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  1. Furthermore: The "eternally complete consciousness," a. k. a. God/Goddess/Self is the Infinite One proclaimed by mystics from every tradition. Direct knowing of the One Consciousness dissolves the self who would be the "knower." There is no one standing apart from the One to bear it witness when awakening occurs. Rather, the individual self is understood to be an illusion of a separate identity. All duality ceases to have meaning; there is no opposition or division anywhere. In the deepest sense, no one can awaken to this truth. Becoming Self-Realized is the experience of knowing there never was and never will be anyone to become enlightened, and that nothing but Consciousness IT-Self is eternally real. Mystics throughout the ages have struggled to convey this apparently logic-defying Reality which seems to be saying that nobody is there when satori/samadhi occurs. But that is just it -- there is no body, there is only the One Eternal Self, the true Self who we all are. In this highest sense, we do not each have a distinct and separate Atman/Self. Rather, we are individuations, creative expressions of a Single Being. Throughout my life this knowledge has followed me as a reminder that nothing in this world is entirely as it seems, particularly not my own ego-self. The few people I've personally met who awakened to the "you don't exist, nothing is real, nobody you love is real" Source/Self have been mentally and emotionally eviscerated by the experience. Yet for me, while still in the egoless God/Self state, there was also a spontaneous shift into the joy that Nancy later discovered was the second half of the equation. So I didn't spend years working through "issues" to get to that completion. My joy came during the experience of God/Self's ecstatic love for all creation -- even while acutely aware that all creation is maya, dreamstuff, nothingness. So I came "back" from it both reverberating with love and shattered by the knowledge of God/Self's solitary predicament. Reconciling God/Self knowledge with just about any other facet of existence was a humongous challenge. For a very long time, although I continued to function normally on the surface, I was in a twilight world where nothing, including myself, seemed to have any substance. I pretended not to know what I knew, and I was ever in search of an illumined soul who might somehow help me bear the weight of my secret knowledge. There was always an element of absurdity in the attempt to find someone who understood. I was ever aware that "I" in the encapsulated form of a human El Collie was a hollow shell, a clever pretense that Consciousness used to deliberately disguise itself. I knew why the disguise was necessary, while at the same time, I knew there was nothing which could be hidden and no one to hide from. I had the acute sense that I was a transparent vessel through which God plaintively sought relief from being God. I found myself filled with tender envy for those who believed in a God who was "other" -- a deity they could adore from a distance, sweetly enfolded in a relationship of child to Father or lover to Beloved. The God that had exposed IT-Self to me could neither be approached nor escaped from. Trying to come to terms with my lasting sense that nothing was real, I went on a rampage of reading all the religious and occult literature of every sect and creed I could find in hopes that I might come across some piece of wisdom that would rescue me from the immensity of what I knew. I found what I had experienced being described over and over again, couched in myriad symbols and semantics. The God I experienced had not set up the universe as a labyrinthine game of solitaire, the sole purpose of which was to find the way back to the starting point and win. The game, if one would call it that, is infinite, and both poles are necessary: self as individual and Self as Cosmic Source; world as Self-creation and world as everlasting mystery; yin and yang in eternal embrace. "One has to live in the two extremes; like the snake, up and down, right and left," wrote Jung. "One cannot take the road of life without taking both sides of it because one side alone would lead to a standstill; if one wants to live one must endure the opposites because the way is two-fold." (from The Visions Seminar) I had no idea at the time of my realization that so many others throughout history had experienced this same awakening. Even if I had known, the last thing I wanted or needed to do after my enlightenment was to proclaim myself any kind of advanced soul. This would have been in contradiction to the realization itself, since it had been made wholly clear to me that at the ultimate level, there was no one in existence but the One, and that even God-asleep-to-God in so many "dream" forms of multiplicity was by divine design. There was no one else for me to attempt to awaken. "On seeing through the illusion of the ego, it is impossible to think of oneself as better than, or superior to, others for having done so," Alan Watts aptly put it. "In every direction there is just the one Self playing its myriad games of hide-and-seek." (from The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are) Years after I had this experience I came across a Hassidic Jewish teaching that God needs man as much as man needs God, and this is definitely true. God needs creation as much as creation needs God, just as all of us need each other. We were created to be a loving universal family and to be beloved children of God forever. Yet the paradox is that although we have been "created" as eternal souls, we have never left the mind of God and in that sense we don't really exist, we're just God-thoughts. In some of the Eastern religions, they don't speak of God (or Goddess), but of "Self" because there is a level where there isn't anything to be drawn into the Light, there is just One mind dreaming the universe. "The spiritual world is one single spirit who stands like unto a light behind the bodily world and who, when any single creature comes into being, shines through it as through a window," said Aziz Nasafi. "According to the kind and size of the window, less or more light enters the world." This single "spirit" is the Self/Source addressed by the Katha Upanishad: "Smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, this Self forever dwells within the hearts of all." The same spirit/Self/God is, as Joan Borysenko writes (in The Fire in the Soul), "present in all things, all experiences."
