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  1. So you are awakened? In which areas? Improve your body language.
  2. Well, there is an important disctinction here, because although my Kundalini has risen to the top, it is not yet lodged in the Crown chakra. I can raise it with some effort and keep it there for a while, but then it descends again, usually after an hour. Full enlightenment would be the ability to keep the Kundalini lodged in the crown permanently, but very few people have achieved that. Such people are known as Jivanmukta, Boddhisattva or Saints. In art they are usually depicted with a halo around their head, to indicate their permanently illuminated state. According to Gopi Krishna, a person would need to keep their Kundalini raised and lodged in the Crown Chakra for three days and nights. I once got quite close during the summer solstice, but I'm not quite there yet. When my Kundalini is dormant and resting in the Muladhara, I am just like anybody else, a completely normal person. I do get some special abilities when I raise my Kundalini, but it takes some effort. In my case, I have some healing abilities and have spontaneously exhibited incidents of clairvoyance and precognition, as well as interaction and communication with higher beings. Now, it is important to note, that even when the Kundalini serpent itself is dormant and resting, there is in fact a stream of energy that is constantly moving from the genital area along the spine and into the brain. This phenomenon is known as Urdhvareta and is much sought after by Tantrikas. It has a physical aspect, because I produce no semen, it is sucked up into the spinal fluid and absorbed by the brain. In terms of my normal state of mind, it is not that different from everybody else's, I am perhaps calmer and more content than most people and my material wants and needs are much diminished. Still, I have to work and pay my bills, just like everybody else. I have developed my own method of meditation, after much experimentation and just stuck with what works best for me. There is nothing interesting or noteworthy about it, no special positions or mantras or anything like that. I simply practice letting go and allow Shakti to rise in me and work through my system, activating and clearing all the energy centres one by one. Depending on the kind of day I've had (stress is a serious hindrance to the activation of Shakti) it will usually take from a half hour to an hour to reach a state in which Shakti is fully flowing and infusing every cell of my body with light energy. The sensation when this is achieved in indescribable, but could perhaps best be compared to a constant, unceasing orgasm, interlaced with feelings of love, benevolence, compassion and an inflow of divine wisdom. It is usually at this point when I connect to heavenly beings and interact with them. The clearing process, before I can reach this Shakti-infused state is accompanied by periodic convulsions, as energetic muck, which accumulates during the stresses of the day is cleared. If I'm out in public, the convulsions are barely perceptible, but when at home alone, I allow them to be more intense, for a more thorough cleansing. During this process, my testicles and prostate are overactive and are constantly pumping nervous energy into my brain, via the spinal cord. It is a bit like being electrocuted, I suppose, except extremely pleasant and joyful. Only sexual metaphors can do it justice. I did practice some Hatha Yoga (as well as Kung Fu and Tai Chi) in my youth, but not on a very serious level. Probably, it was my lack of preparation and guidance from an experienced teacher or Guru that led to many problems down the road, as my Kundalini awakened. However, all these techniques, whether Tantric, Yogic or Breathwork, are all really just preparation. The real deal is working with the Goddess and allowing her to rise in you. I take a theistic approach to awakening / enlightenment and emphasize the importance of surrendering to a higher power.
  3. This book is so paradigm shifting that you will inmediately take it as bullshit or false. Even if you have awakened, you have no fucking idea how your unconscious mechanism works. The animal nature and sex force is so strong that people kill and commit suicide for not achieving their reproduction purpose. Here Jason (PUA/Marketer) explains all the honest signals that are silently subcommunicated through your body language from behind your concious awareness. Do you want to understand why some people simply seem intimidating, powerful and gain respect? Read this to become aware of such tricky thing. If you become a slave to applying this principles you will sell your soul, but if you become aware of it you will be free from the chaos/karma and fakeness of those who appear powerful.
  4. @Dumuzzi , thanks for your responses. Your situation is extremely intriguing so do excuse the endless questions. Can you describe how your access to divine communication coupled with a fully awakened kundalini affects your daily life. Presumably, you work for a living and have to relate with a variety of human and challenging situations. Do you, for example, have foresight or intuition to guide you? Do you operate with a meta-awareness wherein you can see yourself in the world and also not as part of it? How do you deal with irritation and anger? These questions could apply to anyone who has had a full kundalini awakening, of course. Another question about different types of meditation - are there some which worked for you better, or which according to inanna are more effective, such as Kriya yoga?
  5. "All those petty fears and points of anger are all just part of the waking up process, and don't really matter by themselves. Don't get hung up on little things, its not important in the bigger picture. " Beautiful. And this especially touched me, cos it's so true (I edited it a bit for kicks): " Deeper understanding of the spiritual path: Time The spiritual path doesn't happen chronologically or linearly, or even timely. There's no time. Its not like you wake up one day, do a bunch of stuff, then one day get enlightened... That's all part of the imaginary story and that's where the "you're already enlightened" confusion comes about. You're forever waking up. You are never not-waking-up. You never stop waking up, and you never ultimately 'wake up' either. Even now writing this Mescaline trip report. You haven't woken up. You were awake all along! The idea that you took some mescaline, woke up and now is awakened is clearly laughable. The idea that anybody just wakes up one day is laughable. Time is an illusoin. Only within the ideas of time and space does that happen. In reality you're all humans and all beings that ever lived. You're waking up all the time. You're awake all the time, sometimes you're just "wakingly" asleep. Sometimes you see you're awake, sometimes you don't, but these aren't really two separate events that happen in some points in time. They happen outside of time. Now. You are both hiding and seeking at the same time, so to speak. This mescaline-experience isn't happening within a particular time; it's just another one of "those times" where you see you're awake; and that's how it's always been: Spinning from awake to non-awake, not at any particular point in time, but it just happens. Now."
