. And your point about mimicry is actually really helpful. Mimicry implies identity and distinction: if “A” mimics “B”, or vice-versa, that means A and B must be different and separate from each other. But for GOD to mimic anything, God would have to be finite in some way like A and B. Since God is INFINITE, any mimicry that occurs is purely relative and still within the domain of God. God mimicking God, which I guess is just being. This makes sense to me conceptually. The concept that God is Love resonates with a deep part of my intuition, but I think it’s buried under too much mind/lack of consciousness at the moment. I still associate Love too much with an emotional state (lower-order love), and therefore chase my own tail trying to figure out how that = Truth = Infinity = God = Nothingness. The latter concepts I just listed are still somewhat elusive to me experientially, but less so than Love, I think. Love is probably my biggest blind spot. (Still haven’t had any big obvious awakenings besides maybe God/realizing I am consciousness which is all that exists). Basically, I just need to get more conscious! Lol thanks for your input as always Leo.
  15. @Leo Gura The TV/movie screen analogy remains one of the clearest pointers to no-self and meta-awareness I’ve come across. Haven’t heard the chameleon one. I think that maps very well onto the Infinity = Nothingness concept! Question though—does Love address the “why” component of God’s fragmentation? Aka why does God fragment itself into finite perspectives. Like, God delights in realizing itself as infinity by first limiting itself. Or is it more just the fact that limitation is intrinsic to infinity, so it could be no other way? Hopefully that makes sense
  16. @Kalo Mmm What do you mean The god and its all god? If we want to approach this from a logical vantage point, which isn't the only way to approach this, What material or energy would god use to create stuff, if there is only god to begin with? It could only use itself. If its not only God to begin with, where did supposedly stuff begin, to form God so that it could create stuff and Us?. Nothingness or mysterious processes? Okay, so those processes are Prime, create god, which creates us, which is ultimately the same. We are all Prime, or original procesess which have no name and have always been the original. Or... Do you think there is God, and then stuff that God creates supposedly us with, like material hanging around IT to make stuff? If so, then where would this material come from. If not, what would god do or use to create us? Intention, thought, magical God motions/sounds/uncomprehensible stuff? And where does this come from. God?
  17. Oh and finally to end some real life humour to part with to bind last three now four posts (see profile): So it turns out they never actually put my shoulder back into place properly. For the discerning let's see if you're able to observe what's "amiss" here haha. Makes instrumental music training like starting a run with one leg that gets fatigued more quickly than the other but I push through my 5 hours plus a day, this is because I consider training more important than my life (so I'm prepared to literally die unless I achieve what I set out to do there) because existentially I know that it was this life pressure that created the ability for me to be born with the gifts I have anyhow. It's a subtle differentiation, its not the lack of value of your own life, its the ultimate value of all of life with a respectful comprehension of its underpinnings. #Greatness or nothing is my philosophy, yes, yes nihilists laugh away at what's written on your own tomb stone. You can have enlightenment both ways not that enlightenment is a or the goal (though all people need a goal so if they have nothing... double pun), I get neither is better in one sense but I get that my way makes things better, which future world do you want to live in? The future occupies me a lot, much more than others, I think thousands of years forwards and backwards, with precision here of course being a creative act. It always transforms the present, you become redeemed by an undercurrent of fortitude that redefines your best model of existence that you should be following to your highest sight. This is a "sight of the mountains on the horizon", it's in our DNA, that transporter molecule to take its "home cells" and remake beyond the finality of nothingness and into destination plains which no longer mirror the past but instead mirror the potential you found in pieces and work to make whole through that continual metamorphic extension. The brain requires both imaginary glue on its perception of the world but then the capacity to melt and remake its perception, this forms effortless resilience, rebirths pained resilience and transforms the perception of resilience and the why's and how's that make the definitions we paint to continue paving our way into this imaginary space to construct our views and models of the