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  1. What is death to an awakened one?
  2. Does an awakened person feel pain if you cut their finger off? Does an awakened person feel hungry? What changes is the perspective not the sensations. And according to some there are infinite "levels" of awakening. Maybe there are perspectives which are totally disconnected from sensation, but that's just my speculation.
  3. Does an awakened person not feel grief for the death of a loved one?
  4. this is true , and this seems consistent so you think your real and can function and Play out the story you need to without being a crazy person. This is the greatest gift you have given yourself is this illusion of consistency. However when you start to become fully awakened . Consistency isn’t the same anymore. It’s always rn , times constantly jumping. You start to realize your own memories from the day aren’t even real and some things that happen throughout the day that seem crazy you just forget about. You can bring up these repression’s in hypnogonic dream state. You actually see some fucking crazy dream like shit everyday you just forget . Like entities and shit . Crazy shit I promise u.
  5. @Sam Johnson There is a bell curve of spiritual capacity that humans have. From spiritual retards to gods. For example, I've met people who were born awakened and live multiple live simutaneously in parallel from birth. Stop assuming that other humans are like you. Their consciousness can be totally different than yours. An advanced yogi is gonna be in the top 1% of the spiritual bell curve with zero practice. And then he will add 1000s of hours of practice on top of that. So you, an average guy, have no hope of attaining his level naturally. It's like you think you can play basketball against Shaquiel O'Neil.
  6. This is a great tread to people who have different paths towards awakening. shows how people can truly take random ass paths and end up at the same place. All was meant to be. Btw, I wouldn’t really agree with that. I’ve seen people who suffered nothing and got awakened. They took the Hindu path sure, however I saw them not suffering(doesn’t mean they all won’t suffer). I suffered a shit ton to awaken. Not a big deal, but I would like to point out this bs. it’s just one path(edit: It is just one path that thinks about suffering is the best way to devolve the ego. Don’t get lost in stupid and toxic beliefs) . To newbies this stupid belief can be taken on dogmatically really quickly so don’t get lost in it. YOU DONT NEED TO SUFFER. And even if you do no worries. Suffering can be fun. Once it is done you can look back and laugh. lol, I would like to say that many people in spirituality have a lot of mixed Buddha beliefs which I see hold them back. Such as not killing, love, and other stuff. These aren’t bad they are just one pointer to purity. Question your own beliefs. Budddha path is not meant for a lot of people. It’s kinda girly too.(I reread this and I saw how this can be taken wrongly to the girly folks. This isn’t shitting on Buddha’s. I love em. They take a path in which I cannot.) Have you ever seen a truly masculine path? (Lol I wouldn’t consider this a super masculine path, however you know people kill impure people and get awoken? It’s a legit path.)
  7. If The Buddha, Eckhart, St. John of the Cross, and others awakened ass-backwards count me in
  8. @Breakingthewall You do you and I do me. Here is my story: When I had worked upon my fears etc and when I kept some attention to my body to keep it at ease. Then the way I awakened was pretty funny. I lied down as I always do when meditating. And focused all my attention on all the desires I had and to experience them, so mind created a little fantasy I laughed and continued to focus on laughter/ecstasy... Getting deeper and deeper into being. Deep enough that there wasn't enough awareness to remember the experience at the deeper levels. The only thing I was creating was this ecstasy, normally mind and body would create lots of unsatisfactory things such as thought. Now weeks later being sick there was not the energy for me to create ecstasy or attention on the body. Following the same procedure as before to reach highest ecstasy instead I reached only being. No thoughts, no emotion, no body just being, it was nothingness. What James wrote that nothingness is lonely now comes into play. Because if u start from nothingness you choose what you will create. This can be called unconditional love, because you in being is nothing so you don't gain anything, it's just a love to explore and create life. This at this point will be your choice, the desire of your being should tell you what u want. Did this help in any way?
  9. I just repeated in slightly different words what every non-dual teacher tells us, not sure why you laughed at this. There is the awakened state and the dream state, unless you are new to these concepts this shouldn't surprise you.
  10. That's exactly what I meant? Yes, it's from this I assume myself to have awakened. I don't know anything other than the now but still I talk. What you want to call all other than what we know I do not know. Ego and truth perhaps.
