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  1. First post on so why not start with a trip report ?. Sorry if it’s a little long. I’ve been a long time watcher of Leo’s videos (first introduced to them by my partner maybe 5 years ago now). I come on the forum from time to time and have a read. I’ve decided maybe a good time to start posting because I have more and more questions going through my head that the community may be able to help answer. So let’s get to the trip itself. A little bit of background before I start. I’m in my 40’s now, I tried mushrooms twice in my 20’s in an immature fashion. At a party with no real idea of what I was really doing. First time was a little whacky and fun, the 2nd time was challenging, negative thought loops, going crazy etc etc and this put me off them. Now in my 40’s I’m much more grounded, I’ve worked through many parts of my life and got my shit together much more. Aside from Leo’s videos I’ve been watching and reading more about the studies at Imperial College in London and the Johns Hopkins in the US and the ground breaking work they are doing with psychedelics, which is amazing to read and watch about (all be it from a more therapeutic stance). So a perfect time for me to pick these substances back up and see if I can expand my mind a little more. The first trip I tried (this was a couple weeks before this trip report), I was starting on the light side, just to get a feel for them again. I had 1g psilocybin cubensis. I ground them down in a coffee grinder and steeped them in tea (making sure the water was not boiling) I had chamomile to help with any nausea and a little honey for taste. The effects of this trip wasn’t so great. Little effect in terms of insight / sensory, it mainly felt heavy bodily, nausea and a slight heaviness in feeling. This lasted maybe 4 hours in total. I’d not eaten since dinner the previous evening (so a good 16 hours of nothing in my stomach). Which kind of puzzled me because I wasn’t expecting much nausea being steeped in tea. But from researching I do realise it’s very individual. The next trip I had was a couple of weeks ago, again on a Sunday morning 9:30am ingested. This time round I opted to up the dose to 2g (same batch from previous). I’d also done a little more research because I was hoping to avoid the nausea. So I did a lemon tek this time round. Also realising the trip maybe a little more intense, but I was ready for that. I had my partner trip sitting me, she was sober and holding space and there if I needed her, without really getting involved and shaping any of the trip. Again didn’t eat for a good 16 hours, grounded down the shrooms and steeped them in lemon juice, stirring every 5 mins or so for around 30 mins. I strained the bits of mushrooms twice really squeezing ever last bit out of them and then discarded them. I had the lemon juice with water to make it a little more palatable. I went to the living room, lay down on the sofa. Eye-mask and music on and relaxed doing some light breath-work. My mood was great, my intension was set (to try and get a better sense of what reality is and just go with the flow of what the mushrooms wanted to show me). After around 30 mins I could feel them hitting me the waves of euphoria started. I taken the eye-mask off and the general signs that I was tripping had started, colour distortion and general distortion in things like the carpet patterns. These were fascinating to get sucked into, the more I focused my attention on items the more magical and trippy they became. Each time I had a drink of apple juice when I brought the glass to my mouth the colour of the juice in the glass would then interact with everything in my line of sight changing the colour to match. This external trippiness went on for some time. Then the peaks of the trip came in what my partner said afterwards were 3 waves. I can’t remember the first wave. But with each wave the the body load was very intense, not in an uncomfortable way, it basically smashed me to the ground (my body was so heavy that movement was difficult). The nausea was also intense with each wave. I had a bucket ready, each time these waves hit me it made me retch, thankfully empty stomach so nothing was coming up. The second wave was powerful and my awareness was through the roof. I lay with my eyes closed and felt really connected with myself, visuals were strong with my eyes closed and had a strong sense of compassion for myself and this was really emotional, it allowed me to really forgive myself for