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LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Frenk Or maybe some religion is awakened beings teachings written down by non-awakened beings & used to control people Who knows... -
PurpleTree replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
well it's hard to say as Eckhart Tolle says (i think) animals are basically below thinking, strategizing, plotting etc. and awakened humans are above it, so the animals would have to become thinking, contemplaiting etc. so that they could move above it or past it. animals are very present though and they live fully in the now -
Javfly33 replied to Adamq8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 Oh no, I'm not referring to his Enlightement or Awakening. I mean mystical experiences, or at least mystical glimpses. He declared in one video he would get them when he was as young as when he was in primary school. I can't recall what exactly he experienced but it looked it was kind of some high awareness state when he would be the "observer" for the whole day. With 8 years old. Yeah, that's why I think using an example of someone who has awakened through meditation as a point to prove Psychedelics are not neccesarary is naive. Maybe the one who awakened thorough meditation had a very particular brain chemistry than most people brains don't. -
I haven't ever been in states of consciousness more rewarding than that of letting go of suffering! And I can do it at any time! Maybe you're letting go of suffering only after the ego has a sense of accomplishment or similar. When you're living as blissfully as an awakened by realising how you create joy/energy and how you supress yourself from your full potential. Then it doesn't matter what you do with your mind or body because you won't be able to experience higher states of being. You just do what is needed for your survival and for the world, that's the most selfless way of living. No I don't have any life purpose yet. Will probably be to share my joy and do what's needed for the society, whatever that will be. I know the general direction of whats suits me as my life purpuse.
@No Self You have definitely raised some great points, I especially like the part about the communities, I feel a modern society alternative would be having the whole family involved, instead of living 100s of miles from your parents and immediate family. Im not planning on having children for probs a decade or two, nearer the two I imagine, but I do look forward to having a family, it’s always something I’ve wanted. Also, to play devils advocate to your point about sages- Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Sadhguru & my own teacher Ananda Devi all have children. I envisage as more awakened couples emerge & more awakened females, that “gurus” will start more families overall, just a prediction though!
This line is so beautiful. Yes why not. Suffering can bring huge shifts in consciousness, sometimes the levels that even enlightened gurus might not have experienced after deep practice. Whatever road you take, the soul needs to be awakened. That's the key. It doesn't matter how you reach this transcendence in life. It's always waiting for you anyway. Beautiful lines When a prostitute was stoned, Jesus said He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. There is such value in this sentiment. We judge others. Yet we don't judge our own judgement. Love can exist where it is made to exist, without boundaries, without conditions and without judgment.
Jesus Daniel replied to Jesus Daniel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It was on a half a tab of 250 UG. I'd say I awakened or was enlightened in that moment, but I'm most definetly not in that state now. It would be too paradigm shifting for me. I would rather have that happen to me when I'm properly mature and managing myself, full responsibilty. I am 19 years old, there are still many things to work on. -
VeganAwake replied to arlin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Non-duality isn't about metaphorically smashing everything into one...its not like saying 'I' am the body here, and simultaneously a race car in a Japanese shop... sure you could say all of this matter is interconnected energetically or something like that. But if you look, there IS apparent separation. There appears to be a body here and a pine tree over there. Non-dual awareness is pointing to the recognition that the experience of the separate individual within the body is completely illusory. " the separation never occurred" -- A Course in Miracles See Boundless Energy being that it's infinite and boundless can also appear restricted within the body and create the illusion of the 'ME' character experiencing itself here and the world and universe out there.(it turns all apparent happenings into a self-centered experience) When this 'self' illusion collapses it's simultaneously recognized it never existed in the first place... making Awakening a non happening... so in a sense you could say Awakening is only real within the dream of the separate individual that believes it will one day become awakened.... hence the phrase "you are already enlightened" seems nonsensical within the dream. So what recognizes this? You could call it consciousness, you could say no-thing recognizes it, you could say the recognition itself is illusory, you could say it's a Dream Within A Dream Within A Dream. What was recognized here is it simply doesn't matter... nothing does!! It's pure unequivocal freedom for No One. ❤ which was always the case. -
Thank you, I will take a look on them. The am looking for more opportunities to let go of suffering, there is nothing to escape. Because how I live right now is always my choice. When you have awakened you are in control of suffering, not the other way around, because you crated it. And it takes will to create suffering.
How do you see other spiritual teachers these days? Like Shinzen Young, Sadhguru, Siddhanath, Dalai Lama... Asleep or highly awakened?
Member replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dodo Babies are authentic and enlightened just because they exist? Enlightenment does not equal to existence in my dictionary and neither is the general definition. Enlightenment is "knowing thyself" and since babies and rocks have no self-awareness, then they are far from being awakened or enlightened. I don't know what are your sources for such ridiculous beliefs but they are really far away from the Truth. -
These are such great points, And the problem is the majority of people don’t realise you can be 100% happy by yourself, and then a partner / relationship is simply an expression of tbis happiness & love. Look up Rupert Spira, he talks about awakened relationships a lot, and how we shouldn’t be using other people to make us happy, but only be with another being when we are happy ourselves. This frees the situation of many of our demands, and gives the relationship more chance to flourish. He talks about telling your partner- “I don’t need you for my happiness, but I want to be with you, out of choice, not because we need to.” I think that is so powerful, as it is the basis of true love, since you aren’t using each other to fill voids.
