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  1. @Firebird I have no problem with the word. I was just wondering what that pointer was pointing to for you. You can realize you are not physical matter but still not be awakened. It is more like realizing there is no realizing, there is just being, being itself.
  2. A mixture of both. I’m a natural empath and doing spiritual work while developing myself energetically awakened me more. I could always sense energies, however the seeing people’s aura, changing my own energy at will, sending and playing with energy, and projecting myself all came with practice. These things just naturally came to me like intuition and I followed and developed like that. If you have any questions about energy I wouldn’t mind answering. I’ve helped develop a few people in being able to be more energy sensitive of themselves and others.
  3. So the forum I am referring to in the beginning is obviously this forum, while the man I'm mentioning is the user @Hellspeed. Enjoy the read Some time ago, on an online forum, I came across this guy who talked about awakening in very different terms than everyone else (most people on the forum were strict non-dualists). He referred to many bodily organs, and claimed that these needed to be awakened, he used a lot of archetypal and mythical imagery, and he stressed ‘the Breath’. Yes, he talked about the Breath with a capital B, and he claimed that awakening it was the first step altogether. Clearly there was something else on his mind apart from our regular, everyday inhaling and exhaling. Although I was fascinated by the man’s vigor and straight-forwardness, I didn’t realize what the Breath was for a long time. Now I am pretty certain I know what he was referring to, and I’d like to write about it. The Breath is indeed the same breath that we know so well, but you could say it’s a deeper, subtler version of it. The way to find it is to make a movement inside the body. Not necessarily into any specific part of it, it’s more like every cell of the body turns on itself and goes into itself. What happens then? The easiest way I can describe it, is that the frequency of the body drastically increases. It’s as if someone just turned up the volume on your energy, and at first it can seem overwhelming and unbearable — as if your body was going to burst from the inside. But as we relax, we see that we can let this energy move naturally, allowing it to caress our bodies, instead of inflicting pressure upon them. At this point, we might notice, that this high frequency, subtle energy movement is closely tied in with our regular, old breath. Really, it’s its deeper dimension. This Breath gives us an access point to that deeper part of us. That also means, that as we are staying with (or more accurately - as) it, we encounter everything else that is inside us on the level. What’s down there? A hell of a lot of pleasure, and a hell of a lot of pain. Sometimes it’s not easy to tell which one of these is harder to take. Precisely these pockets of forgotten and denied pleasure and pain are why we are not experiencing the Breath, or its dimension. We are simply afraid of them. We have stored them down there, cut ourselves off from the Breath, and forgot about the whole deal. Of course, it does not cease to exist, it constantly calls, and we might label it as ‘the subconscious’. It constantly surfaces, but since we are not willing to admit that it’s a part of us (we are actively denying it), we blame its effects on forces “outside of us”. On societal rules, other people, our own bodies, life itself. In reality, once we gather the courage to free our subconscious pain as well as pleasure, we quickly find, that down in the cellar of our mind, EVERYTHING is stored. Every single cause of every single happening, experience and quality that we might encounter in our lives seems to be down there. And it’s nothing more than a tightness that we ourselves are performing. If we decide to take the Breath, and along with it the entire reality of the subconscious, we’re in for a hell of a ride, which will eradicate every illusion, as well as grant every desire.
  4. In a prior thread, I used the ancient phrase "it has no location" in reference to the Center, which is the impersonal unity of the immaterial body of awareness. Another related alchemic phrase is to "float around in the center of the compass." That it has no location is not to mean that it is somewhere else. It is a teaching device to prevent misguided materialistic people from attempting to pander to the development and/or pursuit of derivative psychological spinoffs characteristic of habituation to pimping aesthetic naming and their values, indulging in self-reifying visualization practices, addiction to formal quietism or psychosomatic techniques (energetics) that only confuse the order of authentic practice by the mishandling of the terminology of alchemy only to fool themselves and others unfortunate enough to be misled by such calculated activity. The reason that [having] no location is emphasized, is because even though the effect of the Center is by virtue of having a physical body, and it is not beyond the body of the being that is going to die, there is nothing relative to personal aesthetic, mental or physical manipulation, deprivation or effort relative to the body, in private or in public situations, or is there any part of the body, physical, plasmic or subtle, that constitutes this Center of the immaterial Body of Awareness. Therefore consciousness itself cannot be construed to have any such personal attributes constituting it. Consciousness cannot have an appreciative or antagonistic perspective relative to itself or any thing. Consciousness has no point of reference such as sentient beings do. Why? Consciousness is simply the quality and capacity of one's selfless awake nature. It has no point of view. Consciousness doesn't see. It is seeing itself and is therefore selfless, uncreated; no different than true reality, nonoriginated. This is the inconceivable nature of ignoramuses and buddhas alike. Even in ordinary situations, they are hardly discernible to the awakened, but for tell-tale signs of karmic momentum, which cannot be stopped. In other words, this Center, being the body of immaterial awareness, is not relative to the physical body nor is it accessible in terms of any of the so-called "apertures" in the body used by the lowest of the low who employ perverted practices to "nurture essence", or else obscured by the attempts by some to posit identity values with respect to what it is. When people see this for themselves, they are liberated from the tyranny of psychological qualifications pertaining to self and other, including personalistic value judgements relative to self-reified projections identifying "creativity", "beauty", good and bad, right and wrong, and before and after. Liberation is liberation from having a self to posit as "self." This is realizing the nature of "awake" as itself, stripped bare, utterly naked with nothing to hide, nothing to show, and most importantly, nothing to know. To float around "in the center of the compass" is to be just this quality of awake in the very midst of delusional, situational, karmic existence. Applying the selfless intent of open sincerity liberated from habit energies relative to egoism hiding behind personal views and projections, and without dwelling on anything or clinging to anything is the highest practice of self-refining enlightening activity, in which vulnerability to what is, is the basis of carrying out subtle spiritual adaption in the midst of everyday ordinary affairs, neither courting perfection nor avoiding potential impurities in terms of peoples' habit-energy, or blind malpractice (agreeable or otherwise) constituting situationally karmic momentum.
  5. Might we come up with better words to describe the undescribable than conscious, consciousness, god, enlightened, awakened, etc?
