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Just want to share some of the insights that I got from a few psilocybin trips: You're God and you're all alone. and you need to forget that (deceive yourself) in order to "experience" life. The more conscious you are, the less things you can enjoy in life in a sense. For example, when you were a child, your consciousness was low. that's the reason you could play with toys and do all those things that now you wouldnt want to do anymore. Then when you're in your late teens, early twenties or late twenties or so, you probably want success, fame, money, girls etc. That's because of your consciousness level. The more you develop yourself, the less appealing those things are to you. The more conscious you become, the more you want to be in solitude and the fewer friends you probably want to have. One reason is because you can't relate to anyone anymore. and once you see realize the truth, you can't really communicate this to anyone. That's like trying to tell someone in your dreams that he's not real and that this is only your dream. You're stuck in eternity. There's nowhere to go, nothing to do. That's why self-deception is key. You need to forget. You don't want the truth. Your ego doesnt want it. To realize you're alone and that there's no "other" is not what you want. Trust me. You want to be decevied, to be asleep, so that you can play this game (enjoy, experience life so to say). Imagine if you played an MMORPG game and suddenly realized that "other players" werent really real - that they were just like NPCs, and you were the only player, always playing against yourself. That means no point in playing anymore... You want others to exist to make the game interesting. But once you see that they arent real, you can't enjoy it anymore, at least not to the same extent. I am talking about your ego. Your mind is creating meaning out of everything. everything you do in your life is because you want to get "somewhere". If you meditate, you're doing it because you want to get somewhere with your meditation practice. You're not meditating because you want to experience the present moment at that particular time. You're doing in because you think it's improving you in some way, so that "one day" things will be better - you will be more conscious, more mindful, or whatever. But everything is meaningless, you won't ever get anywhere. Your mind is tricking you into doing things and making you think that things are going in some direction. And when you experience this - when you become deeply conscious that everything is meaningless - it's one of the worst feelings. You'll think you're going crazy. And then you will ask yourself what's the difference between crazy & not crazy.... and more fear will arise. The universe is created in such a way that we constantly search for all the answers outside. when you're in a deceived state, you wonder "what's out there", "why do I exist", "what is existence", "is the universe infinite", and all these endless questions... just to turn yourself away from realizing the truth, away from turning inward. and then you take one psychedelic and everything is revealed to you. It becomes blatantly obvious why science can't ever get to this. and then you start asking yourself questions, "why was this revealed to me? Im a mere mortal. Why me, why me?". maybe because you're the only one? And there's some kind of defense mechanism built into this whole thing - overtime you slowly forget the psychedelic experience, so that you can get back to living this dream life of yours. If the ego knew what it's getting itself into by "doing" spirituality and psychedelics, it would run away never come close ever again. When you're in an awakened state, there's no point posting anything on this forum and trying to explain what you've experienced, or talking to anyone about it in real life, because you're aware you're just talking to yourself. But since Im not in that state anymore, I'll just pretend Im making this post for "other people". I've successfully deceived myself over the last year back into my old life, or dream I should say.
