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  1. Hi Adam! I hope you are doing well. Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. Exactly I already know that I am not Fully Enlightened because the one who is Fully Enlightened is not Confused anymore but my confusion is the proof that I am not the Genuinely & Fully Enlightened or Awakened. And I accept that and never claimed that I am Fully Enlightened. These questions at this Forum are itself my journey to exploring myself and finding the answer to my questions & confusion. By Shit, I assume you mean I am full of confusion and egoistic thoughts, etc... Exactly I already know that. I never claimed that I am 100% awaken. I know there's plenty of work to do. But according to my experience, there are no other beings. I can not find any other being. I am just aware of myself (Collection of Observer, Thoughts, Sensations, Colors, etc...). Then I label my thoughts, sensations, and colors, etc and assume and label them as World, Beings etc... Which is not necessary. And if there are not other beings then for whose sake I do what I do as you said "you master your life as a human being for the sake of other beings. I never claimed that I am 100% Awaken I just said I can't see anything other than myself (Collection of Observer, Thoughts, Sensations, Sounds, Colors, etc...) From my perspective there is no suffering, there is no world, there is no homeless person, No Child, No Drug Addict, etc... How & Why do I assume that there is a perspective of a homeless person when in reality there is no homeless person? I am not sure about that If I am free from suffering or not, because I have not tested my ability and see how do I react to any kind of suffering (physical & emotional pain). But In the near future, I want to put myself into pain willingly so I can understand suffering from God's Perspective and dissolve it into God. I didn't found any gift. I am that Gift. I can't find my body aspect a few sensations, colors, patterns, sounds & thoughts, etc. I want to help others but I can't find others. Where I can find others and help them? I am not fully awake and my confusion is proof of that. Why do you label your Imagination as a cave? There is no cave. Blood, tears, Impact, and world are just labels. In reality, there is only you & Me (One/Consciousness). Exactly & I already know that. Whatever I am experiencing is not a philosophy. That is my experience. Thoughts, Sensations, Sounds, Colors, etc are my experiences. This is not my philosophy. Can you experience anything other than Thoughts, Sensations, Sounds, Colors etc...? I don't want anyway to out of this problem. I want to understand the problem. I am not sure maybe it's true that I am trapped in the mind. I don't know what you mean by spiritual ego. I am not trying to become something or create something. I am just stuck in choosing 1 option from 2 options. I am not sure which decision to take and why? Maybe I don't have any awakening to throw. I am interested in getting my shit together but I can't find any shit or world. What kind of retreat do you want me to join? I have already done 10 Days of Vipassana retreat. Maybe someone could guide me on the right path. I thought You will be able to help me to come out of confusion and make the right decision with the answer to Why? Yes, I think I still have plenty of meditation, contemplation & research to do. I never said that I have no more reason to study & contemplate. You and I are the same consciousness. Do you as (consciousness) know the answer to the following question? What is the Universal Purpose of Consciousness? Why Consciousness labels its experiences (thoughts, sensations, colors, sounds) into something false which is not true and creates an illusory life & suffering, etc? Waiting for your response. Thanks
  2. Source: A dim golden ray appears in the Eastern horizon and spreads out slowly its radiant wings. It is a cold morning among the mountains. The earth is quiet in the deep silence of the boundless heaven. The noisy world is yet to come. The occasional breeze is refreshing. Trees, plants and bushes are waiting impatiently for the warmth of the rising sun. Leaves are studded with diamond like dewdrops. The mist settled among the blue mountains is thinning out slowly as the air gathers the sun’s warmth. Flowers seem to welcome the rising sun dancing joyfully with the playful breeze. The mind wanting to enjoy inner peace sets to meditation. It tries to gather itself in concentration. As it attempts to go deep within a casual thought arises distorting attention. One really wonders: “What are these thoughts?” Thoughts are nothing but disturbances within. We are inwardly living in a world of restless thoughts arising and falling like the waves of sea. Living in this world of thoughts is superficial. Thoughts chatter endlessly, not