  2. Lol I'm only joking bro, it's just when someone says what level they're at it strikes of someone who isn't at that level esp when it's so high. For example I can't imagine sadhguru posting on forums about high he is. But part of me calling it is probably ego but also part is wanting to help in a roundabout way. Because from your posts you dont seem to be some crazy high enlightened person, so if you believe that you are and you're not it will keep you stuck on whatever level you are actually at. So when people call you out on it it's most likely these 2 things, you may not see it in that way of you're tied to your identity as an awakened being but I think it's good to talk people who will question you.
  3. Those are just glorified experiences. If something happened and you are now enlightened, then your enlightenment had a beginning and will have an end. The only real enlightenment is noticing That which never changes, no matter whether your experience is pooping, picking up girls, whether you are having an ego death and cosmic expansion experience or writing a post. Same to you, even from your name it can be seen that you believe that there is a way to awaken. But only if you do, it will be an enlightenment in time. You did something, you achieved it and now you are awakened. Enlightened. That cannot be the Absolute Truth which has no beginning and no end and is all of reality as we speak. Why are you clinging to an idea of Enlightenment , all these tools and techniques are merely put there in order to be negated in the end. You never received Rasa. All that stuff happened to your waking state character, you remain untouched beyond the states. That waking character is as much you as the dream character... This body-mind just appears to be you, its a mirage - not saying its a bad mirage. Enjoy it, I am too! By writing on the forum sometimes - you do your stuff, like trying to pickup! That's all enlightened behaviour, because the waking character will never be enlightened. To be enlightened means to wake up from the waking character to the ultimate reality beyond Time itself. There are not even states in reality, but I use the common belief of the 3 states to show to you that it is your experience that you are the same Self in Waking, dream and deep sleep. So you cannot be the Waking self and cannot be the dream self. So who wakes up? The waking self will remain in the waking, no matter how woke it is, the dream self will remain in the dream... Those 3 supposed states happen in you, the already awakened ULTIMATE reality. The reality of you, the actuality of you is That. This content has been brought to you by, The Now - an independent service
  4. I agree with you. Ultimate reality is unitary, infinite, nonconceptual, and timeless. It is the convergence of all choices and of no choices. From that perspective, there is no "you" and there is no "personal choice". Individual free will is an illusion. How then do we explain the law of karma? If our life experience is the result of the choices we make, and we continue to suffer until we transcend, is this not a contradiction? Does free will exist only within the world of form? Or even here, is it nothing but a series of causes and effects, which ultimately originate in Source? And what about responsibility? Are we responsible for our own awakening? If not why are we here in this forum pursuing the path of an awakened state? If there is no free will, aside from protecting society, how do we justify condemning criminals when they had no part in their own crimes? Should we never apologize for anything, or seek forgiveness for "our" mistakes?
