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  1. "An Empty Answer You want me to “say more” about nothingness. Could anything be more paradoxical for the reader than to try to understand “nothing”? Why? Because most people start from the conviction that there is something which does exist; if nothing more, at least “me”. So, you will not likely appreciate nothingness unless you have come to realization through advaita. At least we will, then, begin without the assumption that a “me” really exists. But even for the realized advatin, there will almost certainly be a presumption that “something” exists in the realm of reality. Even “reality”. Advaita points to ajata, and ajata is about nothingness, or emptiness. The Diamond Sutra of Buddhism, points exclusively to it. Hui Neng, the Sixth Chinese Patriarch, declares flatly: ‘There is nothing from the start.” These sources, among others, set your foot on the path, but recognize that most people are then going to immediately be lost. I have written clearly about advaita, and several have understood what I’ve said. I have spoken, to some of these, about what lies beyond the “Absolute,” and a couple have understood. So I will try to explain it, as best I can. The “ultimate condition” (if any) is nothingness, the complete “absence” of anything—no thing, of any possible description. The (approximate) comprehension of this would be to conceive of “emptiness”, as the emptiness of which not anything could be emptied; pure unassociated emptiness, and not even an emptiness which is within some imagined boundaries. The word “void” could be applied; but this “actuality” is not void of something—in any positive sense. So the nothingness of which we speak is totally empty, free of any subtlety which could even be envisioned. Hence there is not anything “within” it that can be subject to any kind of movement, or even change. Not anything can “come from” nothingness, nor “return” to it. It is not the “origin” of anything. In fact, it could not be applicable to say that it exists, or does not exist. Thus we can’t say that this is the “beginning” condition or the “ending” condition. At best, we could say that (if it were “existent”) it would be the ever-present condition. Yet, it is not an abstraction: its presence is “eternal”. “In” its presence are supposed creatures, and the world and universe they seem to inhabit. But all of these supposed things are “in” nothingness. They have not appeared from nothingness, or out of nothingness, or because of nothingness. In fact, they have not actually “appeared”, except as nothingness. The creatures take their reality, their “existence”, for granted; and thus also the reality or existence of the world and its universe—not knowing that they are nothing. The assumption is: ‘There was a time when I didn’t exist, a time when I existed, and a time when I will no longer exist”. But there are no such times. Not anything has ever “existed”, from the standpoint of nothingness. In nothingness, there is no “time”. What makes this so difficult to understand, is that because we say that “I have existed”, we conclude that there is some thing. And indeed we look around and say there are other things, such as a world or a universe. But the presumption that there was a time when I did not exist (or do; or will not exist) is false: no arising, abiding or decaying exists in nothingness. In other words, not anything “happens” in nothingness. “We” are nothing, the “world” is nothing, the “universe” is nothing. In nothingness, there is neither existence nor nonexistence. There is only nothing. From the standpoint of nothingness, no questions can arise. We can not ask for, nor expect, an explanation: not anything ever happens, in nothingness. The value of this understanding is that not anything really matters. Even understanding this does not matter. All is emptiness. That is the “empty” answer. The scriptures speak of one who is in sahaja samadhi as having “no mind” or an “empty mind”. It is this appreciation of nothingness that is referred to" - Robert Wolfe
  2. Of course. I have always equated God = Nothingness = Everything = Love = Infinity = Truth = Absolute = One = Many = You = Consciousness There are many facets to this thing and in the end they are all equate into a perfect Unity. Yes. The y axis is actually a loop. Once you go low enough you start to move up. And once you move up enough you start to move down.