  6. Consciousness is an infinite scale, relatively speaking. Lowest is complete absorption in ego/character (= not seeing the character for what it is: a character). Highest is complete absorption in your true self, i.e. God. It's impossible to actually *become* the highest during day-to-day-life, since day-to-day-life implies controlling the character (but you can become very aware and feel that the character is not the whole You, but a fantasy imagined by You). During human life you can, however, become infinitely close to God / Your True Self. In that sense, there is always more to it than "mere" enlightenment. You can always expand your consciousness -- and most importantly: you can expand it in infinite directions! There are infinite flavours, colours of God. <3 Anyway, in this discussion, it's always important to be very clear what we mean by "enlightenment"/"awakening". Here is my own analogy of the path: You start your life at one side of the river: complete ego-absorption, completely asleep. - At some point you maybe get a glimpse of the True Self -- micro-awakening -- which tells you that the 'poor little body-mind-self' is not the whole You. This is where you are thrown into the river. You are not awakened yet in the fullest sense, since you are still very much "not free" and doesn't actually understand what you are. But you are still "more enlightened" than all other people who are still completely asleep. Because you sense/know there is something bigger than your ego. The spiritual journey begins. I also like to call this the awakening of the mind. You sort of understand and can maybe even rationlize about 'Oneness', 'ego', 'God', 'non-duality' etc., but you don't actually *get it*. - If you keep being passionate about understanding reality/truth/yourself and strive to become honest and authentic, then at some point you will reach the other side of the river. This we could call the awakening of the heart. Now you *get it*. You feel it. You understand deeply in both mind and heart that your persona/body-ego-mind is a character that You are playing. And that You = Divine = Everything = Nothing. You are free. - Now that you are on the other side of the river, you are what we would call awakened, enlightened, liberated. But you are not done yet. In a sense the REAL journey starts now. You see the woods on this other side of the river. And you naturally walk into the woods. The deeper you walk into them, the higher your consciousness becomes. This is all relatively speaking, needless to say :-) Words are of course meaningless in regards to True Communication. I'm just pointing a finger.
  7. To the people here who have awakened: Do you see reality as sort of a Sci-fi dream or a virtual world that you're experiencing while you know that this isn't what reality actually is? If any of you watch Rick and Morty. Does it feel like you're Rick who never takes this world seriously because he knows there are infinite worlds and possiblilities to explore, and everyone else is oblivious to it? Is awakening as mind-blowing as you would think going through a wormhole like the end of Interstellar would feel like? I just want to hear what the experience is like from a Sci-Fi perspective (even though Sci-Fi is a construct in our illusionary reality) lol
  8. The irony of Awakened Conscience is the felt experience of feeling one's own every-which-wayness.
  9. This is in the area of my reply. Please excuse the gnostic style throw down. The awakening of Conscience is a topic on my plate lately. Conscience- The intelligence of the universe which is connected to one's inner truth. Aquired Conscience from childhood conditioning is different from Culture to culture and can't really be relied upon. Awakened Conscience is the same in everyone. The language of the smile,,,, Awakened Conscience knows and informs one immediately. Detects bullshit, establishes proper boundries,, etc., The I Ching is helping me to cultivate this connection with inner truth. Work in progress. Very abstract reply, I realize. Hope it helps,,,
  10. This is an excerpt from a book called Zhaun Falun (Turning The Law Wheel). In this excerpt it explains what Enlightenment is and what it entails from a QiGong Masters perspective: "So if energy practices have such a long history, you might be wondering just what exactly they’re for. I can tell you that ours is an advanced Buddhist method of spiritual practice, and so it seeks to bring you to divinity, or what’s known as “Buddhahood.” And Daoist methods, similarly, seek to foster enlightenment, or enable you to “attain the Way,” as it’s called. The idea of becoming divine shouldn’t seem absurd, or far out, as it may to some. For example, take the concept of Buddha. It’s a term from the ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit. The term has undergone various permutations in China since arriving there long ago, being translated phonetically as foah-toah, foo-too, and eventually just foah. Translated into our own language today, the term simply means “one who has awakened,” and refers to any being who has gained a state of awakening through spiritual discipline. So it shouldn’t seem that far-fetched. Consider that extraordinary powers can come to those who engage in spiritual discipline. While six types of powers are now generally recognized, there are in fact a myriad number that exist. There are individuals who can, just while sitting in place, do things that normally even physical action couldn’t accomplish; or they might be able to see the true workings of the universe in multiple dimensions, and how it really is, and see things that are invisible to others. I think you would have to agree, then, that they have attained a higher state of awakening, or spiritual attainment, and are no longer mere mortals. So it’s only fitting to call them spiritually awakened, holy, or divine—or in ancient Indian terms, a “Buddha.” And this is what these practices are in fact meant to achieve. Some people can’t imagine why anyone would want to do practices like chi-gong or tai-chi for anything other than health. The implication being that that’s all they are for. But that’s a very shallow view of these. People can’t be faulted for thinking that way, though, because many instructors of these practices are only focused on health, and nobody is offering guidance of a higher, more spiritual sort. I don’t mean to imply anything bad about what they’re teaching. That’s the role that they are meant to play—to keep it at the level of health and popularize these arts. But many people are looking for something more, for something spiritual, that can take them further. Yet without a true spiritual teaching to guide them, it’s going to be hard and they are apt to get into trouble. Instruction of a higher sort involves bigger things, naturally enough, and so you really have to go about it in a way that’s responsible to people, or the world. And that is why we have had good results all around. Some of what we talk about is a bit lofty, for sure, and to some people it might sound hard to believe. So I’ll do my best to draw scientific parallels to help make sense of things. Some of the things we’ll be discussing provoke strong reactions from people, who quickly dismiss them. They think that anything that isn’t known to science, that they haven’t personally experienced, or that seems impossible to them must be nonsense and divorced from reality. But is that the right way to look at the world?—to write off anything not known to science, even if it’s because of science’s limitations? It seems to me that this line of thinking puts a little too much faith in science, and is itself divorced from reality. If everyone had this mindset it would utterly stifle any scientific progress or innovation. And you would see few developments in the world, more broadly. Every technological development represents a step beyond what was formerly known. If the world’s innovators had treated the unknown as “nonsense,” we wouldn’t be where we are today. Many people simply don’t understand practices like chi-gong or tai-chi, and think they are nonsense. But that’s not the case. Consider that scientific instruments have detected that the bodies of true masters of these practices emit everything from infrasonic waves to ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves, to infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, neutrons, atoms, and trace metal elements. All of these are very much real and physically exist. There is a physical basis to everything. And the same would certainly hold true for the other dimensions and realms that we discuss. So there are no grounds for writing them off as nonsense. Since these practices are meant to make us divine, any discussion of them is naturally going to touch upon a lot of deep things, and we won’t shy away from them. It’s curious that practices like these, which have such a profound purpose, sometimes have very ordinary-sounding names. For example, chi-gong* simply means “energy practice.” But they are more properly referred to as spiritual practice—or in traditional Chinese