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  1. So here's a short intro to how you could go about this consciously and willingly; Let's say you discover through introspection and contemplation that one of your shadowy impulses is telling you to pursue meaningless sex and waste your money on whatever the heck you feel like spending it on in the moment. Let's say you truly wanted to have that experience and integrate it into who you are. But let's also say you are deeply passionate about your purpose and have a grand vision for your life and the world you live in. The conscious way to go about this (assuming that you can afford it) is to make a vow. A vow that will serve a purpose of waking you up when it's time. Once its purpose is served it simply dissolves back into nothingness. The vow should sound something like this; 'Ok... I obviously feel a strong resonance with having meaningless sex and not caring about money.. I will commit to that experience fully and dedicate *this much* of my time and invest *this amount* of money in it. If things get too out of hand or I realize I made a wrong choice; I will wake up.' Essentially; you're putting yourself under hypnosis. You're putting yourself to sleep. But also; setting your alarm. The vow is your tiny light guiding you through the experience. Ofcourse; this is just one example. The scenario can look like anything. Point is; you make a conscious decision to give yourself the experience your shadow wants to act out. You calculate and create the time and space for the experience to unfold. You make sure yours and everyone else's safety will not be jeopardized. And then... you dive in. As mentioned before; another great way to jump into and/or merge with the dark side of you is... music. Lovely, awesome, epic music. Intense music. Dark, loud and heavy music - even. But also; sad and depressing music. You name it... This is - in my opinion - a much safer and much more gratifying way to explore and express certain dark thoughts and feelings. You can really get deep and far with music. Here's a good example of the loud, heavy, dark and somewhat disturbing kind; And here's a wonderful example of the sad, depressing and hauntingly beautiful kind; Get creative!
  2. You were on your way home, when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable. But fatal, nonetheless. It was a painless death. The medics tried their best to save you... but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered, you were better off. Trust me. And that's when you met me. What happened? Where am I? You died. I said, matter of factly. No point in mincing words. There was... there was a truck. And it was skidding. Yes. I... I died? Yes. But don't feel bad about it. Everyone dies. You looked around. There was.. nothingness. Just you, and me. What is this place? Is this, the afterlife? More or less. Are you.. God? Yes. I'm God. My kids.. My wife... What about them? Will they be alright? That's what I like to see," I said. You just died, and your main concern is for your family. That's good stuff right there. You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn't look like God. I just looked like some man, or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure maybe. Don't worry," I said. They'll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn't have time to grow contemptuous of you. Your wife will cry on the outside. But will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it's any consolation, she'll feel very guilty for feeling relieved. Oh.. So what happens now? Do I go to Heaven? Or Hell or something? Neither. You'll be reincarnated. Ah.. So the Hindus were right! All religions are right in their own way. Walk with me. You followed along as we strolled through the void. Where are we going? No where in particular. It's just nice to talk while we walk. So, what's the point then? When I get reborn, I'll just be a blank slate right? A baby? So, all my experiences and everything... everything I did in this life... Won't matter... Not so. You have within you, all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don't remember them right now. I stopped walking, and took you by the shoulders. Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It's like sticking your finger in a glass of water. To see if it's hot or cold. You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you've gained all the experiences it had. You've been in a human for the last 48 years. So you haven't stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you'd start remembering everything. But there's not point to doing that between each life. How many times have I been reincarnated then? Oh, lots! Lots and lots! And into lots of different lives. This time around, you'll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 A.D Wait... What?! You're sending me back in time? Well I guess technically. Time as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from. Where... where you come from? Oh sure, I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you'll want to know what it's like there but honestly you wouldn't understand. Oh.. You said, a little let down. But wait.. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point. Sure, happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespans, you don't even know it's happening. or who will ever live, yes I'm Abraham Lincoln? and your john wilks booth too? (i didn't get what he said) I'm Hitler!!! You said uphold (again i din't get or catch what he said) And you're the millions he killed. I'm Jesus! and you're everyone who followed Him. You fell silent* Every time you victimizing someone you're victimizing myself every act of kindness you've done you've done to yourself every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was or will be experienced by YOU you thought for a long time why? why do all this? because someday you will become like me because that's what you are! you're one of my kind You're my child! Wow!! you said incredulous.. you mean i'm a God? No, not yet, you're a fetus you're still growing. once you've lived every human life throughout all time you will have grown enough to be born so the whole universe... it's just... an egg I answered.. now it's time for you to move on to your next life and I sent you on your way
  3. @Leo Gura Do you think all worlds I can imagine exist? Like a world where Christianity is the correct religion and we all go to hell at the end of this. Or a world just like this one where we evaporate in ten seconds. It seems all these things exist because they are Nothingness the same way my reality is Nothingness. So they are all identical. So they all exist.