leaving a single moment of silence. Mind is crowded by thoughts leaving no space between them. One can suppress these thoughts to experience silence. But such silence brought by control of mind cannot go far. So, all what you can do is to watch the stream of thoughts without any choice. A thought arises and proceeds along. Then it subsides letting another thought to arise. Thus the stream of thoughts proceeds continuously through time. Why are you letting yourself go with the stream of thoughts? Because you feel that thoughts take you forward. But at close observation it is a false notion. Thoughts do not take you anywhere. In spite of all your wanderings in thoughts, you are still in the same old place. You will never arrive at anything new by going from one thought to another. Seeing this, can you realize the futility of pursuing thought after thought? With that flash of insight the miracle happened! Clinging to thoughts dropped down. The mind ceased to be. With that cessation of thoughts, a boundless space opened up – a dimension not known before. Mind awakened itself from all its illusionary and dreamy wanderings. All the petty limitations of the mind vanished away. They had been created by the center “I”. This is a wonderful dimension of freedom. With this miraculous opening one felt being born again to a new Life, which is so perfect and so sacred. How ecstatic is living now? Now the whole universe is revealing itself. As the mist cleared away, the vast sky appears in startlingly blue. The sun’s golden rays touched the mountain peaks. The roses dance to the rhythm of the gentle breeze cheerfully welcoming the new day. The freshly bloomed roses sweeten the air. Now every moment is charmingly sweet and fresh. One is amazed at this unique inner discovery. Every moment is amazingly joyous and fulfilling. No sorrow can touch this clarity. You can laugh at the sufferings you had gone through in the past. This dynamic quality is not a self-created elevation, nor a self-hypnotic delusion, nor a sentimental height brought about by a belief or faith. The mind is fully awake with all its intelligence and awareness. The mind has willingly ceased all its activities for the Vastness of the Cosmos to be. This is a rediscovery of Life.
  3. It seems to me that Jesus is saying (John 3) that "born again" means an actual transformation of the body of flesh into a body made of akasha. And that the akasha is awakened in the water in our bodies. Sadhguru mentioned how rudimentary life can emerge in distilled (complete vacuum state he called it) water. And this Nobel Prize winner has shown in 2009 how DNA can emerge in pure water:
  4. @Marinador What you describe is not spiritual enlightenment. Loss of the ego is beautiful, integral, liberating, and awe-inspiring. Look at people like the Buddha, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama. Do they suffer from the symptoms McKenna describes? They are simple, loving human beings that know who they and who everyone else really is. Spiritual enlightenment doesn't mean losing form awareness; you simply realize it for what it is. It is the awakening of sanity. The human mind is a fire. It destroys when it is out of control, and it provides light and warmth when it is tended. Spiritual enlightenment is simply the realization allowing the use of your mind rather than being used by your mind. @VeganAwake You are fortunate not to need the dissolving of religious attachments. We are the ultimate primal energy, playing peekaboo with itself @Dodo Love is a living realization, not an emotion. It is the experience of dissolving every false boundary that separates "me" from "you", and recognizing that there is only One. That is what Leo was talking about, and it is the same message from every person that has experienced awakening. You mention the ultimate Mystery, and you are right. Even the awakened can only point to it, but we cannot describe it. Leo mentioned it in his video. He sensed it, but he could not understand it. And it is not because Leo is stupid It is literally beyond human comprehension. The ancient Sanskrit term for ultimate reality is Tat, which literally means "That". That is the Uncaused Cause, That is the Ultimate Source, That is the Eternal beyond existence and non-existence. I love That, don't you?
  5. It's not as black or white as choosing either awakening or girls lol. Awakening is not something that happens overnight, it takes years of focus, study, and practice. If you still desire women you will probably still desire them when you have awakened, and it might arise as a shadow side. So I say just do both. Go get all the girls you want while at the same time you meditate and study. They won't interfere with each other and if they do it's not a big deal. You created the interference with your mind. Just don't create and tell yourself it will work.
