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  1. I recently had the priviledge to attend a presentation of Deej Savarese. He is a non-speaking autistic. As a child, he was rejected by his biological parents as being damaged. He went to a foster home in which he was abused, ostracized and stigmatized. Later in life, he was adopted by loving parents. He learned how to develop friendships. He became the first non-speaking autistic to graduate from a U.S. University. He is now a poet, philosopher and advocate for neuro-atypical people. At the beginning of the talk, I felt a lot of sympathy and compassion for him. He seemed like an inspiring person that overcame a lot of adversity. . . Yet as the presentation went on, my consciousness shifted. The presentation started off with Deej's poetry. It was amazing. Deej's consciousness is more oriented toward non-duality than duality. His poetry expressed nonduality in a way I've never heard a nonduality speaker explain it. Then they played prepared remarks from Deej in which he spoke of the interface of real, unreal and relative reality. Again, I've never heard it described like this and I realized he had something very special. Not in a "special person with a disability" kind of way. In a genius kind of way. What he was describing was just out of my reach. It was a nonverbal realm that Deej was trying to express verbally to us and I just couldn't quite access it. After the presentation, I went to the stage and stood by Deej. There was a deep connection I wanted to make with him, yet I didn't know how to put it into worlds. I stood there trying to speak a question, yet I couldn't. Now I was non-speaking. I got frustrated and wanted to cry because I couldn't do it. I knew I was close, to meeting him somewhere yet I couldn't do it. Then Deej gazed in my eyes and we went there. His skills where higher than mine and he brought me there. We gazed in each others eyes for a minute and were a somewhere that was beautiful love. Neuro-atypical people have certain skills that are unique. Unfortunately, cultures create a "Myth of Normal" in which those that appear different are labeled as "abnormal" and are ostracized/stigmatized. Yet more and more people are waking up. There are some low conscious people out there, yet there are also some people that are waking up and have a higher capacity to love.
  3. Unconditional Love is nonduality. You are already exploring and experiencing it. You can try and dive into the intellectual understanding of unity. That can be fun and beneficial, too. Just know that the mind can never truly and fully understand. It cannot grasp infinity. At the end of the day; what really matters is what you're already experiencing. Sensation. Infinite love for no reason, at all.
  4. You are creating a duality between duality and nonduality. That's still the mind at play. There is absolutely no difference. There are no illusions. No tricks. There never were. If duality is an illusion - so is oneness. So is God. Only when there is no God - God is. Only when there is no notion of any distinction - peace is. Love is. Unity is. You are creating a separation by trying to expose the illusion of separation. I trust you had great insights. But your mind is unable to drop it and surrender to the now.
  5. @VeganAwake If you say nonduality is true and duality is illusion or false, you've just made another duality. I think that's why people like to say that nonduality includes duality, it's a "yes" to everything, so everything is as true as it is false. Inclusion is more true than exclusion because exclusion is duality and inclusion is not. Which is why it's described that way. I just watched The Little Mermaid and in that moment and now recalling I am just as much Ariel, Ursula, and Flounder as I am Mandy. I am nothing but consciousness yet also including everything within consciousness. The illusion is beautiful, it creates a whole new world of possibilities through creating choice and limitation. It cannot be enjoyed properly without the knowledge of oneness and yet, that's what we came here for.
  6. I recently made a video about this...please check it out: Nonduality does not exclude past lives and reincarnation, but often spiritual seekers build and reinforce the illusion of "me" through past lives. Ultimately, there is no "me"...the Self is all there is.
  7. Every thought is an added layer. Layers implying twoness in a variety of ways. If you’re aim is nonduality, then weed out any and all twoness thought patterns, by scrutinizing them at more intense, and yet more subtle and loving, levels. If one has a soul, there are two. The one, and the would which it has. There was said to be electricity & magnetism, then electromagnetism. There was said to be space & time, then spacetime. Human thought makes twoness. Awareness of thought, scrutiny, and all is reducible. “I realize nonduality means all is one”...write different perspectives of this on your board, work it out, reduce it. What is that if there’s no I...if there’s no meaning...if there’s no nonduality...if there’s no all...if there’s no saying of this...if there’s no recipient...? Direct have it. Question it. Derive your answers from it. ?? You know thoughts about reincarnation. What else about it is in your direct experience, right now, here and now in this moment, not in a thought?
