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  1. @Regan I cannot speak for others ofc but what you've mentioned is a thing I've given much thought over time. What I have come to theorize is that, essentially, the Big Bang or w.e. is proposed as the beginning of Spacetime arose from Awareness/Brahman/Infinite Consciousness. Everything else follows from there just as science dictates. The brain is made of matter and matter arose from the "everything". I believe complex human consciousness to be quite accidental. I think what we experience is a huge conglomeration of acts of awareness... A robot vacuum is exhibiting an act of awareness when it detects a wall, you can bust out a dictionary and see that must be the case. The brain I see as a sort of centralized hub which allows a person to experience the millions of inputs as a single thought thread. That is a conclusion I can semi support scientifically, you can look into things like the surgery which splits the brain and the impact on the individual's consciousness, or you can hum while mentally thinking of something else, or dream and realize all the landscapes and characters appear and talk without you seemingly directing it. Consciousness as experienced is immaterial, proveably it has no size, etc. And same for elements of it such as the redness of red, the taste of chocolate. These are immaterial things. So I figure consciousness and those things are being grasped from somewhere outside of space and time. You could never in infinite years reach into spacetime and grab the nature of these things because they are not physical objects. There is no doubt that from a relative position messing with the brain can remove or alter certain things, for example red may turn to green. The wavelength of light is the same but the subjective nature of it can change... All subjective things have the ability to cease into "nothingness" and also "come out of nothingness" literally, which I can also prove if desired. So that is why it is easiest to place them outside space and time so as to explain how it can seemingly exit and re-appear inside of it at will.
  2. It is my first post here although i'm watching this forum for over a year. I did not want to post anything because i was tired of the silly debates about levels of awakening, permanent or impermanent, meditation vs psychedelics, ego fights. People here need to be more openminded and respect other’s experiences. There isn’t a natural path or way to awakening, because everything is natural, everything is the same substance. I feel that everything you imagine that helps you, it helps you. Meditation is imaginary as is a psychedelic. You need to understand that is useless to debate over personal concepts because you are brainwashed since your birth and it keeps happening through authorities. In reality there are no authorities. Not Jesus, not Budda, not Leo, or whatever name you imagine. Only YOU are authority, so train your direct experience. I watched the conversation between adeptus and that girl and i also commented. It was a low quality conversation. Instead of preaching the gift of life, their implicit target was Leo. They simply cannot or don't want to understand what is life and they're trying to prevent others from understanding. Adeptus is doing the same thing that he was blaming psymposia did to Martin Ball. Foolish games. I'm 43 years old and until my 42 i was deeply depressed. I was born in a religious family (Jehovah’s Witnesses), after years of struggling with the cult i became an atheist, then agnostic believing in science. Until an accidental normal dosing of MDMA (i was only micro dosing because i was too afraid) took away everything i was believing in life and all the depression forever. It opened my mind and i started watching videos about meditation (previous diabolic) and psychedelics (previous dangerous drugs). So i found @Leo Gura and i'm thankful because he helped me to change the structure of my thinking and find out myself who am i and what is real. I loved life again. Awaking is about loving life, loving the dream because there is nowhere else to go. If God wanted to be only nothingness, he wouldn't love this dream so much. Whoever thinks that killing himself is closer to God mode has bought into the illusion. Life is God right now. Zero and Infinity. Always protect and love yourself and your vessel, no need for mahasamandi or crazy amounts of psychedelics. Truth will find you one way or another, because you are truth. Debates do not help anyone because they serve ego agendas. You can be a great meditator or psychonaut and still be close minded because of your mind's structure. Open your mind. Thanks, Leo, for bringing this post up and i hope that this forum will become an awakening oasis.