not taking care of my body in my younger years (20s). Although I’m perfectly healthy, I did abuse my body a little when I was younger. My partner held my hand through this period, which really grounded me and helped massively. The 3rd and last wave was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Again massive body load (I could hardly move). I closed my eyes and the only way I can describe it, was the whole of reality (and everything contained within - including myself) just started to fracture away in many many, almost an infinite number of parts. This went on for god knows how long (time no longer existed at this point) and when it finally stopped fracturing away there seemed to be nothing, just an infinite expanse of nothingness. I had no sense of anything (who, what, where I was) it just felt like pure love (I know it sounds like a cliche). I felt connected to everything it was the greatest feeling I’d ever felt and I seem to bath in it forever. My partner said I had my eyes closed just saying “this is amazing” over and over. Then after some time my general sense of me seemed to return. I’ve not pieced together yet exact how I returned (and I’m not sure if I will). This last wave eased very quickly and it was like I’d gone from totally tripping to being generally back to my base reality very quickly. At this point visuals were very much back to normal. I could then move around, so got up and had some food and went into the garden to play with the dog. The total trip length from ingestion too feeling relatively normal again was 4 hours. Im still spending time integrating what happened and how it effects my everyday life. I had a total loss of self, some might call this ego death. Although I’m a little shocked at doing this from only 2g of mushrooms. Other reports I’ve read are generally 4+gram at least before this happens. I guess everyone is different and maybe I’m sensitive to psychoactive substances. I’ll spend more time integrating before I go again. I’ll do this dose more times because I still feel there is loads of insight to be gained. I do have many questions, so maybe I’ll just post them separately in the main ‘Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality’ forum. Thanks for taking the time to read ?
  2. Have you studied this stuff, @Leo Gura? from what i understand, Magick is basically another word for Consciousness, and more specifically, the "miracle"-forming quality of consciousness. I purposely avoided it until now, because i figured this type of western spirituality attracted all sorts of wackos and i wanted to have a more stable mind and awakening before diving in. The most interesting part so far is understanding everything i know about God and Love and Consciousness and Nothingness and basically all the stuff you teach, through the new lens of western symbolism. It has been some time since i felt like i'm learning something completely new. It definitely connects some dots. I also enjoy the process of patiently filtering all the information and all the biases of the teacher. This channel Mystery School seems to explain things pretty well. He isn't God-Realized, but then again, most people aren't (and that's not what i'm on his channel for anyway) I tried starting to learn this stuff from books and other people, but so far this is the only guy that made me stick to it, because i feel that he explains thing well for beginners. (or maybe i'm just dumb, who knows XD). I found out valuable stuff from Jason Louv and Damien Echols also. They got me a rough idea of the areas that are worth exploring in Magick and what supposedly actually works best.
  3. Generally the progression is this: 1) You realize no-self. 2) You realize Nothingness/Emptiness/Formlessnesss 3) Then you realize The Self. 4) Then you realize Formless = Form It does not have to happen in that order, but this a very common progression. You need more consciousness to see that Formless = Form You progressively realize deeper and deeper that everything is ONE. All dualities merge into each other more and more and more and more until it gets so radical that you literally cannot tell the difference between anything. It's a slow process of defragmenting the mind until your mind becomes a perfect Unity. You are healing and unifying old divisions in your mind like, self vs other, life vs death, love vs hate, good vs bad, reality vs illusion, God vs self, truth vs love, something vs nothing, relative vs absolute, etc. In the very end you realize that everything equals everything else.
