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  1. Dissolving desire doesn't mean dissolving joy. Desire is the misalignment of what is with what you want it to be. Joy is embracing what is, and realizing that you are what is. There are people with terminal cancer that have awakened, and every remaining moment of their life is filled with joy.
  2. I awakened some time ago, I am very young but had prepared my body/mind for awakening for a long time. Now I can let go of ego at any moment and experience life to the fullest. Tho this gave me a strong sense of the need to secure survival in such a way that it takes minimal effort and won't be disturbed by me living to the highest capability of the human consciousness. As we now ego is good only for survival. As of lately I've used a lot of ego almost all the time to develop knowledge to be able to make money on the go. I've had some anti ego backlashes and they have brought even more desire to use my ego even more now so that I don't need to later. What would happen if I let go of ego for a year, would I naturally attract enough attention to make money out of my work for the greater good, aka life purpose? Or is that not realistic. Because I deemed that a big risk and instead am using ego only to get knowledge for survival which is a very ineffective way to use your mind/consciousness. The safest idea might be to secure some kind of income that I can have on the go as I habe been trying to do as of lately. If I continue this path is it a good idea to use ego to the fullest or should there be some kind of balance that would be more effective. A day in awakened states of living I need 4-5h less sleep each night and now when I use a lot of ego I need a lot of sleep. Because I am stretching my minds capability in an unnatural way, with ego. When I live in ecstasy you do what is needed for the world aka the greater good. This is what I wonder after a year if people would be there to support my survival. So I have two questions, would I living to the fullest be supported after living for the greater good for a year? If not and I need to secure an income first, what's a good balance between high states of experiencing life and ego for survival?
  3. I am stopping me from being blissful at school lessons. That's pretty obvious that you cant be blissful there. The whole van thing has making money as the most difficult task. I need a minimum of 150$ a month and I dont want a secure job somewhere. I will have to make money on my own, otherwise I wouldn't be able to travel which I think the enlightened me will want. Now I have been focused every minute of my life in the last couple of weeks in developing skills to make money on my own. We had 1 week holiday right now and I haven't spent any freedom almost, not even half a day. Even me being here right now is not in alignment with what I must do. For me the van is only for sleep, a tent or other solution wouldn't be able to stop in parking lots. Shower at gyms or bathhouses, pooping there too. Peing in the wild or in van. Eating much raw food in the van but also cooked with electric cooktop. Washing clothes for hand or with mini electric washer. That's the essentials. The question is if im pushing my mind too far, my sleep quota has increased because I'm stretching the capacity and capability of my mind. I also don't allow myself high states of consciousness that much and often have a reverse ego backlash. Where I have used my mind beyond capability it gets difficult to use or withhold it any more therefore I get in states of blissfullness as a break from my mind. Not that I mind. School already takes up most of my day and to try to make something out of myself simultaneously gives no room for that much joy or bliss. I would love to just spend one day in ecstacy, but that luxury I never gave myself. I am very serious and dedicated now that I have awakened. Not that I know if I am doing the right thing. Ego is kind of difficult to keep up but as said, is needed for survival.
  4. Remember those walls I built Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let you win But I never really had a doubt Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you breaking It's the risk that I'm taking I ain't never gonna shut you out Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby, I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby, I can feel your halo Pray it won't fade away I can feel your halo ...
  5. Exactly. Suffering only awakens people when they are ready to be awakened. The apple only falls from the tree when it is ripe enough to lose its attachment.