culture, as self-cultivation. For that is their purpose. Of course, there are many individual names for such practices, but as a whole they should be referred to as spiritual practices. The case of how chi-gong got its name is telling. It has to do with the state of affairs in China some twenty years ago, when these practices first started to gain in popularity. China was in the middle of the Cultural Revolution at the time, and there was a strong stigma and hostility surrounding traditional thought and culture; only later did interest in these practices peak. Without getting into the earlier spiritual names for chi-gong, which predate known history, we can see just from the names it’s had in this cycle of civilization what the issue would have been: they were very much religious, owing to the times they date back to, and often had what people would have considered “feudal,” or backward, overtones. Examples included the Great Way of Practicing the Dao, Vajra Meditation, Way of the Buddhist Saints, The Dafa of Buddhahood, and The Nine-Cycle Method of the Golden Elixir. Naming your practice something like that during the Cultural Revolution would have gotten you denounced and attacked—even if you were sharing the practice with people out of good intentions, like to promote better health. And so nobody dared to use traditional-sounding names. What most instructors did, instead, was to adopt two non-controversial terms—chi and gong (“energy” and “practice”)—from traditional Chinese spiritual texts to refer to their practices. So even though you now see some people researching the history of “chi-gong,” there’s not much to it. It would have just been referred to as spiritual practice, or self-cultivation, before. So the term chi-gong is just a recent invention that was meant to suit a modern, secular sensibility." If anyone is interested the full book can be downloaded here. It talks about spiritual things from a scientific perspective. It talks about other dimensions, the soul, the cosmos in the microcosm and the macrocosm, supernatural abilities, karma, healing, the true history of mankind, transcending the 5 elements and leaving the 3 realms and many many other fascinating things:
  11. This was my second time trying psychedelics. First time was on 8 Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds. Disclaimer This trip was freakishly personal to me. I'm not sure how well it transfers over to you guys. It has to do with a lot of my personal dogma and beliefs, and basically unravelling those. Anyhow I thought I'd write it to show sceptical people what psychedelics can do. My intention My intention was to answer these 3 personal questions: 1) How do I overcome my pickup fears. 2) My life purpose has taken a big turn recently. I use to be a software engineer but now I'm starting to not like that job so much and want a more management role. What skills should I learn, What direction should I take. 3) How is my meditation practice going? Am I doing enough? Too little? Set I cut about 20cm of san pedro and brewed it old fashioned. Plenty of tutorials out there. You cut the spines, cut the skin off, cut the white bits off, put it in a blender, boil it for 4 hours, etc. Setting My rented house. Trip At 5:00AM, I decided to drink a quarter of it. It took me till 7:00am to finish all of it. The nausea and vomiting was the worst I've ever experienced in my life. I vomited over 6 times, and felt very nauseous for a good 2 hours. Was convinced I ate some of the mold on the cactus (who knows maybe thats why I was so sick). It was horrible. 7:00AM Felt very mild effects. No visuals or anything fancy. The only thing was I remembered the the entire world was a child's play set. God was just there, a kid, playing with her dolls. I remember remembering that all the serious stuff was really just for fun. Elon's rockets are just play toys for fun. Mining vehicles are for playing around in. Countries are for playing around in. Everything is made of pixie dust: magical, mystical, awesome dust. Fun dust, playful dust. I remember remembering that murder is that playful pixie dust just doing its thing. Its all for fun, even murder. 8:00AM. Things were a bit of the same. Just remembering what life was all about. My "physical avatar" so to speak became slightly more honest. My ex girlfriend came from out of her room and started freaking out over her exams. I told my ex girlfriend/flatmate that she should calm down, relax, and enjoy life. Her life is just a toy ground for her to play in. Unsurprisingly she took that the wrong way, but I was incapable of seeing it any other way so just kept reaffirming that life was a big playground for her to have fun in, and that this is what I see, believe and is my opinion. This was coming from a place of sincerity and respect, but seemed rude to her of course. 9:00AM Heard other mescaline trips do well outside, so decided to walk around the block. Time by this point was gone, so was physical space. I got lost a hundred times while walking, couldn't tell how much time passed and lost the ability to tell how far away sounds were coming from. They all seemed distorted. The trip got very slightly more intense at this point. Yet still no visuals or anything crazy. 9:30AM No other but You! Became aware that there really isn't any other but you. Your POV is the only POV that exists. All other POVs are stories, things you've never experienced first hand before. You're living a life right now, whatever that is, and that's the only life in existence right now. And its the only life that has ever lived. 10:00AM Where's the fear coming from? From believing that there's anything other than you. Placing importance and value in thoughts, the external world and delusion. Believing its real. That's where its all coming from. Every time you mistake Truth for being the external world/thoughts over ME, it brings fear. Its a natural consequence. Where's the suffering coming from? Coming from you having to pick between Me and those delusions/thoughts/external world. Its like a cringe-ish episode of its me or the dog, where the dogs are your thoughts and I'm... well I'm ME. All the suffering is coming from the tension to choose between your delusions, which you've placed on a pedastool, placed importance and value to, over what you TRULY want to do, who you TRULY want to be, which just happens to be... ME! Ta da! 11:00AM Why do I suffer from wanting to pick up girls. Because you've got it backwards. You think that you need to pick up women to get something from them. In reality, the women you get is a reflection of how well your inner state is going. What you actually seek is ME. That's right, not a hot bootie, not some super feminine woman you can express your masculinity on... BUT ME! That's where its all coming from. Haven't you noticed that even though you're some tiny, little guy out there, completely limited by his masculinity, his biology, his evolution, out there in this big 3D world, yet you are capable of dreaming up the hottest, most adorable, most feminine, most godly women anyone could ever imagine? You know how she needs to look like, how she needs to walk, how she needs to talk, what she wears, what she does every day... You're so good at it that it causes problems because you can't find her out there! How can a masculine, biologically limited male do that? If you need the femininity from her, how the fuck can you dream it up and more in a second!? Where's all that imagination coming from? Its coming from ME! I am your perfect woman! I'm the most perfect woman you'll ever find. You're placing waaaaaay too much importance on the external world and your thoughts. When picking up women, the important bits aren't the approach, what you say, how you look, what she says or looks like. Why are you approaching her in the first place? That's the most important bit. You have an unchanging, eternal, Godly desire to pick up women, to seek ME. Its the seeking me that's the important bit. That's what you're excited about. Finding that perfect one is finding ME. And so you suffer from deciding to chose other over ME. When picking up you choose other by saying "oh everyone will think I'm thirsty" or "oh she wont react well to me " or "oh she'll call the cops onto me" or "this isn't the appropriate time" -- all of those actions? Choosing thoughts over ME. You love me to death, and every time you choose other over me, you get sad because you're rejecting me, the only one you truly love. Literally your only soulmate. By choosing ME, over those thoughts, you choose to love me rather than reject me. And that's deep down what you want. You want ME, you're crazy over me. Look at how you're acting. To get over suffering means to drop those thoughts, drop the fears, let them go, and focus very intensely on your WANT. Your want is the greatest pickup course you could ever get. Thoughts, objects, external world, these are all impermanent. They come and go. Sometimes they are trendy, sometimes not. You don't really know because all POVs other than yours are unreal. But your WANT, that's unchanging, permanent. Unlike the