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  1. Thanks for everything Leo. Maybe its not the final station, but it makes me think the ultimate reality and consciousness can never be realized, which is akin to what Islam and Sufism teaches. If you can awaken ever deeper, the ultimate can never be known. But hey, maybe im wrong. Its just all too much for me, you're a radical dude. I want to add that anyone reading this, who thinks actualized is some kind of suicide cult, thats extremely wrong. No, Leo's teachings are not good for people who are suicidal or extremely stuck in life, but that is simply because Leo thinks and teaches that nihilism is true. But the dominant view of western contemporary philosophy is also that nihilism is true. So that would make the entire west a suicide cult. Leo has always teached a love for life and to not harm the body, and Leo has even on many occasions shed tears of Love in his videos, for the beauty of life and consciousness. Plus, the idea that an open forum, where anyone can criticise Leo all they want, like this is anywhere close to a cult is a ridiculous idea. Yes, you could say that Leo's stance on solipsism might cause people to justify their suicide, but i would counter this with saying that western contemporary nihilism is no different. Even if you kill yourself, your parents will only suffer infinitessimally short compared to the void that is ahead of them. So theres really no difference in that regard anyway.
  2. OCD can be pretty serious. I have a form of it; obsessions are so strong in OCD that it can dramatically impact one's quality of life and mental health. So I understand how it can cause suicide. When something doesn't go right (most of the time, just a tiny detail in the eyes of anybody else), I get very strong reactions and obsessive thoughts about it. I can't distract myself because I am completely consumed by my thoughts. They are extremely intrusive and won't go away. I stop living normally for a few hours or days, until the thoughts and emotions slowly pass. I resist changing my mind or using a technique to calm my obsession so strongly because it feels so wrong. It’s really hard to understand, even for me, because this is not who I am most of the time; it’s my mind and extreme stubbornness controlling me. I think that I have a very deep aspiration to realize something meaningful in this life and that I am particularly strong and capable of enduring prolonged suffering. If I weren't, I would have already commited suicide. OCD obsessions are very hard to live with and often come with depression… for good reasons. So from my experience, OCD can cause serious suffering and lead to suicide if not taken care of, especially in times of crisis.
  3. It would be wise to seriously contemplate what suicide is.
  4. You make some good points, fair enough. I know we all want to have fulfilling relationships that work with our belief systems and are in harmony with the rest of our lives. I don’t deny there were problems then with power imbalances in the “good old days.” I can’t say things are equal now either though. Maybe unfairness and injustice are just a natural feature of relationships we have to accept, ever changing. Because it is dishonest to say things are somehow better now. I’m tired of the feminist dialogue trying to play the victim and rewrite history as if every woman was suffering in their relationships then. There is no possible way to know things are somehow better now. It had it’s challenges then and men have their challenges now. Seeing how year in and year out more men are committing suicide, lonely, incels, twitch tv viewers, but men are told to suck it up and there isn’t an issue here. I’m pointing out its way better to date abroad for the majority of guys, and be desired for just being a normal fun guy on a continuous changing path of transformation. I’ve checked out. I’m not dating on western terms and no it’s not because I want a sex object. I want an actual feminine woman. Different powers but balanced and equal in harmony. Yin Yang ☯️ I am tired of seeing continuous info that this is “just a man problem” where they just need to hit the gym and better themselves. This is something everyone should be doing regardless. This is a society problem where things are now out of balance in the other direction.
  5. Thanks . Just curious..why did you decide to share this after 4 months of the suicide? He said clearly in the post that he is contemplating suicide. Leo and @Michael569 have tried to help him out .. I'm clueless about this specific disease. But from his description it was such a nasty experience I would imagine. Anyways i wish him all the best in whatever place he is in right now and for you to find a releive from negative emotions.
  6. @Salvijus it's very heartbreaking. Reading that post and now his suicide literally shedding tears right now day is ruined.
  7. @OBEler Although I don't like that he is being labeled as mentally ill, that is the main reason why he committed suicide. He was one of the most rational and intelligent people I have ever seen. Except when it came to his obsessions—he was very stubborn and insisted that these were not obsessions but real, objective problems. But in any case, thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate that you wanted to help him.
  8. I'm sorry man. I hope you find peace. Be aware of the narrative you're telling yourself about your role in his suicide. ALL depends on what you're telling yourself. All of your emotions. It's not your fault.
