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  1. @Apparation of Jack Yes they did, I wasn't expecting any spiritual insights from his book but his story was a great illustration of the law of attraction and at the time I didn't believe in siddhis but it opened my mind to them. The Masonic organizations were a place where people learned about nonduality, mostly they were open only for men though. My intuition is that they have since watered down some of the teachings or people generally don't go as far with them as they did back then but that's just a guess from an outsider's point of view. Life is much more comfortable today, people went to clairvoyant doctors back then because modern medicine was completely insane. We rely on science and technology today, back then faith in a mysterious higher power was all the hope you had. We just have different challenges to realization than they had back then.
  2. @RendHeaven Well ya but you already covered that so well, and the op does say ‘different spectacles’, and with this... ...I was aiming prior to the bifocals, for the perception prior even to the relationship lens altogether, the ‘relationship’ with the self. There seemed to be so much waffling for so long, I didn’t think saying of course leave was the ‘different spectacle’ that the op felt would help. I hear ya though, and thank you. I just don’t experience relationships as duality and self / love as nonduality. I see everything permeated with love, and it makes sense. I do believe one will choose suffering with someone over having no one, only from a misunderstood idea of self. I also believe the heart is leading the show wether the mind knows it or not, and that it’s better to know it. We’ll see I guess, maybe they’ll think it’s neet. Maybe not.
  3. @zeroISinfinity I’m including your perspective in mine. Like how God includes all selves within itself. Nonduality unites Dualities
  4. Too much nonduality war going on here. Gotta lock it.
  5. @Aakash Please enlighten me. You are conscious that you are God, that All is One. Now what? You just live bro, try to be the best version of yourself and all that. Do you think I'm in non-duality 24/7 permanently? No. I wish. But I am conscious of God and total Oneness. I still have to live in duality and experience it. That's how God willed it. But I know that duality itself is part of nonduality. It's all One, all God, just in different ways etc.
  6. Discussions of nonduality are fine. It can be communicated kindly without personal identification, attachment and personal conflict (Tier2 yellow and turquoise). Lead by example.
  7. Many people, including myself, have critiqued "little Conrad." I only meant well for him in this comment, but I got warning points from cetus56 threatening to ban me for "nonduality wars." I suggest you be careful, @Aakash. No, that is little Aakash. You are just telling yourself that it is Big Aakash. Be REALLY CAREFUL. You sorely underestimate the devil. It's obvious from how much you post. I don't want to make this into a finger pointing game so let me just say that I sincerely mean the best for you. Please do take into account what I'm saying. Don't dismiss this just because I'm slightly confrontational. Don't defend yourself in a follow up post, either. Breathe and live. We both have lots to contemplate.
  8. @Truth Addict Good stuff. Nonduality includes duality after all. Leo is just showing us the other end of the paradox we weren't aware of
  9. Not from what I can tell. Free will is existent as the Will of God. God's highest Will is total freedom for you. God gives you just enough rope that you can awaken yourself or hang yourself. Not coincidences but divine Intelligence permeates and structures all of Creation. Yet this is not destiny. Divine Intelligence balances between autonomy and communion, creating an infinite holoarchy of holons which culminate in an infinite fractal of Absolute Goodness and Love. God's plan is to give its offspring a taste of the joys of being a creator. God is sharing itself with itself, the result of which is your human form and ability to make decisions for your life. Good point. I don't get that at all. Odd how different it is for people. I just get total nonduality and extreme visionary powers. I get the infinite vision of God. A vision powerful enough to spawn entire galaxies into existence. Keep practicing that. Gold lies in them thar hills! Remember, dog is God spelled backwards
  10. You feel disconnected. It's your fault you're disconnected, because there's no you. What the fuck? Where is the love in that? There's something, He says. And if you don't believe me here's a tree loaded with fruit and you never made a choice to eat from it, and halfway through picking off the fruits and eating them you realize what you've done. Nothing is inherent in something. In other words, nothing is none of your fucking business. The more you try to grasp something the more you come to know nothing. I hate this rural cut off from all opportunity area, what kind of idiotic ambitionless person wants to live here? I hate cities worse. I hate people and I detest their ambitions. It's a love/hate relationship, and I'd rather not deal with it at all. My lonely life is a consolation prize. At least the percentage of nature to utter bullshit is much more favorable in the middle of nowhere. We have designed towns, cities and communities based on a sense of separateness and a worship of materialism. We've turned paradise into a concrete jungle of hell. Where is the grace? Whatever happened to consent God, I didn't fucking ask to be born, to be born here, to be born me, and you say I did. You say I'm you and if I accept that I have no one left to blame. What impossible, maddening situation is this? You created someone to answer to, you created duality out of nonduality, now answer me God, where is the grace, where is the love? There IS something. There IS an I. Settle up you lying piece of shit.