  4. HEY guys, I do agree with Leo that non-duality is just one mode of existence. One lens of perception. This is why I distinguish between non-duality, non-locality and uni-locality. You could say that those are all different stages of non-duality, but there are on the relative level degrees of non-duality. Here are some quotes from AH ALmaas's website that most resonate to my current mode of development, and might point out some of those difference (Beyond non duality) All Forms Exist Within One Another "The Freedom Vehicle makes it possible to have these types of unity experiences – we call them experiences of unilocal unity, or unilocality – with another person, a group, or the whole universe. Unilocality is the view of reality related to a nothingness that has no sense of space, extension or distance. The experience of being in union in this nondimensional nothingness is unilocal unity. It can arise as the experience of two or more individuals sharing the same location often experienced as being inside each other. Unilocality is neither dual nor nondual. We are not talking here about an ocean of consciousness that unites all forms as they arise within it – the nonduality of the boundless dimensions; nor is it dual, when individual forms are separate and relating spatially. In unilocality, all forms exist within one another. As we become comfortable exercising the view of totality, we can consider all kinds of other questions from its perspective. One of the central issues that we deal with in this book is the relationship between duality and nonduality. Discerning the implications inherent in the nondual view opens up whole new possibilities of experience. We will spend some time exploring these new frontiers by examining the nature of time and space, the role of the particular individual, the paradox of nondoing, and the various mysteries of emptiness—all from the perspective of totality. What is revealed as we do this is that reality is far more indeterminate, far more mysterious than anything we can conceive of. No single view—whether dual, nondual, unilocal, or something else entirely—can capture the dynamism of reality. Freedom is the freedom of reality to reveal its dynamism, to express itself as form, as formlessness, as both, or as neither. No single feature and no combination of features can exhaust the potential of reality. It is a mystery without end. Reality is always revealing itself by knowing itself; and knowing reality and living it becomes the fulfillment of our life. The purity of reality expresses itself to us, through us, and as us, all at once. Our life becomes the life of true nature—the purity at the heart of reality—living consciously and expressing itself as us"
  5. Those are all good and valid. You have no form, but you also have form. The human form is also Absolute. Do not overlook form. Those are all facets of God. But you still have yet to grasp as a whole what God is and how it works. What is God? << that's the key question to crack. Answers such as "awareness" or "consciousness" or "nothingness" are partially correct, but not good enough. Those are glancing strikes. You must hit the nail right on the head to reach complete self-understanding. Of course. It's just a matter of realizing this more holistically. Look at your hands. Your body is God. This is what God looks like. God has a human body. God is a singular being who creates itself using infinite imagination. You are that being pretending to be human. You are an Infinite Dreamer. YOU! YOU! YOU! No one else but you. Just look at what you dreamed up.
  6. I had this idea earlier today - we care so much about religion/ideology/values/identity/story because they are the context we set for the character "skin" of our reality. If there was no "skin", there would be nothing to see/interact with - nothingness. but is there something or nothing?
  7. I overlooked so such thing. I was not talking about a selfish desire. You guys here way over-project egoic desire. Not everything other than Nothingness is an egoic desire. This kind of redictionism is problematic and stunts exploration of consciousness. This is why I shouldn't even share my deepest goals with you. You don't get.
  8. Nothingness = Formless = Form = Something = Everything = Void Void is right here, right now. Your ass is the Void even while it looks like an ass.
  9. I think some people are getting confused with the word formlessness. Nothingness, the Void, or whatever you relate to is absolute stillness, no motion, no energy in action, no thought, no consciousness or awareness. It is absolute zero. Formlessness, on the other hand, can have two meanings, or possibly more. Formlessness is sometimes referred to as a dream state that has not materialized, or it can be referred to where no patterns, shapes, or designs are created or exist, which could be interpreted as nothingness! Having said that, patterns, shapes and gestalts of thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, emotion, energy, sensation and non-physical textures etc., are “formed” within the ocean of consciousness, or what some people refer to as the dream states, or realities that have not materialized in to physical matter as we know it. Think of consciousness as energy in action, thoughts in motion etc. Consciousness is an ocean of energy, which allows