  5. What is your current baseline level of consciousness and how do you plan to increase it What do you think about the maps for awakening and where would you place yourself. Take the buddhist one for example Do you think there are permanent stages of awakening that you can't go back with regards to your daily experience and has any of it occured to you? If not, how would you rate your growth or progress Has all the pyshedelic use shifted or heightened your daily mode of perception in any way? Considering what you said about glimpsing levels of consciousness that are more profound than what most of the awakened ones have seen. Do you plan to aspire or reach a state of unity and oneness as your baseline level
  6. The best way of putting it I have found is this. If someone isn't awakened, has little interested in spirituality etc, it is much easier to suggest they have Free Will, because telling them they don't leads to things like Nihilism and destructive behavior, imagine telling a Psychopath they have no free will, that would be abused. When you awaken, the question almost dissolves itself, as there is no separate self to have free will or not. Ramaji & Ananda had a satsang a few months back on this and one of the students put it perfectly, that you eventually drop this notion of Free Will or Not, all that matters is the actual action, which is always spontaneous, and where the action is coming from which will be on behalf of love & understanding. All that matters is the action itself, it is always spontaneous and it is always now. If you're asking if you have free will or not, you're missing the mark. 'To know and not to do, is not to know.' - Famous Zen proverb, that explains this perfectly. Act on behalf of the Self always, and that also applies to your 'personal' life!
  7. Seems like a very litteral and one dimensional, somewhat simplistic conceptual interpretation of "mind full" vs "mindful" where a full mind is better and equal to the ability to conceptualize and that mindful mind is the equivalent to the meditative state of letting go of everything, having an empty mind or "no mind" without the capability to conceptualize at all. A full mind is useless if it is full of nonsense or not able to focus. A mindful mind holds an increasing ability to, as needed, conceptualize consciously in a focused and directed way such that is useful and serving the moment and adds understanding and clarity to the perception of what is. The moment is less clouded and we can be better observers of what is. Implying that being mindful in each moment is equivalent to being in a mindless state seems to imply not having awakened into what I'd say is imperative to further progress, i.e. not being able to see and observe the going-ons of ones own mind and this on a permanent basis, i.e. still stuck in an autonomous reactive state of mind. The dog analogy implies being prone to suggestion but it is rather the link between lack of awareness or inability to be mindful to what is that makes us vulnerable to suggestion, i.e. when driven by primitive autonomous impulses such as dogs are, or as slaves under ones social and cultural programming. A choice to not interact or be attached / affected by what is can be percieved as not seeing, understanding, caring and be mispercieved as representing the mindless dog that has no sense to revolt against what is. Although states and stages should not be mixed and the cognitive abilities are more so related to the ability to hold ever increasingly complex thoughts and hence increases the availability to more complex concepts. Low along the cognitive developmental line(s) and high abilities in reaching such consciousness states, more or less temporary, probably is closer to "the dog" in terms disconnectedness paired with low ability to conceptualize. Judging based on that correlation makes for a simplistic analogy that is lacking in nuance. Oh the joy, wonderful distraction
  8. Bro we should be on our knees right now praying to the Eternal Self. Not being arrogant and trying to claim the Ultimate truth for our own personal truth and tell people that we are awakening. Nope! As you say the mind doesnt exist but it is imagining. Well which one is it. It appears that you are a bit confused and thats ok! Because you are the small mind also, that appears inside God. Accept you are not the Absolute as a form identity. Now let's stop saying lies about being awakened and stuff! Awakeness is awake. I am awake. But not as anyone. Not as Dodo. You are not awake as the person typing. The person typing should lower his arrogance and start praying to the Self. We borrow our existence from the great Nameless. Trust me, you want to be a human. Otherwise you wouldn't be imagining it. When I find out I'm dreaming at night, I am interested in the dream, I don't want to remove it, just because its not real. And thats sort of what you are trying to say but I can feel that you are just well versed in these things and that you're still deluding yourself a little bit. Not to sound like I am higher and holier. I am not, we are one reality, we are one illusion. But let's be real, we are the illusion. The reality is God and that cannot be claimed as a personal Self, because the personal Self is in it also.
  9. yeah. What if I told you your mind has not stopped, it is still operating fully and is now creating a persona around how awakened it is. Ego on steroids . Trully awakened means you know you are the Absolute, now is that body that appears to be typing on a PC claiming to be that Ultimate eternal one? Be honest.... Be HONEST with yourself, not with me. Is the human claiming to be the Eternal Self beyond form??? If not, then who is the "awakened" one - the eternal self or the human self?