  4. @dflores321 "The club of no one" hahaha @Leo Gura Being God/nothingness for a while has made me appreciate being human with all its suffering so much more. I'm not sure going all the way is right anymore if it means never coming back to this relative game, isn't that what death is for anyway? I guess everyone's path is different. @TheAvatarState Loving kindness is so important on this path, God is alone in its infinite love, and as humans we are united in that aloneness. There's a narcissistic aloneness that makes you feel alien and separated, and there's a selfless aloneness that is intimately connected with all. When you look at another human being you're looking at a literal manifestation of God, which is much more profound then just a fleshy robotic meat suit I think.
  5. Everything is perfect. Conversation can only bring you down. It's one of the problems I'm working on. Silence/nothingness is perfection, and anything else activates the ego mind. I feel it clearly. As soon as I type anything, I automatically connect to my memories, who I am, why I'm typing, what kind of responses I can expect, what kind of writing style I should use, etc. I mean, I feel I can sometimes maintain "god-mode" around others, but talking makes this very hard. To type this right now, I am having to go to a lower level of consciousness, yet, I'm kind of addicted to it. When I grow up a bit more, I expect I'll completely abandon such forums, and videos like those of Leo's. The only reason I'm here right now is because I'm still stupid, and keep forgetting I'm god. But why is everyone else here?! I see some people here with thousands of posts! Why are they still here?! I'm, also, curious why @Leo Gura is still doing this. As much as I love the Turquoise level vids (I really love them), I can't quite understand the motivation behind them. Where does it come from? Does it come from ego? Some desire to feel like you're doing good/valuable work? Last time I was in "god-mode", I understood clearly why good teachers don't stick around for long. And now I notice I don't really wanna teach anyone, that would just seem incredibly stupid and childish. I don't even like to theorize too much anymore, again, the best word I can think of to use here is.. "childish". Why do you, @Leo Gura, stick around? And for how long will you? Is it because of Love? Because you have to do something? Why not just watch anime all day? Edit: I'm an idiot. Why do I ask when the answer just comes to me, lol. It can all be found within. (Maybe I just like to pretend I don't have all the answers because it makes me feel less.. alone.. idk.) Now we come back to the title question. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?! I didn't need to make this thread, I only did so out of pure stupidity and ego! But I am hoping Leo (or anyone else) can offer some insight I haven't yet discovered. As much as I wish there was a place for me on this forum, everyone must take their leave at some point : )
  6. I was in a rather pleasant highly conscious state with focus directed toward a certain “chakra” I’ve been working on lately while I was driving today through the countryside with rather nice weather. Near one of the peak moments of this experience, I began to recall a distant childhood memory. It was of a specific instance where I looked at a specific toy at my aunt’s house on a sunny day much like today where my cousins and other kids were playing outside. This exact moment had a certain “existential aesthetic” and context which resonated with me so heavily that I started to experience intense nostalgia. At this moment when nostalgia was becoming intense, I thought about how we will never get those precious memories back. Upon having that realization, I started to filter through different “emotional/visual snapshots” of many different personally significant life events such as losing my virginity, and plenty of other more unique and seemingly inconsequential things that I experienced. This quickly transitioned into a flood of memory-like imaginations/daydreams about the past times in that exact location. I saw human death, prehistoric animals, dinosaurs, a lifeless planet, void space, and even more complete Nothingness than that. This was an experience of Infinite Intelligence or contacting Intelligent Infinity as Ra calls it in the Law of One books. This was clear. There’s so much to the moment which I cannot even grasp now. It may sound like a cool daydream, but this was a very intense “awakening.” I’m not as thrilled about this word as I used to be. I’ve had so many experiences in this tier that my life is becoming more or less a constant awakening or at least moderately awakened state. For example, I usually rest in no-mind which is essentially the prerequisite for No-Self experiences for many people. Being in no-mind so often is quite interesting. I was in no-mind during most of the writing of this post. But yeah, the point of this post is basically just to discuss an interesting experience I had in case people want more data on such things.
  7. Haha. Well if it was complete, it would become obvious that it was unreal from the very beginning, dissolving itself into the nothingness it is. Once you recognize that a thing is causeless, you realize it was never caused. If it was never caused, it does not exist. Incompleteness it quite literally that which holds math together, aswell as everything else in existence. Being complete means to be no thing at all. If you could proof everything, you could proof that you don't exist! Sneaky, sneaky reality with it's tendencies to thrive for existence. So really, what the mathematicians were thriving for all along was the cessastion of math itself, aswell as all else in all of existence. They are lucky they stumbled upon incompleteness, this way they can avoid the inevitable for a few more moments. Also, they are making a mistake in describing infinities to be larger than others. This is not actually true, any infinity is endless, it has no size at all, it is undefinable. What they call different sizes of infinity actually show different densities of infinity. We in general seem to be approach the idea of infinities in a kind of naive way. People are kind of mind blown by the ideas of infinity, yet it is not limitlessness that is so extraordinary, but limitation. Limitation must be explained, limitlessness is the default. They are trying to explain limitlnessness through limitation, when instead they need to start to think about how limitation can be explained through limitlessness. The miracle is not that there are lines with no divisions. The miracle is the fact that division can exist at all. That is mindblowing, truly mystifying. The self-referential problem is actually a really fitting name. You cannot refer to your Self, because if you could, you would lose your self.