  6. I've started writing some random shit in my spare time relating to awakening & what not, mainly for myself and just a way to journal, but I thought I'd share this as I think it could help some people (hopefully) Self-Help (Self-Actualization) & Awakening ARE Compatible… Wait a minute, isn’t Self-Realization the realization that the separate self / little me / ‘Ego’ you believed yourself to be all these years is a bunch of bollocks, a mere concept & thought that you’ve kept running for X amount of years. It has never existed in it’s own right & never will. Yes. Put simply, it’s not only the realization that Awareness / The Self / The Absolute (I will use these 3 synonyms throughout these writings to refer to the un-nameable truth of your being, the ‘good’ Voldermort if you will) is what YOU are, but it is what literally EVERYTHING is, The Self is quite literally ALL that exists, for nothing but the Self could exist, when you investigate this deeply. BUT, that doesn’t mean you suddenly become beyond human, or float off into space (maybe if you went for Mahasamadhi ?), no if anything it makes you more human, and more able to authentically express your individuality & your personality. Except you no longer identify as them. In fact, the concept / function of an ‘Ego’ is actually very beneficial for the practicality of living. I mean without the ‘Concept’ of Charlie where would employers know where to send your money, who would the delivery driver to deliver your Food to? You get my drift. The problems arise when we then entangle this with who we essentially are, then the I-thought is born, and as they say the rest is history. Only when we investigate this I-thought, it’s source & return it, to its source as we then able to bask in the joy of our true nature, while living as an authentic, unique, human that this understanding, happiness & love expresses itself through. Anyways, returning this to the topic at hand, on why they are compatible. See, ‘Self-Help’ is so broad, I actually recommend this video for realizing the breath and depth of the topic- As you can see, 35+ subfields of Self-Help! Awakening alone isn’t going to make you a master of money, a health expert, an athletic beast, a productivity dynamo, a sex god, a tech wiz, a marketing master and so on and so on. Awakening can certainly help with many topics related to Self-Help, but to think you won’t need further guidance and help on many of these, is simply naïve. What genuine awakening will do, is stabilize you in genuine peace & happiness, absolute fulfilment. Meaning, you will no longer use any external means- money, people, objects, knowledge- to try and fill that existential void we all know so well. For example, when teachers say ‘the end of Desire’ (Buddha, Francis Lucille often says the end of Fear & Desire) they mean the end of seeking fulfilment & happiness as a separate entity which is perpetuated by endless desire. Then, desire simply arises from fullness, from happiness, as a means to express itself and have some fun! Oh, and of course from love, think of how many people (unenlightened as well) eventually turn to a ‘life of service’ which is unique to each body / mind, but comes from Love! Life simply becomes a fun game, and unless you want to go and live your days in some sort of monastic community, or in a cave in the Himalayas, Self-Help will prove to be a great help to you, no matter where you are on the path. It will help you not only integrate your awakenings deeper and deeper through work such as Shadow work, releasing trauma, overcoming addictions etc but used in conjunction with true spirituality can literally create the life of your dreams. BUT, be careful not to use Self-Help for devilry, for example using the Law of Attraction so you can get a Bugatti to show off to your friends & make them jealous. (Nothing wrong with fast cars & nice houses, as long as they aren’t being used to fill a sense of lack!) And, since awakening leads to true happiness & the end of the sense of ‘lack’ and ‘resistance’ that we became so accustom to, it actually makes Self-Help SO much easier. It makes life effortless, because you are doing things simply because you want to, not because you feel you need to, to find happiness or fulfil yourself. In fact, I would also say, realization of the Self makes ‘you’ MUCH more powerful in your abilities to create your dream life, become the best version of yourself & be a force for good in the world, since you are no longer depending on a non-existent personal entity for your motivation & drive, but quite literally have the Universe at your disposal. One catch though, you won’t get away with a lot of the shit ‘normal’ people do, as your actions come from Love, Happiness & Truth, So, don’t think that awakening means an end to the game of life, in fact it is only the beginning. And, it doesn’t mean Self-Help becomes useless, although maybe we could come up with a better term, since ‘Self’ tends to get a bad rap in spirituality, maybe ‘Life-Skills’ as that’s precisely what Self-Help is teaching, the valuable life skills & lessons that will help you live your best life. But, remember to live as & from the Self, not on behalf of a separate entity. Example 1- Earning money selling shitty products, then spending all of this money on prostitutes & shallow pleasures alone. Or, earning money consciously through a business / career that helps people & that you enjoy, making smart investments that creates financial freedom for you & those around you, sharing your wealth & being generous, becoming in touch with the natural law of abundance & desiring for the sake of sharing, not simply for the self alone. Using money not just for yourself, but also for the greater good. Self-Help can help you do both