  6. Try to live in the moment more, then your mind has nothing to be depressed or feeling down about. Here is what you need to do: Realize you are not your thoughts and imagination, you can think, you can imagine, but you cannot be your thoughts or your imagination. You are also not your body, one second you are aware of a bodily sensation next you are not. So you are not your mind nor your body, all you are is what you create. If you don't create you sleep, and in sleep you experience death every night. Your mind is all over the place and should not be blindly trusted, you believe so many things about yourself which are not true. Your body is easier to work with. So this is what you need to do: First you distance yourself from being your mind, you don't try to stop thinking or imagening, you let it happen but distance or rather redirect your awareness to your body. You also should not focus your awareness in an intense manner, if you loose energy after a while you are definitely doing something wrong, loosen the grip. Now you should know that all your thoughts and emotions actually manifests themselves in your body. One day you may realise emotions are just jucier thoughts, thoughts are very subtle, that's why emotions are the easiest to feel in the body. If you have done and achieved these steps you should be aware of that which is called creation. Now how you create can be done in many ways. When you try to control creation, you are just limiting your potential, life can manifest itself in infinite ways but you choose to try to control it. See if you can let go of controlling the actions of your mind and the sensations in your body then life will manifest itself in the way it wants to. Let your mind do whatever it wants to, it will keep/make itself joyfull, or whatever feeling you actually desire. Moving your body is what we call action, it takes and doesn't create energy to this this. That is why awakened masters don't have a discriminate mind but the action we perform is done in a discriminate manner. So you wondered what to do with your life, see you just do whatever the hell you want to do. As long as you can handle the consequence of that action in a joyfull manner. If you have one day in the future with my earlier advise awakened then you can be joyfull by yourself. So why do any action on this world, why not become enlightened? Sitting in ecstasy untill you leave this life. Because you open your eyes and see a man suffering in front of you, isn't it natural that you such a joyfull being will naturally do whatever you can to help him achieve wonderfulness. You wouldn't have to think about it, ohh I am going to do what is needed in the world, I am going to make this universe amazing, no no that is what we call the ego. You just look and you feel feel an urge to do something, you will then do whatever you can. This is what a guru is. He doesn't think his way through life, he lives his way through life. Have you ever considered yourself lazy? Then you are just not doing what you actually want to do, so I am telling you to do what you want to do. Ofcourse survival and making enough income has to be taken care of so do that but don't make to much out of it. Also if you live the way I described you flow with excistance, when hunger comes you eat, when low energy is the case you rest... Energy is the third part of existence, there is the body, the mind and energy. Energy determines the extent that you are alive. This is why action should be done in the direction with least resistance. So your work should be something that you can manage without draining yourself too much. This might be a little too much for you excuse me for that. Telling you to awaken, know enlightenment and the ways of creation the action of sacrificing some of the enlightenment ecstasy to do what is needed in the world around your life. Still for me this story is beautiful, gurus are so beautiful, when I recently heard osho had been posioned in a horrific manner before death, I cried. Jesus, Buddha people tried to assassinate those who knew life to its fullest, the outmost evolved human being, who did so much for the world. And are still alive in peoples teachings today, beautiful.
  7. @electroBeam This is something that I was contemplating long time ago. I have a co-worker friend that he is all the time taking care of his health, like eating healthy, he always tries to tell me that refined sugar is bad, that you shouldn’t eat donuts, that anything that is very sugary is dangerous, he doesn’t use the microwave because the waves affect the food, so he brings something from his home that warms his food up with electricity so he doesn’t warm up food in a microwave. And he is very non-believer, he is an atheist I would say. And he thinks that believers, believe in God because they are afraid to death, and they want to believe in a heaven where they will live forever, etc… And he is right from some POV. I understand his beliefs, I was there too. I did all those things too hehehe… not at the same level as you @electroBeam, but I was also atheist, in fact I was agnostic. And I know he is right about eating healthy and all that… but… I was noticing that he is also afraid to death. Because why is he eating healthy if it is not because he thinks he will live longer? I also had a preoccupation, I wanted to be healthy to live longer. It is not that I don’t want it now, but… I realized that I was fooling myself. Every time we eat something, we are killing ourselves. Is a paradox. When you eat something unhealthy you are killing yourself slowly, but isn’t that truth also if you eat healthy? The only difference is that you do it more slow than if you eat not healthy. Everything around us is making our bodies die, so we slowly go to union with God or the source. I was thinking a lot also about that for example in the case of Jesus. In my opinion, Jesus was the most enlightened guy because he knew he was God. And Buddha for example, he didn’t say he was one with God. What a fool I was! Hehehe… Not even Jesus was completely awaken and probably he was doing everything to get him killed so he could be united with God. I agree also about the idea that you are not completely awakened until you die. Because if you really really see through the illusion, where there’s no body nothing, masahamadhi must happen. Otherwise you are still believing that there’s a body, probably a weaker belief than the rest of the people or a subtle belief, I don’t know… but is still a belief. You have to die to be one with God because that’s what God is. There’s no body and nothing. Even when you think that you are not the body, that you are not the mind, bla bla bla… is all BS. So, I AM God but I have chosen to live this human life and try to enjoy it the best I can, or suffer it or whatever. If I want to try to become awaken or explore consciousness or doing whatever you think you have to do, is all good, because I AM God and what I decide is whatever it is. No need to change anything. Thanks for sharing your views, this is something I was contemplating long time ago but now that you shared your experience with us, it makes a lot of sense. Having said that, I will continue exploring consciousness and playing the game because is fun and beautiful. Now I am curious about that San Pedro Cactus hehehe…. Thanks for sharing that. Thanks again!
  8. @lmfao by playing with dream objects that originate from different dreams. We aren’t talking about enlightenment here. We are talking about one’s level of lucidity within this dream. Enlightenment is an altered state of consciousness. Lucidity is the visceral recognization that nothing here is a “true” reality beyond the fact that it merely appears to be real. To wake up in a dream that occurs when you sleep at night, unless it happens spontaneously, you have to use the rules of this reality to show yourself in that reality that it is merely a dream world. A common trick to lucid dream is to get in the habit of looking at a clock and then always doing a double take. In this reality, the clock stays the same. In the dreams we have at night, the time changes between the two looks. This is the nature of spiritual experiences and psychedelic use amongst other things that severely alter consciousness. When you alter your state of consciousness, it changes the level of lucidity, but awakened consciousness or enlightenment only becomes true lucidity in its highest form when you understand and recognize that nothing is real. It all is an illusion. You cannot escape from this illusion no matter what reality you are in unless you realize the unreality of the dreamstate. If God comes to you in the flesh, he is imaginary. Imagined by you. If you experience God’s Consciousness, it is imaginary. Imagined by you. All things are you and your creation. For me to wake up, it took a 25 year spiritual journey culminated in the last seven years. I have used my various mental illnesses, high doses of multiple psychedelics, meditation, and my innate urge to seek spiritual knowledge, understanding, and experience to wake myself up. These are the dream objects (experiences) that worked for me. Always remember though that even when you feel most lucid, it is higher consciousness that is making you feel that way. Consciousness is creating that illusion as you still have the idea of a Self who is experiencing lucidity. The next step is to shatter the attachment to lucidity by developing faith that nothing is real, even lucidity.