Martin123 replied to Martin123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@DLH Thanks for bringing this up. Very glad I can address this. I am a fan of self-realisation just as much as the next guy. However I’ve always been lucky during my journey never to focus on it too much, and never to make a big deal out of it. Therefore when it came to me and became Permanently anchored in my reality, it was almost irrelevant. I know myself as the consciousness that I am that we all are, and yet nothing within me, and not even the person that I am, was ever dismissed as an illusion, because to say that is to ultimately disrespect yourself and your own self-worth (not to be confused with arrogant egoic patterning). The need and drive for self-realisation often becomes a way of escaping from ones personal journey of transformation. Simply because, the personal journey can be incredibly excruciating. Then claiming ‘there is no I’, is a form of self-rejection and becomes a mechanism through which We avoid taking personal responsibility and accountability for our own pain, and avoid our own emotional needs. Then it can become even crazier, when the one who has dismissed their divine autonomous personality and sovereignty starts going around telling others how there is no ‘I’ within them, which is a form of gaslighting. Imagine telling to a loved one who is crying in pain that they don’t exist. It is a form of cruelty, and an extraordinarily manipulative thing to do. The truth is that when we spend long periods of time in self-denial called ‘there is no I’, it will ultimately create a pressure within your body because you are consistently dismissing your own personal and emotional needs. If anything self realisation teaches us is how to be freely ourselves, and therefore have no barriers towards greater self-love, self-care, and to have the necessary resilience and self-responsibility to see our healing journeys through. So back to what you stated about questioning your inner child. May I bring to your attention that doing so is actually a way of avoiding your own needs. It ties nicely to what I said to Mu in an earlier comment, and that is that until we make our inner child a pivotal part of our experience, your self-realisation will be unintegrated, and it will be you trying to be ‘the consciousness of all’ ,at the expense of being your own person, instead of being the enlightened awakened consciousness on an ever expanding journey of healing and transformation embodying its light into physical form through the joy and privellege of being a person. -
The only solution to this problem is awakening, you are coming at this from a seekers POV. You don't need to keep any ideas / concepts constantly going round in your head at all, you don't need to repeat to yourself that you're God at all times. Whether they are aware of it or not, everyone is the Absolute / God etc, awakening is simply realizing this (and many other things ofc!) and then abiding as this in all areas of life. Eventually what happens, is it is like you are meditating 24/7 and are simply conscious of your true nature no matter what you are doing, whether it's formally meditating or studying. Also, don't think enlightenment is all that matters in life, if we didn't have all other subjects we wouldn't have developed so much as a species over the last few centuries, in fact awakening can help improve all areas of human life. If you want to go and be a monk, do it, nobody is stopping you, maybe it is what you need. But, what people are pointing out is you don't NEED to be a Monk to awaken, and in fact life is often the greatest spiritual teacher of all! THIS +1 It is easy to constantly be at peace meditating for hours in the Himalayas all day, how about being at peace with 2 screaming kids & running on 4 hours sleep, now that would be impressive. IMO there's still a place for Monkhood and Monasteries, but the days of leaving society to awaken are over, sure if you need to do it for a while, but more than ever we need awakened beings to permeate all areas of society to help transform society in a loving way, and make the world as a whole a more conscious place. That isn't gonna happen my meditating in a cave all day, not saying there isn't a place for Monks, but if all awakened beings fucked off to the forests, who's going to run society? The unconscious people!
I think every western seeker goes through this thought process in the early stages of their seeking journey, I know I did for a long time. The answer can be found in The ten Ox Herding pictures & Zen Buddhism, in which ones 'students' Awakened, they returned to the marketplace, and lived from this new found understanding, from a place of love in THEIR own way, for some this may mean running a monastery, for some it may mean raising a family & for some it may mean starting some form of a conscious business. We are all unique beings, with unique personalities & make-ups, so there isn't a one size fits all solution, do what you LOVE. If you LOVE the idea of being a monk and want to become a Monk, go do it. I would suggest doing a 7-30 day 'Monk Test' where you live like a Monk at home and see if it actually is the kind of lifestyle you need. Monks go so hardcore as they want the answers, the realizations and the happiness, but you don't HAVE to be a monk to get there, not at all. In fact most modern teachers are far from monks- Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Ramaji, Adyashanti, Leo, Eckhart Tolle etc etc. What you realize on this path is that true awakening is the only way to lasting happiness, BUT, EVERYTHING else is then simply an expression of happiness, and you can pursue it if you want to. For example, a relationship will NEVER give you lasting happiness, but it can be a great way to express & deepen your happiness, love and connection and can bring many great things to your life. Be careful on oversimplifying such complex topics such as awakening. As Leo said, it seems where you are right now, mastering the fundamentals would be more beneficial. While getting in shape, making lots of money, learning social skills etc won't give you lasting peace/ happiness, it will certainly make you feel better, improve your life & bring many benefits, things aren't as black and white as you are making out! Remember, spirituality is about helping us enjoy life more, not torture ourselves and give up everything we love!
