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  1. @James123 You and I are not, were never and will never be identical. - Thank God. 'Nothing' is forever silent - in Truth. Actuality of being is real and authentic. Something you know little of - as I can see. You're just chewing on the same bunch of words over and over again. Does the unicorn that's non-existent run around yelling that it does not exist? No. That's what deluded 'egos' do. You had an insight or two and have not yet awakened to the fact that all insights and realizations are also traps in disguise. All must be let go off. Only then 'nothing' truly is. And when it speaks; it speaks Love - with a unique twist and flavour.
  2. In the beginning I thought you meant the criminal ignorant type of macho ? The description you gave is actually a very stage green macho. It's an empowered version of the classic stage green man. I actually like it, as the very spiritual guy I am ?? But Awakened men are the absolute best ?️?
  3. By ego, i roughly mean a self concept formed in early life which we identify with. I am this, i am not this. The ego is only a fraction of who one is, and we continually progress away from it, but before the Self is awakened we think the ego is the main thing, or what the ego can do, how things relate to the ego. When you actualise you transcend the opposing sides of yourself, and it becomes more about how everything fits together rather than focusing on specific parts. Also, when you first actualise, you may become confused of who you are, because your ego has diminished, but you will build up a new self concept based on your true self. Oh, and as the ego progresses through different stages, it becomes aware of things that are not it such as other egos. The latter stages of ego consciousness are likely concerned with how one is seen from the outside, until the whole thing is transcended.
  4. Yes it can and it's important to know where you're at. He didn't say he was fully awakened but rather awakening. Just because it's the absolute truth doesn't mean it's helpful.
  5. I was giving ya props. But yes you are an awakened Being - and while awakened beings do often talk in riddles and have been known to go insane - you will want to hold yourself to a higher standard here as most have not had a mystical experience and will not know what the heck you are babbling about but honestly after experiencing God im surprised i myself didn't go into a perpetual rolling around the floor saying Oh My Fucking God -- forever. I did for a few weeks. And at the Absolute level you are in my imagination so I'm talking to a figment of my imagination. @VincentArogya back on track with your thread.
  6. Spring/summer fever/coronavirus quarantine Whatever the case Many thanks to Leo for making it possible....? good times now and ahead ❤
  7. Time to start Iran War once Covid-19 is over? Or has humans awakened?
  8. Living an ego-dominant life was all about knowing what others know, what the "wise" know, what science knows, and etc so that I can use it to gain something for myself - more money, more sex, a better career, big status in society and so on. Up until awakening, this was normal and this seemed as the only true way that a human being can grow. It was imprinted into the mind and anyone who challenged it was demonized. With awakening, yes, the distance between the True Self and the illusory self occurs but the real work begins here. This distance allows us to objectively look at the ego and deconstruct all its conditioning. Awakened individuals know that "We are all One" and this insight can be applied to deconstruct the conditions of the ego. Actually, now it is time to seek help. Now, it's time to listen to enlightened masters so that we can actually listen without any egotistic barriers. This pure listening itself deconstructs the ego. PS- The wise stay silent because the wise know that the wise know; The wise also stay quiet because the unwise don't want to know. Ego is unwise. Ego is illusion. Ego is ignorant. When all illusions are cleared up, ignorance is cleared up and wisdom steps forth.