DreamScape replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
yeah I mean you can still be normal and date normal people and even unawakened people when you are awakened. Because your awakening and path to awakening is independent of any external circumstances -
Guest replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Nordin The main weakness of an online forum is we have very little actual information, and we have to go the extra mile to be humble enough to not lash out in projections. Awakening requires unimaginable levels of maturity, and the term is not to be trifled with. If this is your heart's path and you have awakened, I do not see a reason to hold back. If not, you will sink into a self-created hell. But I presume you know this since you are awake and this is just me pointing out the obvious. I'd appreciate if you kept us updated; yours is a journey unique. -
Leo Nordin replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm lol, you need to be perceptive to not be confused. Everyone misses the whole point, this post was not created for people to assume how awoke or not that I am. I meant to give the impression of that I already have awakened. And wanted input based on that. I don't know if any lf you have awakened that's why my wordings was changed to suit whom I was writing to. -
@Persipnei No monesteries for me, never. I am not after persuit of spiritual development. More allowing myself enlightenment, that only I will do when survival is taken care of. @Yarco Omg no no no your assumptions about me are wrong. You need to be able to read between the lines. I told you that I have fucking awakened. This is not a small thing. Please at least assume that I might have awakened. Here is how I will have basic needs taken care off: I will live in a van and work very minimal 20-50h/month. That's it, the system will give me free/cheap education or put me in a get work program if I remain homeless and want help. Thats the back up plan, more or less.
Leo Nordin replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I dont mean that love, haha. But yes, persue everything sounds interesting. @Leo Gura I have truly awakened, I mean seriously. Is there anything you want to share with me before I leave? -
Leo Nordin replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's a choice whether it's hard or easy doesn't matter. Of course, I will work minimally for survival 20-50h/month or less! I live in Sweden and we don't have many entrepreneurs, there are many ways to make some money. My can will also be comfy. What is ever realistic if I were to become enlightened? I thought of saving money but that was before awakening. Leo you are knowledgable, if you can share tips/tricks for my journey of survival I would be thankful? It's extreme yes, a summer break won't do. "persuing enlightenment" is widely perceived in different ways. Because I have awakened it's a choice. Will I be enlightened right now or not. Ego is only good for survival. @No Self My van would be insulated and my body also creates heat, people have stayed warm in way colder climates in vans. I have knowledge, you don't need that much heat. Be careful if you're not awakened? -
wavydude replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Why don't you try this lifestyle for a shorter period, like do it for the summer break and see how you like it. Dropping everything and going homeless seems pretty extreme and reckless. One thing I don't understand you say you've already awakened but you also say you want to go homeless to pursue enlightenent. So did you awaken or not ? -
Moksha replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What I'm referring to as the path of enlightenment is a steadily increasing capacity to be present regardless of our circumstances. Most of us awaken to who we are, and then rather quickly return to unconsciousness for a time until we reawaken. The conditioned mind is relentless in demanding our attention, and even people that have awakened, frequently fall back into identifying with their mind. The practice is to stay conscious more and more, until we are always awake. The fruits of presence are enjoyed along the path. The more steadily awake we are, the less suffering we will experience. Eventually we reach the point where we are always still, and are permanently free of suffering: -
Leo Nordin replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Thestarguitarist14 yes but I have already awakened, if im not fucking myself up with delusion haha. No but really. I am talking about living in a van, showering at gyms and using part time work money/money from my country for food. All my basic needs will be taken care of. Call it homeless, or a nomad or a spiritual retreat. I have 1,5 more years untill last year I can reapply for school for free if homelessness didn't go well. I will last a year with my current savings at most. At the age of 18 I get money from the government. Draw back is that all my savings may be lost and I may have to take a loan before I finish school if I come back and take that rout. Yeah I am going to drop out. Will just secure some kinds of income before hand. -
Leo Nordin replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Most homeless haven't awakened... -
Not more than anyone else, I've always been a good student and had liked it to some extent more than most. Living half a life is just not worth it, not when you know what a full fledged life looks like, that's why I don't want to limit myself for much longer. I only do what's needed. Yes that's it? out of some reason people always question my texts, even though I wrote I HAVE AWAKENED. Hahaha Then it's obvious that I'm not being delusional?♂️ but yeah I'm young you all can question me. I also am using ego now, otherwise I wouldn't be asking for advice about going homeless lol, ego is good for survival, remember that.
It never felt difficult to me... Even in the absolute earliest stages of self improvement. I quess basef on time and all the internal changes to your beliefs about the world changing so much makes it an unbelievably difficult task for most people. They have too much ego and ignorance etc. It is nothing compared to the difficulty of school. Because school is the largest suffering creating machine in the world. School equals = lifetime suffering for the majority of people, because it creates ego constantly and if you unwire the ego they will force you back. For me there is no difficulty because I'm doing it on my own terms. I will probably quit school to become somewhat homeless soon. Keeping up ego abd suffering to stay in the system is somewhat difficult now when I've awakened.
I don't have any special problem with school. It just hinders me from being myself. It's quite sad that I consciously restrain myself from ecstasy all the time in school. One or two hours a day isn't enough. I am probably ready for what you call "hardcore" practice where I live unreasonably joyfull all the time. I awakened not long ago. Please give me perspectives from the awakened mind.