  8. Hi @Nahm, thanks for your reply, yet I'm not sure what you're trying to say... I do realize nonduality means all is one, but reincarnation is still something we/I/God experience, or not? Could you please elaborate more on this? I'd really like to understand. Thanks!
  9. In the theme of the US' Thanksgiving, has anyone seen the 2013 documentary Humano? It has elements of Shamanism and Nondualism. It was very good. I think it's a good take on Indigenous nonduality. Although a different civilization (the Q'ero), I think its a good compliment to Leo's video on the Toltec's nonduality. I'd be curious what people think.
  10. How come many if not all people it seems interpret that the Law of One talks about free will as something real? I claim that it says that free will is an illusion, just as ACIM. The reason is I believe that it also says that love is a distortion. So if love is real and a distortion so is free will people think. My claim is that the teaching is done to be easy on the ego who can't accept that free will is an illusion. Think about it, how can there be free will without duality? And how can there be oneness if the One changes? There can't! Time isn't something separate from the One. The universe is not something separate from the One. So the One is changeless and hence free will and even choice is an illusion. ACIM says that only God's will is real, but it also says that reality is changeless. So even God's will is changeless according to ACIM and as I see it according to the Bible and probably also according to the other major religious texts. Nonduality teachers say that there is no free will. And the hardcore nonduality teachers even say that reality is changeless. Ramesh Balsekar said that reality is like a movie that already has been made. That's true in my model too BUT it's an evolving movie, like in the Law of One and not just like some ordinary movie. It's NOT like some Blu-ray disc, instead the manifestation of reality is a self-improving and expanding set of information.
  11. Sahaja Samadhi is the end goal: a permanent state of nondual awareness 24/7 regardless of what you're doing. You don't access it, you are in nonduality at all times. That's the ideal. And ideally you don't get lured out of it by cravings and attachments. Accessing special states would be icing on that nondual cake.
  12. I'm not a Christian now, but was raised as one. A bit of artistic licence perhaps but here goes: Holy Spirit = Spirit of Wholeness. "I am the way, the truth and the life, no-one comes to the Father except through me" = Self enquiry, ie realise God through your own "I", not Jesus'. "I and the Father are one" = Nonduality. "I am that I am" = I am That, I am (cf Thou art That, or Tat Tvam Asi from Hinduism). This leads me to think that God the Father symbolically represents the absolute reality, Brahman. Jesus represents the individual relative self (I'm rejecting Jesus is uniquely the son of God), and the Holy Spirit represents that which reconciles the relative and absolute realities together. Therefore there's a threefold image, like the pre-Christian Triskelion.
  13. I want your help. As I do research for my book, I want to gather a potent collection of objections to spirituality, nonduality, enlightenment, mysticism, the paranormal, etc. I want legit objections that newbies and skeptics commonly have in this work. Here are some examples to get you thinking along the right lines: How can you trust that a subjective experience reveals Absolute Truth? Isn't awakening just a subjective brain phenomenon? Could awakening be a self-deception? Is it possible that there's something beyond Absolute Truth which you could be missing? How is awakening different from solipsism? How is awakening different from nihilism? How is awakening different from pantheism? Why do awakened people still commit evil acts like sexually abusing their students? If God is real, why would God hide himself from people? Why isn't God evident to all people in the same way that the sun is? If awakening is true, why do all the religions disagree so much? You say reality is infinite, but doesn't quantum mechanics say there is a fundamental lower limit to space known as the Planck Length? Why is love, beauty, goodness, and intelligence a fundamental property of the universe but hate, ugliness, evil, and stupidity are not? If God is so loving why would he allow so much evil in the world like rape, torture, genocide, war, etc? How can you trust psychedelics reveal valid truths and aren't just subjective hallucinations? If science is as wrong about the fundamental metaphysics of reality as you say, how come it's so successful at manipulating reality? Why couldn't there be more than one God? If physical reality is imaginary, why can't I imagine a million dollars into my bank account or imagine away a physical illness? If what you say is true, how come serious scientists aren't talking about it? Where is your Nobel prize? I want stuff like that in this thread. Note: I won't necessarily resolve your objections in this thread. I'm simply trying to gather a solid list of them. Please formulate your question/objection clearly and concisely.