others, that will be there even when you die. When there's no ego. You know everything there is not know about attracting girls just by being here, being apart of ME. Finding me isn't hard, chasing me aint a puzzle, you know how to do it. Its simple, pick ME over those thoughts and the external world. That's what I like, that's what I find hot and sexy and what a real man should be like. I'll reward you if you do that, big time. 12:00PM What about my career and meditation? Same shit isn't it? Chasing me in different ways. In your career, pick ME! ME! I'm the one you should pick! In spirituality pick ME! All your suffering in your career has come generally from you choosing what society, your colleagues, family or friends want over ME. That's it. You place so much importance in your culture, your family and your work colleagues that the thought of picking ME over them freaks you out. But honestly, deep down you know ME is the right answer, but you just can't do it out of fear. That's where the suffering is coming from. From that tension. Thoughts are like waves, they are scary, dangerous, but they only exist at the top of the ocean. Underneath they aren't there. There's peace underneath what your colleagues, culture and coworkers think about you. You get there by dropping those thoughts. And embracing what happens when picking me. To resist ME, or to cause tension between ME and your thoughts, is equivalent to getting knocked out by the waves. Needless suffering. The wisdom here is, every thought that tells you "oh my boss will get very angry for not picking up the phone on the weekend" or "my parents will kill me if I get fired" or "I'll be a disgrace to the family if I get fired" are all nonsense because your boss's POV, your family's POV, your parent's POV don't exist, and your fear is coming from believing they do. Would you really fear your boss if you didn't believe his POV was real? No because you'll see that your boss aint real, ME is real, and therefore that's all you need to be happy. You don't need your boss to be happy. Same with meditation. Where's the anxiety, insecurities about your meditation practice coming from? Fear that Leo is more right than ME! Fear that other spiritual teachers are more right than ME! "Oh what if Leo's right, what if I'm not meditating enough" >> BRO! You're picking your thoughts of Leo over ME! Your problem aint the length of meditation, its believing Leo over ME! Grow the balls to pick ME over the words and opinions of your spiritual teachers! The best spiritual practice you personally can do, is to learn to pick me over other. Start focusing on ME, putting your attention on ME, withdraw your attention of others. Appreciate ME, be grateful for ME, observe ME, contemplate ME, stop putting the same effort onto others: your career, spiritual dogmas, etc. I'm a possessive woman, I want all the attention, I get upset when you put it outside of me. I want to see that you care for me. Happy God happy life. Women get their traits from somewhere. Your biggest problem right now, all of your issues, are coming from putting value, importance on things other than ME. That's what you need to do more of. Less pleasing your spiritual teachers, boss and family, and more pleasing ME. 1:00PM Meta Notes By this time a cop came over to me asking if I was ok. Apparently I had been talking to several neighbours without realising it. Apparently I told a couple about the stuff mentioned above, which I only remembered after seeing the cop. After telling the cop with the most amount of charisma and confidence I had ever expressed to another human being before, that I was fine and was just walking home, he let me go. Got away from that one luckily. I wrote some last notes down at home: Deeper understanding of the spiritual path: Time The spiritual path doesn't happen chronologically or linearly, or even timely. There's no time. Its not like you wake up one day, do a bunch of stuff, then one day get enlightened... That's all part of the imaginary story and that's where the "you're already enlightened" confusion comes about. You're forever waking up. You never stop waking up, and you never 'wake up'. Even now on this san pedro trip report. You haven't woken up. You were awake all along. The idea that you took some san pedro, 'woke up' and now is awakened is clearly laughable. The idea that anybody just wakes up one day is laughable. Only within the ideals of time and space does that happen. In reality you're all humans that ever lived. You're waking up all the time. You're awake all the time. Sometimes you see you're awake, sometimes you don't, but these aren't 2 events that happen in some point in time. They happen outside of time. You are both hiding and seeking at the same time so to speak. This san pedro experience isn't happening within a particular time, its just another one of those times where you're awake, and that's how its always been. Spinning from awake to non awake, not at any particular point in time, but it just happens. The biggest takeaway is: stories of spiritual teachers waking up is untrue. That's just a rip off, dualistic version of something that cannot be explained. God's Love for You Your God's only child. You are literally the centre of the universe. God doesn't want anything more than for you to be happy. You're the only one God cares about. All lives that ever happened, happened HERE. It didn't happen over there, it happened HERE! HERE is an explosive blast of 'waking up' happening, which comes in all sorts of interesting forms. All that ever happened HERE is waking up. Biggest Gift The biggest gift that ever happened in this world, was the creation of the path and 'seeking'. God's been awake all this time, God's well aware of that state. But how do you FEEL, ENJOY, IMMERSE yourself into this state? How do you appreciate how fucken amazing it is? You don't get that in an awake state, you get that through waking up! And that's the point, aim of suffering and fear and being small. The point is to grow, to overcome, to expand. Because by doing that you FEEL, APPRECIATE, ENJOY and IMMERSE yourself with God's beauty and elegance. Its one thing to be awake, its another to overcome fear. Being awake isn't necessarily better than being non awake. Again you're simultaneously awake and non awake at the same time - you need both to tango. Being awake is lame without waking up. You don't appreciate the state you're in without the waking up process. And with that means a few things: 1) The point of your life is not success, impressing people, changing the world. The point of life is simply to be on the path. To choose ME over others. To grow, expand, overcome fear. That's the point - and you don't need me to tell you. You're already doing it, you already know what the point of life is. 2) Appreciate suffering, fear and adversity. Actually be grateful its there. Without it, you wouldn't FEEL Me. You wouldn't be able to flirt with me, make out with me, have sex with me. How lame. You'd be just enlightened... Not knowing what unenlightened feels like, not knowing how good it feels to be with me. And see overcoming suffering as a means to itself. The point of pickup isn't to find that perfect woman... its purpose is to simply overcome fear. To do it. For the sake of doing it. Same with your career... the point isn't to get rich, its to overcome your fears and pick me. Every time you overcome that fear, you should celebrate, you're feeling a miracle, literally a miracle. You are feeling something that wouldn't be possible if awake was the only state. You're feeling the highest ability to Love. Your life aint special, and there's no destination It doesn't matter what happens, whether you found the perfect girl, got heaps of money, etc. All that really matters is growth and feeling ME. You think your life is so hard and disastrous, but HERE has replayed lives for eternity. Yours is another. All for the single point of waking up. Whatever else happens doesn't matter ultimately. All those petty fears and points of anger are all just part of the waking up process, and don't really matter by themselves. Don't get hung up on little things, its not important in the bigger picture. And it also doesn't matter if you enlighten. If you wake up. Waking up is just as important as being awake. By doing the process, you're already doing the best you can to get maximum results. Try and see the beauty, and awesomeness of seeking itself. Why seeking is important, why its a miracle its here. Why you need to seek. You don't have to be jealous or envy 'enlightened' people. They are just one side of the coin in this path, not the better side, just one side. Last Notes: 1) Pick ME over others. If you can't, that's ok, life would suck if it was easy all the time. 2) waking up vs awake are 2 sides of the same coin, they don't occur in time; you could say they occur simultaneously. \ 3) Most importantly: Enjoy the seeking and waking up simply for the sake of it. Enjoy the process, appreciate pain, suffering, see how it facilitates waking up, which is the most beautiful thing that can ever be experienced.