  9. @Aaron p I've heard it's a byproduct, but I'm not convinced. Lots of supposedly awakened people don't use psychic abilities, or at least they haven't mastered them. And there's also lots of BS as you said. I'm trying to find resources that are the real deal, people who have actually mastered it to the point they can induce it at will
  10. There's a lot of bullshit in the realm of spiritual abilities...I'd personally just say, focus on waking up first. And after you become infinite, immortal, and awakened to a considerable degree, you'll have your spiritual abilities. They come as a by-product of being a God
  11. Set and setting: Together with two close friends who also are deeply invested in spirituality. We did it outside in nature in Denmark with no others around. We had blanket, GVG pipe, torchlighter, dmt in capsules, mat to lay on, pillow, eye shades to be in total darkness, hand pan to play beautiful music on the comedown (the nature's delicate music of birds chirping and soft wind was already veru beautiful). We had already done 2-3 grams of dried of mushrooms two days beforehand, which we were still feeling the afterglow of (very playful blissful spiritual experience with lots of small beautiful insights into my own and other's psychology). We were together for 5 days in a summer cottage. On this day of smoking DMT, we also had 1-2 hours before smoking ingested 60 mg MDMA to see if it could help calm pre-flight anxiety/jitter and make it easier to break-through/let go. So my mindset before the MDMA was already very peaceful, loving and calm (been awake for +5 weeks now, never had a bad day since, since all is just love and god and oneness/bliss for me these days) and the 60 mg MDMA made me even more calm and zoomed into the present. I was extremely open and peaceful and couldn't wait to take that one big hit of 30 mg dmt and hold it in my lungs as long as I could. So I did. DMT is very visual for me and the dominant color I see now is yellow. I get the usual feeling of delicious loving heat in all my body, and I start making involuntary movements with my arms, like I'm an angel moving its wings. The next I know these yellow/black-fractals start morphing into some kind of extradimensional extremely metaconcsius entity. First I get a little frightened, but then I remember to just be open, and I communicate through thought to this being: "show me more, show me more". And then I break through. I get shot into this being while losing all contact with my body. While merging with this being, I see that it is me. And I then get a overwhelming extreme intense sensation of being God and seeing that absolutely everything in existence is my own doing, and that it is all absolutely pure Love/Goodness. It's not that I see it. I was it. I am Love. I am God. I am all of Reality/Consciousness. Being in this state of Oneness felt like eternity. Absolute Nirvana. Absolute Bliss. Pure Infinite Love. So Good that words fail to describe how Good it is. After this eternal peak of Oneness/Godhood, I slowly begin coming back. But even this come-down of coming back to my body felt like a looong time (the whole trip lasted actually only 10-15 minutes). The first thing that happens is that I slowly merge out of this yellow metaconcsius entity/God, and then the entity gets dissolved into an infinite number of what I can only describe as Machine Elves. They had little hats and were whirling around in circles in front of my vision. They were so happy to see me, so loving, and they were making lots of music with their voices. They wanted me to participate, so I began making noises with my mouth to tune into their energitic frequency, "laaaaaaaaaa" and so on. It was pure joy being together with these "elves". We were just having fun. Then slowly, these elves dissolved and I started really coming back to my body. It felt like being reborn. Extreme gratitude like I've only felt on my last 40 mg 2cb trip 5 weeks ago. My ego came back and it could nothing but surrender to the Truth of what I had become/remembered myself to be: Love, God, Oneness. I started to say and repeat sentences like "how can living be so good?" ,"I don't understand" ... " I DO understand!" " It's too much" ..."I cant take it" .. "Yes, I CAN take it!" "Its all Love" .."just remember to breathe... there's no rush, nothing to get to" ... And I came back, took my eyeshades off and saw the beautiful sky with the sparkling white clouds. I felt the sand around me, lifted some of it up in my hand and I was just stunned to have a body, to be able to move an arm, and hold sand in my hand and let it fall out down to the ground. I told my friends that I was speechless, that I had nothing to say, because words won't do what I experienced justice. Great trip. DMT is surely something. Remember to breathe guys, take it easy, there's nothing to get to. Heaven is already the case and could never not be the case. There is truly nothing to fear. Of course if you don't feel like it's Heaven and feel stressed and feel like there is a lot to worry about/get to; then that is also perfectly Perfect and absolutely also Pure Love, God having an intense dream. Bless you all❤️
  12. @Robi Steel If a person discusses political and U.S. presidential affairs outside the context that they are red herrings -- and especially if they have criticisms reserved for any U.S. president, i.e. taking U.S. presidencies seriously -- they most often know nothing about it. There are few exceptions for those who work directly in politics and economics, generally, as it is their work. One can be brilliant and have not a single idea what's really going on. You'd need years of personal, free time, isolation and many concentrated hours of research required to find out, and you wouldn't want to anyways. You'll wish you just lived your life and pursued your unique desires. What awaits finding out is dread, but if you can get past that, God is there. All that said, it won't be easy to find politically 'awakened' individuals anywhere, including this forum, because to be 'awake' or adept politically is still residing in the same carousel of red herrings. The difference is in seeing the red herrings, past them, and then into the evil that sets them. It's only then that you can truly distinguish the good from the bad in our infrastructure surrounding politics, where we're going as a society, our affairs on the way there, and not have to guess at it.
