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  1. So, an update on how my attempt at getting a serious girlfriend is going, though I did not specify that initially, when I asked Inanna to send someone my way, I simply asked for a girlfriend, having tired of the solitary life. To recap, I asked for a GF on Saturday night and by Sunday afternoon I pretty much had one. This, after years of voluntary celibacy and solitude. Initially we were just dating, but things have been developing nicely and we have been together for almost 3 months now. Both of our lives have improved for the better and we spent a week together vacationing at lake Balaton in early August. She wants a more serious relationship than I'm ready for, but we're taking things slowly. We have several issues to overcome and I am still not sure that she will be the right fit in the long run, but we shall see. In any case, the lesson here is that if you want a serious relationship with someone, you can have one, if you invoke the right deity and ask them for help. Inanna would be ideal as one of her main titles is Goddess of Love, but others may be able to help you just as well. My own method of invocation relies on my own awakened Kundalini which enables me to break through dimensional barriers and communicate with deities effectively, but there are other methods out there, often involving some sort of ritual and an offering which may be just as effective. If you are trying to find love, I would suggest that you do not specify a person as they may not be right for you, but rather trust the Goddess (or whichever specific deity you are invoking) to arrange a suitable match for you. Like I said, I got results in less than 24 hours, so this sort of stuff can be really powerful. Personally, I have no interest in sex just for the sake of it, but as described in the beginning of this thread, you can attract your intended sex or sexual orientation just in general, through the power of attraction and they will pretty much come to you without too much effort on your part (you will have to leave your home though, and go out and about a bit to give the Goddess the chance to allow you to meet the right person).
  2. Being awake and conscious, it is frustrating and sad to see the unconscious people around me especially my family. To think that if I had not questioned myself I would have most likely lived the rest of my life miserable and broken like the rest of my family and most of the people I am surrounded with. So much delusion and unconsciousness. It's one to look at the rest of the world and say "they are unconscious". It is painful to look to your own family and realize that you will never get the love you need from them. I am a 19 year old transgender woman. After coming to terms with that through all the meditation, self-reflection, and learning, and coming to my awakening I wanted to share it with the people I love/thought who loved me (my family). I was met with crushing disappointment from the reactions I got from them. They know nothing of what love is. They no nothing of anything but conditional love.They no nothing of consciousness. I see into them. They're all lost and fearful people. I know that I cannot blame them for their ignorance and unconsciousness. They just do not understand and probably may never understand. It is painful to see the devils within the people you loved growing up. It is painful to see the devils all around you. It is painful to be alone in your understanding. It is painful to speak and not be understood. It is painful to be conscious. At the same time I am joyful because I am conscious and free to explore the universe in all its current beauty and love. I hope that one day, the world becomes conscious so that I may live among beings the same as I am, because fundamentally all beings are the same as I am, they just have to realize it. This universe is so beautiful and human ego has squandered much of it. I wonder if there will ever come a day where all beings on this earth are awakened to their true nature of the universe and live in beauty and frolic. Thank you, Leo. I am glad I found your channel. I fear that if I had not found your channel, I might have been trapped forever and might have spent my whole life not understanding my own awakening and possibly gone back to living as a slave to ego. I resonate with everything you say because I have come to many of the same conclusions myself. I am glad I have found you all. With love - Mia
  3. yogi gurus don't know that much about psychedelics and that other enlightened people aren't all that special once you've awakened yourself.
  4. The heart as an organ of spiritual perception From the view of many Mystics and as well as different orders of Contemplatives, the passions are not viewed as a benificial attribute. From some Enneagram perspectives, the passions are the direct opposite of Virtues which mostly can only come into one's being only after prolonged struggle and effort in working on oneself. Although it seems that everyone is gifted perhaps with one unique, freely given virtue at the start of life. Of particular importance is waking up to one's automatic or reactive behaviors held in place by well worn neuronal networks which are often jumpstarted by the amygdala. This is the process of having your heart hijacked and allegorically could be viewed as the Devil's admission ticket into one's Soul. The devil being none other than fear based egoic identification. In this talk given by Rev. Phd. Cynthia Bourgeault she addresses this with a degree of thoroughness yet concisely so, in a just a 30 minute talk. She speaks about how an undivided heart has the capacity for higher seeing or acts, in a way, as a mirror for a higher vibratory level of reality. This can only come about after the mind has become the servant of the heart, in a sense, with innocence. (I'm a poet and didn't know it) And yes, we're speaking of the actual physical heart which as articulated by the Heartmath institute produces a field of electromagnetic energy and moreso when the heart is in an attuned entrainment with the prefrontal lobes of the brain. I view this allegorically as the Intellectual complex willingly taking counsel from from an awakened heart. When someone is driven by a passionate energy, the mind is fixated which actually divides the heart. When the mind is so fixated, the heart is knocked out of entrainment with the reality of a higher vibratory level. This is the result of an obsessive, stuck emotion identified with a particular outcome. Spiritual wisdom being intrinsically moral can almost be framed as the exact opposite in that it is the state of non-attachment, letting go and allowing a spaciousness for the beneficence of the Cosmos to manifest out of the realm of the atom or the realm of Consciousness. This is my attempt at a brief summary paraphrasing C.B.'s talk, which includes a few of her exact expressions and some of my own spices. The poem titled 'Love' by Arnold Keyserling, just above goes nicely with this talk.
