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  1. Yes... For myself to help understand I've sort of categorized the emotions or states on a Scale from 0-10, 0 is Peace, 10 is Ecstasy, Bliss is 8/9, below 0 is any state of Suffering (Fear, Shame, Anxiety, Depression, etc) so we at the min have to be in a state of 0 to get anywhere on this path... the difference btwn all of the upper 0 to 10 states is just a matter of Intensity, if You raise the intensity of Peace, it turns into Happiness, Happiness turns into Joy, Joy into Bliss. Bliss is the most stable and useful, with Ecstasy, You can go there once inawhile but one cannot function properly when in Ecstatic States, You won't care about anything, family, work, survival when in Ecstasy, so with Bliss you will care but are in a very good place otherwise:)
  2. I too love to use the word bliss, but I know strong in my heart that unconditional love definitely leads to that blissfulness.
  3. I would call this Bliss, when in a state of High Consciousness, not Love as for most Love is a relational sort of situation btwn You and other, and including other as a part of yourself, ppl can include any and all things not just other ppl as a part of themselves, just look when a Hurricane hits the coast of Florida and ppl lose their homes, they are heart broken when that happens they love their homes its a part of their identity. Bliss is different from this, its what is experienced when one is intouch with Truth/Reality or Consciousness, its not like Your at a party high on Ecstasy or something, its on another level, when in this state then suffering is not possible...this is the whole point or goal of any real Spiritual Path and Journey.. Sat Chit Ananda or Truth (Sat) Consciousness (Chit) Ananda (Bliss) is a simple way to understand what is going on here...
  4. Oh well. Enlightenment still is something fundamentally different than all your levels of consciousness OF. Its of a different category than „levels“ of consciousness (of). Then your readers can choose between hugging the elephant in 30 hugs (or n plus 1) and interpreting and projecting that on a remaining separate Self and yearning of hugging and becoming the „biggest elephant“ in order to have bliss. Or instead truly realizing and becoming the Infinite Elephant/Being. Of which there is only one. Feeling like Leo or feeling like Sat Chit Ananda. Well, it’s a free country. Selling Rodent Consciousness by the River
  5. There are degrees to the extent to which you understand something, that's for sure. But there are no degrees to being happy. I'm not sure how to explain this, yet. But definitely, either you're happy or you're not. This is definitely my position which you so strongly contradict (I'm okay with that, btw). The reason why I say that either you're happy or you're not is because, in truth, things don't make you happy. Happiness comes from within, just as hatred comes from within. Hatred is the polar opposite of happiness, btw. And it is also a form of resistance. Yes, this is true. What I'm saying does not suggest anything otherwise from what you say here. Is it broad? All that I'm saying is that all of this suffering, whether conscious or unconscious, is caused by one's own resistance of consciousness itself. This resistance can be in the form of a suppressed memory in which it is still you who is suppressing the memory. It could be in the form of a projection, the form of a defence mechanism, the form of a bad habit like smoking or doing drugs. Really there are many forms of resistance. However, one truth remains. It is you, no one else and nothing external to you or out of your control, who are doing the resisting. Even if your trauma is straight up from your birth, which is highly unlike because you're not yet developed cognitively yet at that stage, but even if that happens to be the case. Should there be resistance from such a trauma, that resistance would still come from you. And, it would still (equally) be the resistance of consciousness. Hence, the struggle is with consciousness. Perhaps not bliss, but definitely happiness. Once something is understood, perhaps something like a wild animal or a criminal or some sort of demonic entity (absolutely whatever) even pain, once it is understood due to awareness, it is impossible to hate it. Why? The mere act of understanding something is connecting to that something in a way that is both transpersonal and impersonal. It has nothing to do with you as an individual, but has everything to do with consciousness. You will be happy even with your scar because you understand that the attack, the violation, or mistreatment you encountered was not personal, not at all. It is exactly enough. Exactly. And if your basic needs are being met, such as the nutrition, the shelter, just the basic stuff, then your struggle with consciousness comes from your own inner resistance. There is a matter that you are resisting. By the way, in case I've still not made it clear. In life, as we call it, there is no choice but consciousness. Consciousness is direct experience. Whatever it is that you're trying so hard not to experience, you will experience it – one way or the other.
