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  1. I am really interested in the direction that Sam Vaknin is going. He is saying that the cure to narcissism is "nothingness". I don't agree with many of his points but I think it's a good direction to lead the ever-growing narcissism community.
  2. How can something be higher or lower? If all is awareness appearing as anything. Not two, not nothingness and an object called "infinite love". Love nothingness god emptiness fullness points to the same thing.
  3. Infinite love is everything, including nothingness, God, consciousness, or any other name and concept. Infinite love is the deepest awakening because it is all there is. Saying that nothingness is the deepest awakening is the same as long as the nothingness you describe is absolute (meaning it is all there is). However infinite love is to a degree more accurate description than nothingness due to the selfness/relatedness that is infused with the word love.
  4. There are moments of oneness with the Beloved, absolutely ecstasy and bliss. That is nothingness. And this nothingness loves you, responds to you, fulfills you utterly and yet there is nothing there. You flow out like a river without diminishing. Irina Tweedie (Sufi Master)
  5. So here's Leo's explanation of how to do the technique: Quote Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience. Locate a distant object in your visual field. Any object will do, like a tree, a car, a sofa, a lamp, a book. Now, take your index finger and try to draw an imaginary line from that object to "you". Draw this line using your finger, but go very slowly. Move backward from the object to "you". Pay extra-careful attention to exactly when and where your finger reaches "you". Notice that it never actually reaches "you", because there's no you there! The line always terminates at nothingness. Become deeply conscious of this until your identity as a self starts to break down. If you think the finger reaches you at the skin threshold, look more closely. In your direct experience do you actually perceive skin between the object and "you"? Be very careful here. There is no skin between object and eyeball. For that matter, there is no eyeball My question So, I take my finger from the object to what exactly? Like I tried actually touching my eyeball, is that right? Then I just poked the skin around my eye, like on my nose and cheek. Is this right? Where exactly on my face or body am I supposed to be bringing my finger back to "me"?
  6. "ABC" keeps saying that infinite love is the deepest awakening, yet various "XYZs" say that it is very deep but not the deepest. That the ultimate deepest is simply nothingness and love is its first manifestation. Be aware that a mind can become stuck in formless or stuck in form. A mind of H20 can become formless gas and flow like water and become solid ice form. The 'stickiness' here is the idea of "deepest" - which is a relative construct. It's super easy for the mind to get stuck into a solid ice form within relative constructs. Then, it will start comparing various ice sculptures and get confused by which is the true ice sculpture. The sticking point is not the ice sculptures. The sticking point is the inability to melt the ice sculptures and return to fluid water. An ice sculpture of a dragon and an ice sculpture of a pineapple are both true to their form - and both can be melted to water. We can create the below ice sculpture: "ultimate deepest is simply nothingness and love is its first manifestation." That is a beautiful sculpture that is true to it's form. We could explore this sculpture for a lifetime and barely scratch the surface of it. We could add thousands of details to the sculpture. We can also melt this sculpture to fluid water or formless gas. For example, we could say that Nothing = Everything = Love. The truth of this formless gas does not negate the truth of the sculptured ice form. As well, we can be like water and flow with different forms of beingness. Above, we created conceptual forms. We can also create other forms, such as emotions (not the concepts of emotions - the actuality of it). And with each of those, we can create an ice sculpture - such as an ice sculpture of emotional love. Yet this will be maddening to a mind that wants to walk across the lake to reach a destination. Here, the mind craves solid ice as grounding to walk upon. It will become confused and frustrated as the ice transforms to water, gas and back to ice.
  7. Nothingness is love you goobers. Contemplate what love really is and you'll eventually see that it is the collapse of ego or sense of separation.
  8. As others have said, you can only answer this question by doing the work of self-inquiry. I can tell you that realizing nothingness is an important milestone along the path of spiritual discovery, because it dissolves the illusion of the self. If "you" continue traveling that path, you will eventually awaken spiritually to the God that you are, which is unconditional Love. But those are only words. They mean nothing to the conceptual mind, and can only be directly realized.
  9. Since you have no direct experience of death, to be consistent with your epistemological position, you have to realize death does not exist... Any thoughts about the fear of death, like all thoughts, appear out of nothingness/emptiness, they are not yours, recognize them as such... and fear falls away having no substance.