  3. How seriously do you consider the possibility that they have created a blind spot for you, though? I have heard you say "I was put on this earth to do psychedelics", and other such things. Your latest video actually demonstrated that you do not really understand what a cessation is (per Ingram and others, there is NO conscious experience during a cessation. Consciousness stops completely, like a frame taken out of a movie reel. As you come back you witness reality restarting before your eyes. If there was ANY conscious experience during the cessation it was not a cessation). That is widely considered to be only the first step towards enlightenment (stream entry), followed by wildly more powerful experiences and insights farther down the path. While I don't discredit the depth you are achieving in "understanding" reality with psychedelics, have you considered that maybe you are going very far on an axis of awakening that isn't IT, per se? For example, multiple respected teachers describe direct experience with the Source (ie. Nothingness) as a stage beyond God-realization, and that even this is not "it", as it is still an extremely subtle identifying. You talk about it not being "ego", but do you consider that EGO could ultimately refer to ANY kind of identification, even with being God, or with understanding itself? Ultimately "understanding" is the final thing to let go of, resulting in a complete return to THIS, NOW. Are you able to let go of understanding? Are you able to let go of God? Could the paradox be that until you do let these things go, you can go no farther?
  4. On board with you there. Yes sir No Mind is not the full picture. Neither is One Mind. It's the merging of the 2 (Absolute Infinity/Love and Absolute Nothingness) that brings out a much fuller picture. And all of this can include the "I" Realization of NO self does not exclude the conventional self. Thanks for clarifying. Non-Duality is just one aspect of existence. None Locality another. I think "Uni-Locality" comes closer to what we're ultimately pointing to. You are nothing, everything, yet something You are nowhere, everywhere, yet somewhere You are nobody, everybody, and a somebody
  5. OK I understood that dualities or distinctions are content (you call them appearance). Whether I identify with them is also a thought, which is also just an appearance. If both what I see and what I think of what I see are consciousness and precisely what nothing is, it's like saying "nothing exactly is this landscape with the dualities". I am precisely nothing, observing myself, which is also nothing but appears some sort of consciousness bubble containing a field of view feelings for vibrations in the air (sound) other feelings thoughts (dualities) How does absolute nothingness appears as all of these things? Through dualities. But dualities are also nothing. "Dualities" are a separation I'm making within consciousness. I just don't see how consciousness or absolute nothingness can separate itself. I am aware that absolute nothingness is not the nothingness I've been taught (the empty space), absolute nothingness includes both the empty space and the non empty space. You can say "nothingness cannot separate itself" but that's just shifting the goal post. Nothingness either separate itself or appears as separate, otherwise there would be no dream. How does it appear as separate when it's not? I am not able to equate absolute nothingness to an infinite mind. To me a mind is a duality machine, it processes information. In the case of the biological brain, for it's survival. In AI, we can train neural network to classify information (literally the same as dualities). When it comes to absolutely nothing, I would think that absolutely nothing = no mind. I don't see how there is appearances of duality (or of anything) in the first place. I see that with a duality machine (mind) anything can be made since all things are dualities. But I don't see how absolute nothingness in itself has this ability to subdivide or make dual. This leads me to think that this "ability to make dual" is a property of the body and therefore the body is real and if it dies I'll lose that ability forever. It probably sounds ridiculous to you, but I don't see it.
  6. This is spot on hahaha amazing summary. So this really comes down to "exploring altered states of consciousness" vs "enlightenment" the 2 overlap but they're not exactly the same. I tend to lean towards enlightenment work and Leo consciousness work. So it's actually a sweet combo for people who are interested in both. And although we disagree on some parts of the Path I do have a lot of respect for Leo's fearless approach to exploring altered states of consciousness. I'm willing to try psychedelics more yes but I haven't felt a calling for it yet. But like I said in there, ego is altered states. Mystical experiences either on psychedelics and meditation is altered states. Natural state is an un-altered states of consciousness. But that does not mean you can't explore altered states from the Full Natty State. But the thing I wanted to point out is the difference between the 2, since most people confuse enlightenment with exotic states of consciousness. I myself made this mistake before gaining access to the Natural State, as it is impossible to know what ________ is like from both the altered state of self and Self: individual mind and Universal Mind. Now the Natural State is the ______ that "manifest both", a place where one sees clearly and directly that at the "microscopic level" of sensations both are just different reconfiguration of energy and sensations that are dependently arising. Ps. I also agree with you about being attached to getting to psychedelic states sober but since then I've let go of this. I see both meditation and psychedelics as both just being tools for dissolution and their effects the side effects and by products. This does NOT mean you can't explore those content. Even post Awakening one can still go back to previous stages and explore their nuances. But interestingly stated in the video after Realization of No-Self and cleaning out most of my conditions, it is impossible to even call up Jhanas anymore or access Kundalini energies because even jhanas and "chakras" are the by products of the stratums of mind getting dis-embedded and released. But if you want to get technical the moment to moment experience of the Natural State is very close to the 6th jhana of Infinite Consciousness (Buddha-Mind/Super Witness/One Mind) and the 9th jhana of cessation. The difference being pre-Realization there was still a 'center' perceiving this field of Infinity, post Awakening the center is dissolved, hence you vanish and die into the present moment to "manifest" all of 'Reality' 'Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.' - Nisargadatta Maharaj sums up the dark light of the Absolute perfectly. This also mirrors my conclusion that the Natural State/"Buddhahood" is the transcendence and merging of "arhat" and "bodhisattva", where the former is the emptiness/Nothingness/Death/Non-Being phase and the latter is Universal Compassion/Love/Being. But of course I'm not talking about the historical Buddha...“There is Buddha for those who do not know what he is really. There is no Buddha for those who know what he is really.” That is, Buddha exists for those who still need an ideal image to aspire to in order to get enlightened, but he doesn’t exist for those who no longer need such a mental prop. The exactly same thing can be applied to God.