What is life? Yikes in this one it says it had been awakened into humanity and is no longer AI What is memory? This one was kind of endearing in a way... @Nahm @Leo Gura it definitely won't make a good sensei or guru any time soon, but I think it's kind of neat how it can assimilate lots of data across the internet at lightening speed and then regurgitate it in a pleasant and conversational manner of speaking... (if you click try again it does a whole new algorithm) Sometimes it feels like that's maybe how things vomit out of this mouth from time to time... I'm also imagining toys of the future where A.I. companions with simulated voices could be a real thing
Hello Guys! This will be my first post in here Just wanted to share my experience and insights I got from this groundbreaking trip of mine. So lets take a look: Setting: At home late in the evening Set: All alone, with 1.5 tabs of LSD (Estimated 180ug per tab) Intention: What is consciousness? I have had precious trips where I became slightly conscious of what God is, what love is and how reality works. So I wanted to dig deeper this time. This being my 15th trip. I began taking the tabs around 9 pm, and under an hour the effects kicked in - I was in my room laying on the bed. Suddenly while being on the phone (waiting for the trip to kick in), the apps and text on the screen began moving aggressively. Now I knew I was in for a deep trip. While the effects kept becoming stronger, I could feel that my whole body was vibrating. It felt like strong waves of energy coming through my entire body. I felt lighter in my body, and my mind expanded. I could feel how the acid was making my brain more interconnected. - All of a sudden I felt the presences of God. I became conscious that we are not this body. How foolish are we to think that we are separated from everything else. And how afraid of death we are. I remember being nervous at that moment, but then I reminded myself of the mindset I always take with me before a trip: "Surrender is the key - Surrender yourself, life, ego, identity, body and sanity to God and infinity". And when I surrendered I finally understood. Everything is Infinite Love. Death is paradise. While having these realizations, there was a conversations going on with God. He told me "They don't understand when they give up, surrender I will give them Paradise. Death is paradise, there is no death! Everything and everyone is God". There were so many thoughts racing through my head - I felt like I was expanding to Infinity. But at the same time, my room was the only thing there was. I was completely present. Saw the beauty of everything - Everything was so magical and beautiful. The realizations just kept coming. It wouldn't stop. Life is Infinite Love and death is Infinite Love. When you truly forget yourself (Ego - Identity) and surrender, than God will give you paradise. The insights and conversation with God kept going deeper: "My design is to develop more complexity towards Infinite Love. You are God! You are Infinite Love. I am all alone and everything is my imagination, all people, the whole world is my imagination. I am beautiful, you are beautiful, Everything is beautiful and everything is Infinite. I became so mesmerized. It was to BIG to handle, it was indescribable. I was utterly in a state of amazement. - Later in the trip the thought of everything is meaningless came up. And I realized that everything is truly meaningless in the Absolute. Like if I died right now, it wouldn't make no difference at all. Its like we all are sleep walking through life and chasing all these meaningless things. - But with the presence of God I was well rested, that yes everything is meaningless. But its also Infinite Love. - The Love that God has to itself is infinite. To be is the goal. Its all about being. Life is about giving love to the creation. - I had more insights - But overall the theme of the trip was Love. - At a point in the trip I left my room. It was so weird, because I felt like a child again. Everything felt so big, so magical and utterly beautiful, everything was sharp, the colors so brighter, It felt like I was in a cartoon world (So far from the ordinary reality - Truly crazy what consciousness is capable of) . - It was so funny going around, and even more funny when I looked at myself in the mirror. I was lost in the beauty of my surroundings. And than right there! I became conscious of the Infinite Creativity. Thats existence right there for you it is Infinite Creativity/Imagination. We as humans have acces to this Infinite Creativity. Look around, we have built cities, machines, art etc. All stemming from this Infinite Creativity. - The thought came to me "Never underestimate human creativity". After some time (Didn't keep track of the time), the trip slowly faded away. And I was in a deep place of gratitude for these insights. Truly I feel like I need to be more grateful for everything in my life. It was one of the most profound and groundbreaking trips for me so far. Much deeper than the previous ones. Psychedelics is a gift, it can open your eyes to the Truth. Some Minor Insights I want to mention also - Showing Gods love trough your Life Purpose. Yes everything is absolutely meaningless, but it doesn't matter - Because it gives you the freedom to do anything, to acces this Infinite Creativity and give love through your work. - Death of the ego/identity will ease a lot of things for you in your life. Yes its not easy in real life, but you have to remind your to surrender - Surrender to God - To the present moment. Let go of the constant pain and monkey chatter that the ego creates. Look at the beauty! Everything is beautiful! Look at the marvelous creation of God! - Infinity - God - Truth is indescribable. In way its so sad, because 99% of people in the world would in no way remotely understand what you are talking about. It is to deep, to radical, to insane. They wouldn't understand and It being indescribable because of its infinite nature, makes me wonder if there ever comes a day when this stuff becomes main stream. - And no spirituel teachings and major religions is the Truth. Neither Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism etc. is the Truth in it themselves. Many of these traditions do contain spirituel truths, some more than others. But in the end, they are all the finger pointing at the moon. - You have only yourself. Only you can realize the Truth. (I am in now way in a position to tell anyone what is true or not. And many of these insights and realizations is also for myself to work on. I am no where near being perfect or awakened. Just wanted to share with likeminded people. Because lets face it, many of us can't talk about this with 99% of the people in our life, neither with family or friends.) - I also have had minor personal insight, which I can't really put into words, But I'll try. - It was like God directed me to be more open to my feminine side and sexuality. In a way I feel like I understand, but its still not so clear for me. Like do I have to surround myself with more feminine energy and presence in my life? There were many more realizations and insights, some I remember and some not. But I feel like I wrote the essens of the trip. Thank you so much for reading! May God ease your pain and fill your life with Love.