  14. @Annonymous Meditate every morning, clean up your diet, and stop believing the thoughts that this is about “becoming everything”. On a very good note, it is not. So relax. Recognizing some unconscious habits is perfectly normal, and not that big of a deal. You can make changes gradually, slowly, and you’ll feel better and better the more you do. There’s only one matter at hand, only one thing you should be learning about, asking about, and practicing, and that is relaxation and not getting sucked into thinking. Thought wise, conditioning is very easy to spot in comparison to realizing nonduality, and that is simply that it does not feel good.
  15. If someone is genuinely ready for nonduality, I would recommend a psychedelic. It has a very high probability of inducing a direct nondual experience and will teach them more about nonduality in 6 hours than you could in 6 months. Imagine going back in time 300 years and trying to explain electricity to someone. One approach is to spend months trying to explain it through concepts and having them self inquire “what is electricity?”. Another approach is to turn on a lightbulb and stick their finger in an electrical outlet.
  16. He was speaking of total nonduality, the Godhead. From that POV, there is no need to speak of souls.
  17. To me, it sounds like you had a direct experience glimpse into a deep realization. Psychedelics can take a mind to depths that would take years of traditional practice to reach. Groundlessness will often be perceived as uncomfortable and bad. After this type of psychedelic experience, I’d be like “whoa, wtf just happened?”. And my mind would try to make sense of it and get grounded, which is fine - yet I also wanted to integrate the realization and not lose it. Sometimes, I would return to a similar psychedelic realm for the same realization. Some took months to integrate and embody. I’ve also had energetic shifts after these realizations. For example, I used to be much more analytical and intellectual. I sought books that explained spirituality, that said “this is how it is”. After these psychedelic realizations, that seeking energy dissolved. I just wasn’t into theorizing and debating. After the actual direct experience of being that ISness, there was an energetic shift toward experiencing more of it. I tripped more and did a lot of practices to reach Beingness. Now-ness. I started resonating with nonduality speakers and get excited “Yes, yes! That’s it! Omg! They know! They’ve been there!”. The Exploration and creation became juicy. Theorizing, intellectualizing and debating was now like chewing on tin foil. At the human level, there is unlimited growth available. Yet what we resonate with can change.
  18. Thank you for trying, but these are only words for me, they miss the mark. I know that's how Fred talks about nonduality, but mostly it was his meditations and pointers ... sometimes ... got me into the right mindset (?) for direct inquiry, reading isn't doing the same for me. You wanted to know if anyone had insight from Fred's material, so I gave you my experience, that's all. I'm curious how your one on one session turns out
  19. Terms like “no self” are pointers, they are maps. They can be true/helpful in one context and false/unhelpful in another context. The mind likes to see things in opposites and wants true vs. false and does not like paradoxes. There are many different images we can create with “no self”. For example, we could say “self” is a movie in which a person is immersed within. They are attached/identified as being a character within that movie. One could say that “no self” means the character disappears and the movie ends. Or one could say “no self” means there is omniscient awareness - the movie continues, yet there is no more attachment/identification. As well, we can create different maps of “awakening” that are tru/false and helpful/unhelpful expending on context. For example, one may say that awakening is the cessation of ego. One may say awakening is transcendent awareness of ego. Each has true/false and is helpful/unhelpful. In the context of what you wrote above, I agree. A mind can create a nonduality story and become attached to that story. Yet what happens if we become attached to the opposite story? There is truth to what is written above, yet by thinking “that is the opposite of what they should do”, there is now attachment/identification to the opposite side of the story. In doing so, one will only see the falsity in killing the self and will not see the truth in killing the self. It is two sides of the same coin. You are making complete sense and it’s true. It’s beautiful. Rupert Spira uses similar imagery. I think what you are pointing at is a transcendent awakening. It is a rooftop with a meta view. It can take years of work to build a ladder and climb up to the rooftop. Yet we don’t want to become become Quasimodo. An enlightenment experience is described as “where separation and duality cease to exist and Oneness is regained”. That is true and not not saying it’s false. This isn’t is true vs false dynamic. . . separation and duality can cease to exist and Oneness is regained. That’s true. It’s also false. How can separation and duality cease to exist in Oneness? How can duality not be Oneness? To say duality isn’t Oneness is a duality. Oneness includes both duality and nonduality. (And the opposite is also true).