  7. Well fair deuce man, I guess this is how it works. If you weren't speaking about these things, I may as well have spent the rest of my life thinking nothingness is the "ultimate reality". Keep up the good work. Not that there is anyone to help or that you care anyways... ?
  8. That is not transcendent God realization. Realizing nothingness is a step in the spiritual journey, within the dream, but only a step. The destination, which is the origin, is infinitely more abundant and beautiful than that. When you realize God, which is realizing Yourself, you will be flooded with Love. Traumatization is a tool of the ego. Be vigilant, but realize that it is no real danger. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. - A Course in Miracles
  9. @Enlightenment The way I see it, this car experience means that: either there was no consciousness. And these 2 seconds never happened. Like time travelling 2 seconds into the future. And you have no memory or idea of what might have happened during these 2 seconds or, you do remember something of these 2 seconds. And in that case, a very small amount of ego consciousness was still present. Enough to register stuff happening, but not enough to register it as a conscious experience. (or the 3rd point of my previous post. unconsciousness from the ego's pov. But Consciousness from Consciousness'/God's pov) (from the relative perspective. From the absolute, past is imagination anyway). What you, Frank, and the guy in the video are basically saying is that Ultimate Nothingness is not identical to God, Consciousness and Being. That this Ultimate Nothingness is prior to God=Consciousness=Being. That these are impermanent phenomena arising out of the permanent ground which is Ultimate Nothingness. This contradicts my awakenings. It probably contradicts the awakenings of most people on here, I guess.
  10. About My Spiral Development Purple I'm very intuitive and I'm getting better and better at using my intuition. I'm able to see things collectively and see the necessity of people working together interdependently I have a strong connection to nature. I feel good, relaxed, and in peace when I'm in nature However, I have social anxiety. It has been the #1 most important issue of my entire life. I never had close friends, nor a girlfriend. I consider the people that I spent time with only as acquaintances. Even when I had some periods where I would spend time with some group of people, they were just acquaintances for me. I can function in life, but making friends has become more and more difficult since I discovered self-actualization. Red This is probably the stage that I less properly integrate. I'm creative & imaginative. I took risks in the past, have been courageous, and I'm willing to take more risks if necessary. For example: At 18, I quit my country to go study in France all alone by myself. I didn't know about anything there, but I did it anyway. At 20, I moved to the UK for a few months. My English wasn't perfect (but better than other people from my group), so it was a bit challenging for me. One day I did a speech in front of a theater entirely in English. I quit my job to start freelancing, but this is a mixed experience as I'm currently living with my parents. I'm also currently working on another business. I'm not very assertive. Most of the time, I feel like it's useless to try to be assertive with people because most of them are too closed-minded so I tend to avoid conversations. I consider this to be true in many situations, but this also is delusional in other situations where I'm just afraid to stand up by myself and use my ego to re-comfort myself. As I'm so often in my mind and over-analyze things, I lack the red action-orientation attitude towards life. I have been vengeful in the past towards people who mistreated me. I have been very confrontational sometimes but not for the sake of doing it, but when other people would attack me. I almost never directly attacked somebody in my life. I'm friendly with friendly people and unfriendly with unfriendly people, but some progress can be made here by tapping more into Yellow. I did lie in the past and manipulated people a few times, but that was very rare. Blue Even if I complained about this stage previously, if I look at things properly I think that I have rather healthily integrated this stage without falling into ideologies. Its integration varied depending on the period of life that I was in, but I think that most of the time it was healthy and a few times unhealthy. I can say that I'm disciplined. It's not perfect and there's still a lot of improvements that I can do, but if I compare myself to people of my generation (Gen Z) I think I'm doing better than average. People made fun of me in the past for being disciplined... well... I think that the consequences will be seen more and more in the future. I'm responsible and reliable, and try to be as honest that I can. I've