  8. You are on the right path. Most, not all, people on this forum are still stuck in the limited belief of just Us and God, with nothing between. The Ego still controls their limited perception of Human form and Nothingness/God. They do not see the Forest with all it’s diversity and multidimensional patterns, realities and forms of Beingness, which are beyond the Human experience. They only see the Tree, and mistaken the Tree for God. They have not experienced the diverse multidimensional Forest within the One Tree of God, because of their limited beliefs. They are still stuck in their beliefs that we are the only “Beings” ever created by God, and beyond Us, there is only a Void of consciousness and nothingness! The Ego loves to be the center of attention, and what better way of being the center of attention and feeling special, by believe there is only Us and God! Most of us believe we are at the summit of Beingness, so we do not need to explore the rest of God’s infinite Ocean of multidimensional identities and acts of creativity. How dare anyone imply that we are not at the top of all creation! We are the masters of this planet, and we have the highest awareness and consciousness that ever existed! Especially "We" on this Forum, because We are more conscious and enlightened than anyone else on the planet! LOL... Just a little drama to get the point across.... Having said that, I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to studied and experience many indigenous and Shamanic spiritual teachings and ceremonies, and one of the most important teachings I received from them, was to become aware of the Ego’s need and illusion of “Self importance.” What the Ego needs most right now, is to be Humble and conscious of all forms of Beingness. "We are Not the only Form of Beingness" within an infinite Cosmos of multidimensional realities that exist in all directions of Us, and within God! The Ego hates being small, it needs to feel big and important! Yes, we are God, but we are also a limited microscopic fragment of God within an infinite ocean of other forms of beingness that are far more expanded/advance than we are, which no longer have a need to experience or enter physical matter. If you dig deep enough, or expand your awareness and consciousness beyond the Egos limited believes, you will soon realize that we are a form, or pattern of Psychic Energy materialized in matter. This Psychic Energy materialized is also an interconnected and interrelated psychic energy extension of some of these more expanded “Beings” of consciousness, awareness and energy, which have decided to explore this one particular physical reality. Me, We, They and Them, are all interconnected and interrelated within “All That Is.” Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs.
  9. We are just changing definitions around. I would say awareness is time. I would say nothingness is time as long as it continues to be nothing. But the moment it's something, that's also time. It's just word games. I don't find any significance in saying there is no time other than intellectual flexing tbh.
  10. No they don't contradict and you don't need to do both simultaneously because there aren't two things. Through meditation you can realize the Self - and you can reach states of consciousnes that are omniscient. I don't like creating a duality between "classical awakening" as being where meditation can't get you to the Godhead. It most certainly can. It's not limited to no mind/void and nothingness/no self realizations. Through no mind meditation you can actually go full circle into God Consciousness and omniscience. Shutting down the mind into Pure Actuality is the portal to Infinite Mind. Now.....all of that said - I agree with Leo that reaching these states through meditation is rare. Hardly anyone does it..I meditated for two weeks - perhaps even less than that. So if you are two years into the work then I would look at leveraging all of the tools within your tool belt.. But even with powerful psychedelics I feel that you need to be at a baseline state where you are mature enough.