of them scenarios, they are 2 extremes, but it illustrates how different living from The Self is compared to living on behalf of a separate self. How Self-Help Helps Before Awakening While awakening can happen to ‘anyone’ at any time, many beings quite simply are not ready for a true spiritual journey, in fact the majority of people aren’t. Go up to someone on the street and tell them the separate self they believe themselves to be doesn’t exist, and that they literally are Pure Awareness, and that you are them, and no other has ever, or will ever exist and they will call you crazy and carry on about their day. However, go up to someone, tell them they can use the LOA to manifest their dream life, that you can teach them to start a business, quit their job, optimize their health and find their dream partner and they’ll be over you like a rash. We’re all after happiness, and to find the source of true happiness we need to realize where happiness is not found first. But, while getting rich, or getting in shape won’t make us ‘absolutely’ happy, they certainly will make someone feel better, relatively speaking, compared to being obese & broke. Also, many topics of Self-Help are often infused with quote on quote ‘Spiritual Practices’ such as Meditation, Gratitude Journals, Overcoming Addictions (12 steps is VERY spiritual / religion based, just look at Russell Brand), releasing Trauma, dealing with emotions, Mindfulness etc etc. Practicing these will help someone ‘get in touch’ with their True Nature on a regular basis, and will help them progress on the path so to speak. Not only that, there are many foundational habits that I believe really help someone on their own spiritual journey, and just in life in general as I have outlined above. Not only that, having these solid foundations in place, gives someone the inner space & outer freedoms to pursue awakening wholeheartedly without extreme anxiety, worrying about paying their bills, or weight issues troubling them. So, Self-Help can act as a great pre-requisite for awakening. Then, post-awakening, this incredible life that Self-Help has helped one build can then be evolved to become a true expression of The Self, instead of a means to fulfilling a separate self, and can become an expression of love for life. The Business / Career, Relationships, Psychology, Fitness, Health etc can all be used in service of truth, and be used to not only better one’s life, but to help others. For there are MANY ways to express this understanding that goes way beyond the token ‘Spiritual Teacher’ role. In fact, as many more people awaken, we will begin to see awakened Personal Trainers, Therapists. Addiction Specialists, Businessmen, Relationship Therapists, Sexuality Coaches etc etc and having awakened beings at the forefront of these fields will only better them, to say the least. So, when people say it’s either Awakening or (Insert typical thing here) or that awakening means to end to any form of Personal Development, answer them, well you might see it that way, but I’m going to have both! As a quick aside, this doesn’t mean it has to be like that for everyone, each being is unique and has their own path, and many crave the quiet life, or the hermit life, or whatever life it is they want, and may not be interested in Self-Help at all, and that’s fine too. This is simply meant to show you, how you can pursue these if you wish, and how awakening & Self-Actualization are 2 sides of the same coin, and beyond that actually fuse into one epic coin ? Also, here's a link to the GOAT of this topic, Nahm's thread, he's the living legend in this realm-
  7. @clouffy Enlightenment is when you find something that was always there and was never not that way, and so, it can't really be called a "thing". It is not a state. It's like waking up from a dream. When you wake from a dream do you say: "I hope this new awakened state stays with me"..? Also, what if what you experienced during enlightenment wasn't bliss? Would you still know that you had awoken? Could you become enlightened without feeling bliss? Are you feeling bliss right now, but just not conscious of it? Is there somewhere in you right now that is in bliss? Is all of you not in bliss? How much of your being are you representing right now when you say "I am not in bliss.. I wish I could feel bliss"? Is the you that you call you qualified to say that you are not already in bliss? Would you be interested to contemplate these questions? Even if they didn't lead to bliss? I just thought of another indicator.. Enlightenment is when you have no doubt that God exists. When God "is" before you had an opinion about it. Peace dude, Lenny
  8. in my experience it happens both with a bang and the growth continues on. There is the initial ego explosion that feels like a lightning bolt struck your mind. And then after that there is not really a 'you' anymore to control your life and consciousness flows through you effortlessly although some egoic structures are still intact. Overtime though, these egoic structures get cleansed. This is why you may hear enlightened masters say something like. "I'm always meditating no matter what I am doing." Because from the awakened person's pov, the universe is meditating them 24/7. It's no longer an activity you choose but a way you are. From the person with an intact ego's pov however, they need to meditate as a habit consciously and frequently to get results.
  9. “When ‘you’ are awakened“ is an oxymoron. To be enlightened is to be dead to any will whatsoever; to see no important substantive difference between the end of the world and dropping an ice cream cone on the ground — there’s just what is. Before the me apparently collapses, it’s recognized it was never there. It didn’t happen.