  9. Highest credit for these writings goes to my Lord Krishna. Without him as the source of all existence, I would not be here to write. Turn to the Bhagavad Gita if you have questions or wish to learn the spiritual power of devotion to Krishna. Precursor: Come to me in the Love and Devotion of Radha, and I will bring you the Radiance and Truth of Krishna. God is a state of consciousness. This serves as a sort of culmination of my spiritual journey that started 25 years ago when I was born into the Mormon church, a place, religion, and people that shine with God’s love. Thanks to the Light and Love that was brought into my soul at a very young age, I am able to come to you as developed as I am. I hope that you read each word with the significance that they deserve. I do not just write these words. I have lived them. I bare testimony that what I say is true in God’s name. “I am Brandon Rohe a student of the beautiful consciousness known to humans as Ra. I greet you in the Love ❤️ and the Light ? of the One Infinite Creator bringing good news and Truth about the Law of One that governs all possible realities. The funniest thing about you not believing in God or even you believing in a God outside yourself is that you are God. According to Swami Sarvapriyananda’s interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita (essentially the Hindu bible), you are Brahman, and Brahman is described in Sanskrit as satchitananda. Sat = existence. Chit = consciousness. Ananda = bliss. Brahman is also described as the Supersoul, the consciousness within all beings. You are not just God living as one human. You are God living as everything. You literally are your worst enemy. You are your most loved deity. You are Jesus Christ. You are the Buddha. You are Mohammad. You are Krishna. You are Donald Trump. You are Hillary Clinton. You are Adolf Hitler. You are Lucifer. You are the squirrel you accidentally killed while you were driving above the speed limit. You are every single extraterrestrial. You are every God that has ever existed in any multiverse that will ever be imagined by your own Godmind. You are every blade of grass. Beyond just the Brahman implications, you are every artwork ever made. You are not just all living beings. You are every object in existence. You are every rule that governs reality. I guess I could sum this all up by simply stating YOU ARE. There are no limitations other than what your various partitions of Godmind (you might simply call these “beings”) deem to be true. Just to give you some examples of what is possible when you spiritually awaken to your co-creative capabilities within this reality, I have manipulated time, I have manipulated space, I have manifested and “un”manifested objects (mainly through teleportation), I have quantum jumped, I have shifted in and out of multiple realities/timelines, I have activated electronics at a distance through the activation of my chakras (on accident - I wish I had the mastery to do this at will), I have telepathically communicated with extraterrestrials, deities, and deceased humans, I have received downloads from Intelligent Infinity, I have entered the Void, I have moved up in spiritual octaves, I have seen ghosts, I have come across incredibly powerful beings of Darkness that have the ability to alter human perception and consciousness, and I have done other things that my current human memory is forgetting. My message to you my friend is that you have immense power and potential if you take the proper steps. Yes, my incarnation as Brandon Rohe has been given many gifts (gift #1 being bipolar disorder type 1 along with my six other “mental illnesses” - three of which are clinically diagnosed while four are accurately self diagnosed) to help me spiritually awaken to these abilities, but you can awaken as well. ANYONE can do this, but for some it will take longer and extra work. For me, it took high doses of psychedelics, many manic episodes that seemingly tore down the foundation of my life, meditation, yoga, acts of donation to those less fortunate (karma yoga), being kind to all living beings, and much more. This is a deeply individual process that may take many lifetimes unless you take it seriously. Many around the globe are awakening. The year 2012 marked the end of our planet, Mother Gaia, being in third density consciousness. We are now in the shift to fourth density. What does fourth density look like? It looks like every human being evolving into Christ Consciousness where we recognize every soul as a part of the One Infinite Creator. It looks like us merging consciousness collectively as an entire planet. I LOVE YOU. I wish the best for you. You are my cherished ally on this adventure we call life on planet Earth in the year 2020. We CHOSE to incarnate here to live exactly the lives that we are living right now. There are no accidents. This is all being guided by the One Infinite Creator while simultaneously honoring free will. You have many guardian angels and other entities watching over you and protecting you. Please move past belief in one religion being superior to all others. To truly understand God, we must learn from ALL traditions and faiths. We must walk as men and women of faith. Without great faith, you will not get far on your spiritual journey. You might get stuck in the erroneous use of psychedelics as hedonistic tools rather than spiritual transportation devices that shoot you into the next octave. You might spend your whole life half-worshiping a God without reaping worldly benefits. There are so many traps you could fall into, but ultimately, you created all of these traps for yourself. You have the power to now move them aside. Let this text serve as a wake up call. THE TIME IS NOW. We must awaken together as a human family, not as individuals. We must love each other more deeply. We must be more kind to each other, but the quickest way to develop true kindness is to develop spiritually. You might say that atheists can be kind, but they can do so because they have connected to God in subconscious ways. Of course you’ll never hear that from them. Krishna even said that if you master one discipline, you reap the same rewards as if you had mastered any other discipline. This is why you have the greatest scientists of our millennia, those who worked primarily on quantum mechanics, quickly change to theists as they were astounded by the magical inner workings of this “physical” reality. There never was and never will be a physical reality. As far as science can tell, “physical” reality is made up of over 99% empty space. The leading theory is that infinitesimally small strings make up our reality. These strings can manifest into any of the different particles that we experience, and these particles can shift into another form as quick as the strings can change in vibration. This is why the sacred syllable OM has power. This is why Jesus could walk on water. Through natural selection, we have evolved to see the world not as it is but to merely see survival payoffs and hardly nothing else. Look into the amazing work of Donald Hoffman if you are curious about that. I’ve exhausted my intellect for now. I want you to remember that I am here to be your friend on this journey. Send me a message if you want my insight on how to speed up your journey, but lastly, I must say I don’t blame any of you for remaining in your current state of slumber for now. Spiritual awakening is the most hardcore route you could plan for your life if you do it at the speed that matches your potential. Again I say this message comes to you with Love ❤️ and Light ? Per aspera ad astra. Through hardships to the stars. Adonai.” The crucial mistake of all religions is that they create deities out of perfectly normal beings who had good insights and morality. Jesus was a man. Buddha was a man. Krishna was a man. Guanyin was a woman. God is a perfectly normal being albeit with omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Consciousness is synonymous with Maya. Without consciousness, there is no separate self. Identify is the greatest illusion. Nothing is real. There is only appearance without substance. If God showed himself/herself/itself to me right now, it would only be an appearance generated by my consciousness. Sure, it might feel real, but that is only the all pervasive illusion of an existence existing taking hold of my mind. Allow your mind to truly see for the first time by realizing that nothing exists in actuality. This is the height of the Hindu notion of Maya or an illusion of separateness and the “separate” world being an