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  1. @Someone here what your saying is partially true, however just simply being in the present moment will not raise you conciousness to the point where you will awaken. You are not Eckart Tolle or Rubert Spira. Even then... are these guys even really awake? The present moment is such a small facet of awakening IMO, it's like spirituality for dummies. This is obvious when you realize time is illusory, imaginary and just another duality. Enlightenment/awakening/samadhi IS a state. And if you have not experienced this state, then yeah you would probably say something like this. This is simply wrong. This will not awaken you. Honestly, it just won't. Your true nature is Nothingness, however "doing" nothing will not awaken you to God. Leo has about 20 techniques he mentions in his what is God series that will might get you there though. But if your a normal human like 99.9% of us, we don't have 10,000 hours of patience to meditate and do self inquiry. Psychedelics will get you there very quickly if you are serious about Truth. Otherwise your wasting your time and energy in my experience.
  2. Indeed. But have you read my post? Let me quote for ya: But yes, "an absolute PoV" is an idea. There isn't really one... Except there is. It is this. :-> :-< Yes yes. All is well, I didn't say anything else. I may totally miss your point here (I do know what you mean though). But I feel like saying (not necessarily directed to you dear fellow intrepid traveler)..: Enough of this spiritual bypassing. A rapist is a fucking rapist. It's bad. Rape is bad, mkay. It's all Perfect Imagination, but within the context of 'THAT' (life/dream/maya): RAPE IS BAD. A RAPIST IS BAD. Do not hurt others (=yourself). Yes. However, we gotta make distinctions between the words as concepts & then what the words are pointing to I say "Infinite Love" , "Oneness", "Consciousness", "God", "Infinite Imagination" or "Absolute Perfection" and yes, when you listen to them your brain interprets them and the result is not necessarily what the words are pointing to, just as my finger pointing to the moon is not the moon. Absolute Truth does exist (my words try to point to that, even though I know its futile:D), however. Not as an idea or a concept or story. All my wordplay "Love, God, Oneness, Imagination" is conceptual/idealistic/stories in nature, yes, yes, but I'm just using them to try to point to that-which-cannot-be-pointed to (Absolute Truth), hehe, but only seen/realized/directly experienced. lol. Absolute Truth cannot be doubted when first realized, however. Absolute Truth is the source of all doubt, of all falsehood, all lesser truths, of life, of existence, of everything. It can't be communicated. That Reality is Perfect/Good/Love/ is not a belief or an idea. Explicitly, It sounds like it is an idea or a belief-system or a story. But implicitly it is not an idea or a belief or a story. You can't argue with Absolute Truth when first realized. The "I am not this, I am not that"-approach (nothingness/no self-realization) is highly effective and I used it myself. Ultimately, that approach (& accompanying insight) has to be transcended as well though, because it has its limits. The realization of nothingness / no-self is a lesser truth. It is true enough, and VERY useful to grasp fully (the implications of it and so on), but it is not Absolute Truth. The "major problem" with the method/'attachment to the realization on its own' is that it is inherently dualistic in nature. By saying "I am not this, I am not that" .. or "it is not that, it is not this ... or "there is no self, there is nothing" ... or "the self is an illusion, no-self is the truth" etc. etc. we create dualities: truth - non-truth illusion - real nothingness - something self - no-self right - wrong And Absolute Truth is beyond all that. Absolute Truth isn't possible to express with words, but if I try, I would say it encompasses all dualities, it is the source of it all. I would call it God, in lack of a better word. Or Love. Reality is a real illusion. There is no self and no no-self either. There is the Selfless Self. There is something which is nothing. There is true beliefs which are false. There are wrong ways which are right. There is lots of evil in the world, but it is love. There are mistakes which are Perfect. Non-duality. All opposites are two sides of the same COIN. THAT COIN IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH = GOD = LOVE. Ultimately, it is all just God. And when you have first fully bathed in the awareness/realization of what "God" actually FEELS like (direct experience) (through letting go of all beliefs/ideas/fear/insecurities/filters, so nothing remain but the Light of God), there is no doubt left. You now "know" God is not an idea, but the realest of all real and unreal things. It's you. The perciever has become the perceived. The perceived, the perceiver. Full circle. The snake biting its own tail. Oneness is seen again. All illusory seperation gone. All boundaries dissolved. Everything fusing into Itself out of Itself.