  3. @Leo Gura Absolutely agree with this. We cannot all have the same opinions on everything and it would stunt growth if we all were just circlejerking each other. I don't like to argue. If I disagree with something or don't partake in it, it doesn't mean I put it in the garbage pile and know its bad/wrong. I have a section in my mind under question mark and these things I do not agree with might later be changed - or not. I love Leos work on self inquiry and I believe there should be tolerance and room for practicing spirituality without using psychedelics and still using this forum. That said, I am a user of -5meo-THC which is considered a mild psychedelic. Regarding Leo's teachings about death, from my understanding, put simply, he does not support or encourage suicide, because he talks about how this experience now, including the experience of having a body, is actually nothingness /death itself. So one would only want to get rid of the body to experience death if they believed they are not already dead. Leo's teachings are absolutely the opposite. If you do not identify with the body, why so eager to get rid of it? If you're already dead, why the need to experience "conscious death". Etc, etc.. When realising you're not your car, you wouldn't smash your car to bits, it is still a useful tool. It does, however, make it easier to let go of the car when it's time comes, which is a positive. The problem comes when the milk (truth) gets mixed with the poison of the egoic mind and create a story that appears to be true, because it looks like milk...
  4. I think, in general, more emphasized and frequent disclaimers regarding self-harm and responsible action could be helpful. It doesn’t have to be a big change. Ironically, I actually think it could make your content more accessible. I know people who’ve dismissed your work simply because they think saying something like “death is imaginary” or “other people are imaginary” is irresponsible and dangerous. You do make disclaimers to balance how unstable people may react to these statements, but sometimes they aren’t until late in the video, or they’re ONLY at the beginning. I know it can ruin the flow, but addressing it right at the beginning AND several times throughout/whenever certain topics come up could help. In general, maybe emphasize the importance and value of the relative/form domain of existence EVEN more than you already do. That dichotomy—communicating that this is a dream, you are God, nothingness, etc. while also emphasizing the value of a healthy developed ego, is what makes your teachings special imo. It’s certainly a tricky balance to strike—like, how much do you need to cater to unstable people? Tricky, tricky.
  5. I've always wondered if things outside of space exist as a singular point, or just randomly dotted around in nothingness. If they exist as a single point the implications are profound, since division is impossible within a point.
  6. Watched Leo's latest video. So, I'm God, Love/Infinity/Oneness/Nothingness/Consciousness imagining itself to be a human being, living a life, doing stuff, having a "spiritual awakening", learning about stuff, interacting with other people, struggling, surviving etc, because I'm Love. There is nothing else "to do". I'm entertaining myself with a cosmic drama. For a long time I thought that the illusion was in 'my mind', constructed along the years because of survival. My childhood, all the life experience, has caused me to be stuck in the illusion. But this is part of the illusion, right? Survival, "my mind", "spirituality", "ego", "developmental stages" etc, all part of the illusion? Imagined by Me to keep myself immersed in the cosmic play? What would be the point of spiritual work if there was no struggle? So what the actual fuck is the illusion really? Am I just in complete self-consciousness imagining "an illusion", spirituality, ego and survival for myself, even though there is no such things? I am already in complete God-consciousness, within, imagining a "lesser" consciousness? The stupidest, most clever thing ever, "as if, but not really". Get what I'm asking? Feeling a great beauty and "truthness" as I'm writing this. The latest video really woke up something in me.
  7. Also about the identity part I think that it's worth a mention that the merging of Infinity x Nothingness takes a leap into the dis-identification of even Infinite Consciousness. You got through a phase where YOu are Infinity, then you do Self Inquiry from the Godmind and dis-embed even that...then you simply disappear into Infinity. There is a very subtle difference there that I think a lot of people miss.
  8. Sounds very similar. Nothingness and Infinity are 2 sides of the same coin. I call them Absolute Infinity vs Absolute Nothingness, for some they unfold simultaneously for others one after another, some have a fuller Realization of one over another. In my experience the fullest and more balanced awakening is the complete merging of the 2. Between Love and Death. You feel totally dead and annihilated (permanent cessation) yet Infinite with no location whatsoever.