  11. Oh boy. This is it. Everything. Imagination. Including Alan Watts. Including me as a person. Including you as a person. Including "being asleep" -- including "being awake". Death. Life. Two sides of the same coin. Ultimately, no difference. Only the difference YOU imagine there is (as God). Everything. Imagination. Nothing. Real. Unreal. Real. Everything. Nowhere to get to. Everywhere to get to. Sing. Dance. Play. Enjoy. Live. Let go. Love. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door ... It opens - I've been knocking from the inside!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just like a meteor falling down from the sky and destroying your living room is: - not your doing, - nothing to do with you, - out of your control, - not your own free choice, likewise is "insert-your-name" (with your body and with all your 'problems', inclinations, thoughts, feelings etc.) that coincidentally was born out of your mother's stomach (and ruined 'your peace')...: - not your doing, - noting to do with you, - out of your control, - not your own free choice. ((( However, one could also turn the above completely on its head and say that the metor impact WAS/IS my doing, and that my birth into (= out of) this world likewise WAS/IS a free choice that *I* took ☯️ ☯️ ☯️ ))) But if the above is true what are 'you' then? 'What am I?' I/You are That/He/She which dreams , imagines: - that a meteor (perhaps) fell down and ruined your house ?? - that "insert-your-name" was born and is currently xx years old, has an ugly/nice/normal/abnormal body, study/work with yyy and has zzz problems, hhh thoughts & worries & regrets, fff inclinations, sss dreams. And what IS 'that' ??? I don't know. No one does. Because it cannot be known - as in "traditional knowledge" can be known. It can only be. You are IT - already! Always. One can never not be 'IT'; the only (imagined) difference is whether you're aware of 'IT' or not. Consciousness. You could call it God, Love, The Eternal Dreamer, The Dao, The Absolute, Infinity, Eternity, Nothingness, Everythingness, Consciousness, Spaghetthi-Monster... In some way, it really doesn't matter what we call/name 'Reality', since <words/thoughts/logic/concepts/rationality> naturally never can contain IT. Sometimes it may even be wise to not try to call it anything! What is Reality? THIS: ................ *smashing a gong* ... and we won't give it a name! Can you bite your own teeth? Can eyes looking out ever see from where they are looking? Can a fist grasp itself? What a caterpillar calls the end of the world -- we call a butterfly! Luckily we got music, dancing, embodiment/physical activites, sex (tantra), meditation, breathwork, psychedelics, art .... that can in a much better way can contain ("show us") 'IT' than words/thoughts/science/logic/conceptualizing can! THIS IS IT! THIS. HELLO! YES. THIS. NO - NOT THAT. THIS! HA HA HA <3 <3 <3 The finger pointing to the moon ..... is NOT the moon. You cannot eat the menu! The map is not the terrotity. It is a SILLY idea to try to live life in your head all the time! (It can be very good and fine to think and reflect and contemplate a lot -- but you have to be practical about life too!) Form, emptiness. Emptiness, form. Life, death. Death, life. Good, bad. Evil, Good. Implicit, explicit. Outer, inner. Internal, external. External, internal. Physical, mental. Mental, physical. Material world, Consciousness. Consciousness, the outside world. Being, Nothingness. Nothingness, Everything. Up, down. Down, up. Worse, better. Better, worse. Self, other. Other, self. Free will, determined/controlled. Determined, free. Illusion, real. Real, dream. The real unreal --- The unreal real. Form is Emptiness --- Emptiness is Form. Hell, Heaven. Both here. Now. What you see is solely determined by 'the inner game'; that is: how you look at the world; from where? From which point of view? Which perspective? Believe in the story that gives you most inner joy. Anything else is a form of silly autism. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world -- existence, life -- will never be good unless you are willing to see its goodness. What you experience depends on how you look at things. When you look with judgement -- either upon yourself, the world or both -- life seems twisted and empty. When you begin to look with an open heart and mind, life becomes fascinating and full of both meaning and mystery. When you realize the perfection, intelligence and beauty of everything in existence precisely as it is (without the filters of ego; yes, drop them - let go!), you see that every outcome is a good one. You start to live life fully without fear and regret. You learn and move on. When you look with love instead of judgement, you see a whole different world. Life isn't easy all the time. You're not alone. For there to be joy, there has to be some pain. So instead of looking at the painful life-phases that you're undergoing as "bad", look at them as absolutely necessary and beneficial in the long run for your own growth and eventual happiness. Remember, nothing lasts forever, everything passes away at some point. 0. Knowledge is but a rumor until it lives in the body/bones. 1. Reality is non-dual. Non-duality means: Not one, not two. The question is: do you get it or not? For example, let's take the extreme duality: good - bad . Obviously complete opposites. Right? Well, not so fast. "Apply non-duality to it": Reality is not: bad Reality is not: good (either) Reality is not: "good AND bad" (paradox). Reality is: ________________ (Or you 'could' say: "bad-good"). 2. To let go of power is to gain power. 3. To let go of control is to gain control. Life is about all the contrasts! As a wise man said: - The heavenly highs, one is capable of reaching, are directly proportional with the unknown depths, one has the courage to dive down into. - The apparent seperation / division / fragmentation, paradoxes, opposites ... only exist in the divided mind, based on subject-object-relations ... ((( that is how the illusionary, separate self -- the ego -- survives; or we could say that 'opposites/duality creates the illusion of ego'; a kind of 'strange loop' that is almost impossible to 'get out of' (impossible because 1. it is imaginary, 2. you imagined it yourself and deep down want to stay in it, 3. in a sense there is nothing to get out of; you *trying* to get out (becoming awakened / enlightened) is what keeps you in 'it' (= asleep, ego) ... - It is "possible" though, just like it is possible for a larva through 'rebirth' to become a butterfly; the larva is in a beautiful away ALREADY the butterfluy, just like an acorn contains the whole tree ... ))) ... - but from the Level of Unity (The Heavenly Self's Consciousness; God's point-of-view) all these 'apparent' opposites/paradoxes -- all fragmentation, division, seperation -- are dissolved & melted 'back into' what they truly are & have always been: Your Imagination - Oneness. One. Zero. Unity. Harmony. Oneness. Lila. Divine play. Game. Theater play. An Eternal Dance. Musical Music. The Bottomless Bottom. The Gateless Gate. The Ground of Being. The Groundless Ground. God. Unconditional Love. Nothingness. The Eternal Dao That Cannot Be Spoken. Buddha Nature. Christ Consciousness. Pure Awareness. Infinity. Source. The Absolute. Goodness with a capital G. Just Love. ☯️?????