  20. Just a few ideas. . . The concept that consciousness is a subjective experience is already fairly advanced. It is on the level of relativity. I would put that more advanced than an objective consciousness. . . I would create three "levels" and not argue against any level. I think this is a big trap. The human mind thinks in opposites. I wouldn't frame it as who is right and wrong. I'd frame it more like Paris is in France and France is in Europe. There is no opposites to argue here. Contrasting objective and subjective is pretty straightforward. There are many examples one could give. For example, an objectivist might say that the color red exists and this is objectively true for everyone. A relativist might say that everyone's subjective experience of red is different and we have no idea if everyone perceives red the same. . . A second example would be that an objectivist may say that sex/gender is determined physically by genitalia, hormones and neurotransmitters. A relativist may state that gender is determined by one's subjective experience and personal identity. Going up to absolute is much more challenging imo. I think social fields of conspicuousness would be good as well. For example, bird murmurations, wolf packs, fish, etc. A social field of consciousness is a level higher than an individual consciousness and I think some people at least partially get it. You could also go up a level with nonduality. Yet this is more challenging imo. I have tried to explain it to freshman and a few "get it" but not all.
  21. To me it sounds like he has existential anxiety related meaning, survival and identity. My advise would depend on his orientation. Is he oriented toward personal development or awakening? If he is oriented toward personal development, I would recommend practices that reduce mind and body anxiety and introspection of personality dynamics. If he is oriented toward awakening, then improving his personal situation will not be top priority. To transcend the person, he could do strong doses of psychedelics, a meditation retreat, solo retreat etc. Based on what you wrote, it sounds like underlying existential fears are arising yet he is still mostly oriented to seeking relief of the anxiety. To see if he resonates with seeking existential answers and transcendence, he could watch some nonduality videos. If his reaction is "That is interesting, yet how will it help me reduce my anxiety and improve my work habits?" - then he is more oriented toward PD. . . .If he resonates with nonduality he may have glimpses of deeper realizations he is attracted to. For example, a realization that he is identified with a personal story.
  22. Nahm Moderator 14,549 posts Posted 10 hours ago · The hardest thing about meditation is starting, because you don’t know how beneficial it is until you practice. The second hardest thing is feeling so good you start skipping the practices. Walking Meditation Walking meditation is a great way to begin integrating the power of meditation into your daily life. It is the first stage of meditation in action, that is, learning to be meditative while "out and about" in the world. It is great to do while, for example, taking a walk in the park, at the beach, or in another natural setting. Walking meditation is often recommended for people who are doing a lot of sitting meditation. If you are getting to sleepy, or your awareness is getting to "muddy," walking meditation can perk you up. Alternately, if you are getting to concentrated and mentally "stiff," walking meditation is a perfect way to loosen up a bit. Walking meditation is a common practice in Vipassana and Zen Buddhism. Pay close attention to the physical activity of walking slowly 1. Before walking, stand still in an open, balanced posture. Bring your awareness to the feeling of your feet touching the ground. 2. Now begin walking. Keep your gaze fixed on the ground about six feet in front of you. This will help you to avoid distraction. 3. Note and mentally label three parts of each step you take. The labels are "lifting," "pushing," and "dropping." Lifting - when you are picking your foot up Pushing - as you are moving it forward Dropping - as you are lowering it to the ground As you make each label, pay very close attention to the actual physical sensations associated with each of these actions. 4. After these three components become clear, you can add three more, so that the entire sequence is: "raising," "lifting," "pushing," "dropping," "touching," and "pressing." 5. Your mind will probably also engage in thinking extraneous thoughts, but just allow these to go on in the background. Your foreground attention should stay on the physical sensations of walking. 6. If you find that you have been completely lost in thought, stop walking for a moment and label the thinking as "thinking, thinking, thinking." 7. Then re-establish your awareness on the feeling in your feet, and begin the walking meditation again. 