  6. I don't know whether or not anyone is actually ready to hear this, let alone understand this, but it's the truth. Unless you have a serious mental health problem, and by serious I mean causing you to impulsively self-harm or harm others, then you're either mainly struggling with meeting your basic needs or you're struggling with consciousness. But then survival is also for the purpose of consciousness. So really it all does boil down to the struggle of consciousness. Consciousness without awareness is the problem. Experience without understanding is the problem. Otherwise you should be utterly at bliss if you have your nutrition and shelter secured. But this is not the case with most people. They neither have serious mental health problems nor are they struggling with securing their basic needs. They are simply struggling with consciousness. There was a time when I for one was struggling with consciousness. It's because I hadn't yet grasped the meaning of this so called life. I didn't understand the purpose of pain or pleasure, of compassion or hatred, of violence or harmony. I didn't understand the point of these experiences. And this is precisely the point: You can't let it go until you understand it. It is much easier to move past a trauma once you've understood it. So, of course, man's struggle is with consciousness. Consciousness is no small matter. Overlooking this simple fact will cost you your happiness.
  7. What I'm trying to say is that sometimes you might need a friend who will give you a new perspective on your situation, or a therapist who will show you patterns in your thinking which you can't see, or you might need to take a psychedelics that will reveal to you parts of your psyche that are unconscious. Awareness and understanding are of course crucial, but it's not always that simple to get them. You may believe you have made all the lights on your trauma and causes of your suffering, but there might be things that are still hidden from you, running unconscious, and causing reactions you don't understand. You might react to certain triggers and have no idea where they come from. Maybe they stem from the day you were born, or perhaps they aren't even yours but your parents' fear and needs, which you have been living by your entire life. So I think the issue is much broader than you make it sound to be. You might have all the awareness in the world, but there can still be things that remain stuck in the unconscious and nearly impossible to bring to the conscious mind. You might be able to resolve certain issues on your own with your awareness, but still be missing a deeper resolution. Also, awareness alone is not likely to be enough to bring bliss and happiness. People might be in pain because they are not living the life they know they should be living. Having awareness and understanding about that is not likely to be enough. Having food and shelter is just a beginning. Most people will also have to change their lifestyle for it to fit their deepest desires in order to be happy. Awareness and understanding are great, but they are like a first step you need in your life. And as I've just said, there are degrees of them. It's not just having them or not having them - of being happy or not being happy. There are degrees of all of these things which you don't seem to acknowledge.
  8. The rules are the ones which enhance the experience of life, and creates the possibility for a beautiful journey, from one that of lust and pleasure, to that of bliss, from that of fear to fearlessness, from that of an animal to that of a god, from that of ego to that of unity, from that of a slave to that of a master, From that of brahma to that of Brahman.
  9. You may be right, looks like the world can't get free of yin and yang. Personally, I believe what you mention as a non dual experience is simply the extreme polarity of yang or the light or the bliss.
  10. Well it does matter, because when one just sees or understands or experiences the Absolute, then everything else won't matter, so when that is the case then they are limited in a way, and not Absolute, so one needs to have both perspectives and ultimately the individual Experience of it, they can be in Experience of the Absolute/Oneness/Completeness (this is Bliss) and as well live an everyday normal life with family or no family, work or no work, and just play the game of it, that is why we are here. Absolute means One, One means All, All means Potential, and we try to live that potential out on this dual realm we have here on Earth:) A major problem is when we take this stuff too seriously, life is not meant to be taken too seriously, its Lala or a Game of sorts, play time on Earth, because we have taken it too seriously we have these wars, suffering, ppl dying for no reason, and it continues, too serious and not enough play...
