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  1. @Aakash @Aakash Any suggestions for the best nonduality/enlightement books? Best beginner books? Best fundamental books? Like how "How to influence people dale carnegie" is key for social skills
  2. We agree there. And: I've been there. With and without psychedelics, I have these moments of flow where it's not really me speaking, but the words deeply resonate. Moderate doses of psilocybin or LSD cause me to spontaneously start talking about nonduality and raving about infinite love and the illusion of dualities to whomever is with me at that moment. If I write that down as the words of God, it is relatively harmless because I don't have a large radically-openminded audience adoring me. If Leo does it, he is being irresponsible in my opinion, and should emphasize that it is a trip report to avoid inviting new religious dogma, cult dynamics and people beating each other over the head with it because they misunderstand it as holy words. Otherwise where are we headed? A cult with Leo as a medium, an oracle channeling Infinite Intelligence through squirting potions up his butt. I'm being crass to paint a picture, I mean no disrespect. If it turns out that way, that would be funny though.
  3. A few thoughts on my experience: 1) Many deep insights are remarkable at first, yet after a while seems pretty obvious. The paranormal is remarkable at first, yet then becomes normal. 2) A deep / expansive experience gets re-contextualized into a puny human brain. A human mind can't capture it all. The mind tries to "make sense of it" and in doing so it becomes condensed and a lot is lost. Imagine being omniscient and returning to human. That would fry a human brain. 3) Once the the direct experience is contextualized, it becomes an "experience", a "memory". It's not just with psychedelics. Imagine the first time having sex, scuba diving or sky diving. At the time., it is mind-body amazing - perhaps for days afterwards. Yet then it becomes a memory/experience and that naive excitement of the first time dwindles. Yet, it can become embodied and mature. For example, on one 5-meo trip all of reality was deconstructed to Mu and then fully reconstructed. This was mind-blowing at the time. I remember pacing around my house yelling "That just happened! That just happened!". It was so far beyond anything imaginable it was like I had to reinforce to myself it actually happened. When I reflect on it now, I don't have that same amazement - yet it was extremely profound. It has altered the way I relate to reality, duality, nonduality, relative and absolute. I can never unsee it. When I'm with someone, I can tell if they have been to the null void. This summer I was with a high level buddhist monk who had much more knowledge and meditative experience than I. Yet I knew he hadn't gone the whole way to Nothing in direct experience. To me, it's simple and obvious now. Yet at the time of realization, I was shaken up for about a week and my whole reality was transformed.
  4. It just happened that I developed schizophrenia from taking DMT too many times. The high consciousness state wasn't on drugs though. I'm now on psych meds so I don't experience the high consciousness states anymore really. But I'm starting to explore nonduality and enlightenment, so I am coming back as my Kundalini is awakening. Here is one video. It's over 7 hours. I've only watched part of it.
  5. Im reading a really good book about love and nonduality I can recommend it to you if you want. Everything is love because without any judgement/resistance(ego) everything is allowed to be exactly just how it is. Thats true unconditional love. But consider this, that doesnt mean we should stop trying to prevent suffering in the world and just accept everything as it is without action when we have the power to improve things. The things we perceive as evil stem from judgement/resistance. Yet that is too just a a very limited low consciousness form of love.
  6. Easter egg in a dream last night, Cinderella's pumpkin carriage. All these stories and myths point to nonduality and with crazy synchronicity sprinkled throughout them. Do we realize how pagan our beloved stories are? Life is stranger than fiction. Life imitates art. "One day the gentleman visits a fair, promising his stepdaughters gifts of luxury. The eldest asks for beautiful dresses, while the younger for pearls and diamonds. His own daughter merely begs for the first twig to knock his hat off on the way. The gentleman goes on his way, and acquires presents for his stepdaughters. While passing a forest he gets a hazel twig, and gives it to his daughter. She plants the twig over her mother's grave, waters it with her tears and over the years, it grows into a glowing hazel tree. The girl prays under it three times a day, and a white bird always comes to her as she prays. She tells her wishes to the bird, and every time the bird throws down to her what she has wished for." To read later.