  9. Yes our awakenings sound similar and the key here and maybe I didn't point this out earlier but there is a shift in identity. As it is realized there is no self there is a shift in consciousness to identifying with Consciousness itself. You become aware that you are awareness itself. Which is God. Now the realization that as Consciousness I was completely Infinite came later. But in this awakening there was Divinity/Bliss it was Pure Consciousness. So for me Infinity was a different awakening as was Nothingness. The body can't contain Infinity so that awakening was something else. Abiding in non-dual awareness later to me is something that continues to deepen over time but yes there is the ability to shift Consciousness now to a meta level although I do not always abide in this 24/7. But this isn't the same as abiding in an Infinite state of Consciousness have to agree with Leo there. It does not take away from someone being awake. It could be here we are also just getting caught up in language. But as I am typing this to you I am imagining you are a real being or ie imagining you into existence as imagination is reality - and therefore my Consciousness is shifted into dual gear. About that- the final awakening for me here was what i call Oneness (the collapse of self/other) - it came about a month after all the rest. This too was a mystical expanded state of consciousness in which I became directly conscious that I was completely alone as God and all of this was being held within my Consciousness not out there somewhere but within my Mind as God. All beings were me. All creatures were me, etc. This was probably the single most ultimate mindfuck and the most difficult to accept. But you cannot run from it. You cannot hide from it. All other are no different than the the thought of a unicorn you may have. And it is laid bare before your eyes because your mind has expanded so much. This...this one especially is an extremely profound awakening you can have.
  10. haha you can prob take apart my videos and get most of the answers; But it's actually really simple man, when you dissolve from solidity to air, from form to emptiness and Realize they're actually the same thing, there are moments of expansion and contraction, but from the Absolute level there is no such movements. And to dissolve form (solidity of sensations, be it body or mind or emotions or perception) into emptiness, all you really have to do is sit still enough for long enough. Place awareness on any solidity long enough, it'll inevitably dissolve it into subtler and subtler levels, and at the most subtle level the very big (Infinity) and the very small (Nothingness) is exactly the same thing. The holographic projection of an ant is fundamentally no different from the holographic projection of the mountain.
  11. Yeah I always say True Nature is something like the merging of stage 3 and 4, Infinity/Love/Big Self/Love (Christ Consciousness) and Emptiness/Nothingness/No-Self/Nirvana (Buddhism). So it's not that I am biased towards 4 over 3
  12. The Universe is neither conscious nor not conscious. Neither Absolute nor relative Neither empty nor not empty Neither Divine nor spiritual nor material And both Experiential Realization of this takes place at the cellular level. If whatever you Realize come and go, it cannot be said to be a genuine Realization. So although meditation is just one of many tools, the 8th jhana, "Neither Perception nor Not Perception", which comes right before a Fruition/cessation is important to re-wire the organism over and over again at the cellular for the experiential Realization of paradoxes. Before that you have "Infinite Consciousness" and "Nothingness". Training the organism to become familiar in slipping in and out of these different states "physically" would make the last 3 slides an embodied experience, not just conceptual. Although I must emphasize that True Nature, when you "Become the Universe', the experiential manifestation of Realization feels like it's completely outside of the human mind-body organism. I remember the first thought from the character after Awakening was, this has NOTHING to do with meditation, self inquiry, psychedelic trips, Insights, or even Realization itself
  13. My criticism is of the limited perspective of solipsism, which Leo's teachings are well beyond. If people only see nothingness, and are blind to infinite Love, it is a reflection of their current journey, and not of anything Leo has taught.
  14. If this is true (I have no reason to believe otherwise), it saddens me deeply. I can honestly say that in our interactions, @SoonHei never said anything that I disagreed with. I found him to be sincere, funny, and wise. To the solipsists and nihilists in our wonderful, crazy family: please pay attention to this. Consciousness is not just nothingness. It is also everything that it creates. Failing to realize this core truth is tragic. You created yourself for a reason. The cosmos is here for a reason. Don't dishonor life by braying about ultimate reality, and disrespecting relative reality as nothing but a meaningless "dream". @SoonHei was real, and his wife and kids are real. Yes, life is transient. So celebrate it. It is that fragility which makes life beautiful and worthy of honor. We will miss you, brother. ???
  15. @Inliytened1 Like I said, I believe that phenomena are simultaneously illusory and completely real. A flower is a nonlocal part of a unified field of universal energy... but it's also a flower. My belief about the nature of enlightenment is a dream, I know that, but I also treat the subjective human experience as real and have no desire anymore to reduce all of my perceptions and actions to nothingness.
  16. Here is another way to contemplate this. What transcends the duality of existence and non-existence? What goes beyond the distinction between even God and Nothingness?
