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  1. @Shadowraix Piecing together insights can be tricky, especially from squirrely substances like mushrooms. The insights can be hard to make sense of. It helps very much to have a solid theoretical foundation in nonduality and spirituality beforehand. Which means reading lots of books and developing a theoretical framework. That helps me a lot. So when I trip and I see some new insight I can say, "Oh, hey, that's what that Zen master was talking about!" or, "Hey! That's what that yogi was talking about!" If you come into psychedelics with zero study, you will be so lost. You won't be able to make sense of it. Watching my videos should help a lot with this. People who trip need to watch my videos.
  2. @Leo Gura The thing about this is that you only realise what you can't handle or accept when it's literally staring you in the face halfway through a trip. I did "unlock" the nonduality consciousness by going high dose LSD, though it was a very rough experience and overall it surely could have been easier with patience and low doses. Got too caught up sprinting to the end goal, and peeked beyond what I was ready to see. The ego will always think it can handle it (particularly if it's arrogant, and spiritual). Resists being an important keyword, definitely, agree here. The deepest love always lies behind the surrender to the deepest fears. Of course, no surrender (as you struggle and resit), and hell ensues.
  3. Just experienced something similar. It caught me so off guard because it was a small amount of weed. I decided to contemplate 'Who am I?' to get the juices flowing and just went down the rabbit hole again. Saw that real 'not knowing' again, where I literally realised all the "distinctions" I was making up I was in fact just making up. This was fine until I started thinking about the infinite nature of consciousness and trying to conceptualise what a new dimension like space and time, what could be next and I literally created another dimension/sense with my thoughts and got trapped in it. The best way I can describe it is: "Symmetrical rippling frog hand vibrations which fell backward in connection to the next thought/action". Like how you feel smell/smight/sound are connected or associated in some way this new thing was connected to all those, this trippy shit started happening (I think I can see why martin ball was doing those movements now). I was stuck here and it wasn't slowing down, meanwhile I begun throwing up harder than I ever had before, dry retching on an 100% empty stomach (3 separate times). I've experienced pure 5-MeO before and nonduality with LSD many times and whilst this was a semi non-dual state (like partway) I realised and experienced a new dimension of infinity, it came from nowhere. I handled it suprising well, and prayed for ego to take me back to normal consciousness (it's so good, appreciate it). I engaged in the most "unconscious" behaviour specifically to try and accelerate the backlash . Hell can be a real experience, it's what you might call a bad trip. There will always be them, the good trip and bad trip are just different directions of the loop. Have experienced similar things before, but the vomitting made it way more intense. Weed has never given me a particularly good experience, it's almost too intense for me. But Leo is spot on, the spiritual path really is about accepting the "horrible" shit you don't want to accept. There does seem to be value in spiritualising your ego, if you really do that it turns out that nothing throws you off the path when you come back to it Consciousness is so fucking trippy it's unreal. P.S Sorry to hijack the thread, just felt a need to write this down somewhere and then this thread came up
  4. Is it possible to integrate an individual self with what some nonduality teachers say that there is no self. Yes! Think of the individual self as a unique point within the totality of reality. That point is nothing in itself yet it is a self through which reality manifests. And it fits with the nonduality claim that there is no doer, since a point cannot do anything. Yet, another equally valid perspective is that the individual is the whole of reality and its creative process localized at the unique point of the self. And yet another perspective which I think is valid is that the unique point is also the person's eternal soul. Point here is used in the mathematical sense: "A precise location or place on a plane. Usually represented by a dot."
  5. @Chi_ The memory of such experiences can make your sober state much more aware. With every experience comes learning. One would not even begin to grasp how profound nonduality is without a nondual experience. Experience is much more impactful than theory.