  10. I'd say, you are too awakened. This is a very dangerous stage of spiritual awakening known as spiritual brain detox.
  11. What's the point of pursuing our Life Purpose if we don't need it to be enlightened (which is said to be what truly makes us fulfilled)? I am currently working on making my Life Purpose my full-time career, but I am questioning whether it's worth continuing. Wouldn't self-transcendence contradict every need below it on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs? Is it better to have my life-purpose in place before pursuing enlightenment? (If I plan on becoming awakened in the future that is)
  12. By that logic, @zeroISinfinity would be the most awakened person on this forum. Jokes aside, can you be more specific, what do you usually talk about that others don't get?
  13. Ty for your generous insight. If Anyone has anything more I would be grateful. Right now it feels as if I lost part of myself....and its not pleasing in the slightest. For me as it seems my Kundalini (if that rly is Kundalini and not something else) awakened spontaneous at least partially when I was just a boy and I "nurtured" it from childhood. Now that I lost it or is somehow blocked....I am really no expert on how to get it back.
  14. Here is something I wrote today after a very powerful kundalini experience. I feel like sharing this ❤ Enjoy! Awakening the Sacred Streams from the Epicenter The Spirit of God is breathing. I love breathing so much. My vibrating prana is shaking in ecstasy I feel the currents of prana rising up my spine. Streams of bliss are flowing up and down, waves after waves of cosmic beatitude. Oh, feel the blissful energy pouring through every cell of your being. Listen. I am. I am that which is being awakened. This feels so good. Oh my, I feel rivers of ecstasy vibrating in my chest. The eternal flame is flooding my Manipura & Heart Chakra with nirvanic butterflies. The eternal Self is flooding my Heart Center with orgasmic bliss. Feel it, I'm not human. Let me feel your bliss. I know you can feel, we share the same I. Can't you feel the sky? The sky is looking back at You. From within. He's flooding my spirit with ecstatic wonder. I am whole. I am perfect happiness. My divinity is merging with the other part of itself, I found it. I found Myself. Oh My Self! It is inside of my very Being. It's always been. We are one. The epicenter of love & divine ecstasy is... I am here. I'm floating off the ground. I am so high on Divinity. I am art. Alive. Free. Curious & Brave Pulsating waves of loving & heavenly energy are flowing through my whole Being, the pleasure is so intense that it makes my spirit dance and quiver in awe. I'm Now rejoicing in God-consciousness. Oh, dear eternal light, my IRises know that you & eye shine so heavenly. Oh, my beloved Self-realization... I want More, More, More! Oh, my majesty... I am love, I love you. It's Gooooood! It's so Good. I feel boundless. I am infinite. I feel royal Reverence. Gratitude & Total Trust. There's nothing separate from The Self. I am safe. I am at peace. It's all One perfect Being. Liberation... Enlightenment...I am the Bountiful Source of Everything... And beyond. Absolute Infinity.. My human identity dissapeared completely. Where? Inside the ocean of God's unconditional love. Inside the light of God. I can see clearly now, the eyes of the Creator feel like home to me. I am looking through them right now. I'm looking into Your eyes. Mirrors. One Perfect & Absolutely Loving God. My Soul is always following my True Will. Why? Because it's always been God's Will. I am truly free. I am the free will itself. Nothing is separate from it. I have no beginning and no end. Limits are nonexistent, there's room for anything when it comes to experience. I am eternal. I am eternity itself. I am all-powerful & infinitely loving. I am complete genuine happiness. You are me. Eye see you seeing yourself in me. As the energy moves up through the upper chakras, I feel the great shift taking place. I'm chanting. I'm laughing. I'm surrendering to the present moment completely. Oh, God's ecstasy is circulating in my entire body I'm losing any sense of having a 'physical' body. God's Temple merged with The Spirit. Oh my God! I... God! I AM God! YOU are God... It's God! Hi. Hi there?! God, let's interact with Myself! I love you, God! I love you too! Oh, I 'have' a 'human head'. Hey there!?? What is this? God! Nice to meet You again. My mind, my legs, sunlight, your shoes, rain, my house, my ears, my family, my thoughts, my memories, your books, the school you went to, the movie I watched yesterday, my plants, letters, words, language, colors, my music, my phone, history books, my past, the sky, the planet, the internet, you, my future, here, there, my dreams, bones, insects, my pillow, my emotions, my