  17. @Inliytened1 Maybe this language will help you: You know how you think it takes consciousness to realize you are God and Love and Nothingness? It takes awareness? Well, imagine one day you become so aware that you literally dissolve into Godhood, into literally Infinite Awareness. You know what this Infinite Awareness will become aware of? It will literally be so aware that it will make itself aware of being separate from itself. It will realize that it is not God, that it is a monkey sitting here suffering. It will be so aware that it will become unaware. That's true awareness. That is Ultimate Awareness. That is Ultimate Consciousness. It is Infinitely Powerful. It is literally Magic. That's how "conscious" all of us are. You cannot top that, because it's the Ultimate. Indeed. I am quite calm my brother, but I agree none of this makes sense. Unless we pretend it does.
  18. Leo places "God Realization" at the end of the path, I place No Self at the end and anything God related as simply an experience/by product of an authentic Realization of No Self (which again despite what some people believe this is actually extremely rare. Hence I make the distinction between temporarily transcending the self via meditation and psychedelics vs a permanent Realization of dropping away of self) and to me most people who think they're GOd Realized are simply having an experience from the separated state. But if you truly Realized God and not just a peak experience, then it is the exact same thing as No Self. Absolute Infinity = Absolute Nothingness = Love = Death = Reality. Here is my very simple stages of Awakening that might help put things into perspective. 1. I Am/Identification of ego (everything below Turquoise) Contracted sense of self that stuck inside the head and behind the eyes. 2. I Am Awareness/Consciousness, which is the identification to the Witnessing of 1 (Stream Entry) 3. I Am God/Infinity/Universal Mind And Love. Identification of God. I Am Everything. 4. I Am Nothingness/Emptiness. Total loss of identity. An extremely nebulous sense of self 5. Enlightenment/ True No Self. 5, An authentic Enlightenment is the UN-ALTERED STATE of Consciousness aka Natural State, which dis-identifies, includes but transcends all the previous stages. This state is what Osho calls "Beyond Enlightenment", completely ordinary, yet in many sense even deeper than the Universal Mind stage. One thing i agree with Leo is that there aren't a lot of teachers out there who's Realized the "Loop", as in they'll talk about emptiness and no self but they are missing the "Form"/"Infinity/Love" aspect of it. After my Awakening it was a surprising to me how nobody seems to talk about Strange Loops, or what I call the direct moment to moment experience of "Infinity/Universe Fucking/Eating Itself through and through, Cosmic Snake Biting It's Own Tail", Actually almost all the people who talk about this are people who's experienced it on 5meo DMT. And my natty Awakening seems closer to 5meo DMT than Vipassana dry insights (a more fair statement is the combination of all the practices I've done that leads up to it). My take is that most teachers, even if they've embodied the Strange Loop of God simply don't place a lot of emphasize on it because they see it as a by product of Enlightenment and not the end goal. It could also be that few "close the circuit" of Absolute Infinity/Absolute Nothingness, Big Bang/Big Crunch etc My question is, WHO CARES?!! LOLOL
  19. I will also ad d another difference, how minor/major it is depend on the individual. Leo places "God Realization" at the end of the path, I place No Self at the end and anything God related as simply an experience/by product of an authentic Realization of No Self (which again despite what some people believe this is actually extremely rare. Hence I make the distinction between temporarily transcending the self via meditation and psychedelics vs a permanent Realization of dropping away of self) and to me most people who think they're GOd Realized are simply having an experience from the separated state. Here is my very simple stages of Awakening that might help put things into perspective. 1. I Am/Identification of ego (everything below Turquoise) Contracted sense of self that stuck inside the head and behind the eyes. 2. I Am Awareness/Consciousness, which is the identification to the Witnessing of 1 (Stream Entry) 3. I Am God/Infinity/Universal Mind And Love. Identification of God. I Am Everything. 4. I Am Nothingness/Emptiness. Total loss of identity. An extremely nebulous sense of self 5. Enlightenment/ True No Self. 5, An authentic Enlightenment is the UN-ALTERED STATE of Consciousness aka Natural State, which dis-identifies, includes but transcends all the previous stages. This state is what Osho calls "Beyond Enlightenment", completely ordinary, yet some many sense even deeper than the Universal Mind stage. One thing i agree with Leo is that there aren't a lot of teachers out there who's Realized the "Loop", as in they'll talk about emptiness and no self but they are missing the "Form"/"Infinity" aspect of it. After my Awakening it was a surprise to me how very few people ever talk about Strange Loops, or what I call the direct moment to moment experience of Universe Fucking/Eating Itself through and through, Cosmic Snake Biting It's Own Tail, but few seem to "close the circuit"