  7. So... I've been having some insights recently while reading the Cook-Greuter 9 stages of ego development. I like to think a lot about why some people have a tough time grappling with these complex ideas that are shared about consciousness and expanding perspectives. I believed that some people don't have the necessary 'hardware' in their brain that allows them to move up spiral stages. This idea that some people are 'too stupid' to grasp higher consciousness ways of thinking like systemic and integral thinking in stage Yellow and beyond. But recently I've been intuiting that the primary problem of course is a lack of consciousness and access to higher-elevation perspectives. So my question is... are people bottlenecked in their ego-development by their mental "hardware" OR if we took someone who has a healthy brain and guided them up the ego development stages ... their entire meaning making system would be rewired as a result of expanded awareness. I realize my question has hints of the materialism and the belief that the cognitive functions of a person can be bottlenecked by their brain . Basically, if we took a normal person (like my mom) who has trouble grasping these complex topics, (like spiral dynamics and nonduality and such...) and gradually facilitated her movement up the spiral stages... in 10 years, she would be able to understand spiral dynamics and nonduality and stuff. I'm just trying to see if this belief that human growth is bottlenecked by their "brain type" or something is a valid belief in the case of a person who does not have any specific mental challenges (like autism). It seems like people with contracted sense of self appear more stupid and less nuanced in their thinking? Can an adult be brought from an earlier stage to a later stage? I guess it all depends on the person... Thoughts?
  8. On a recent Consciousness work, there are several insights that I'm still integrating. Would love to share and see if anyone else had a similar experience. I don't know if the intellectual analysis would provide any help, because it's something that has to be viscerally experienced, and I can barely even know how to use words to explain them. 1) In this "saturated" dimension that's inscribable, it's being recognized that it's a space that's visited before many many times. The experience is hyper-realistic, but almost immediately forgotten when returned to a normal level of consciousness. Time and Space are interconnected and navigatable in this dimension, there were experiences of multiple possibilities of my characters, almost anything scenario that can be imagined resides in one of those Time and Space nexus points. This dimension extends infinitely, where I could see Time-space points that my character Michael doesn't occupy or exist. I was overwhelmed by all the possibilities of my current lifetime that was shown, all the time-space nexus are interconnected and influenced every other point. I was immediately extremely grateful to be living in this one because some of the other lifetimes that are currently going on showed me doing stupid things that hurt myself and deeply sadden people around me whom I love. The whole dimension is only ONE thing doing its own thing, there's no other room to fit in anything else, it's complete and full. Whatever can happen is happening here now and eternally. It's not an easy space to be in because the information is just too much to handle, it's like an ocean of possibilities that is ebbing and flowing, stretching and contracting. This dimension goes on forever and ever, with no end in time and space, fear arises since so many experiences were lived through at the same time. 2) One of the realizations that I derived from the experience is that I'm already dead, that reality of me no longer here in this human form already exists. I living my life now is like reliving a vivid memory or having a virtual reality machine permanently implanted. It's also like a choose-an-adventure kind of deal that choices made now will lead to different outcomes, but all possible scenarios are already here, I'm just navigating one of the possible paths in this lifetime that I'm aware of. 3) How much we still don't know as human and how vast infinite is the most humbling realization. Philosophy and Science invest so much into knowing things, but the knowledge is tiny that it will be no surprised at all whatever we concluded now as truth and real in human understanding can be completely false. All we can know is an abstraction that is understandable to us based on the tools that are available for us. 4) There is no space in normal consciousness either, everything is touching everything else with no space in-between, including all perceptions, like sound and sights and feelings. There's just one thing here and it's completely saturating everything with no room left. Space is another abstraction created to make sense of things. We're intimately sticking to everything else. 5) I was also experiencing other people in my life in that infinite dimension too. I could feel their suffering which makes me super compassionate and wants to be nicer to others. Hurting others in a sense is hurting myself. This is an overwhelming realization that I have to willfully ignore at times because the responsibility is too much. Radical forgiveness in this reality is important. I have to constantly forgive and let go, and can only move forward to make better choices. 6) Everything is perfect balance too, it's ultimate nonduality. Anything that can exist, only exist because of duality, which makes it nondual. Anytime I want to control one aspect of anything, I lose control instantly because my action, even a single thought, shifts everything else. There are still many minor nuances in this recent Consciousness work than what is mentioned. I appreciate anyone sharing a similar experience as it is. Human intellect is important, but I feel that's relatively insignificant in consciousness work. Imagination, feelings, and intuition seem to be more appropriate in understanding these experience. It's humbling to me, and I'm utterly grateful to still have the training wheels on living in this reality.