  5. When we awaken and become god, why can't we manifest a marble in the "real" world? If one is truly awakened and realizes that one is god why does a list of limitations remain even during the moment you are actually aware of being it. Why can you not change the capacity of "yourself" that you will be a few hours from now, and let him download infinite knowledge? Why is separation back to ego inevitable? Why can you not demonstrate seemingly supernatural qualities?
  6. I saw a comment of yours, that you too wondered this. When we awaken and become god, why can't we manifest a marble in the real world? Have you gotten any further with this? If one is truly awakened and realizes that one is god why does a list of limitations remain even during the moment you are actually aware of being it. Why can you not change the capacity of the Leo avatar and let him download infinite knowledge? Why is separation back to ego inevitable? Why has no one yet been able to demonstrate such seemingly supernatural qualities?
  7. Me too also,,, ? whoever I am and what it is I'll do,,,? Regarding chapter 3, A quote from Ocke de Boer delivers a perspective given in the Fourth Way regarding Acquired Conscience vs. Awakened Conscience as seemingly very relative food for thought with what was given in chapter 3. Ocke: These religions almost always fall into the hands of people with a lower level of being, often possessed of intolerance and a need for convention. These religions soon become dogmatic, and therefore increase subjective, or acquired, conscience. Acquired conscience has been well described by Nicoll in his Commentaries. It is a subjective conscience based on collusions (collective illusions). It is also well described at the end of the chapter Bogachevsky in Meetings With Remarkable Men. Bogachevsky often urged me not to adopt any conventions, either those of my immediate circle or those of any other people. He said; From the conventions with which one is stuffed subjective morality is formed, but for real life objective morality is needed, which comes only from Conscience. And in general I repeat, acts of this kind occur simply because people stuff their children, while the future men is still being formed in them, with all sorts of conventions, and so prevent Nature herself from developing in them that conscience which has taken form over thousands of years of struggle by our ancestors against just such conventions. Ocke: One of the aims of our Work is to bring us in contact with Conscience, which is in our subconsciousness. Conscience is the inner memory for those actions necessary to bring any given situation back in tune with Unity. Although this definition of Conscience is correct, it stays incomplete, because Conscience cannot be reasoned but must come into Being. Taken from-
  8. The secret brilliance of one's transcendent nature is an inherently robust and rustic capacity for impersonal acceptance of the impersonal reality of things consistent with karmically generative formal multiplicity. Unity isn't just the perspective of the absolute. But paying lip-service to reasonable and logical notions of Universal Good is just a matter of intellectualism. The power of inherent buddha-nature is literally your own eyes right now. It is a pity that people cannot wake up. Eternity is just this fathomless multiplicity in a word, in a thing, in a lifetime, in a universe. It is fascinating, but so what? The secret of one's inherent transcendent nature is awakening to reality as the authentically complete acceptance of what is as is regardless of circumstances. This does not admit of fascination rooted in the particular nor the vastness of space. Fascination in one is fascination in the totality. Why? There is no end to the one fascinated nor the one fascinating. They are the same. Ultimately, there is nothing to differentiate between self and other. Acceptance of the one is acceptance of totality. It's already you. There is no need to linger in fascinations comprising the nature and situational manifestations constituting eternity. This is the seductive quality of the killing energy of the karmic matrix. One's narcissistic relationship with its creative multiplicity cannot be rationalized romantically and emotionally as wonder because it is really paralyzing numbness compounding moment by moment. When you see reality as yourself objectively, impersonally, you transcend both at once. There is no way to transcend one or the other since both are the essential manifestation of Suchness. So it makes sense that subsequent to seeing reality, there is nothing to linger on. If you consider yourself awakened and you still find yourself lingering on phenomena, it would do well to reconsider your assessment of the nature of self-awakening. The habit of lusting after glinting potential in objects is the lure of one's own residual killing energy no different than the nature of creative evolution. No one has lost their aptitude for applying their tiger-eyes, but how many of us have the effective use of our buddha-eyes? This is due to acquired energy. Acquired energy IS our tiger-eyes. Arriving on the path of prior illuminates in actuality is in looking back to observe the aftermath of stepping over the whole of eternity. It's the description of presence being where you're at beyond the influence of karmic fascinations. Eternity is creation, not your nature. Seeing reality is the perspective of Unity perpetually awaiting the timing of evolution. Yes, this is the path of prior illuminates where the nature of the gradual has transformed from effort reversing the flow of going along to a spontaneous perpetual acceptance of the incipient upwelling at the pivot of awareness: this is the aperture of the Mysterious Female. It's not a place relative to anything. Aperture is a codeword for the perspective characteristic of the nature of its seeing. Its seeing is characteristic of Unity: mysterious/yang; female/yin. In stepping over eternity one assumes the characteristic of unified awareness. It does not depend on sudden enlightenment. In other words, the function of enlightening being is not dependent on awakening to its essential nature, which is already as it is. Even awakening isn't dependent on anything; it is just one's reaching a tipping-point in aggregating the critical mass of potential severing the root of the karmic compulsion