  11. the spiritually developed have another take on conspiracies, they allow themselves to go beyond the ideologies, and the beliefs because they don't have this need to trust something outside of themselves. Personally It has been my inner journey that has opened me up to new information that gets labeled as conspiracy, or knowledge based in that territory. Now i could come here and share all sorts of fascinating interviews and talks relating to new ways of perceiving the world, but for a mind that still fears it's own shadows, cognitive dissonance will kick in, tactics like skepticism, blame, and write offs will take place. This is a survival mechanism for the divided mind/paradigm/ideology. I will not go anywhere new from a place of constricted skepticsm, but rather i choose to only travel through new systems with curiosity, as truth be told, really there’s nothing to gain or to lose, as the mind is a tool, not the master of this life experience. Not everyone has this relationship with the external, without being in an “awakened” state, but it’s practice of raising frequency and vibration, to Know the energies. It may not make much sense to you, but i am fully aware and know most people here are still facing certain shadows in the form of conspiracies, so all i can say is i get frustrated, sometimes too frustrated to even be here
  12. Haha u all talking about "enlightenment" or awakening. Yet none of us are in that state right now, you all should know that. Also when I first realised it was so easy to get into these states of being. I willingly took a great journey into ego after awakening and then apperantly it's for some reason now difficult to do the thing that was the easiest before. This clearly showed me how enlightenment is only difficult when you are not ready for it. Because when you are ready you will figure it out easily so we don't need to talk about it and how to do it so much. Instead we could talk about how work upon yourself. Also before one is ready to do these life altering things if you are mentally ready to experience awakened states of being continously then your external situations must be prepared before hand, isn't it so? So to preparing your external situations before awakening could be very beneficiary. This is why I am in states of much ego right now, otherwise I wouldn't be using my mind in this manner that I am. To begin with I don't now how one would manage work if they were to follow their highest self. In many jobs you need to be detached from life to do it well. So you should have saved some money to take a journey, where after awakening you could work towards life purpose and then finance yourself through that. This post I made is 100% from my own experience, I don't copy something I've learnt from gurus or actualized because I only remember that which I have life experience of and there is no guarantee I speak the truth. Because I am not living in such states like buddha did, I've only just recently awakened and as said am using ego right now to secure some of my external situations.
  13. I think that very often there is no one right answer for everyone because truth is often paradoxical. What is one mans food is another man's poison,,, This leaves it where we can have completely different answers to different life situations and that's just fine. We don't have to agree or disagree or agree to disagree. At times I've found peace in being able to just have no opinion at all and that what created the most misery in my life was reaching conclusions. If I need to make a decision, I'll do so but try not to identify with my decision in which it becomes more like a judgement. Thinking too much as well as making judgements are recipes for being miserable and confused. To practice becoming or being stupid can yield spaciousness and to sit stupidly is a great meditation or a decent doorway into nonconceptual awareness. I Don't believe in the Devil or any evil entity but things which appear evil are only things or situations born out of ignorance which is also the source of fear. I don't believe in beliefs and that any word that comes after I am is a a case of mistaken identity mostly because language is dualistic. Awakened Conscience is the same in everyone and is how God makes choices. To add I believe or I know to the previous statement distorts it. The degree of success that one has in culture is often an accurate measure of how lost they are and how distorted their perception is. A very common psychological blind spot in humans is their tendency to feed on negative emotions and not realize it. Consider the evening news and most sitcoms as well as Christ saying "forgive them, they know not what they do" which also points at herd mentality. One thing that Maurice Nicoll said that kind of disturbs me is that Jesus Christ never laughed because he had no negativity in his emotional center and laughter is created, Nicoll said, when Impressions fall equally on the negative part and the positive part of the emotional center. Maurice Nicoll did emphasize the importance of lightheartedness and this seems skewered when juxtaposed to His statement about Jesus never having laughed. I'm probably missing something. Being lighthearted is a virtue. The capacity for suddenly acting silly is a form of lightheartedness. I'm terrible at math. Saints are eaters of suffering. Communicating in nonsequitor statements erodes self-importance and being too serious and in general, people are much too serious. I hypothesize that being over serious is derived from fear. Therefore, become fearless as often as possible. This being a journal, I can write near anything if it's from authenticity, even if it may embarrass me to read it tomorrow. I'm not intoxicated but I suspect myself of being borderline manic at times. My point being, go wild and express yourselves. Color outside the lines,,, yet, try to be nice,,, This will set the stage for being brutally honest. See if you can catch yourself feeding on negativity of any kind and ponder deeply about that.
  14. @Leo Nordin the awakened have already died. They realize that this is merely an infinite dream by infinite Consciousness. Nothing more. These attachments and finite identity which we have are an illusion. This is realized by the awakened. The ego and its attachments will want to pull the awakened one back into the illusion but he knows better. He knows that any clinging to such attachments is a clinging to an idea within the Mind of God which will dream infinite ideas. He can go on teaching and or doing what he was going before. Nothing would really change. That something would change is yet more imagination.
  15. Maybe the point of life is living? Why did you create life in the first place? Steve Taylor has done research on awakening; you might enjoy some of his books. Not everyone that has a terminal diagnosis becomes awakened. For those that do, it is transformative. Even in a weakened state, every second they have left is vibrant. The news of their imminent mortality shocks them out of the conditioned mind into a different state of consciousness. Everything that seemed mundane before suddenly becomes beautiful. Their realized purpose is not to avoid boredom, but to embrace the stunning beauty in everything and everyone, and go out of the world singing.
  16. So there is the dream state (the illusory world we all experience right now) and there is the REAL reality, god, or truth, which is hidden from our senses. Being awakened means you are directly conscious of that REAL reality, as far as some teachers suggest. If so, can you be 100% certain, than at the moment you die, that REAL reality will continue exactly as you are directly conscious of right now? In other words, are you experiencing death simultaneously with the dream?
  17. Death is that full awakening i suppose right? I mean, you can't get more awakened than total annihilation. I think with the term "guaranteed" here you mean that god creates time and starts all over again. Because with "guaranteed" it supposes that it's not in your control. Again, i know you said that god really isn't free. That you are locked in being nothing and love. So it will create the highest love. But if "create" implies an intention, and intention implies to be free to choose... But i guess the concept of "free" and not "free" will be only understood by awakening, and we are lost in dualities at this point.
  18. Your mind is not to choose. Your being/your consciousness/your highest self or what you want to call "being yourself" is the one choosing. First lets take enlightenment, if you let go too deep into ecstasy and vibrance of life you will leave the body (die), enlightenment will mean death. I quess awakened beings might be a better word if we want to talk about this. This being will to the highest amount appropriate follow their higher or true self. What it chooses to do on this world before it leaves it could be called life purpose. It's the purpose of your entire being before leaving this world and attaining enlightenment. Or rather it's not the purpose of your being but the specific way your consciousness choose to work towards it which is referred to as life purpose. The purpose will be a goal much higher than yourself and will not be achieved in a lifetime. In a way life purpose might be the opposite of enlightenment. I believe it is the only thing that keeps awakened people that follows their souls from attaining enlightenment. The highest goal is being yourself and the end of the journey is enlightenment. Many on here though believes enlightenment to be awakening as in understanding reality. It is a word that is pretty disrupted, there are many many flaws to language. Especially when we talk about life. You wouldn't be able to guess how many times my choice of words on here has created unnecessary discussions. I hope I used my mind well this time to explain something about life.
  19. I don't need ecstasy nor enlightenment. Ecstasy will anyways come from time to time. It was not long ago I awakened so I've now realised some things since then. Though enlightenment will be my death when I choose it. My consciousness will choose what it chooses, I (the mind) am not to interfere if it's not necessary. Because of my early awakening experience I did not eat nor do anything, I just went deeper into life. I thought that was all my consciousness wanted to do and that all other activity was either for my survival or selflessness for the world. Now though, I believe I am experiencing the next phase. My whole being wants not to sit in ecstasy or go for enlightenment but do certain things which I (the mind and body) haven't subcome to so I don't now what it is. I am using my mind to control the highest self if you want to call it that. Before I let go I first need to use my mind independently at least this last time to ensure some kind lf comfort when I let go. By building a van, whether I will give up the van that I am to build I don't know. When the higher self chooses it will do what it wants to do at all times, but some mind is necessary, like clothing yourself or eating. @mmKay I intended vanlife. Whether I will give up my van at one point I don't now. It might be a hazzle to take with me everywhere, I heard of someone sleeping on their motorcycle, that might do what do I know.
  20. My statement is purposefully aggressive and angry sounding in tone because you need fucking wake up call. Your asleep to your own baggage and your taking a tole on yourself and others until you fix it. I know where your at because I've been there and back. I've walked the spiritual path alone with your exact mindset and I know all the ins and outs of it. It's so damn obvious to me it looks like a giant shit stain in the middle of the sidewalk. My comments come from a conscious place of care for you. Not demonization. I only know this too well because I've been through the same shit and held the same trashy narcissistic individualistic perspective that claims you are this 'ultimate awakened person who is soooo developed and conscious' that you don't need anyone and that anyone who seeks relationships is automatically needy. Well thats just a front. You've closed your heart off so much you can't even imagine being intimate with someone yourself anymore. If you were really so conscious and awakened in that area you wouldn't be bashing others on the forum. Your projecting here.
  21. How would I know, I'm not awakened It was horrible yes, the next day I had flashes of it when I was walking in town. I had so much fear to turn streets and to see it again
  22. @Moksha Delightful & I could not agree more. ? I suppose when Siddhartha & Eckart believed they awakened they were also questioning what drives awakened people to do what they do. Maybe they also chose ego. They probably also thought their consciousness, and their awareness was telling them to do things. Maybe they also questioned if this was because of their time, or their advancement. Maybe they also sought to understand how guru’s are motivated, maybe they did make that intellectual choice. Perhaps they were also in the body and knew they would leave it in the future when enlightenment comes. I suppose they also asked other people what is normal for awakened people. I mean, how the heck could I know really.
  23. What drives awakened people to do what they do? The same thing which drives a river to flow.
  24. Yeah of course? I am sharing the experience with you and would like to see if there is some good input. It's just that pior awakening I thought awakened people choose to do good because by having to use willpower. Then now I really think that the truth might be that their and my whole existence seeks doing something more for this world. Early awakening I would gladly just sit blissed out for long times. Now there's the want to do something more during my time on this world. The reason I am skeptical of this new experience is because action takes energy. And earlier I conserved didn't use my energy to reach higher fulfillment. Interesting.. I will share the journey with you all. I just realised, my other thread on how awakened people divide meditation and working for the universe. If doing activity based on your minds choice only then you wouldn't be able to balance it well I dont think. That's why I made that thread. But if your whole consciousness strives to do it then your being creates the balance, now I can meditate again earlier I used ego to stop the will of "the world" which tried to make me do things. It was all about the choice of existence and I'll let existence do it's thing more and more now. What the world will turn around for the people around me. My friends, my family the whole society hasn't gotten any much of clues from me for what change I am about to bring on my lifestyle and what I do. Mohahahahahah lol.
  25. I believe I awakened not too long ago and it changed everything. Though I with reasons choose willingly to take one last journey into great ego for a couple of weeks. First it was easy to sit down with ecstasy anytime after awakening but now I sense how my entire being wants to go out and help the world. Like a guru does, though I try to sit down in ecstasy I feel joy but my consciousness telles me to go off and do certain things. Even though my self awareness I can't really tell if this is because of my time in ego or because of my advancement. I wonder if this is how gurus are motivated to do their work. That it is not only an intellectual choice but your entire being chose it fully and completely. Meditating into ecstasy to and go deeper into enlightenment didn't seem difficult before, but now there's a feeling of that I am here for a bigger meaning, to serve the world. Then when I am ready I will one day go deep into ecstasy and leave this body at the time of enlightenment. My mind wants to believe that I should be able to just be in ecstasy alone by myself, but following what I think to remember the same procedure of letting go of all ego/suffering. My being wants to move and do things, is this normal for awakened people? I would gladly appreciate any knowledge you might have on this? So the main question is, what drives awakened people to do what they do in the sense that, Is it an intellectual choice or is there more to it as I might be experiencing?