  10. @The Lucid Dreamer Sounds like your just parroting Leo, as I said - you live as a "you". Despite "reality" being no different from a dream, whilst "you" are in such a dream - you behave as a "you". Even when you are awakened, "you" are still in the "dream/reality" therefore, you have survival needs. Out of that need to survive you become a "you". You will only stop being "you" once you are "dead" in the conventional sense.
  11. Maybe you’re looking for a really long answer but I feel it’s as simple as this- When you are truly awakened, know yourself to be pure awareness & have stabilised in absolute peace & happiness, you are happy. From there you simply express this happiness, love, understanding in ALL areas of your life for the joy of doing so! You live from the heart & simply do whatever your heart “desires.” These desires are Gods / The Absolute / Awareness’ desires to express itself, and therefore, your happiness is not dependent on their fulfilment, and put simply life becomes a game, a joyous celebration, a permanent vacation as such. This doesn’t mean you have to teach, you can express this understanding in a multitude of ways & each being has their own unique way, it’s not WHAT you do, but WHY, and when the action is coming from love & happiness, you know it is a desire of awareness. You may become a gardener, an athlete, a coffee shop worker, but whatever you do will come from this place of love & naturally you transmit your understanding from a place far beyond words. So, what’s the point? To enjoy the game! you say you are completely happy & fulfilled, in the nicest way, if that was the case this question wouldn’t arise, as you’d be too busy enjoying & basking in your happiness! In terms of purpose, as you know all purpose is manufactured, as Leo presents in his LP course, maybe take that and that will help you find your unique way of expressing this! Once you truly know yourself, and abide as that, then whatever purpose you conjure up will be from a place of love & understanding, and that alone will make a beautiful & noble pursuit. BUT, you won’t need it to make you happy, as you say you are already happy, so you simply partake in it for the joy of it, for the love, for the desire to help people, in whichever way you do. The game of life is fun! This ended up being quite long haha, anyways, I recommend watching this interview- it will answer a lot of your questions- I would recommend from around the 30 min mark, where Francis says how his relationship with his teacher went from asking sincere truth seeker questions to eventually just a friendship revolved around enjoying life, after he was stabilised In peace & happiness. Thats the message, awakening is the BEGINNING of truly enjoying life!!
  12. Dadi Janki (1 Jan 1916 - 27 march 2020) was the chief administrative head of the Prajapita Brahmakumaris, the world's largest spiritual organization led, administered and taught by women and which have 9000 service centers spanning across 170 countries in the world. The Prajapita Brahmakumaris is also known as the Adi Devi Devatha Sanathana Dharma. Dadi Janki was often considered as the lone female equivalent of the Pope or Ayatollah or Shankaracharya or Dalai Lama in a religious world overwhelmingly dominated by male leaders. Dadi, which means 'grandmother' in Indian language, trained and prepared thousands of female spiritual teachers for decades, who are now engaged in imparting values and spiritual teachings around the world . She has conducted lectures and seminars at various national and international events for the promotion of human values and the empowerment of women around the world . Through her many years of work, Dadi Janki has provided guidance and support to many, counseling them in a variety of areas, including emotional and psychological problems, family relationships and substance abuse. Her daily routine started at 3 am in the morning for meditation till 7 am. Her breakfast included oatmeal, upma and fruits followed by khichdi or vegetables in lunch and condensed soup of vegetables in dinner. In 1978, Scientists at the Medical and Science, Research Institute at the University of Texas, USA examined the brain wave pattern of Dadi Janki. She was described as the most stable mind in the world as her mental state remained completely undisturbed despite various kinds of external stimuli being applied. It was found that she emits delta waves even at trying times, leaving examiners surprised. (Delta brainwaves are slow, loud brainwaves- low frequency and deep penetrating, like a drum beat. They are generated in deepest meditation and dreamless sleep. Healing and regeneration are stimulated in this state.) She attributes her equanimous mental state to Raja Yoga meditation. Sharing tips for a calm mind, she said, "We waste a lot of time criticizing others instead of focusing on ourselves." In 2004, she was awarded Grand Cordon of the first order of Al Istiklal (the Medal of Independence) by HM King Abdullah of Jordan for her humanitarian services