  9. Hi everyone, I haven't posted here in the forum for a long time. I want to ask you something. The forum user 'Buba' was a very close friend of mine. He committed suicide on April 29, 2024. Since then, I have been in deep grief. If anyone who has spoken to him in the forum recently could share with me what he talked about, it would help me process my thoughts. In the last few weeks, I somewhat neglected him during difficult times, and as a result, I feel guilty. Thank you very much.
  10. I'm just going to snap here cause nothing makes sense a anymore and I can't fight my thoughts and feelings. Ban me if you need to. I don't know what to do anymore. Fuck words. Fuck humans. What are they so proud of themselves ? Words are nothing. Thoughts are nothing. What a joke. All wrong. Something's not right. I've reached an end. Human activities and thinking are not satisfying anymore. My whole soul is itching, there's nothing else to do. I'm speaking like I've seen it all but it's not even that. I didn't. I'm probably the person that have seen and done the less things on this forum. Yet I say all this. But it's true. I feel it, the world is dissolving around me, I don't even know how to explain all of this. I don't matter. I'm sorry. Angry vent. But it has to get somewhere even if it's useless. If you can still feel things and like things, please cherish this. Every second. It seems like I can't anymore and it's the absolute worse feeling. Goodbye. Maybe. Probably. (No worries, no suicide. I'm too weak for that)
  11. You can access states of total bliss in meditation, but afterward you are still an animal that must kill to eat. The only way to stop being one is to commit suicide, so it's better to accept the game, see it for what it is and play it as best as possible. What other option could be?
  12. The Oil-rich arab nations have small populations which can be easily managed as well as having a very good police to population ratio. Saudi Arabia have a population of 36 million and a strong police to population ratio of 386. The Shariat law with penalty of beheading for rape serves as a strong deterrent. However the poor quality of the obsolete legal system and laws means that the victim can be further punished as the supposed perpetrator, and the actual perpetrator can escape with minimal punishment. As per Shariat the raped victim must also produce four adult males who have witnessed the crime to validate her charges. The media, unlike that in India, is highly regulated and subject to censoring by the monarchical government so as to filter out the bad news if any that can be injurious to the government's prestige, and strict constraints placed on the journalists freedom of speech and action. The murder of the reformist Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi government agents is a glaring example in this regard. Khashoggi was a progressive journalist who advocated for reforms in the country and was critical of the ruling royal family. Khashoggi wrote in his last column, posthumously published, that "what the Arab world needs most is free expression" The same goes in dictatorial China as well, which in 2023 was the biggest global jailer of journalists. In less economically developed middle eastern nations lacking oil resources, primitive and tribal traditions prevent the ensuring of full justice to the rape victim. Rape is considered dishonorable to the family's victim and at times the victim is shot dead by her relatives, or even forced to marry the rapist. So the prevention of crimes against women and children requires not just a healthy police to poulation ratio of 222 and more, it also requires an adept and flawless legal system which efficiently and quickly delivers justice to the victim and punishes the perpetrator; ethically conscious lawyers, journalists and social activists in abundance to ensure that the laws are updated and not obsolete, implemented meticulously and law-breakers reported and punished. A value-based culture that deifies or humanizes women rather than dehumanizing or objectifying them is also part of the solution.