  6. Another realization I got, which is an obvious one, but I hadn't thought of it in the bigger picture before, is that our individual egos are a result of the collective ego of the society we live in. And then I started wondering how the heck we would be able to evolve out of that trap. But then I heard Roger Castillo mentioning that the ego will automatically start to be removed from people when we become aware and learn the new conditioning he is talking about. Roger is a "disciple" of Ramesh Balsekar, who was a very hardcore nonduality teacher, so the new conditioning might appear somewhat nihilistic at first, but seen from an evolutionary perspective it becomes a full picture for me. The new conditioning is the realization that nobody is a doer in the ultimate sense. So that's what will happen! If that's the truth, and I think it is the truth, then more and more people, including myself, will automatically become reconditioned.
  7. This is a great short book/poem about pure nonduality. Written by the Third Chinese Chán (Zen) Patriarch Jianzhi Sengcan. I recommend it highly for contemplation, for giving up the illusions you are stuck in. You can find it here.
  8. The founder of Israel and it's first prime minister was a Spiral Dynamic stage yellow thinker. I live in Israel and just recently finished personal biography research of this incredible man. As a student of spiral dynamic, I immediately noticed how developed he was on the spiral- especially by the end of his life... Here are some amazing facts about him: - Spoke 11 different languages (including ancient Greek in order to study philosophy from the source!) - He had a collection of over 27,000 books in his 2 houses! In his house in Tel Aviv, the entire second floor is a privet library with a bedroom! The library contains 22,000 books from all over the world! the diversity of the books is shocking: Greek and Roman philosophy in the original languages, History books of dozens of countries (including USA, UK, India, China, and many other countries in Africa, South America and Asia which he all studied), Books about all religions, Spirituality, Nonduality, meditation, yoga, psychology, brain science, astronomy, biology, medic, physic and much more... So how can you read so much as a prime minister? During the nights... - You can actually go to his house in Tel Aviv (today it's a museum) and witness the books and even read from them inside the museum (on his will he asked to give people read from the books in the future so the museum allows it for free) - His houses were very simple and modest and he valued the simple kind of lifestyle (look at the pictures) - After living in Tel Aviv for a few decades and after he declared the state of Israel and was the first prime minister, he went to live in the middle of the desert in a small "Kibuts" (a form of collective community settlement in Israel), growing his own food, having chickens and a cow in his house, reading and writing, doing yoga and meditating. - He traveled to Burma and India doing meditation retreats and practicing yoga. During his journey, he met with monks and enlightenment masters. - One of the most famous pictures of him is the "head standing" on the beach of Tel Aviv, Today there is a statue of him doing it (look at the pictures) - One of his best friends was Albert Einstein, they shared many ideas and Ben Gurion even asked Einstein to be the president of Israel! (In Israel, the president is mainly representative, and the prime minister is the one who actually runs the country). By the way, Einstein said no... - By the end of his life, he gave a British reporter an interview in English in his house in the desert (6 hours long) which turned into a 2 hours movie called "Epilog"- only when you hear him talk you can really understand what I'm talking about. Some quotes: "God? it's not the one in the bible, it's everywhere" "I don't believe in just a physical world there is much more magic than that in here" "Through yoga, man learns to control his body better - in his internal and external organs and in this way in his spirit as well" Ben Gurion was not enlightenment and during most of his life, he dealt with political issues and his main vision was to establish a state. In addition, he definitely had some spiral dynamic stage orange and green ideology, but he was also a true seeker who realized the fact that there is more to this reality than black and white thinking, especially by the end of his life just like Einstein and Maslow were. This post is just an introduction for you, If you want to know the full story go read his biography (the best one is of Michael Bar Zohar). In addition, watch the movie "Epilog".
  9. What are the proper expectations we who are into consciousness and nonduality can expect a more consicious and integrated world through politics and policy change? Covering the realities of how Marxism is actually correct along with the limitations of it. What our role is as conscious creators who are moving towards 2nd and even 3rd tier in creating a more conscious society and how we can infuse that with politics? Ecodharma and politics What would 2nd Tier politics and society even look like? What kinds of policy changes in our systemic national and global societal infrastructure need to be changed in order to elevate the rest of mankind up Maslows Hierarchy, Spiral Dynamics, and other such stages of development and of course towards the possibility of being able to achieve liberation much easily for everybody? Such as UBI, legalization of psychedelics, etc.