  6. Of the classically awakened teachers, they can have different levels. Comparing them is really hard cause you can't get inside their skulls.
  7. @Leo Gura Yeah i meant of that 0.00 whatever percent. You've said sadhguru and blabla are partially awakened. I didn't mean normies. of course the degrees dont start at 0.0001% otherwise the people on here wouldn't have degrees of it, which obviously they do.
  8. Well the ego can get those things, because when you awaken, even big awakenings, there's still egoic shit going on. And you agree because you've said in the past that everyone is partially awakened. Even if you know deep down it was Truth that woke up, and not the ego. The ego is still clearly there. Because there's all this shit you want to purge. You seem to be making a distinction between knowing and abidance. Which sort of makes sense because awakened 'people' change state depending on what's going on, but the knowing is consistently the same. But I see abidance and knowing as the same thing. I've never experienced it happening before, but knowing must be impermanent too otherwise how does unenlightening happen.
  9. Agree. But you do see how this whole situation could be regarded to be just like any other "argument" (although this of course isn't one) that flew off the rails into the domain of insulting people? (aka someone doesn't agree with you and you call them dumb?) You see, that's my whole point. Okay, you say you want to wake them up - great, keep doing that. But I think calling people dumb does more harm than good. I doubt it very much that this particular person will have awakened to his/her ignorance by your comment. Yes, I like that too.
  10. But this is not inline with the spirit of Love, the God of Creation itself. Wasps and snakes have a beast nature - they are not awakened to Love, man can transcend the beast and see the Love, even if its hard. I would not ask God for such selfish things, that would be out of allignment with the Love beyond me. What one should be asking God right now is Save humanity, Save the planet, Ascend, lets Ascend together to Heaven so Earth is a Heavenly realm once again. In heaven everybody lives in Love, in the glory of Love. Nothing hidden, no adultery, no unnecessary pain caused by sleeping men. Frequency so high we enter heaven directly. And the pulls of the deceiver will get less strong as we ascend, together. Leo is Love
  11. I am not awakened yet, but the more woke I become, the more I realize that FOMO is bs and everything is perfect. I basically experience less and less FOMO as I become more woke. YET, there is still this magnetic longing for certain experiences that you want to live out as this bodymind. So there is still some "seeking" in a sense, but it feels way more healthy and way less neurotic and I personally get a lot of pleasure out of it. It is a sort of Exploration of the world while accepting the moment as is with ever-increasing strength and intensity. There is no more winning and losing as winning/losing is a duality, but there this vastness of various experiences that you can experience in your life which you can pick and choose which will have a unique meaning to you as you are unique yourself I hope what I wrote makes sense
  12. I am the first non awakened jewish semi-shark people . Ask me anything. ?
  13. An awakened French woman asked: "In this materialistic age the real feeling of love is disappearing from our life, Most of the love we receive from others and express to others is superficial. How can we reinforce the real feeling of love in our own life and in others." False prophet says:
  14. I would imagine all of the above honestly... there's no real telling. I have heard everything from, major life transformation to nothing really noticeable externally changing at all. It is very radical and fun to talk about so it does seem that there are quite a few that find a way to earn an income by sharing their communication whether by writing books, holding retreats and online discussion groups with those who are open-minded and interested in the message.... but it's obviously easier to find these people because of their popularity. Simultaneously I would imagine it must happen all over the world and I'm sure some don't really discuss it that much at all.... I heard a story about an awakened guy discussing it with some people at a bar and his longtime friend grabbed him by the neck because he was so frustrated with what he was talking about.... So one probably should be aware of the company he or she is talking When Awakening occurred here for example I still had three years left in the military before getting a retirement pension for the rest of my life. It just made sense financially for our family for me to finish up and get that retirement. Just simply can't tell it's fair game afterwards ❤
  15. Any awakened being will tell you that Truth is the ultimate mystery. We can experience it nonconceptually, but it is impossible to comprehend.