  11. @Truth Addict Nonduality and duality paradoxically both exist. You last sentence is evidence of ideological aversions and attachments. Let it go and let it be.
  12. You guys are so misunderstanding nonduality. You're literally repeating the same mistake that religious people have made, taking the teachings literally. I can't blame you, that's the psychedelic version of the truth. (I DON'T MEAN THE OP)
  13. The reason is that what you are, once the false ideas are removed, is perfect peace, truth, and freedom. Isn't that the case when you're reading a novel? Do the characters in the book actually exist, or are they really just words? If you really want to understand, you might consider putting some serious time into studying the schools of eastern mysticism. Read my book or other recommended books on nonduality and get back to me. "Nonduality" -- which is what this forum is all about, what the schools of mysticism all around the world are about, certainly what I'm teaching -- holds that the very idea of humans, animals, thinking, the world -- all of this is a kind of illusion. It's an illusion that causes pain and suffering and uncertainty. This illusion can be penetrated if you look very carefully into the mind. If you really want, you can learn about the philosophical arguments for why this might be so, or you can simply take the world of the many people over thousands of years who have experienced this and then talked about it. As far as why thoughts are our "default action" -- it turns out, after you look very closely, that that is in fact not the case. Basically, you're living in a giant misunderstanding.
  14. Do you notice that you are creating a duality between nonduality and duality? Nonduality includes duality. Paradoxical.
  15. you said no self is reality but nonduality/mahasamadhi arent. Is that because they are names for a particular idea whereas no self is just the absence of the viel self gives to everything it sees? @moon777light See this Bill Nye style...Light a match or a lighter next to a wall. Look at the wall, and tell me what’s missing. Now look at your hand - what’s missing? Then, contemplate... who is contemplating? What then, is, “contemplation”? (If this sounds ridiculous, go through all of the siddhis, until samadhi, and discard them all in non-attachment, non-identification) I’d recommend the four noble truths, and the eightfold path. 5 or so miles into a run, notice the true effortlessness, notice there’s no you doing a damn thing, was always the case. Sing, Alone, no one is there. Lose the self in the one pointed concentration of playing an instrument. Many more of course, every way is no way.
  16. you said no self is reality but nonduality/mahasamadhi arent. Is that because they are names for a particular idea whereas no self is just the absence of the viel self gives to everything it sees? im not sure, but differently than i do No self does not equal god self? i thought they were the same
  17. No self isn’t a perspective, it’s reality. “Survival” is a perspective. Nonduality & mahasamadhi are not states, nor ‘reality’. “States” is a perspective.
  18. Yo. I did some molly (120mg) with a good friend of mine. He is very, very, very, smart. He also has watched basically all of the actualized videos. Especially the last 2 ( authority, and reality) which helped the trip alot. He was on 3g of mushrooms. The trip was just a trip, a journey, it happened you know. This is what went down: I AM. HAHAHA I love you (me), if i want nothing matters it just is idk why im writing this to you (ME) to try and prove you (ME) that I am you (ME) BUDDY IM THE WHOLE FUCKING UNIVERSE I am that There is no other. PLEASE SHOW ME AN OTHER. WHERE, WHERE, WHERE can it beee??? pff I feel powerful, grounded, surrendered, NOT blissfull. NOT perfect happiness. NOT... suffering = bliss. Nonduality. transcend the struggle. embrace fear to get to love to fall back in to fear to infinitely dance in bondage until our final... idk lol IDK if this is gonna last. PROBABLY, HOPEFULLY. im really down to become a fucking unconscious idiot again and wake the fuck up again. Yo who cares. REALLLLLLLY interested to see any replies to this. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA SAY? NO, Im WRONG? BAHAHHA. (indulging in infinite I AMness at the moment) pardon my humanity. @Leo Gura
  19. leo as your experience of reality advances, your ability to judge the validity of practical subjects of self help strategies becomes more precise. Your recent videos all preach nonduality, its pretty much the same message but being demonstrated in different areas of life, which is fucking useful! you've pretty much got a modern Quran or bible going for you! But again, practical videos are still in need for those who aren't at stages yellow and above.