to act. Your nature is the nature of awareness, which is not created. That which is not created comprises the path of prior illuminates having stepped over the whole of eternity. Eternity is about 100mm wide~ the distance between your own two eyes; it's just a trickle, really. REALLY. Just step over it. Ok, yes, easy to say, hard to do. But it is first necessary to see it as it is. In order to do that, one must be able to see reality in the first place. How? This is made possible by the breadth of the secret brilliance of one's transcendent nature being the inherently robust and rustic capacity for impersonal acceptance of the impersonal reality of things consistent with karmically generative formal multiplicity. It's already you, right now— forget it already— just be done with it for all time!! Be done with fascinations forever glinting in the unfathomable depth trickling at the juxtaposition of the end of the road of universal acceptance and the timing of letting go. When you yourself become the crossroads of before, after, acceptance and release presently and perpetually arising at its creative incipience, your perspective is the impersonal subtle observation witnessing the spark of the totality of fascination by virtue of each situation in its time without attachments. The taoist alchemical term, stealing potential, is witnessing this spark, over and over and over in actual everyday ordinary situations. This is not wonderful at all— it's just stepping over eternity— stepping over it means you do not entertain personal speculation in its multifarious permutations. In stepping over eternity, you have gathered the polluted unrefined elixir. Seal this away in secrecy void of intellectualism and rumination. This is the visage of the all-at-once perpetually in the midst of the gradual, embodied as the function of your own enlightening being. Don't make the mistake of thinking you do this. It is simply a matter of witnessing your having passed through a situational evolution that has no power to touch you. When the time arrives, it is not a matter of coming or going, movement or stillness. "Passing through" is just a figure of speech. When it arrives, there is already nothing left. Actually, in terms of arrival, the Unborn is refreshed. This is the spiritual power of one's subtle operation transcending yin and yang in terms of created cycles of karmic evolution. It is simply a matter of seeing the nature of sameness. As I said above, there is no end to the one fascinated nor to fascination itself. They are the same in terms of creation, which reflects eternity, not immortality. Ultimately, there is nothing to differentiate between self and other. If one can accept the totality (of creation) within nondifferentiation (the nonpsychological), "stealing potential" becomes the spontaneous transformation of energy from its subsequent state to its primal state within you in terms of your functional abiding in the nature of selfless Unity within the evolution of times, places, situations and events. Spiritual alchemy is just a label for no mean feat. Inconceivability is our nature. Humans being is inconceivable, but conditioning dumbs it down. By necessity, it requires work to awaken to our true self. It's a matter of seeing things as potential by not having complacent opportunistic relationships with potential as things. Ceasing to see things as objects of opportunism reverts things to potential. Not-doing in terms of potential saves energy (unrefined elixir, alchemy speaking). Energy saved as such is naturally transformed without effort (or knowledge). In taoist terms, properly transformed energy is refined elixir. Refined elixir is potential having been stolen from the Creative and restored to the Primal. This is the Real. The Creative is the storehouse of fascination, not reality. This is all accomplished by seeing potential and not doing anything with it to refine the self as opposed to seeing things to exploit (or reject) to gratify the person. Seeing is seeing before the first thought. I'm sorry if it sounds like spiritual mumbo-jumbo, but it's just how it is and no one knows why. If you know the way it really is, then (before the first thought) you partake of the transcendent nature of the real in the knowledge that there is nothing at all to know. And that is why you do not entertain fascinations: since there is, in fact, nothing to know, why on earth act in complicity with fascinations in the first place?!! poofs! Suddenly, it appears as it ever was, whatever it was …amounting to nothing. This is called going through endless transformations, planting lotuses in fire, entering the tao in reality. Just step over in one stride and abide in the illuminated as you were without beginning. Until this attainment is re-enacted for all eternity and becomes the perpetual alternation of one's practice, how can one be said to be free of mundanity while in its midst? The strange has no power over the August Way of perpetually refreshing primal Mind. That fact is not good or bad. Even so, it is by virtue of the formation of the strange that the August is manifest formlessly by the subtlety of enlightening observation. Seeing this is made possible by not tarrying over fascinations of the formal. Seeing reality as it is without attachment to objects, people, situations and events is dispensing with fascinations relative to the formal. Again, until this attainment is re-enacted for all eternity and becomes the perpetual alternation of one's practice, how can one be said to be free of mundanity while in its midst? Clearly, it is in fascination with the spark of strangenesses that one becomes enamored of bondage with its nature, which is karmic. See this sickness for what it is and wake up to its killing energy. Once you wake up to reality, and maintain a consistency of subtle observation over the aperture of awareness for a long, long time, you will find that the allure of the strange has no power over the August Way of perpetually refreshing primal Mind. What makes things seem strange and alluring is that personal ignorance of the essential nature of reality, which is neither different nor the same. Just this is already your nature. So it won't do to enact complicity with mundane fascination to personally create entanglements with objects, people, situations and events where they never existed to begin with.
