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  1. Ein Sof has been attained by more than Moses. Silly myths. Ein Sof is Zen satori and Buddhist cessation. It's just Nothingness. It is not even the highest attainment.
  2. For the experience of physical stuff. You can't have two different experiences at the same time, if that's what you would consider to be unbiased. You can't be a dog and a kangaroo at the same time, you have to fully become either thing. If God switched to pure blank, you would say the bias is that there is no physical stuff. But, in order to experience either situation, aspects from each need to be negated. It's also noteworthy to be conscious of the fact that you're ultimately just imagining bias, because you're imagining that there is an experience that is other than what is right now, and that you can't access it. This current experience is all there is. Even hypothesizing about a different potential experience is just extrapolation, because the only experience is your current one. Consciousness wanted to experience you thinking that it is biased, and in order to do that it had to make you imagine some experience of empty blankness that you can't access. Although, it's not like you are unable to experience a "pure blank". I have experienced it before. It doesn't take any extra effort for the universe to experience what it is like to be a human than to be in a state of pure nothingness. "Pure blank" is not some special default state of consciousness that is fundamentally different from normal experiences, it is just another experience in the vast ocean of experiences.
  3. I mean I get it intellectually. I can talk about how stuff is actually nothingness theoretically. But experientially I feel that's stuff doesn't equal no stuff. What I don't get is... If stuff is actually no stuff if you get to the bottom of it.. Then why it takes on the appearance of stuff exclusively?.. Why the universe wasn't just pure empty space?
  4. I don't think empty blankness is more "pure" or "original" than any other experience, that's just some bias you've come up with. It's still just one state out of infinity. I think a state of empty blankness simply makes nothingness easier to understand or see, and so you are equating that to being more accurate to nothingness than other experiences. An "endless blankness" is still a manifestation of potential, it is still something that you experience. Going for a walk in the park is as close to nothingness as a state of endless blankness, that's what it means for the dualities to collapse.
  5. Some say nothingness is identical to a fountain of pure infinite potential and it just spawns forms forever. But it could be posed that the universe was just an eternal singularity of endless blankness without any potential. Having infinte potential seems like a bias that requires explanation. When no such explanation makes sense.
  6. Like you said: Stuff = Nothingness. You just need to recontextualize how you view physical reality (aka stuff) to realize first-hand this Truth.
  7. There is an old Buddhist saying " form is empty. Emptiness is form". It's basically pointing to the collapse of the duality between somethingness and nothingness. I've realized it many times.. That something and nothing are identical. The mistake is thinking that "nothing" is some blank black void somewhere. No.. Everything we are experiencing all the time is precisely nothing. It's completely hollow and unstable. No different than appearance of a Dream. Even scientifically speaking.. If you break down the atoms that make up the universe.. You will get waves of energy. Break down the energry and you get nothingness . We know now through quantum physics that the universe is literally made out of nothing. But I stil can't wrap my head around... Why there is "stuff"? Why colors and sounds and objects? It's utterly miraculous that these things exist at all.. Like if you examine any object or just your own body.. "Wow what the fuck is this? ?." . But we take it for granted because we've been alive for lots and lots. My question : I get that there is no difference between something and nothing. But I can't wrap my mind around why there is "stuff". If the universe was just pure empty blankness that would still be nothing but rather in its most "pure" and original form possible. So why did God bother to say "let there be light"?
  8. I honestly feel like I've come many times to coming to this realization but its not happening yet, I can almost taste the nothingness. I just want it so badly lol
  9. You're equating a difference between nothing and something and experience. There isn't any this is Absolute Nothingness right now. That's a mindfuck to become conscious of. But it will shatter all previous paradigms.
  10. Ultimately it is simply “everything.” It’s You. It’s God. But in this context, I’m mainly referring to emotional states which alter the metaphysical qualities to how existence feels to be. When you’re in intense physical pain, this could be said to be a state of consciousness. Notice the label “emotional states” doesn’t give a full picture. It’s hard to capture the nature of this elusive beast because at its core it is Nothingness itself. It can never be captured, yet you already have it simply because you are it. It is you. We call something a notable state of consciousness generally just because of how its feel is drastically different than other experiences. Everything is infinite, eternal, and perfect right here, right now as “consciousness.” This is true whether it’s a common state or radical state.
  11. Recall that this is what you wrote: "But I also do not believe I am above taking a life to sustain life. And I don't take that responsibility lightly." This claim is what I was curious about. It seems to me like you are holding on to something. Why can't you simply be "above" "taking a life?" I bet you can. It's not hard. You said you even did it for 2 years. So why hold back? What would you lose by committing to being vegan? (or even, what gain from non-veganism are you attached to, if any?) I'm not asking for a reasoned analysis of variables, but rather for an honest reflection of identity-level instinct. You can just simply choose to minimize killing, lol. It's not rocket science. What's so personally precious to you about "taking a life to sustain life?" Why make it into a responsibility? For a number of us, this "responsibility" you describe has dissolved into nothingness... no longer a burden. 1) You can live according to veganism without being ideological. In fact, you can live according to veganism for reasons entirely other than ideology. 2) Veganism at its core is not about taking ethical positions. It's simply a mode of being. You need no "ethics" or "positions" to be in a particular mode. 3) Have you tried vegetarianism? Matters of compassion are not all-or-nothing as many vegans would declare. Simply putting meat aside is still a meaningful personal change, and products like eggs really do help (for those who insist that "they need meat for health"). Obvious exceptions if you have health problems like SIBO but I assume I am communicating with someone of average health
  12. There are no enlightened people. But this body is apparently going to unfortunately come before you and tell "you" something: There is no real experience, it just seems like there is, and all there is is what it seems there is. This no-thing which is everything does not move. There is no real space or time, but if the thought "this is really happening to me" appears, then it can seem like "time" carries "you" to the future. It's an energy that imagines there's a real future that never comes -- it's an illusion. This is already nothingness. Consciousness will not be interrupted because it didn't start. You can't get it. If it isn't obvious that this is everything, there will seem to be experience, or another time, and the appearance will seem to have someone "in" it who has a "life."