8. A typical session of walking meditation lasts a half an hour. CAUTIONS: Make sure to watch where you are going, especially if you are around traffic, other people, etc. Awareness of Thoughts Meditation By learning to watch your thoughts come and go during this practice, you can gain deeper insight into thinking altogether (such as its transience) and into specific relationships among your thoughts and your emotions, sensations, and desires. This practice can also help you take your thoughts less personally, and not automatically believe them. Additionally, this meditation can offer insight into any habitual patterns of thinking and related reactions. Observe your thoughts as they arise and pass away. · By “thoughts,” we mean self-talk and other verbal content, as well as images, memories, fantasies, and plans. Just thoughts may appear in awareness, or thoughts plus sensations, emotions, or desires. · Sit or lie down on your back in a comfortable position. · Become aware of the sensations of breathing. · After a few minutes of following your breath, shift your attention to the various thoughts that are arising, persisting, and then passing away in your mind. · Try to observe your thoughts instead of getting involved with their content or resisting them. · Notice the content of your thoughts, any emotions accompanying them, and the strength or pull of the thought. · Try to get curious about your thoughts. Investigate whether you think in mainly images or words, whether your thoughts are in color or black and white, and how your thoughts feel in your body. · See if you notice any gaps or pauses between thoughts. · Every time you become aware that you are lost in the content of your thoughts, simply note this and return to observing your thoughts and emotions. · Remember that one of the brain’s major purposes is to think, and there is nothing wrong with thinking. You are simply practicing not automatically believing and grasping on to your thoughts. · When you are ready, return your attention to your breath for a few minutes and slowly open your eyes. Optional: · There are various metaphors and images you can use to help observe your thoughts. These include: o Imagining you are as vast and open as the sky, and thoughts are simply clouds, birds, or planes passing through the open space. o Imagining you are sitting on the side of a river watching your thoughts float by like leaves or ripples in the stream. o Imagine your thoughts are like cars, buses, or trains passing by. Every time you realize you are thinking, you can “get off the bus/train” and return to observing. Awareness of thoughts and emotions is one of the areas of focus developed when cultivating mindfulness. In Buddhism, mindfulness is one of the seven factors of enlightenment and the seventh instruction in the Noble Eightfold Path. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment: The Four Noble Truths: The Noble Eightfold Path: CAUTIONS: Please be gentle with yourself if you notice that you are constantly caught up in your thoughts instead of observing them. This is both common and normal. When you realize that you are thinking, gently and compassionately return to observing your thoughts. If the content of your thoughts is too disturbing or distressing, gently shift your attention to your breathing, sounds, or discontinue the practice. · Remember that you are not trying to stop thoughts or only allow certain ones to arise. Try to treat all thoughts equally and let them pass away without engaging in their content. · This practice can initially be more challenging than other meditations. As you are learning, practice this meditation for only a few minutes at a time if that is easier. · It can be helpful to treat thoughts the same way that you treat sounds or body sensations, and view them as impersonal events that arise and pass away. · Some people like to assign numbers or nicknames to reoccurring thoughts in order to reduce their pull and effect. Breathe Awareness Meditation Stress is an extremely unhealthy condition. It causes the body to release the chemical cortisol, which has been shown to reduce brain and organ function, among many other dangerous effects. Modern society inadvertently encourages a state of almost continuous stress in people. This is a meditation that encourages physical and mental relaxation, which can greatly reduce the effects of stress on the body and mind. Sit still and pay close attention to your breathing process. Take a reposed, seated posture. Your back should be straight and your body as relaxed as possible. Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing process. Simply notice you are breathing. Do not attempt to change your breath in any way. Breath simply and normally. Try to notice both the in breath and the out breath; the inhale and the exhale. "Notice" means to actually feel the breathing in your body with your body. It is not necessary to visualize your breathing or to think about it in any way except to notice it with your somatic awareness. Each time your attention wanders from the act of breathing, return it to noticing the breath. Do this gently and without judgment. Remember to really feel into the act of breathing. If you want to go more deeply into this, concentrate on each area of breathing in turn. Here is an example sequence: 1. Notice how the air feels moving through your nostrils on both the in breath and the out breath. 