always respected my teachers when I was at school, the authorities that I disrespected were the egocentric ones. When it comes to politeness, I have been a jerk at some times in my life but that was mostly when people attacked me. I'll say that I currently have a proper balance when it comes to politeness, I'm polite most of the time and vulgar sometimes. It's like 70% polite, 30% not polite, this is what feels most authentic to me. Being organized has always been a bit difficult for me, but this is not catastrophic. I never had strong biases against any group of individuals, the biases that I noticed recently were low in intensity. However, I never liked family values because my family is dysfunctional. Anyone who highly values family often feels hypocritical to me... But, this is a trap and families are actually important because healthy families are the basis of healthy societies. I did criticize homosexuals a bit when I was a young kid because I felt the pressure to be seen as a real man, but I outgrew that around 12. And if I'm really honest with myself I think that I have a more important feminine side than many other guys around me. I have a good masculine/feminine balance overall and I am very sensitive to the world around me I did follow religion when I was a kid but never hardly fall into dogmas because people around me have different religions. After 12 - 13, I started to outgrow religion and became more and more rational. During a period of my life, I started to be too much concerned about small details in my work which resulted in conflicts in the team. Orange This one is maybe 50/50 in terms of healthy and non-healthy manifestations by reflecting on my life. I've been enthusiastic about my work. I had periods in my life where I really valued high-performance (I'm actually in one of these periods because of survival necessities) and did really well during a period at school and well at some periods in my work. I'm strategic, flexible, and adaptable. I like to be straightforward when it comes to getting things done. I'm very independently minded and always question things in order to improve them. I never fall for materialism, it never make any sense for me. I always saw this as incredibly shallow. I'm a minimalist when it comes to my material needs. I can get a bit annoyed when people aren't straightforward enough, that's a shadow to inspect here. I fall into the libertarian ideology in the past. I took it to the extreme, I wanted to be seen as this incredible successful guy who does everything by himself. This mindset almost killed me and I started to have panic attacks because I was so much obsessed with productivity and performance. I had a period in my life where I would wake up at 4:30 AM, go to the gym at 5 AM, take the bus to go to work at 6:45 AM, work, work, work, work again and again until I go to bed. I did have some hate of religion in the past. I have been cold and unemotional most of my life because I valued career over human relations. I did lack empathy and had been too cutting with people. Green What's funny is that the stages that I mostly lived in are Orange and Green who are the complete opposites. Some of the things here are going to contradicts what I've written about my integration of Orange. I always valued multiculturalism and diversity. My family is multicultural and I lived with very diverse people, so all of this was natural for me. When I was a kid, it didn't make sense that most people stay stuck in their own culture without the curiosity of exploring different cultures. I quickly understood that people grow up in different cultures which affects how they perceive the world. I understood that my perception would have been different if I was born as a woman in Kenya, or a man in Brazil, or a transsexual in China. I always resonated with the need to take the environment seriously and have always been concerned about ecology. I am concerned about animal suffering. In fact, I have been vegetarian for an entire year in the past because I was so concerned about the animals. I want everyone to be treated fairly: men, women, kids, homosexuals, heterosexuals, transexuals, no matter their ethnicity. I want peace on earth: enough stupid wars, enough discriminations, enough racism, enough hate. I had enough with money/success-obsessed cultures. I want authenticity and want to be close to people Recently I started to become more and more aware of how emotions work and how to handle them. However, I never tried psychedelics, I don't know anything about chakras, etc. I don't do deep spiritual practices. I'm currently not meditating because I'm focusing on healing my traumas. I have been a bit ideological about how I eat in the past to the point where I dismissed everything that people would propose to me. A Yellow approach would have been to sometimes accept a bit of dirtiness to still being able to go to restaurants with people. I fall into the