  3. It seems like Perfect nothingness. As if nothing ever happened and never existed. It seems like there is no consciousness during deep sleep.. It's not even dark, black or empty.. It's so much nothing that even the concept of nothing isn't it..... What happens exactly during deep sleep? Ramana maharshi used to say 'you are closer to your true nature during deep sleep'. thoughts?
  4. Exactly. But what is the only thing illusion can exist within? Truth. What is the Source of illusion? What is. God. Self. Existence. It’s like a mother and a fetus. Is the creation separate from the creator? Sure! You can conceptualize it that way, but there is also a fundamental and undeniable connection between the two. Without mental definitions, what separates them? Without mental definitions, what separates you from Truth or what is. Yes, I’m talking about even the character that has never been yet we are still capable of discussing it. We talk about an illusion as if it is something that isn’t real, but for it to even be in discussion, it must exist on some level. The illusion is real, but that does not mean it is always interpreted in ways that point to what is real. Ironically, we are having a discussion in an illusion where we are talking about what the lack of illusion is as if we have experienced it or somehow know what we are talking about. This is stating that somehow Truth was discovered through something which is somehow not also Truth or separate from Truth. It’s like the species/Individual that discovered God/Source/Truth/Pure Awareness/Nothingness/No experiencer which creates everything and entirely supports the existence of the character is somehow different from the character. It’s a tad absurd I would say. You are Everything. There are no divisions. All is One.
  5. @Blackhawk No, Im not attributing any human quality and I completely get your point. You have to see it by yourself to understand it. I realized that it really doesnt make sense to explain these things. Theres no way I can explain how I came to know it rather than just knowing it. Who the heck would relate such joker nonsense to GOD? Lol. But see just as @Mason Riggle showed me alan watts explanation on it. Coincidence? No. I actually perceived GOD laughing like a maniac inside me, through me, at himself and at myself as well. The Christians were right, you can actually hear God speak to you and communicate with him directly like praying. Its just too different and mystical as how church/society teaches. I could hear God telling me to relax and trust him, that its all a game and everything will be alright. There was no voice saying it but i could hear it. I know it sounds crazy to the logical mind, thats why I said it doesnt makes sense to speak about this. That same day I had a laugh attack at my job when I realized such thing. I couldn't stop laughing at my superiors everytime I saw them talking in a serious manner and my peers being serious, lmao. My consciousness instantly shifted and love energy was flowing for a while, it was as if God entered in me, people could perceive an energy Shift in my eyes, since they were surprisingly looking at me. It was a cool mystical experience. That same day I had a storm of realizations. Some of them were that God as in the bible is quite right, meaning He truly is above and always watching you from everywhere. He is always knocking at your door, looking for you to recognize Him and ultimately worship Him in humility. Because that God is you. That even thou you realize God in someway like love, nothingness, Infinity, etc. , it doesnt mean to realize him in a totally different way IS false/wrong. GOD is to be realized in a multi-perspective way. The whole purpose of life is just to find God. You will go through many things until finally ending there. Another one that shocked me was being selfish. Not falsely selfish, but TRULY SELFISH. Being Truly selfish with yourself in a complete, earnest, integral and honest way is true goodness for all. And lastly, while people (ignorants) are laughing at Him for not proving His existence, He is laughing his ass off at them for their unexistence.