  11. I don't think it will scale up to anything like 1% of humanity anytime soon. But imagine a few thousand having walked & realized the Mahamudra/Dzogchen path without superhuman will-power and even more, having found the path more or less enjoyable, and testifying their liberation and bliss on Youtube? That will trigger some more waves then. And maybe in 100-200 years we will get genetic engineering and brain-mind-interface technology and other stuff doing largely the job, so that not much practice at all will be required? Who knows? I agree with you that mainly "brute force" meditation concentration technique (like Zen/Theravada/most of what is on the market place) will never really scale, because it just needs hardcore will-power individuals of which there are only so many. Or rather, very very few Ralstons & Frank Yangs & Ingrams who can pull that off. And then these few thousand liberated folks can go exploring the magnificent multiverse/realms/aliens/consciousness with psychedelics, just for the joy and wonder of it all... Psychedelics to see that "it" is real, and then the 10 year gamble. Which I assume isn't so much a gamble if supported by psychedelics and the right techniques like Mahamudra to balance these states sobre in daily life. Lets see, interesting times to live in...
  12. Very good. Your post is probably so "way out" that it didn't receive much response, although it being the most interesting one since its posting. Actually, "You" didn't loose "it". Just some clouds appeared that made what you called "deep sleep" a bit harder to directly "perceive/realize" beyond the clouds. Its always there. YOU are that Infinite Being containing the show of duality and nonduality, awakening and sleeping. That impersonal Infinite Reality beyond the "event-horizon" which is so infinite that no "movement" of focus/mind/thought/appearance/perception/I,me,mine-arising can ever get "there". And That Infinite Reality beyond this "event horizon" where small you "can't go" is constant and changeless. That contains all the states of illusion and realizing/awakening, which roll "before"/"within" its Infinite Being. THAT "you" can never loose. Or gain. THAT never changes, because change is contained in it, its expression or modulation. And THAT is absolute freedom & love & bliss. Infinite Liberation. Who are you again? Did you EVER loose yourself (really)?
  13. Hey I'm not claiming to be some ascending fana-al-fana spiritual schmuck who is high on bliss all the fucking time . I clearly stated my addictions. So you are right . But you missed the point .I said it doesn't have to be this way . YouCAN do spiritual work and transcend suffering. Its possible
  14. Now you understand just how much spiritual fantasy all this enlightenment, nonduality, freedom from suffering, unconditional happiness is. Yet more human games. God slapped you around and humbled you a bit, which is great. God is still way beyond your comprehension and state of consciousness still dictates your life. This is a healthy dose of reality. Beware of happy spiritual fantasies of bliss and all that. But also, don't get nihilistic and cynical either. What happened to you is that you acquired an attachment (your son), and now you see how powerful attachment is. And now you can appreciate why every other human is so attached.
  15. @Ramanujan it is an absolute monumental step in consciousness. It requires, at its core, a ‘super nova’ event in life to stimulate the radical shift into awareness. It requires a complete and utter fundamental collapse of your intellectual way of being that you have spent your entire life constructing. My personal experience of entering into the state of becoming aware of awareness was triggered by a life long depression, 30 years old, coming to a point of suicidal intentions. I consumed just under a gram of N,N DMT in the course of 7 months in order to find the truth; to the extent that I would tell myself I was happy to die for it. The journey completely collapsed all meaning to my life. The trip that changed everything is where I physically stopped breathing and, as I can only describe, died. I was met with pure bliss for an unknown amount of time before feeling my diaphragm jerk twice causing me to breath and slowly return to reality. While it has taken almost two years to reach stability in my life since that event, it was the juncture that led me beyond thought, and into awareness of oneself. What your, or others, path may be will vary and I truly believe that destiny can lead you to who you are. Not very helpful as actionable feedback, but a perspective nonetheless.
  16. @Evan Gill Thank you for sharing that channel. His bliss technique's emphasis on having a big smile is something I'm going to carry over to my energy work.