  16. Just because an awakened being tells you that the world is a dream or an illusion, doesn´t mean that you know what he really means with that. You are still thinking that the Truth about reality is just a view like materialism. You guys are not getting how radical this is. Truth is NOT a paradigm or a belief. You awaken to it. There are perspectives, views, paradigms, beliefs, and then there is the Truth.
  17. Yes❤️ thought I just wonder how exemples of existence looks like. For example do these people typically get food by people for free or are there some that has had to work for it, what work? And what did they do for survival/bodily needs or preservation besides that? How/where did they sleep? And are there some great awakened leaders and what means did they use to lead people? Also do they forget to eat/sleep etc sometimes? Let's say you wander around the world aimlessly sharing joy on your way. Are there awakened people who has slept in the wild or is the preferred way sleeping in other people's homes. Or do the majority choose to stay in one place. I would be happy for any answer? thanks for your precious time?
  18. @VeganAwake I wonder what historically people who have "liberated" awakened what they choose to do. Did some only do meditation, did some wander the world, did some be a leader or a teacher etc.
  19. I would have never Awakened if it was not for Her
  20. Thank you for the contribution and follow-up, mr Origins~ yes it is pretty cool, after all, and you are too, but… How much did all that have in context with the OP? Free-wheeling through what you thought you read isn't cool.. However good your points may be, you completely misunderstand the context of "get rid of", so going off on tangents in terms of the aspects of conditioned perception illustrated by the conceptual aid you employed as the "lens", goes far afield. I can't believe you actually studied the poem to have come up with your long responses relative to someone else who also missed the point of the OP. Please make note: the issue is not a question of a quality of perceptive breadth, or a need for a compensatory action, it is the evidence of The StarGuitarist's failure to grasp the point of the 500 year old and famously conveyed message— or else he was too much in a hurry to actually articulate anything at all relevant to the topic, hence the graphic throw-away. It is essentially a cheap post. He's whining. WTF. TheStarGuitarist posted a cartoon that laments an ever present condition being loneliness. The Solitary Bird is a Master Class on the benefits of aloneness. Actually, it is a consice treatise which cuts through to the marrow on how to live one's life audaciously, in terms of accessing one's inherent potential. Obviously, in complaining about such an existential affliction, one can easily deduce that the author of the post didn't get the point of the poem in the first place, and that the complaint is obviously a priori, a persistent object of aversion. Therefore, it is beyond obvious that most people are of the mind to get rid of such afflictions. I did not bring up the idea of getting rid of even the object of aversion. I said to get rid of the source of the aversion— which is, the TheStarGuitarist's perspective based on habit-patterned conditioned awareness. Therefore loneliness, or even working with such affliction per se, has nothing to do with the content of the subject of this thread. This thread is about the message embedded in the poem, which is a study on enlightening activity. Please keep comments on-topic and avoid drifting off on unrelated tangents. Nothing on this thread pertains to therapeutic technique(s) nor those who need fixing. The subject is the OP. TheStarGuitarist's post is utterly off-topic in terms of the thrust of the teaching employed by San Juan de la Cruz in his The Solitary Bird because the post's content shows a complete ignorance of the obvious enlightening, uplifting, inspirational and self-empowering knowledge embedded in its few short lines. The purpose of the thread is to extoll the obvious enlightening, uplifting, inspirational and self-empowering knowledge embedded in its few short lines, and to provide a venue for relevant commentary on the specifics introduced in the poem. You did not even attempt that much, hence the expression of my displeasure in your off-topic post. The source of the off-topic lament is the cartoon's insinuation by way of the the self-importance of ego-consciousness masquerading as melancholy, or existential self-consciousness. THIS is what is to be gotten rid of. There is no need to employ a lens— one must completely forget to come up with such garbage in the first place, non? Whereas the ignorant are, for the most part, barely cognizant of the