  20. This issue has everything to do with identity; what you are identifying with. If we are identifying ourselves as our limited bodies and minds, personalities, thoughts, memories, etc etc, then what Leo is saying here cannot make any sense. But something that you find out when doing enough meditation/self inquiry is that what you actually are has never been any of those things. All of these things are merely appearances that are arising in consciousness or the present moment. What you will inevitably find if you look for yourself long enough is that what you have always been is simply that awareness that has been watching all of that play out. You are the present moment itself. You are that nothingness; that pure void that is holding space for all of the phenomenon that arises, with no identity. Just that pure raw feeling of being: The I Am. And that is EXACTLY what everyone else is too. And that raw feeling of being or the present moment that you are feeling right now is not merely similar to the raw feeling of being I’m feeling. That feeling between us is not really similar, or even almost identical. That feeling between us is Absolutely 100% percent identical. The content of what is arising is of course different, but the raw sense of being is absolutely the same. Your Now and my Now are the exact same Now. That nothingness, that pure void that is looking out from behind your eyes at this very moment is the exact same nothingness that is looking out from behind Leo’s eyes. Because nothingness is absolutely identical to nothingness! One way you could put it is that since you actually have no identity, that necessarily means that you are all identities. I am you, and you are me. We are the same being, looking with two different sets of eyes, separated by death. (Though even the idea of separation by death is also imaginary) And that Being is God. Consciousness. Nothingness. Infinity. The Eternal Now.
  21. How does absolutely nothing even talk? "It doesn't even talk, it appears as a talker" but then that just goes to the 3rd point. Fair enough pointing out the idea that a mind has an ability to create dualities is my idea. But I don't see how nothingness appear as separate. How does even anything appear? If I asked "how does this view of the mountain appear?" someone would say "actually this view of the moutain is precisely absolutely nothing seen as multiple things (the mountains, the trees, the clouds, the sky) because you distinguish between those things with dualities". But then how do those thoughts or dualities appear? If you use the same explanation, it just adds more appearance of thoughts to explain other apperance and that never ends. I do get that this present moment is all there is and it's absolutely nothing. But it sure appears as if I'm dreaming, having a life, talking, typing on this keyboard. What is the trick used to make this dream with absolutely nothing? If I have dualities, I can redefine what nothing and something are and materialize anything in this nothingness. But to do that I need dualities. How do I make them appear in the first place?
  22. I love Adyashanti, I think his Realization is deeper than 99 percent of mainstream teachers in the spiritual market place. If you look at his awakening experiences he describes experiencing both Big Bangs (Infinity) and Big Crunches (Nothingness) and anything freaky and fucked up in between. The most extraordinary thing is how ordinary he is. One of the only beings who talk about transcending even the entire paradigm of spirituality to become an Absolute NOrmie.
  23. I do not disagree with this. If all you do is Vipassana without any other practices this can indeed be a trap. This is why I look at Vipassana as only one of many methods, but the same could be true if you only apply the "Unified Mind" methods without seeing the nature of sensations. The reason why I dissect the thing from the Vipassana/sensation is because most of the people on this board are already very familiar with the other side of the coin. During my big bang Realization/Kundalini Awakenings etc, there is WAY more similarity to my psychedelic trips than the insights and experiences i got from just dissecting sensations, which is the result of the combination of self inquiry, vipassana, psychedelics over the last 7 years. If you were to put a neutral frank yang inside my 5meo breakthroughs vs the Big Bang event, he would think he was tripping on 5meo DMT or a heroic dose of acid instead of gotten to that space through Vipassana alone. The Realization of Infinity does seem to be missing in many Vipasanna practitioners, who rarely speak about the holistic and Cosmic experiences and Realizations of "Strange Loops/Universe Eating Itself/Cosmic Bliss", etc and are heavily more on the dry, "No-Mind/Emptiness" side of things. Most Realized beings are lean towards one side of the equation, very few are totally unified in Infinity and Nothingness. My argument here is that if you take just one side to the extreme you'll loop back on the other side. So the most effective approach is to slice the cat from all angles.
