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  1. @Serotoninluv , you are probably familiar with the snake and rope analogy. Either the rope is clearly seen to be a rope (and so no fear, confusion, and suffering)...or the illusion of there being a snake is still believed and there is fear, confusion, and suffering. Either enlightenment has happened or enlightenment has not happened yet. You do realize that enlightenment refers to a happening to a specific body/mind. It is like being in an orchard and saying an apple fell from a tree, but other apples have not fallen yet. However, this does not mean there is true "otherness" or is all still Nonduality or One. It is possible to describe characteristics of variation within a whole. You could be in the ocean and feel warm spots and cold spots...but it is all still ocean.
  2. "How Do You Feel About Death" @Raptorsin7 , there is no such thing as death. To believe in death is to be fixated on, identified with, and attached to form. I created a short video a while ago about "Nonduality and death. What is death for a jnani?" -
  3. I have noticed that all spiritual teachings have something false in them! Even ACIM which bashes the ego. The truth is bigger than that and the ego serves a useful and valuable purpose, even though it needs to be transcended. Another example is neti neti "not this, not this" which is false since it teaches duality instead of nonduality. To say "NOT this" about anything is duality. And on and on, all spiritual and religions have some false teachings. Why is that? It's because all spiritual teachings and religions are a product of the global ego which is built on deception.
  4. The major religions are still way more popular than pure nonduality teachings. I think it's because nonduality can seem pretty bleak and nihilistic. And religions such as Christianity and Islam promise goodies in heaven. In nonduality there are no obvious huge ego benefits. And the major religions may have a point! So it can be useful to combine for example ACIM with the Law of One to include huge benefits in the form of higher densities. Personally I still don't know if the Law of One contains truth, but I believe it does. That produces a confusion in me but a good one since it makes me think of nonduality from an integral perspective that actually is the same as for example Christianity, such as the first heaven means fourth density.
  5. J. Krishnamurti talked about choiceless awareness. He also said that choice is confusion. That sounds like the Law of Confusion in the Law of One. And ACIM says that the ego is deluded by believing it can do anything outside of God's will. Eckhart Tolle said that the ego is a necessary stage of development for humanity that we need to evolve beyond. I think we as egos can still do something about our own situation, which is to take the nonduality teachings as a hypothesis and then examine in our daily life if it is a valid hypothesis. Is reality unfolding as a whole or do we as individual persons have our own separate wills? Our immediate experience tells us that, yes we do have free will! But the idea here is that the ego consciousness is only a temporary stage needed for growth and development up to a point, and then we need to evolve beyond that. And according to the nonduality hypothesis, from that higher perspective it's actually realized that no, we do not have free will, and that it leads to liberation instead of being a limitation as the ego believes.
  6. Nonduality teacher Jim Newman This video mimicked almost identically my own experience...❤
  7. I was thinking about changing my profile name from VeganAwake to Duality Police I wanted to see what you guys thought first before making any super important complex choices. I was even thinking that maybe Leo would be willing to pay me a little bit for my services... maybe just a hundred bucks a month... My main job would be to infiltrate dualistic conversational threads posing to be nonduality topics and straighten them away as quick as possible. The other profile name I was thinking was MillennialParadigmShatterer or MPS for short.. What do you guys think?
  8. Lol I'm not sure if what you said made any sense. If there truly isint a separate individual but just someone believing they are seperate, that doesn't actually create duality. The duality is just a figment of their imagination, they weren't actually ever separate. Hence why Duality is actually an illusion. It's hard to truly understand nonduality when the illusion hasn't been clearly seen through.