thoughts, ideas, images, belief, emotions, sensations etc. to “form” into patterns, to form into psychic gestalts of energy, to form into electrical patterns, blue prints of beingness etc. These “forms” of energy are one with everything, they exist within consciousness, they are all interconnected and interrelated, and yet they “create” an invisible independence or identity that purposely forms gradations of intensities and densities that simulate invisible, non-existing boundaries to purposely experience “forms” of beingness, separate and yet “one” with absolute consciousness. Do not get forms, patterns, or shapes that exist in the dream states confused with objects within the material reality of physical matter, time and space. Forms, patterns or shapes of energy, thought, ideas, etc., are “Not Formed” in “time and space”. They are formed within gradations of energy densities, densities within densities within intensities, which do not take up time or space as we know it. These units of conscious psychic gestalts of energy, thought etc. eventually get so intense and focused that they burst into physical matter, creating infinite fractals of “physical” conscious units of beingness. Consciousness is an absolute ocean of independent psychic energy gestalts, which cooperate to create infinite forms of non-physical and physical realities that are truly independent, yet interconnected and interrelated, forms of “Real” “Beingness”. Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  10. Haha no, seriously. I wasn't serious about what I wrote. I just thought it's one perspective which makes sense, at least for me. I personally like the idea that all experience, normal or supernormal is still a distortion of mind and is just as unreal like every experience. Only when you dissolve the mind you experience that which is beyond mind and matter. Only that can be true and not distorted by the mind. Buddhism stresses a lot that you can only a have a real taste of this beyond mind and matter phenomena in cessation where there is no experience left only awareness is there. Well this you can argue if you want. I'm just saying what they are saying. I'm not a buddhist even lol. And I have no bias towards buddhism. I just think they make sense here. Also buddha sayes that every samadhi state is just entertainment for the ego. It doesn't necessary dissolve the mind. According to them only dissolving all experience of life is important. Total cessation. Everything else is just your imagination. When there's no imagination left then Truth remains. And that Truth is a state of cessation. Well it makes sense my friends it makes sense to me a lot. Of cource I'm not attached to it much. You can say everything, every moment is absolute truth. Everything that comes from emptiness is emptiness. No duality formless = form etc. It's the same thing. Just a different side of the same coin. I enjoy all perspectives My personal theory about psychedelics (which could be totally wrong btw) is that they don't dissolve the ego they trancend the ego. They push awareness temporarely by releasing a lot of energy from the Ojas above the mind and you experience this beyond mind and matter phenomena. In that moment you get an experience of absolute truth without dissolving experience. And at the same time you know that all experience is not true and imaginary. It's just a sensation of god's mind. That's what self-inquiry does in a way. One other thing that buddha sayes is even if you get this experiance of 8jhana of self-realization of god and everything is not real etc., you are still stuck in this game and are forced to experience life untill you dissolve this imagination into nothingness. Realization of god is not enough to end life, you have to dissolve all imagination, all mind. When there's no more experience, total cessation, that's the end of suffering, end of life, end of mind, end of creation. Buddhism can sound pretty dark sometimes lol. I'm just pondering stuff here. Don't take it seriously Regards ? @Leo Gura @Adamq8
  11. Perhaps everything that you experience, every state you experience is a delusion. The only reality is That which is not experience. When all experience is dissolved then truth is left. Total nothingness. Cessation of all sense doors. Not a single thought or sensation like in deep sleep but still aware. I wonder if such experience is possible with psychedelics. This rises a good question. For example, christians when they take psychedelics, they experience Jesus, angels and stuff. Hindus experience Shiva or Krishna. Those who read about dmt entities start meeting entities. There are some who watch too much matrix and then take psychedelics and say I've experienced that life is a computer simulation. Everything is not real. And they're super serious they even end up in mental hospital. I know one person like that. So yes. I think potential for self-deception is a big one with psychedelics. The only thing you can trust is That which is not an experience. Because every experience is just a projection of your subconscious mind I think. I like what buddhist say that unless you polish your mind totally everything you see is not true. It's distorted with your own subconscious believes, likes and dislikes. The only way to know what is true is total purification/dissolution of the mind. Idk. Makes sense to me. Regards ?