❤️?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The difficulty in realizing this to be so is that conceptual thinking cannot grasp it. It is as if the eyes were trying to look at themselves directly, or as if one were trying to describe the color of a mirror in terms of colors reflected in the mirror. Just as sight is something more than all things seen, the foundation or "ground" of our existence and our awareness cannot be understood in terms of things that are known. We are forced, therefore, to speak of it through myth—that is, through special metaphors, analogies, and images which say what it is like as distinct from what it is. At one extreme of its meaning, "myth" is fable, falsehood, or superstition. But at another, "myth" is a useful and fruitful image by which we make sense of life in somewhat the same way that we can explain electrical forces by comparing them with the behavior of water or air. Yet "myth," in this second sense, is not to be taken literally just as electricity is not to be confused with air or water. Thus in using myth one must take care not to confuse image with fact, which would be like climbing up the signpost instead of following the road. Myth, then, is the form in which I try to answer when children ask me those fundamental metaphysical questions which come so readily to their minds: "Where did the world come from?" "Why did God make the world?" "Where was I before I was born?" "Where do people go when they die?" Again and again I have found that they seem to be satisfied with a simple and very ancient story, which goes something like this: <<< There was never a time when the world began, because it goes round and round like a circle, and there is no place on a circle where it begins. Look at my watch, which tells the time; it goes round, and so the world repeats itself again and again. But just as the hour-hand of the watch goes up to twelve and down to six, so, too, there is day and night, waking and sleeping, living and dying, summer and winter. You can't have any one of these without the other, because you wouldn't be able to know what black is unless you had seen it side-by-side with white, or white unless side-by-side with black. In the same way, there are times when the world is, and times when it isn't, for if the world went on and on without rest for ever and ever, it would get horribly tired of itself. It comes and it goes. Now you see it; now you don't. So because it doesn't get tired of itself, it always comes back again after it disappears. It's like your breath: it goes in and out, in and out, and if you try to hold it in all the time you feel terrible. It's also like the game of hide-and-seek, because it's always fun to find new ways of hiding, and to seek for someone who doesn't always hide in the same place. God also likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing outside God, he has no one but himself to play with. But he gets over this difficulty by pretending that he is not himself. This is his way of hiding from himself. He pretends that he is you and I and all the people in the world, all the animals, all the plants, all the rocks, and all the stars. In this way he has strange and wonderful adventures, some of which are terrible and frightening. But these are just like bad dreams, for when he wakes up they will disappear. Now when God plays hide and pretends that he is you and I, he does it so well that it takes him a long time to remember where and how he hid himself. But that's the whole fun of it—just what he wanted to do. He doesn't want to find himself too quickly, for that would spoil the game. That is why it is so difficult for you and me to find out that we are God in disguise, pretending not to be himself. But when the game has gone on long enough, all of us will wake up, stop pretending, and remember that we are all one single Self—the God who is all that there is and who lives for ever and ever. Of course, you must remember that God isn't shaped like a person. People have skins and there is always something outside our skins. If there weren't, we wouldn't know the difference between what is inside and outside our bodies. But God has no skin and no shape because there isn't any outside to him. [With a sufficiently intelligent child, I illustrate this with a Möbius strip—a ring of paper tape twisted once in such a way that it has only one side and one edge.] The inside and the outside of God are the same. And though I have been talking about God as 'he' and not 'she,' God isn't a man or a woman. I didn't say 'it' because we usually say 'it' for things that aren't alive. God is the Self of the world, but you can't see God for the same reason that, without a mirror, you can't see your own eyes, and you certainly can't bite your own teeth or look inside your head. Your self is that cleverly hidden because it is God hiding. You may ask why God sometimes hides in the form of horrible people, or pretends to be people who suffer great disease and pain. Remember, first, that he isn't really doing this to anyone but himself. Remember, too, that in almost all the stories you enjoy there have to be bad people as well as good people, for the thrill of the tale is to find out how the good people will get the better of the bad. It's the same as when we play cards. At the beginning of the game we shuffle them all into a mess, which is like the bad things in the world, but the point of the game is to put the mess into good order, and the one who does it best is the winner. Then we shuffle the cards once more and play again, and so it goes with the world. >>> This story, obviously mythical in form, is not given as a scientific description of the way things are. Based on the analogies of games and the drama, and using that much worn-out word "God" for the Player, the story claims only to be like the way things are. I use it just as astronomers use the image of inflating a black balloon with white spots on it for the galaxies, to explain the expanding universe. But to most children, and many adults, the myth is at once intelligible, simple, and fascinating." - Alan Watts, The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for. The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the center. You find the jewel, and it draws you off. In loving the spiritual, you cannot despise the earthly." - J. Campbell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is IT! So you don’t need to do anything at all… It’s just the way it is. What’s required is a sort of act of super relaxation.. It’s not just letting go. It’s being with yourself as you are without altering anything.” ~ Alan Watts “When you look for your own mind, that is to say, your own particularized center of being which is separate from everything else, you won’t be able to find it. But the only way you’ll know it isn’t there is if you look for it hard enough, to find out that it isn’t there. And so everybody says ‘All right, know yourself, look within, find out who you are.’ Because the harder you look, you won’t be able to find it, and then you’ll realize it isn’t there at all. There isn’t a separate you. You’re mind is what there is. Everything. But the only way to find that out is to persist in the state of delusion as hard as possible…. So if a person believes that the Earth is flat, you can’t talk him out of that. He knows it’s flat. Look out the window and see; it’s obvious, it looks flat. So the only way to convince him it isn’t is to say ‘Well let’s go and find the edge.’ And in order to find the edge, you’ve got to be very careful not to walk in circles, you’ll never find it that way. So we’ve got to go consistently in a straight line due west along the same line of latitude, and eventually when we get back to where we started from, you’ve convinced the guy that the world is round. That’s the only way that will teach him. Because people can’t be talked out of illusions. There is another possibility, however. But this is more difficult to describe. Let’s say we take as the basic supposition–which is the thing that one sees in the experience of satori or awakening, or whatever you want to call it–that this now moment in which I’m talking and you’re listening, is eternity. That although we have somehow conned ourselves into the notion that this moment is ordinary, and that we may not feel very well, we’re sort of vaguely frustrated and worried and so on, and that it ought to be changed. This is IT! So you don’t need to do anything at all. But the difficulty about explaining that is that you mustn’t try and not do anything, because that’s doing something. It’s just the way it is. In other words, what’s required is a sort of act of super relaxation; it’s not ordinary relaxation. It’s not just letting go, as when you lie down on the floor and imagine that you’re heavy so you get into a state of muscular relaxation. It’s not like that. It’s being with yourself as you are without altering anything. And how to explain that? Because there’s nothing to explain. It is the way it is now. See? And if you understand that, it will automatically wake you up!” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life is not a problem to solve, but an experience to be had. However, sure - you can imagine all kinds of problems that "should" be solved (in order for you & the world ? to be at peace ?️), but that is just it: imagination, fantasy, a dramatic good movie, a theater play, a book, a game... play ???. Life is what you choose to experience. The ultimate meaning of life is very simple: it's life itself! Of course! But this is so obvious that almost no one seems to buy into it, and everyone runs around in great panic and try desperately to achieve something beyond themselves. There isn't anything wrong with trying to achieve something beyond oneself, as long as one remembers it's just a cute game. But of course: We should all strive to make it a good game, a good dream, a good book, a good play, a good film... with total redemption for all the dream-characters in the end ??❤️?. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There’s aren’t enough words to describe how powerful this video is for me. It’s in my iPod and every single morning before I lift I listen to this speech. It’s absolutely stunning. Inspirational. Motivating. It’s everything to me. I would like for you to watch it and tell me what you think. We all should dream big. Without going after our dream, we cannot possibly live our best life. It is there for a reason. It’s necessary that we follow it…not just an option: "If you awaken from this illusion and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death (or shall I say death implies life?), you can feel yourself – not as a stranger in the world, not as something here on probation, not as something that has arrived here by fluke - but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental. I am not trying to sell you on this idea in the sense of converting you to it, I want you to play with it. I want you to think of its possibilities, I am not trying to prove it. I am just putting it forward as a possibility of life to think about. So then, let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time, or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally, as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each you would say “Well that was pretty great. But now let’s have a surprise, let’s have a dream which isn’t under control, where something is gonna happen to me that I don’t know what it's gonna be." And you would dig that and would come out of that and you would say “Wow that was a close shave, wasn’t it?”. Then you would get more and more adventurous and you would make further- and further-out gambles what you would dream. And finally, you would dream where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today. That would be within the infinite multiplicity of choices you would have. Of playing that you weren't God, because the whole nature of the godhead, according to this idea, is to play that he is not. So in this idea then, everybody is fundamentally the ultimate reality, not God in a politically kingly sense, but god in the sense of being the self, the deep-down basic whatever there is. And you are all that, only you are pretending you are not." - Watts up, Alan? Love ya all <3
  12. Yeah, you can do it. Zen no-mind paired with No-Self will obliterate thought. Your character could orate a filibuster on the Senate floor for 48 hours, and you still wouldn’t have done a single thing or thought a single thought. I’ve found that true no-mind and No-Self in myself loves to live through the ego. The thing is that the ego runs itself now. You are detached. You are the witness, but upon looking for yourself, you know that you can never be found. Everything is absolute Nothingness. Your thoughts come from the void of Nothingness whether you are in incessant thought or in pure no-mind and No-Self. I can’t even say that all of this hasn’t applied to “myself” as I’ve wrote this post.