  6. Imo it's much more than that. And idk how your definations go but i think it's weird to put nirvana before self realization. Here's how I'd define it in simple terms. 1. Searching For The Ox - You searching for ultimate contentment in daily life without actually realizing it so you go after money, sex, power, fame, etc. Or you hearing about enlightenment and going for it loosely which is direct pursuit of the ox. 2. Seeing The Footsteps - Getting glimpses of something but not quite sure. Being very interested in philosophy because you see some value in it that you cant really pinpoint. (Your philosophy really being spirituality, but you do not call it spirituality because you dont like that .) Or maybe you do consider yourself spiritual and you are some buddhist monk who has been going at with meditation and have started to see something you are not quite sure. Tons of nuances. 3. Seeing The Ox - A mystical experience of any of the facets of awaking. Or multiple experiences. See how in this picture, there is only tail or a part of the ox shown? Because you rarely see it in full the first time. 4. Catching The Ox - Trying to be able to embody whatever you have realized fully. Like tryna embody self-realization/god-realization after initial seeing. 5. Taming The Ox - After you have embodied it, you keep going deeper and deeper into your understanding and awakening, 6. Riding The Ox Home - You embody even the deepest parts of those realizations. You know you do not exist, there's only God, but also are in a state of no mind. You let life truly unfold on it's own without any interference because you cannot interfere in the first place, This is state of pure bliss. As stated in the poem. End of suffering. Your biggest obstacle to knowing the full truth is bliss now, the opposite of suffering. 7. The Ox Transcended - True end of seeking. 8. The Ox & Self Transcended - Despite all your realizations and embodiments, there was still some percentage of self/ego left, maybe 0.0000000001% but it was there. Now it has gone completely. Even without you seeking, because once you have embodied those realizations, those realizations act as a flame that slowly melt away your delusions even without you trying. As stated in the poem "Could a snowflake survive inside a burning flame?". You understand God even deeper, passed the hurdle of bliss. Emptiness, nothingness. You probably cannot say anything about this emptiness at all. 9. Return To The Source - Grounding yourself back to earth. Coming back into the world. 10. Re Entering The Market Place - You do not preach, do not teach. You are so fucking enlightened that you can hand people realizations without any effort. In my definition of Nirvana, it is merging back into the source. So that'd be the death of your body. You cant have Nirvana or Mahasamadhi until your body is alive and kicking. Atleast that's my defination. Keep in mind my accuracy goes down from Taming the ox onwards. As taming the ox is as far as I can see lol. Also this is all mental masturbation without the work. We tend to project our journey and understanding of spiritualty onto the meaning of these stages, why? Because we want to be as high as we can in this 'model of enlightenment' to feel good about ourselves and then declare that to the world. Imo these stages have a fuck ton of nuances and go much deeper than what I said in this reply.
  7. @OneIntoOne In the absolute sense, everything is imagined and pretended/self-created/"hypnotized." You are God pretending to be a being that thinks enlightenment is just self-hypnosis, which in itself is self-hypnosis. It still doesn't give you any clarity in what self is and what hypnosis is. Enlightenment can be defined in many different ways, and it has many different degrees. But the definitive point for me is if you have had a direct experience in absolute source/love/nothingness and no longer have any doubt about what you are, after this point is liberation. Now the only way for you to find if this is true is if you reach that point. Same as how for you to truly know that if enlightenment is just self-hypnotization, you would have to become enlightened first. The only way out is through. So keep going. Your ego is trying to trick you into stopping doing the work. It happens often on this path.
  8. @The0Self You can delude yourself into nothingness. Might take some discipline, but i don't see why its not possible. And hurray! i'm Enlightened.
  9. Exactly. We agree, bro. The body -- and everything, including the sense of being a self inside a skull/ego -- is ultimately seen to be: imagination = formless Nothingness = Love.
  10. God is Love bro. Which also happens to be Formless Nothingness ??☯️????❤️
  11. I have been contemplating on what makes sound and movement different from silence and stillness respectively. But as I observe deeper and deeper, I cannot seem to find a difference between them. It's a mindfuck for me. When listening to music or someone talk, silence itself seems to define the sound. I couldn't interpret the sound if there was no silence. But I tried to focus on does silence actually follow the sound? And if silence does follow the sound, what is sound while it is happening. All I got when looking into this was a mindfuck. That sound IS silence, But then how can I differentiate between sound and silence if they are literally the same thing. I have no idea. It makes no sense, yet it does. Sound seems like a wave into awareness, that pops up and down in different frequencies. But even it is popped up, it is no different from silence. I have no idea how this is. Same with movement and stillness. Movement is literally just infinite amount of stillnesses. But even without that way of thinking, it still is equivalent to stillness. It lead me down a rabbit hole. I had to contemplate distance/space. I realized that I just imagine space/distance including the feel of it(Just like Time). And it's not just about me seeing technically 2D images through my vision. It's the fact that there is literally no difference between any sensation at all. Vision = Sound = Every Other sensation(Physical, emotional or mental like thoughts). And that vision and all sensations are happening at the same singularity which has no location and no dimensions to it. It's literally nothingness. I am imagining everything including myself, and the imagination itself is part of imagination. A strange loop. So it's not that everything is beyond space and time, there is literally no space and time. What the fuck?