  12. @The0Self I'm not sure if you are familiar with the nothingness, or in my situation DP/DR. But once you have it, nothing is real anymore. Nothing seems real... Keep in mind, I was 16yo at that time. And I have researched how people behave when they are confronted with nothingness. Basically, they do stupid shit as if it was a dream, because it is a dream. You basically just behave as usual, but sometimes you say: fuck it it's a dream. And it changed me. In ego terms, I make the correlation between this and behavioural changes, so the Now is still absolute, but still it happened. There is no doubt that such experiences change your personality, and fuck you up deeply if you aren't prepared. It's like thinking "I am definately crazy, but nobody would understand that, so why tell the dream people about it" Everything happening on it's own is an awakened state, but not comparable with nothingness. The ego always reacts to changes in consciousness. Euphoric highs, or fighting stuff, or going crazy. It often depends on the awakening. Furtunately, I am out of that state now.
  13. Yes, that's actually one type of "meditation" I enjoy doing. Like sitting, or laying on my back and not caring about anything, once I reach that state of being, I actually feel what you could call contentment, without reaching profound meditative states. @Tim Ho The heaven awakening I had is not really a metaphysical truth, but more like a change in perspective + no-ego state. Not as incredible as Kundalini bliss or nothingness. Let's hope My head will show itself to me I also stopped torturing myself with SDS meditation, cold water showers etc, because I have a notion, that spirituality is a path made out of suffering, for it to be transcended, which is a very unhealthy perspective on life. I am aware, that once I let go of strong physical pain, I enter a state of equanimity, but that's harder for sneaky stuff, and I often don't see the point of that. @Gianna I don't only watch Leo's videos, I'm also in shinzen young's fb community, but I just love this forum too much. I am sorry you feel that way. It's really hard to remember the highs, when we are low.
  14. I wished I had buddhist background or anything before I had a spontaneous nothingness a few years ago. I was just abusing the effect of the no self for egoic reasons, got really manipulative, provocative, outright deceptive, because, yeah this dream has no rules/limitations, why not do whatever I want. All this shit I did, actually backfired hard on me. Because once the dream feels real again, you have accumulated all that karma, all those lies and shame and guilt will come up. I'm so sorry for what I did to some people. But at least, now I know I will not do that again. (I hope though)
  15. @Regan I cannot speak for others ofc but what you've mentioned is a thing I've given much thought over time. What I have come to theorize is that, essentially, the Big Bang or w.e. is proposed as the beginning of Spacetime arose from Awareness/Brahman/Infinite Consciousness. Everything else follows from there just as science dictates. The brain is made of matter and matter arose from the "everything". I believe complex human consciousness to be quite accidental. I think what we experience is a huge conglomeration of acts of awareness... A robot vacuum is exhibiting an act of awareness when it detects a wall, you can bust out a dictionary and see that must be the case. The brain I see as a sort of centralized hub which allows a person to experience the millions of inputs as a single thought thread. That is a conclusion I can semi support scientifically, you can look into things like the surgery which splits the brain and the impact on the individual's consciousness, or you can hum while mentally thinking of something else, or dream and realize all the landscapes and characters appear and talk without you seemingly directing it. Consciousness as experienced is immaterial, proveably it has no size, etc. And same for elements of it such as the redness of red, the taste of chocolate. These are immaterial things. So I figure consciousness and those things are being grasped from somewhere outside of space and time. You could never in infinite years reach into spacetime and grab the nature of these things because they are not physical objects. There is no doubt that from a relative position messing with the brain can remove or alter certain things, for example red may turn to green. The wavelength of light is the same but the subjective nature of it can change... All subjective things have the ability to cease into "nothingness" and also "come out of nothingness" literally, which I can also prove if desired. So that is why it is easiest to place them outside space and time so as to explain how it can seemingly exit and re-appear inside of it at will.