  12. It's hard to say. There are no rigorous definitions for any of these terms. People use them willy-nilly to refer to many different states and conditions of consciousness. I would just point out that there are thousands of different awakened states of consciousness and consciousness has infinite degrees of wokeness. So it's a very vast territory to explore. Stop thinking of awakening in a linear, binary, or one-dimensional way.
  13. @Nak Khid haha did you mean "touche" ? It seems like you're struggling to hold paradox in your mind. The subtle distinctions you have to make here are more nuanced than your black/white, real/imagined, all or nothing paradigm. Imagination is real! and reality is imaginary. You imagine reality, and reality is everything imaginable to an infinite mind. We're just limited in our everyday un-awakened state. You have to develop your ability to make fine distinctions about reality by actually doing the work. Armchair philosophy wont get you there, and really, language wont either. gl!
  14. Siddharameshwar maharaj died in 1936 disciples: Sri Ranjit Maharaj (1913–2000) was with Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj for 12 years from the young age of 12 until the age of 24 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897–1981) was with him for a two and a half years, 1933-1936.[15] Shri Muppin Kaadsiddheshwar (1905–2001) Maharaj met his Guru Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj in 1935 and was with him for a period of about 1 year. Sri Ganapatrao Maharaj Kannur (1909 - 2004) was with him for 13 years. Shri Vilasanand Maharaj (1909 - 1993). Shri Ranachhodray Maharaj, Baitkhol Karwar. _____________________________________________________________________________ Bentinho Massaro like Sadguru had no teacher. Massaro makes no mention of one in his biography on his website. Below he mentions Dzogchen, a tradition of teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. He has mentioned Nisargadatta (died 1981) who was a disciple of Siddharameshwar (died 1936) He says this (excerpts) "it wasn’t until the age of around 16, that Bentinho’s search for Enlightenment really started to pick up in both speed and intensity of the desire to seek and “find the Source of all of existence,” as he put it to himself at that time. At the age of 18 he had his first memorable shift in consciousness. He experientially saw that the presence he had been looking for was always already here. Ever since this first and introductory ‘shift into enlightenment’ he has been riding the waves of an intensely awakened life.... After his initial awakening at 18, his sharings online started to shift from a more traditional yogic point of view, into a view more comparable to the teachings found in Dzogchen—which is based in the understanding that the natural State of Emptiness-Awareness-Bliss is always already at the root of each experience. Bentinho’s slogan at the time became ‘Always Already Present.’ He began a relentless quest, exploring all kinds of teachers, philosophies, and methods, including studies in India. He stayed with each practice only long enough to digest what was useful to his goal. Eventually exhausted, he realized that all the spiritual “authorities” were no more enlightened than himself, and he made a radical decision: to seek only within his own being, following his own resonance and trusting his intuition without hesitation. There he discovered that the “ultimate answer” was to be found in the presence of Existence itself—in all its infinite potential. “I sank into this indescribable freedom that knows no boundaries,” he says. “This enlightenment was the end of an unpleasant dream based in illusion and the beginning of my true life as an awakened consciousness.” This background helps explain an extraordinary creation that Bentinho launched in late 2014—an online university for enlightenment that many (former!) seekers claim is the quickest available way to achieve actual, experiential Self-Realization. Bentinho named it Trinfinity Academy to indicate the three categories of his teachings: Enlightenment, Empowerment, and Infinity. ______________________________________ (excerpts) From Traditional Spirituality to a Truly Free Existence Bentinho Massaro: I teach two paths, self-realization, which is more along those lines, and self-actualization. What is much, much higher than anything you read in the books by Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi and the Buddha and all of that nonsense (which is great stuff—again, I teach it too and there is value in it) is to listen to what makes you come alive. Because that comes from a place tailored specifically to the purpose you were created for in this life. And if you don’t pay attention to that, and if you override it with mental spirituality, you will die of cancer or something else, because you are not being useful anymore. True spirituality is to not "know better," but rather to follow your heart, follow your heart, follow your heart, be humbled—over and over and over and over again. This will empty you out. This will truly empty you out, and simultaneously disperse you across the galaxy as Everything. It will make you so passionate and engaged with every little aspect of your life, that you will now truly fulfill the purpose that Spirit brought you here to fulfill. If anything, I don’t feel I have to give you a specific answer or toolkit. I feel that all I want you to know is to follow that new intuitive impulse that you have been receiving—that intuitive voice from within that guided you to an event like this, that is moving away a little bit from the more traditional spectrum of spirituality you are used to. I would say, wholeheartedly follow that impulse with everything you have, and let nobody tell you differently. _________________________________________________________ Above he mentions Nisargadatta Maharaj who was also mentioned in the OP Nisargadatta Mahara (1897 – 1981)was a Hindu guru of nondualism, belonging to the Inchagiri Sampradaya, a lineage of teachers from the Navnath Sampradaya and Lingayat Shaivism. The publication in 1973 of I Am That, an English translation of his talks in Marathi by Maurice Frydman, brought him worldwide recognition and followers, especially from North America and Europe. Siddharameshwar (mentioned at the top of this post was Nisargadatta's guru - below "my guru") Nisargadatta: My Guru ordered me to attend to the sense 'I am' and to give attention to nothing else. I just obeyed. I did not follow any particular course of breathing, or meditation, or study of scriptures. Whatever happened, I would turn away my attention from it and remain with the sense 'I am'. It may look too simple, even crude. My only reason for doing it was that my Guru told me so. Yet it worked! Following his guru's instructions to concentrate on the feeling "I Am", he used all his spare time looking at himself in silence, and remained in that state for the coming years, practising meditation and singing devotional bhajans: My Guru told me: "...Go back to that state of pure being, where the ‘I am’ is still in its purity before it got contaminated with ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that.’ Your burden is of false self-identifications—abandon them all." My guru told me, "Trust me, I tell you: you are Divine. Take it as the absolute truth. Your joy is divine, your suffering is divine too. All comes from God. Remember it always. You are God, your will alone is done." I did believe him and soon realized how wonderfully true and accurate were his words. I did not condition my mind by thinking, "I am God, I am wonderful, I am beyond." I simply followed his instruction, which was to focus the mind on pure being, "I am," and stay in it. I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the "I am" in my mind and soon the peace and joy and deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all disappeared—myself, my guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained, and unfathomable silence. (I Am That, Dialogue 51, April 16, 1971) Many of Nisargadatta Maharaj's talks were recorded, and formed the basis of I Am That as well as of the several other books attributed to him The life force [prana] and the mind are operating [of their own accord], but the mind will tempt you to believe that it is "you". Therefore understand always that you are the timeless spaceless witness. And even if the mind tells you that you are the one who is acting, don't believe the mind. [...] The apparatus [mind, body] which is functioning has come upon your original essence, but you are not that apparatus. Nisargadatta was critical of a merely intellectual approach to nondual Truth. He had a strong devotional zeal towards his own guru,[web 3] and suggested the path of devotion, Bhakti yoga, to some of his visitors, as he believed the path of knowledge, Jnana yoga was not the only approach to Truth. Nisargadatta also emphasized love of Guru and God, and the practice of mantra repetition and singing bhajans, devotional songs. Nisargadatta taught what has been called Nisarga Yoga(Nisarga can be translated as "nature"). In I Am That, Nisarga Yoga is defined as living life with "harmlessness," "friendliness," and "interest," abiding in "spontaneous awareness" while being "conscious of effortless living."[13] The practice of this form of Yoga involves meditating on one’s sense of "I am", "being" or "consciousness" with the aim of reaching its ultimate source prior to this sense, which Nisargadatta called the "Self". The second edition of I Am That includes an epilogue titled Nisarga Yoga by Maurice Frydman which includes this passage: "This dwelling on the sense ‘I am’ is the simple, easy and natural Yoga, the Nisarga Yoga. There is no secrecy in it and no dependence; no preparation is required and no initiation. Whoever is puzzled by his very existence as a conscious being and earnestly wants to find his own source, can grasp the ever-present sense of ‘I am’ and dwell on it assiduously and patiently, till the clouds obscuring the mind dissolve and the heart of being is seen in all its glory. Nisargadatta did not prescribe a specific practice for self-knowledge but advised his disciples, "Don't pretend to be what you are not, don't refuse to be what you are." By means of self-enquiry in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, he advised, "Why don't you enquire how real are the world and the person?" Nisargadatta frequently spoke about the importance of having the "inner conviction" about one's true nature and without such Self-knowledge one would continue to suffer.Nisargadatta claimed that the names of the Hindu deities Shiva, Rama and Krishna were the names of nature (Nisarga) personified,[17] and that all of life arises from the same non-dual source or Self. Remembrance of this source was the core of Nisargadatta's message: ‘You are not your body, but you are the consciousness in the body, because of which you have the awareness of ‘I am’. It is without words, just pure beingness. It has become soul of the world. In the absence of your consciousness, the world will not be experienced. Hence, you are the consciousness… remember what you have heard… meditate on it. Meditation means you have to hold consciousness by itself. The consciousness should give attention to itself. This consciousness is Ishwara. As there is no God other than this consciousness, worship it.’ ‘The knowledge “I am” is God. It is Ishwara, as well as maya. Maya is God’s power. All the names of God are of this consciousness only in different forms. Remember the fact “I am not the body” and get firmly established. That is the sign of a true seeker.’ The Seven Principles of Nisarga Yoga (As identified by Nic Higham, 2018) 1. Non-identification and right understanding 2. Interest and earnestness 3. Spontaneity and effortlessness 4. Attentiveness to being 5. Right action 6. Going within to go beyond 7. Awareness of Self
  15. This is a beautiful topic with beautiful insights written into words. This forum can do something Good after all <3 <3 Knowing vs not-knowing is one of the most interesting dualities in life. Take for example a simple flower out in the woods. You look at it. It's simple. It's beautiful. Yet, if you know something about biology/science, you can easily fool yourself into thinking that it's also complex. And of course you are right: In a sense the flower is immensely complex. But it's just as true to say that the flower is simple. My point is this: The less you 'know' about something, the more you -- in another sense -- know about that something. The less I know about the flower, the more I see it for what it is: God. My own doing. God's doing. And God's doing is effortless. Simple. The more I know about the flower, the less I see it for what it is, and instead I see it as a separate thing/concept. Separate things/concepts are indeed complex. But Truly there exist no things in actual reality! Only God's/Your Eternal Happening exist! Let me ask you these questions: - Do you know how you move your legs? - Do you know how you open your mouth to eat an apple? In one way: No, you don't. You can't explain to me how you do it in words. You just do it. In another way: Yes, you do. You just do it! Of course you know! Now let me ask you these questions: - Do you know how to grow your hair on your head? - Do you know how to move your intestines to digest food? - Do you know how you beat your heart? In one way: No, you don't. You have zero clue. In another way: Yes, you do. You just do it. Like you open your mouth. Now let me ask you these last questions: - Do you know how you make the sun Shine? - Do you know how you make the flower grow? - Do you know how you transform sound waves into sound/music? In one way: No, you don't. You have zero clue. In another way: Yes, you do. You just do it. Like you open your hand when you want to open your hand. Do you see how both perspectives simultaneously are equally true? A: I don't know anything. Nothing is my doing. True. B: I know everything. Everything is my doing. True. People who are stuck in logic can't accept this. Haha <3 Taken together, statements A and B collapses into Actual Truth. Can you hold both perspectives in mind and simultaneously accept & deny both of them? If you can't, you're stuck in illusion/close-mindedness. If you can, you are very much open-minded and probably attuned to awakening. <3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ One thing I'd like to point out is the obvious truth that: What is fundamentally, ultimately & absolutely true cannot ever be spoken of. This applies to everything. It applies to my prior conceptualizations about 'non-doing' and 