to the world. In 2005, The Peace Abbey presented Dadi Janki with the 2005 Courage of Conscience Award for a lifetime dedicated to the service of humanity. In 2019, at the age of 103, she travelled almost 72000 km in India and across the world for her services. Upon her death, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted: "Janki Dadi worked diligently for the society. Her efforts made a positive difference in the lives of many people ." The Indian president President Ram Nath Kovind stated that her contributions in the fields of spirituality, social welfare and women's empowerment had been invaluable. Dadi Hirdaya Mohini has now taken charge as the chief administrative head of the Prajapita Brahmakumaris at present. The Janki Foundation for promoting spirituality in Healthcare, was inspired and launched by Dadi Janki, and which advocates a healthcare model that combines the best of modern medicine with complementary approaches and spirituality. Research findings and clinical experience increasingly reveal the psychosomatic nature of disease and that spiritual factors have a significant part to play in recovery from illness. Launched in December 1997 at the Royal College of Physicians, London, the Janki Foundation’s premise is that better understanding of these factors can benefit both patient and practitioner by promoting healing, reducing stress and staff fatigue and raising morale. The President – About Dadi Janki Dadi Janki has also published several books, including Companion of God, Wings of Soul, and Pearls of Wisdom. Some wise sayings of Dadi Janki... “Yoga is awareness, a Sadhana of human to divine consciousness. The modern system looks after just physical health, whereas the term Health, encompasses a complete mental, social, physical and spiritual well-being. Raja Yoga meditation changes the internal physiological response to environmental circumstances, thereby creating an adaptive and positive response. The power of the mind to resist disease is increased enormously as the subconscious level is healed and higher consciousness is awakened.” “At least, put an end to the crisis within your own mind when you can’t do much about the crisis outside of you. Flexibility means converting your problems into teachers. Never lose hope, never give up — if the task is given, you will also get the power to fulfil it. Light and Might are with you as your Right from God. You can bend only when you are strong. Be like the lotus, take what is useful but do not let the dirt spoil your beauty. Sorrow makes one sick and scared, so do not take it from anyone. If you allow the negative in word, thought or form to enter you, then it is due to your weakness. Always ask what you have to do at this moment in time and not past or future.”
  13. 1000+ hours. If you want to avoid all the traps. But of course the studying itself will become a trap. So know when enough is enough. Most awakened people lack the proper study, thus their awakenings are incomplete and limited.
  14. Hi Adam! I hope you are doing well. Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. Exactly I already know that I am not Fully Enlightened because the one who is Fully Enlightened is not Confused anymore but my confusion is the proof that I am not the Genuinely & Fully Enlightened or Awakened. And I accept that and never claimed that I am Fully Enlightened. These questions at this Forum are itself my journey to exploring myself and finding the answer to my questions & confusion. By Shit, I assume you mean I am full of confusion and egoistic thoughts, etc... Exactly I already know that. I never claimed that I am 100% awaken. I know there's plenty of work to do. But according to my experience, there are no other beings. I can not find any other being. I am just aware of myself (Collection of Observer, Thoughts, Sensations, Colors, etc...). Then I label my thoughts, sensations, and colors, etc and assume and label them as World, Beings etc... Which is not necessary. And if there are not other beings then for whose sake I do what I do as you said "you master your life as a human being for the sake of other beings. I never claimed that I am 100% Awaken I just said I can't see anything other than myself (Collection of Observer, Thoughts, Sensations, Sounds, Colors, etc...) From my perspective there is no suffering, there is no world, there is no homeless person, No Child, No Drug Addict, etc... How & Why do I assume that there is a perspective of a homeless person when in reality there is no homeless person? I am not sure about that If I am free from suffering or not, because I have not tested my ability and see how do I react to any kind of suffering (physical & emotional pain). But In the near future, I want to put myself into pain willingly so I can understand suffering from God's Perspective and dissolve it into God. I didn't found any gift. I am that Gift. I can't find my body aspect a few sensations, colors, patterns, sounds & thoughts, etc. I want to help others but I can't find others. Where