  13. I recently celebrated my 30th birthday, and I wanted to reflect on the past decade. Here's a quick backstory to put all this into context: - I grew up the only child of a middle-upper-class family. - My father is an extremely abusive toxic stage red/orange narcissist. It made for a very unhappy childhood - lots of emotional, psychological, and verbal abuse directed toward me and my mother. - My mother is one of those people who was born to be a mom - warm, unconditionally loving, showed an unwavering belief in me even when I gave her no reason to suspect that I was going to flourish and prosper. Simply the best mom a son could ask for. - Parents separated when I was 8. It ended when two police officers came to the house and arrested my father for assaulting my mother. Saw the whole thing (the arrest) happen right in front of my eyes. - My mother and I moved from Toronto to Vancouver when I was 9 to get away from my father. I was too young to appreciate that my mom was trying to protect me. I saw it as her uprooting my life, so I hated her for it for many years. It didn't help that I found out by my father telling me that my mom was going to kidnap me and take me to Vancouver. Truly an awful experience. - The aftermath of the abuse, trauma, and move set me back academically, socially, and physically. Overweight. Mental health problems - depression, anxiety, OCD (inherited on my father's side), and, I suspect, ADHD (though never formally diagnosed). Lots of subtle addictions as a teenager - food, porn, marijuana, and video games. Complete underachiever hanging out with the wrong crowd. Started seriously considering suicide. Alright, so that's a very condensed recap of my childhood/adolescence. Here's what happened next: When I graduated from high school, my mother took me on vacation to Mexico, where I had something a spiritual experience, if you can call it that. I remember walking out of the hotel onto the resort grounds, looking up at the sky, and feeling this deep, intense knowing that I was going to live an extraordinary life. This was before I had any concept of personal growth or self-actualization. It was just a deep knowing, felt in my soul. I can't describe it in any way other than divine revelation. And for the record, I'm not religious. I was 17 at the time, and it wouldn't be until age 21 or 22 that I would discover the frameworks required to turn this revelation into reality. Fast forward to 21. I had just broken up with my girlfriend of 2.5 years. It was a really unhealthy co-dependent relationship. We were both really neurotic and insecure, and we enabled each other's dysfunctional tendencies. At this point, I started to take my studies at the local community college more seriously, and I brought my grades up enough to get accepted to university. I broke up with my gf, packed my bags, and left town. It was during my university years that I would discover Leo's work - a discovery which would radically alter the trajectory of my life. At this point, things were a little better - my grades were improving, I was working out consistently 3 days/week, and I was cleaning up my diet. I also made strides with my addictions to porn, marijuana, and video games. Whereas before, these three things basically constituted my daily routine (no exaggeration. I was playing 5-8 hours of video games every day for years and smoking pot every day), they now became occasional indulgences. Still, issues persisted. My social skills were subpar. I sucked with girls (I only had a gf from 18-20 because she made the first move and we both had issues, which seemed to attract us to one another). I still suffered from mental health issues, especially my OCD. I suffered from a subtype of OCD called Pure Obsessional Disorder, which made my life a living hell at times. Anyway, being a horny 21 year old with subpar social skills and even weaker dating skills, I decided I wanted to get better with women. I found a company called Simple Pickup (do any of you guys remember them? They were hilarious!), joined their members group, and started watching all their videos. This is how I got into cold approach and, being in university, I was in right environment to hone my skills. I'm proud to say that every single date and romantic encounter I ever had in uni was done through cold approach. Never used the dating apps. This produced IMMENSE growth. Quick digression: I remember when I started cold approaching, I was so scared that the best I could do in the beginning was tell girls that the reason I was approaching them was to run a "social experiment" for class. Looking back, it makes me laugh, but hey, you gotta start somewhere! It was through pickup that I discovered Someone on the members group posted Leo's rant against the pickup community. As soon as I started watching, I knew I had found something (and someone) special. The depth of his analysis. The profundity of his insights. The wisdom. My heart resonated so deeply with this man's teachings. This opened Pandora's Box. Leo and provided the frameworks, concepts, and teachings required to turn my revelation at 17 into reality. For the next decade (technically, 8 or 9 years), I would go on to study Leo's teachings, as well as the teachings of others - taking what I learned, contemplating it, putting as much of it as I could into practice, doing the hard labour (physical, intellectual, and emotional) to integrate the teachings. This slowly transformed my life from the inside out. Of course, there were lots of ups and downs. It wasn't a linear trajectory. But I took the notion of self-actualization very seriously. Over the last decade of doing the work, here's what I've accomplished: Social Life Whereas before I was awkward and anti-social, today I have a large group of amazing friends. For a long time, I struggled with the introversion/extroversion dichotomy, trying to figure out which one I was (I was very outgoing as a child, but quite withdrawn as a teen). For a long time, I