  9. LSD may be a good tool for this, depending on how you resonate with it. For many, myself included, LSD can help dissolve the personal story and allow a new relationship with Here and Now to be revealed. It can increase one’s resonance and conscious level, allowing for realizations. Yet there are many variables, including karmic load. What worked for me, might not work for you. What I did was dedicate a certain amount of time each day to be Here and Now. I told my mind that 85% of my day could be past and future thinking, yet for this one hour a day, it was for Here and Now. I would spend time doing yoga, listening to a nonduality speaker, gardening, meditating, time in nature, cooking, self massage etc. I also dedicated a week to a solo retreat in which 90% if each day was dedicated to Here and Now. At the time, I already had many realizations and had previously worked through a lot of karmic conditioning - years of meditation, therapy, dozens of psychedelic trips etc. . Yet I had “lost it” and regressed. So I had a knowing of what it was like. The initial breakthroughs may need an extra boost. For a newbie with a lot of karmic conditioning, LSD could reveal the magnificence of Here and Now, or a new realm, or it may reveal stuff that needs to be worked through and purified.
  10. I think of the Holy Instant in ACIM as a correction of our perception of reality. When we watch a sunset it looks like the sun i moving down behind the horizon. What actually happens in a sunset is that earth's rotation gives the impression of the sun moving down. An even better comparison is how some centuries ago people believed the sun moved around earth. And even the mainstream scientists in those days had that belief and they constructed ever more complicated epicycle theories in order to try to fit their preconceived notion into observed reality. The Holy Instant IMO shows us that all the past is now and only now. The past is real. The past in unchangeable. The past is indestructible. The past is timeless information in the present moment. So for example your breakfast yesterday you did eat it but you ate it now and only now. So the Holy Instant to me means a subtle yet profound shift in how we experience reality. This is also consistent with nonduality since there all the past is always One with the now.
  11. One of the grandfathers of nonduality killed himself when the suffering got deep enough. He´s beliefs literally flew out of the window when he was really suffering.
  12. I think the danger is a manifestation of repressed "stuff" in each of us that surface the further we progress. Shadow work basically. I think a mistake we make is we jump in to things too soon and we aren't ready for it. Some people are trying to fill holes or escape and they happen upon spiritual things, but they don't go step by step and they go without guidance. Leo's channel has a "foundations for self-actualization" playlist but will you go through that? Or just jump into his latest post? To use a biblical analogy, you need to first desire milk if you are new to spiritual things. You are still a baby. But, "solid food belongs to those who are of full age, who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Hebrews 5:14). Another example, one danger I see often here is people talking about being God. It's too soon for a lot of people to speak this way, and it stinks of ego. You must have a relationship with the divine as being something you desire, from there, you must work on dying. When your ego is gone you will join with the All, and not anytime before that. Saying you're God or believing you're God might be the thing that ruins you and probably is... (Leo has quite a popular YouTube channel and this forum is quite busy, but don't forget that it is always only a few who come to know and to see...) Talking about you're God yet you've just begun realising there's more to life than the physical? You're vulnerable like that. Demons will bully you... The truth is the same whether you're beginning or experienced, but some things belong to the experienced and some things belong to the beginner. Some of you need to join a religion and do your shadow work in a community of faith within an organised environment. We are not all mystics and yet nonduality is a mystical teaching. The greatest teachers spoke in mysteries specifically to hide the truth from those who are not at all prepared for them. We need to measure our capacities and not alone. Even people who aren't spiritual are very important to us; they're full of ego which is great, if our heads are in the clouds because of enlightenment.
  13. @OmniYoga Doesn’t really sound like you want a book & more thoughts. Sounds like you want to notice you can believe thoughts, or not, and bring the suffering to an end. There’s some very short explanations of meditations here Now is a great time to meditate.