sources of such affliction in their conditioned self-conscious awareness— they only want the affliction to stay "under the radar" and are incapable of addressing the root issues involved in attaining conscious enlightening liberation. The deluded are such by virtue of their penchant for habitually responding only to the seeds of ever-recurring growths of habit-energies cloying the psychological apparatus of the being that is going to die. To be liberated, as such, would be as if stripped of one's imaginary role in life, which is attachment to appearances and following thoughts relative to ego-consciousness unawares. That's karmic bondage. Otherwise what is the point of SELF realization? To be stripped bare of such habits. Yes! Again, let's not use this thread as a point of departure relative to therapeutic fixes for the deluded. This is not a provisional teaching. Do you know? What's my point? There is such a thing as advance practice beyond the reach of most people on a grand scale. You did not address any aspect of that in your posts. There is nothing lacking in the way of life of a solitary bird. Period. That which is advocated in the lines of The Solitary Bird is for those who do not lament existential process. That would be those who have awakened to inherent enlightening being. Why? Because existential process is where reality is found. The Solitary Bird is for those who carry on without bothering about such trifles as lamenting that which is, ie: existential process. That which is worthy of minimization and refinement until it dies out completely is the conditioned human mentality that obscures the innate enlightening function of selfless spiritual adaption to WHAT IS. A lens of any manufacture or design that can render reality in terms of the viewer's perspective, regardless of its angle of view is a provisional adjunct. Why? Because ultimately, there is no inside or outside— no viewer or viewed; beyond self and other, where would there be a lens to employ? For the initiated, this is not a metaphor. What is left when one succeeds in the (never ending) process of self-refinement (in terms of sudden enlightenment when one's spiritual potential is released for the first time) is the nonoriginated mind-ground void of self. This is the absolute. Advance practice for those who have subsequently awakened to their innate enlightening potential relative to endless self-refinement, is impersonally harmonizing the all-at-once Absolute with the incremental quality of conditioned karmic evolution, ie: the Creative. Ultimately these two are not different (for buddhas). Harmonizing the light of awareness to delusional self-consciousness is a thing (not really). It's buddhahood. Actually, in terms of buddhahood's application, it is called the "middle way" or, the Supreme Vehicle of Buddhas (Buddhism did not invent this. I'm just using buddhist terminology.) So even though the "middle way" has its place in terms of provisional teaching, as does your contribution— ultimately, enlightening practice (selfless spiritual adaption) is not a personal endeavor relatively based on even conventional ideals. There is no "technique" employed, simply due to the fact that one does not do it. In other words, one does not rely on one's own power. Such potential is inherent in the situation itself. It's not the person. So there is absolutely nothing cool about it. I want you to reflect on this fact. It's NOT cool. Why? What this is, is everyday ordinary entry into inconceivability by having realized inherent enlightening being's impersonal potential as one's spiritual function in terms of adapting to endless karmic cycles of birth and death without being subject to the laws of (karmic) creation. There is no other creation. Creation, karma, eternity, endless cycles of yin and yang are all different names for the same delusional quality of existence. Those who are deluded within delusion are buddhas. Those who experience realization upon realization are the deluded. You might not understand that. If not, please feel free to PM me. We all have our part to work out in this seamless continuum. The process of clarifying the foundation of perceptive qualities may very well include aspects of your contribution to this thread, but your point of address relative to "getting rid of…" is perhaps irrelevant (to this thread) because the comment implying there is something to get rid of (the affliction — and more to the point, the implied complaint in the first place) has no basis in fact with the point of the OP. Let's raise our game, mr Origins! Presence is automatic impersonal adaption to what is, not off-topic interjections of pet theories, however relevant they may be, or actually are, to applications of general enlightening