  9. Thank you for sharing such a great video. I have to admit, I once was an "idiot" but I finally awakened from the victim mentality. I no longer blame other people or society for my own problems. America is the greatest country on Earth because it guarantees everyone the freedom you need to be able to excel at virtually anything. It's insane not to see that. Deciding to bite the bullet and work hard puts you in a great place, devoided from victimization. Your duty is not to blame society or Trump, but to develop yourself on a daily basis. My parents lived through communism. Most Romanians are moderately depressed because they lived under Ceaușescu, an evil individual. When it comes to politics, we have to think critically.
  10. Kundalini awakening in its extreme version may look like this: These involuntary movements are called kriyas and are natural in kundalini awakening. If awakened improperly, and if an expert's help is not sought for, these kriyas in their light or strong version may go on for years, until they subside or enlightenment happens. For some they may not subside in this life time. More intriguing than the kriyas are the extremely depressing or blissful emotional states which are frustrating and disturbing at times which may also last for years. Also, normal working is harder for a person with full blown kundalini acting up in their life. I thought, in these videos, people were faking it, until one day it happened to me. For me it subsided after 10 or so days, but when at its peak felt like volcanic eruption inside the body, with body heating up so much. Sometimes during sleep, energy shooting up like sharp electric pulses in random parts of the body woke me up abruptly. One time a low energy pulse shot up into my left eye causing a mild white visual flash, the next morning there was slight pulsation in the same eye for 2 minutes or so. It didn't do any damage. My vision is fine. Also dreams were a bit weirder during this time. This definitely is no child's play. There are youtubers with kundalini awakening who talk about their symptoms and how it is helping or affecting their everyday life. If you want to reasearch kundalini on youtube, search for keywords like "shaktipat", "kundalini awakening", "kundalini syndrome". May be it is safer if you learn it from a kundalini master. If you wish to involve in kundalini yoga, you can contact the "SKY yoga (Simplified Kundalini Yoga)" center if there is one in your country.(google maps may help) I think they can help people with kundalini problems too. Please have a look at this video: An interesting thing that I heard from one of their videos is that they used to teach how to leave your body, "Out Of Body (OBE)" and roam around freely in a subtle form. But, the UAE government had banned it. After this ban, they themselves stopped teaching this technique to their students. Of course I cannot verify this claim. I'm just putting it out there because it was interesting. I found the video, here its:
  11. @zeroISinfinity @Amit told me the same thing, even though he did not believe in it, he told me it was pretty accurate. That is why I wanted @Nahm to do his chart, at least on his own, using that website. I do not know guys, maybe for awakened folks is really different. Let me repeat it again, "Oh my God, love you all so so so much! " Gotta run, talk to you all soon.
  12. @Demeter @Demeter you have not understood. I'm not asking to suppress your emotion. It will get only worse. You will become numb if you detach all your emotion. An awakened one's also expresses infinite love, joy, sadness, how could bad karma affect them??? They express emotion with consciousness of being a character in this grand play. A certain degree of awareness will protect us from bad karma.
  13. Warning: Do not read this if you're very vulnerable to negative suggestions and ideas like myself. It can potentially really mess with you. (I know this may be asking Adam to not pick the apple from that one tree he wasn't supposed to pick from, but just don't read it if you feel vulnerable) Hi I'm in a vulnerable position right now. I'm going through what you could call a 'dark night of the soul'. I tend to really catastrophize. A spiritual teacher called Shunyamurti has expressed something like that he says that things are only going to get darker from now on, and that we are at the end of a specific time cycle called 'Kali Yuga', and that the world will come to chaos in which people will be forced to suffer their karma until they have repaid all their karmic debt. (although there's also the perspective of you 'awakening through karma', that you can become awakened or enlightened yet still have karmic debt to repay, as karma is not the same as consciousness or awareness) Perhaps that's not literally what he has said and I've filled in some of the blanks in my own fears, but I of course don't like the prospect of the world becoming a darker and darker place, and I especially don't like the prospect like I would be some kind of victim to my own karma. I'm sick and tired of feeling like a victim, and I want to feel like I have the power to take up my own responsibility and instead of being a victim I can become a person capable of rising to the occasion of his own circumstances and face the challenges of life with integrity, surrender and courage. There's some hope in that there is light appearing the darkness. Some spiritual teachers that I see that radiate peace and love. People turning more towards spiruality, and so forth. But as of right now I'm in a lot of pain and suffering, and with these kind of emotions there comes a lot of fear in regards to catastrophic or dark kinds of thoughts and images in my mind. I'm starting to become okay with the possibility that there's going to be a lot of suffering in my life, but I want to be able to rise to the occasion and not be a victim to it. I want to belong to the group that chooses to awaken. Thank god there are at least examples here on earth that represent a higher possibility. What do you guys think about this? It's really tough sometimes to let go of some of my catastrophic thoughts about the future. Whatever may or may not happen in the future, I'm tired of feeling like I'm being held hostage by my own mind and my own dark thoughts and fantasies. I used to be able to have a