  20. @SriBhagwanYogi the practice mainly was kriya+mindfulness everywhere, the past few weeks started going to the gym and doing exercises with closed eyes for maximum mindfulnes. Also weed and the wife played a huge role leading to this. Seeing myself/or seeing the nonduality in my wife led me to awaken myself then to help awaken her. This morning I just woke up - but as god.
  21. Then we agree on objective existence Did I say I coveted experience? I dont remember stating that Im not talking about clinging to experiences. If you believe clinging is required to get perceived benefit from experience, we will have to agree to disagree. I suspect our fundemental disagreement lies with what we believe is our True Self. Buddhist think there is nothing. Yoga says there is nothing but there is also paradoxically something (the atman). When someone is enlightened, the false self no longer exists yet there is still "something" that continues to be refined. Yoga doesnt have much to clarify on this point but the occult would say that the True Self/individuated subjectivity is refined for eternity without denying nonduality. Although, I used to align more with the Buddhist philosophy in the past, I currently think the occult view ties in better with my experiences in non-physical realms and people's NDE anecdotes.
  22. There is no such thing as “objective existence”. As far as the relative world goes, all there is is subjectivity. Of course. Again, because you covet experience more than the Truth. This is a common thing many people struggle with if what they seek is liberation. They covet the ignorance and clinging to their own experiences more than truth. That’s not shaming experience. It’s awesome to have experiences of deep compassion with friends and loved ones. It’s awesome to provide contribution to the world that fulfill you and what not. That doesn’t negate the issue though that many people struggle towards liberation because of their attachment to the illusion of experience which doesn’t exist fundamentally. That’s not disowning or poopooing experience. That’s calling it what it is. At the “bottom most point” there is no why as to why actions are being done. Fundamentally that’s a false dilemma. There is no action nor doer, much less a reason as to why there is either. You can interpret what I’m saying as not putting any value on the “physical realm” but at the end of the day, if we’re going to talk about consciousness work and enlightenment and the Absolute and nonduality, I can’t go around pretending that such relative matters have any existence from the Absolute if that’s what we’re here discussing using relative dualistic and inherently assumption language. That doesn’t discredit them. It’s putting them in their proper context in being honest about the matter.
  23. Isn't the practice of giving up choice itself a choice? Some may argue that, but the nonduality view is that there isn't even a doer, so it just seems to be a choice. Similar with how to put one's attention to following the higher intelligence instead of the subconscious ego choices. That too is kind of like a choice. One key is to start feeling just a tiny bit of inner peace amongst the confusion and fear inside. That small beacon of inner peace is the key towards higher intelligence. The confusion inside is the fuel for the ego to construct fear out of the confusion. So both the confusion and the fear are the old low form of "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" struggle-for-survival ego construct, including the things that the "pagans" (ego identification) run after.
  24. Anything you think about enlightenment, nonduality, whatever we wanna call this is at the end of the day WRONG. None of it at the end of the day is fundamentally true. If we’re gonna talk most accurately about what’s Absolute we would either have to admit that anything we say at the end of the day is all bullshit babble or we shut ourselves up. Nothing you think is the Truth. TRUTH is the point! If you care about usefulness then the pursuit of truth ain’t the right path. If you care about the truth regardless of whether or not it’s of use, them the pursuit is definitely for you. Anything we say about nonduality is mental masterbation. There’s a usefulness to it in order to pursue, but at the end of the day it is nonetheless all hogwash.