rationalized that I was an introvert. But since overcoming my issues and my social anxiety, I've come to see that it was trauma and insecurity more so than introversion that was standing in my way. I've really come into my own as a social being, figuring out how to be authentic with others, becoming magnetic, and attracting awesome people into my life. This has been very rewarding. Love Life In the beginning, I SUCKED with women. I didn't have the faintest clue how dating, attraction, relationships, and masculinity worked. The pivotal moment for me was discovering Corey Wayne's work, which completely revolutionized my dating life. Today, I have an amazing girlfriend. We've been together for three years. It's a healthy relationship characterized by love, healthy communication, respect, kindness, fun, laughter, etc. I have a deep connection to my masculinity, too, whcih feels great. I'm receiving more female attention now than at any other time in my life, which also feels great! Also, big up to @Leo Gura for his videos on how to have amazing sex. Those videos completely revolutionized my sex life! Health and Fitness Whereas before, I was overweight, sedentary, and had a poor diet, today I'm in excellent shape. I work out four days a week (and have done so since my early 20s). I prepare all my food from scratch so I control what goes into my body. I eat as close to 100% organic as I can currently afford (will go 100% organic as soon as I increase my income). I don't drink. No drugs. No smoking. No vices. I treat my body like a temple. I am the healthiest person I know. Mental Health Whereas before my mental health was a constant source of pain, and sometimes anguish, today I enjoy excellent mental health. I went and saw a CBT therapist. This was a turning point for overcoming my OCD. This, coupled with a pair of articles titled "Thinking the Unthinkable" (or something along those lines) gave me the tools needed to extinguish my pure obsessional disorder. This took approx. 3-5 years to accomplish, and it was totally worth it. I still have OCD, and I'll likely have it in some form for the rest of my life, but these days it's confined to simply keeping things orderly, tidy, and organized. I've actually transposed my OCD into something that helps me! As for my depression and anxiety, they're basically non-existent at this point, given how well my life has been going for the past few years. This is all thanks to the personal development work I've done. Personal development + therapy = great mental health! Hobbies Daily guitar practice, hiking, exercise, cooking, archery. My hobbies add depth, richness, and enjoyment to my life. Career/LP This, and finances are what I'm currently working on. This is the next big piece. I've been working in the fitness industry as a group fitness instructor, which has given me the flexibility to figure this part of my life out. I bought and completed Leo's LPC, which helped orient me in the right direction. I've spent the last 10 months learning to code, and I will soon begin putting together a portfolio of projects so I can begin my job search. Over time, I intend to use my coding skills to build a personal development platform of my own. Finances My net worth is well into the six figures. For the last year to year and a half, I've dedicated a half hour each day to studying finance to learn how to build and manage wealth. Most of my money is invested in VGRO, a globally diversified ETF. The decision to invest this way was inspired by one of Leo's recommended books - It's Not About the Money. I have a nice emergency fund, and I'm putting away anywhere from $500-$1000 each month to invest. Once I bring up my salary, I intend to invest even more (as well as allocate $$$ to other things, like therapy, savings, vacation, seminars, coaches and consultants, courses, etc.). Right now my salary is limited because I've chosen to take reduced hours (and, of course, reduced pay) in order to explore and create a LP for myself. Spirituality 10 minutes of meditation each day. It isn't much, but I've done it every day since age 23 or so. I also do daily gratitude, which I've been doing since age 23 or so. I suspect the daily gratitude practice has had a profound impact on my happiness. At this point, my brain is wired to appreciate anything and everything in my life, which is a big happiness booster for sure. Serious spirituality will come once I have (a) sorted out my career/LP and (b) gone to therapy to work through the remainder of my childhood trauma and forgive my father. My relationship with my father At age 25, I finally made the decision to go no contact. It was very hard. Narcissists do this thing in relationships called "love bombing" where, after they abuse you, they shower you with love and affection. The dramatic shift from terror to relief creates a strong emotional reaction that produces something called a trauma bond, which is one of the reasons why it's so hard to leave an abusive relationship. Disowning my father was one of the best decisions I ever made for my mental and emotional health. I still have hatred in my heart toward him, and for this, I need a skilled therapist. As I mentioned, once I get my career in place, therapy is the next step. Current struggles 1. Getting my career off the ground. 2. Reconciling the love I have for my girlfriend with the desire to see other women. Plans for the future Once I've got my career off the ground, the next big step is therapy to forgive my father and work through my traumatic childhood. After that, my time will be spent on philosophy, spirituality, and becoming more well-read in various fields - science, politics, society, history, etc. The bottom line What do I take away from all this? Self-help works. People are capable of immense growth. The work can be extremely hard. And it's worth it. Thanks for reading! P.S. A big thank you to @Leo Gura for his work. It has truly transformed my life for the better. You have been my greatest teacher.