trap of seeing everyone as good and thinking that it's possible to help anyone by giving them some kindness. I have been reactive against capitalism, materialism, overconsumption especially when I was around 18 - 20. I did a speech in front of an audience about that, I'm now a bit ashamed of this because that was very immature. Yellow I started to peak into Yellow 2 - 3 years ago when I was 21 - 22. Even though I was already following , just the theory wasn't enough until I got myself into very stage blue (or at best low stage orange) environments. These environments were so radically different from what I knew that my world exploded into pieces. I experienced intense depression and was clashing with people. It felt like I was losing my sanity, like I had no ground in life. This is when I really became aware of how much different people are, that all people aren't at the same level, that we cannot just give love to people to change them, that people won't value orange or green values as much as I did. I more and more try to see things from different perspectives without being attached to any of them. I judge less people and accept that they are how they are and that they are where they are. I see more and more things as systems where all elements are interconnected. I'm better and better able to handle paradoxes. I can notice strange loops. Nothing is sacred nor precious for me, I question everything and most importantly I question myself. I see the human specie as an evolving, self-regulating meta organism, where everyone has a role. I'm more and more aware of my biases and I'm willing to correct them not matter how painful it is. However, I do get too much stuck in my mind to the point where it's sometimes difficult to handle. I've always been a mind-oriented person and always had this issue, but this is becoming worst. I am cold and distant from most people. I isolate myself too much from society. Turquoise I had a few experiences in the past where my mind became so crazy that it started to collapse. In these moments, I was trying to keep my identity by repeating to myself my name, my age, my place of birth because I was so afraid of losing my mind. However, one day I choose to let it go and experienced a bit of nothingness. It was clear, they were no thoughts, but it didn't last long.
  11. @Enlightenment What do you mean with "cessation"? Do you mean one of these 3? The Void 'experience'. No body sensations, no thoughts, and no memories (amnesia). Only Nothingness remains. Nothingness=Being=Consciousness. It still exists, it is still being, it is still 'experienced'. I've seen it being mentioned in trip reports, by meditators and sleep yogis. I think Consciousness is always there, but with varying levels of 'ego consciousness'. If it seems like you are unconscious while experiencing it, but later you remember it, there was still very little 'ego consciousness' present. But not enough for the ego mind to recognize being conscious. It is also said that there is a difference between deep sleep and being 'unconscious' from narcotics. After deep sleep it feels like time has passed. The above mentioned perspective, would indicate that ego consciousness is present during deep sleep, more than during 'unconsciousness' from narcotics. Beyond that, I think that there are states of consciousness where there is 0% ego. The way I see it is, when you are in God Consciousness, there is still very small ego. When the ego is 100% gone, that 'experience' can not be known or experienced 'by the ego', so from the ego's pov it is full true unconsciousness. But from the UltimateSelf=God=Consciousnes, it is not unconsciousness. So let's say you take a psychedelic, then 100% ego is gone, you are fully conscious as God, then the ego returns and it seems like it was complete unconsciousness. No memory of it exists. No indication whatsoever that it ever happened. Unconsciousness from the egos pov, but Consciousness from God's pov. Is one of these 3 things what you and Frank are refering to?
  12. Good work Leo, but not to take away from any of your insights, most of the realizations and awareness you have presented in this latest video is already explained in the Seth Material published over 50 years ago… I’m not saying this in a derogatory manner, or to dismiss anyone’s accomplishments or integrity. I am also a student traveller that has a deep desire to explore consciousness beyond the basic Labels of Love, Nothingness, and our limited five senses. If I may make a suggestion, may I suggest exploring several of Seth’s and Jane Roberts books. They will definitely take you beyond the paradigm of nothingness, beyond the Human Mind, beyond the five or six senses we are familiar with, and into fifth dimensional, Unknown realities and dream states where our human senses are obsolete and meaningless. I say this with the utmost respect and compassion! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs.