  17. I see a lot of back and forth and disagreement between “non dualists” and Leo and what he’s doing/teaching. It seems Leo has dropped non dual study and teachings and is much more interested in exploring consciousness for its own sake. The non dualists like Water By The River and Osaid are saying this is going deeper into Maya, Illusion and is thus pointless while Leo is saying they are lost in non dual brainwashing. I see it like this; the spiritual path of awakening has been laid out and mapped by many mystics and traditions. Many can follow this and realize it (to various degrees) and awaken as much as possible in this life (awakening just being how deeply they are in the infinite stillness or nothingness) This is the original wisdom and spiritual path. This is what I and others here (the “non dualists” resonate with) Then you have these powerful psychedelics which can show you aspects of infinite mind never before seen or available. 5MEO and other psychedelics are relatively new. And what Leo is doing is basically being a pioneer in this study. He’s like the Lewis and Clark of consciousness. A very cool and courageous exploration. I admire that. But it’s still mind, it’s still “Maya” albeit fascinating and mind blowing aspects of it. The question is not whether one is right or wrong but what you are interested in. Why is non duality more “right” than consciousness exploration? Personally I have no interest in exploring all the nooks and crannies of mind, I’d rather kick it on the beach and soak in the bliss of Being and Master that, and teach it. But that’s my preference. So let’s appreciate Leo’s exploration and bear the fruits of his insights rather than throw tomatoes at him. One Love BlessedLion
  18. The experience of True Reality maybe Love/Bliss, but Reality as You say imo has no purpose, as where does this idea of Purpose come from? It comes from our human mind, a part of reality has purpose (to survive and live another day), but not the totality of it, as what would be the purpose of having Life as we know it, all of its diversity, with most of it suffering in some sort of way (or the ability at all to experience Suffering), and a small minority not suffering at all, what is the purpose of that? In my observations of this world today its only getting worse not better... I'd rather look at Reality as a sort of grand Intelligence, that is the only word I can find I can use, and we here on this planet as we are as Human Beings are just higher potentialities of being able to experience the Reality in a sort of Totality, most are limited for sure via their Bodies and Mind complexes and attachments to them, but we have over the thousands of years found ways to go beyond these limitations and experience Reality as it is, at least for a limited few, but from what I have researched most all of us are capable of it, if we go beyond our many attachments and unconsciousness...
  19. Here I want to give a trip report of my mushroom trip recently, as well as discuss a mystical expeirence I had while completely sober a couple months ago which somewhat ties into this. I'll start with the trip report. My Intention was: I want to see the true nature of reality and of myself. Show me where I am wrong about reality, and show me the truth about what reality is, and what I am. Trip Report: I cooked a vegan pizza and used about 3.5g shrooms, maybe a little more, as topping. I got in my hot tub to relax before they kicked in, and I was in a good mood. When I started feeling the shrooms I was looking at pictures of my family in the room. Particularly I was looking at pictures of myself when I was younger. I remembered how much self hate I had for myself in those days, and I recognized that a lot of that is still deep inside me. I could see that certain behavior patterns, like subtly avoiding interacting with people while going on a walk, are still present. I realized that the younger me was innocent and deserved to be happier, and that I need to heal the child within me and let him go. Then I started to reflect on my identity. I asked myself if the child inside of me was me. I looked at the picture of my younger self and asked myself if that was me. I came to the conclusion that the child is not me. It was a set of beliefs about myself that I held onto to protect myself. I can let that all go. I tried to ask myself who is the one that is aware? I watched as I was contemplating and writing words down in my notebook. I tried to become conscious that I was not the one writing the words, but I was the one watching myself writing the words. I was able to realize that to a small extent, but more so I realized that I take for granted the perfection that my body operates with. The fine motor skills needed to write the words coming into my mind. The fact that I can eat and drink basically whatever I want and the body can process it just fine. I realize I take for granted the beauty in all of this, and that in some manner I disrespect this by feeing my body toxins. I eat relatively clean but still, I realized that the way I eat and treat the body is not in full alignment with the beauty of the body, and that I need to take better care of it. I then realized it's not just the body that I take for granted, that I take for granted reality itself. I realized that I'm blind to the ultimate perfection of reality, although I've been waking up to this more and more. I then started to contemplate death. I became aware that I'm going to leave this world with nothing. So what is there to worry about? Fear is irrelevant in the face of death. I might as well enjoy the time between my birth and my death. I might as well spread as much love as possible while I'm here. Around this time, I started to peak and stopped writing things in my notebook. I just wanted to bliss out and meditate, but I was having a real hard time being still in the mind. I would close my eyes for maybe 10 or 20 sec then open them. There was a feeling as though it was too intense, and also my