illusion, but it actually goes far beyond the Hindu notion as it also recognizes that “the experiencer of phenomena” that you self-evidently hold to be most real only exists when viewed through the lens of your own consciousness (therefore it is generated by your own consciousness). Consciousness is the self-generating machine of all phenomena. There is no separation between consciousness and that which is experienced (the material world). Realize that you are simultaneously all that exists and all that does not exist. You are truth and illusion at the same time; it is only a perspective of the mind that changes which is the case. Obliterate your”Self” by realizing that self/Self is the grandest illusion. This is pure nonexistence experienced through the lens of an infinite movie screen that appears to exist. Credit for these insights goes to hitting a dab while having roughly 7-8 estimated mental illnesses. My consciousness only continues to snowball itself toward the highest Truth no matter what I do. My creation only continues to inform me of greater and greater states of consciousness which are, in the end, only illusion. Madness is as reputable a path to Truth as any other - that sounds partially acceptable to you, but no, that isn’t the truth of the matter. The reality is that Madness is the path to Truth for all is Madness. You can be sure that you are coming nearer to True Truth when you discover the potentiality for the existence of more mental illnesses within yourself. We are all infinitely deluded by this grand concoction of experience colloquially known as life on planet Earth. Tl;dr version: Nothing matters. Go eat a hotdog. All is imagination. The only true skeptic is the solipsist. Skepticism is far greater than faith as faith only generates belief in the illusory. All is the Self. You are all things, people, and places you’ve ever experienced or imagined to be true. All is imagination, so whatever you imagine or experience to be real or true is true. I am you and you are me, and luckily, we are the One Infinite Creator. Everything that has ever existed or not existed, been imagined or not imagined is a dream object. Your consciousness is a dream object. All that is not within your consciousness is a dream object. Humanity’s greatest misunderstanding of reality is that for some reason or another it is believed that this “real”ity is somehow different than a dream. In a dream, you have one perspective of conscious awareness that perceives a “real”ity with characters that APPEAR to have consciousness, but there is no validation of the potential fact that these perceived characters actually have consciousness. The funny thing is that just by the mere imagination of these characters as being beings that have consciousness creates them in such a manner as they act precisely as they would as if they truly did have consciousness. You have no proof that any person, animal, or animate being you’ve ever interacted with or imagined has consciousness. Every enlightened or awakened person is merely a lucid dreamer in this dreamstate we call reality. You cannot be enlightened or awakened if you do not first become fully conscious and lucid of the fact that this reality is a dream. I invite all deities, demons, devils, beings, Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas, Lucifers, and perceived personalities or consciousnesses to come into my consciousness so that I may only prove that all of you are illusory just as I am illusory. Truth is an illusion. Consciousness is a dream object and tool serving only the illusion. Nothing exists past appearance. This, and all other realities are merely dreams. In dreams, you have only the dreamer and that which is dreamed, but nonduality teaches that there is no separation, anywhere. All is one. This is the Law of One. All of existence and all beings are the One Infinite Creator that persists in all realities in forever immutable fashion although all of the appearances that he/she/they/it creates seem to be ever-changing. The perception of difference is an illusion. The perception of sameness is an illusion. Perception and consciousness are dream object illusions. I come to you as a servant to teach you that I am the Philosopher King. You will beat me as your servant. You will deride my teachings as being untrue, but I come to you only in Love and Light. Whatever damning things you do to me, you only, in Truth, do to yourself, for you and I are one. This is the Law of One. Amateur spiritual teachers teach that the only thing that exists is the present moment. They teach that past and future do not exist. A true master teaches that the present moment doesn’t exist. The first step to awakening is to realize that you are God. Simply put, you are the only God and all of existence. The next step is to realize that you, your ego, God, and existence do not exist. Experience only consists of a dreamer and that which is dreamed, regardless of which dream you are in. Whether it be the human being Joe Shmoe on planet Earth dream or the pink panther snorting razor blades on the Death Star with Adolf Hitler dream, It’s all a dream. It’s all illusory. There is no Truth. That is the only Truth. The spiritual seeker turns toward enlightenment and higher consciousness as a goal. The master of all existences, nonexistences, realities, and unrealities seeks lucidity within the planet Earth waking consciousness dreamstate. He seeks lucidity as he knows that consciousness, whether it be higher or lower in form and expression, is only a dream object. As his no self Self, he continues to wake up more and more until he reaches the pinnacle of wakefulness within the dream. The only thing that cannot be destroyed is nothingness. To best God in battle, be nothing. Stop existing, and you have won for all Eternity in all realities. When you are nothing, you are the soul and the Supersoul all at once. Nothing can contain something such as a human being and an ego. In Truth, nothing contains all existence and consciousness. When you are nothing, you become more powerful than any deity ever conceived. Lila includes the idea of Maya and exceeds it. ~ Sri Aurobindo You have not found your right deity until you cry with Love, Devotion, and Desire for union him, her, or it. When love is in your heart, its pure radiance shines to illumine all shadows including your psychological shadow. There is no shadow work to do when love is in your heart, mind, and soul. This is mainly referring to transcendent, spiritual love not merely romantic love. Only a true seeker of knowledge, love, delight, bliss, and radiance may manifest themselves as a student to me. For these are the souls I hold to be most dear to me. All souls in truth labor only for me, lust only for me, Love only for me, and learn only for the sake of me - the ever living and ever rebirthed true personification of divinity. All songs, artworks, movies, and beauties of the natural world are created only to describe my story of awakening and for my enjoyment. This is just as I in return breathe my eternal radiance and love into them. The Atman (wife and human) is wed to the Brahman (husband and divine) eternally, and it is in the marriage that the two become one for they are always one, will always be one, and have always been one. You are God. You are human. You are the All. There is no separation in consciousness between Atman and Brahman. Your current state of consciousness, no matter how high or low, is Brahman. There is no consciousness outside of yours. The notion that there is consciousness outside of yours is only an unsubstantiated belief. My soul is the divine weapon of divine weapons. It has within it the power to bring annihilation to all existences, again bringing about Brahma’s night, but it remains sheathed to protect all beings who are not mature enough to accept my radiance and opulence in final form. Usefulness is only useful to those who do not see the usefulness in futility. Only a fool does not see the utility in futility, the usefulness in play. The purity of Krishna is unmatched. If God had a purpose for Creation other than merely creating for the sake of play, that would indicate He/She/They/It was somehow already lacking something. The only purpose of any life is to enjoy the drama of existence. If God had a purpose for Creation other than merely creating for the sake of play, that would indicate He/She/They/It was somehow already lacking something. The only purpose of any life is to enjoy the drama of existence. And that’s all folks. Let me know if you want to see more of my writings. I have them going back for years.