world. How do you trust enough to be fearless in this deathly kind of training to mirror what I do? It's a trust in the finalities you've come to terms with combined with not wrapping limitations around your openness. So you agree with the nihilist to an important nuance but then you define the strong path you tread beyond that to make you a part of the creative act of the universe from the lens of pressure and transformation, the meaning (oxytocin) and progress (dopamine) derived there making any entice of nihilism merely wind through your hair while speeding down a highway. The subsequent self determined, self-responsibility to meaning; this generates your "aura" of sovereignty that lives in the backseat of your continual drive forward. The goal isn't to get rid of suffering, it is to choose your suffering, even if its unavoidable, it alters your subconscious compass, reference frame on any perceived pain experienced in life. That creates a destiny, ironically stated, worth living, for you've determined the worth within the self that makes the transformation that comes from your resilience worthwhile. Fearlessness then is the mirror to the trust generated your own self-determined existential resolves. This makes this kind of training instead an act of liberation in the acceptance of the imprisonment to the evolutionary process rather than the feeling of it being imprisoning. Our limits can be our prison or they can be our way out of our prison by knowing, defining and accurately viewing the boundaries of said prison. This is an aspect of what transcendence is all about of course (one of my writing topics). In this sense, the ability to turn suffering into meaning (in a way in which it essentially transforms you into your ultimate image, as God would have intended if we're to speak that language) is one of life’s greatest mental skills and capacities. In practical reflection that is to eat and digest ones highest conceptualisations of one's existential universe and be biochemically transformed through that process to ones highest force. (recent) Shoulder X-ray: Ultrasound (no baby) on both shoulders Tuesday coming as Youtube video because admins/moderators here have disabled my ability to upload pictures. I don't give enough fucks to comment on that.
  18. First things first, this video is in HINDI. So, I wanted to share this here specially because I find this very valuable and I'll explain what he says here, in a model. I am not posting this in high consciousness resources because I want to talk about and share the model he is proposing. I had an awakening last night, the Self-realization(not God-realization) while listening to some music and reading the pinned post on enlightenment by Leo. Just after that, I found this video in my recommended. This video is basically confirmed by the awakening I had before watching the video and another one of God-Realization some weeks back. Now what he say about the chakras is different from whatever I thought about them previously. And also makes it easier for me because he straight up says activation comes through inner understanding of certain concepts(I might've verified this firsthand). So basically contemplating on things. Now, I don't think this 'activation' is same as accessing the 'holy shit' possibilities of the chakras that people like to talk about. Activation means like all blockages removed, and is reverberating nice and good. Like the video is more about how to attain the bodies associated with these chakras. Disclaimer: It may as well be that he is just associating chakras with these to get people to contemplate into these topics for 'powers'. Which is a good strategy ngl. This model isn't supposed to be linear because I personally haven't and most of you here also haven't experienced it linearly. Muladhar (For Material Body): Possibility given by nature(N.P) = Sexual Attraction, possibility achieved through sadhana/striving(S.P) = Bhramhacharya. So basically, through total understanding of sexual attraction, you'll become a Bhramhacharya. Osho throughout the video reputedly says to not suppress, but to achieve total understanding into the natural possibilities so they can be transformed into the striving possibility. An example he gives is, "You are on your path but you see a boulder blocking your way, you get all upset because you think it is an obstacle, but through total understanding of the rock, you realize you can go climb on it and actually the boulder allows you to go on a higher elevation floor like a stairstep. You realize it's not an obstacle but a possibility. The boulder is still there sitting like before, but you realized it's actually a possibility." Swadhishthan (For Etheric Body): N.P = Anger, S.P = Forgiveness N.P = Fear, S.P = Non-fear N.P = Disgust, S.P = Love N.P = Violence, S.P = Non-Violence Again he says here to not suppress any of these or you'll just be stuck in them forever. Key is total understanding which will automatically transform these. Manipur (For