  24. I think the most direct and clearest way to put all those different stages of development and labels under context is the direct Realization on the NATURE OF SENSATIONS. Think of sensations as the atoms of your subjective experience, both inside and outside. What a meditator does is "zooming" into, deconstruct and dissecting and shred Reality into sensations at the microscopic level. All sensations are aware of themselves exactly where they are. All sensations are devoid of self/Self and spontaneously, co-dependently arising No sensation "cause" or "own" another cluster of sensation. Different vibratory velocity of sensations gives rise to the difference between "air", "liquid", "solid forms" All sensations are in equal footing. All sensations self-librate. All sensations are "non-dual" in Nature, as in sensations in of themselves can't tell the difference between "God" or "poop" or "Awareness" or "Consciousness" or "Emptiness" or "Eternity" or "Love" Or "Intentions" "Matter" or "Mind" "Sober" or "Psychedelic Trip", "Time", "Space" etc And since there is only "one substance", there is no difference between foreground and background, context and content, therefore phenomenons do not arise and pass into some "Source" that is more "real" or "permanent" Now the labeling of these experiential phenomenons into concepts is, you guessed it, just more sensations. So what's the difference between the awakened state and the egoic state? in the former the "knots of perception" is forever untied because the nature of sensations is penetrated experientially. Now all sensations in your entire Field of experience "Lights Up", and are aware of themselves without a delay between the perceiver/observer/Witness and the perceived/observed/Witnessed. This is your moment to moment experience of Godhead/Infinity/Eternal Awareness because when sensations are experienced without a doer/controller/seer/hearer/thinker all 360 degrees are KNOWN and COMPREHENDED AS ITSELF without the delay between object and subject. Thus Reality feels OMNISCIENT. Wheres in the "egoic state" a certain cluster of sensation arise in the center of experience, usually inside the head, behind the eyes, and in places inside the body HIGHJACKS other clusters of sensations to "take credit" for other clusters of sensations that are simply comprehending themselves due to conditioning. When this happens there's contraction of energy. There's identification. There's the feeling of "me-ness". See when you zoom experiences down to the atomic level (Max effort contraction), when you can no longer divide it, this singularity loops back into the other side (strange loop anyone? haha) and becomes Infinitely Expansive. This is why the practice starts out as dissecting atoms, but at the end you end up "Vipassnalizing the whole universe" The very small is identical to the very large like the merging of quantum mechanics x Cosmology, Love x Death at the subjective level. The parts is the Whole, the atom is the universe and vice versa. Now you can get to the same end point either by contraction or expansion, which is why the "Do-Nothing" meditation of Infinite Awareness abiding as Itself is exactly the same as Vipassana. And of course you can do both during a psychedelic trip When you take this to the end point contraction and expansion happens simultaneously and both sides of the duality lose meaning, and you abide in Absolute Infinity AND Absolute Nothingness simultaneously. Now what happens when you do not see clearly the nature of sensations at all levels as empty (AND FULL), is that one particular level is always going to seem more or less "real" or "solidified" than another level, hence contraction occurs, and identification takes place. Thus clinging and suffering. Hope this clears some things up!