  10. @Buba Lets say your brain is in a normal waking state without any substance. What is perception? of what you see, feel, hear, ect? What is the essence of it? What is it made out of? If you become very very present and reach a level of no-mind (less thoughts) and deeply question this, you will realize that the physical feeling of whatever you feel, has the same essence of your dream, of a substance's hallucinations, of deep dreamless sleep. It's something very very subtle and empty. Science likes to zoom in untill they reach a limit. Atoms, sub atomic particles, quarks, strings, whatever comes even after that. Maybe it never ends. Meybe everything is made of something lesser and also mades up something more. What if there was no end to "what's something made of" and "pure awareness/nothingness" be the ultimate substance? It really must be experienced. Materialism is right in physical domains. Yes if you shoot your brain this perception will be gone. But it's not ultimately true. Nonduality goes beyond it.
  11. I would LOVE this! People into spirituality I feel need to have a better understanding at the interconnection between nonduality and politics. I notice a lot of people into spirituality (particularly on this forum) are quite politically retarded in regards to their understanding. If we want a more conscious and awakened world in a way that is both not a pipe dream and sustainable, we need a more conscious politics. Theres a reason Sadhguru, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Krishna, and reknown mystics both past and modern, and have worked with the rulers of their civilization to help bring transformation for those in power in order to bring conscious transformation to the people.
  12. @abrakamowse Well if your intent is for things to run smoothly, I guess that's what you have to do. Masons do it, and most religions do it to some degree. It shouldn't be a problem in nonduality, except apparently anything goes so we're especially fucked. How many books on enlightenment have been written by women? How many female enlightened masters are there? Apparently women are only capable of fawning over a master and not being there for purely spiritual reasons. They are a distraction, bad luck, too emotional, not to be taken seriously. If someone wants to be valued, they will either leave or find a way in which they can be valued. Finally respect women as equal spiritual beings as a community and these things won't happen.
  13. You cannot ask a question about God until you meet him. I heard a really good quote regarding nonduality; "most questions about nonduality are the wrong the question 'what colour is the number 4?' "
  14. Enlightenment does not imply entire cessation of thought. The cessation of thought in certain practices helps us see through thought and not identify with it. Enlightenment does not get rid of the ego, but you can now see past the ego. Concepts point to experience but we confuse the concept as the experience. This work is all about finding balance. Be careful about how much you theorize. Even now you are just theorizing what you think you see in these people. Entering nonduality does not mean you never use duality and it becomes useless. Rather it becomes a tool. Duality vs nonduality is also a duality. Nonduality will see both perspectives and use either where it applies. Something only becomes dogma and indoctrination if you hold it as such.
  15. @iTommy I hear ya. ? A decent contemplation might be, without a thinker of thoughts, do thoughts arise? Why would they and for what? Duality arises in a nondualist, but does duality arise within nonduality?
  16. @WHO IS ?? “Whatever precious jewel there is in the heavenly worlds, there is nothing comparable to one who is awakened.” The Buddha (Sutta Nipata) “To support mother and father, to cherish partner and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation - this is the greatest blessing.” The Buddha (Mangala A powerful nonduality. “The root of suffering is attachment.” - WHO IS
  17. Knowledge is a veil, duality (appearance / illusion) . The ‘real’ of the feeling of knowing knowledge, is knowing the self derived from having forgotten the self. There is no actual duality known, only an idea of a knower and it’s knowledge. A being which is itself infinite intelligence recognizing itself, never actually knowing any thing. There isn’t actually any knowledge or a thing to know, You just appear that way. Duality isn’t perceived within nonduality, nonduality is known in spite of the illusion duality, like remembering in spite of having forgotten, but what was forgotten was No Thing / The Substance Of Not Knowing / You. A body isn’t dropped, there never was a body. Duality isn’t dropped, because it never actually was some thing, delusion is dropped, in recognition there isn’t any. There is only Being recognizing and knowing itself. If the cosmic joke is not funny, the joke is on “you”.