  9. Well said. Problem is that in that first realm - nonduality (everything is at the same level of unimportance) we are only when we are in front of our computers, philosophizing or tripping. But when we are asked to do something tangible - transfer our life savings, drive without seating belts in traffic then everything becomes real - and there are dualities in levels of importance. And with that all this bullshitting about transcending survival goes out the window.
  10. Ive used salvia about 5 times. Salvia is extremely powerful at moderate-high doses in my experience. You will completely forget that you even took a psychedelic at all. One of my trips shot me into outer space and I was floating through the void of space in a mine cart completely lost and unaware I had taken anything. I remember these huge mirrors getting closer and closer to me and looking into them I was looking into different parts of my life happening. I believe in the beginning of the trip there was a profound nondual ego death but I don't remember. Also, my trip was much more trippy than that. Overall I wouldn't recommend using this while on the path. This will just provide you with trippy content that wont get you any closer to seeing nonduality in ordinary life. You are 1000x better off self inquiring and being mindfull throughout the day or using lsd/ shrooms to get a better glimpse of the ox. I equate taking salvia with getting ready to jump off a plane or getting ready to hop on a bull. It gets very intense in a matter of about 3 seconds after that exhale.
  11. I saw this video in my recommended. Pretty crazy story to say the least. From my experience, seeing the nondual in reality doesn't make reality dull and not worth experiencing as this guy had happen to him. From a nondual perspective, reality is still enjoyable and you are still able to distinguish differences. Life still has its ups and its downs but you are not limited or identify with any single piece of reality. This is not enlightenment. Checkout the video called "The Egg" on youtube. Its #1 on trending on youtube right now. It has some hints of truth in it and some of the implications of nonduality in it.
  12. Sufi's do get nonduality, just as mysitcal christians,japanese zen,buddhists and hindus (atman) do I still don't get why don't they leave their cult after it, i guess it's preference cherry pick of why not? As you can see in their poetry, there is some evidence of them getting it, unless if they use it an excuse of art and are not being too serious about it, islam is generally pretty hardcore or rather should i say extremists are. Tear down the mosque, the temple, Destroy whatever you please. but don't kill a human heart for that is where god resides ~ bulleh shah Look into yourself - You have learnt so much, read a thousand books, have you ever read your self? You have gone to mosques and temples, Have you ever visited your soul? You have reached into skies, but you have failed to reach, what's in your heart. ~ bulleh shah Define and narrow me, you starve yourself of yourself Nail me down in a box of cold worlds, that box is your coffin. I do not know who I am. I am in astounding lucid confusion. I am not a christian, I am not a jew, I am not a zoroastrian, And I am not even a muslim. Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu,Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I do not belong to the land, or any known or unknown sea. Nature cannot own or claim me, nor can heaven, Nor can china or bulgaria, I am not from the east or the west, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam and Eve or any origin story. My birthplace is placelessness, My sign is to have and give no sign, You say you see my mouth,ears,nose --- they are not mine. I am the life of life I am the cat, this stone, no one. I have thrown duality away like an old dishrag. I see and know all times and worlds, As one, one, always one. So what do i have to do to get you to admit who is speaking? Admit it and change everything! This is your own voice echoing off the walls of God. I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one, one, Always one. ~Rumi
  13. coz Islam is about fighting Being which is equal to Satan in Monotheism. Why we are in sleep-state? Why reality prevents you from waking up? Coz Being hates Consciosuness, they are enemies metaphysically. Its war, co-existence of two incompatible realities. Its a paradox that God's providential thought is about to solve, and to solve that human is created, its an instrument. But most of the time human gets fully absorbed by being and fails its task. Task of consciousness to fully triumph over being. For that True God sent instruction and political ideology because global society, global system is Being's projection or its shadow in this world. To fight that one need political ideology. While traditional spirituality (pantheism, monism, nonduality) says that Being is Supreme Being = God. Thats what Islam is against. To worship this Supreme Being because this Supreme Being even he has such attributes as light, beauty, goodness, wisdom, infinite, he is not True God. But the opposite, he is whats called Lucifer, Iblis, Satan. Greeks worshipped him as Zeus, Apollon, Iranians as Ahura Mazda, and all Hindus worship him in forms of Krishna, Vishnu, SHiva, Brahma, Ishvara etc. Christian clerics worship him as God-the-Father. Kabbalah takes him as god. and Egyptians worshipped him in many forms. 99% people of spiritual ppl of the past took him as god. He is nothing more than idol actually because Total Being itself is an Object.