2. Notice how the air feels moving through your mouth and throat. You may feel a sort of slightly raspy or ragged feeling as the air moves through your throat. This is normal and also something to feel into. 3. Notice how the air feels as it fills and empties your chest cavity. Feel how your rib cage rises slowly with each in breath, and gently deflates with each out breath. 4. Notice how your back expands and contracts with each breath. Actually feel it shifting and changing as you breath. 5. Notice how the belly expands outward with each in breath and pulls inward with each in breath. Allow your attention to fully enter the body sensation of the belly moving with each breath. 6. Now allow your attention to cover your entire body at once as you breath in and out. Closely notice all the sensations of the body as it breathes. Repeat this sequence over and over, giving each step your full attention as you do it. Suggested time is at least 10 minutes. Thirty minutes is better, if you are capable of it. If you find yourself distracted by a lot of mental chatter, you can use verbal labeling as an aid to concentration. For example, on the in breath, mentally say to yourself, "Breathing in." On the out breath, say, "Breathing out." Another possibility is to mentally count each breath. User Quote Bookmark Nonduality & Meditations Now “ ...every revolutionary act, is an act of love...” - Zach de la Rocha Quote this ivory Member 462 posts Posted 9 hours ago · If I had to pick two practices to maintain for the rest of my life I'd pick breathing exercises and going on daily walks. In learning to breathe properly a good majority of thinking is reduced. If I had to estimate, I would say that 2/3 of my thinking ceases when I am practicing regularly. Imagine being 66% less stressed out. Also, breathing reduces the intensity of emotion making it much more bearable. Sometimes, difficult emotions even have a "feel good" quality. I do also do a 45 minute brisk walk to get my endorphins flowing. With a daily practice I tend to be much happier even when I'm not doing anything in particular. I used to run, which was even better, but after so many injuries I decided to take things down a notch. Walking is at least sustainable. User Quote Bookmark peanutspathtotruth Member 410 posts Posted 15 minutes ago · @AwakenedSoul444 Next to of course going to the root of it, there is nothing more relieving I found than Yoga Nidra. It's complete, absolute relaxation of your body. You might not have done that for years. Even in sleep you are not as relaxed as in Yoga Nidra. I highly recommend "Tripura Mandala" on YouTube. Lovely man. Take the beginner Yoga Nidra session and work up from there. 1 hour in complete relaxation = you feel like a newborn. User Quote Bookmark Anton Rogachevski Member 788 posts Posted 2 minutes ago · Acceptance of suffering. Not wanting to not want it. The desire to stop suffering is in fact the source of suffering. User Quote Bookmark "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." William Shakespeare Reply to this topic... Follow4 Terms Privacy
  23. comments section of video menschkeit1 6 years ago where was this EEG purchased? David Spector 5 years ago Always get advice from an expert when you do scientific research. I've done published brainwave research and it's clear to me that this machine IS NOT measuring what we call brainwaves. It appears to be measuring movements of the muscles of the head, with an automatic gain control that causes the measurements to reduce to zero over time. That means, whenever the head moves there is a large measurement on most of the channels, which then decreases to zero. Ken can therefore cause his "brainwaves" to decrease to zero merely by keeping his head still, which he does first lying down and then sitting up. True brainwaves do not work like this, and do not decrease to zero even when the subject has been in a state of self-realization for many years. I had heard that Ken Wilber was an authority on spirituality and am saddened to see him perpetuate a scam like this. Either he is incredibly ignorant about science and brainwaves, or else the scam is deliberate. Either way, shame on you, Ken. M McManus 5 years ago Then how do you explain the asymmetry between the two hemispheres when he is talking at the beginning and only the left side is showing activity? You think he is somehow moving muscles on only the left side of the head? This is a very crude EEG machine, and tons of great research has been done with much more sophisticated equipment. Also how do you explain at 8:10 when he demonstrates a theta wave, as the rest are still near zero? So you actually think this machine is not measuring any sort of brainwave? He would go through the trouble to plot this elaborate trick? He's measuring his brain with a crude EEG machine sir, but it is still an EEG. David Spector 5 years ago @Michael McManus The asymmetry is explained by movement of the head from left to right, or from right to left. The machine