  18. Regardless of what I focus on or desire, it doesn't work out for me. Life used to be a fascinating wonder for me. I wake up in the mornings terrified and go through the day emotionally numb, feeling little. I look at my own mother and don't even know if she is really real or not. Can she see me? Is she as alive as I am? I don't know any more. I feel utterly alone and don't know what's going to happen in future. I can't even find the motivation to sort my career out either because when all is said and done, there is ultimately no point. I'm god anyway so maybe when I get enlightenment, I can bring this whole thing to an end and realise how utterly stupid I was to create all this. I just want to stop working and spend the rest of my days doing meditation and spirituality, because part of me still believes I've maybe got it all wrong. Maybe all I've got to do is accept that anything that appears on my computer screen or in reality as a whole is just me feeding back to myself to create the illusion that I'm not alone. Isn't that nonduality in a nutshell?
  19. Hey, I have zero experience with psychedelics, or anything like that. But after learning lots of theory about nonduality and enlightenment, I want to have a little mystical experience using psychedelic substances. But I have no idea what to expect, or what am I suppose to start with. Is a microdose of LSD good for my purposes? And also, what is the ideal environment for the thing I am looking for? I suppose an empty room will do. And I suppose trip sitter is necessary too. What would you suggest?
  20. Agreed. Syd Barrett ate too many sugarcubes... and the nonduality became too much for him
  21. That's because questions can only arise to the sense of a separate self. AKA the separated self, AKA the dual aspect of nonduality, and so only a dual answer will suffice which is yes and no in the same instant. Because both answers are true, in that reality is both non-and dual by it's very nature. The empty mirror of consciousness and what it reflects are the same ONE...never two.
  22. Free will vs no free will is yet another duality. The way the whole question is framed is fundamentally dualistic and silly because it assumes there is more than one entity. If there only exists one entity/object, does it have free will or not? See? It's an absurd question because anything it is, is identical with its will. There is no other outside it that could control it. The whole notion of control breaks down because control requires two objects: a controller and the controllee. This cannot hold if nonduality is the case. Being and Will turn out to be identical in a nondual state of consciousness.
  23. I'm not sure if the artist was going for this, I read briefly the song was written about someone with addiction. But doesn't it sound like he's talking nonduality?
  24. I dare to you say that to an enlightened master in person while trying to look him/her in they eyes LOL you damn devil. Of course you think you don’t have any responsibility in the matter. Just another a sign that shows that all of this for you is all talk with no real genuine insight - much less the humility. You don’t give two shits about truth. Only whatever serves your own selfishness to not take any action and recognize your responsibility. Neglecting the world is neglecting yourself. Let me make this clear before more additional dribble: I am not enlightened. I am not awake. I’m still a fool. However, I recognize and am honest about what I have not become conscious of but also that which I do know and understand and what I have learned displayed from people who’ve devoted their lives to this work for thousands of years up till today. I’m not saying I’m more awake than you. I’m not here to play peacocking games. I am here to say though that what you’re reguritating is nothing but talk. You’re dribble about nonduality is just more lazy neoadvaitan garbage. I suggest you toss that and take responsibility for your life and humble yourself to the task at hand.
  25. @Inliytened1 I haven't watched your video to be honest, and I'm not planning to. Although I've watched Leo's series nonduality debunks materialism long ago. It does not matter to me the source of the ideas, they are just ideas and you're defending them. And then you think that you must. Isn't that you attaching yourself to an identity? For what? For your ego's survival of course. I don't see how you are liberated in any possible way. You're reacting to my comments all the time, or at least that's how it seems. If that is liberation, I don't want it. And I'm not suppressing my emotions, perhaps I was bad at communicating some of my ideas.