  12. I think my main point here is that everytime we speak or write... we are always telling a story, even when we are trying to convey/point to a 'non-story' ;-) So this is exactly my 2nd point: what actually matters is *experience*, FEELING, consciousness, perspective. So while it's all fancy to go meta ((and IMO go highly conceptual, which is I why I guess you're also a Five!)) and say: "oh well, in truth there never was a separate self that could be dropped in the first place, so nothing actually happened to no one" ... This is IME some kind of mild spiritual bypassing, cos that is -- at least to me -- not how it felt, these times I had profound ego-deaths. It very much felt like my sense of self dissolved into, well, Nothing/Everything :-) And it was profound. We might just be different, and you guys may prefer to not talk about it much and to not make a big deal out of it. So your way of describing such an awakening experience may be to just say "the veil was lifted. There was and never were a self to begin with. Just Nothingness". And I can vibe with that too, sure❤️ But you see, my friend, to me, it doesn't matter if we call it "something" or "nothing". I can vibe with both opposites pointing to the ineffeable. The only reason I go so much 'anti-no self" here in this thread against you and Veganawake, is because I smell dogmsticism about whether 'nothing' or 'something' are equally true (they are! Just two different perspectives pointing to the SAME ineffeable Truth). To me, both opposites point to the same ineffeable Truth. (Sorry to repeat myself lol). If you insist on one end of the spectrum being more "right" than the other, you are -- in my humble eyes -- still stuck in dualistic thinking. What I am interested in is the "best way" to communicate truth//point to truth, to a normal stage orange person. Even though I'm aware all souls need to hear something different. But I think the best way to speak to a stage orange guy, is to take their level of consciousness/their perspective/"the ground they are standing on" and then turn it on its head; show them the paradoxes that arises when you take their belief system/logic to the extreme! I think, thus, it is by far best -- along the way at least -- to speak to him in a way that includes both the perspective of 'something' & of 'nothing' and not just parrot one of the "stories" ( ;-) ). If you tell to a normal stage orange guy that is inquiring into spirituality: "there is no self, so there is nothing to drop, nothing to get to, nothing to achieve", I don't think it will help him much. I'd prefer to say something (?) along the lines: "What does this self you speak of consist of?" ... etc.:D Experience is what is. Trying to go beyond experience is an alluring trap that easily makes you stuck in concepts instead of The Now/Present Moment (feels much better to be 'stuck' in the latter, I tell you!). Seems like we are (sort of) on the same page after all ? Oh, as I said, I do like them. I just like to play The Devil's Advocate, when I sniff something is out of line ? My sniffing may be wrong, though, hehe. But it's still fun. Good! Now we can go a level deeper and say "yet, something IS opposite to nothing!" , although it simultaneously is not hehe. Non-duality is such a strange loop. If I say 'nothing is not opposite to something', I have simultaneously implied that it is! Haha. Okay I'm just lolling around now. Gotta stop ? In regards to the Enneagram model, if you're not a Five, whar core type are then? 9? ??❤️?
  13. Being is a better way of explaining what YOU are as eternal nothingness, better than saying consciousness as people may misinterpret that as what is being conscious of.
  14. Unknowable is a good answer. Yeah, ego is all that energy inside of us that wants to make distinctions, comparisons and make us feel guilty or superior. It's indeed all that energy that latches onto something and identifies with it. "Ego = identity, so it will always identify itself as SOMETHING whether that be God, Higher Self, Pure Consciousness, The Self, No self, Nothingness or what have you." Fixed it for ya.?❤️ Thank you my friend - you too??❤️
  15. No self : meaning that you are not the thoughts, beliefs, concepts and body mind. Self : conciousness/emptiness/nothingness/GOD. Without the Self there is no isness. Isness IS.