  10. @Kalki Avatar God is Nothing. But, The deepest awakening is infnite Love. Waking up to nothing isn't the deepest. You know, How are you gonna know anything is true? Is Leo right the love is the deepest? How would you know? Are other people right that nothingness is the deepest? How would you know? Do you even know the difference between nothingness or infinite love? What is God's absolute perspective on itself? Its is really nothing? surely the fundamental building blocks are nothingness. But, It's LOVE. ahhaha find out for yourself.
  11. Help get this right. Leo keeps saying that infinite love is the deepest awakening, yet I have talked to various realized beings saying that it is very deep but not the deepest. That the ultimate deepest is simply nothingness and love is its first manifestation. Does leo keep saying it is the deepest just because it has been his deepest experience or what?
  12. I'm scared shitless of death.... .. Even tho.. after doing insane amounts of contemplation.. I found that death is not even a fact lol(yeah whatever) I really couldn't find a single evidence that death is real .. But that's more on the back burner there is this ultimate fear. The kicker is of course.. You have not the first clue what's going to happen after death.. The body seems to die. What goes on after that?.?? Nobody knows. Sweet... And life is short you know.. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, years max and ba bye. How to overcome fear of death? Let me say given that.. Death itself is unknown (or known, I don't even know lol)(this is a consequence of Leo's mantra "death is imaginary" .. And what's afterwards is unknown (if lay aside religious stories and philosophical speculation). Hands down.. Reincarnation.. Nothingness.. Heaven and hell realms etc are nothing but beautiful beliefs.
  13. Focus seems to be a very important part of spiritual practices. "Focus on the breath. Focus on bodily sensations. Focus on your third eye. Focus on nothingness. Focus on impermanence. Focus on your fleeting thoughts. Focus on energy/prana running up the spine." The list continues, and thus I think it's important to really define: what is focus? I recently had a shrooms trip where I experienced pure insanity. In the sense that I could not focus on anything because nothing was staying still. Everything was morphing from my visuals and sounds - to my thoughts- to my body -to my sense of self and even my breath. The one thing I thought I would always have. And it wasn't necessarily gone but the power of all the ever changing stimuli i was experiencing left me without a ground, without an identity, and without the strength to focus on just one thing for even a full second. And i was fucking scared out of my mind. This lasted about an hour and a half until I started to chant a mantra aloud - "just breathe and breathe and breathe, all you can do is breathe" I chanted this for a long time (abt 30 mins) and it brought me back to center. And I finally was able to just stay with that motion and leave everything else behind. All of this really got me thinking what is focus really? How do I cultivate this? Is it a muscle? Is it innate? Because technically we are always focusing on something, maybe it's not what we want it to be on or one-pointed necessarily, but focus still remains right? Or is it ultimately completely unimportant and a distraction to even try to focus? I would love to hear any and all thoughts. Please share your understanding of what focus is below.
  14. I was just listening to Terence McKenna — I’ve been on a bit of a jag of his stuff — and I came across a section where he was talking about the Big Bang, he said something like this... The ultimate singularity is the Big Bang, which physicists believe was responsible for the birth of the universe. We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity. In other words, if you can believe this, you can believe anything. He had a fair point, I think. The whole notion of a Big Bang seems rather far-fetched, almost as far fetched as the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  15. Because there is still a subtle form of ego. Ego goes extremely deep. As long as you are physically alive there will be some ego. So yeah, utlimate heaven is only possible with mahasamadhi. But it gets already very heaven-like before that! Given that your awakening is balanced. I conceptualize the facets of awakening into these two categories: - Category A: no self Nothingness Imagination life is a dream ... - Category B: God Love Consciousness Infinity Bliss Peace ... If you have too much awakenings into category A without balancing it with category B you likely get depressed. But if you have a balanced awakening, a full complete awakenig, then that's no issue (once integrated).