  13. @fridjonk Credit goes to Dr. Jim. I'm glad you liked it! ////////////////// Mercy is the highest Law. That's why angry Jehovah is the equivalent of a Pissant within the realm of Gods. True empathy and compassion from a certain perspective can be seen as ruthless as well, because it excludes do-gooderism and the element of pity which is just sham compassion and the concern of outer appearances. There are so many times when things are different from what they appear to be. The capacity for letting go requires frequent exercising the muscle of disidentification. The turning away which is an embodied belly center quality. It's impossible for someone stuck in their head. Being stuck in the head and thinking about disidentification just perpetuates this particular neurosis creating thought and useless and life-robbing thought loops. This often creates psychic entropy. Surrender, dive down through the heart center, the hara, and on down to count coup amoung the nerve endings of the feet and sense the goosebumps. Float up to the hara and activate it as the locus of your experience. Now, straighten the posture. The hara will then have capacities needed to grab things out in the world and work in concert with the belly center which can drop and turn away from anything. At this point the high speed Intellectual-emotional complex utilizes the directives of the Feeling messages coming from awakened Conscience. Be lighthearted and carefree.
  14. Hello there :-) Since reading Ramaji 1000 and written several forum posts here to discuss levels of consciousness and what it really means, I couldn't resist booking a RASA-session out of curiosity! I'm not sure if I really agree with the LOC-system, but I feel that the spiritual teachers are sincere so want to give it a go. I will post about my impression afterwards! As I've written before I think I'm somewhere in the 500's because I'm an intense spiritual seeker since 10 years back. My work is about helping people and I'm a great manifestor. Things flow through me. I still suffer from feelings of extreme inferiority (not often, but it happens) and low self worth even it's mostly gone. Meditation is not great though, I wonder if that's a requirement for being an awakened being? I replace meditation with a lot of self inquiry and journaling.
  15. @Vagos Premature death can still be counter-productive because then you'll have to deal with your karma in the next life (if you accept reincarnation), making it harder to self-actualise and awaken. Like Leo has said survival isn't just about survival, it's also about transcendence, which you can't do if you die. Of course you're right from an Absolute perspective there's no difference between saving the earth and destroying it, but so long as people haven't yet awakened and burnt off their karma there'll also be reasons to keep people alive, at least on the relative plane.
  16. The awakened sleeper. Learning to lucid dream.
  17. @Gesundheit But do you know how awakened you are by your desire to sleep? Also why are you so off topic? lol this thread is about the psychedelics Leo is 'hiding' from us.
  18. I was watching Leo’s video about how much more conscious he is than other teachers and that he wouldn’t even necessarily consider them awakened at all. I would just have to ask, after you’ve killed the ego what do you gain for continuously chasing after temporary states of consciousnesses? As someone who has traveled the length of the path, I would have to wonder what is the point of exploring infinity anymore when all you will end up with is more infinity, unless it’s just your hobby or past time. And in that case why hold it over other peoples heads like they are so underdeveloped, when these realizations don’t really hold any value for anyone else. None of this has any value, so what is the pissing contest all about. Why belittle people who’ve decided to opt out of seeking at a certain point. If they have well being and are satisfied. The self can never have or hold onto any enlightened state, why keep trying, other than your own curiosity? Genuinely curious how Leo sees this...