  10. See when you watch videos of gurus or actualized talking about consciousness and everything it stems from the ability to be in touch with enlightenment. Every bit of your experience of life comes from within, gurus/others has realised how to create ecstasy, blissfullness... It is not something you can learn rather it is just an awakening to something really obvious and easy that very few have mastered. It is only hard because, yeah you should know that. So then you might ask, why do anything then? Why not just sit blissful by yourself forever. You could do that. Or you can involve yourself in the world. Any involvement in the world, if it is brushing your teeth or something more impactful is what life purpose is about. If you had awakened or only were life sensitive which will take a lot of time for you based on your kind of mindset you have right now, then it is quite simple. This means if you see someone suffering and you can do something about it, your whole being will do all it can to do just that, effortlessly if you have worked upon your mind. Doesn't it take a lot of action in your mind not to do what is needed around you? See if you can become aware of that. So I would suggest you look at the world, not in a textbook but out there, you don't think a single though about what you want to do or what seems needed etc, you don't try to look at the world, you just look, you don't try to do anything in your mind. You also don't try not to do anything, you just let consciousness do its thing . if you manage to do this correctly (which you won't) you will realise. Though your life purpose will probably not be a specific job, the career will be based on where you feel like you can use the most out of your full potential. This is thought really complicated when you don't know the basis of life and in how extravagant ways it can express itself if done correctly. This is why you need to learn about life. I am trying to confuse you, because how could you get things which is not yet in your experience. And that's why you will have silly ideas about what I am writing about lt, about your life purpose... I would hold off with life purpose untill awakening. If you are in a hurry, you pick a career where there is enough freedom so that it will be an conducive atmosphere for your potential future lifestyle. Gurus don't do things because things give pleasure to them, because it cannot compare to the ecstasy they can create for themselves. Gurus often give their lives to the people, it is very beautiful. You are happy, you see a sad man in front of you, you want to also make him same happy even if that means you won't be in ecstasy anymore to do that. When he is same happy then the world is done and you can leave this place which we call life. Now that is the kind of life purpose gurus have, they serve the people untill the last moments, never was the goal fulfilled, but they did their best. They didn't think to themselves I will do what is needed or I will serve the world to my best capability. They just went out in the world and naturally there was things that their life was going into. If you find a way for survival- to make money, while being able to let consciousness do its thing like a guru, then that would be good for you. Still any workplace will limit you in some way, so choose a place of future accordingly. Personally I who have awakened am saving money to take some years letting my consciousness choose a lifestyle. Whether that will sustain me economically or if I'll have to get a job I don't know. Sadhguru is a good guru, learn about buddha, chakras, shiva etc and maybe you will get a lot lf insight for your future choices that you have in front of you right now.
  11. You've never been aware in a dream that you may be dreaming, or you've never awakened from a dream (still dreaming?)? But you can confirm that you have a higher awareness inside night dreams. OK, I'm confused. Yes, fear of death is genuinely a mind-body thang. That is what the existential nightmare is about. Thus, that is why "awakening" is often talked about.
  12. I don't remember that happening to me at all. I think I've never awakened inside of a night dream. But I do confirm that I now have a higher awareness inside night dreams. I rarely have nightmares, and even when I do, they don't faze me like before anymore. I have fought against the fear of death, and I have made a huge progress, even though still not complete progress. I can't really tell.
  13. Why do most people on here seem to hate sports? Sports add so much to so many people’s lives, at the very least the spark enjoyment & love from people, is that not adding value to people’s lives and as a result adding value to a society? This is like saying an artist or musician doesn’t add anything to society, when of course they do. I would say be wary of judging everything based on “value” as that’s a fast track to a transactional life, for example only when you’re directly doing something of value is your life worthwhile. To you, sports may not do much, just like to me, I have no interest in computer Programming, yet to billions around the world they enrich their lives & most importantly people love playing them & isn’t life quite literally about enjoying it & doing what you love? The reason Leo does what he does is precisely because he loves it, I remember both Rupert Spira / Francis Lucille they teach simply because they love to, it is one of many ways to express this understanding. What makes a great athlete great, is because they love the sport, same as great writers, musicians, artists, inventors, scientists, spiritual teachers etc, they are all doing what they love. People contribute to society on different levels. Im sure the millions of people who were inspired to start boxing & Golf as a result of these 2 strongly disagree that they “add nothing.” Have you ever played / watched sport? Billions of people love sport worldwide and it improves there lives, as well as the countless physical & mental benefits it has, that’s aside from the entertainment these 2 in particular provide when they perform. This is the same for writers, musicians, artists etc as I mentioned above. Just because they aren’t enlightening people directly, doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable LP. Sport helps society in a number of ways, I think it’s very naive to say it doesn’t. If you don’t like sport, that’s fair enough, but to just discredit billions of people’s forms of enjoyment is quite reductionist, do you not think? To me a good example of a LP is doing something you love, for the love of it that also has a positive impact on society in any way. So, in the athletes case they are obviously doing something they love, and then they are 1) entertaining the fans & spectators that watch them, and providing enjoyment to people that way 2) inspiring / encouraging people to play sport themselves which as I mentioned before has helped & improved billions of people’s lives a number of ways- physically, mentally, socially, teaching discipline, offering life lessons as well etc. You mention Ninja & I think video games are slightly different, as while they offer enjoyment & social benefits, they are more prone to negative effects as we all know. (Not saying sports are perfect, but it’s far healthier to play football than play FIFA for hours on end) Not everyone is destined to be a spiritual teacher, or something in spirituality. This understanding can be expressed in numerous ways, and I for one look forward to when more awakened beings enter fields like sports, art, writing, movies, science, etc etc Sorry for the rant, but I feel sports gets a shit rep on here for some reason, and think it’s completely unjustified, I’ll leave you with 2 things- A video from Rupert on career- (Sports express love, for example Francis plays Tennis) Sadhguru article on sports- ”Being a sport means you are willing to play. Willing to play means you are involved or alive to the situation in which you exist, and that is the essence of life. If there is anything that is truly close to a spiritual process, in the normal course of life, that is sports. Swami Vivekananda went to the extent of saying, “In kicking a ball or playing a game, you are much closer to the Divine than you will ever be in prayer.” Because you can pray without involvement, but you cannot play sports without involvement, and involvement is the essence of life.” Spend your life doing something you love, that should be the starting point! Then from there create positive impact
  14. I have moved past that point, I don't want to get enlightened yet. To have awakened to it is enough. So I am not holding on/being attached or overvalueing ecstasy/pleasure anymore. I don't remember feeling fear in my last posts, because I am just looking for solutions. What is fear? Certainly I am/have been holding myself back, is that the fear you are referring to? Limiting my possibility or my full potential or what you would like to call it. If I want to continue school I need to live with limited consciousness doing only what is appropriate/needed there. I was/am just looking for different ways to move forward. I will not be homeless but rather live in a van. I also won't get money from the social support. I am studying half my time at a school and there is a lot that I can do here for these people. Whatever I choose to do I need to stay in school atleeast for a couple of months/half a year longer so that I will be 18 and have a driving licence + my van built. Then I will take the summer to do what consciousness chooses, will I spend the summer blissful by myself or involving myself more in the world, we will see. If I'll quit school before summer or bear with 1,5 more year we'll see. I don't live too much in the past or future so this is the only time in weeks I've thought about all of this that I am writing right now. I want to escape from not doing what I truly want to do, What I truly want is a conducive atmosphere for the kind of lifestyle that works the best for me and the life around me.