awareness would go to a rather painful stomach ache when I closed my eyes. Part of that may have just been digesting the shrooms, but I'm sure part of it was the pizza as well. I realized that I'm not normally conscious of how what I eat makes me feel, and that the pizza made me feel like shit. I committed to listen to my body more and to take better care of both my body and psyche. Once I started to come down a bit I was able to bliss out more, but I still had trouble meditating for any period of time. After relaxing for a bit, I decided to write my dad a letter for father's day, although it was really for both of my parents. I won't share what I wrote there, but they were both very happy with the letter. As I really started to come down, I listened to some music, and then attempted to go to sleep. It was late, but I was still wide awake. I was feeling rather peaceful, then I became aware of just how much seemingly insignificant events can get stored in the psyche for years and decades. I recently reread the book "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer. He talks about samskaras in the book, and how impressions get left on your psyche by any event that you were unable to accept and release in the moment. He talks about how if you open these will come back up. I started to notice some pain in my heart while lying in bed, and remembered an event from over a decade ago in my childhood. When I was younger I used to collect a lot of pokemon cards. I had amassed a collection of binders full of them over the years. I started to get a little older and stopped buying them as much, but I'd still look at them every once in a while, and I still had an attachment to them. One day my mom, probably figuring that I was too old to care about the cards anymore, gave all of them away to a kid without asking me. This hurt me more than I was willing to admit at the time. I never told my mom I was upset about it, and I suppressed that negative energy inside of me. I realized how absurd it was to be holding onto this event for over a decade, and I was able to let it go completely. I then laid there waiting for other things to come up, and some more things did. I actually felt my heart burning, but I knew that it was a good thing and my heart was releasing pain it had stored inside for many years. I think the biggest insights I got from this trip are that I am taking for granted the perfection of myself and reality, and that I need to take better care of myself and respect reality more. I also realized the importance of cleaning out my psyche - finding a way to let go of my samskaras. Lastly I reaffirmed to myself how important it is to contemplate death on a regular basis. Death is what makes life so precious, and contemplating death can help fear melt away. Now for the mystical experience. Interestingly, I would say that this mystical experience was definitely more powerful than anything I experienced on this trip, or any trip I've done for that matter, despite being 100% sober. I was on a road trip, driving to visit my Aunt next. I was listening to Michael Singer's podcast series for the 2nd time through. In the episode I was listening to he was talking about how you're too lost in your own mind to actually live your life. He explained how you are not actually experiencing the event in front of you, you are experiencing the neurosis of the mind. He gave a couple examples, one of which being that you've never actually driven your car in your entire life, you've been too lost in thought. After he went through those examples, something clicked for me. I paused the episode, and I was brought to tears. It was as if I was actually living for the first time in my life. I was able to see what was going on around me with almost complete detachment from the ego. I just started crying at how beautiful it all was. Everything was just more sublime. After a while I put on some music and it was like I was listening to it for the first time. I became filled with a great sense of gratefullness and joy. For the next couple weeks, I was able to go through solid chunks of time where I was living like this. I was able to go sometimes hours at a time with very few thoughts crossing my mind, just living in the moment, feeling fantastic. It wasn't all day, but I was practicing becoming conscious enough to realize when I lost my awareness and bring myself back to it. After a couple more weeks, I returned home from my road trip. I was still in a great state of mind, however, then I started to get some ego backlash and backsliding. I started to play a little bit of video games, although I was still maintaining a great state of mind at that point. I convinced myself that I should pick up some weed to supercharge my meditations. I've had an addictive personality, especially with weed in the past, but I convinced myself that I was now conscious enough to use it in moderation, just for occasional meditation and sleep. However, this was not the case - pretty quickly I turned into a zombie for a few weeks. I was meditating daily but besides that I wasn't doing much productive. I just started watching youtube and sports all day. I lost that great state of mind that I had due to the dopamine toxification. My recent mushroom trip gave me back some of this amazing awareness, and I'm now more committed to this work than ever, because I see what is possible with this work, even though I'm just scratching the surface. I'm still able to tap into that great state of mind, or mindlessness if you will from time to time, and I'm confident that I can live my life like that permanently if I work hard enough. One last thing I was wondering is where do we draw the line between mystical experience and awakening. That mystical expirience was so powerful, and had such a profound impact on me during that time that I was tempted to call it an awakening. However I know that I still have much much deeper to go, so I came to the conclusion that this was just a very powerful mystical experience.