  25. Here are some contemplations I wrote down a few months ago. The bold text is the most focused on solipsism. You’re right though. If something cannot be measured, experienced, or verified in any way, how can we say anything of it? Can it really affect reality? Is it really there? Talking of another conscious experience is as real as talking about nonexistence. There’s no hard proof at least from an empirical standpoint for either. To experience nonexistence would be to make it exist somehow. To experience another consciousness right now would make it just another aspect of your consciousness. These are hard limits such as the impossibility of the something from nothing cosmology. When you go to sleep at night, you often find yourself in dreams. In these dreams, most people will still have a human body. In waking reality, there is an unsubstantiated claim or story given by people that consciousness is somehow generated by the brain. The experts aren’t so sure, or at least they don’t have any solid evidence. Look up the “hard problem of consciousness” to understand how this is unsubstantiated. In the dream, you typically do not think along the same lines. If you were to lucid dream, you would certainly not think you were the dream body or somehow generated by the brain in your dream head. I say you, but I need to clarify exactly who you are. You are consciousness. Consciousness is the only constant you can find in all realities. In the dream, you are literally everything perceived in the dream. It’s all generated by your consciousness. We understand fully that everything created in our dreams comes entirely from us and is an extension of us. Surprisingly enough, there’s no solid argument against this being exactly the same case in waking reality. Your brain, body, and mind are all generated by consciousness in the same fashion consciousness generates the entire reality in dreams. Beyond your mind, body, and brain, you as consciousness generate this entire reality. This entire reality IS consciousness and nothing else. It’s the same way in a dream; nothing is separate from you as consciousness. You as consciousness are the sole source for everything in the dream. No one thinks everyone in their dreams are conscious, separate entities once they’ve come back to the waking state. It’s the same in this reality. There’s absolutely no way you can actually be shown something outside of your consciousness. There will never ever be proof that other beings are conscious separately or outside of your consciousness. Even if you merged consciousness with another being in the waking state as a way to somehow prove the existence of another consciousness, guess what it would be? It would be fully engulfed in exactly one thing: you as consciousness or otherwise put your consciousness. You are the source of everything that exists in your consciousness, and your consciousness is the entirety of your universe and always will be. Nothing can ever exist outside of your consciousness. Existence relies completely on perception and consciousness to even be relevant. What is the difference between a fairytale land in a book, the black void people typically conceive of as nothingness or nonexistence, and a reality you imagine exists like heaven? They’re all just imagination. The only thing that’s real is what you can experience in this very moment. As soon as something exits consciousness, it exits existence. There’s no proof for something existing outside of consciousness, and there never will be because the most fundamental building block in any proof is, you guessed it, consciousness. Before using reason or logic or any other conceptual tool to prove something you use precisely one thing first: consciousness. Even if you and I are both conscious entities, we live in completely different “universes of consciousness.” Precisely, that is to say that one consciousness can never be shown another consciousness to exist without perceiving the other consciousness through the lens of the original consciousness. As soon as one consciousness comes into the other, the secondary consciousness immediately becomes an aspect of the primary consciousness. So if you were to completely merge your consciousness with mine, your consciousness would be held within my consciousness, and it would be the same for you if the process were done from your perspective. This is a clear mechanic of consciousness. We can never know if the person sitting across the lunch table from us is conscious. We can only assume one way or the other. Anything imagined to be separate from the perspective of the original consciousness will always just be one more aspect of the original consciousness. In this way, we are entirely alone as consciousness. We are not alone as human beings. There are plenty of humans walking around. You can clearly perceive that, but by the very nature of perception, consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness without it immediately becoming another aspect of itself. Consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness as some sort of separate thing. Once the “other” consciousness is viewed, it only exists as long as it is in contact with the primary consciousness - the point of perception, and it is only truly the primary consciousness the entire time. In this way, you can never truly share space with another consciousness. You cannot perceive another consciousness. Anything you perceive is just you. You are consciousness. Everything is you. Everything is consciousness. It will be this way for eternity. You as consciousness will likely visit innumerable dreamt up worlds that you’ve created. You’ll perceive yourself as some kind of avatar or character as far as we can tell. You’ll at first see all the rest of the characters in your dreamt up creation as separate from you, but in truth those dream characters are just as much you as your primary character is. They’re just characters held within consciousness. One, your primary character who you at first feel to live inside, simply exists in your consciousness more of the time than the others. Ultimately neither the other characters or your perceived primary character is you because you are the consciousness that permeates all aspects of the dream world including its laws of physics, characters, objects, and everything else. You aren’t the characters any more than you are the objects or the laws of motion that govern that reality. You are all aspects of that reality. You are all aspects of all realities. A reality can only exist within you. Something is only real to you if it is held within your consciousness. No realities exist outside of the one you are experiencing right now. This waking state planet Earth does not exist when you are in a dream. Your wife could tell you that the world still existed while you were asleep, but you have to see how this is exactly the same as if your dream wife told you the dream reality was there while you were asleep. It means nothing because you as consciousness were not there. That seems to be the pattern in what we can verify between both the waking state and dreams.