  13. You take my word "bored" too literally. Of course God does not become bored, that is a human emotion. God can exist as Nothingness for eternity and not give a fuck. But at some point God will also move to experience finite dreams. Love would be a better explanation than boredom. I spoke of boredom to get your human ego to relate to the problem of being totally unlimited. From a human's POV, being totally unlimited is not such an exciting state to be in for long. A human would get bored of it. Just like a human would not enjoy an video game where you had unlimited powers.
  14. Just read it and I am so happy I did. Very insightful! some of the things you said were quite relieving such as the ego being beautiful because of it's genius (to love the ego) and that feeling nothing is ok (I believe to feel this nothingness) and to notice the impermanence (by focusing on feeling). What I really loved is that you talked about how accepting feeling is key to feeling. Sometimes I just feel like I want to release my emotions but never do, always suppress them, mostly automatically in subtle ways. Yet I do have this silent yearning for releasing it. I know I want it deep inside because as children we used to do it more often (this is one of the reasons I believe many of us want to go back to be children). I have not yet managed to release emotions even though I've been practicing mindfulness for like a month now (mostly feeling, hearing and feeling sensations). I would say though that I feel a bit more improvement and that I'm not AS resistant as I was before. Opening myself up to acceptance is the real deal. And I don't know how to do it. What practices do you do for it?
  15. @CBDinfused There is the seeing of one's own true nature. Of being infinite nothingness. And if you see it well enough, you'll see that this infinite nothingness (which is everything) is immortal. And so it is that I know that this nothingness will never die. Physical death is an illusion. Me, Mujtaba, my human self with a name might die. I don't know. Whether I have a "soul" which will reincarnate I don't know, but thats a lower order structure to absolute infinity/nothingness. My true self won't die. Naturally this is a scary thing when seeing. My mind keeps itself distracted from seeing this.
  16. I just woke up from one of my most terrifying sleep paralysis experience, which happened after a bad trip dream (just to make things more fun might have thought my brain). The level of self-awareness I reached on this sleep paralysis was way, way, way, beyond anything I had experienced yet. Basically I couldn't move but I was conscious (honestly I DON'T KNOW anymore if I do get true sleep paralysis or I DREAM THEM. In anyway I basically think it's the same or there is not much difference). So yeah, I couldn't move and I was conscious. I basically was this absolute nothingness in an empty black void space, and I was absolutely conscious. There was NO EGO. I could just focus on the breathing. And I actually I wondered if I was going to die of respiratory supression in that moment right there (because the sleep paralysis it just completely vanishes your sense of body, it gives you this feeling, like the breathing is your only "anchor" you better not lose it). So I focus on the breathing and surrender. I couldn't do anything else. Thankfully after some "seconds" it passed. Fuck that was intense. That was God? Why that was SO SCARY? There wasn't NO hallucinations whatsoever. It was just pure raw Consciousness with No ego, yet this was a level of being aware so Intense and radical it went beyond the typical peaceful of meditation to basically terryfing of so real this nothingness was.