  14. Materialism is a belief that reality is fundamentally made of matter and that consciousness is an emergent property of this dead, mechanical system. It tends to dismiss subjective experience as unreal while glorifying objective facts that are discovered through rational thinking. More broadly speaking, it is within the paradigm of substance dualism with the added twist of over-emphasizing the material. We're speaking from substance monoism where the substance of reality is consciousness of various densities/frequencies. Both the 'subjective' and 'objective' are forms of consciousness, but chosen arbitrarily through the identification of the egoic mind. Even if this substance is one, that does not imply that things within it can't interact. If you put your hand on the wall, it stops. This is boundedness. This is not idle intellectualism devoid of hands-on experience. Nonduality can be spoken of, but it requires skill that you seem to dismiss. OF COURSE, it is spoken of from the point of view of the egoic mind. From the point of oneness, the only thing that can be said is 'meditate'.
  15. This body is african american and these thoughts can't find any niggas in nonduality stuff. Is it like oppression type bullshit?
  16. Yeah the little voice inside keeps telling me to be quiet and not to create ideas about nonduality etc. I think it's very tempting to believe in nonduality, very dangerous
  17. It's all relative. There have been times where I did it only once a year. And there have been times where I did 13 days in a row. The more advanced you get the more often you can do it without needing a lot of integration time. They key is to be intuitive about. Don't get set any rigid or dogmatic schedule. Do it as you're called to do it. Sometimes you will not be called for months. And sometimes you'll be called to hit it hard several days back to back. The most I grew in my life was from 13 back to back days. Words cannot describe the levels of superhuman insight gained. The entire universe became known to me. I had to really force myself to do it back to back 13 times. Your mind won't want to do it that much. Most people would feel like they've gone insane. It requires a really good theoretical foundation in nonduality.
  18. @AlphaAbundance check out the channel Infinite Waters on YouTube. I believe him to be way more woke (understanding of nonduality) than much of his content may let on, because that's his business model. As for why there aren't more black people achieving high levels of awakening... just look around. African American culture is underdeveloped, mostly at spiral Dynamics stage Red and Blue. Of course this is no fault of their own, the result of systemic oppression over centuries. Like someone said above, interest in this work usually requires a certain privelege or background, and even then it's extremely rare. Yeah it's shitty and not fair, but here we are. Happy to have you!
  19. I've never had any direct mystical experiences regarding Jesus however I've loved him most all my life. The more educated I became the more I realized that that love was foolish, how does one love a dead man anyway? Silly. Then when I woke up I saw how incredibly important it had been to my path to nonduality. And then I became not Jesus, but Mary Magdalene. Ah, love. It's both the path AND the destination.
  20. It definitely needs to be reintegrated at some point, in order for one to fully realize nonduality itself. Then it likes to stick around and demand the credit for the great insight. Duality is the seductive one, you know what happens if you give a mouse a cookie...