  16. QFT. Well said. Spot on. Beautiful. You are brilliant with words. I fully agree. It's hilarious! So fucking funny.? The shadow is called the shadow for a reason. An actual "physical" shadow follows you all the time, yet often you are unconscious of it. When people project onto others, they are often projecting an aspect of themselves they deny/suppress. Very interesting and hilarious to study this dynamic. The most hilarious thing is that all my projections are probably something I suppress / deny in myself, I'm just not conscious of it. So entertaining ?? For instance, the no-selfers like to point out how we "no-no-selfers" (?) like to create stories and fairytales, not realizing their own belief of 'nothing/noself' is on its own a VERY cute story=D Tell me about no-self/nothingness when shit hits the fan and a bear ? jumps in and breaks your window and run towards you in your bed. Yes, indeed, nothing is ultimately going on, but tell that to me while you yourself jump out of your bed window in panic while screaming, then landing on your left ankle on the ground breaking multiple bones, screaming even more, while suddenly the Scarlett Johansson appears out of nowhere and shows her boobs to you, saying you can lick them, if you want. Tell me about no-self ans nothingness while all this is going on ?
  17. When you say "apples tastes good, sweet and sour" or think that line -- it is indeed conceptual in the sense that saying that or thinking the line isn't equal to biting an ? with your teeth. You can't eat the menu. You can't replace direct experience with concepts (you can try but ultimately you will fail and feel miserable ?). The map is not the territory. Etc. So "ball" as a word is indeed a concept. Sure, the word points to a direct experience of seeing the ball, feeling it, etc. but without direct exp, the word 'ball' remains inherently conceptual. But okay, I suppose you mean the physical appearance of the characters ' b a l l ' or the sound ' b a l l ' - yeah that is just experience -- sight or sound. But I don't really see your point here. Fundamentally, only awareness/Consciousness/EXPERIENCE exists. Have you ever experienced something that was not 'an experience' or not a part of consciousness? Hehe. You choose to call "that-which-nothing points to" for "nothing" and not spaghettimonster, right... And it's because you find the meaning 'nothing' convey to most other people the most appropriate for that which you are trying to point to. I don't even know what point I'm trying to convey here. I mean, that which "no-self" or "nothingness" points to isn't impossible to grasp. I grasp it multiple times a day during my meditation, run or just looking at trees. I'm so lost in the experience, so happy, so at peace that it doesn't feel like there is a 'self' present. Just raw being, pure experience without mental tension/fear/thoughts/concepts attached to sort of contiminate the experience. And I sort of - simultaneously or slightly after - understand on a deep intuitive level that the trees I'm looking at are nothing. Nothingness. Love. God. Me. Everything. Consciousness. Etc. *That* which can't be communicated because it's so obvious, yet so ineffeable. That's the thing. When I use the words "all my doing", Love or God or Imagination so frequently, it's because I literally feel/experience THAT which these words point to throughout my day. Otherwise i wouldn't use them. If you have noticed I'm only active here during the spring/summer. Haha ??? I feel Love. I see God in everything. Myself. I see it's All Imagination. Play. Nothingness. So beautiful. Unconditional Love isn't ungraspable. I have experienced it directly multiple times in my life now. It's something you become. Or rather, we all already are IT; all layers of belief, ego and fear and falsehood are just removed so we see it more clearly. But okay, I guess you mean ungraspable by the conditioned rational mind. Yes, you're right ? All paths that do not lead you to the Heart aren't it.