  20. Yes, some could, most cannot because their not very Conscious/Aware, which is a huge problem in and of itself, so its all a matter of that, how Conscious/Aware one is of their true nature, then most all identities drop, unless You Consciously want to adapt an Identity of sorts to play the game of life, but with this one can drop it in an instant, most ppl today are creating Unconscious Identities, they are not Aware of it, or in Perception of it, and therefore cannot drop it at will, so this is a form of slavery and taps into our Ego and other situations that bind us, this is all Karma in play, Karma is the residual effects of all the actions that are happening. Action is in 4 areas of our life generally, Body, Mind, Emotions and Energy actions, if Your Aware 100% of all the actions taking place in those 4 areas then Your Destiny is in Your hands, if not then your living by accident mostly...Spirituality or Beingness is about becoming more Aware in all these areas and then creating Your own Experience at Will, if its Bliss You want then You can have it, if its Misery You want you can have it, or whatever else in-between. imo this is what it basically means to be Human... If You choose the be in Bliss/Love as your Base Experience, then You can walk into any culture or situation, enjoy it fully and then walk away from it and not be drawn back or wanting to revisit it, needing it to make an experience happen or wanting to experience something since You already have that within You. But its still nice to taste an ice cream cone, or visit a place and enjoy the culture, it depends on what someone wants to do, how they want to play this game of life, some want to be alone, others want to go out and see the world...
  21. Humans will destroy themselves for a long time before nature does have fun humans. The jokes are on you creedy little humans nature always finds a way. And your answer little monkey mind would be yes the planet can take it so what's the problem? Well, pinhead yes the planet can take it but by the same token, I doubt you will be humans if you keep going down this path of greed. And all your precious little human fancy cars fancy lives, and all that bullshit shit you feed your little minds and all your infantile silly human platitudes and attachments will mean naught. Overfishing overpopulation and greedy little humans are just some of the problems. None of you donkey minds know what real fear is so don't try to act as if you do. Listening to the egos at play saying it makes you more mature because you believe you are enlightened. You wouldn't have the balls nor guts to stand up to your own shadow that's for sure. I Love how you humans talk about wars why don't you grow a pair and get out there on the front line? You lily-livered little Kretins the lot of you. Just the idea alone would have you poltroons quaking shaking and quivering convulsing in your pusillanimous bull shit. Ignorance is bliss and it can also be hell. "I am not surprised that some members should disrelish your exposition " The word impossible does not exist for God just like non-existent. A very subtle way of jailbreaking your mind-expanding. How do you know there is something that said nothing? Mind is just an infinite thought away. Nothing didn't know it was something until it became something. For nothing to ever have happened something had to have happened. Wake up to the fact you are dreaming The same substance infinite arrangements flavors it can reinvent redefine regiment regionalize reogment all within itself forever. It creates the elusion of an elusion Infinity was always possible just made impossible. Yes, something that has unlimited power can be deduced the most efficient way, but all ways would be just as efficient because you are limitless in everything. If one can dream up a flee just as easily as the universe you see where I am going with this. What has it been using too much brain power? Infinite thought energy infinite imagination everything. Why would it have to conserve power? Yes, it can create the most efficient way but it's a dream. Every way is possible. It sounds like a robotic linear way of thinking. Maximizing minimizing? These are human concepts See it needs to put more output in than input. It's infinitely unlimited. But you see you already are the most efficient mind why would you worry about any of these things if one is infinite. It's already infinite input and output. What is too literal in thinking way too logical. You're limiting yourself why? Conservation of what thought? This would be a self-imposed limitation. Nothing can beat the raw power of infinite thought/imagination. You have to have some balance of goodwill and rascality to you. More Beneficence I would say. Even if an Alien race invented a supercomputer