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  1. @Seraphim If there is experience it is dual, with a subject and an object. Say you smoked toad, and everything ceases but white void. There's still a subject perceiving the white void. In literal cessation of subject/object there is nothingness like going under general anaesthetic.
  2. Good. But I made it better: Another analogy is: Reality = Giant ZOOM Call with infinite participants. Your life is one of these squares. There is no material universe, it's just divisions of screens of Infinite Formless Consciousness. However, there has to be a "host" for this meeting. You are that host right now. You are God. Which is also identical to Infinite Formless Conscousness. It's One. Zero. Oneness. Unity. Undivided. Whole. Nothingness. Everything. Divine Play. Heavenly Music. An Endless Dance Without Dancers. God. Love. Goodness. Infinity. Eternity. The Ground of Being. The Groundless Ground. The Self-Less Self. God. You. I. ... _ < > ^^ You are IT. If you are reading this, you are now the host of the ZOOM Call. You see? The Absolute. Consciousness. Source. Eternal Infinity. All the other squares are real experiences that people had, but they are not "ON" — only YOU are on. Only your square in this ZOOM Call is on -- and as soon as your call is done, the next square lights up. In this way: Everything is Mind, rendering the external physical world merely an optical illusion. Imagination. Reality = Imagination Imagination = Reality. No paradox. No opposites. In Truth. Just EXPERIENCE. BEING. Nothingness. So VOID It becomes FULL. It is Infinity multiplying Itself to Infinity. Infinite Intelligence. Cosmic Consciousness. God. Everything is very, very, very deliberate. There are only "apparent coincidences". Have Faith. Fate. Hope. Let go. Love. Play. Surrender. It's all One - (but where have We been heading to?) You may be caught ... but you are so deliberately. freely imprisoned Hey. What's up. Wanna wake up? You are going to wake up. Personally, I can't sleep anymore! Wakey, wakey. Hey God. Hi You. Hi Me. Nothing is going on. Don't fear. It's all just a game. But WE are playing it! You can never not play. muuuuuuuuusiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic
  3. I called SOLIPSISM a belief. Read the thread. Even my original post I specifically called the fact that there is only you a truth. YOU are interpreting it as solipsism. I am not proposing solipsism, I am proposing nonduality. Truth = Zero, Nothingness, Consciousness, Magic.
  4. Yeah man, I feel you. But you gotta realize that TRUTH is shocking. You still believe there is a separate God somewhere that is reigning over you, and earth, etc. No such thing. You are god right now experiencing your own creation. GOD, is a hive mind, and you are a node in this hive mind, while simultaneously being the entire mind network. There is no superior entity to you. You are it. You are zero. Nothingness. Hallucinating everything around you.
  5. @Javfly33 I am 100% behind what I said in my original post. I have had an NDE, multiple mystical states and I am applying logic and reason to the origin of reality, nothingness, zero.
  6. I was wondering whether anyone else had experienced Kundalini as a Goddess. During the initial stages of my awakening, during 2011-2012, I experienced Kundalini as a serpentine energy, as descibed by most people and classical works on the subject. During the latter stages, the sensation became physical and whenever Kundalini was active inside me, I experienced a black serpent wriggling around in my body, along the spine, gradually rising ever further upwards and bumping its head against energetic blocks in my body in a rhythmic fashion. When the serpent got stuck, just above the heart chakra and couldn’t push its head through the knot found there, I experienced intense chronic chest pain, heart palpitations, neurological symptoms, such as memory loss and slowness of movement. I then prayed for divine intervention and the Goddess appeared to me in person, performed shaktipat on me, then united with me energetically and allowed me to experience enlightenment, a breakthrough at the final knot at the top back part of the head (I believe this is called Brahmarendra, the cavity of God), which broke with an audible cracking noise. Then, liquid light came roaring in, I expanded in all directions in an ecstatic bliss and became boundless and all-knowing, at least for a short while. In that state, I felt universal and understood everything about reality, universe, life, or whatever else you can think of. When i eventually returned to my body, I only retained a tiny portion of the knowledge I had access to in the universal state. I also felt constrained and suffocated by my own body, but I gradually returned to normal consciousness. The Goddess aspect of Kundalini is rarely emphasised, or if so, usually only in abstract terms, but I wonder how many people have been visited by her as a living Goddess and how common this is? I found a reference in the book of essays, Kundalini Rising, by Lawrence Edwards, whose experience closely mirrors my own. I’m not sure how much I can quote from his work, before triggering the copyright bots, so I’ll try to quote only the most succinct sections, that are most relevant to this point. Chapter: Kundalini Her Symbols of Transformation and Freedom LAWRENCE EDWARDS, PHD THE GIFTS OF MAHA KALI “ Once a renowned author who had written about Kundalini came to meet my guru, Swami Muktananda. Baba, as my guru was known, was revered for his exalted visions of the Kun- dalini and his rare ability to give shaktipat. The author, too, had visions of Kundalini, but to him she appeared quite unimpressive, looking like an ordinary woman, not like a God- dess at all. As he waited outside the room where Baba was receiving visitors, he was astonished to have a vision of the Goddess Kundalini herself entering the room where Baba was—only this time she appeared in her most regal and resplendent form, magnif- icent and awe inspiring … Baba, he asked why it was that she appeared so ordinary to him, while for Baba she came as the Goddess of the Universe. Baba replied simply, “Because I worship her.” … The intense practices I began doing culminated in a series of meditation experiences in Baba’s ashram meditation hall during a weekend retreat in 1982. Various forms of the Goddess began appearing fully and spontaneously in meditation, as real as any person standing in front of me. I worshipped each in turn, trembling and awestruck as I did and only able to do so because of the strength the Shakti gave me in the moment to withstand Her Divine presence. Goddess after Goddess appeared until finally Maha Kali was present there before me. I prayed with all my heart to be able to stay conscious. Her skin was blacker than black, like deep black velvet in a darkened room. Yet in some miraculous way Her form was radiant, revealing Her own richly magnificent blackness. A thought ap- peared in my mind: “My God, this is Kali! She’s the Great Mother, Goddess of the Uni- verse, creator and destroyer of all that is!” But She was in the most exquisite, beautiful, loving form, not the fearsome presence She is usually depicted as having. This was Her hidden form. I did the only thing I knew to do: I did puja to Her, an ancient Indian form of worship, while shaking with a mixture of fear, awe, and overwhelming love. Tears flowed down my cheeks. Then the Goddess came forward and embraced me, wrapping Herself around me. Everything slowed down. I could feel myself gradually merging into Her, and I could hear Her laughing the wildest, most ecstatic laugh! We disappeared from the ordinary world. My awareness shifted, and I could see the whole solar system with all its planets, and then stars and galaxies being withdrawn into Her. The entire universe was merging into Her, and all the while it was merging, the infinitude of the cosmos rever- berated with Her ecstatic laughter. Finally, I disappeared into Her as I dissolved into infi- nite Light and Love, and then into a nothingness beyond even that, beyond the mind, be- yond any duality of experience. There simply was no “me” left; I was gone, gone, gone be- yond. … The experience ended; feeling profoundly grateful, I bowed to my inner guru, my Goddess Kundalini. This had all unfolded as a re- sult of shaktipat from my Siddha master, Muktananda Baba, years earlier, and my prayer to know the highest form of worship of Kundalini. Complete worship merges you with the one you worship. Through worship and prayer, the Goddess reveals the mysteries of Her creation to Her creature: the seeker—you! … No words can describe how overwhelmed and truly awestruck I was by the appearance of the Goddesses classically depicted in the chakras, followed by Maha Kali Herself. These were the Goddesses that Kundalini manifests, as well as Her primal form as Maha Shakti, the great power, that takes the form of Maha Kali, the Black Goddess. It is this highest power that dissolves the universe as She merges into the sahasrara, creating it once again as She descends from that transcendent realm. … Just as the aspects of Divine Consciousness were being presented to my awareness sym- bolically in the forms of the Goddesses, in the same way the union with those Divine forms was symbolized by sexual union. Readers familiar with the experiences of mystics of many spiritual traditions will recognize that this is a common way for union with the Di- vine to express itself. Very often the Tantric traditions, both yogic and Buddhist, that deal with the Divine Feminine depict union in this way. Carnal symbolism and the experience of that form of symbolic merger in meditation are often confusing for people, especially Westerners, who take it literally. From: Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening. Sounds True Inc. Short Excerpts from pages 294-298 “ So, this is really interesting to me, as it is so close to my own experience of Union with the Goddess and her many visits to me. Maybe it is a bit esoteric (on in other words, Tantric), but I would really like to hear from others who may have experienced this.
  7. How sure are you of this "Insights"? Especially "Other people" and "Death". Please be honest. If you say 100% , I expect you to no Lt be scared at all of death and be absolutely loving to other people since they are you and you will live their lives as God/Nothingness, right ? And if you don't say 100%, then we are just playing the never ending game, some mystical states here and there, and then some interpretations mixed with non dual theory and Leo's teaching, shake it, apply some belief intention and we are good to go to feel like we have sorted it out, but of course we keep behaving like scared little devils because deep inside us there is still doubts and we are NOT REALLY sure. So, please, give it a rate. Have the balls of saying "100%" ?
  8. @justfortoday You are much more advanced than I am but I see a clear blind spot. It is called the full circle. This is was very common in ancient Egypt and it was the last secret revealed. When one arrived to a super conciousness state by mastering all paths (wisdom, devotion, Mind, non-dual...) one arrived to a see through the ilusion and understand the core of all existance, which then formed everything else. Therefore, the master asked to reconstruct from this core existance layer by layer again his ego reality, for it is also real in the sense that an ilusion is real and also must be understood. Understanding how from the God-Head of his being all the transformation and alchimical processes happened till one finds himself in this existance where, even though it's pretty clear it's nothing, it's also pretty clear there is more. This is at least the main blind spot I see in all masters, where the are enlightened about enlightenment but not about non-enlightenment (Unless they are God-Realized where then this is all non-sense). For the one that is truly interested in Truth, it is not only enough by going to the source and understanding it but by also how the whole game of existance is played. Because this is not just random nothingness, this is armonious beyond our understanding. For it is deconstructed to know the most juicy insights, then it must be constructed to engage in the divine game of existance. For this is a great cosmic play. Knowing that the dream is a dream is also a dream, that insight must be had, that insight must also be left, as well as all those that have been stated here. If u wanna Truly be liberated.
  9. 1. — It's neither solipsism or materialism, all possibilities exist super-positioned (like quantum mechanics states), you are simply forking your way through the game as you play it. Solipsism is just some concept you are imagining right now, it carries some truth, but the truth is WAY more radical than solipsism. 2. I have personally seen through the illusion, and without much use of psychedelics. Only used marijuana on a weekly basis and some shrooms once or twice. But once you see the illusion and are able to "see" consciousness and observe it, there is no unseeing that. 3. Sorry to break it to ya, but it's true : ) You are all that exists right now. It does not mean other POVs aren't real, it just means you haven't lived their lives yet. That's right, you will live every single life of every thing you have ever encountered in your life. Because you are them, and this is a VR experience, and you are the single player. 4. Magic as limitless power to modify reality to its will. Consciousness/nothingness is magic itself. You are divine.
  10. Hope this post helps you on your journey. These insights and learnings have been gained through a lot of sweat and tears. Part I: What am I existentially? Close your eyes. Imagine having no vision at all. Not even the ability to perceive darkness. Just complete loss of vision. Yet you remain. Cover your ears. Imagine having no hearing at all. Not even the ability to perceive silence. Yet you remain. Now imagine having no body at all. Yet you remain. What you are, metaphysically, is a complete void. A zero. Infinite. You see, nothingness is uncreated, it is required. Imagine nothing, since it is nothing, it needed no creator. It always was. Nothing is equal to zero, which equals infinite positive numbers paired with infinite negative numbers and infinite combinations. A system of balanced energy that always equals to zero. This is called frequency. All color, sound, touch is nothing but frequency, number. Nothingness is infinite in all degrees. Everything is mind. You may also replace mind with spirit. Part II: The Universe Complete fantasy. There is no physical, external universe with "space" in which you move. The true universe is the present moment you are experiencing. It is a mindspace, not a physical box full of matter. Part III: Time Time is actually running "backwards" but we perceive it inversely. Watch the video below. The "matter" or "objects" seem to control the human, not the other way around. The matter or objects you see are just refractions of your infinite mind. PAST = FUTURE FUTURE = PAST It also renders gravity useless. Another invention. Part IV: What is reality? Reality is a VR experience created with infinite intelligence by nothingness itself, so that it could experience itself from a multiplicity of viewpoints for eternity. You see, reality is a possibility pool. Basically everything, every possibility has already happened outside of time and space. That means this very moment you are "living" has happened an infinite number of times, and will continue to happen as it is infinite. THIS IS A REPLAY. As you navigate your "life" and make choices, you are forking your POV, recalling these moments that have already happened outside of time and space, and they materialize as reality for you. The "universe" is rendered as needed by the POV. Much like in a dream. Part V: Other People This is going to be controversial, but I can assure you it is true. This right now, this instance of consciousness that is reading these words is the only POV in existence. This present moment is all there is. Imagine that you record yourself for a full day playing a bunch of characters. You do 30 impressions and you record them on video. You then decide to wipe your memories of making the videos, and decide to watch one movie each day for 30 days, yet you don't know that it was you playing those characters. All other people are unreal, because again, *everything* happened in eternity. Your life is the infinite forking of possibilities in this pool. In this case, your life is one of these movies, and once it's over, there is another movie to play. You and I are not conscious at the same time, it's an illusion. That means that this field that is conscious of these words, is the same field that held Jesus' life, Buddha's life, etc. You are walking in some big shoes. It is literally the same consciousness. Part VI: Your Senses You believe that you have a brain that renders colors, sound and touch to get you your "reality", but in true reality you are hallucinating everything around you. Your imagination is so powerful that it is indistinguishable from "reality". Part VII: Magic I can personally attest to the fact that magic is real. I have had a NDE + multiple awakenings. Magic is a feature of nothingness as there is nothing to oppose nothingness. Part VI: Death Doesn't exist. Death has always been a first-person experience you are having of others "dying", but no one has died ever, because no one has lived, ever. Again, it's an illusion. When you "die", you are reborn as another POV.
  11. @kinesin I just asked the same thing in a shinzen young forum, I was told that this could be the 4th jhana (equanimity). And apparently this purification of the rotten feeling is part of the purgatory in abrahamic religion. The first time i felt that was the fear of nothingness/dark night of the soul. This disgusting energy in my body. Yes you're right, now that I've been through it, I guess that I don't have to fear it anymore. I always backed off before. Now unfortunately I didn't have any change in perception or enlightenment, but I might have digested a part of my shadow. But damn why does that feel so bad. It's not an emotion or a bodily sensation, I honestly can only describe it as a rotten burning sensation.
  12. @Hulia Isn’t everything transient though? Eventually, even you life will end. Eventually (supposedly) the universe will undergo thermal heat-death or something. I agree with you though that happiness isn’t really what people want, but I have no idea of what a better metric would be. Integration? Peace? Love? Nothingness? Anything you want bc everything is equal? Anything at all? I have no idea.
  13. Thanks to you guys,I managed to go through the nauseous cloudy feeling in my Body! Awakening? Okay, so I mentioned that sometimes when I am close to awakening this rotten feeling of discomfort comes through my Body, and I always used to stop when it occured and then felt bad about it. Today I went through with it. I just let it expand and noticed the fear and feeling of unease expecting an awakening or some kind of mystical experience, my heart started pounding and then: nothing happened. I expected some fireworks at the end of going through that thing I struggled with for months, but nothing at all, my heart calmed down and I just continued meditating. Then after my meditation app stopped I sat there for a while, eyes closed, and I don't entirely remember what happened (even though it was 10 minutes ago). But the darkness in front of my eyes became white and I was kind of absorbed into that "loud silence" After a few minutes I opened my eyes and was really confused looking around the room, I got a little bit nervous and then my normal sense of self returned. No bliss, no dream-awakening, no pleasure, no pain, no nothingness. What is that "experience" I went through? I did self-inquiry followed by 20 minutes breath-concentration practice. How am I supposed to classify it, if I cannot remember it correctly? Is that cessation? A jhana? A seizure (I hope not lol)?
  14. Non-Origination is not non-existence for me, and yes as someone rightly said- EVERYTHING IS EXISTENCE-! And yes- Nothingness is existence, not non-existence.
  15. The major question of philosophy is what is existence and reality itself? Where did it come from and why does it exist at all? Many people believe this is a great mystery but I will argue that there is nothing mysterious or grandiose about it - in fact I will argue that existence is both mundane and comically simple. There are many theories of existence including multiverses, higher dimensions, string theory, quantum gravity, gods, conscioussness, quantum fluctuations, mathematical universe theory, simulation theory and on and on. While these are important things to research and ponder I will argue that none of them can be the ultimate truth. Even if these can be proven true they are not the ultimate answer to existence. They logically cannot be as they are just more 'things' which creates the question of where did they come from and so on leading to an infinite regression and more endless searching. This means that logically existence cannot have a reason or purpose for existing because this would lead to the question of why which leads back to infinite regress. Because there is no reason or purpose for anything that means that existence as a whole is completely free and unbounded. There are no meta laws or constraints on existence. There are 'laws' of physics but there are no laws of the laws. The laws of physics themselves have no reason to exist - they came from nowhere. This means that the fundamental truth of existence is pure potentiality itself - which is essentially nothingness. Nothingness is the superposition of infinite potentialities from which all purposeless manifestations of existence arise from for no reason. Our universe, the laws of physics, consciousness, qualia, logic, reason etc and anything else existing is a product of this pure potentiality. Pure potentiality is literaly infinite and has the potential to create anything including absurd things like a universe that was just a bunch of floating chairs but this does not mean it will necessary do so it just has the ability to do so in the same way it created our existence with its specific laws that look normal to us due to the habit of us living here. Pure potentiality is not constrained by any laws or rules and it has no properties because it is the very thing that creates laws, constraints, and properties. Pure potentiality is completely free and unbounded. Purposeless creation for no reason in other words. Itself the very reason for existence.
  16. Sadhguru: During Mahasamadhi entire energy body is projected out, and during AP, only one portion of Pranamayakosha is projected out. People will usually get scared by feeling/being lose in the body (Vyana Vayu) and label that by Mahasamadhi in their mind, due to their mind being filled by various assumptions, including the ones I'm presenting. Sadhguru's wife Viji allegedly preformed Mahasamadhi using Shambho mantra (most gentle form of Shiva) and exited the body through hearth chakra (burn mark was visible on the body) by sheer intensity of emotion (merging with object of devotion) which found little awareness. What is interesting, Sadhguru said she didn't completely dissolve immediately upon leaving the body, so he was still expecting her to help him with consecration, but she was approached by a different master who helped her dissolve completely. Sadhguru: That being said, Sadhguru will always give a copper ring to people for their left ring finger, when they do intense Sadhana (to not go beyond Nirvikalpa Samadhi). He rarely explains how even Sadhana works in details, and he never explained the rings. While all meditators where doing Shoonya meditation (nothingness) Viji felt that the ring was stopping her, so she removed it. After the incident, Sadhguru had to explain the purpose of the ring.
  17. ...and I don't mean the definition from the paradigm of materialistic science. In a double-blind place trial, one group of participants are given the actual drug tested, while the others are given a pill with nothing in it (placebo). Every drug that goes through clinical trial has its efficiency tested against the placebo, but not all succeed. The placebo group can even experience some effects and this is what im interested in! Is it yet another example of "Mind over body/matter" and "Law of attraction"? Literally generating something new out of nothingness... where is this effect coming from really? We have never thoroughly studied placebo directly, although its use for benefiting people appears to be very wide (so many different drugs and that is just one domain). Could placebo be the not yet fully actualized potential of humans? ... where in future instead of doing and taking stuff to be or have things a certain way, we will just will that into existence?
  18. I think it goes like this... Awareness -> Big Bang/Spacetime (including matter) -> Pockets of experience within this manufactured spacetime develop and become increasingly complex -> Multiple pockets of experience link and work together for a "lifeform", it is processed as one unit like a computer. I don't think I am awareness, I think it's me. I don't think the two statements are the same... I'm an imaginary puppet. When life is over the plaything that is me is discarded and vanishes into nothingness like the characters in a dream when I wake up. From their perspective if they had one they just vanish. From our perspective we are the body and brain I think. The body and brain are imaginary but so are we. We are the toys God plays with. Our brains shape our existence entirely.
  19. @Mafortu The point is to realize that in reality, there are no "things". Yes, "everything" and "nothing" are identical, but believe me, people don't understand the meaning of either word. When we talk of nothingness, people immediately have an image in their mind of what this nothingness might look like. Using the word "everything", people also have an image in their mind; an image, which contains very many things. It's important to remember that both images are neither nothing nor everything, but rather like "something". I'd rather have you think about the universe being nothing, because 1. it balances your view that the universe is only something/everything 2. in nothingness, there are no boundaries. Which is also the case for "everything", but it's probably easier to see in nothingness 3. it simply wouldn't appear to say anything so say "reality is everything" instead of "reality is nothing".
  20. Everythingness is more likely to strengthen ego. You identify with something (that seems) real. Nothingness points to the fact that there are no selves and nothing solid in reality. It's no-thing, it's not physical at all. The best understanding is that both nothingness and everythingness are one and the same.
  21. Nothing can exist outside of consciousness because consciousness is infinite and all things can only exist as imagined by consciousness. The end. You guys make it too complicated, you get tangled up in your own minds. There is no such thing as non-existence. Only existence. Nothingness is existence, not non-existence.
  22. What you’re talking about and Nothingness had a certain phenomenological difference. You already have oneness for what you’re saying
  23. I believe every post or insight containing the word nothingness would help the collective consciousness more if replaced by the word "everythingness". Doesnt eveythingness have a better ring to it? If we are to awaken the world, I think everythingness is an easier bus to jump into for the masses or anyone inexperienced with nonduality. Do you believe the quality of the mystical teachings would be any lesser if I replace every instance in existence of the word nothingness to ----> everythingness? I may be wrong, so I welcome any discussion.
  24. ? agreed It's been said that a good clear understanding of Adviata or Nonduality firstly can lead to a better understanding of no creation, nothingness or Ajata in the latter. Robert Wolfe has some incredible essays in this area on his AjataSunyata Project website. ❤
  25. LWAM Season 1, episode 12 I’m back to write my annual post. I had an itch to share some of the things I’ve been experiencing since last time so here I go again. I don’t even know why I would write anything because I would simply be repeating what’s been said a million times. But I also cannot NOT write because THE ITCH! Falling deeper into this never –ending funhouse of absolute nothingness tends to come in waves. After the initial shock of altered perception, it slowly becomes more and more natural and yet, there is always this element of surprise waiting around the corner. There are subtle ways in which I notice things changing. I guess I feel major shifts whenever there’s any change in the degree of identification with thoughts and feelings. And that’s the closest I can describe it because even saying that isn’t quite true. All that is happening is deeper falling and I don’t know what exactly is falling and where. Recently, there’s been a subtle way in which identification arises and drops almost instantly. The constant dissolving of this fake structure is so amusing. I see myself making stuff up and then convincing myself it’s the truth and maybe falling for it for a day or two before I see through the whole thing and then I’m back “at the right perception”. At this point I’m just fucking with myself for laughs. Like, how can I trick myself while also knowing I’m tricking myself? I do keep on dying on different levels and here’s what that looks like followed by random sentences I wrote in my journal about the thing: 1) BRAIN NOT WORKING WORDS WHAT I got somewhat used to not having memory, but then another disorienting thing happened with thoughts. As in, I would have intrusive thoughts about one particular thing and after a while it would exhaust itself completely and then I’d be left in this state of no thoughts. And from that state it would be very hard to articulate and formulate words. It feels as though my brain has been fried which is hilarious in and of itself because I can’t find the brain that I’m referring to. Everything is rising out of me and in me, I can’t believe it, I have no mind. I made it up!! There’s a mind that does what exactly?? 2) THE DICKHEAD I noticed that I no longer feel feelings of others which was an amazing relief because it meant that I no longer felt suffering hardly ever. And after that I noticed that - wait, I don’t feel any feelings period. And then oh, I do feel feelings, but it’s sort of like, they have nothing to with me so I don’t really pay that much attention to them. And when I do pay attention to a feeling and stay with it for a while, it fades away very quickly. Feelings are a nonissue because I don’t see a difference between “positive” and “negative” emotions. Like really! It doesn’t matter what I label the feeling, it’s gone before I try to get hold of it. I feel everything almost three feet away from me at all times. Things are not important - I don’t believe in them anymore. That’s why there a lot of things I feel like I can’t really relate to. One moment things matter to me, the next they don’t, it’s like they never happened. I’m having trouble with seeing people’s problems as problems because it all looks like imaginary nonsense. In any interaction my first reaction is: I’m not buying it. It almost like can’t relate to or understand personal issues. Or maybe I’m just a dickhead now. Practically, it might be said that I turned into a dickhead but strangely, I’m more compassionate than ever. The funny thing is that feeling people’s feelings and understanding them or believing in them doesn’t help them, it just puts suffering on top of suffering. Only when you don’t believe them can you feel real compassion. The paradoxes of this are insane. I can’t get sucked into human drama like before as in, I know it’s not real and because of that there’s so much compassion for anyone that does because I remember what it felt like. 3) FAMILY STANDS FOR??? The body that is here is certainly related to my family members, but my relationship with them is totally gone. I value them as people and continue to have relationships with them, but not as their daughter, sister or aunt. The person that they once knew is gone and they don’t even know it. I just do a hell of a job pretending. How can I be related to anything when I see myself being born and then dying each second that passes? What would that even mean? The person that I was is completely dead. I’m dying laughing. Dear god. The person that pretended to be here finally left, or honestly, was dragged out of the theater. 4) LOVE PERSONIFIED BLABLABLA I feel suffocated by love. The love is so intense I am scared of it. I am embodied love. And I love loving. I’m literally living in never ending love I am absolute love. What I am has never been hurt, never left, never rejected. It doesn’t know anything but pure love for itself. Read Meister Eckhart for much more clear insights about love if you’re in the mood. Everything is my body. I’ll never be able to express the gratitude I feel. I genuinely don’t need anything outside of what needs to keep the body mind alive. I want everyone to experience this, but I’m not sure they are ready or even want to. Every moment I am there, always there, never arriving, never going, always here, always full, always infinite, always at the place of life and death and neither. End credits: All creation is hollow, and a picture's a shadow. Just a symptom of love, with a lack of a cause. Directed by The Prime Minister of writing clichès on forums.