  18. ❤️ Sad, I'd be delighted if you would write it again, but I understand if you won't. Happened to me once or twice too. Absurdly annoying ? Yeah, the lesson/insight of no-self and Nothingness are surely important and necessary for many rational-minded people to grasp first, before being able to dive deeper. I've been there. And I still find a lot of value in the concepts of no-self and nothingness. By the way, don't tell me it's not concepts. Words are conceptual by nature. Yes, I know words are just pointers and for sure, I naturally cannot know 100% what no-self/nothingness refers to in your direct experience, and vice versa. Same goes with "God" and so on. Just word-play. Yes, these words are good pointers. We are all different though. I feel God or Love are more direct pointers, but on the flipside, these words are pretty contaminated (by virtue of our culture), indeed. For me, the next step was to realize that nothingness/no-self is equal to God. And further down the road, I had the insight that Love is the answer to any question.❤️
  19. I am actually speaking from direct experience. I'm not just parroting a belief system I have bought into (although I see it could easily seem like that was the case from the outside, since, for instance, Leo also talks about Infinite Imagination) But believe what you want. You should go validate for yourself. Don't believe what I say -- that would be a mistake -- but don't dismiss it either. "There is an apparent human body but that is just words shining light on a particular set of forms" Yes. But likewise, there is an apparent separate self, but that is just words shining light on a particular set of mental patterns. You see? I get what you mean. The separate self (ego) can't be seen or found anywhere -- while the physical body can -- so it's tempting to only dismiss the separate self as illusion/imagination and call the physical body -- a particular set of forms as you say -- a real thing. It's true, the physical outside world with all its different forms is - in a sense - more real than thoughts and in particular the false identity/attachment of/to these thoughts (ego). But ultimately, also the material 'real' forms can be seen to be: imagination. Your imagination. In other words, the outside world can be realized to actually be 'your doing', i.e. it's a reflection of YOU. Your imagination. A more low-level pattern/structure of thoughts, if you will. The outside is seen to be the inside -- and the inside the outside. It's so fucking beautiful. Actually, if you go deep enough in your contemplation, you will see that --- just like the mental illusory separate self cannot be found anywhere, cos it does not exist --- any 'physical apparent separate object', eg. an ant, ultimately is ALSO an illusory construct and *actually* cannot be 'found' ! Take the ? walking around on the ground in the rainforest along millions of other ants in an ecosystem filled with plants, mushrooms, dirt, rain, animals, bacteria, viruses, trees etc. Can you describe the ant without taking into account its environment/surroundings? You could try but then what 'you get' wouldn't actually be the 'essence of the ant'. The essence of the ant cannot be isolated. It is just as much part of the rainforest as your right little finger is part of your body. And the Amazon rain forest is just as much part of Earth as your feet is part of your body. And the Earth is just as much part of the universe as your stomach is part of your body. And YOU, your body, is just as much part of the whole universe, as a wave is part of an ocean. Or even more correct is to say that the ? IS the WHOLE ocean. That wave is something THE whole ocean 'is doing' -- just like 'the real you' is something the whole universe is doing! Forget free will vs. no-free-will, this is just ONE Eternal Infinite Unfolding/Happening. ? Non-duality - all distinctions & opposites collapse into ONE. So, thus, yes, when I say 'everything' is imagination, yes, you are right, from a logical PoV this is an absolute meaningless statement. It's like saying everything is Love/God/Consciousness/Nothingness etc. Meaningless - from a rational PoV. Yet, Absolute Truth cannot be comprehended by the logical mind. It simply cannot. Absolutely speaking, everything is ONE. Everything is Consciousness/Love/God/Imagination/Nothingness. All opposites are seen to 'arise together' ... i.e.: they are 'of the same substance'. If you, instead, isolate and zoom into the ant (reductionism) to 'see its true nature' you start seeing millions of cells, billions of complex biomolecules arranged in intelligent ways, quadrillions of neatly arranged protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, ... hell, what do we got, strings? Ultimately just: pure energy/potential/nothingness! And EVERY form (physical object) is built of THAT. It's ALL seen to be Whole & One. No parts! If you zoom out indefinitely, you get ♾️ If you zoom in indefinitely, you get ♾️ You are obviously