  16. Maurice Nicoll has so much good quoteable material. I guess it stands to reason though. His Psychological Commentaries number nearly 2000 pages. This has been distilled down fairly recently to 130 page book called Gems of Wisdom. BEING PASSIVE TO REACTIONS “Now let us come back to the meaning of being passive. In the full sense it means being passive to the personality, and this, in turn, means being passive to oneself. Can you be passive to your mechanically arising objections for even five minutes? Well, I advise you to observe how your personality reacts every moment to everyone and everything...Notice when you begin to object inside—notice what reactions arise in you—and try to be passive to them, not to the people who cause them to arise. Is this clear? You must make yourself passive to your own reactions, not to the people you are reacting to.” V. 1, p. 276 JUDGEMENTS “Mechanical criticism of others produces a great many psychologi- cal difficulties in the person who criticizes—that is, wrong ‘I’s which hinder their own inner development and freedom...After a time you will learn that you cannot afford to sleep too much and to talk and act mechanically and let your life be in the hands of wrong ‘I’s.” V. 1, p. 150-1 INNER TALKING “When you come into the Work one of the things that the Work teaches you is to try to stop inner talking because it is very danger- ous...The first thing that we must do in regard to inner talking is to observe it and notice what this inner talking is saying...A great deal of inner talking is connected with self-justifying—namely with the attempt to put yourself in the right. You feel, for example, that some- one has not treated you rightly. This will start off inner talking. . . . Inner talking is never dialogue but is always a monologue. Inner talking is always negative in character.” V. 2, p. 774-5 INNER TALKING II “Now we have to cancel all sense of people owing us anything at all. This is extremely difficult. But it is one of the few things mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Cancel what we owe as we cancel what others owe us.’ When a person allows inner talking to go on and on in him- self he is losing force all the time...When you are in attention your inner talking stops.” V. 2, pp. 775, 777 INNER TALKING III “In this Work you cannot go far with pleasing self-made pictures of your own nobility or value. When you begin to observe yourself deeply enough, these pictures, these fantasies, begin to change. You know that you yourself are just as bad or worse than the other person. Then I am quite sure from my own experience that a great deal of your inner talking will stop. You do not seek to justify yourself.” V. 2, p. 776 49 YOU HAVE A RIGHT NOT TO BE NEGATIVE’ “Now the Work says you have a right not to be negative...To be able to feel this draws down force to help you. You stand upright, as it were, in yourself, among all the mess of your negativeness, and you feel and know that it is not necessary to lie down in that mess. To say this phrase in the right way to yourself, to feel the meaning of the words: ‘I have a right not to be negative,’ is actually a form of self- remembering, of feeling a trace of real ‘I,’ that lifts you up above the level of your negative ‘I’s which are all the time telling you without a pause that you have every right to be negative.” V. 1, p. 161 BEARING UNPLEASANT MANIFESTATIONS “One sign of Being is the capacity to bear the unpleasant manifestations of others. Why is this a sign of greater Being? The answer is that you cannot do this unless you have seen in yourself what you dislike in others...When you have just criticized someone, go over what you said carefully and apply it to yourself. This neutralizes poison in you.” V. 1, pp. 168, 176 RESPONSIBILITY FOR NEGATIVE STATES “If you are in a negative state, it is always your own fault, from the Work point of view. No matter what happened, what someone said, what someone did, we have to become responsible for our negative states—ourselves. . .When you feel the presence of negative emotions in you, as a foreign substance, as acutely as a stomach-ache, then youwill seek, for your own reasons, to work on yourself and transform your inner state for your own inner health...But this takes many years and requires a certain inner courage, an inner bravery, an inner determination, until something new is born distinct from life.” V. 2, p. 695 ON ‘NOT FIXING’ “As long as you externally consider another person with a view to trying to change him or her—that is, as long as you think the other person should be different—you are not externally considering, but internally considering. The basis of internal considering is that others should be different, and from this comes ‘making accounts’ against others...One thing is quite certain, and that is that the more sincerely we observe ourselves and what is in us, the less smug we shall be. And from this it follows that we shall be less satisfied to think that we know what the other person should be like.” V. 1, pp. 268-9 THE FEELING OF NOTHINGNESS “When the Work says that a man must come to realize his own nothingness before he can be re-born, it does not mean that he must humble himself and so on, but that he must by long self-observation actually begin to realize that he is nothing and that there is no such person as himself. The object of this is to get into a position, psycho- logically speaking, between the opposites...Why is it so important to get somewhere into the centre of the pendulum and not swing to and fro? Because here, between the opposites, lie all the possibilities of growth. Here influences from higher levels can reach us. Here, in this place where one can feel one’s own nothingness (and where one is therefore free from contradictions), influences and meanings com- ing from higher centres, which have no contradictions, can be felt. Not regarding yourself as good or bad, not priding yourself on being just or otherwise, not thinking you are well-treated or badly-treated, not being caught by either movement through identifying, you come into this mid-position. This is not easy! With personality active, it is impossible.” V. 1, p. 329
  17. It doesn't seem like Connor completely and or clearly enough saw through the tricks of the Mind like Frank appears to have. As if he doesn't understand the nothingness that's prior to the minds understanding. But it doesn't matter ❤
  18. Look in front of you, and realise that THIS is the actual nothingness you are talking about. That eternal witness you are reffering to is synonymous with nothingness and beingness. Formless and form collaps into infinity. Truth/falsehood is just your mind labeling. See Truth in everything.