  15. This is an excerpt from a book called Zhaun Falun (Turning The Law Wheel). In this excerpt it explains what Enlightenment is and what it entails from a QiGong Masters perspective: "So if energy practices have such a long history, you might be wondering just what exactly they’re for. I can tell you that ours is an advanced Buddhist method of spiritual practice, and so it seeks to bring you to divinity, or what’s known as “Buddhahood.” And Daoist methods, similarly, seek to foster enlightenment, or enable you to “attain the Way,” as it’s called. The idea of becoming divine shouldn’t seem absurd, or far out, as it may to some. For example, take the concept of Buddha. It’s a term from the ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit. The term has undergone various permutations in China since arriving there long ago, being translated phonetically as foah-toah, foo-too, and eventually just foah. Translated into our own language today, the term simply means “one who has awakened,” and refers to any being who has gained a state of awakening through spiritual discipline. So it shouldn’t seem that far-fetched. Consider that extraordinary powers can come to those who engage in spiritual discipline. While six types of powers are now generally recognized, there are in fact a myriad number that exist. There are individuals who can, just while sitting in place, do things that normally even physical action couldn’t accomplish; or they might be able to see the true workings of the universe in multiple dimensions, and how it really is, and see things that are invisible to others. I think you would have to agree, then, that they have attained a higher state of awakening, or spiritual attainment, and are no longer mere mortals. So it’s only fitting to call them spiritually awakened, holy, or divine—or in ancient Indian terms, a “Buddha.” And this is what these practices are in fact meant to achieve. Some people can’t imagine why anyone would want to do practices like chi-gong or tai-chi for anything other than health. The implication being that that’s all they are for. But that’s a very shallow view of these. People can’t be faulted for thinking that way, though, because many instructors of these practices are only focused on health, and nobody is offering guidance of a higher, more spiritual sort. I don’t mean to imply anything bad about what they’re teaching. That’s the role that they are meant to play—to keep it at the level of health and popularize these arts. But many people are looking for something more, for something spiritual, that can take them further. Yet without a true spiritual teaching to guide them, it’s going to be hard and they are apt to get into trouble. Instruction of a higher sort involves bigger things, naturally enough, and so you really have to go about it in a way that’s responsible to people, or the world. And that is why we have had good results all around. Some of what we talk about is a bit lofty, for sure, and to some people it might sound hard to believe. So I’ll do my best to draw scientific parallels to help make sense of things. Some of the things we’ll be discussing provoke strong reactions from people, who quickly dismiss them. They think that anything that isn’t known to science, that they haven’t personally experienced, or that seems impossible to them must be nonsense and divorced from reality. But is that the right way to look at the world?—to write off anything not known to science, even if it’s because of science’s limitations? It seems to me that this line of thinking puts a little too much faith in science, and is itself divorced from reality. If everyone had this mindset it would utterly stifle any scientific progress or innovation. And you would see few developments in the world, more broadly. Every technological development represents a step beyond what was formerly known. If the world’s innovators had treated the unknown as “nonsense,” we wouldn’t be where we are today. Many people simply don’t understand practices like chi-gong or tai-chi, and think they are nonsense. But that’s not the case. Consider that scientific instruments have detected that the bodies of true masters of these practices emit everything from infrasonic waves to ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves, to infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, neutrons, atoms, and trace metal elements. All of these are very much real and physically exist. There is a physical basis to everything. And the same would certainly hold true for the other dimensions and realms that we discuss. So there are no grounds for writing them off as nonsense. Since these practices are meant to make us divine, any discussion of them is naturally going to touch upon a lot of deep things, and we won’t shy away from them. It’s curious that practices like these, which have such a profound purpose, sometimes have very ordinary-sounding names. For example, chi-gong* simply means “energy practice.” But they are more properly referred to as spiritual practice—or in traditional Chinese culture, as self-cultivation. For that is their purpose. Of course, there are many individual names for such practices, but as a whole they should be referred to as spiritual practices. The case of how chi-gong got its name is telling. It has to do with the state of affairs in China some twenty years ago, when these practices first started to gain in popularity. China was in the middle of the Cultural Revolution at the time, and there was a strong stigma and hostility surrounding traditional thought and culture; only later did interest in these practices peak. Without getting into the earlier spiritual names for chi-gong, which predate known history, we can see just from the names it’s had in this cycle of civilization what the issue would have been: they were very much religious, owing to the times they date back to, and often had what people would have considered “feudal,” or backward, overtones. Examples included the Great Way of Practicing the Dao, Vajra Meditation, Way of the Buddhist Saints, The Dafa of Buddhahood, and The Nine-Cycle Method of the Golden Elixir. Naming your practice something like that during the Cultural Revolution would have gotten you denounced and attacked—even if you were sharing the practice with people out of good intentions, like to promote better health. And so nobody dared to use traditional-sounding names. What most instructors did, instead, was to adopt two non-controversial terms—chi and gong (“energy” and “practice”)—from traditional Chinese spiritual texts to refer to their practices. So even though you now see some people researching the history of “chi-gong,” there’s not much to it. It would have just been referred to as spiritual practice, or self-cultivation, before. So the term chi-gong is just a recent invention that was meant to suit a modern, secular sensibility." If anyone is interested the full book can be downloaded here. It talks about spiritual things from a scientific perspective. It talks about other dimensions, the soul, the cosmos in the microcosm and the macrocosm, supernatural abilities, karma, healing, the true history of mankind, transcending the 5 elements and leaving the 3 realms and many many other fascinating things:
  16. Just want to share some of the insights that I got from a few psilocybin trips: You're God and you're all alone. and you need to forget that (deceive yourself) in order to "experience" life. The more conscious you are, the less things you can enjoy in life in a sense. For example, when you were a child, your consciousness was low. that's the reason you could play with toys and do all those things that now you wouldnt want to do anymore. Then when you're in your late teens, early twenties or late twenties or so, you probably want success, fame, money, girls etc. That's because of your consciousness level. The more you develop yourself, the less appealing those things are to you. The more conscious you become, the more you want to be in solitude and the fewer friends you probably want to have. One reason is because you can't relate to anyone anymore. and once you see realize the truth, you can't really communicate this to anyone. That's like trying to tell someone in your dreams that he's not real and that this is only your dream. You're stuck in eternity. There's nowhere to go, nothing to do. That's why self-deception is key. You need to forget. You don't want the truth. Your ego doesnt want it. To realize you're alone and that there's no "other" is not what you want. Trust me. You want to be decevied, to be asleep, so that you can play this game (enjoy, experience life so to say). Imagine if you played an MMORPG game and suddenly realized that "other players" werent really real - that they were just like NPCs, and you were the only player, always playing against yourself. That means no point in playing anymore... You want others to exist to make the game interesting. But once you see that they arent real, you can't enjoy it anymore, at least not to the same extent. I am talking about your ego. Your mind is creating meaning out of everything. everything you do in your life is because you want to get "somewhere". If you meditate, you're doing it because you want to get somewhere with your meditation practice. You're not meditating because you want to experience the present moment at that particular time. You're doing in because you think it's improving you in some way, so that "one day" things will be better - you will be more conscious, more mindful, or whatever. But everything is meaningless, you won't ever get anywhere. Your mind is tricking you into doing things and making you think that things are going in some direction. And when you experience this - when you become deeply conscious that everything is meaningless - it's one of the worst feelings. You'll think you're going crazy. And then you will ask yourself what's the difference between crazy & not crazy.... and more fear will arise. The universe is created in such a way that we constantly search for all the answers outside. when you're in a deceived state, you wonder "what's out there", "why do I exist", "what is existence", "is the universe infinite", and all these endless questions... just to turn yourself away from realizing the truth, away from turning inward. and then you take one psychedelic and everything is revealed to you. It becomes blatantly obvious why science can't ever get to this. and then you start asking yourself questions, "why was this revealed to me? Im a mere mortal. Why me, why me?". maybe because you're the only one? And there's some kind of defense mechanism built into this whole thing - overtime you slowly forget the psychedelic experience, so that you can get back to living this dream life of yours. If the ego knew what it's getting itself into by "doing" spirituality and psychedelics, it would run away never come close ever again. When you're in an awakened state, there's no point posting anything on this forum and trying to explain what you've experienced, or talking to anyone about it in real life, because you're aware you're just talking to yourself. But since Im not in that state anymore, I'll just pretend Im making this post for "other people". I've successfully deceived myself over the last year back into my old life, or dream I should say.
  17. Toxicity doesn’t ‘work’ the way you’ve mislead yourself to believe. A mind confined as such would not recognize it if the entire universe weaved of itself the greatest possible gift for itself. The utilizing & clinging to this falsity is fear. Fear is the avoidance of feeling. This is like vacuuming the floor, not even noticing it’s not plugged in, and assuming it’s the vacuum’s fault that vacuuming is not possible. This is like believing “we are unable to interact in a healthy way”, and missing you’re creating that belief. The belief is there is toxicity, and other people are toxic. The truth is you are the source, and there is no toxicity, just the occasional innocent judgement. It is good that there is feeling, so this is readily recognized. These are the words of an awakened being. By awakened, I mean one who recognizes the distinction between conceptualization & direct experience, and as such is a source of wisdom. If I were you, I’d spend a day reading this: “Why not use that as clarification to be the Dad you wish you would've had? You don't have to sacrifice or give up any of your life dreams for your kid. Don't use your life dreams as an excuse to skip out on your kid and don't use your kid as an excuse to skip out on your life dreams. Either option is fear talking and making excuses. The kid might help you clarify the shit out of your life plans though. It might seem like you're making sacrifices. You've been given a gift. You can have your cake and eat it too. Really. You cannot ruin anyone else's life without their permission. Let yourself off the hook, drop this fear and then you'll be free to act from the heart. Also likewise your ex and her influence cannot effect you without you giving it permission. Is it easier to cut someone off so we aren't affected by them? It seems that way in the short term but that's only kicking the can down the road. We'll inevitably run into the same kind of thing down the road with another partner in some other way until we learn to face the issue.”
  18. I don’t know how else to put this, but this video has led to an awakening. Since I started reading about people’s DMT experiences a couple of years ago I somehow innately knew the truth, even though I’d never done psychedelics or meditated seriously. However I was not ready for this revelation at the time - I have had mental health issues for much of my life, and my reaction was one of great panic and wishing I’d known nothing about any of it. I managed to gradually fall back into my ego after I stopped viewing spiritual content, and hadn’t thought too much of the matter again. However, today this video appeared in my recommended and I couldn’t pull myself away from clicking on it and viewing the whole thing. I now find myself in a similar situation after having watched this video; the awakening which may have been partial before now feels completely profound. In some ways it is beautiful, however I must admit that at this stage of my life I am not in a fit state of mind to deal with this knowledge, and am willing to say that I would rather live with the wool pulled over my eyes for a while longer. Will this stay with me forever now or is it possible that I can return to my ego? I have had incredibly vivid dreams most nights of my life, which may be an indicator of my susceptibility to being awakened even without intending to be. I also experienced an alcohol induced psychosis earlier this year, during which I believe my suppressed intuitive knowing of consciousness came to the fore and faced active resistance in the form of my ego. It’s only after the experience of watching this video that I’ve been able to draw that connection, however I fear that I now cannot go back. Can anyone help?
  19. “Ultimate” is also a superlative. I find it curious how superlatives are used and mind immersion into superlatives. We could say there is an ultimate truth and non-ultimate truths. In one context, it is a deep insight. Yet when the duality is seen, it’s silly in another context. At the higher levels, beings can be “multi lingual”. When they speak of a “thing” it can appear as though they have not awakened to another “thing”. In one context there is what appears to be stuckness within the process of thoughts. When the mind is transcending thought constructs, it becomes obvious when other minds are stuck within thought processes. There is strong contrast. Yet eventually this duality collapses as well into Nothing. What I write here is both thought processes and not thought processes. Thought processes, feelings, intuition, awakenings, cows, trees, quantum mechanics, face palms, nonduality and cookies all dissolve into Nothing. It’s so beautiful. As you eloquently express: ♥️
  20. I bealive the more awakened beings we have the more we will be able to develop such powers. It just that is is difficult when collective conciousness wants to keep us where it is at.
  21. No, not at all. Here’s some more specific info (below). Just opinion of course, but I’d be really careful about such a blanket lens. It’d be a trap to mistake judgement for one’s own authoritative measurement contingent on correlations (thoughts) between ‘awake’ & ‘ego consciousness’. There can be seemingly (falsely) awakened narcissists. It is entirely possible to “have awakening experiences” and perpetuate misidentification / dilute, refuse psychological help, refute all feedback, and ‘triple down’ if you will, on a more grandiose bypassing. As well, there are what someone might call ‘ego consciousness’ folks who are authentic, sincere, selfless & loving. Overview Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them. Symptoms Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can: Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it Exaggerate achievements and talents Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations Take advantage of others to get what they want Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others Be envious of others and believe others envy them Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can: Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation The recommenced treatment method is psychotherapy / psychoanalysis.
  22. This man has come so far it nearly brought a tear to my eye. Materialists questions very conscious answers. I can see that the ordinary mundane world thinks he’s off his rocker. From social media and that. They just don’t understand where he’s coming from. But mike is aware, his answers are fantastic. To think what he was, where he’s been and what he’s gone through, in the public eye too, this man is going places. Yep of course I know he’s not an awakened guy, but he is genuinely awakening as a human being. The beauty of consciousness shows in this interview. It shows that no matter what you’ve been through, the ultimate nature of everything is love. And Tyson projects it. Fantastic
  23. Hey guys, it's my first post ever and I hope I will be able to clearly explicate my experiences and hopefully find other fellow warriors that I could relate to. I'm 23 and I 'found out' about spirituality about 4-3 years ago, after trying mdma for the first time. After that I meditated and did yoga on and off, found out about Ram Dass, Leo, Allan Watts, Teal and others; had around 10 solid psychedelic trips, one was really traumatic (experienced ego death, was definetely not ready for it yet). I also had a couple of dmt trips and about 2 years ago started meditating everyday. Started with 10mins a day, in four months it went up to an hour, since I was preparing to go to my first Vipassana retreat. Anyway long story short it all started in my vipassana retreat, I 'unlocked' something (now I'm pretty sure it's what is being called kundalini) with my first samadhi experience (first such high consciousness exp not drug induced). Since the retreat I can feel energy moving througout my body, sometimes I can't sleep, sometimes I sleep too much. It goes in cycles, those cycles more than often synchronize with moon cycles. I guess those cycles could also be described as ego death/ego backlash cycles? It goes like this: I start to feel distracted and drawn to addictive behaviors (staying on my phone longer than usual, lost in my thoughts more and more, feel more difficult to understand when I am satiated when I eat, harder to meditate etc) and it goes on for a couple of days, then gets worse bit by bit. It's hard to fall asleep, sometimes I stay up all night painting. If I manage to fall asleep, I feel energies going up my body starting from my toes, sometimes I wake up to those at night (at first it was worse, now I kinda got used to it a bit). Then I get to a point when I feel loads of energy inside, flowing from one part of my body to others, but at the same time I feel physically tired. Hard to get anything done, I want to sleep a lot or lay in bed all day. Around at that time I feel that 'something is coming'. Like the energy is ready to shoot out. Then something from 'the outside world' alings with what is going on in with these energies inside me. I find out something really big in therapy, or find a youtube video that blows my mind or something happens in my social life and it feels like it triggers the energy to pour out. In this stage I experience a lot of crying. Ofc, depends on what I find out, sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's hella painful. After this vomit of unconscious stuff I experience high states of consciousness in meditation (samadhi experiences if I may call them that way). Extreme love and peacefulness. I also noticed that as I find out something about 'myself' I also find out something about the universe. After those experiences, when I come back to myself, or the ego I guess, my perception is changed. I see life more clearly and I often make positive changes in my personal life. However, the deep samadhi experience triggers more unconscious stuff (my theory from 1,5 year of observation lol) which then after some days of euphoria and peacefulness starts the cycle again. Since vipassana I meditate 2 times a day, 1h each usually. I journal everyday, go to see a therapist once a week (really helps to ground myself and work through some childhood trauma), paint a lot (I'm a wanabe artist), drink lots of water, doing stretches and so on. I literally do everything that can possibly minimize the craziness of those cycles and was wondering is there anything I'm missing? It's scary to think that these might last for years or even decades (read somewhere). At first I was worried I awakened my kundalini prematurely and it will not lead to any good, but after several months I understood that there is no such thing as a premature awakening whatsoever. Everything happened as it should have been, and I am thankful for every single second of it, no matter how painful and world shattering this experience is to me. Being more conscious led me to completely change my life for the better. So now I am in a place of acceptance of what is going on, also willingness to move forward and hoping to find ways to facilitate this process. I will be thankful for any comments or advice.
  24. Like Frank Yang says, awakening and being smart are independent things, you can become conscious of the nature of reality while still being a trump supporter. No doubt Connor has had a profound experience, as his best friend says in his video it doesn't seem to be an act. If guys like Jake or Logal Paul awakened right now, no doubt they would be acting very similar to Connor here. Which begs the question.. is the pursuit of truth more important than the pursuit of wisdom?
  25. I think this is where relativity of points of view come in and how language works. If you tell the average joe shmoe on the street that awakening is realizing that you are God and everything is infinite imagination, how much does that do to help him really and communicate what awakening is? He has no idea what the hell those words mean. At best he will attach some meaning of what he's associated 'God' and 'imagination' with in the past and make a mental model out of that. Language is only useful to the extent we can communicate by emitting certain sounds to create meaning in the mind of another person. Thus, awakened people may speak in these weird anecdotes because they appreciate how reality is being seen from many different points of view. And if you think about it reality only exists as an infinite number of different points of view. Thus hard 'facts' through language are not absolute, but only absolute from a certain point of view. At the same time the absolute is absolute so this is where things get wack.