as big as the known present Universe it still could never be as expansive as Infinite intelligence. For that computer, one would need a whole universe full of Suns to run it. A billion Suns a second just to power it most probably would take decades to fully power it up. Nothing can beat infinite pure thought imagination is the only reality. Stem cell therapy, What are the pros and cons, the legality and ethical reasons, and so forth and so on? It should not only be available for the rich and powerful but for all humanity. Stem cell transplantation has revolutionized the treatment of various life-threatening diseases, offering hope and healing to patients worldwide, and is still very much in its infancy. The choice of the best country for this life-saving procedure depends on many factors, including medical expertise, healthcare infrastructure, success rates, and regulatory frameworks. With that said the United States, Mexico, Japan Panama, India Germany, Singapore, etc are some at the forefront of this research, as for moral and ethical ramifications that is for you to decide for yourselves. And one really has to come from an unbiased frame of reference. How many terminations of pregnancy are in a year worldwide? I will leave it there. I think I wrote this 3 years ago. From the top down this could be infinity dividing infinity by Infinity. Every fragment keeps dividing itself and it becomes an infinite self-replicating process of subdividing itself forever and ever. How does pure nothingness create from an empty void? How can one imagine all things and everything from a blank slate? if there is only a blank slate to work from? Into infinite complex shapes worlds everything you could ever imagine and things you could not even begin to comprehend as a finite mind? Was it always omnipotent before it was? omnipresent Can I answer this now after 3 years of course I can. Or it is whatever you want it to be Infinite imagination can create anything because it is so infinitely malleable that there is no meaning to anything but whatever meaning you give becomes a reality of infinite realities. In other words, it is pure infinite magic of unlimited imagination. Cross-platform gaming comes to mind. .
  22. The scale of consciousness is infinite and I don’t really include enlightenment ( realisation of solipsism) on that scale. Enlightenment, source realisation or a full awakening of the source is the complete cessation of all consciousness and dream. It’s the stilling of all motion, frequency, thought and condensing of the scattered awareness back into a singularity. There is absolutely ‘no thing’ there. It’s not emptiness, it’s full of potential waiting to burst into manifestation. There is nothing to learn there, there is nothing to do there. It’s just a dim awareness sitting in bliss before it turns back on itself in a feedback loop creating consciousness ( a first knowing or ‘I am’) , within consciousness, everything is a fractal iteration, exploration of consciousness and form without ever exceeding that initial boundary. When you realise the truth, you remember there was nothing so you come back and explore the infinite dimensions and states of consciousness and slap yourself in the head as you remember that is what you set out to do in the first place and you’ve gone full circle. Then Buddha sits up and starts laughing as he is back and remembers the absurdity of his infinite mind 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  23. Leo the Blackpiller. On a project called "Actualized". A drama in in five acts. Oh my. Act 1: Narrator: What in my view is genetics/Karma is being psychic, seeing Auras, subtle beings, OBEs, and all that stuff. That can't be trained by normies. One either has it or not. Buuuuut training to rest in nondual awakened states? No. Many had to train a lot to get there (called meditation). Sure, some woke up spontaneously. It is called True Being. Every being has it, or better IS it. There are proven ways to access and stabilize that. Meditation for example. Not for every Karma-variant "delivered", but for many achieveable if training in earnest. Yours truly for sure was not extraordinarily gifted and needed over 10 years to get anywhere near anything nondual. But was lucky using a meditation system that got pleasurable quite soon and enabled racking up the 1000s of hours of cutting off the "I/me/mine-bla-bla" sufficiently (many of that in daily life) to get anywhere near awakened nondual impersonal states. Act 2: Narrator: What can be heard in the last weeks from our respected host are frequent expression of suffering, and also being annoyed by being human. If that attitude is not a dissociation (sick form of non-growth/aborted transcendence) and not an differentiation & integration (healthy form of