practice. Why? Because, for the initiated, the first four conditions epressed in the OP address fundamentals for practicing the Science of Essence, not the dual aspect of the Science of Life, which is only addressed in the last condition (singing softly). Both sciences of essence and life are specific to taoist spiritual alchemy, not unrelated to profound penetration of the teaching embedded in The Conditions of a Solitary Bird. All such study of works by prior illuminates are conducive to talismanic receptivity. This means that only those who can look back, as such, and see the sign-posts in reverse, as it were, are on the dusty path of authentic entry and penetration into the mystery. What's so cool about that? It's not cool, mr Origins, unless you see the reality, and you don't . You should see that reality isn't a matter of technique; it's just real, nothing more, nothing less. At any rate, the point you wished to address had more to do with a quality of perception which would be well to pursue in appropriate contexts and not much at all to do with the subject of this thread which is The Conditions of a Solitary Bird. Please try to keep comments limited to: a thorough understanding of who said what, what was said, and most importantly, please strive to employ contextual adherence with the actual topic, however well intentioned and well expressed they may otherwise be. Please feel free to address the OP as soon as you want to, but please keep your content on-topic. Please read and reflect on the poem itself. I welcome your good points and skillfully written content in the future— really!!❤︎ ed note: typo paragraph 9
  21. I want to let you know that I am really resonating with your posts around here and I am gaining valuable insights. I cannot add anything to what you wrote, I just wanted to let you know its not falling on deaf ears. Wish more join hearts and we have an awakened humanity, awakened to love. Yeah I am loving the not-knowing element, I believe it to be quite essential to life. <3 But this VR movie bit is out of my experience. I am a mere human in love in not knowing, able to feel deeply. If it was VR for me, I would not be able to feel like this, I don't think. And I would be able to do unspeakable things. Sounds to me like a trap! I don't know! That's the point hahah I let love guide me
  22. man “Well, I came home, like a stone, and I fell heavy into your arms”. I could no longer carry this weight of living without you, and in my surrender, you opened my eyes. source These days of dust, which we have known, will blow away with this new sun. We were never apart, and now we are one in a world made anew. “But I'll kneel down, wait for now”. And I'll kneel down, know my ground. “And I will wait, I will wait for you.“ And I will wait, I will wait for you. man “So break my step, and relent, Well, you forgave and I won't forget.” Break my patterns, and do so in your name & in your nature. It is recognized you are ever-loving, I must let go the past. source Know what we've seen, and (know) him with less, now in some way shake the excess. Know this world as yourself, as I. Know others as yourself, as I. Recognize the suffering & inequality, discard your attachments. “And I will wait, I will wait for you.“ And I will wait, I will wait for you. So says man awakened: “Now I'll be bold, as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart.” Fearless in spirit, determined in physicality; feeling shall lead, thought shall follow. And so says his source: So tame my flesh, and fix my eyes, a tethered mind freed from the lies. And thus shall you change, as I am liberation. “And I'll kneel down, wait for now”. And I'll kneel down, and know My ground. Raise My hands, paint My spirit gold! Bow My head, keep My heart slow! “Cause I will wait, I will wait for you“. And I will wait, I will wait for you.
  23. You're welcome, sorry I can't explain this better but I've never been good with words. You were displaying a passive aggressive attitude which is not cool. Like Someone here said, you make it sound like there is a battle between you and others since you mentioned repeatedly about Leo, me and Nahm like we belong to some group lol. I actually don't agree with everything they say and Leo would say that I'm not awakened and I'm a devil. We're here to discuss, not to agree or disagree.
  24. I'm not awakened, just very aware of self-deception mechanisms. If I can fool myself that I'm awake in my dreams, I don't see why I couldn't fool myself right now. The question you ask won't make sense until you awaken though, it's not the kind of question you can just believe from someone else answer, it's not really gonna answer it
  25. If you’ve awakened then why are you still here in the same life you lived before?