I can find others and help them? I am not fully awake and my confusion is proof of that. Why do you label your Imagination as a cave? There is no cave. Blood, tears, Impact, and world are just labels. In reality, there is only you & Me (One/Consciousness). Exactly & I already know that. Whatever I am experiencing is not a philosophy. That is my experience. Thoughts, Sensations, Sounds, Colors, etc are my experiences. This is not my philosophy. Can you experience anything other than Thoughts, Sensations, Sounds, Colors etc...? I don't want anyway to out of this problem. I want to understand the problem. I am not sure maybe it's true that I am trapped in the mind. I don't know what you mean by spiritual ego. I am not trying to become something or create something. I am just stuck in choosing 1 option from 2 options. I am not sure which decision to take and why? Maybe I don't have any awakening to throw. I am interested in getting my shit together but I can't find any shit or world. What kind of retreat do you want me to join? I have already done 10 Days of Vipassana retreat. Maybe someone could guide me on the right path. I thought You will be able to help me to come out of confusion and make the right decision with the answer to Why? Yes, I think I still have plenty of meditation, contemplation & research to do. I never said that I have no more reason to study & contemplate. You and I are the same consciousness. Do you as (consciousness) know the answer to the following question? What is the Universal Purpose of Consciousness? Why Consciousness labels its experiences (thoughts, sensations, colors, sounds) into something false which is not true and creates an illusory life & suffering, etc? Waiting for your response. Thanks
  15. Source: A dim golden ray appears in the Eastern horizon and spreads out slowly its radiant wings. It is a cold morning among the mountains. The earth is quiet in the deep silence of the boundless heaven. The noisy world is yet to come. The occasional breeze is refreshing. Trees, plants and bushes are waiting impatiently for the warmth of the rising sun. Leaves are studded with diamond like dewdrops. The mist settled among the blue mountains is thinning out slowly as the air gathers the sun’s warmth. Flowers seem to welcome the rising sun dancing joyfully with the playful breeze. The mind wanting to enjoy inner peace sets to meditation. It tries to gather itself in concentration. As it attempts to go deep within a casual thought arises distorting attention. One really wonders: “What are these thoughts?” Thoughts are nothing but disturbances within. We are inwardly living in a world of restless thoughts arising and falling like the waves of sea. Living in this world of thoughts is superficial. Thoughts chatter endlessly, not leaving a single moment of silence. Mind is crowded by thoughts leaving no space between them. One can suppress these thoughts to experience silence. But such silence brought by control of mind cannot go far. So, all what you can do is to watch the stream of thoughts without any choice. A thought arises and proceeds along. Then it subsides letting another thought to arise. Thus the stream of thoughts proceeds continuously through time. Why are you letting yourself go with the stream of thoughts? Because you feel that thoughts take you forward. But at close observation it is a false notion. Thoughts do not take you anywhere. In spite of all your wanderings in thoughts, you are still in the same old place. You will never arrive at anything new by going from one thought to another. Seeing this, can you realize the futility of pursuing thought after thought? With that flash of insight the miracle happened! Clinging to thoughts dropped down. The mind ceased to be. With that cessation of thoughts, a boundless space opened up – a dimension not known before. Mind awakened itself from all its illusionary and dreamy wanderings. All the petty limitations of the mind vanished away. They had been created by the center “I”. This is a wonderful dimension of freedom. With this miraculous opening one felt being born again to a new Life, which is so perfect and so sacred. How ecstatic is living now? Now the whole universe is revealing itself. As the mist cleared away, the vast sky appears in startlingly blue. The sun’s golden rays touched the mountain peaks. The roses dance to the rhythm of the gentle breeze cheerfully welcoming the new day. The freshly bloomed roses sweeten the air. Now every moment is charmingly sweet and fresh. One is amazed at this unique inner discovery. Every moment is amazingly joyous and fulfilling. No sorrow can touch this clarity. You can laugh at the sufferings you had gone through in the past. This dynamic quality is not a self-created elevation, nor a self-hypnotic delusion, nor a sentimental height brought about by a belief or faith. The mind is fully awake with all its intelligence and awareness. The mind has willingly ceased all its activities for the Vastness of the Cosmos to be. This is a rediscovery of Life.