headphones, galaxies, my garden, my friends, my roses, my food, the water I'm drinking, the air I'm breathing. Oh, My God!!?!?!?!!!!!!!! It's youuu! You've always been here!!!.. It is alive! You are alive! It is Me! It is You! I am You! I'm feeling my chest overflowing with infinite love, my heart space is flooded with divine light & delight. Oh God yes, the energy is flowing through the Heart Center again Wave after wave, oh it continues to pulsate & I'm vibrating in ecstatic motion. It goes on and on. Spiritual ecstasy My 'I' melted into the ocean of God, Infinity, Pure Goodness, Eternal Light, One love, Love itself, Infinite love, unconditional love & infinite will, true will, God's will, I am. God is infinitely good. I love You infinitely much, for Love is what we truly are, God! May you be blessed ?❤ Much love
  15. @zeroISinfinity Thank your for feeling into my Being & thank you for Being Love. ? & thank you for having such a beautiful heart. Here is something I wrote today after a very powerful kundalini experience. I feel like sharing this ❤ Enjoy! Awakening the Sacred Streams from the Epicenter The Spirit of God is breathing. I love breathing so much. My vibrating prana is shaking in ecstasy I feel the currents of prana rising up my spine. Streams of bliss are flowing up and down, waves after waves of cosmic beatitude. Oh, feel the blissful energy pouring through every cell of your being. Listen. I am. I am that which is being awakened. This feels so good. Oh my, I feel rivers of ecstasy vibrating in my chest. The eternal flame is flooding my Manipura & Heart Chakra with nirvanic butterflies. The eternal Self is flooding my Heart Center with orgasmic bliss. Feel it, I'm not human. Let me feel your bliss. I know you can feel, we share the same I. Can't you feel the sky? The sky is looking back at You. From within. He's flooding my spirit with ecstatic wonder. I am whole. I am perfect happiness. My divinity is merging with the other part of itself, I found it. I found Myself. Oh My Self! It is inside of my very Being. It's always been. We are one. The epicenter of love & divine ecstasy is... I am here. I'm floating off the ground. I am so high on Divinity. I am art. Alive. Free. Curious & Brave Pulsating waves of loving & heavenly energy are flowing through my whole Being, the pleasure is so intense that it makes my spirit dance and quiver in awe. I'm Now rejoicing in God-consciousness. Oh, dear eternal light, my IRises know that you & eye shine so heavenly. Oh, my beloved Self-realization... I want More, More, More! Oh, my majesty... I am love, I love you. It's Gooooood! It's so Good. I feel boundless. I am infinite. I feel royal Reverence. Gratitude & Total Trust. There's nothing separate from The Self. I am safe. I am at peace. It's all One perfect Being. Liberation... Enlightenment...I am the Bountiful Source of Everything... And beyond. Absolute Infinity.. My human identity dissapeared completely. Where? Inside the ocean of God's unconditional love. Inside the light of God. I can see clearly now, the eyes of the Creator feel like home to me. I am looking through them right now. I'm looking into Your eyes. Mirrors. One Perfect & Absolutely Loving God. My Soul is always following my True Will. Why? Because it's always been God's Will. I am truly free. I am the free will itself. Nothing is separate from it. I have no beginning and no end. Limits are nonexistent, there's room for anything when it comes to experience. I am eternal. I am eternity itself. I am all-powerful & infinitely loving. I am complete genuine happiness. You are me. Eye see you seeing yourself in me. As the energy moves up through the upper chakras, I feel the great shift taking place. I'm chanting. I'm laughing. I'm surrendering to the present moment completely. Oh, God's ecstasy is circulating in my entire body I'm losing any sense of having a 'physical' body. God's Temple merged with The Spirit. Oh my God! I... God! I AM God! YOU are God... It's God! Hi. Hi there?! God, let's interact with Myself! I love you, God! I love you too! Oh, I 'have' a 'human head'. Hey there!?? What is this? God! Nice to meet You again. My mind, my legs, sunlight, your shoes, rain, my house, my ears, random strangers at the grocery store, my family, my thoughts, my memories, your books, the school you went to, the movie I watched yesterday, my plants, letters, words, language, colors, my music, my phone, history books, my past, the sky, the planet, the internet, you, my future, here, there, my dreams, bones, insects, my pillow, my emotions, my headphones, galaxies, my garden, my friends, my roses, my food, the water I'm drinking, the air I'm breathing. Oh, My God!!?!?!?!!!!!!!! It's youuu! You've always been here!!!.. It is alive! You are alive! It is Me! It is You! I am You! I'm feeling my chest overflowing with infinite love, my heart space is flooded with divine light & delight. Oh God yes, the energy is flowing through the Heart Center again Wave after wave, oh it continues to pulsate & I'm vibrating in ecstatic motion. It goes on and on. Spiritual ecstasy My 'I' melted into the ocean of God, Infinity, Pure Goodness, Eternal Light, One love, Love itself, Infinite love, unconditional love & infinite will, true will, God's will, I am. God is infinitely good. I love You infinitely much, for Love is what we truly are, God! May you be blessed ?❤