  19. Who, what, recognizes it? Seen through by who/what? To use terms like "see" or "recognize" does imply a subject-object-relation. That you call it "No One" is fine and fancy, but we could as well use "Spaghetti Monster"...or Love ... Or Consciousness ...or God. You do realize you use the term "No One" as a noun, as though it is someone, right? Your "No One" is the same as my "Love/God/Consciousness", only: 1. I realize language is futile and that language is just a game that in and by itself will never lead you to any true insight. In other words, language is just meaningless words, we each assign meaning to. Subjectively. Nothing else. Words don't correspond to anything "real" -- words are just: game, pointers, a tool. Nothing else. Do you also realize this? To become truly awakened you have to let go of the ladder (words) and climb to God yourself (you are God/"No One"). 2. Since you obviously don't realize the significance and truth of 1., you seem to still cling to dualistic concepts (language); like how you cling to the terms "No One"/"No Self". So your understanding of "No One"/God/Love/Consciousness is very limited and narrow. You need to widen your horizont by an infinite amount - then you will realize first and foremost that existence is inherently deeply mystical and magical, and that you truly know absolutely nothing about everything. There is nothing to know, not because there isn't one that could know (there is: Love/Consciousness/God), but because "knowing" (like clinging to No-Self, like you very much so) is always limiting and miss "The Whole"...How can eyes see themselves without a mirror? Or teeth bite themselves? What's the sound of one hand clapping? This are all koans designed to rip your ego and selfish unconscious attachments to pieces. And they will if you care to reflect on them a lot. But obviously you don't care, cos obviously you already "know" that "there is No One here", and thus you are already enlightened and awake (ego), and thus no one on this forum can teach you anything (ego); you can only preach your utterly limited awakening to everyone else (ego), which also seems to be what you do every single day of your life on this forum (when you aren't banned of course). This clinging is ego. Pure ego. Let go.
  20. An awakened society moves with nature, let nature be the leader
  21. @An young being The truth is the past and memories of the past are imaginary - just like the future. But then again you as an ego are imaginary as well. Can they be embraced? Sure. But for many awakened beings liberation is to be free from their past. Are memories imaginary? Yes. Do they cease to exist when you are not directly aware of them? YES. Your memories literally cease to exist or never existed unless you "bring them" into your direct awareness. Why? They were never actual to begin with. Because you never were a human! The Truth is you are God or the present moment! And you hold all things within your imagination It goes much deeper. Your own mother ceases to exist outside of direct awareness because she is imaginary.
  22. I am enlightened and I'm addicted to MANY things. The most obvious one is: life. I'm addicited to limiting myself to exist as this human form, I'm currently imagining myself to play. This means I'm addicited to: - breathing (my number one addiction, oh god, I love this one...Breathing, wauw man! You should try it) - water and food (also high on my list, food is nice) - sunlight (also a favorite addiction of mine) - social contact from time to time (it's just so fun playing with other imaginary characters - I can't help myself ). - sex from time to time, either jerking off or doing it with a beautiful woman... cos why not, it's nice! - sleeping (not that I like it that much, but I have to, to live) - many more things. Of course, ego will now say that the above things are "good addictions" and that tobacco and alcohol are "bad addictions". But this is the job of the ego -- discriminating between things -- not the job of Love. From Love's perspective there exist only Love, and tobacco and alcohol is just as much Love as breathing and water is. The above listed things we tend to label as "good", even though they are obvious hard-core addictions. They are "good" addictions -- according to ego -- because they help the body and mind thrive and survive. It is the ego's main task to make sure the mind and body and social persona always survive. Not only survive, but thrive! Gotta get that genes carried on together with nice genes from a stunning partner, am I right? <3 But, ultimately, from a totally 100% objective standpoint: What is wrong with smoking tobacco everyday or drinking 1 L of vodka everyday? It kills you, you say? But then may I ask: what is wrong with death?? Why do you prefer life over death? What is the difference between life and death? Is there any difference? When you keep asking why-questions like this, you come to a point where you realize that what you really are is just that: a (fucking) survival machine. All your values, beliefs, way of behaviour, thoughts, ideas, are not yours (in the