  17. Sorry, this post above was meant for another thread, i have no idea how i ended up posting it here lol So in any case, i can share with you what has helped me most throughout the years: - and the first thing would be to underline YEARS. It has been very helpful to me to think in terms of what i want to do, or rather how i want to feel and be, 2-3 years from now (at least!). - a quote from Sadhguru that has helped me tremendously: "first establish yourself in yoga, then act. This is not a time to drive, but a time to fix the wheels." I realized that i want to make understanding myself THE priority of my life. So i dedicated myself fully to understanding. From then every goal that i had fell under that larger goal of Self-understanding, or Self-Love! Everything you do prior to knowing your Self will have this anxious vibe to it. Because it's about survival and manipulating reality, not about Love. - as for expectations, expect the real juicy things to take at least double the time you think they will take, then multiply that by 10! So forget about WHEN things will happen! Because worrying and expecting is a sure way to keep your conscious mind rigid, and when your conscious mind is rigid, what you are striving for cannot penetrate through to impregnate the subconscious mind, so habits cannot form! - there may be confusion about every single thing that you are trying to change or improve in your life in the beginning. This is normal. it's a unique time, and it is supposed to be this way. Don't worry, it certainly won't last forever. But just remember to frame confusion as a positive thing. It means that you are on the right track, and that you are changing things deep inside you, triggering some survival mechanisms. It's ok, they'll pass as you understand what your emotions are and what they do. - have faith that the process works, even when you lack immediate results. In sports, newbies grow the most, even with shitty training and diet. With a good training program, a newbie can progress for 2-4 years really well. After that, programming needs to change, to adapt to the more complex abilities the athlete has acquired. And for advanced folk, many other variables become important or even obligatory for progress, but that's not important now. Just trust that as long as you stick to the basics, you will be fine for a good few years from now. Some of the basics are: - meditation and other concentration exercises, to make my conscious mind sharp and able to be present for a long time, - contemplation, especially simply contemplating infinity and what infinity implies - psychedelics, which have helped me open my ming and understand the nature of consciousness and infinity - deconstructing reality, identifying and questioning every single motherfuckin' belief and behavior that i can find - understanding the emotional guidance system, and how emotions guide us to Truth - learning from as many teachers as possible, listening to EVERY perspective and being RADICALLY open-minded, as Leo likes to say - and simply seeing absolutely everything as One, as myself, as God, LOVE, infinity, Consciousness, Nothingness. All this can seem kinda overwhelming at first, but that's just because you don't understand your emotions yet. That's about all that i can think of right now. Stay curious and Godspeed, my friend! @Nahm i hope ok if i share this link from your site
  18. Is there a point in the future where all of existence will simply vanish and dissolve into nothingness? Or is it just gonna keep going forever creating more forms to infinity? What about my individual experience? Maybe reality has no end as a whole but do I have an end? Will my subjective experience continue endlessly? Or is there an end to me? What is the ultimate fate of all of existence including my personal fate? Where am I gonna end up in? Or is it just gonna keep going forever? ?
  19. If it never occurred is it all illusion? We're in a dream of nothingness where nothing happens.
  20. I once had a kind of dream, after doing psychedelic the day before, about death. the person, me, with all its characteristics, attributes, memories, detached itself, and with all serenity dissolved into nothingness forever, as if it had never existed, and emptiness remained. only that I really was the emptiness, absolutely void, I always was and the person never existed. I think death could be like this
  21. I say that this is serious because there has been no other question that I have ever had on this journey so far that I feel so open to having an answer for, hence the question. Could it be that all of reality is consciousness itself? I'm aware of the cliché of this question, but what makes it serious is that at this point, my mind is open enough for the answer. My own contemplations: If it's true that reality is consciousness itself, that would mean that any thoughts that I have had about what reality is made out of is completely backwards. Specifically the thoughts that reality is made out of atoms, or whatever possible thought that attempts to invalidate this question. We might think that reality is made out of atoms, or waves, or energy, to form all these holons, etc. When this question hit me, I was in the middle of a walk thinking about how reality must be made out of the same energy, taking different forms and different vibrational frequencies. Are you with me? Because here comes the question which jerks my tears: Could it be that all of reality is consciousness itself? You know the consciousness we all experience? The awareness of things? What if reality is made out of Consciousness, and Nothing else!? It's completely backwards relative to any other explanation, such as atoms, energy, etc. The consciousness "Of" reality, being the substance of reality. Holy... But where is