Astral Body): N.P = Doubt, S.P = Faith N.P = Conceptualizing/Mental-Masturbation, S.P = Actual Wisdom So, he takes his time to explain Faith here. He says by faith he doesn't mean Dogma or anything. It's something that arises when doubt turns on itself and doubts doubt. When it understands itself, it transforms into Faith. Anahata (For Spiritual Body): N.P = Imagination, S.P = Will N.P = Dreams, S.P = Vision Says these transformations result in psychic powers like looking through walls, telepathy, astral projection, remote viewing, long-distance communication. seeing spirits, etc. By imagination becoming will he probably means very powerful manifestation. I don't have much experience of this one so can't say much on it. Vishuddhi (For Soul/Self(Atman) Body) Activated by: Self-Realization So here is very accurately describes what I felt just before finding the video. Self-Realization, meaning you realize the True Self. You are in bliss and peace. True Happiness for the first time. You see your true nature. But, a person here might still say there are different Atman in different people. Infinite Selves. In this person's mind, they think he/she realized 'her/his' self only. So basically they do see they are one with everything and their true self is infinite and forever, but they still hold the idea of their being other selves in 'other people'. (Though I didn't have this delusion in my awakening last night.) Biggest obstacle here is the Bliss, Peace, Joy. One might stop here entirely and not go further because all this time the struggle was from suffering. Now they got out so they wanna stay there forever. If one's seeking wasn't orignally for truth but for bliss then they will likely stop here only. He says that it might even take several lives to get sick of yourself/ this bliss to then to go further. But it doesn't have to be the case. I think since we know this trap we can just bypass it. Another thing he says is, till Anahata science can explain, research is going on and we can talk about these with language pretty good, but after that, starting here, language starts to breakdown and reaches it's limits. He says science can even reach into researching this too. But not after this. Language can be used to describe this and the next 2 ones but, it's gonna be very probelmatic for those who don't realize it already. Language used to describe this and the next two are often contradictory and don't make sense untill realized directly. Language fucks up a lot and creates a lot of delusions explaining these. Agnya/Agya (For Cosmic Body) Activated by: God-Realization Here he says, one realizes "Aham Bhramasmi". There is no you anymore, there is only Bhraman. Only being. Pure being. One can see infinity. Also idea of an 'experience' or 'perception' also breaks down because there is literally only being. Biggest obstacle here is that this is so full, (since nothing can be outside reality), one doesn't understand how to go further. Basically you can't go more meta than this since it's literally everything, including nothingness. I, actually experienced this one first hand. So during the God-Realization, when I realized I was completely alone as well, I noticed I felt a very strong magnetic field permeating through my head with the center of head as it's center. I remember thinking "This might be the closest I have gotten to noticing the Agya chakra in direct experience and have activated it.) OSHO says that someone here will just straight up deny non-being, because by definition, it is not. However, non-being can also be understood and is infact the next realization. Sahasrar (No Body stated) Activated by: Realization of Non-being He says maybe till Agya you could explain a bit in deluded ways but here it is completely impossible. So he doesn't say anything else about this. Final remarks: I am sharing cuz i find it p accurate cuz of my direct experiences. Just wanted to share cuz I can not find an english version of this video and this just too valuable relatively.
  19. @Flyboy Well I am the perfect example for going all the way through leads to ego backlash. I believe I understand, that this terrifying fear of the nothingness, trained my ego to NEVER allow awareness to play with itself. This lead to anxiety depression alcohol abuse insomnia etc. ofc that's just speculation, but I believe that's the case. I need to get there more often, but it's very rare, I cannot play with it because of the rarity, however maybe if I increase my practice, I will be able to. I remember from 2015-2016, the time that the nothingness showed up, there is a point of no return. The so called event horizon of the black hole. Once you're there willingly or unwillingly it swallows your being into the singularity. That's where the love is supposed to show up, but love doesn't show up if there is fear I guess. Can you tell me how it feels for you to be really close to it? Just so I can compare what's happening? Do you also have that "nauseous pain" in the chest?