  16. It is my first post here although i'm watching this forum for over a year. I did not want to post anything because i was tired of the silly debates about levels of awakening, permanent or impermanent, meditation vs psychedelics, ego fights. People here need to be more openminded and respect other’s experiences. There isn’t a natural path or way to awakening, because everything is natural, everything is the same substance. I feel that everything you imagine that helps you, it helps you. Meditation is imaginary as is a psychedelic. You need to understand that is useless to debate over personal concepts because you are brainwashed since your birth and it keeps happening through authorities. In reality there are no authorities. Not Jesus, not Budda, not Leo, or whatever name you imagine. Only YOU are authority, so train your direct experience. I watched the conversation between adeptus and that girl and i also commented. It was a low quality conversation. Instead of preaching the gift of life, their implicit target was Leo. They simply cannot or don't want to understand what is life and they're trying to prevent others from understanding. Adeptus is doing the same thing that he was blaming psymposia did to Martin Ball. Foolish games. I'm 43 years old and until my 42 i was deeply depressed. I was born in a religious family (Jehovah’s Witnesses), after years of struggling with the cult i became an atheist, then agnostic believing in science. Until an accidental normal dosing of MDMA (i was only micro dosing because i was too afraid) took away everything i was believing in life and all the depression forever. It opened my mind and i started watching videos about meditation (previous diabolic) and psychedelics (previous dangerous drugs). So i found @Leo Gura and i'm thankful because he helped me to change the structure of my thinking and find out myself who am i and what is real. I loved life again. Awaking is about loving life, loving the dream because there is nowhere else to go. If God wanted to be only nothingness, he wouldn't love this dream so much. Whoever thinks that killing himself is closer to God mode has bought into the illusion. Life is God right now. Zero and Infinity. Always protect and love yourself and your vessel, no need for mahasamandi or crazy amounts of psychedelics. Truth will find you one way or another, because you are truth. Debates do not help anyone because they serve ego agendas. You can be a great meditator or psychonaut and still be close minded because of your mind's structure. Open your mind. Thanks, Leo, for bringing this post up and i hope that this forum will become an awakening oasis.
  17. @Leo Gura Absolutely agree with this. We cannot all have the same opinions on everything and it would stunt growth if we all were just circlejerking each other. I don't like to argue. If I disagree with something or don't partake in it, it doesn't mean I put it in the garbage pile and know its bad/wrong. I have a section in my mind under question mark and these things I do not agree with might later be changed - or not. I love Leos work on self inquiry and I believe there should be tolerance and room for practicing spirituality without using psychedelics and still using this forum. That said, I am a user of -5meo-THC which is considered a mild psychedelic. Regarding Leo's teachings about death, from my understanding, put simply, he does not support or encourage suicide, because he talks about how this experience now, including the experience of having a body, is actually nothingness /death itself. So one would only want to get rid of the body to experience death if they believed they are not already dead. Leo's teachings are absolutely the opposite. If you do not identify with the body, why so eager to get rid of it? If you're already dead, why the need to experience "conscious death". Etc, etc.. When realising you're not your car, you wouldn't smash your car to bits, it is still a useful tool. It does, however, make it easier to let go of the car when it's time comes, which is a positive. The problem comes when the milk (truth) gets mixed with the poison of the egoic mind and create a story that appears to be true, because it looks like milk...
  18. I think, in general, more emphasized and frequent disclaimers regarding self-harm and responsible action could be helpful. It doesn’t have to be a big change. Ironically, I actually think it could make your content more accessible. I know people who’ve dismissed your work simply because they think saying something like “death is imaginary” or “other people are imaginary” is irresponsible and dangerous. You do make disclaimers to balance how unstable people may react to these statements, but sometimes they aren’t until late in the video, or they’re ONLY at the beginning. I know it can ruin the flow, but addressing it right at the beginning AND several times throughout/whenever certain topics come up could help. In general, maybe emphasize the importance and value of the relative/form domain of existence EVEN more than you already do. That dichotomy—communicating that this is a dream, you are God, nothingness, etc. while also emphasizing the value of a healthy developed ego, is what makes your teachings special imo. It’s certainly a tricky balance to strike—like, how much do you need to cater to unstable people? Tricky, tricky.
  19. I've always wondered if things outside of space exist as a singular point, or just randomly dotted around in nothingness. If they exist as a single point the implications are profound, since division is impossible within a point.