  14. I believe your assessment is apt. The cliché quote is "a little bit of information is a dangerous thing". My impression is that Leo teaches and lives benevolently. When someone puts out 100's of hours of progressive content, there is inevitably going to be something to criticize--fairly or not. I think the difference between Leo and some other spiritual gurus is the blatant and "matter of fact" nature that Leo communicates with. My understanding is the other gurus speak in more metaphors and guide their students towards "the truth". The result is that "these students" have dedicated themselves to the craft, and develop emotionally and mature with time. Then, when they do "get it", they are not overwhelmed and can still function in the "real world". One problem that Leo faces is that he communicates his message as if the average listener has average IQ and average mental stability. Clearly, this is not the case, and can be dangerous when put in the wrong hands. To be fair, there is some merit to the concept that people need to go into pain and darkness to grow. Though, this means that some people grow out of the darkness, and some people don't. For a metaphor, a swimming pool (nonduality) is a safe space for a seasoned swimmer. For an infant or young child when no swimming experience or skills, it would be very dangerous. Was Leo's role as being the guy that installed the swimming pool (and has no responsibility to its use), or is he the lifeguard on duty? Opinions may vary. I cringe when I read some of the posts on this forum of people with clearly lower IQ, immaturity, mental instability and substance abuse problems flirting with psychedelics and deep spiritual exploration. Even if "it" is the truth, they easily lose site that they are still living in the matrix.
  15. @mandyjw I love that signature line. ? Just noticed it. I enjoy your YouTubes and encourage you to follow your dream. You have an honest presence on the Camera. There is a need for that in this world which is echoed by Jana Dixon in this excerpt I ran across earlier this evening. ,,,,,,,,,,,"Rick Jarow in his audiotapes Your Life's Work said that we don't know how to deal with shadow yet, and it might be centuries before we do. Perhaps this dealing with shadow is at the very heart of the whole suffering (non-enlightenment) issue. Of course dealing with shadow is suffering also, but there should be a skillful way to work with shadow that doesn't just automatically generate more. We could give a gross generalization and say that the say that the way to deal with shadow is through unconditional love...but do we actually personally see unconditional love in action around us, or felt the pure expression of it much? In the absence of enlightened love (which is the goal we are striving for in our shadow work), we must build an effective technology for incorporating shadow--and thus raise our consciousness in doing so. If we come from the vantage point that God is All--both dark and light we have to accept that what we interpret as darkness is just as wholesome and useful as the that we consider to be raspberries and cream...because both can be used in the service of greater consciousness, love and achievement. Both show us what needs to be done and which way to go. If we can accept the wholeness of Life, we do not have to expend huge amounts of energy repressing and avoiding one half of all phenomena. With a modicum of nonduality we can stop reacting to, running from and doing wasteful battle with the darker side of the light.",,,,,,,,,, From : Also enjoyed similar sentiments from Alan Watts today as well.
  16. What is the difference between mind fucking and gas lighting? Consent. What is necessary for true consent? Desire. As much as I adore Abraham Hicks I heard one of her segments that she wasn't quite "on" for. Which is expected and fine because she is human. Is compassion for someone's pain while only seeing the good or seeing through to the truth and purpose beyond possible? Seeing is not ignoring, is not resisting. Happy New year everyone. Last year the word "clarity" came to me as something I wanted, and I wasn't disappointed. This year it's what I want again, I want to "see" 20/20 in 2020. I understand how clarity leads to paradise and paradise leads to clarity, how they are the same thing, but also a sort of "duality" within nonduality and enlightenment. I also want to become a real life Disney princess/witch/Christian missionary because since there is no time, all my desires and visions over my entire life are going to be rolled into one now. This will include making the continued goal over the year to continue exploring and learning bird, plant and mushroom identification. I also want to write a book. I just don't know which or when yet. And I'm going to paint the hallway where my dream board is going yellow, because the color yellow keeps coming to me. And I'm going to put an enormous dream board up.
  17. The teachings are there. They've always been there. Unless there is a huge apocalypses and every scrap of human knowledge is gone, there will always be the teachings. So it is only a matter of seekers actually doing what is necessary to wake up. Essentially most of Leos (and most every other Nonduality teachers) videos are saying the same thing. Whether a seeker does what he is teaching is the real question. No amount of teachings, reading or videos will awaken someone. Only a leap of faith into death will one know Truth.