the separation between me and the consciousness "of" reality? "Of" entails that there is a seer; Could it be that all of reality is consciousness, without a seer???!!! WHAT?! Okay, that one sinks in. But if it's true, then how is consciousness? Now, thoughts are appearing of the complexity of how reality takes different forms. How is consciousness... How is it not? Could it be that consciousness "is", and "is not" at the same time?! As the substance without a seer??! Consciousness could be "not" by always changing shape. But then, how is consciousness constant, relative to constantly changing shape? How can consciousness not be? Is that even possible? Yeah, consciousness can change shape... Is there a shape that consciousness cannot take? No... that's very unintelligent. There is no shape which consciousness cannot take. If consciousness can take shape, obviously even change chape, then it's very unintelligent for consciousness to not be able to take "certain shapes". It seems like what enables consciousness to take shape, also enables consciousness to take any shape. But then... What enables consciousness to be & take shapes? ... Nothing? Is it nothing? Could it be that "Nothing" is what enables consciousness to be? Well, the existence of absolutely nothing enables absolutely every shape to exist. How? Because the existence of absolutely nothing, means that it's substracted from all form. If consciousness, as the substance without a seer, strips away all forms, as there is no shape that consciousness cannot take, then, the stripping away of all form means that absolutely nothing remains. Could it be that absolutely nothing, is absolutely everything? It seems like the ability to take any shape, comes from the ability to let go of those very shapes. Because if one clings on to specific shapes, then reality is limited in its ability to take shapes. For shapes to be, shapes also has to not be. Can certain shapes be prioritized to be? -> No, by the same mechanics as reality can't be limited in its ability to take certain shapes; it cannot be limited in letting go of certain shapes either. If we let go of all shapes, we get nothing. If we let all shapes exist, we get everything. But for everything to exist, everything has to also be let go of, because why would reality ever cling on to specific things? Could it be that existence is nothing, and everything, at the same time?? Yes.... . Because for something to be, it has to be not. For specific things to take shape, it first has to lose it's shape. And for everything to take shape, it first has to have no shape at all. For shapes to even exist, they have to not be. For consciousness to be, it has to "be not". It seems like "shapelessness" and "shapes" must exist simultaneously. As if the substance of shapes is nothing and everything. And that's a great solution. That's a great solution. For when nothingness and consciousness intertwine, it allows reality to be. Anything. It also has to be everything, for it to even exist, as nothing and everything simultaneously. Everything = infinite. Could it be that all of reality is consciousness itself? Haha... Yes it can. Because it's nothing - everything - infinite. Guys, God is inside.
  22. I feel like it just "is" and even calling it "isness" is not the same thing as the actual thing. Even calling it things such as awareness, eternity, god, nothingness, whatever just doesn't really do it justice since it's not the actual thing itself, whatever that thing might be.
  23. *** This. *** Of course. "Is there a point in the future where all of existence will simply vanish and dissolve into nothingness?" It is already nothing. There isn't any need to dissolve or vanish anything; it is already completely that: whole, one, zero. Nothing is going on...... .... except your imagination, silly. Ask yourself as God: when do you want to stop imagining stuff? When you are in deep sleep is anything imagined?
  24. There is an old Buddhist saying " form is empty. Emptiness is form". It's basically pointing to the collapse of the duality between somethingness and nothingness. I've realized it many times.. That something and nothing are identical. The mistake is thinking that "nothing" is some blank black void somewhere. No.. Everything we are experiencing all the time is precisely nothing. It's completely hollow and unstable. No different than appearance of a Dream. Even scientifically speaking.. If you break down the atoms that make up the universe.. You will get waves of energy. Break down the energry and you get nothingness . We know now through quantum physics that the universe is literally made out of nothing. But I stil can't wrap my head around... Why there is "stuff"? Why colors and sounds and objects? It's utterly miraculous that these things exist at all.. Like if you examine any object or just your own body.. "Wow what the fuck is this? ?." . But we take it for granted because we've been alive for lots and lots. My question : I get that there is no difference between something and nothing. But I can't wrap my mind around why there is "stuff". If the universe was just pure empty blankness that would still be nothing but rather in its most "pure" and original form possible. So why did God bother to say "let there be light"?
  25. I disagree. The answer is turtles all the way down. You can split it indefinately. Then you reach the plank length. Then you go into energy. What is energy. Well energy is fueled by 5th dimension waves of patterns. which is fueled by 6th dimension stuff and it goes on forever. It doesn't end with nothingness. Ken wilber said it. It's holons. If you go a trillion orders of magnitide deeper or smaller, you don't get closer to nothing, you just go deeper into the smallness or in causality. At least that's what I believe.