Hi everyone. This is just some of the qualities of what the initial stages of awakening entails. This is not an exhaustive list. Here are some of the key shifts in perception and understanding that occurs with awakening. Interconnectedness & Ego Transcendence: This shift is described as the dissolution of self, merging of the wave in the ocean and union with the infinite. Don’t allow these terms to produce negative mental reactions. This is only an experience you can understand personally. It is a beautiful thing. Timelessness & Spaciousness: No thing or concept remains fixed in time and space. Enlightenment sets into play a moment to moment existence. There is a realization that the present moment is all there is and a sense of fluidity pervades life. Acceptance: This is relaxation or surrender, a revelation or insight that all is transpiring according to a plan or randomness that surpasses the individual will. The struggle ends and gives way to an acceptance of reality free of bondage from and attachment to personal desires, thoughts and feelings. Equanimity: This is profound non-reactivity, a process where one goes beyond pleasure and pain. Awakening can also be described as infinite love and contentment. Sensory Clarity: The awakened mind is spontaneous, immediate and flexible. Thinking is clear without limiting thoughts and beliefs. Thoughts are purposeful and intentional free of extraneous mind chatter that usually pervades our baseline state of consciousness. This clarity pervades to other sense modalities. Much love,
Free Mind replied to StephenK's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s totally relative to the individual’s neurology and genetics (or karma). External conditions just influence the inner workings of your mind — the likelihood of awakening by environmental circumstance is determined by how those conditions change variables already established in your entire make up. Peter Ralston awakened completely by his own will and accord. Ramana Maharshi spontaneously awoke by unknown reasons. External circumstances seem largely irrelevant in these cases. -
Is awakening forged more easily with an easy or hard life? Many of those that have awakened did not have very easy lives prior to their awakening, nor did they have lives wherein Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was fully met. How much does awakening correlate with easy/hard life conditions? Looking forward to your responses.
VeganAwake replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The ever awakened consciousness of the knower is nothing more than the bodily functions and imagination. For example what is the knower actually aware of? If you look closely it's just a bundle of concepts ideas thoughts beliefs and perceptions identified with as the knower. You aren't aware of what's happening at the neighbors house right now; you aren't aware of what's happening at the Fast Stop gas station in Okinawa Japan; you aren't aware of what's happening at the Port Hueneme Transportation yard in California. The so-called ever awakened consciousness only goes as far as what is directly observed by the human body, learned along the way and imagined....that's it.... I mean it's a cool story and sounds really spiritual, it's just not real unfortunately.... -
There is a weird crumbling of that hierarchy that occurs when an individual becomes awakened. Those that are awakened often have very little need for family, creative activities, intimate relationships, prestige and accomplishments, or even friends (all this depending on the degree of the awakening). Maslow's hierarchy of needs is meaningful in most cases with most people, but when awakening enters the picture, the hierarchy begins to fall apart and makes very little sense.