lot more distance from my thoughts, but right now I often just can't seem to let go of them. Shunyamurti also proposed that Costa Rica was going to be the safe haven on earth whilst the rest of the world suffered destruction and chaos. If this were to be true, this also makes me think: what about those who are born in circumstances that they won't be able to make it to Costa Rica, or what about those who are trapped in prison. This almost feels like some kind of black-or-white scenario. Either you make it to the promised land or face your downfall. That just doesn't seem right to me. I don't like this idea of things being a 'black-or-white' scenario. Either you face circumstances that are too dark, heavy and chaotic to get out of it consciously, you would have to face your karma and therefore be 'forced' to get out of the ego, something like an Eckhart Tolle awakening, or you would be lucky and 'make it to the promised land' and find circumstances that are light and uplifting enough to go through a conscious process of awakening. But that doesn't make sense to me, because what if you're a child who is already born in circumstances that are too chaotic for that child to ever become capable of even finding the means and resources to 'go to the promised land'? That just doesn't seem right to me This is one of the ideas that really messed me up the past couple of months. It makes me feel like I'm a victim unless maybe I make some desperate attempt to find a place where the circumstances are light and uplifting enough for me to awaken. But this kind of perspective doesn't sit right with me intuitively. I feel like that just doesn't make sense. It's too much black-or-white. Like either it's too late and you've passed the point of no return and now you will have to be forced to suffer until your ego is eradicated, or you are fortunate enough to find circumstances and an environment that will allow you to awaken without being dragged down by the heavy pull of chaos and suffering. But that idea just doesn't sit right with me because it would almost imply that you would need to make some desperate attempt to escape to another place and that that would fix all your problems. That just doesn't make sense to me. If the ground from which you precede is desperation, I don't really feel like you would be able to transform yourself no matter where you end up or try to escape to. That just doesn't make sense. I just don't want to feel like I am a victim and it is just really important to me to believe that suffering and pain has its purpose so I don't have to resist it or try to run away from it, because I notice that trying to escape suffering whether it's through internal or external means only makes things worse. I come to some degree of peace when I just let everything be no matter what the circumstances are or how I feel. What do you guys think about all of this? I really could use some perspectives to help me expand my mind on the situation. I really fear the future and what could be in store for both me and the world, and of course, as it goes, being fearful of the future means you suffer in the present. So I need to let go of that thought. Perhaps it could help to get some other thoughts or perspectives to give some counterbalance, or perhaps letting go can't be done with different kinds of thoughts, but nevertheless I choose to inquire about different perspectives and ideas that you guys may have about what scenario's or possibilities lay before me or us in the future. Many thanks in advance
  14. In my opinion, to meditate without thoughts is a samadhi state. When we evolve we can go into deeper samadhi states. After full kundalini awakening a person will lose the sense of duality and see/feel their self all the time, but that's just the beginning in many yoga traditions. Then they use their awakened kundalini to clear all inner distortions, all trauma and so on, this takes many years normally. Samadhi plays an important role in this process, some use it to stop the aging process, to get important insights, to remove fears and so on. It seems that the only people who reach the final stage, Mahasamadhi, and decide to stay in the body are those who have a duty to teach, the others just die and continue their evolution in the higher dimensions, this may change now that we have entered a new age.
  15. It's good that you awakened to these things, but don't judge yourself too much. Maybe you needed to go through this to learn something about yourself. Use this information to improve your life. Set real, tangible goals and work towards them. Goals that have an outcome that inspires you and makes you excited to wake up in the morning. Try to put the information you accumulated from youtube and podcasts into practice.
  16. As I once read in Tamil literature during my school days, that even direct experience without proper knowledge through proper authority is dangerous and will lead to ignorance. If consciousness is so powerful that it can create infinite diversity within itself, ranging from infinitesimal to infinite; absolute "Non-Dual-Unity" to "Dual-Diversity"; What makes you think that there would be no infinite in-between Possibilities/Realities/Truths as well. Just like, under normal circumstances it is impossible for an un-awakened person to get convinced, understand and realise about non-duality; it may be difficult for the awakened person who has lost the sense of self to meaningfully put an effort to understand and explore these other possibilities. For him Non-Duality is his reality now. But, in order to understand reality in it's full, one has to go beyond the Non-Duality and Duality to be able to see duality and non-duality as simply another dual pair only, and also in absoluteness they are the same and not different from one another. I think extremes of any truth/reality in and of itself is useless. It is always the in-between in which all the action takes place and the real juiciness of life and reality is experienced. As far as mind reading is concerned, I believe it can be done and I think it has something to do with the third eye. Anyway.. As I mentioned about the stories in yoga vasistha in my previous post, here is one: Parakaya Pravesha is power of entering into body of another person through Yoga. Read the validated answer from the above link.