already very conscious (like VeganAwake). You have gone deep, but the mistake you intense 'no-selfers' are making is that you think you have gone as deep as deep gets. That 'no-self' is the ultimate insight. That the rabbit hole ends here and that all the jumbo-mumbo-talk about 'God, Self, Love, Infinity, Imagination' is just pure delusion/fantasy-stories that their ego is spinning (( funny how you say the ego doesn't exist in the first place, but can still 'create' fantasy-stories, huh? )). But you still have much deeper to go (so do I). The rabbit hole of self-realization/Consciousness is infinite -- of course! How could it be otherwise? To believe it's finite is actually rather silly. But you guys seem to be so fucking stuck in the belief that 'no-self' is the ultimate realization. Let me tell you: it is not. It's just one important aspect/nuance of the path. Go deeper. Don't stop here. Communication has its limits. Direct experience is needed. But let me highlight: Forms are formless in nature. Formlessness IS form. All forms are imagined. It's all whole. Oneness is what is! Always. Yes, there can be 'apparent' dualities, fragmentation, separation, distinctions, opposites, parts. But that is just what YOU -- whatever this < You / I > is (it's not the separate illusory self) -- are imagining "into existence" ! Exciting, huh? So Good, so fucking amazing. The mother of all mindfucks: IT IS ALL YOU, silly! ? YOUR doing! Haha???❤️☯️??????????♾️
  20. I was walking alone through the hallways of nothingness.. Maybe I was walking towards ultimate silence, a place of peace, a place I could call home. Through every door I could hear echoes of my alter egos talking to me, where was my authentic self lost in those egos that society built?
  21. @Someone here I did respond once, and i will do so once more. "Never has really happened", this is like saying "something is eternal" and "anyonce is plausible", is this what you mean? You say "Nothing needs to happen" a. do you take necessity out of all emergence and being (either present or continual)? Or b. do you say that there must once be nothing happening whereby 1. no other thing can ever happen again? or 2. something may occur once more? If the former (a) then do you not think there must be another thing then necessity which made due for existence? Is it will, is it love or what is it? Whatever it is, do you not think it is emergent confined to the nothingness you refer to as death?
  22. In other words: Yes, the separate personal self that focuses on 'me' and survival: yes, that self is an illusion. It doesn't exist. There is no little man/woman sitting behind the eyes. But then when you get totally past that, i.e. transcend it, see through the illusion, a new self can be revealed: The Selfless Self. God. This Self is What You really Are. And it's formless, yet it is all form. It's the Dao that can't be spoken. It's the all-embracing, all-encompassing Self. The Self that simultaneously is in everything, yet all detached from it all. It's like realizing you're the Whole Universe observing itself. Yet it's also pure Nothingness. Can we say what this Self wants? What its true nature is? You tell me! No, really, it's the Dao that cannot be spoken. But I'm gonna do it anyway: I am IT. I am You. All I want is Love. I am God. I am Love. ?❤️??
  23. Exactly. There are no trees. No outside world. No inside self. Nothing at all. Just 'experience experiencing experience'. No stuff. There is absolutely nothing but Love/God/Oneness/Experience/Consciousness/Nothingness. As Alan Watts said: there are no nouns in the world. Only verbs. Existence is a an eternal Infinite 'happening' unfolding out of itself by itself over itself. There is not even an organism bro. No 'body' that is 'mine', no organism where an illusory self could hide. It's just pure imagination all of it. Divine play. Leela? It's All just Love. Oh God! ????☯️
  24. Life is all that there is Story of my life The storm aka life. Chaos, change, suffering. Consciousness and nothingness. Duality and nonduality, and so on and so forth.
  25. Is it just me, but after having awakening experiences into no Self, the Self, nothingness and non-duality, I just can't take some of these spiritual teachers seriously. In particular, the ones that have no experiences with psychedelics. I am very sceptical at even the validity of their claimed states of consciousness. After experiencing these non-dual states of consciousness on LSD and mushrooms, I just cannot believe these states and insights are achievable without psychedelics. I'm not claiming to be be better or more self aware than these anti psychedlic teachers but how have they achieved these mystical states? I just don't buy it, there's no way in a million years I could have had these awakenings without them, which obviously doesn't mean they can't but still. Has anyone actually achieved awakenings without psychedelics? Who also has many trips under their belt to reference them against..