  18. Full enlightenment is a paradoxical state, so of course one label doesn't do it justice, but the point is not to have an accurate map but to embody the state. You can have a "more" accurate label of "nonduality with duality" or as Ramaji says "transcendental duality" (i.e. attempting to capture the paradox) but it's still just a label, a map. Until you experience the state, it means little. So of course, non-duality is a relative label, i.e. compared to the empirical ego, "body-bounded-me vs. the rest of creation" mundane duality, it is an experience of non-duality. All labels are dualistic by nature, since you can append a minus/not symbol to any label. So you can put a "not" in front of whatever map tries to capture the paradox. You know you've arrived at full enlightenment when you begin to experience what can best be described as a "paradoxical, total-let-go state." So, take labels for what they are: they are not transcendental and universal absolutes, but rather useful tools for certain contexts. Yes - ALL labels, including critiques of labels with attempts at "better" labels.
  19. Just because a thing isn't explicitly on a ban list doesn't mean they will treat you kindly if they catch you with it. That's not how the law works. The law is rarely clear, simple, or black and white. Which is just another example of nonduality. It's too hard for governments to make absolute distinctions because all distinctions are fluid and ever-evolving.
  20. It's silly hairsplitting. Enlightenment is oneness. Nonduality is oneness. Oneness is an absolute which includes manyness within it. True Oneness does not create a division between oneness and manyness, nor does it preclude such a division from being made by those minds who wish to make it. In other words, relativity. If you look at the world looking for oneness, you will see it. If you look at the world looking for manyness, you will see it. Because your mind creates the world you see.
  21. @skywords Re-examining the meaning of meaning? That seems a little too deep. Meaning is simple, it is exactly what it is. I guess Leo pushes for nonduality though, which if you look at meaning calls it into question. But it is not the meaning of meaning in question, it is whether or not you bother with the meaning, as well as what meaning you're looking for. In a sense then I guess you're investigating the meaning of meaning, but it is not my message. I'm saying that I am self. I am meaning. I am purpose. I am will. That is what I am. What you can be too. But then, it's a different directionality of nonduality than leo is going, because he says you are the watcher and I say I am not that. Metaphysics? Metacommunication? I'm saying that there is no substance to that. I am that substance, which is found in physics. My body and my brain are who I am. The experience of consiousness is what I see, and I am what is being seen. At least as long as it remains in my agency, for I am not the floor that holds me here. I don't even have any proof that it exists except its consistency. The consistency of me is who I am, and that is right here this body that I touch. You may say, oh but what proof do you have that that is there and I say, yes, that's not the point. I don't suddenly become infinite consiousness because I don't have proof that I exist. I think therefore I am. I am here, now, present in this mind, active in this body. There is nothing more or less to me than my direct experience.
  22. This is a huge problem with imbalanced masculinity and the delusion of independence, which came to light here in a big way when Obama said "You didn't build that." Sex or cannibalism? It was all only ever metaphorical. Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Also "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . . then you will enter [the kingdom]." It was all only ever about nonduality.
  23. Sounds like the more typical progression of realizing who one really is, the truest nature of Self, that ‘self’ is actually Self, and that all matter is too. @LfcCharlie4 Explanations are relative. Fun though. Those two words are synonymous, or not. The only contingency, difference, or distinction ultimately, is that there isn’t any. Neither are “it”. Linguistically speaking, if nonduality means “not two”...then you could put any word you want after it, and it is “not that”.
  24. "Plan" is a dualistic notion. It doesn't hold up well in nonduality. But if we're using that word loosely, the plan is Love.
  25. @dyslexicFcuk There is nothing wrong with logic and reason, yet keep in mind that logic and reason are components of greater expansion. If we were talking about the mechanics that power a car, staying within logic and reason is no problem. Yet when you venture into nonduality and ask that everyone constrain themselves to logic and reason, it just won’t go over very well. That is like asking French people to have a discussion about French culture, yet they are not allowed to mention Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the French Alps, French food or the French language. And they are not allowed to mention any event before the year 2009. These restrictions are so extreme, that it becomes impossible to have a discussion about French culture. The discussion would be distorted and way off the mark. . . Similarly, trying to limit a discussion of nonduality to logic and reason creates a distortion of nonduality and will be way off the mark.