is not a crude EEG apparatus. It is a fairly good electromyograph, which measures muscle contractions, which produce several times the voltage of brainwaves. Please specify what you mean by "tons of research" in this context. You seem to have a funny understanding of the science of brainwaves. There is a lot of misinformation out there, especially in New Age or Mystical circles. I hope to God such misinformation doesn't creep into Nonduality circles as well thanks to Wilber. Cheap toys cannot measure brainwaves. Period. Yes, he is either surprisingly ignorant of brainwaves for a well-known public figure, or he is attempting to scam people knowingly. Either way my opinion of him has been affected accordingly. Again, this is clearly not an EEG apparatus. Check with any neurologist you know who runs EEG equipment on patients routinely: have them watch the video and ask them if the lights show EEG or muscle artifact. They will tell you it's all artifact, not EEG. Rey Brannen 5 years ago @David Spector I looked up the machine he is using, it is a model of EEG called the Mind Mirror. You can use a search engine to find static images of it online. Someone in another comment noted that the brainwaves measured on that machine clips at 38 Hz so there is no higher gamma which is often measured in advanced meditation done by Tibetan monks, so perhaps the experiment is flawed in that way. That is to say, perhaps all brainwaves stopped except for gamma but that was not measured so we do not know. Yet at least for now it seems it really is an EEG machine, even if rather crude. I thought perhaps the EMG signals could be interfering with the EEG when he moves, but that would not necessarily normalize it to zero, if anything it should be additive? I suppose there could be other problems with the setup. It does seem a bit odd that the video gets paused when the signal goes to zero instead of allowed to just run. I agree that if someone can really do this it would be great if there were more controlled and formal studies. So I want to believe this, what are your thoughts in light of it being an actual EEG machine? David Spector 5 years ago @Rey Brannen Just because the device used is called a Mind Mirror, and claimed to be a scientifically validated and calibrated EEG machine does not prove that it is working the way an EEG machine should work. Scientists are always careful to weigh and consider deeply what they read, and not believe what they read, as you do, immediately and fully. Advertisers and government leaders love people like you, who believe any claim they read. :-) As I wrote in my other comments, I have observed and worked with high quality medical EEG machines. I know what brainwaves look like. These are not brainwaves. They are muscle contraction signals, along with an automatic gain control circuit that makes the signal go to zero when the muscle activity ceases. Where one would expect to see brainwaves, this machine shows zero signal. This is not happening because Ken Wilber is creating no brainwaves (that is impossible--the brain can''t do that), but because the machine always displays zero when the head is still. As I wrote above in detail, the Mind Mirror only shows a signal when Ken Wilber moves his head. The signal therefore comes from the muscles in Wilber's head. I know you desperately want to believe in wonderful and miraculous events, like Wilber being able to stop his brainwaves, but it isn't happening here. And as I said, either Ken Wilber is incredibly stupid or he is trying to fool people. I can't guess which. But either way, I no longer trust Ken Wilber as a reliable Nonduality academic, as I did previous to seeing this video. Rey Brannen 5 years ago @David Spector You jumped a bit far assuming that I believed this, I thought I made it rather clear that I was skeptical myself. I think that is in part because I got the wrong impression from your original message. I thought you were inferring that the machine was not an EEG machine, whereas after I read it again I see you just said it was not measuring brainwave signals. So my leading off with the statement that it is an EEG machine probably made you think I was trying to refute your position. In point of fact, I also am still quite skeptic of this video. In the intervening few hours since my last comment, I started a thread in a Facebook group of high level biohackers to try to look at this in more detail. Thus far there has been only one full response, but that person is also doubtful of this video. "No way, I've been using brainwave tech since 07 , even then the tech was slower. This video was uploaded in 06 and looks to be older than that. He's using a band , but what lobe is it measuring? There are frequencies groups in every lobe , so to just look at left right is over simplified." He also pointed out as have a few others on the youtube comments have, that full cessation of brainwaves would imply death. So from my vantage point this would also be tantamount to claiming resurrection, of which I am obviously also skeptical :-) Now yes, I want to believe in this in the sense that it would be an amazing