  20. Over the years I've met and dated a couple of girls who told me that they felt empty inside. A feeling that they felt either most of the time or some of the time. Even though I've had personal experience with depression I was never able to relate to the particular feeling of emptiness and never knew what to say when a person would share something like that with me. Some of those girls would hurt themselves "just to feel alive". On a side-note I've also heard about people on anti-depressants who claimed that it made them like zombies and they couldn't feel anything anymore. Not sure if that's the same kind of emptiness though. Regardless I always thought to myself that if they are hurting about whatever is happening then by definition it isn't emptiness/nothingness and probably something closer to meaninglessness and depression or an awareness of not being able to derive much joy out of life. Does anybody have experience with this type of feeling of emptiness and any understanding of what causes it and how to address it? Is it a lack of purpose in life or a physiological issue or some sort of self-hate? I'd like to learn more about it. Thanks.
  21. It was my first time doing psychedelics a few months ago. I did 1p LSD and it was a weird experience. I did 100 micrograms. It felt surreal and dreamy of course and at one point I felt like I kept falling through the earth and it felt good for whatever reason. That kept replaying over and over. Also felt like I kept dying over and over at one point. I do think I’ve made progress with meditating though! I still can meditate from time to time. Not as great as when I was on the acid but I feel like I’ve learned more about how to actually do it. Another weird thing is, I felt nothingness after the peak for a good while. No emotion at all. I was trying to keep myself in that state. I kept yearning to feel excitement or other feelings the whole time. I wasn’t satisfied with the feeling of nothing. Not sure what that means or what to think about that? But the next day, after sleeping, I was feeling a bit angry and couldn’t pin point why. I still cannot see why I was angry that day. It was a very strange but interesting experience.
  22. Inside the brain there are micro tublicales. Little tubes with liquid brain fluid inside. These seem to be the way physical reality (brain) interfaces with the quantum intelligence. Like in a vacuum where they see quantum particles arise out of nothingness, inside these "brain tubes" these quantum particles appear. Here's a video of Stuart Hameroff by Deepak Chopra about the micro tublicales: That seems to be how thoughts actually arise. ---------- What thoughts actually arise is a different story. First "reality" is blinking on and off every plank nano second. Much like a movie projector. We are here and not here every nano second. Nothing is actually moving. Our brains can only receive "certain" thoughts. The akashic records records every "flash" when we blink into existence. So memory and continuity arise. So we can access memory and thoughts that we had before. Our brains seem to be more of a receiver but can only receive certain thoughts according to our learning, experiences, level of consciousness. Let's say our brain is tuned into WIIFM 107 (i.e what's in it for me : ) ) it would be like a possibility that only certain thoughts could arise, like a continuum: LOW-------MEDIMUN-------HIGH Something like that. : )
  23. Nihilism is a Buddhist belief, or rather a Buddhist sneaky trap. Most Buddhism-based teachings fall into this trap unwillingly, and rather unconsciously. And then unfortunately, they get stuck into it and fail to escape it. Yet, Buddhism is not an exception. Any ideology can look at Meaning through distorted beliefs instead of the lens of Actuality. @Someone here It seems you have been indoctrinated with this belief and now are trying to move past it. If that is the case, don't worry, bro. I got you. The root cause of nihilism is the desire to escape ideology at all costs. As if that's humanly possible. And this puts you in an existential bind. You see, how can you escape the inevitable? How can the mind escape the mind when it is the mind itself? How do you escape yourself when you actually can't? That's right. You/the mind invents another ideology that calls itself truth and a non-ideology, and then denies all attempts at exposing that BS and explaining how it, in and of itself, is just another ideology, and then moves on to demonize everything else, so that nothing remains except that one, ironically, precious ideology. This usually happens after a human realizes Nothingness/the Formless aspect of God but then fails to integrate it and incorporate it with Being/Form. What nihilism basically aims at doing is to strip meaning away from everything, including itself, in the hopes of finding "objective meaning". What actually happens, though, is that it strips meaning away from everything except itself. And so, it ends up creating the most hypocritical blindspot in life. Because it claims that everything is originally meaningless and that meaning comes in