  21. Of course you can kill yourself and become God whenever you want, no one is stopping it from you (except for people stuck in the dual and who think it is wrong) But still it is not the full answer. Duality is a a gift. It is not as boring as the nondual. That is why God decieved himself and contracted his consciousness into a person, human, or animal so he could escape himself from himself and experience the great beauty and value of a human life, the love, sorrow, hatred, jealousy, strife, suffering, bliss, gratitude of having lived as a human and having loved your loved ones, your spouse, your parents, your mother, although they are not real, but still a momentary escape to that special connection is what God wants. If you experience the non-dual while being in the dual, you can have the best of both worlds, you can have a synergestic effect. Full blown nothingness is a great thing, but living in the junction of the dual and non-dual isn't a bad experience either. And if you kill yourself again not having realized yourself, then chances are you will again decieve yourself and be reborn again into something which you intruth are actually not, and you will be running around in this duality for god knows how long untill slowly you start to question who you really are. The only reason the nondual is sought, is to take a break from the suffering of duality which might be (percieved as) unbearable. It's like in a dream a tiger is about to kill you, and awakening is like "Chill out, this is just a dream". However if you are enjoying this dream (which is the purpose of self deception, suffering is the side effect), then non-dual is useless. If in the dual you feel great because you feel like you are the most smartest, handsomest, talented etc person in the world, then nonduality destroys this dream and you are back to non duality and you go "Wow, I wish this was real. It was such a beautiful dream" Also do you see the connections between, suffering, seeking the nondual and suicide? Why do people commit suicide? To end their suffering. Why do people want a escape to the nondual? To end their suffering. Seeking nondual turns you into a God and ends suffering. Suicide turns you into a God and ends suffering. Non-dual = Suicide (of the dual) Suffering is the side effect of the pleasure of the dual. Arthur Schopenhauer used to say that humans are capable of great suffering because they are capable of great pleasure. While animals or lesser forms (which Schopenhauer calls the brutes, who live only moment to moment, suffer moment to moment and have pleasure moment to moment, contrast to that of human) can have neither or lesser of the 2, their experience is not as intense as that of the human.
  22. @tsuki Wait ur telling me thoughts/imagination isbabsolute infinity and also the true self/noself is absolute infinity? I understand that in terms of nonduality everything is absolute infinity but I hope you get what I mean. Like are thoughts, the fact that thoughts can bring up anything absolute infinity?
  23. @TrynaBeTurquoise Those who kill the body (thought, duality, relativity, materialism) but not the soul (absolute, eternal) are enlightened, there is no fear in love. The one who can destroy both the soul and body in hell, is a reference to a sleeper who has yet to seek refuge, take caution. Also, it is written to the reader directly, not about others. The sparrows in your father’s care is a reference not to assume or project human suffering onto an inner world of animals in ignorance. The hairs of your head are numbered deepens this message, as in, all is cared for in God, worry not, he made a perfect world. Then one nondual layer deeper...don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. (The rope is not a snake, and you are not a human) It’s not a statement of worth, “two sparrows” is a pointer of duality / relativity / twoness. “One penny” is a pointer to nonduality. I would not take it metaphorically, I would take it as a pointer to the truth of self & world. Nobody knows if there was a person Jesus, or if he was enlightened. In the same sense, no one knows if there is a TrynaBeTurquoise. The message, the realization matters, not any personifications or statures. Imo, it’d be ideal to save Jesus’s teachings for last. It’s very ‘hidden in plain sight’ ‘nothing is hidden from you’ ish. The Dharma, Ramana Maharshi’s teachings, and quantum mechanics might be ideal preceding teachings to grasp the Gospels. Everybody’s different though, so who knows.
  24. @Avi Tal "I have a (very close) relative which is (hopefully) recovering from high grade cancer. I would like to help her get enlightened, mainly (but not only) because I assume it will help her recover quicker. A little about my (objective model) self: I am a software engineer, 51 years old. I consider myself "mostly enlightened", since I still have negative thoughts from time to time, mostly around financial issues (which I concisely know they are fictitious)." Ok, I can tell straight away from your phraseology that you have a couple of wrong ideas about enlightenment. It is extremely hard to become enlightened and takes an incredible amount of effort, work and dedication. Most people will never become enlightened, and for those who do...very very seldom is it that they lead many others to complete enlightenment also. However im guessing that your just trying to help her... meditation has been shown to enhance physical health. (Also, bro, enlightenment isint measured by how many "negative" thoughts you have haha) If she isn't responding well to all of this stuff then maybe it's not for her. Try keeping it more simple, and "down to earth" sounding. Instead of jumping straight to the nonduality card...just tell her that you've been doing some research about meditation and how it helps. It's all about gentleness and wisdom. You have to please her ego to reach the Spirit. And you have to remember, this is just God playing with God... From the sounds of it, you need to do a shitton more actual work for yourself. This is what I had to do. Your mind will make all kinds of bullshit up about enlightenment. I listen to the still small voice that tells me "stay quiet"
  25. Science and Nonduality