  13. How close atheist in their view that everything goes into nothingness. No sensation , No thoughts, No emotion, No thinking, Just silence . As compare to definition of consciouness. Can any enlighted person elaborate to me?
  14. @James123 yes, we are nothing, amplitude without limits, zero. but there is a problem here: we also exist as "something". I think that enlightenment is more than liberation and nothingness. Maybe my ego can't accept be nothing, of course, but there is something!. And yes, it's liberating, relaxing, resting in the present at the end. But same time it's like sad. The void where there is no where or when, no shape, no energy. Always the same moment, the zero moment. What a party. But same time, there is a big party. The universe is. Impossible to understand that duality right now
  15. @James123 i cannot "be" nothingness, only see it as one who looks out into an abyss. there is calm but also rejection. do you access that every day? how long, if i may ask?
  16. Collapse of real time and space, revealing infinite matrix... from which, you come out the other side, miraculously. Witness practice was kicked up a notch ever since I did it, after already becoming fairly conscious and deconstructed. K-hole with relatively less conscious development is more just a great fun time playing with an astral body... After God-realization, immortality-realization, and infinity-realization have seemed to take place in one's journey, k-hole becomes more powerful than 5-MeO-DMT for... well for what exactly? The point, as I see it: loosening your attachment to progressively greater (well, more subtle) structures of mind/claim/understanding, so that identification becomes malleable enough to be as fluid as spacious nothingness, allowing entity contact, and progressively deeper God-realization, which never ends, it seems. Even more powerful combined with a psychedelic, but these days I would never do that. Certainly not at a k-hole dose -- I would not be coming back, I'm afraid. I cannot even describe what is sure to happen if I were to take ketamine + psychedelic now.
  17. You don't. It just seems like you do if there is the belief structure -- "I am real," etc. Completeness can never be experienced, since it's all there is. You can Real-I-ze the infinite, God, nothingness, etc, however. Or you can just create the reality you want -- the point.
  18. I thought about that. I don't get how such a choice can be made. I'm aware it doesn't take a decision like the ego self, but it "made it happen". I have been all the way into the nothingness (without love though) I get that, but I didn't feel the need to explain eternity. @m0hsen Yes I meant what you wrote in human language. Because it wants egoic projection, impermanence and meaning. There's absolutely nothing in the singularity. We dream this as a sandbox, to play. @Rajneeshpuram I don't know... People would have taken care of me I guess even if I couldn't function. It's the absence of it, not the opposite. Damn words haha. It's "empty" of fun.
  19. Not becoming everything, just vanishing the thoughts. The base of separation is based on identification with the thoughts. What is everything? Still an identification. Entire life, universe vsvs becomes just a thought thats it??? experiencing the being god, infinite, nothingness just become a thought not even, there is nothing there. ??? Enlightenment is end of the self and identification. Ego hates that. Lol.
  20. What you are calling God, is not God. Nothingness is not a thing, literally. There are no things. There is no God, since all there is, is God. God does not exist, since God is existence, which is emptiness, which is fullness. Watch thoughts as you respond next. Notice the explosion of false claims. Not judging, it just happens.
  21. Thanks for the explanation I thought that Hindu spirituality was more disconnected from politics. Well, from my personal studies and experiences, Shankara and Ramana seem to be the most outstanding spiritual characters in india, especially because of the incredible depth of metaphysical knowledge they reached. Probably Shankara was the most hardcore one, while most of medieval India was stuck on bhakti and useless rituals, he discovered the importance of removing the ignorance of the ego and focusing on yourself rather than on religion. Buddha, as an indian, is also very noteworthy for being the first one to codify and describe nothingness and the void of existence, even before hinduism. Probably he influenced advaita vedanta quite a lot....
  22. God is a tautology. God is and is not. To say there is no god is either nonsensical, or actually true, since if ego is active, it will seem to have ideas about God, which are the obstruction to God — that which is beyond even itself, which is the exact same thing as nothingness.
  23. I just had this insight, no awakening prior to it. But it's obvious. The nothingness is just too much of a single nothing. Infinite singularity of ITself. Why would it stay like that? Why, wouldn't it take the form of a human/creature to escape it's boring meaningless void of eternity. As Leo said: It limits/forgets itself to be able to experience itself. Being dead/God isn't fun, this life is made for not wallowing as the nothingness all the "time". This gives my life an entirely different perspective. Damn this is the thing god wants. God loves my life including it's drama. I don't need to take refuge into no-self, because I "escaped" the nothingness for this particular illusion! Oh damn stupid me thought I wouldn't choose to reincarnate again, guess I was wrong. One thing still bothers me. The bad stuff. Suffering is terrifying.
  24. Exactly. Just trying to say because you believe your thoughts as real. Thats why you keep coming with ideas as creation or nothingness created the existence. But as you say nothing happens. There is nothing there. Whatever you think there is nothing there. So dont trust the thoughts. Step back, watch the thoughts, till you realize there is nothing there. Than you vanish.