result. That is not the same as actually believing it. In the same thread, I also pointed out that recent studies with Tibetan monks, where they are hooked up to 256 electrodes with extremely high resolution EEGs, show a great deal of activity in Gamma during meditation, a result that I suppose Ken would not have predicted back in 2006 if he were looking to prove his own equivalence with contemporary mystics. So, to summarize, unless presented with more compelling evidence, this looks extremely doubtful to say the least. I am all for science working to help prove the 'spiritual' side of life, but I do my best to try to maintain objectivity in that regard. I recently debunked a German study claiming that electrical tCDS stimulation results in lucid dreaming. This was picked up by all the Spirit Science type websites and FB groups as actual proof... and that was a result I wanted to believe as well, because I am an avid lucid dreamer. Anyway, thanks again for your perspective, though it came with barbs it was exactly what I was hoping for :-) David Spector 5 years ago @Rey Brannen I am very relieved to know that I jumped to the conclusion that you had believed that this video truly showed that Wilber was stopping his brainwaves. You have restored my faith that people will not all be taken in by lies. Thank you! Read the other comments, though, to see that some viewers believed what they were told. Well-known and authoritative-sounding people like Wilber have a great power over others that they need to exercise in an ethical and responsible way. Why hasn't he deleted this posting in the past eight years? What does this imply for all his other teachings? Rey Brannen 5 years ago @David Spector I am more skeptic of the results than the intent, I personally do not think that Ken was trying to mislead anyone. Especially after listening to the audiobook for Kosmic Consiousness where he talks a bit more about the experiment. He says that much more advanced research has been done and was rather humble about the results. In that audiobook he also notes that it is not complete cessation of brainwaves, though it does look like it on this device. I suppose that if he did a new experiment in a controlled setting with more advanced equipment we would see different results, but they would still be impressive as he has been meditating for over 40 years now. He states that what he did was not that special and that he expects people who have meditated as long as he has to be able to get similar results (at least on that machine). David Spector 5 years ago @Rey Brannen Demand proof, or at least evidence, of amazing claims. Don't be such a pushover! I've been practicing Transcendental Meditation for 44 years. I doubt that my brainwaves are anything special, even though I have received benefits in my daily life from TM (elimination of stresses). It is clear to me that Wilber has a gigantic ego, and gets a rush from controlling people through spiritual nonsense. Why is this not clear to everyone? Rey Brannen 5 years ago I guess I do not know enough about him to make a real judgement either way, and even if I did I still probably would not be too bothered by it. I tend to have a jeet kun do philosophy, i.e. "take the good leave the bad", so even if he does have a huge Ego as you say, that is unlikely to bother me. And I certainly don't feel controlled by him in any way. I practice dream yoga and there were some interesting things I learned from listening to Ken that related to this practice that I had not heard anywhere else despite a lot of study in that area. And this video made me think in new ways regardless of what we have already discussed about its likely demerits. Plus, I learned a lot from you as well David, and I thank you for that. If all this makes me a pushover, then I will just stand guilty as charged :-) Namaste! David Spector 5 years ago @Rey Brannen I am not blaming you for anything. Like most folks, you don't have the scientific background to appreciate Wilber's incredible ignorance of science (or possibly his ability to scam). I am only concerned because Wliber has a great ability to partner with others in creating events and organizations. I don't want anyone to be hurt by him in any way.
  24. @Inliytened1 I like what you said... let me just tweak it a little bit if I may ❤ By saying transcend the ego you give it a reality, the ego is an illusion so there's no need to transcend it. You just simply become aware that it's not real. Exactly the same way with transcending duality.... by saying I want to transcend duality you bring it to life. The truth is duality is an illusion all there is is non-duality. Remember the separation never occurred all there is is Oneness/Non-duality. Enlightenment is not finding peace.... it's simply removing the beliefs that there was something besides peace in the first place ❤ Peace love happiness God Consciousness Oneness nonduality. It's all pointing to the same thing we have just created different words for it ? Thank you ❤
  25. I love how well he explains nonduality in this video ❤ its seriously so easy. WE ARE ALL THATS GOING ON!!