  16. It seems to me that Jesus is saying (John 3) that "born again" means an actual transformation of the body of flesh into a body made of akasha. And that the akasha is awakened in the water in our bodies. Sadhguru mentioned how rudimentary life can emerge in distilled (complete vacuum state he called it) water. And this Nobel Prize winner has shown in 2009 how DNA can emerge in pure water:
  17. @Marinador What you describe is not spiritual enlightenment. Loss of the ego is beautiful, integral, liberating, and awe-inspiring. Look at people like the Buddha, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama. Do they suffer from the symptoms McKenna describes? They are simple, loving human beings that know who they and who everyone else really is. Spiritual enlightenment doesn't mean losing form awareness; you simply realize it for what it is. It is the awakening of sanity. The human mind is a fire. It destroys when it is out of control, and it provides light and warmth when it is tended. Spiritual enlightenment is simply the realization allowing the use of your mind rather than being used by your mind. @VeganAwake You are fortunate not to need the dissolving of religious attachments. We are the ultimate primal energy, playing peekaboo with itself @Dodo Love is a living realization, not an emotion. It is the experience of dissolving every false boundary that separates "me" from "you", and recognizing that there is only One. That is what Leo was talking about, and it is the same message from every person that has experienced awakening. You mention the ultimate Mystery, and you are right. Even the awakened can only point to it, but we cannot describe it. Leo mentioned it in his video. He sensed it, but he could not understand it. And it is not because Leo is stupid It is literally beyond human comprehension. The ancient Sanskrit term for ultimate reality is Tat, which literally means "That". That is the Uncaused Cause, That is the Ultimate Source, That is the Eternal beyond existence and non-existence. I love That, don't you?
  18. It's not as black or white as choosing either awakening or girls lol. Awakening is not something that happens overnight, it takes years of focus, study, and practice. If you still desire women you will probably still desire them when you have awakened, and it might arise as a shadow side. So I say just do both. Go get all the girls you want while at the same time you meditate and study. They won't interfere with each other and if they do it's not a big deal. You created the interference with your mind. Just don't create and tell yourself it will work.
  19. Of the classically awakened teachers, they can have different levels. Comparing them is really hard cause you can't get inside their skulls.
  20. @Leo Gura Yeah i meant of that 0.00 whatever percent. You've said sadhguru and blabla are partially awakened. I didn't mean normies. of course the degrees dont start at 0.0001% otherwise the people on here wouldn't have degrees of it, which obviously they do.
  21. Well the ego can get those things, because when you awaken, even big awakenings, there's still egoic shit going on. And you agree because you've said in the past that everyone is partially awakened. Even if you know deep down it was Truth that woke up, and not the ego. The ego is still clearly there. Because there's all this shit you want to purge. You seem to be making a distinction between knowing and abidance. Which sort of makes sense because awakened 'people' change state depending on what's going on, but the knowing is consistently the same. But I see abidance and knowing as the same thing. I've never experienced it happening before, but knowing must be impermanent too otherwise how does unenlightening happen.
  22. Agree. But you do see how this whole situation could be regarded to be just like any other "argument" (although this of course isn't one) that flew off the rails into the domain of insulting people? (aka someone doesn't agree with you and you call them dumb?) You see, that's my whole point. Okay, you say you want to wake them up - great, keep doing that. But I think calling people dumb does more harm than good. I doubt it very much that this particular person will have awakened to his/her ignorance by your comment. Yes, I like that too.
  23. But this is not inline with the spirit of Love, the God of Creation itself. Wasps and snakes have a beast nature - they are not awakened to Love, man can transcend the beast and see the Love, even if its hard. I would not ask God for such selfish things, that would be out of allignment with the Love beyond me. What one should be asking God right now is Save humanity, Save the planet, Ascend, lets Ascend together to Heaven so Earth is a Heavenly realm once again. In heaven everybody lives in Love, in the glory of Love. Nothing hidden, no adultery, no unnecessary pain caused by sleeping men. Frequency so high we enter heaven directly. And the pulls of the deceiver will get less strong as we ascend, together. Leo is Love
  24. I am not awakened yet, but the more woke I become, the more I realize that FOMO is bs and everything is perfect. I basically experience less and less FOMO as I become more woke. YET, there is still this magnetic longing for certain experiences that you want to live out as this bodymind. So there is still some "seeking" in a sense, but it feels way more healthy and way less neurotic and I personally get a lot of pleasure out of it. It is a sort of Exploration of the world while accepting the moment as is with ever-increasing strength and intensity. There is no more winning and losing as winning/losing is a duality, but there this vastness of various experiences that you can experience in your life which you can pick and choose which will have a unique meaning to you as you are unique yourself I hope what I wrote makes sense
  25. I am the first non awakened jewish semi-shark people . Ask me anything. ?