sense that you voluntarily created/made them up) -- they are adoptations from other egos. This is the first step of self-realization. Then, next, you can realize that this survival machine (body, mind, ego) luckily enough is not your true nature, but is just imagination. And that you are *that* which imagines (Love, God, Consciousness). "But enlightenment for me is the joy of being, no need to do anything about a craving. Acting on a craving is immediately taking you out of the present moment. " Depends. If you try to hold your breath for some time, don't you soon feel a strong, strong craving to breathe out? Does this take you out of the present moment? What is the difference between acting on this craving of breathing delicious air and then a craving for a cigarette filled with delicious nicotine? ... Of course, I see where you are coming from. People who are not awake and addicted to e.g. alcohol/heroine, they use alcohol/heroine to run away from their own mind, because their mind is filled with so much fear, worry, regret, shame and other negative self-thoughts. By running away from their mind they actually get into the present moment by using these drugs. I haven't tried heroine, but I'm sure it's very blissful, much like a state of pure nirvana. Of course, the trick of life is to reach nirvana without being dependent on external conditions. Because external conditions are always that: dependent, limited, not-real, imaginary, impermanent. So those hardcore addicts have to run into their fear (not using) in order to go through the pain needed to awaken. Psychedelics helps, sure. A lot. "Hm... well as I progress on my own journey it's really hard to do anything bad to myself. Excessive eating would not be possible for example, I don't perceive caffeine as something bad but would not be able to drink 5+ cups per day. Basically obsessive, excessive, addictive behaviour is not compatible with awakening, at least not for me. Not because I judge it, not at all, but because the drive/compulsion is weakened. " Awakened beings are perfect! So are unawakened beings! Jesus was perfect. The dude on my street using heroine every day is just as perfect as jesus. Perfection is all there is. Only egos see non-perfection. Anyway, relatively speaking, I'm glad on your behalf, that you are in a state of mind, where you have a hard time doing anything "bad" to yourself. Self-love, even though this in the beginning refers to love to the illusory separate self, is pretty fundamental if one wants to awaken. At least during some part of the path. I have a hard time doing it as well. But this may change. It doesn't matter. You see, your judgment of excessive, addictive behaviour being incompatible with awakening is a thought that comes from ego. Love doesn't judge. But in any case, I still resonate with you. When you truly, truly are awakened beyond awakened, all dualistic concepts in mind and heart collapse to One. This means you see your own life as the same as God's life. Your life = God's life Life = Heaven The relative = The Absolute No difference between any dualistic oppositions. It's all One. And therefore, of course, you want to treat your body like it's a body of God. This means, yes, exercising, eating healthy and doing other healthy things, including not being addicited to anything too harmful (heroine, alcohol and so on). Caffeine is to be honest pretty harmless, but still, I limit myself to one cup on the morning, and nothing else. I don't want to be dependent on anything. God wouldn't like that/That wouldn't be God-like. And I am God And yet I'm addicited to breathing and food. LOL Love <3
  23. Yes. This is it. All guys, you see it? You shouldn't do "pick-up" / date girls because you want sex or w/e. You should do it, because it is an extremely important part of self-development for a man, also if you want to become enligthened/awake. Of course, sex is a nice carrot/bonus, don't forget that, but that's not the primary objective here. The feeling you get after overcoming one of your worst fears is identical to the feeling you have 24/7 when you have truly awakened. True peace, true confidence, freedom. Insecure men/virgins/many dudes they have an extreme fear of rejection. The hotter/the more interested they are in a girl, the more extreme the fear becomes "but what if she rejects me?" What to do? Step 1. Realize that the fear of rejection is 100% irrational. Either she says "yes" to you, or she says "no" to you. In either case you haven't lost anything, and in the first case you have gained something. You GOT NOTHING TO LOSE. Be brave man. Go into that fear and let it destroy you/enlighten you. Even in the second case, you only gain something: PAIN. And pain forces you to learn and reflect and develop. Step 2. Do it. And everytime you get rejected, just say fuck it and try again. Of course it hurts, Don't deny that. But pain is the messenger, and the message is: Wake up! The more pain you go through in your life, the closer you are to awaken. No kidding. start today
  24. I agree. Let's go back to shooting ourselves in the head to become awakened Lol