  19. ?? ????? ??????? (Nothingness):- ???????? :- so basically i came to realize this Nothingness by asking this question of who's the observer and by using neti-neti method to tap into it. As from this technique if I'm able to perceive or see or hear things that's not me so what am i nothing pure nothing. ?????? ??????? (Everything):- ???????? :- Basically i thought nothing is something and i tried to capture this but this so not how it was. Nothing is this entirely this not separate from me. And also i had this insight nothing is not different from something. Something = nothing and this is a tautology. (Something = nothing) = pure Being .
  20. When you are 100% Godhead, you become absolute nothingness/non-existence/love/unity. Whether or not you want to experience existence again is completely up to you since you are God. In this nothingness, time doesn't even exist(nor does any concept of anything), so there would be no "coming back" to life, but rather life/existence/concept needs to be recreated again from infinite nothing. To God, there is no beginning or end, no existence or non-existence. You could stay in this nothingness for eternity and then instantly create all of existence and time at once. It's kind of like a pause button for a video game. To the character in the game, they do not know that time is paused when it is. Their experience of existence is spontaneous and consistent. This is why you are actually Godhead right now in the infinite, timeless nothingness between your experience of existence. Still, since there is no time in absolute nothing, you will not notice that you are God. Unless you become conscious enough that you can see the process of creation/imagination of existence directly.
  21. @Valwyndir Hmm, that was really so true. I never experienced unconsciousness and never will experience cause if you're unconscious how can you experience it, that's the point. No way to prove or disprove!!! But I like to think or tell a story or to believe I was there present as pure nothingness when I'm sleeping or in that stage. This kinda give continuity more possible from other person's pov. Yeah making it complicated. Yeah there are no separation from oneself and other from consciousness but from individual mind it do. Wait there's no individual mind. Wait there are no people also no me and also wait, what the hell. I don't know. Yeah maybe there was never unconscious state. How sneaky maybe i never slept actually, what's the point if i never slept if I'm trying to sleep everyday. Non-duality is so strange!!
  22. So i figured that i haven't spent enough time contemplating, and this post is meant as an exercise,and also to see potential holes in my understanding. Since the first times i took acid, but especially after my 600mcg breakthrough (i've posted the trip report for anyone interested) i can access lower levels of psychedelic-like understanding all the time. My imagination just explodes with insight especially when i smoke weed but also when i'm sober (yes it's weird). This skill grows the more i become conscious, the cleaner and healthier my body gets and the more i take psychedelics. So the following is my attempt at putting into words my current experience/way of seeing things. Of course Leo's videos have influenced me A LOT, but this is all just from the top of my head. SO You/Nothingness - is like this infinitely big "room". But because it's infinitely "big" although it's Nothing, it kinda becomes an infinitely dense, infinitely complex "THING". But it's only ONE "thing", so it's not big or small, relative to something else. It's Absolutely big, and yet it's like a DOT. It's Absolutely small, and yet it's like an infinitely complex geometrical figure. it kinda lives in these two paradoxical simultaneous states of being a thing and not being a thing - infinitely complex AND infinitely simple, and every. single. fucking. distinction. anyone could possibly make AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE to infinity It's indistinguishable from nothingness, that's why science will never FIND "it". Nothingness is the floor and the ceiling of Existence all at once. And so it seemingly has two "sides" - The infinite, ever-expanding "space" and the infinite, ever-contracting "dot" (which is the inverted whole "viewed" from within-without (i'm not going to even try to explain stuff like within-without. i hope you get it) This is nonduality = duality! because we have the two parts - the whole, which is one, and the seemingly separate, which has itsef two sides - "nothingness" and "everythingness" mirroring the whole - which paradoxically creates three things, and that by the same logic it creates a fourth thing and a fifth and so on, and infinity is "born". But it's all One. Now, the tendency is to say that "here" we are INSIDE the Universe but it's nature is such that each square centimeter is infinitely filled with the ENTIRE Universe in each infinitely small point wherever you can possibly point to. it has this sort of infinite, BUT CIRCULAR geometry thing about it. So you are always inside AND outside of it (yourself). EVERYWHERE IS OUTSIDE/INSIDE YOURSELF... holy shit language just falls short anyway... Just from this perhaps you can see how something like death is false. Because it's the only thing, nothing can