growth/transcendence in Wilber speech), I don't know what is. Wilber, The Religion of the Future. All ways how transcendence/growth can go wrong, and how one can get addicted to 7th haven realms, and how to avoid and correct these, laid on a platter. And now limiting believes and justifications why one can not practice letting go of the separate-self and shutting it off (aka meditation), because... rationalizations like genetics, prodigies, creativity and artistic and other stuff instead of boring meditation and annoying and what not. Leo Gura: "Exceptionally spiritually gifted people are born just like this werewolf boy. And no amount of spiritual practice will give you their abilities. But because all that happens on the inside, people do not see it. So they end up spending their lives trying to emulate someone who is a genetic freak, and of course they end up disappoint with their lack of results or unhappiness in life. Because a werewolf boy has to live differently than normies. And if you as a normie try to live like werewolf boy, you will not be happy because it is not the right fit. This is why above all else in this work you must be true to yourself, to your genetics. Your destiny is in your genetics. But you need to discover what that means, which is no trivial matter." Narrator: Got blackpilled? Got blackpilled! Act 3: Al Swearengen: "That's what life is one vile task after another. Don't get aggravated then the enemy has you by the short hairs." . WbtR: Sorry my friend. Narrator: Profound indeed. The Buddha not-en-vogue-long-dead-probably-never-historicaly-existing-gentleman called it dukha. Unsatisfying. A closet-Buddhist in the making? And so much happiness & compassion that there are even dreams of nondual crocodiles biting fellow expressions of his True Infinite Being. Ken Wilber: "Ken Wilber: The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. It's somehow just kind of closes them down it's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it it doesn't quite cause the transformation. It can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience and some people like David Deida will say that in order for altered changes of state to contribute to transformation a permanent transformation it has to be basically endogenous and not a exogenous it has to be has your own source People who do that (Psychedelics) the people that do use both (Meditation and Psychedelics) and use it as a sacrament i think an enormous bit out of it." Posted over a year ago: Act 4: Narrator: So, my proposal would be either to rebrand the thing as instead of Or, as alternative, at least not giving the poor folks consuming all of that uncritically limiting believes just because one highflyer got hung up in the seventh-heaventh-with-you-know-what-substances without a way of getting to that blissful estate sobre and in daily life. Leo, sorry for the rant. I wish you really the best, but that self-defeating blackpilling trend (probably generated by severly missing seaventh-heaventh-bliss - which I can understand), pushing it mostly on genetics and prodigy and what not (I would call that at least a bit "Karma" and not only genetics )... I have to testify against it, because for many that "could make it" that constitutes black-pilling & installing limitting believes. And even if a being does not reach Enlightenment in this life, the soul (relative manifestation, but still appearing/same "reality" as everthing else, lasting longer than one life) will carry the transcendence-propensity generated by simply witnessing the mindstream (aka meditation). Same with compassion. Act 5: WbtR: Actualized? Actualized! Selling the drama (5 acts) "Actualized! by the River & throwing the backpills back into the River where the came from" Music while lowering the curtain:
  24. I think following moral rules is good when you are at a low level of consciousness to improve your life but I am not sure that it help you increase your consciousness that effectively for most people. If you meditate, contemplate, and get life experience surround yourself with higher consciousness people, it becomes the obvious choice to act in ways that other people will view as moral. it isn't that you should follow moral rules strictly to avoid going to hell after death, it is just that you act in a moral way based on what you see will give you a life with as much bliss and satisfaction as possible.
  25. Buddhism aims with the study of the mind and using right approaches ( right speech, right livelihood, right effort and so on ) to minimize psychological suffering and ensure a disciplined mind that is conducive to the intrinsic bliss and joy in human nature or the Buddha nature within. I find Buddhism clinical and coherent without the emotions of devotion based practices of other religions.