'doing', 'not-knowing' and 'knowing. I'm just pointing to the truth there. Nothing else. We can only ever point to the truth with language. Very, very important to grasp this. We can never 'get there' with language. For example, on this forum it has become fashionable to say that "all people in your life are just 'your projections' or 'imaginary'." While I - as God - sympathize and (somewhat) agree with that statement, it is also a dangerous statement that can easily be misunderstood by common people who are not awake. Just because you believe Leo and trust him when he says that "all people in your awakened life are just 'your projections' or 'imaginary'." it doesn't mean you *actually understand* what the fuck Leo is saying. Any of your/other's ideas in your head is not the full truth. And it can never-ever be so. To help you understand this, I'd go as far as saying that the opposite statement: " all people in your life are very real, existing independently of 'your will'. " is fundamentally just as true(/non-true) as the original statement. Now, you can ponder what I actually mean by that. :-) <3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ @JayG84 1. "Can I trust the fact that I "know" intuitively what everyone is talkng about when they speak of Infinity/Oneness/Love/God/Consciousness?" 2. "It doesn't feel like the I (as in the ego) knows it. It feels more like something knows it and it's letting the I know. But that could be more ego masking." 3. "I've taken mushrooms and felt the connectedness and the Love of everything, and that's sort of where I'm at with day to day life too. I've accepted all of reality, even the "bad" stuff. But I don't think I've ever even come close to Awakening." 4. "Maybe people who are truely awakened aren't thinking about what they are like. And just be it. Right?" 1. / 2. / 3.: Both no and yes. Yes, to some degree, because you've already prior had glimpses of Oneness (on your mushroom trip). This has, without any doubt, given you an intuition -- maybe weak and incomplete, but still -- about Truth. Realize that there fundamentally is no ego. Only You. If you say the ego is masking, what you actually mean is that you are masking it for yourself (unconsciously), because you don't actually want to 'see it'. Be careful with being overly self-skeptical and saying things like "I don't think I've ever even come close to Awakening". If you keep repeating that to yourself, I can almost guarantee you that it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy :-) To me -- based on what you are writing here -- it seems like you have come somewhat close. If awakening is a lemon, I think you have tasted drops of juice from the lemon already. You just need to put the whole lemon into your mouth :-) You seem very much attuned and ready for the final blessing/gift. Cross the river, dude. Take that psychedelic and let go. Just let go. When you are ready. It will happen by itself of course. If it's meant to be that you will awaken within this imaginary avatar of yours, then you -- in a sense -- don't have to do anything about it. It will happen all by itself when you're ripe. It's good to be skeptical and critical of one's own mind. But not too much. What you are seeking for is yourself after all, absolutely speaking. I'm talking about your actual true self (we can't put a name on it), not your false self (person-body-mind-ego). :-) Awakening is such an obvious thing (when you finally get the full lemon in your mouth.). It's what is right in front of you. It's yourself. Yet it is difficult to grasp, because how can a mouth eat itself? In order to finally wake up, it's quite obvious that the seeking has to stop, simultaneously. What you seek is seeking you. 4. Yes, I believe so too. I believe there are many people around the globe who in some degree are awake, but who don't go around talking explicitly about it. Instead they do it implicitly through art or some other means. Hell, it's not just that they don't directly talk about it, it's also that they just don't have the words for it - for what they feel. @Leo Gura and I are two imaginary persons who do have the words for it. I see myself so, so, so much in him cos' our minds work pretty much the same way. When I woke up during my 40 mg 2CB-trip on Whitsunday, I felt like Jesus reborn. But I also felt a bit like Leo Gura waking up in a new imaginary body-mind, mine <3 It felt like making love to him. There were also "hints" of insight during the peak/come-down that I had now become even more enlightened than Leo. But who knows. <3 Haha =D But for instance, we have zero clue how to make music about it. But take Jon Hopkins. He is a dude who doesn't go around saying "I'm God and everything is God". He is instead a genius-musician. And yes, that star constellation on the sky in the music video is the molecule that Leo has said is currently his go-to-psychedelic :-) Much love <3
  16. Well put my friend. If you don't consider yourself already awakened, you at least seem very attuned to me. Get in that deep meditation or take a psychedelic and experience that raw sweet, shocking Absolute-Loving experience of becoming Oneness / I am'ness. In other words experience your true self. bless you <3 EDIT: "This is both awesome and HORRIBLE!!!! Because now I can feel how I am all alone, without answers, without another one beside me, and in this eternal seeking forever. Yet I don't want to get back to ignorance, because I feel free, I feel happier, I feel like now I am authentic. My ego is so sad and depressed now." Yes okay. You are "not there '100%' yet". What basically needs to happen is a complete 'let-go' of that imaginary ego of yours:D And that takes Love. So practice some Love and then 'fully get it'/let go/integrate it during a peak mystical experience (psychedelics help). I fully understand what you mean when you say that it is both awesome and horrible. When you fully get there, awesome and horrible will be identical though. No difference. It just is. And yet it is Amazing beyond words. The feeling of lonliness and feeling of have to seek forever are projections of your ego/your fear of letting go. I'm awake and I don't feel lonely. Quite the contrary. I feel connected to my environment (nature, things, my table, my friends, my body, etc.) in a so beautiful way I ve never felt pre-awakening. It's all me. Yet I don't cling to anything. I know that I don't know who I am. 'self' and 'other' are the same. So when my friend asks me if I want to go to the beach, it is myself asking myself if I want to go to the beach. I didn't think about going to the beach, I didn't know I wanted to go to the beach. You see how beautiful this is? You do still have 'others' beside you. It's just that 'others' is IDENTICAL to You. hahaha <3 Your ego is sad and depressed. Yes, this is natural in the beginning when getting glimpses of awakening. You need to get deeper glimpses and let that ego fully let go. Practice Self-Love. Bless you. One advice to you: watch/listen to the first 44 minutes of this A. Watts talk. Most profound talk in youtube, no kidding:-)