  17. Spinning or Rotations in meditation or involuntary movements in meditation happen due to, you meeting the cosmic Kundalini frequency. Cosmic Kundalini is nothing but the God or OM or Nucleus of the cosmos, the cause of the creation. When you match the cosmic frequencies, your kundalini vibrates and gets invoked (just vibrates and gets invoked not awakened). Due to this invoking of the kundalini, you will touch the deep layers of your soul in which THE TRAITS are stored. Then, you involuntarily make some body movements or spin your head or move your hands or rotate your hands or get up and naturally do yoga asanas or some even dance or laugh or cry involuntarily. Some of you may even have quite violent movements. All these basic movements need to be balanced and advanced. These are called spanda movements in Sanskrit. Spanda means vibration. Due to meeting the vibrations of the cosmic nucleus or cosmic kundalini you also receive those vibrations and then you naturally do those involuntary movements. These involuntary movements are very initial level of Kundalini Kriyas that touch the deep layers within you. Prior to starting these involuntary movements, you must have gone through some problems in life that should have crushed your mind so badly. Problems related to relationships or finances or career or health and so on. To get peace or calmness, you must have adopted meditation and that is when these involuntary movements must have started in you. You may not be a serious or regular meditator but due to the practices you have done in your previous lives and as the time came (now), those problems came up in your life that is when you adopted the meditation and thus, the involuntary movements have started in you. Your kundalini is just invoked due to which these movements are happening. Kundalini has to be awakened and advanced upward through all chakras by adopting the specific path meant for the these involuntary kriyas. If the Kundalini is not advanced, you might continue with your problems in life and new problems may arise as you these involuntary kriyas will awaken the KARMA LAYERS, deep within, that will expose you to new problems in life. In order to awaken and advance the Kundalini, MANTHA KRIYAS need to start in you. Then you will not only advance spiritually, your problems in life will resolve and in fact by adopting the path of Mantha Kriya Yoga at Omism, you will prosper in all aspects of life. Omism offers, online lessons that you can study and practice at home so you advance not only spiritually but also materialistically in your real life. You can check the Playlist and You can also check for more information.
  18. awakened, not fully Enlightened. Why are you still not acknowledging degrees and stages here when you do everywhere else? Coming from Mr. “there’s more, there’s more!”, this is an uncharacteristically unnuanced and absolute stance. agree to disagree then ??‍♂️
  19. But these are still issues even awakened people perpetuate. You can be awakened and yet still contribute to the exploitations of a capitalist system. Someone like Osho is a good example. He was stuck in Orange in some ways with his Rolls Royces. We can't just adopt an attitude of: "Well, he's awake so nothing else matters." Social issues do matter. If you're awake in a corrupt society, and you're not doing something to correct that, something isn't quite right about you. Sitting by while Nazis take over your town says something about the kind of person you are.
  20. Yeah that's development completely unrelated to awakening IMO. The awakened had to surrender so much, that such questions would probably feel like asking "what's the best way to swing a golf club"
  21. You have emotional issues stemming from your relationship with your parents. You have probably have history of relationships with similar patterns repeating of how you treat girl, type of girl, cheating, intimacy etc. All "life" problems stem from relationship issues which originated with your parents. You always say how parents did evil stuff you don't want to talk about etc, isn't that egoic BS? You and I both have "Mental" problems. Kinda fucked up that i see you(and me) spending like 5 plus hours per day on forum. My problems are more childish, but problems are problems. Maybe psychoanalysis could help you who knows. I'm not working with winter soilder i just had 1 call with him, didn't think it would be so easy. Yeah there are levels too awakening i think Nahm is higher too. But you still think Leo is awakened, i'm pretty sure winterknight is beyond Leo, and go read his thread and what he said about Leo, it wasn't pretty.
  22. @electroBeam You make valid points. In retrospect, I did conflate them and I might re-shoot the Turquoise video to correct for that. At the time of shooting, I felt that ultimately we have to push towards nondual and mystical understanding, which requires leaving behind the Spiral model. Basically once you get to Yellow+, you should start seriously getting into nonduality and mysticism and transcend all models. Spiral Dynamics cannot give us the deepest levels of understanding and development that we seek. So I was trying to bridge that gap. Ken Wilber's model is actually better. The problem with Spiral Dynamics is that the people who invented it and teach it are not themselves awakened or mystical. This severely limits their understanding of human development. Ken Wilber has corrected for that.