  13. @BipolarGrowth Intedimensional Portal. Continuous inner self reflective work to acommplish communicational skills. Clairaudience on one occasion. During a transmission I lie down after 1 hour of relaxation and another 25 minutes of meditation. The writing is reconstructed from memory, later. @Dodo Thanks! Gaia rarely ever speaks to me. I can count our sessions on one hand. @Frenk Yes, Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God Books, taught me how to develop intuitive conversations pretty much with any being in existence. @Seraphim I just discovered Leo's channel back then and so Gaia used my subconscious mind to bring it up to the conscious. You're right, of course. I am speaking to myself. to my own mind. When you realize Who You Are, for real. You see that everything is equal to Self. To God. and the mind is just my tool for communications. You DO have this ability. You simply not trained in it. It's like a muscle - when you use it often, it works. The opposite is true also, neglect it and you're just another regular bloke. No judgements, just telling you how it is. When i ask for new insights, I need to transcend every communication - To Go Meta of this intricate matrix of The Universal System and go WITHIN, even deeper. The Shinning Nexus awaits. It springs from The Ultimate Nothingness and IS Absolute Isness. @machiavelli Yes, exactly that. Gaia Mother Earth. It is real, as far as I know. and that is as far as you can get. I worked on Spirit Guide communucatiion since age 19 with the help of many mentors, teachers and masters. Some directly, some remotely. I cultivated techniques for Self Disciplined Spiritual Practice. Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation are my main exercises. Read a lot of books. Lately I'm active on social media, high consciousness websites, enlightened chat rooms - yes, they exist. Not many but some are just like that. Supreme wisdom is shared. Greg
  14. Suppose we investigate these words from a deeper perspective. Many see this and assume, well my image is human body so God must be human or human like etc. Others perhaps reach the assumption that they are the mind, their image self is mind and therefore then God must be mind. But us here have a deeper understanding of Self through enquiry and other practices. The image we "get" of our self is no self or clear now awareness. What if what we're being as our Self is still not God. It could still be just an image of it only, but those here who are "God realised" perhaps have an assumption that their image of nothingness/God is the true nothingness /God, when it is only an one of many images of infinity. Thoughts? If you believe this is just mental masturbation, skip. I am inviting experiential investigation and deeper contemplation of this. If you are made in the image of God and see your true Image, you see God. Sure! But maybe the God this image is of, would find it arrogant and disrespectful for one image to claim it is the All itself. As in, you may be infinity, but there is one Absolute out of which the image of many infinities come. There are infinity sets smaller than others which is provable through mathematics. There are more numbers between 1 and 10 than there are between 1 and 5, but they are both infinitely many. You might be infinity in actuality, but are you the Absolute? My take is no, but i am open to discussion
  15. Here is a little quick representation of my understanding. in short, I believe the atman is something that both exists and doesn't exist ( a point) and can be viewed both as nothingness and as somethingness. Check out the pic. To me it is not about all those who discuss about it etc. I will never be able to trust with my eternal soul to someone else. What if they have bad intentions? For me to really know I have to find out myself. Especially if the subject is me!
  16. I believe that what Leo is saying is that atman is imaginary and therefore not real (therefore no atman). That only Brahman/nothingness/Everythingness is real because it cannot be imagined. While the atman POV can be imagined. I guess! (we are imagining it right now )
  17. @Someone herewhat the fuck is nothingness
  18. Sounds like you all have been reading up on Douglas Harding and Richard Lang's work on the Headless way. I am trying to understand the bible verse What I gather from this is that YOU CAN see MY FACE and LIVE because the No-Face is All-Face. The Face of No-Face is the same for all. Oh but I think I am getting another interpretation here in that No "man" meaning ego can see the God-self of No-face and continue to exist. The No-Face shatters the illusion of having a head or ego and thus when you see my face, meaning the no-face of nothingness in all of us, then your ego is gone and you no longer live, meaning living as a self in a world, but rather a world experiencing a self. Did I get it?