later only after the mind gets involved. But that's actually false for various absolutely true reasons: First of all, everything is originally, deeply and profoundly meaningful. And that's absolutely true without the shadow of a doubt. Meaning exists as an inherent part of God. For anything to exist at all, it must have a meaning/purpose, otherwise it couldn't exist (regardless of what the ego-mind thinks). But the confused/unenlightened mind is not capable of seeing that. You can observe Meaning (with a capital M) in your direct experience, regardless of what's happening. Notice how there's always Meaning, regardless of the content. It's not necessarily verbal (for example; you can realize the meaning of breathing), but it cannot be removed nonetheless, therefore it is Absolute. Although, it can be denied, but that's what delusion is, and God allows delusion, and therefore delusion is Meaningful (I'll explain how later). Secondly, and like others have stated earlier, if everything is truly meaningless, then is meaninglessness meaningful or meaningless? It's a nonsensical inquiry. Thirdly, all of the obsession around meaning and meaninglessness is just ego. What does it matter whether or not reality is labeled meaningful or meaningless? Who's trying to figure that out? The ego, of course. And it does that simply because it's afraid of facing the truth, which is Absolute Meaning. And so it creates this cognitive dissonance called nihilism in order to avoid facing that fear. Fourthly (which really is just another way of explaining thirdly), Absolute Meaning is already the case, and the mind and all of its BS are nothing but a distraction from that. And that in and of itself is also meaningful, but that meaning is ignored and therefore gets missed. The underlying meaning that the mind misses by creating BS is that what BS actually is, is really literally just BS, no matter the label or the packaging. And the purpose of creating BS is to replace what's non-BS with it. In other words, to replace truth with falsehood. Fifthly, the whole framework that this topic usually gets discussed under is flawed and stupid in my opinion. Let me explain; Why do we separate meaning from truth in the first place? Obviously, because that distinction helps us see things with a little bit more clarity. It helps us see how many of the meanings that we used to create and attach to things are in fact just delusions of our own creation for our own egotistical purposes, but the problem is that that distinction tends to run amok, so it does not know when or where to stop, take a step back, and investigate. It just replaces the old ignorance with a new one. And that's where awareness and introspection are most necessary and critical. Instead of denying meaning altogether or accepting it altogether, we can create another useful distinction, one that separates Meaning into true meaning and false meaning. And then we can link true meaning with usefulness and false meaning with uselessness. Notice that usefulness is a relative notion, so by definition, any given thing is always automatically Useful from a certain pov, which still leaves everything Meaningful. False meaning is basically the lies that we tell ourselves, and lying serves certain purposes, so even false meaning/lies remain Meaningful eventually, as everything is, originally. So, this makes for a better model. (Note: This is not a rant against Buddhism or a personal attack on anyone. I just don't know a better way of articulating it. Please don't bother me with personal offence accusations and all that nonsense).
  24. Last night I watched Leo's "guided exercise for realizing you are god" on a little bit of Kratom. And it sparked some opening and expansion in my consciousness. What an incredibly powerful video that is. I've kind of gotten into the habit of not doing any spiritual work while not on a psychedelic because they deliver every time you want them to, and to an alien extent. But I want to get back into contemplating more daily and meditating or shamanic breathwork. I'll probably watch the guided video on infinite consciousness tonight to keep the momentum going. About two hours ago while I had finished working out, I was walking and contemplating the distance that kept shortening until I reached a point where I couldn't go further. I became very lucid and felt like I was literally inside a dream, dreaming the distance coming closer to me. While my awareness had just been stood there at the same spot forever. Consciousness is a very alien thing while being nothingness at the same time.
  25. @SM-OConnor ego reaction. feels threatened and affirms its existence. He does not care if it is with fear or sadness, the important thing is to exist. who feels lonely ?God obviously not. It is the ego thinking that if it is alone in the middle of nothingness, what an unbearable loneliness ... for an ego. The first time I experienced that loneliness, the ego's reaction was the same: there could be nothing worse. infinity is eternal life imprisonment in immobile solitude. The Hell. it's how the ego interprets glory. significant