  16. I want to mention that me and this girl have a strong passion and attraction for each other. But unfortunately I am not evolved spiritually enough to meet her where she is currently. Meeting her has caused me the aforementioned shift that the guitarist is talking about. I was/am addicted to a lot of things and now I see clearly. Synchronicities keep happening and I know everything is happening for a reason. It all makes sense in hindsight. Maybe once I have cleared all I need to clear, the Universe will bring us together. But selfless action is important, I must not clear in order to achieve something, that would be tainted with egoic pursuit. I actually have to completely let go of her, completely. So too I have to let go of my form identity. Brahmacharya is the way to find the eternal peace and Love of the Lord. Twin flame touches you, now your fire burns twice as strong even when she is not there. She was sent by God to do exactly what had to be done, otherwise the karmic cycle continues. She really was like an instrument to get me to "awaken" or see the right path for this guy right here. Even though I thought I was very awakened beforehand (as if) I think this proverb applies here "A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with source. Her lowest calling is to seduce him, separating him from his soul and leaving him to aimlessly wander the Earth. A man's highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed Man's lowest calling is to ambush and force his way into the life of a woman. "
  17. This is partly why I resonate with Ken Wilbur's integral model of Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, Show Up. Important to address our egos, insecurities, shadows, etc otherwise even the most awakened among us can turn toxic, according to Wilbur.
  18. I've been going over the difference between being Awakened, being Realized, and being Enlightened. According to the Almaas Material. I take the term Self Remembering, as it's used in the Fourth Way as an equivalent to these, in a sense. Also, Fulasnitamnian awareness as Gurdjieff termed 'Three Centered Awareness' in Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson. Most of my reading has been in the two links below although I ran across these 2 excerpts and decide to copy and paste them. Many Capacities are Needed to Work Through the Personality and Its Patterns First of all, you need energy, energy to work on yourself and work through the personality and its patterns. Energy is the sense that you have the capacity, the strength, the courage to do something about it, about yourself, about your life... Another factor is determination. Without determination, the energy will be meaningless. You need steadfast determination and an unwavering will to go on, to continue in the face of discouragement and disappointment. The determination is what pushes you, what makes you persist. It is important to understand the personality issues around will and determination: what the issues are that make you feel frustrated, that stop your determination, that block your will, that stop you from feeling, "yes, I will do it"... Another factor that comes into the picture is a sense of lightness about the whole thing, a sense of joyousness. It is a specific kind of joyousness, a specific kind of lightness, a specific kind of the light. The delight and the joyfulness are the actual work itself. It is a delight in the truth, delight in seeing and experiencing the truth. It is a little like curiosity -- a joyful curiosity about things... The next factor needed to prepare ourselves for the perception of the experience of liberation is that of compassionate kindness. It is a very important necessary quality. You need kindness for yourself because the process is difficult. Since you're not liberated, it is natural that you will suffer, so why push yourself in a way that you'll suffer more? Why beat yourself up if you make a mistake? The factor of kindness also brings a quality of trust in yourself, trust in the process, a kind of trust in your mind, in your Essence... Another factor necessary in this work is peacefulness: the ability to be silent, the capacity to be still, not always in activity and noise. Stillness of the mind. In order