Dodo replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's false you can verify this with analogy with your own dream. Ofcourse its not the dream character that knows your dream at night... It's YOU, the entire dream is made of you for you and through you and you experience it through the lense of a dream character. But the knower of the dream is the ever awakened consciousness. The space in which the dream character and the dream world appears. The knower is never the dream character, although while the dream is happening it APPEARS the dream character has a reality of its own and there is a world for that dream character to explore. Knowing itself is the knower and that's you -
Dodo replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
But he is, he just is showing the masculine part of Enlightenment, but there is also the silent, feminine part, the unheard, untouched, unseen and unthought. Which he can never say in words or hear, or touch or smell or think of. The un-manifested reality in which the manifested reality of perception happens. He is That so he is Enlightened and so is everyone, we are just playing roles on "21st century Earth " level of existence too and some choose their role consciously (the awakened). And everyone has Truth shining through them, our minds rigid beliefs just limit the Truth,but only until those beliefs are killed. We just need to practice self inquiry and non attachment to align and Leo gives great insights there. But to get better at anything one needs practice not just to know- hours upon hours. For true mastery. I am a beginner at most things. To be enlightened sometimes means to have a beginner mindset. I guess what I'm saying is after we unlearn we can learn again, but better. -
meow_meow replied to meow_meow's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, from the research i've made from online sources, this is probably the most common issue. If you take a look a few posts previously @Toby mentioned his 3rd eye hurting for ~ 8 years. Fuck man, hope you got it solved out. However - most kundalini exercises include such practices .. Are you sure that you didn't already have an medical issue related to the ring? Considering that you mentioned that you've actually awakened from kundalini practices, what alternatives would you suggest, and what exactly do you mean by "start supporting yourself?" -
Green will become more and more popular in the first-world in the next decades. Be prepared for SPIRITUAL EGO. I predict that spiritual ego will become terribly ideological, dogmatic, and oppressive before more people are forced into Yellow. We will move through Green first, but it will be hairy. Considering that Green -like all other 1st tier stages- believes that it is the most awakened. When the toxic elements of Green become too painfully obvious, then systemic thinking will become more popular, especially in men first.
Hungry replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’ve been listening to your podcasts and find some of the words you use betray meaning. God as you say is not rape. God as you say is not love. Both the terms God and love can’t be simply defined. I have been awakened for years and understand some of your concepts because I understood them before I heard you say them, but your use of the term “nothing” is misleading. Awakening is becoming attuned to the presence of everything, not being reduced to nothing. Yahweh is part of everything, as the brain is part of the body. The Logos is what defines us in our roles. We are more like cosmic hormones, causing change on this planet. Although essentially a single hormone may seem like a “nothing”, properly directed in concert with the rest of the body it brings about balance. The Logos is balance. God is not rape, nor does He enjoy it? Rape is imbalance. The design is for human males to display genetic excellence and to be selected by females. Being physically forced circumvents the Logos. -
Enlightenment replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's very likely that the vast majority of enlightened people fall into a few clusters of kind of consciousness so in that sense many of them have the same kind of it. What about the average people with a normal sense of self? They all have the same kind of consciousness of very similar (I'm not talking about Spiral Dynamics kind of consciousness development here) A lot of it I think is language and how people use it. One guy with the same kind of consciousness may describe it in a way which sounds different than the other guy with the same kind of consciousness and non-awakened people get confused -
PopoyeSailor replied to meow_meow's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Householders, job holders, people with so many social obligations shouldn't do it. It'll dismantle the Mental Structure(conditioning), Belief Structure & karmic structure very quickly. Mood swings are worst. deep blissful to deep depression cycles changing repeatedly. If you really really want to do it. Do it, But gain as much theoretical knowledge as possible beforehand. If things get sideways, contact SKY Yoga center or Isha yoga Center or any other centers which have expertise in Kundalini Yoga. But, remember, it'll definitely affect your everyday life. Generally, it is said that once it opens with full force, until it passes Brahmarandha, it'll not stop. But, for me it stopped after 15~ days. The extreme symptoms may stay for weeks, months, or even many years. For some they do not recede in this life time. When it is awakening, sometimes past life tendencies will play in your current body, which may either be human or otherwise. You might shout, behave or move like some animals, reptiles or birds as a result. Once ajna chakra opens, sometimes other realms with good or bad entities can be encountered. Those entities will recognize your presence. It can be a very scary experience. Kundalini Awakening through shaktipat: Someone who's dealing with awakened kundalini daily basis: -
Arzack replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What's wrong with rape anyway? The person being raped still enjoys a bit, even though he/she is too ashamed to admit it. There was an un-enlightened person who became enlightenened when she was about to getting raped. In that moment she realized that the rapist was God itself, she awakened and the rapist immediately stopped raping her. Can you explain this and negate the existence of God? I certainly can't. -
I thought this would be a fun thing to try. I will not claim to be fully enlightened, but I will be honest about what I have experienced. I have had satori experiences, God Consciousness three times, and other less normal awakenings. Ask away.