  23. I have seen awakened people in many stages, but perhaps at certain colors the awakenedness doesn't last 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Do you knt what I mean? I think that as we enter into a bit of yellow and turquoise, we are able to fully experience the flow of enlightenment and feeling of being awake and detached from our ego, without fear etc ... for hours at a time. In other words, BLISS. I see a lot of turmoil in those struggling to exit blue and exit green. Do you guys see this, or is that just my perception due to my cultural backqround and experiences? I feel that I have some developing turquoise, and I enjoy the concepts of magic, astrology, energy healing... I don't get caught up in in though, yet I understand there is a lot of science behind ancient rituals and magic, that we do not understand. Being Turquoise to me means that I don't HAVE TO KNOW and UNDERSTAND everything, but I am not turning to blind faith... I just KNOW and I feel bliss, don't judge myself or others, and don't compete to produce the most, get spiritual the fastest, be the wisest, be the best... I just BE ME! I have my moments where I feel overwhelmed by the world, sad, confused... but I am not totally Turquoise... I do have probably a bit of blue, orange, green in some areas... as we all do
  24. Why care so much whether it's turquoise or awakened?
  25. Just to let you know beforehand - this post is written by hardcore full-time seeker - 14 hours of consciousness work daily for past 5 years with 150 psychedelic GOD awakenings and Infinite Love awakenings on 5-MeO-DMT and others. I do not expect any advice from you for my situation - because I came to conclusion that no advice of the "internet gurus" has ever worked for me. I wrote this post just so you could show some empathy to people like me - seekers who are STUCK in the middle, in the dead zone - between the Matrix and Liberation. And being stuck in the middle of those two for years/lifetime creates MORE suffering than average human life spent as an average unconscious Joe. My life is actually worse than Leo's life according to his health video in his Insights Blog ( . I am in pain, experiencing many psychological and physical illnesses since my childhood. Everybody should realize that Life is massive Suffering even after many awakenings. Like many of you, I came into the spirituality because I wanted to ease my suffering AND have less thoughts OR at least stop being identified with them AND be "immune" to pain AND to know my true nature AND to experience experience Unconditional Love in everyday life - not just in psychedelic trips. 5 years of hardcore spirituality later, my suffering has actually increased AND number of thoughts has actually increased AND identification with thoughts is pretty much the same AND my sensitivity to pain has dramatically increased AND I have had only 2 sober spontaneous experiences of Unconditional Love which lasted only 1 minute. After many of my temporary awakenings I came to conclusion that I am the GOD IDIOT, here's why: My life in a nutshell: 0.006 % Gods Divine Love 1 % pleasure from orgasm, eating 99 % suffering in boredom/meaninglessness, suffering from thoughts, personality disorders, anxiety, depression, inner-conflicts, needs, desires, pain, work, insomnia, extreme noise sensitivity etc. I am a God Idiot because after 5 years of full time consciousness work I was not able to cure any of my disorders. I am powerless god. Hopeless God. God is LIMITED idiot because he can't switch off useless "pain signals" in the body. OF COURSE pain signals were useful in caveman days, but nowadays they have outlived their usefulness YET there is NO WAY to turn them off (I am a highly sensitive person - I feel pain 5x stronger than average human) The GOD is RENDERING this creation and that is pretty much the ONLY thing that's doing great! God is UNLIMITED when it comes to rendering stuff. Rendering feelings etc... Rendering this colorful 4D scene. BRAVO! He is doing that perfectly. His mechanism of "no-mechanism" is PERFECT. But the scene is full of suffering. The Mind is actually Alpha version pre-realesed too early and most of human perspectives are in suffering mode thanks to shitloads of inner conflicts created by inner beings/thoughts or "external" stimuli. God is the biggest idiot out there - Since in this day and age more than 98% of human perspectives are led by ego-identity and for most of them THERE IS NO WAY OUT (remember - I have tried to get out for 5 years full-time) There's NO WAY OUT because there are infinite lives... So suicide is not an option - my idiotic creation is made the way that I will be always reborn into suffering again and again. Life IS. And this statement implies suffering in it. NO WAY OUT. Life is and always will be. Whatever IS - is prone to suffer. I am a God idiot - because THERE IS NO "SAFETY VALVE" Impermanence is actually not "SAFETY VALVE", it's not a positive feature like Leo said in impermanence video. Impermanence IS an "error", because God is idiot who wasn't capable of creating creation with 100 percent SOBER divine love without colors, feelings, thoughts and without the need for using psychedelics to remember himself in trip just for few seconds. OF COURSE I used to be a 5-MeO-HERO who experienced Gods Divine Love 150 times on psychedelic only to forget it few minutes later. Why? Because this Creation is created by Me God Idiot, who is NOT IN CONTROL of making use of those divine insights into everyday reality ... Remember there is no control and no one in control. And no one in control of liberating from suffering into "awakened state" !!! It's based on pure luck... It is a lottery. The Grand God Idiot's Lottery! That's why there are actually life-long seekers who seeks liberation from suffering but how many actually get liberated? How many of the seekers get enlightened? 