  14. Studying this particular case, I would say it deals with a broader context rather than just rape-murder as it was projected to show. There was a previous case of a male doctor who had died in a 'suicide' in suspicious circumstances, after he had protested against certain illegal activities within the hospital premises. The present female doctor similarly had raised concerns and protested against an illegal drug racket within the hospital, as per her colleagues. Insiders and certain hierarchical figures within the hospital may have been involved in the lucrative drug racket. This could be a reason for her targeted killing by the culprit who may have had access to information regarding her scheduled activities and rest time, from insiders. It is possible that the mafia is involved, along with corrupt police, government and some ruling party activists who may be involved in the drug trade, and this could be a reason for their lackadaisical approach as well as stalling interventions in the investigation process while it was being conducted. The constant and large rallies by doctors nation-wide however gained attention at the national level, and elite federal policing units such as the CBI is now involved in the case. The female doctor involved was bespectacled,studious, a bit on the portly side and did not seem to look especially attractive on a sexual basis. Moreover doctors in Indian society are usually revered and respected and even equated with divinity. So it appeared a bit unnatural to me that a doctor was attacked in this manner as I had never come across such news before. It appears that she was targeted for other motives in place, rather than mere lust, and rape has been deceptively showcased as a reason for her murder. It could have just as easily been a male doctor who could have been similarly murdered to silence any voices against the drug mafia, with his death being projected as a 'suicide' as shown in the earlier precedent. Drug abuse is rising in India with billions of dollars worth of drugs being seized in ports and drones from across the borders. India's proximity to the drug based golden triangle in the east and Afghanistan in the west means that it is vulnerable to such entry of large-scale illegal drugs in the country.
  15. The attention economy. A good way to exploit that economy is: divisiveness and sensationalism. (Historically), two things will happen during times of war or great conflict: suicide rates plummet, and newspaper sales surge. People get invested in crisis. The modern day media runs on stoking the fires of any crisis. They'll invent a crisis if they need to. "What changed in the 2010s was not so much the arrival of new technology as the rapid evolution of a business model, the monetisation of attention. This wasn’t a recent invention; indeed, it dated back to the “yellow journalism” of the 19th century, which used sensationalist stories and cheap cover prices to build big audiences that advertisers would pay to reach. But ubiquitous high-speed mobile internet has sent the attention economy into hyperdrive, plunging us into an online world structured to prioritise not the truth, or what matters most, but whatever’s most compelling, which often means whatever makes us angriest."
  16. ness, you will not be capable of thinking God knows better than you, or that you were thrown into this existence because God has as a fundamental principle for itself to explore everything including absolute inescapable suffering. God is merely evil. And the only reason for me calling the forces above humanity "God" is because of the countless slam dunks atheists like Epicurus have had against religion. The smallest bit of Justice, Truth, Fairness, Universality etc. is so poisonous to the nature of reality that it attempts to stifle and destroy these things. Just one drop of them would cause reality to instantly dissolve into the perfect wish fulfillment fantasy for the victims of the world. Exhibit A: You think this is negative, that this is UGLY, distasteful, bitter, resentful etc. You are a thrown blameless being, but you choose to play the role of victim and brat and blame others for their own circumstances into which they themselves have been thrown into, this now makes you the opposite of blameless, but you need to keep going otherwise you would feel deep guilt for your ideological insanity and brainrot, you would start viewing the nature of your soul as worthless. Imagine being forced into the most limited experience of the meaninglessness of the world possible. With your prospects of suicide facing attempts at being destroyed from every side. If we go back to our fairy tale that I am God and simply forgot, for the sake of a hypothetical, we see that just the most miniscule possible experience of this would cause God to not even just go back to it's previous state, but to self-destruct. I am a construct of a fabric made of infinite wrongness and suffering. If this hasn't been made clear enough before, I have complete empirical proof that exactly what I think should not happen, happens, proving me right in my metaphysical assertions about how it shouldn't have happened better than any theory: in reality itself confirming it. How should one live knowing this? There is absolutely no right way to live or right way to enlightenment. If you are detached you risk suffering from extreme boredom and meaninglessness. If you don't detach you will be subject to the limitations of the hamster wheel. You can't do anything right or anything wrong. Now since it's not your choice what to feel or how pleasurable of a life to live, what is it about you which can remain and have it's own being, despite being molded out of suffering? Only complete scorn and refusal to believe things will be better or to play the game. Not even hope that this will yield results. I believe a Christ-like figure who is capable of living in their own complete lack of vice in this reality, and regardless of it, is possible.