stop it from "running" in any dimensional direction possible. And because "outside" itself is actually "inside" itself, it actually CAN go outside itself too. It's infinite and thus It's SO FUCKIN FAST that it "catches" ITSELF and it can stand next to itself !!! And of course it positioned itself in every possible place - everywhere. And this is really where PERSPECTIVE is born. What we call "i" is standing, for lack of a better term, in the "middle", in between all of the extremes of Nothingness/Consciousness. Here we see the Infinite Pixel of God simultaneously penetrating all dimensions, being Space and every infinitely small nook and cranny of Space, occupying the entirety of Infinity. Balance. But there is also "IT'S" "perspective" which is Oneness, Stillness, Everthingness - Truth! , which is all of itself at once, which is utterly incomprehensible because from it's point of view it doesn't have to "run" anywhere or "do" anything because it is everywhere and it is everything. It's just right now it's accessing a limited part of itself, and the best we can do to kinda get that with "regular human consciousness" is that perfect "nothingness" that spiritual teachers are so in love with, and see the Oneness and Everythingness and blaaaaa but even that is so distorted and sounds so cringe to me because In order to SPEAK Absolute Truth with "human language" one would have to speak forever, for infinity! So therefore everything we say will always get stuck in an extreme of sorts.) And i see there is an ongoing Consciousness balance act or dance between that nothingness and everythingness, an that is what i would call enlightenment, even though actually, that also falls short. i have no idea what enlightenment actually is. Everything is just me/God/Infinity. With the higher dimensions (seemingly) closed, everywhere we look will always (seemingly) be duality/relative, therefore only HALF of God, so to speak (except that they're never really actually closed) In my experience, psychedelics allow access to higher/wackyer dimensions and allow you to fold language (or anything, you're ultimately folding consciousness) in a higher dimension, you get to a HIGHER Truth - relatively speaking. More information. And that Higher knowledge from the infinite library gets more and more complex in all directions, in all colors, in all sounds, all manners possible. Each more creative and innovative than the one before. SERIOUS STUFF!!! it gets more beautiful, but also more dangerous, more pleasurable, but more painful, more ugly, more blissful, more intense, more and more and MORE and MORE of EVERYTHING. To infinity... You can for example speak "languages" where one "letter" or "thought" or "artifact" is the entire possibility of human language. Trying to "obtain" this through meditation and self inquiry but never taking psychedelics is like having a knife, sharpening it everyday but never using it to cut anything ever, and saying that you don't NEED TO, because the purpose is just having a sharp knife... ok, not the best analogy but it's like wtf? So as long as you're viewing yourself from a human body, the whole Thing is mechanical it has pieces/holons - REASONS - so infinite causality is why you CAN'T access psychedelic states without psychedelics - The *reason* for the existence of this dimension is for the other ones to make sense - through contrast! So realize that everything is just the dot (you) everywhere, masqueranding as the atoms, the light, the bed, the body, the thoughts, the sounds etc. etc. and that it can anytime "stop" what it's currently doing (distorting itself, sticking it's head up it's ass thus creating YOU, jk) and see that you are the dot, radiating into your infinite self (falling in love) and you are viewing yourself, pretending to be "things" aka "not you". This is how God hides in plain sight. It won't show itself to you not because it can't, but because you won't let it, because it's you and so you're not letting yourself - because you're not open enough for infinity. Again. All this that i'm saying is not TRUTH! TRUTH can be accessed directly, and you kinda cannot speak of it, other than to say that it's Absolute, or Infinite, or Love or God or Perfect or stuff like that, and even those are distortions, that's how radical it is/you are. So where psychedelics meet self-actualization, consciousness work, spirituality, health and fitness and sex and all aspects of your life is this: In order for psychedelics to work the best with the body, it must be in a certain pristine state - this is what "spiritual purification" is partly about. This is also what "spiritual healing" is all about. It's not that consciousness work heals the body - it indirectly heals the body by making you more aware of the shit that isn't working well and it makes you open and wise and proactive in making things better in every aspect of life, so you go and research your ass off and you fix your gut issues, get the heavy metals out of your brain, feed the body an abundance of CLEAN SOURCES for ALL the vitamins, minerals, essential polyunsaturated fats, water, exercise social&sex stuff, LP etc. etc. etc. And you get all your metaphysics of God/You/infinity/Love in order, you meditate, do inquiry etc. and multiply to infinity, accelerate accelerate accelerate and *then* psychedelics will show you stuff that is truly next level, because it reflects just how amazing and next level you already are (infinite acceleration). And in this way of being that i just described, you're living life in such a divine reflection of your true Being - which is just ... infinite beauty it's so... IT'S SO BRUTALLY BEAUTIFUL!!!! lmao Can you see the dot everywhere? I'm not saying that the point is to see the point everywhere. In fact, at this point i could go on about the point of the point, but i see no point in that, since believe i made sufficient points about the point of the point of the point analogy. (even the letter "i" is a point with a line, that is made out of points... ) Ok ok ok so now everything that i just said i fold in a higher dimension and it becomes a single non-verbal thought, and i forget about the dot and i just see infinity in everything. I see the linear-circular-ness of everything. See how every single little "thing" is simultaneously the biggest/smallest thing. See how no thing is actually A thing, but THE thing - God/You/etc. And something very funny happens, Everything people say suddenly has something strange, something personal about it, every sound, everything that enters "awarenes" is so special and intelligent and deliberate and Perfect! And it's always like this, except that when you're not uber conscious of it, it doesn't seem this way at all. I'm gonna stop there really hope that this helps some of you. You can do anything. Cheers! (see you on the other side!)
  23. Jhanas arise when the mind is very still, opposing intentions in the mind harmonize, and the result is out-of-this-world-intense bliss. It happens via both insight and concentration meditation, but mainly concentration -- not concentration as in sticking to the object, but through intentionally cultivating a sense of satisfaction every time you realize your attention is not as still on the object as you would like. No need to focus on the object to the exclusion of anything else, just allow your attention to rest on the object and your only intention at first should be to be on your toes to intentionally cultivate a sense of satisfaction every time you realize your attention is not as still on the object as you would like. Eventually mind will still itself and rest on the object -- because eventually from doing this, the awareness of the quality of your attention never goes away, and becomes monitored in real time and under conscious control. And then those competing intentions in the back of your mind (imperceptible) will calm down and you'll see what they were inadvertently covering up -- intense overwhelming satisfaction. It is unlikely to reach jhana without at least 45 minute sits every day -- preferably 1-2 hours. If you begin to feel a very intense pleasant body buzz, often (but not always) beginning in the hands or sometimes the face/smile or chest, ignore it and continue the breath/etc meditation until the buzz is impossible to ignore, then shift your attention in one motion to the buzz itself... it will dissipate or get stronger. If it gets stronger, you will soon be in the 1st jhana, at which point it's all over -- you're officially addicted to meditation, lol. The 2nd jhana (doing the same thing except switching your awareness from the buzz to the happiness it brings) is even better, and so on up to the 8th jhana. The first time you enter jhana it may scare you. That's normal. It won't hurt you. The pleasure is so intense you might feel like you can't breathe. Just be aware that's normal. Rather useless info, until later: Entering 3rd jhana: happiness -> peace (the rapturous buzz that is central to the 1st jhana and peripheral to the 2nd jhana disappears entirely -- happiness without the buzz that it seemed to arise from = peace) 4th: peace -> beautiful stillness (abandoning pleasure for something more exalted) 5th: stillness -> boundless space 6th: boundless space -> boundless consciousness (this is an incredibly intense mystical experience) 7th: boundless consciousness -> perception of nothingness 8th: perception of nothingness -> mind not landing on anything, not even nothingness Nirvana: lights out; perceived after the fact as a gap, like jumping forward in time with no space in between.
  24. This is not a thought, it is nothing. Everything is nothing, therefore there is no such a thing as something. Just nothingness. If you dont think during the day, there wont be any “during the day”, “you”, “something “, “experience “, nor “produce”. Nothingness can not be experienced, can just “be”, as sleeping. Forget everything that “you” have learned (including yourself), whatever left is what YOU really are.
  25. @James123 I don't know if the lost in translation happened here as it common in this topic, but i don't got that properly. Yes but what is the substance for this thought -> pure nothingness, right? Pure awareness is nothingness. Thought cannot comeout of something right? Nothigness is needed to show something. If there was no duality something should be appeared in my deep-sleep or in coma cause nothing = something, so in this case non-duality is not happened. Cause nothingness provide a hierarchically top role in sort of way. Like nothingness produce something if nothingness produce something these two are dualities.