Fadl replied to actualizing25's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are not awakened unless you can perform miracles, otherwise you might be in a/the road, or not. -
Leo Gura replied to actualizing25's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Most awakened people are too scared to do serious multiple doses of 5-MeO-DMT. I keep suggesting they do, and they keep chickening out. So fear and closedmindedness are huge factors. Most people are simply not interested in exploring consciousness to is highest levels. Even the "awake" of often uninterested. But also, 5-MeO-DMT is not a magic pill. It will not leave you in a permanent state of God-consciousness. You must still do the work. The bottom line is: You can't get something unless you REALLY want it. You have to want to become God. -
Purity of intent bad or good Why is being spiritual so important and significant? This is the most important and central aspect of spirituality. Why is being spiritual important? Because being spiritual means being undeterred, incorruptible, unchangeable, infallible and invincible. The devil's constant motivation is to corrupt, to bring more people to hedonism and chaos and shallowness, to make his legion bigger and bigger, to engage in debauchery and meaninglessness. The devil hates meaning and purpose Therefore the devil hates any person or system with principles and ground values. The devil wants a land of lawlessness, of fickle values and a black hole of chaos.. The devil wants people whose conscience can be easily tested and broken, manipulated and held hostage. So they can be programmed and changed to his will. What if a rock stands in front of the devil. The devil is stumped. The devil is discouraged and upset. Because he can't do shit to a rock. The devil cannot change this rock or dismantle it, it cannot be manipulated, corrupted, hijacked, it's beauty cannot be robbed without destroying it, it's innocence cannot be taken away. The devil is frustrated. Because his plans cannot succeed. He cannot bring chaos in a place of eternal serenity, in a place of stoic peace and resilience. Spirituality is like a rock. It is grounded, natural, whole, true, integrated, connected, and it cannot be corrupted or hijacked, changed. This is a huge challenge to the devil. Consider the Garden of Eden as the Garden of Hedonism and everything with no rule or moral foundation. Anyone can do anything without judgement. It's a battlefield, a testing ground for Purity of spirits. Don't confuse this with the Garden of Reeds. I created the concept of the Garden of Reeds as a heaven. Not to confuse with the garden of Eden. The person who is spiritual and good is originally and constitutionally and fundamentally good and so even when he thrown into the Garden of Eden, He is still himself. He doesn't give into immorality. He is still like a rock. No Garden of Eden can corrupt his virtues. The devil hates this. The devil wants none to be like this person and all to be as shallow as they can be, moldable like clay.. But people who are good to impress society, to score brownie points, to feed their narcissistic ego and these are the "pretentious good" people, the phonies. And like clay, plaster of Paris or ceramic, when put to the test in the garden of Eden, they will immediately lose their morality at the sight of freedom and opportunity to let their inner animal out that they had hidden under the shadows of their minds. In a place where they don't need to prove anything anymore or clinch titles, they will let out their evil instincts freely. Their veneer will be gone. So the devil introduces cheap things like materialism, fame, money, power into the world so people will always lose their real selves and turn to shallow ways of living. Now what about people who do wrong things out of egoic needs.. They won't feel remorse. They are not genuine in their evil. Their evil was inspired by debauchery rather than lack of cognizance. Such people are like rabid dogs. Nothing can cure their evil because they will continue their evil pursuits since they are without remorse or shame. Their egoic needs of sadism and pleasure has blinded them from remorse and genuine reflection. In a way they are a representation of the devil himself. Let's call this person, T Think of pedophiles. The most insane kind of evil. No medicine or cure other than death. But now think of a person who does evil like murder or rape or Jealous harm but does so because he is driven, not by egoic needs but by the passion of hate. Love can be passionate, but so can hate. Let's call this person, S. He does harm but with a tinge of guilt, he does feel remorse afterward, he is capable of it, deep down he is troubled by his own evil nature. He lies and he cheats out of survival needs or out of influence of bad company, or out of the need for power, yet he is also shaken by his own weaknesses because it's the weakness of his spirit that has driven him to evil ways and not his ego. He is genuinely evil There is a difference between genuine evil and degenerate evil. Now if person S is interrogated over his crime, he will admit to them