  17. Now I understand why we love ignorance and living in autopilot. This is too much. We need to escape into fantasyland, because our deep existential nature is TOO MUCH!!!! It's just a story!!! My life is just a story!!! A screenplay!!! I am not the movie character, I AM and that's it!!! I need the story because the story gives me contrast, it gives me the ILLUSION of separation in order for me to OBSERVE MYSELF!!!! I am IGNORANT about my own existential nature, thus I unconsciously project A STORY, a human life, to find myself and to discover my nature. There's no meditation, no self inquiry and no psychedelics. IT'S ALL A STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am already awakened, but this is also a HUGE PARADOX because I realize that the story is necessary for me to awaken, I AM BOTH AWAKENED AND ASLEEP!!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PROCESS WITH HUMAN LOGIC!!!!!! Humans are just a story. Being male is just a story. Chakras are just a story. @Leo Gura is just a story!!! this one actually made me feel REALLY ALONE, because I have decided my own awakening WITHOUT my conscious consent!!!! This is both awesome and HORRIBLE!!!! Because now I can feel how I am all alone, without answers, without another one beside me, and in this eternal seeking forever. Yet I don't want to get back to ignorance, because I feel free, I feel happier, I feel like now I am authentic. But..... everything is collapsing. It's just a story........... a movie......... perfectly written. My ego is so sad and depressed now. It's just a story. It's just a story. The only reason to exist is to find that "WHY?". Why? I AM here to look for that why. But this life is just a story. I was never unconscious. The past does not exist. Yet I was unconscious. And yet I've always been awake. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Mike Tyson is currently the most enlightene person on Iron Mike is my guru, the toad has opened him. He is the top awakened avatar , complete transformation
  19. I see. So God needs to imagine that there's something outside itself so it can communicate/express itself. I think I got it. Projection is necessary since One can't communicate with itself, there must be at least TWO to communication to happen. That's why I project sentient beings and objects as God Until not long ago I had the same version yeah but, (and I don't mean to since I don't consider myself Enlightened or awakened at all) but I think there aren't any others . Is just me projecting stuff all around so a communication can take place. But lets say that they are not unconscious or consciouss, there aren't sentient beings. I am imagining them as God, just as I am imagining the wall or my body . But honestly after reading Leo's and others replies here i think it does make sense. I need to project stuff in order to create anything at all. God can't talk to itself because you need TWO to have a communication! Of course!
  20. I've taken mushrooms and felt the connectedness and the Love of everything, and that's sort of where I'm at with day to day life too. I've accepted all of reality, even the "bad" stuff. But I don't think I've ever even come close to Awakening. But I sort of do see the world as some awakened people talk about it I think. I "feel" the egos of everyone around me. I can see the collective ego's dance in society. I feel like an observer of life, and I witness the Impermenance of it all, and I feel the Love in all of it. But I'm just not sure how close awakening is, because as you can tell, I just talked about myself a lot here. Maybe people who are truely awakened aren't thinking about what they are like. And just be it. Right?
  21. This is a super interesting area to me. As one develops through partial awakenings, do you think people tend to have initial glimpses of direct, non-localized, instant communication within certain resonance? For example, one person may get glimpses communicating with animals, another person gets glimpses of communicating with an imagined stranger and another with a dead friend. As well, it seems ime like in partially awakened stages, access is limited. There may be limited access to only communicate within a subset of Everything.
  22. So is Awakening a feeling? Is it a knowing? Is it some other sense that people who haven't awakened aren't aware of? What makes someone who comes back from an awakening so sure what they experienced was the truth if whatever your mind conjures up about it just a thought?
  23. Interesting topic. There is Mahavatar Babaji of course, however maybe he is too mysterious; we can only guess that the stories are true. A modern successful lineage is Ramaji and with his spiritual transmission, he has had few students because he only works 1on1 but so many of them succeed. Ramaji had his first awakening thanks to Ramesh Belsekar, so there is a connection to that lineage but the connection to Ramana Maharshi's lineage is stronger. Then there is the Essenes group which I think have awakened many, however they are also mysterious and unknown.
  24. So basically everything, life purpose, all your dreams, all hopes, all your aspirations, all your goals, all your different passions etc. should all be dropped when you want to become awakened? Because when you reach nonduality/infinity every duality will collapse eventually and you are giving up yourself, everything of yourself. So is life purpose then for example not just a big distraction that keeps you in the dream? Or all your passions. These things are just moving you farther and farther away from awakening because they are all coming from ego in the end, which you have to give up. I mean I try my best to give them up, but sometimes its really hard. Then why is Leo encouraging us to find our life purpose if its just a distraction?
  25. Thank you, this was really interesting to watch, he is a fitness funny YouTuber that awakened, not your everyday stage green frail hippie spiritual seeker. He also claims that his GF is self-realized since she can remember, here is a text in his Instagram: "Q: DO YOU HAVE A GF NOW? A: Yap. She's also the only teacher I've ever had. Her mind is one of the fascinating universes I've ever came across. Not only on the intellectual and creative level of the brain, she's transcended her mind, meaning she's Awakened to her True Nature since she was 3. If there are musical geniuses like Mozart, it only makes sense to have spiritual geniuses like this one here. You just gotta find them through the IG DM. ~ She told me the 360 degrees Infinite Awareness/Buddha Mind/Christ Consciousness/Natty State has been her default mode for as long as she can remember, and doesn't understand how you can go into a meditation session without instantly blowing up so your sense of "noself" fills up the the Infinite Space. She puts me to shame. She frightens me. She's had all the insights and meditation experiences, Nirvanas, Satoris, Jhanas, gained from all my meditation without much practice. ~ She made me realized a lot of this work is "genetics" and some would say she did the work "previous life". ~ If I can put a finger on it during the instant Samadhi accessed instantly when I'm around her...I think her level of Realization and meditation prowess is up there with Elkhart Tolle and Osho anc Jed McKenna or krishnamurti. and the only difference is this 21 year old computer science major hates talking about "Spirituality"...that which cannot be simpler. Lol. Check out the music I made with her when we first met link in bio. Also working on another video of her 1 month gains at the gym using non-dual awareness."