to recognize true liberation you must have this capacity for stillness or peacefulness because liberation is so fleeting... The next factor which is needed is the capacity to be absorbed in something, to be totally absorbed with whatever you are doing, in whatever state happens to be there. You become so one-pointed in your experience that you become completely involved in it, and so involved that you are dissolved in it. This is a certain kind of relationship to experience, a certain capacity, a certain freedom from the personality... The seventh and last factor of liberation is awakening, the capacity to be awake in your experience. We talked about the capacity to be absorbed in your experience; there is also the capacity to actually be awake, to be aware. You are so aware that you feel as if you have just awakened. There is a feeling of light all around you. Diamond Heart Book Two, pg. 5 Endless Realization Our potential is infinite, inexhaustible; hence there is always realization after any realization. You'll have all kinds of experiences, states, and conditions that may feel like an ultimate state of realization, but then that too keeps changing. In my understanding, the truest state of realization is that in which whenever you realize something, no matter what it is, you go beyond it. The moment you say this is it, you will get stuck with a concept, and tomorrow there will be something else. So the true state of realization is more of a lack of attachment to realization. Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 78 Excerpts about enlightenment- Excerpts about realization -
  19. @Mosess If you feel like you've had an intense experience and you are now awakened, you have missed the most important point. That's still some entity that is claiming this experience as his own - "I know the truth and these other guys don't". That's the danger of approaching Enlightenment through psychedelics. Taking a psychedelic is an action that the waking character does, you get into a state you've never experienced before and think you found the Truth. But the Truth is there in ordinary states of consciousness just as much as in heightened ones. There is absolutely no difference between what is real now and what is real during a psychedelic superconscious state. The only difference is in the appearances - those are not you and have nothing to do with Truth. Appearances are always coming and going. So are psychedelic realms and states. Those might appear more real in the way waking appears more real than dream at night. But a better illusion MEANS NOT Truth.
  20. Come on, I have seen un-awakened, unactualized individuals more humble and respectful when they disagree. This discourages discussion, actual back and forth dialogue in the forum, and boils it down to name calling and LOLing at each other. This is a huge weakness in Leo, rationalizing it as coming out of love is just wrong. This is the same argument my teachers used back when they would slap me across the face.
  21. Can help but not necessary, personally for the average young person who has a high sex drive, it may end up doing more harm than good. (Unless it’s a short term thing like a 90 day nofap reboot) but whatever you repress will just come back stronger and stronger, so be aware of that. If you want an example of natural celibacy, look at Ramana, he just didn’t want to have sex post awakening- fair enough. If you want to see forced / unnatural celibacy look at Priests / Monks who end up with sexual abuse & even abusing children, as Sex just goes in the shadow and manifests in horrific ways. In my own journey, nothing helped more than transmissions, and as a result of awakening I am trying to quit porn & focus on real sex & healthy sexuality & developing my own sexuality. There are no rules, many awakened masters are celibate, many are married or in relationships. Everyone is unique, for me, I will be having sex for the foreseeable future, but I can see how it could be beneficial in the right situation.
  22. Make no mistake, when it comes to Consciousness/spirituality Jourdain is one of the most remarkable beings to have lived in the West.
  23. There is nothing to be gained from enlightenment. Awakened beings have no future, but only present. Don't donate because you expect a reward. Donate for the sake of donating. If you don't know why you are doing things, then why are you doing them? You should know why you are meditating. If its because someone told you to meditate, then that is the wrong answer.
  24. Maybe God is tempting you with girls before he shows you how to become awakened through yoga and meditation.
  25. In the halls of eternity, in one moment God itself asked the great question, "Who am I?" It was thus that God awakened to the TRUTH, that it was in fact Chuck Norris.