  17. Yeah, I think extremism is something any human is capable of tapping into but that the majority don't. Religion and certain beliefs can definitely nurture extremism as can extreme situations. Extremism can also be non religious and motivated by ideology, politics or nationalism - but those are treated religiously. Communist extremists come to mind, or Kamikaze fighters in Japan who would commit strategic suicide based on the cultural code of Bushido which emphasised honour, sacrifice and loyalty to the Emperor. With Islam in particular, the idea of martyrdom is predisposed to extremism as it can be too easily distorted away from a defensive interpretation to a offensive interpretation. The situation doesn't help that the world recognises Palestinians to be occupied as this gives the extreme factions among them justification, they can simply say - ''Look, we aren't going to them (proactively, offensively), they have already come to us and we are occupied, so any action we take is defence (reactive) thus justified.'' This is where even if all our beliefs are constructs and subjective, subjectivity still has objective real world affects. Subjectivity in a sense literally matters because it can matter-ialise in reality. Racism is biological extremism, fanaticism is psychological extremism, totalitarianism is political extremism, fundamentalism is religious extremism.
  18. In 2008, I believed I was trapped in an abusive relationship. Believed the only way out was suicide. My third attempt was successful, clinically died. NDE brought me back, my life became mine. Reincarnation is a man made concept to help cope with death in my perspective. However, it is also true that all that can be imagined is permitted so your perspective can coincide and contradict while both are true and You created your answers when created your questions. It's your ego that wants the answers right away, so if you kill your kill your ego. And never get answers. lol Are you suffering? Are you able to see suffering while suffering without judging it? I know it can be hard to let go of suicidal ideations when they take hold, that energy is ancient. Be mindful and breathe, know you are safe, your are loved, all is well if your mind tells you otherwise. From suffering comes immense peace is your not afraid to curiously look in real-time experience. Take care, friend! XOXO
  19. I always think about a suicide without material suicide. Like, when i meditate i imagine to fall into another state of consciousness and end this life without the dream of harming my body. I think that you don't need to actually commit suicide...
  20. There are many practical ones, but the most important are the subjective ones. The subjective/epistemical ones can be a life and death question at some point in your life whether you have that underestanding or experience to even enjoy basic things in life or just not commit suicide in my opinion.
  21. Most people don't commit suicide because the known is more comfy than the unkown. If that balance is perturbed the jump is done to the other side 💥 Oh, there is just one side 💥 Maybe being a human wasn't that bad after all. I kinda miss it 💥 Most people don't commit suicide because the known is more comfy than the unkown. If that balance is perturbed the jump is done to the other side 💥 Oh, there is just one side 💥 Maybe being a human wasn't that bad after all. I kinda miss it 💥
  22. You kind of are though. If you believe that your actions have no effect on others then that paradoxically leads you straight into victim thinking and depression. If you choose to accept that you have responsibility in life then it does lead to guilt for bad actions but also for hope that you can influence others positively and thus also yourself and your life. This is coming from also a depressed person but powerlessness is the most depressing thing I could ever imagine. Creating a worthwhile life unfortunately takes a while but you do have the power to do it. And you know that because you could use the opposite power of destruction to achieve much quicker results, not even in the case of suicide but think about neighbourhood vandalism and how quickly that would have a negative effect on people's realities.
  23. ABSOLUTLY it is not because we experience ourselves as separate INDIVIDUALS that it means that we are separate INDIVIDUALS. The LEVEL where we experience ourselves as separate INDIVIDUALS is closer to the foundation of MAYA - the Great Illusion. The LEVEL where we experience ourselves as ONE BEING - ONENESS without any separation is closer to REALITY and Truth. SUICIDE inevitably affects others - as we are doing this journey TOGETHER - we 'create' this experience TOGETHER.
  24. The only possibility of suicide that I consider legitimate is the case of a terminal illness that places a burden on you and other people. There you have to be brave and speed up the process. In any other case, I see it absolutely wrong. You have to fight while you can.
  25. @Something Funny My response would be.. since you haven't awakened enough from my view it's better to do that than "suicide". You could find out more or less what you are going to end up being "on the other side" with some mushrooms for example.. The other thing is about love, anytime someone commits suicide it has a ripple effect on the people around them. There will for sure be people saddened by the loss and your presence/way of leaving this world. Though yeah technically I think most people basically "suicides" when they leave here when their body is at its "end use" or some other karmic determination.. but it's different to me when a young ish person tries to do that especially if they're still healthy. That would be a circumstantial thing more or less that could be improved.