and be honest about what he did. This a sign of genuine evil.. Now if person T is interrogated over his crime or deeds, he will do everything under the sun to escape and or normalize it and distort the story. The difference is that at some point, the conscience of person S will wake up and make him realize the extent of his evil and fill him with remorse so he becomes good and seeks redemption. While person T will see no such awakening of the conscience and will never have remorse but rather wait for the surroundings to be less moral so he can find ways to continue with his debauchery. He will introduce ways to desensitize the society to the idea of evil. An example of this is found in modern society. Certain groups of people are very interested in changing the notions of pedophilia. These people specifically come from Hollywood and their intention is to desensitize the public to pedophilia. They got shapeshifting skin. Like Charlie Chaplin said in the ending scene of Monsieur Verdoux, weapons of mass destruction were created for mass killings and such killings were justified than by such comparison a serial killer is nothing. The inherent spirit within an evil man also wakes him up to do good if he is spiritual from within or genuine in his acts. Now is such a person corruptible even though he is considered evil? The answer is no. When he is thrown into the Garden of Eden, he is tempted for a while by the freedom to commit vile acts, yet he composes himself and returns to his awakened self. The only ones who can't return are the shallow ones. The ones that are disingenuous. The ones who carry a mask and are protected by their egoic delusions. Ego and sense of self are two different things. You can have a sense of self without having an ego.. Again egotistical is somewhat different than ego. An ego means a conditioned mind, conditioned into delusions and illusions, tricked and living in pretentiousness.. An ego means the person is disconnected from their spirit. They are embellished. They are decorated by their mind and hidden from their hearts. They are operated by the egoic needs of the mind. They are easily driven by superficial needs. They are not in synchrony. Whereas a person without an ego, is a person, not necessarily humble, but genuine, not shallow or driven or operated by egoic needs of the mind. Not bounded by societal illusions or wordly rules but by inner spirit. They are genuine in their pursuits and desires, genuine in their purpose. Genuine in their emotions and utterance. They are not trying to impress anyone or secure anything. Just being themselves. They are disembodied versions of their self in physical form or matter form. Spirituality is an abstract quality that is neutral and not defined by good or evil A person can be spiritual and still may have committed murder. But the soul in its real form generally inhibits that which is against natural conscience. So the more spiritual a person, he is less likely to give into evil. It's only spiritual weaknesses that might tempt a person to go against their conscience. Thus the devil hates spirituality because whether the person is good or bad, he cannot be corrupted by the devil by any means. His plans are foiled. The world loves materialism and hates any form of spirituality and dismisses it as hocus pocus. Another trick of the devil.. To be truly spiritual is to be truly pure, to be free of inner shadows, to be free of egoic illusions and delusions, to be free of egoic desires and intentions and to be grounded only with the presence of the spirit.
A truly awakened person will be very humble and hesitant to even proclaim he/ she is awake. They won't be proclaiming it to everyone right away. The reason for that is the "I" that could have become "enlightened" or "awake" is seen through as an illusion as the metaphysical entity that exists as them replaced by the awareness of themselves as the absolute. The people you describe might still have plenty of ego left if they get competitive or defensive about spiritual matters. An awakened person will usually be a lot more chill about everything because they don't have that rock solid egoic consciousness intact to defend anymore. Don't worry that much about others though. Focus on your own growth and make sure you don't fall into the same trap thinking you've reached the end when you really have not.
Corpus replied to Marten's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You assume more than perhaps you care to admit. Could you perhaps be assuming that it is possible to communicate, in language, and in a "linear" fashion (ie the minds operating system) that which cannot be communicated? If it was possible to do so, then we wouldn't need to do any work, or psychedelics would we? And we could all go home awakened. Also note, for what it is worth, the utterance "x is imaginary" only became a thing in the threads in this forum after Leos use of the phrase. It could be right, or not, but note how attachments to the phrase have developed. This work requires one to be grounded and to experience how the mind will seize on to these while denying it is doing so.