3 percent? So this hell creation is punishment for myself. Why? Just cause! I do not know... God is idiot because there is NO WARRANTY that evolution will make humans more happy. What if people 5000 years ago were a lot more happy than today's industrial society? There is no warranty for better future. YES there are channeled books from higher beings in higher dimensions who say that there is some thing called ascension and in 1000000 years you will ascend higher or whatever, but what if that is just a dogma? You can't be sure of that. I am LIMITED crippled God because I have NO CONTROL over the creation - I can't "dream" stuff or positive emotions into existence and maintain them 24/7 and I am very VERY limited in manipulating reality - maybe even totally powerless - because I have no control over my thoughts, hormones, disorders, life experiences, brain chemicals etc... LoA people are proof of that. Under any LoA video on youtube there are comments like: I can manifest ANYTHING!!! - yeah right, those "omnipotent" fools who say they can manifest anything only to find out they have a tumor year later and die. I have personally known 2 of those people. To intelligent person it's obvious that they can only manifest themselves stuff like cars and money, which is normal part of life and working hard. No need to call that woo-woo Law Of Attraction. All of them say you are God and can manifest anything - so why their life is suffering? Why are they still working at McDonald's? Why they have incurable illnesses? Why those fools don't make themselves live up to 200 years of age full of wealth and health? Or feed all starving children in Africa. Or heal ALL corona patients in one day ... They're a joke. And anyone who believes that "You are Creator of your own reality" is a joke. You have very limited - I would say Zero control over the reality. Just contemplate "What is a decision" and observe your experience carefully. I am a GOD IDIOT because I have Zero control over my thoughts. I have ZERO control of: WHAT my next thought gonna be WHEN my next thought gonna be AND I have ZERO control of decision made based on thought content. I am God idiot because my alpha-version buggy Mind (thoughts) is prone to be stuck in loops of negative thinking FULL OF INTERNAL CONFLICTS between inner archetypes. Not just thought loops. I know people stuck in depressive, anxiety, OCD loops for their whole life. No techniques or medications work for them. I am God idiot who is not in control of his "level of vibration" ... God is idiot because his creation is CHAOS. Chaos implies suffering. Some say that reality is not suffering, but my interpretation of reality creates suffering. Oh man believe me I HAVE TRIED... Full-time... God is limited idiot because any psychedelic or other "peak experience" won't last more than few minutes AND there's a tolerance or harmful addiction or basically "The higher you fly, the harder you fall". In conclusion - Experiences of God's divine love actually made my everyday life more miserable - they showed me something I'm incapable to experience on sober daily basis. My 5-MeO Omnipotence experiences are totally useless AND those experiences gave me a false hopes / false HEALING hopes for my illnesses... Nothing good came out of them... BTW I wanted to teach spirituality... Like Leo, I wanted to wake people up from their illusions... Praising 5-MeO as well. Like Leo I have read almost all spiritual books under the sun. Like Leo - I became "Insight Hunter" ... Only to find out later that insights/peak psychedelic experiences actually made my life worse. Revealing "secrets" of existence is making everyday life "negatively" meaningless. YES - meaninglessness that I experience is not neutral, it's negative. Massive contemplative lifestyle stripped my life of compulsory illusions. Human NEEDS his illusions to live normal life... To be able to relate to other people in the matrix, to be social... To enjoy entertainment in the matrix... You won't be happy watching a movie constantly being reminded it's staged... I realized that stripping illusions off reality is actually fools way to live a life. I, like many, am a depressed spiritual loner full of head knowledge and spiritual ego. That's why most of philosophers were unhappy. And because only 3 % of seekers get liberated - average seeker gets actually stuck "in the middle"... I as a God am incapable of surrendering the ego identity... Believe me, I have tried... Shitloads of times... But of course surrender isn't something you could do willingly. I am still waiting for some paradigm-shattering insight or whatever... Til now no luck... OF COURSE this post is full of limiting beliefs. OF COURSE this could be understood as a victim mentality thinking. But realize - I am doing my best... Full time... Everybody is doing their best. I have tried everything... So please do not spit any pseudo-advises like "practice acceptance" or other BS... Your words have no use in some Gods perspectives like This One that is writing this useless post. You won't help me and you won't cure Leo's thyroid illness. OF COURSE reality is 100% imagination and I have tried to make a massive leap and transform this imagination into positive one by brute-force OR at least manifest "accepted imagination" to see creation as accepted/neutral. Did not work. Many "souls" are in the "massive suffering mode" multiple lives in a row. Just read this book: "Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss" ... It's about a woman who tapped into her past lives and 95 out of 100 her past lives were FULL OF suffering and illnesses... BTW in her past lives she has been a monk in monastery many times. Being monk is useless in therms of "progress" or whatever. So, I hope you finally understand. You can enlighten yourself however you want in this life, in your next life thanks to memory wipe out + upbringing by egoic parents and egoic society you will fall back to illusion again. You will suffer in your next life in spite of your awakenings in this life. I am DELUDED LIMITED CRIPPLED GOD. Totally lost in his creation. NO WAY OUT for 99,999 percent of people including me. Gods creation is Hell Realm - This Colorful Creation is Hell Realm. Thanks for your time. You will experience my life someday. Don't worry "internet gurus" :-D tl;dr: Have compassion for suffering of others. And just 2 more quotes for you: