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  1. @Shanmugam Jesus was enlightened but his teachings are ultimately about salvation, while enlightened life is just one important aspect of the path towards salvation. Mind that salvation in Christianity and Islam is something different than moksha, it’s salvation from Judgement day. And I will stop here because it will take way too long to explain that and my English might not be good enough to write on such nuanced topics. But it’s all about never-ending process of evolution. And it’s all really simple but very nuanced. Check out Sri Aurobindo and his disciple Mira Alfassa. They wrote tones of very dense and nuanced works on Jesus and so called ‘supramental’ transformation/evolution of humanity, and they base everything on their direct experience. If we take sources in English, I think pretty much no one, except real deal saints of the past, has understood Jesus and the whole point of spirituality and where humanity is heading to, better than Aurobindo and Alfassa.
  2. @Jack_Clark Take it easy, love yourself more than ever before, relax into the process and know that the less you fight with it and the more you follow your intuition and what your body desires the quicker the transformation will be possible. It is going to change you on the deepest level only to make you into a divine diamond. I wish you relaxation on your journey.
  3. The reason I ask is that I did 150 mics of LSD recently. I booked an air bnb specifically for the trip. I went into it with pretty serious intentions for personal growth and transformation. That's why I do psychedelics. And I noticed at a few points throughout the trip, this fear came up. I remember trying to rationalize why I was there. "Oh yeah, I'm John. I'm here to explore non duality and personally develop". I kept reminding myself of stuff like that. It felt like if I didn't I would get lost. I was in an air bnb on my own. There was another apartment above me. What if I got lost and started laughing too loud that they heard? Or started playing music too loud? Or you know, something like that? Also there were certain trains of thought I found myself going down that potentially led to a negative place and in turn a negative trip. Should we be willing to explore them fully? Or should we manipulate the trip a bit more to make sure it is positive?
  4. @Saumaya I have questioned until I break all questions down to the one question..who am I? My belief is that I am soul energy expressed in a human form in this dimension. I believe that I am a piece of God or a piece of the Universe, whatever anyone wants to call it...Source Energy. I also believe that we are all one, but on this plane, we are expressed to look like individual people in a human form. I don't believe i was born in the sense people think of birth and I don't believe I will die. I believe it can be summed up that I am purely a part of the universe expressed as slow moving energy that is currently embodied as a human being. Everything is about transformation, being birthed into this human life, dying from this human form. Its just simply a transformation back into universal energy, source energy or God in it's infinite formlessness. This is my ultimate belief.....but I am open obviously to other views or ideas as not many humans that have ever lived as one have had 100% knowing to the core of their being, the answers they were seeking..
  5. Earlier you referred to terrorists and school shootings as far more sinister than SJWs. I would definitely agree, but this propping up of one over the other is a criticism. Clearly infinity loves terrorists. Sure, alright. So let's just accept terrorism? There is no way we can consciously make a transformation here? Even acceptance and compassion can AFFECT CHANGE. So is that self agenda? Are all forms of self agenda bad? Yeah, terrorists conflict with my self agenda. Yeah, SJWs conflict with my self agenda too. I'm conscious of it, but I also believe I'm here to exercise my self agenda. Clearly infinity loves when we play out our agendas. Infinity loves to play games. So what if Jordan Peterson doesn't look happy when he's ranting against SJWs? Who said the point of life is to be happy all the time? There's also something called delayed gratification. Even if you believe happiness is the ultimate goal, the reason why you sit there struggling through meditation in the beginning is for some pay off down the line. Delayed gratification is the birth of spirituality. I'm challenging some of your points, but I'm legit working through these questions myself.
  6. @John Iverson With man, the natural, automatic process of evolution ends. Man is the last product of unconscious evolution. With man, conscious evolution begins. Many things are to be taken into account. First, unconscious evolution is mechanical and natural. It happens by itself. Through this type of evolution, consciousness evolves. But the moment consciousness comes into being, unconscious evolution stops because its purpose has been fulfilled. Unconscious evolution is needed only up to the point where the conscious comes into being. Man has become conscious. In a way, he has transcended nature. Now nature cannot do anything; the last product that was possible through natural evolution has come into being. Now man becomes free to decide whether to evolve or not to evolve. Secondly, unconscious evolution is collective, but the moment evolution becomes conscious it becomes individual. No collective, automatic evolution proceeds further than mankind. From now on, evolution becomes an individual process. Consciousness creates individuality. Before consciousness evolves, there is no individuality. Only species exist, not individuality. When evolution is still unconscious, it is an automatic process; there is no uncertainty about it. Things happen through the law of cause and effect. Existence is mechanical and certain. But with man, with consciousness, uncertainty comes into existence. Now, nothing is certain. Evolution may take place or it may not. The potential is there, but the choice will rest entirely with each individual. That is why anxiety is a human phenomenon. Below man there is no anxiety because there is no choice. Everything happens as it must. There is no choice so there is no chooser, and in the absence of the chooser, anxiety is impossible. Who is to be anxious? Who is to be tense? With the possibility of choice, anxiety follows like a shadow. Everything has to be chosen now; everything is a conscious effort. You alone are responsible. If you fail, you fail. It is your responsibility. If you succeed, you succeed. It is again your responsibility. And every choice is ultimate in a sense. You cannot undo it, you cannot forget it, you cannot go back on it. Your choice becomes your destiny. It will remain with you and be a part of you; you cannot deny it. But your choice is always a gamble. Every choice is made in darkness because nothing is certain. That is why man suffers from anxiety. He is anxious to his very roots. What torments him, to begin with, is: to be or not to be? to do or not to do? to do this or to do that? “No choice” is not possible. If you do not choose, then you are choosing not to choose; it is a choice. So you are forced to choose; you are not free not to choose. Not choosing will have as much effect as any other choice. The dignity, the beauty and the glory of man is this consciousness. But it is a burden also. The glory and the burden come simultaneously the minute you become conscious. Every step is a movement between the two. With man, choice and conscious individuality come into existence. You can evolve, but your evolution will be an individual endeavor. You may evolve to become a buddha or you may not. The choice is yours. So there are two types of evolution: collective evolution and individual, conscious evolution. `Evolution’ implies unconscious, collective progress, so it would be better to use the word `revolution’ in talking about man. With man, revolution becomes possible. Revolution, as I am using the word here, means a conscious, individual effort toward evolution. It is bringing individual responsibility to a peak. Only you are responsible for your own evolution. Ordinarily, man tries to escape from his responsibility for his own evolution, from the responsibility of freedom of choice. There is a great fear of freedom. When you are a slave the responsibility for your life is never yours; someone else is responsible. So in a way, slavery is a very comfortable thing. There is no burden. In this respect, slavery is a freedom: freedom from conscious choice. The moment you become completely free, you have to make your own choices. No one forces you to do anything; all alternatives are open to you. Then the struggle with the mind begins. So one becomes afraid of freedom. Part of the appeal of ideologies such as communism and fascism is that they provide an escape from individual freedom and a shirking of individual responsibility. The burden of responsibility is taken away from the individual; the society becomes responsible. When something goes wrong, you can always point to the state, the organization. Man becomes just a part of the collective structure. But in denying individual freedom, fascism and communism also deny the possibility of human evolution. It is a falling back from the great possibility that revolution offers: the total transformation of human beings. When this happens, you destroy the possibility of achieving the ultimate. You fall back; you again become like animals. To me, further evolution is possible only with individual responsibility. You alone are responsible! This responsibility is a great blessing in disguise. With this individual responsibility comes the struggle that ultimately leads to choiceless awareness. The old pattern of unconscious evolution has ended for us. You can fall back into it, but you cannot remain in it. Your being will revolt. Man has become conscious; he has to remain conscious. There is no other way. Unconscious evolution ends with man and conscious evolution — revolution — begins. But conscious evolution does not necessarily begin in any particular man. It begins only if you choose it to begin. If you do not choose it — as most people do not — you will be in a very tense condition. And present-day humanity is like this: nowhere to go, nothing to be achieved. Nothing can be achieved now without conscious effort. You cannot go back to a state of unconsciousness. The door has closed; the bridge has been broken. – OSHO [The Psychology of the Esoteric – 1]
  7. Only you can say for sure if your seeking has ended. Is there still a craving for 'becoming'? What kind of self-agenda or to-do list you have for future? Do you still feel that you have to get somewhere? What @Saumaya has stated in his thread 'Post enlightenment observations' is the same as what I would have described if someone has asked for my observations on my own transformation. You can recognize such reports easily even though they are being conveyed in different words. The feeling of lightness in the body, the absence of distinction between inside and outside, a complete sense of freedom and fulfillment etc are some of the things which are common among such reports. But anyway, once the seeking is over, you will be sure that your 'personal' journey is over; Your story will completely lose its significance and you will not need any external confirmation. Also, since you mentioned about smoking weed, I can tell you that weed can sometimes give you a sense of fake enlightenment. If you smoke weed very frequently like once in a day and also meditating, it may be very convincing but it only lasts until the effects of the weed completely fades away.That may take about a month, sometimes.. So it is also very important to see how long it has been since you stopped smoking weed. Above all, one thing is very important! Enlightenment doesn't require an external confirmation.
  8. ...and yeah, one of the biggest personal, yes personal reasons for persuing vehicles toward Enlightenment and Transformation was to enumerate and be freed from the suffering of my own abusive human patterns, and in so doing engender the same for the world. It can be done, as some on here seem to be touching, and maybe see way more than "I".
  9. Hy people!! I´m here to hear your experiences and journey with this kind of work! I'm Miguel from Portugal!! I started to follow Marti's emotional healing guide and since them we have chatted. After 12 I started to get OCD and when I was 16 all my world changed due to a little but so little stress with a girl that hit me in all manners, body, mind, subconscious, hit me without explanation. After that the intelligent, extroverted Miguel turn into a introverted, social anxiety guy that has problems even to talk to a old lady on the grocerie store. Years of pain led me where I AM today, many therapist, hipnoses etc tried to fix me. Then I start to look online for all the questions that I had on my mind. Basicly my mind never stops, never, obsessive.. I started to search about meaning of life and all that things.. Then I really wanted to be the guy that I was with women and started to search about, saw all a comunity of guys that with some "techinques" and mindset have several relationships with girls above our level. I started to research about that and when I start apllying that something in me blocks me.. All that blockages that I have in me pop up and I'm stuck in life.. I can't connect with anyone, all the relationships with my friend are shallow, not like the other people... I saw Martis guide, I'm also going trought Julien Blanc Transformation Mastery and many teachings come to me.. Don't know if you guys are busy but if you can point me out to best manners to resolve this blockages that I have.. I'm finishing college and a part of me wants so bad to connect with people, to be the extroverted guy that I was, to have stories and almost nothing.. I have nothing to talk about this college years, I really want to connect with people but when I'm at parties or even at college I don't know what to talk, my mind gets full, I started getting like things that block my body, I feel super stiffled and nothing comes out and I'm very awkward. Even in college before I had the OCD and all that things that changed me I was the guy that had the best grades of the region and now I don't feel that, I have difficulties to resolve college problems (Software Engineering) and I feel dumb, stuck.. I know that this is all the things that I repressed, all the thing that are stuck in my subconcious and I want to change myself to be more natural, not fake.. I started to enter on "pick-up" cause I was always the guy that attracted girls to is life and loved it but a problem with one girl (very small problem but she mentally manipulated me) change the guy that I was, the OCD that I had got so much worse and then I feel like I had to say sorry to everyone, I made vows that I would never made something bad to a girl and years and years, everyday saying that to myself, putting new beliefs on my subconscious and from an extroverted guy I'm now I guy that is shy to talk about with old ladies. I saw teaching about loving the shadow, not doing the breath work to let go of that emotions, just love them and they will change, other teaching say to let go of that sensations.. If you can share your wisdom with me will be amazing!! Sorry for the rant!! :-P
  10. Spirituality is an inner revolution Religiousness means the circumference, and spirituality means the center. Religiousness has something of spirituality, but only something - a vague radiation, something like a reflection in the lake of the starry night, of the full moon. Spirituality is the real thing, religiousness is just a by-product. And one of the greatest misfortunes that has happened to humanity is that people are being told to be religious not spiritual. Hence they start decorating their circumference, they cultivate character. Character is your circumference. By painting your circumference, the center is not changed. But if you change the center, the circumference automatically goes through a transformation. It certainly affects your behaviour, but only as a by-product. Because you are more alert, more aware, so naturally your action is different, your behaviour has a different quality, a different flavour, a different beauty. If your body is healthy then your lips are red, but you can paint them with lipstick and they will look red - and ugly. People are living with painted faces, wearing masks. These people are called religious. Spirituality belongs to your essential being, and religiousness only to the outermost actions, behaviour, morality. Religiousness is formal, going to the church every Sunday is a social affair. Spirituality is not morality Spirituality is not a question of morality, it is a question of vision. Spirituality is not the practicing of virtues - because if you practice a virtue it is no longer a virtue. A practiced virtue is a dead thing, a dead weight. Virtue is virtue only when it is spontaneous, virtue is virtue only when it is natural, unpracticed - when it comes out of your vision, out of your awareness, out of your understanding. Come, Come, Yet Again Come - Osho
  11. He meant us (we) not the US ? I have probably what most would conaider an "addictive personality" , but I found it very easy to stop eating meat and drink alcohol. Now, cigarettes and weed are another story - because I had a story running in my mind that it's ok to do those, but I'm quitting them too now. It seems like being addicted to transformation and spirituality is a good way to substitute negative addictions. About coffee, I do drink from time to time when I have to do something and I feel too sleepy. So using it for its purpose basically.
  12. @Lynnel From how you described your situation, this book really sounds like the perfect fit for you in order to take ownership of your behavior and thought patterns. If you are willing to do the exercises diligently, I can guarantee that your transformation will be nothing short of outstanding. I was once where you are right now, so I can feel for you and that's why I can vouch for this book even more. For the best results, I suggest getting the audiobook form and playing it for 20 minutes everyday until you finish it and then doing it all over again dozens of times as a practice. This is how I did it (and how multiple successful people I follow do it) and it's cool because you can do the exercises in real time, and the voice of the author puts you the right state of mind instantly.
  13. Life Purpose & Stopping to Get Rid of Pain So I got this huge intutive hit yesterday about turning my whole Life Purpose to something related to Theater. I got really excited, and I know that this excitement will pass. As George Leonard says, true growth occurs with short spurs of progress and long periods that you feel you’re going nowhere. I freaking love the feeling that I have had for the past two days, but I know how much I can suffer if I get attached to them. But, hell, I am happy that something changed. I had been focusing on Tai Chi Chuan very heavily this past month to develop the effortless power. And now my new fetiche is for theater ahah. I am scared that I might get overly-excited and screw things up. Cause when I do something too much, I get aversed to it even though I love it. Happened to me with meditation, with yoga, with singing, with weighlifting. I love those things. They take me out of my “boring” world, especially yoga. So, for this reason, I sometimes I overdo those things as a way to escape my reality. But deep down I feel like if I am meant to be to exaggerate with theater, so be it. And then, a different thing will appear. Nothing wrong with that. Just wanna make sure that I don’t get too euphoric, cause I know that it leads to depression later on. But, anyway, the thing I want to talk about today is another insight I had about a week ago. I had heard it before, but now I fully understood it through direct experience. To put simply, do not try to get rid of pain; relax into it instead. So the thing is, avoiding pain generates more pain. You can certainly do things that will alleviate it, but you should never approach pain with the attitude of “getting rid” of it. If it is there, it’s to teach you something. And this fight against pain will never end because pain is part of life. Thich Nhat Hahn talks a lot about that. He says that western medicine, for example, is very surgery-oriented. Any problem is an excuse to make a surgery. Always trying to fix. The same thing has happened in psychotherapy. The therapist tries to remove the problems of the person. But that doesn’t work. Instead, he says, we should learn the art of transformation. Lotus flower, anyone? A year ago I was taking a very hardcore, masculine, and neurotic approach to pain. I would challenge it. I’d feel an ache in my chest (like I usually do), I’d tell it, “Go ahead, Pain! Show me what you got!” A lot of people here on the community does that in Strong Determination Sittings. But that doesn’t work. We should treat our bodies with a lot of patient and softness. Otherwise it will not respond well, but rebel against you sooner or later. Being aligned with my purpose makes pain management go way down my priority list. When nothing is going on in my life, any emotional or physical pain is very alarming. But when I am having a blast and I can hold a firm and detailed VISION of what my future will look like 10 years down the line, the pain of today doesn’t even come to mind. At the same time, I know that sometimes my body forces me to rest the fuck down due to overtraining. But I want to find my true passion, the thing that I don’t even care if I overpractice. I might fall on my ass, but when I am ready, I will get back to it. Is that theater? IDK. But definitely something related to Art. So, anyway, been trying to get my values straight this year. This will help me guide my self. Ourselves… Our cells… We are our cells. We are ourselves. And, finally, I feel like true healing starts happening when you stop trying to get rid of pain, but when you genuinely are interested in understanding the pain. I thought of something else to write, but I am experimenting with writing less. Yay!
  14. Hey, My respond was more like a pointer to how shitty the financial system still is today, even shittier! Hitler did absolutely the right thing on this subject. STRONG forces were agains him. That was just amazing how quick the economy raised, and unemployment rates dropped! And a huge optimism and positive outlook as a result. And quite amazing transformation of infrastructure, ahead of its time. He should be admired for this, but he never will of course, just by people like you and me who like to dig deep into what really happened and how things really unfolded. I remember when I as a young boy visited a was cabinet and come face to face with Hitler. I was chocked, because even a model of him revealed some of his good character and integrity! Total contradictory to what the man was told to be by teachers and schoolbooks. But for me it will be hard to respect a person that lead a county responsible for the Holocaust, even if official version isn't fully correct, I think it's somewhat true. May I ask you how you view the Holocaust? Do you believe in the official version, because if you do, you must have pretty hard time to admire a man like Hitler?
  15. Well, that's the system we use today, loan with interests and fractional banking which means that banks can give loans with money they don't have, only to collect "free" interest money. And central banks can print new money on basically arbitrary grounds. Which leads to bubbles and inflations that cause ordinary people to lose buying power. Back in the 40's, currencies where backed up by another assets, like gold. The financial system got worse in the 70s when Nixon choose to break the gold back up for the dollar. Before that, you were guaranteed to exchange dollars to a certain amount gold whenever you liked. After that, the dollar had value only because people decided so, only because of empty trust basically. Later US "forced" oil producing counties to sell their oil for US dollar and not for other currencies, that way the dollar got some back up again. Many start using the name "Petrodollar" This has nothing to do with the subject here really. I just wanted to mention this in order to explain that the financial systems haven't got better over time, it's rather the other way around. A financial system with paper money that is centralised can never be fair, no matter if jews or other groups of people are ahead and run these systems. That's why cryptocurrencies can be a huge positive transformation for society. *No third part(banks) are needed. *The coins are numbered to a certain amount, and more coins of them can never be created. Thus humans are safe from losing purchasing power to inflation and economic bubbles. *Last but not least, cryptocurrencies are Decentralised, which means that authorities are cut out from power and control over the financial means. Blockchain technology which cryptocurrencies are build upon is really revolutionary. You see what I'm saying here?
  16. Future is now. The future stays the same or gets only worse unless fundamental change of pattern takes place in consciousness or our “individual” everyday lives. If we are not aware of thought as a process then these problems of detachment, division, conflict in relationship, being local, national, political, religious, cultural and so on, then things will never get better and will inevitably get worse. Science, religion, political ideas, or any other form of outward imposition will not solve this problem of relationship. Any attempt to bring about order in society through self centered “the me and my security” thinking will only make things worse. It absurd that one would actually think that taking a drug could bring about such order. Such an idea has already disproved itself just amongst the general crowd in this forum. It’s an obvious prepetual mechanical movement of becoming which is a thought induced “self centered” activity that leads only to self deception. And it’s also self evident that taking psychodelics don’t bring about a fundamental transformation in conflict and relationship. People on this forum take them on what seems to be, by reading various posts, a regular basis and this seems to be nothing other than a habitual crutch to experience something different and out of the ordinary daily routine. It’s apperent and so easily observable that the division in ourselves and in our everyday life is projected actually through the communication within this forum. People people constantly arguing to fuel there own self image and claiming absurdities to bring about a sense of respectability and righteousness in opposition to another. So it’s obvious that these drugs are not the answer. As long as this doesn’t change well everything will stay as it is or will only worsen. If we care about our own ambitions, projected attainments, and needs to become psychologically secure, there will be nothing but division, confusion, contradiction, and conflict. So the only way to bring about a change is obviously for us to change our own patterns of thought. Which means understand that very process as the self. There is no other way. Know one else can change you. If we all change oursleves then the society changes. Reincarnation?? When we die others are born. And when they are born others die. In knowing there is no you and I, but that that only takes place in thought we see that you are as much as me as I am you. So this is an obvious fact that when I die I will come back in another life form or another, because life is life. So there are consequences for everything thing that we do now. So this goes along with the idea on reincarnation. What I do or don’t do now determines the outcome in “my” next life. If we continue in this petty, superficial, immature manner of self sentered action or non action, it’s only obvious that are next life as a me, I, or it, will suffer those consequences. So reincarnation in that sense seems totally obvious and not even debatable. So if we see that unless we bring about a revolution in our oursleves then life for any future being will ultimately be a experience of suffering. Question is do we want to do what’s necessary to create a better environment for oursleves/others? Thought is the very reason for this disorder and disfunction in the world. Can we become aware of its process which means can we become aware of the processes of the self?
  17. Enlightened master Peter Ralston often talks about the concept of personal transformation since all enlightenment is is just grasping who and what you really are and how finding out what it “is” doesn’t = change. However, what I’m fonfused by is if one can only TRULY change their character flaws post-enlightenment. True?
  18. How do we evaluate and using which mechanisms of logic do we validate or discard the presented reality? The answer is that we don't, we can't there is no separation between being and it's evaluation, You are yourself precisely as a consequence of evaluation. You cannot exist if these two elements were separable, When one thing becomes the mirror of the other unity emerges. By evaluation here i mean the broader and more abstract form of it, the way we see that life is a series of decisions based on making distinctions, And evaluation is the process of arbitrarily putting labels of descriptive information and value on nothing. You think it's only being and you've made and evaluation, You think it's all evaluation and you've made a mistake. You're neither, God is in a category of it's own he slips from nothingness by being no thing and in the same time slips from everything by also being no thing. That is the only category Get a grip on the real world Throw a rock at your stagnant self, Announce the revolution. What are you but transformation ? Collect yourself and remember That without aim you are all potential yet none And that with one you become one. You think you see the rose? You are the rose You think you are the rose ? You're nothing, an after glow A Fragrence There is only the rose Blooming expression.
  19. Transformation now please. Change will happen. Life is short. I am curious. Change now!
  20. Perhaps this is a foolish question, but isn't suicide then the fastest way to enlightenment? Not if there is a movement of becoming. That’s the point. What this word enlightenment points to is a ceasing of becoming. The psychological entity I call the me is a movment in time/thought. The self “thought” and it’s fragmentary and divisive nature within the psychological field breeds conflict and desire. Any movement of desire is a movement of thought. If desire must cease to reach this “enlightenment” then how can the pursuit in becoming bring this transformation about? Do u see this friend?
  21. I obviously am not very disciplined regarding my journal. Might as well just stop it. I have a little bit of stagnation time again. The stagnation that I am talking about is absolutely on a different level than it was ever before. The only thing that changed are my expectations. My focus fortunately goes forward. I dont really spend time blaming others or getting lost in negative past experiences. Thats really a big thing for me. So much capacities freed of stupid shit. Next stop: Youtube, god dammit. Youtube? I dont need you. You are television. You are television. I stopped watching television a while ago. Why should I replace television with youtube? It makes no sense. Transformation now!
  22. Thank you all. Thank you very much. You spend very valuable thing - your time for me here. I appreciate it. I dont know how somebody without this forum, psychotherapists can recover (or get enlightened). I have millions questions. But I will stop asking them in here. Just last questions and that is all. I will sometimes come to this forum to read, but not to ask question. Yesterday at night in my bed I was existing in pain and fear. But at the same time I was not scared of fear. I thought (or became aware, I dont know the difference) they will not be able to kill me. At most I can die of starvation, because I had a lump in my throat and was non-stop dry-heaving. My brain seemed to explode and I was not sure if I was in my mind or in the now. I personally dont feel that being in the now alleviates my pain. Even in the now I feel on the guard not to go to inside mind again. Yesterday at night I was suffering, but existing in the now. And was expecting enlightenment to happen. I was in the now, but the ego, the pain, the pus was inside me as well. And also coping with state, acting mindfully, I was praising myself and bragging "I am brave", "I am so special", "I found the way" and so on (this was beyond my control). And I was comparing my state to the state of Echart Tolle and questioning if this is enlightenment, transformation or etc. I think I should drop this enlightenment issue, because it seems to become the desire of my ego. (Especially I see enlightenment as revolution, not evolution and starting to make it a new mission.) I will see my psychotherapist on Wednesday. If she wants to prescribe antidepressants, I want to refuse it. Anyways as soon as I come to the end of antidepressant treatment (when the amount has substantially decreased), I start to feel terrible again. What do you advise? Should I drink or not drink anti-depressants? It is weird for me, how can substance make you feel good, if feeling good, happiness is a spiritual thing. Is enlightenment just the big amount of serotonin, dopamine, endorphin and etc? Why do people practice so hard then? Better to research hard to invent medicine, consumption of which will make you enlightened, as what matters is chemical procedures in your brain. Is recovering from this psychological disorder and having a happy life the same with enlightenment? If not, which one should I pursue? I will come and read your answers (of course you are not obliged to answer, you have answered a lot of questions, thanks). But I will not write. Because I write in autopilot and dont want any questions left unwritten, it all takes me to my mind again. Take care.
  23. I agree with OP that science is the best tool to discover the truth of reality. Its biggest problem as far as your own life is concerned, however, is that it could take centuries before another big paradigm breakthrough that comes nearer to explaining the truths explored in the spiritual communities. Therefore, it seems sensible to undertake your own journey of truth seeking, rather than hoping that somebody else will work it out for you! Ian's pet theories (nothing said past here is anything but wild speculation): My current pet theory is some sort of combination of quantum mechanics and string theory. The universe itself is fundamentally nothingness/awareness/membrane, in which there is the potential to create infinite energy. As far as I'm aware, this energy is either light or matter, with the relevant formulae being E=hf and E=mc^2. You are an aspect of the infinite light (the soul?), contained within a body of matter. In order to increase your energy, you would have to increase your vibrational frequency. This is why you often hear things like "raise your vibration" within certain spritual teachings. Why the light of the universe should want to increase its energy, I do not know, but it seems like higher energy is perceived by the body to be 'positive': it brings joy, gratitude, peace and love etc. As for how energy is created, I have no idea. I've heard that Nikola Tesla supposedly unlocked the secrets to unlimited, free energy, but I do not know this for a fact. Given the first law of thermodynamics, this would imply that the universe is not an isolated system, or that the law is simply wrong. In quantum mechanics you learn that not all energies are accessible, and that waveforms can only take on certain discrete energy levels. This could explain why progress is usually long plateaus and then sudden 'aha' moments, as your energy leaps up to the next level. According to M-theory, the universe is made up of 11 dimensions (other theories have slightly different numbers). I can't pretend to know much about this, but you can find sources that talk about the fifth dimension being that of Christ or Buddha consciousness, the sixth and seventh being Melchizedek consciousness, and the ninth being Metatron consciousness. In the absence of scientific understanding, it makes sense that humans would do their best to fill the gaps with spiritual understandings. And in fact, it is my understanding that the Earth is currently undergoing a transformation from 3D/4D to 5D. But that's another story... It is a fallacy to suggest that 'everyone is right', but in my experience, it's rare that any major school of thought or truth is 100% false. I always seek to integrate different understandings together to form a cohesive whole.
  24. What happens now? The real self-actualisation starts now! As Peter Ralston says, real transformation is only possible when there is no identification with a persona anymore. You can then without so much resistance change the parts about your personality, emotions, body, etc. that you want to change. And of course with this Enlightenment, it probably won't change Leo's Life Purpose, it will probably deepen his resolve and commitment even more. So maybe we can expect some serious new and awesome things added to
  25. Explain how "love seems (to) be outside the realm of willful intent". Is love conditional? Well, there are characteristics that constitute what love is, they are not the same that are fear, so there are conditions that make love what love is. If you are asking is there unconditional love as far as extending and receiving it, or conditions that love can exist in then always loving is conditional since always is a condition of it being it. So unconditional love is on the condition of always loving otherwise it isn't unconditional love, ironically. I'm not sure what you mean by "in accordance to subjectivity" although if you are asking can love be subjectively assessed or is it always an objective assessed state then if it can only be objectively assessed then that would be another condition of unconditional love... so we would have to consider if unconditional love is even a thing if 'always' and 'objectively' are conditions of love. But please clarify, maybe I misunderstand you. In my own experience love is a multifaceted thing not easily defined, some of it is cultural, some biological, some ideological and some abstract so I guess I would need to understand how someone is defining 'love' to address specific concerns but for my own path i have seen transformation in my life using love in different forms of it.