  19. So this is a new (or new old) way to try to conceptualize reality and make sense of it. The distinctions here are arbitrary and completely relative but nevertheless here we go. There is basically only two things in all of existence.. Forms and formlessness. That's it. There isn't and never was and never will be anything else. The forms ALWAYS are limited and impermanent. The formless ONLY is unlimited and permanent. The two Are actually identical but it's hard for the mind to make sense of that (how could these forms be formless?). Instead try to think of it this way.. The formless is the container of forms. You might ask "where are all these forms taking place"? "where does existence happening"? And the answer is really nowhere.. Reality is happening inside of nothingness. If we erase all forms from existence.. What's left? Only pure formlessness. Pure nothingness. So that's like what's underneath all forms. Or the container of all forms.. The original state that then comes different forms and appear inside of it. So this present moment that's happening right now is 50 % forms and 50 % formlessness. We usually don't think of it this way.. We think "it's just forms ".of course you can't see it because it's not a form. It has no qualities whatsoever and that's precisely why and how it is present everywhere and every when yet you can't see it.. Because you can only see forms. But how come forms are present without a container? There must be a container that contains all these forms and it can't be anything else but formlessness. Think about an empty glass that is necessary to have some water or any substance inside of it. But instead what we have here is not an empty "glass".. But rather pure emptiness. Now you might ask.."where did all these forms come from then"? Here there is really no answer. It's pure magic. But the trick is that ultimately all forms appear and disappear.. They are just like dreams or hallucinations.. Forever appearing and disappearing. There is no rational explanation whatsoever why forms are here (the answer is actually that form is formlessness but it's near impossible to make sense of it rationally without a mystical experience). But the only way to relate to it is by understanding that all forms are ultimately a temporary passing show that means absolutely nothing and was never ought to be anything substantial or to form a "reality".
  20. A while ago I had this profound realization that I do not view the world through my eyes. It was so obvious to me; this whole thing is conscious of itself. There is no need for eyes. God simply is. And one of the qualities of being is consciousness. The ability to see and (to various degrees) recognize oneself. And it's instantaneous. It's now. Seeing and that which is seen are indistinguishable. But as always; there is a trick. And the trick that makes you believe you're over here looking at the world with your eyes is, quite simply; blur. What is blur? Google says; it's when something is unclear or less distinct. Something that cannot be perceived clearly. Hmm. Rings any bells? It's all consciousness, baby. And that which is blurred; is simply the degree to which consciousness is asleep to itself. You had your dmt trips. You know what I'm talking about. There are no blurry corners in the Light of God... -Or so they report. I've been exploring this and playing around with it a bit. Simply by staring into the deep nothingness and breathing my way around. And it occurred to me in one moment that me not seeing my face, or Ivan's face - if you will - is not a coincidence. It is yet another trick of consciousness. I can recall memories... instances of being fully conscious of my head/face. As if I was looking into a mirror. But better. Much, much better. It was unlike anything... None of us has ever seen our own faces, actually. We only see a very limited, distorted reflection of it. Be it in a mirror, a picture or whatever... But to be conscious of it directly is beyond anyone's wildest imagination. So I'm wondering now; am I onto something here..? I think I am. Can anyone relate?
  21. Yeah, I have the same situation with mine. He usually gets annoyed because I have this habit of talking about absolute nothingness and death before we go to sleep. He told me I give him nightmares so I had to stop
  22. @tatsumaru it looks to me like you're playing a war over vocabulary. In addition to talking about delusions of mathematicians. I can exclaim and call my experience infinite as the word I want to say, there's nothing complicated about that. There is non-mathematical infinity, the same way I can experience nothingness which isn't the empty set. That's a separate issue from the delusion of mathematicians, which by all means you are free to rant about. I understand that you're ranting about that with a context, but to say there's no non-mathematical infinity is limited to whatever scheme of words you're reference. But yeah I do kinda get what you're doing with infinity. Since conceptually there with infinity, there is division into many infinities. And you're going after division. So I guess what you're also fundamentally going after is perception of "many"/division vs "one", which is cool. Also sounds like you're talking about whether there is just one absolute and that's that, or whether there are levels to it. Insert Ralston vs Leo debates.
  23. Well yes, everything moves through consciousness, but I'm talking about when you actually start losing your identity, start letting go and you die. my awareness definitely went out of the body literally into emptiness/nothingness and that's where all realizations began. 5-MeO doesn't work for me somehow, might need to start plugging. Smoked up to 13mg now slowly building but nothing. Only experiencing heavy body loads.
  24. @Roy I feel I am addicted to Facebook. I check facebook atmost 25 times a day. I have posted that God is nothingness on facebook post . And my post haven't recieved a like. I still feel urge to post . But this is damaging to my social life. People think I am weird. My likes has decreased now. For normal post too I receive less likes as compared to previous. My intention is only to enlighten people. But they are very religious.
  25. @bejapuskas I truly feel there is no use in this all. I am a random piece of stardust, a speck of dust in time and space. Why do anything? This nihilism is pulling me down, it doesn't feel healthy to me. I feel like I have to watch out not getting depressed. I can't grasp this profound nothingness. Well maybe , when meditating I can feel happy in a sort of no mind state. But I loose this when I stop meditating.