  20. Also about the identity part I think that it's worth a mention that the merging of Infinity x Nothingness takes a leap into the dis-identification of even Infinite Consciousness. You got through a phase where YOu are Infinity, then you do Self Inquiry from the Godmind and dis-embed even that...then you simply disappear into Infinity. There is a very subtle difference there that I think a lot of people miss.
  21. Sounds very similar. Nothingness and Infinity are 2 sides of the same coin. I call them Absolute Infinity vs Absolute Nothingness, for some they unfold simultaneously for others one after another, some have a fuller Realization of one over another. In my experience the fullest and more balanced awakening is the complete merging of the 2. Between Love and Death. You feel totally dead and annihilated (permanent cessation) yet Infinite with no location whatsoever.
  22. Yes our awakenings sound similar and the key here and maybe I didn't point this out earlier but there is a shift in identity. As it is realized there is no self there is a shift in consciousness to identifying with Consciousness itself. You become aware that you are awareness itself. Which is God. Now the realization that as Consciousness I was completely Infinite came later. But in this awakening there was Divinity/Bliss it was Pure Consciousness. So for me Infinity was a different awakening as was Nothingness. The body can't contain Infinity so that awakening was something else. Abiding in non-dual awareness later to me is something that continues to deepen over time but yes there is the ability to shift Consciousness now to a meta level although I do not always abide in this 24/7. But this isn't the same as abiding in an Infinite state of Consciousness have to agree with Leo there. It does not take away from someone being awake. It could be here we are also just getting caught up in language. But as I am typing this to you I am imagining you are a real being or ie imagining you into existence as imagination is reality - and therefore my Consciousness is shifted into dual gear. About that- the final awakening for me here was what i call Oneness (the collapse of self/other) - it came about a month after all the rest. This too was a mystical expanded state of consciousness in which I became directly conscious that I was completely alone as God and all of this was being held within my Consciousness not out there somewhere but within my Mind as God. All beings were me. All creatures were me, etc. This was probably the single most ultimate mindfuck and the most difficult to accept. But you cannot run from it. You cannot hide from it. All other are no different than the the thought of a unicorn you may have. And it is laid bare before your eyes because your mind has expanded so much. This...this one especially is an extremely profound awakening you can have.
  23. haha you can prob take apart my videos and get most of the answers; But it's actually really simple man, when you dissolve from solidity to air, from form to emptiness and Realize they're actually the same thing, there are moments of expansion and contraction, but from the Absolute level there is no such movements. And to dissolve form (solidity of sensations, be it body or mind or emotions or perception) into emptiness, all you really have to do is sit still enough for long enough. Place awareness on any solidity long enough, it'll inevitably dissolve it into subtler and subtler levels, and at the most subtle level the very big (Infinity) and the very small (Nothingness) is exactly the same thing. The holographic projection of an ant is fundamentally no different from the holographic projection of the mountain.
  24. Yeah I always say True Nature is something like the merging of stage 3 and 4, Infinity/Love/Big Self/Love (Christ Consciousness) and Emptiness/Nothingness/No-Self/Nirvana (Buddhism). So it's not that I am biased towards 4 over 3
  25. The Universe is neither conscious nor not conscious. Neither Absolute nor relative Neither empty nor not empty Neither Divine nor spiritual nor material And both Experiential Realization of this takes place at the cellular level. If whatever you Realize come and go, it cannot be said to be a genuine Realization. So although meditation is just one of many tools, the 8th jhana, "Neither Perception nor Not Perception", which comes right before a Fruition/cessation is important to re-wire the organism over and over again at the cellular for the experiential Realization of paradoxes. Before that you have "Infinite Consciousness" and "Nothingness". Training the organism to become familiar in slipping in and out of these different states "physically" would make the last 3 slides an embodied experience, not just conceptual. Although I must emphasize that True Nature, when you "Become the Universe', the experiential manifestation of Realization feels like it's completely outside of the human mind-body organism. I remember the first thought from the character after Awakening was, this has NOTHING to do with meditation, self inquiry, psychedelic trips, Insights, or even Realization itself