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  1. I was in to learning about Enlightenment for years before I discovered Nonduality and the True nature of Self and Reality. I took all kinds of so called enlightenment course, like Landmark Education. I hung out with high consciousness amazing spiritual people. I did psychedelics and hung out with others that did as well. And never once in all those years did I ever hear anything about Nonduality or any aspect the True nature of Self and Reality. When I discovered it, which I think was through one of Leo's videos a couple years ago, it was mind-blowing to me I had yet to hear this wisdom, the actual truth, not just some self-help philosophies of life. Fast forward two years later and it is now blowing my mind how many people I am coming across sharing this knowledge. Last weekend I went to a concert and the woman sitting next to me was talking to her friend about Nonduality. I got a new roommate a couple months ago and he goes to Nonduality conferences all over and films them. I did not know this about him when I got him as a roommate, finding out later. Tonight I went on Facebook and saw a post by an old friend and she was posting a meme about being God and being and knowing everything. I saw another post that had an interesting comment from a someone I didn't know (they live on the other side of the country). I, just for the heck of it, went to their page, and the very first post on their page was about Nonduality. Now I make a habit of asking new people I meet if they know about Nonduality and the True nature of Self and Reality, and about half have. It seems like it's literally everywhere nowadays. I guess my point is, I think one of two things are going on. One, this is Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, where one stumbles upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, repeatedly and increasing in instances. The other option, is that a few years ago this was just not a well known knowledge. Maybe within in some small isolated communities, but definitely not anywhere near to the degree it is now. I think this is a movement that is spreading very quickly. I think this knowledge of Truth has gone from a few thousand a few decades ago, to tens of thousands a few years ago, to today which I would guess is in the hundreds of thousands. I have nothing to base this off of, except from my own experience and the evidence I've encountered. Maybe I am right and there is a multiplying compounding effect going on. Maybe this knowledge is spreading like a wildfire across the world. Maybe it's because of platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Maybe it's because of easier access to more powerful psychedelics. If Nonduality and Awakening are spreading like a wildfire and it's reaching people in an ever increasing rate, maybe those tens of thousands today, will be hundreds of thousands a couple years from now, and maybe even millions soon after. If this is the case, then we are talking a global phenomenon. What would the world look like with millions of Awakened, or at the very least knows the True nature of Self and Reality? Would this shift the world into peace, love, and unity? Could we be seeing the start of the beginning of the end of the old ways of darkest depths Ego? Could we be seeing the start of the beginning of a revolution/evolution of humanity, that will forever change everything? Just a thought.
  2. No, this is silliness compared to nonduality. Don't waste your time, just eat a magic mushroom.
  3. @Nak Khid This gets into authority. We are our own ultimate authority, yet we turn over our authority to others all the time. This can be useful in certain contexts, yet I find it helpful to be aware when I am doing this. I like knowing someone’s background before investing in their theory, yet there is a balance of skepticism. If someone at the mall is peddling “Get enlightened and lose 30lbs in 30 days for only $30”, I would be skeptical. Yet if some seems genuine, has a history of study/experience and their work resonates with me, I’d be curious to take a look. Also, intellectual parroting is nit embodiment. The map is not the territory. There is a deeper understanding that comes through direct experience. Once this direct experience reveals itself, it’s pretty obvious but in others. For example, someone may parrot stuff they read about nonduality. If they haven’t had nondual experience/embodiment, it’s super obvious. Imagine someone memorized a bunch of English sentences yet couldn’t construct their own sentences. It would be quickly obvious that they can’t speak English.
  4. Sorry, cannot allow a teacher on here who denies the truth of Love and God. That kind of corruption is unacceptable no matter how helpful the person might otherwise be. His formulation of nonduality is simply incomplete. Anyone who denies Love as the highest teaching is simply not fully awake.
  5. I think misinterpreted the original question and have a better understanding now. The questions may seem straightforward and simple, yet I think at an existential level they go very deep and can be difficult to discuss through images and language. If I understand the context, I would use the term “awakening” or “revealed”. For example “Can someone awaken to the 10th dimension like one can awaken to God?” or “Can the 10th dimension be revealed like God can be revealed? “. In this context, I would yes - there is a similar essence common to awakenings / revelations. Asking whether God is the same as XXXis a different question, imo. In one perspective, God is Everything, so everything is God. Yet God is also used in different contexts, like as a type of entity. I like the idea of realms and dimensions. Yet personally, I don’t like using the term 10th dimension as synonymous with One/Infinity/Nonduality/Universe/Everything etc. I like trying to be as direct as possible and use pointers with the fewest possible steps. Terms like One/Nonduality/Universe/Everything is one step away. It is about as close as we can get. 10th dimension is multiple steps away for me. If there is a 10th dimension, there must be at least 9 other dimensions. What is a dimension? Are there also non-dimensions? Thus I don’t think 10th dimension is a good pointer - it has too many variables which can cause confusion.. . . If I used the term: “The 4th inter-galactic community” as synonymous with nonduality, it would likely cause confusion.
  6. I agree, oneness is the biggest picture understanding. 98.9% of the planets population does not understand this and or know how to implement nonduality into their everyday lives and so they suffer. They want the sweet without the bitter the good without the bad the payoff without the understanding. The only thing required for nonduality is the highest understanding that everything is non-dual and couldn't be otherwise....❤
  7. Spiral Dynamics is not just based on one man's reaearch, and it's a complex model that doesn't assign people numerical values for awakening, and like I always say, you need to understand that it's relative and has its limits. SD is much more robust than a linear numerical scale for nonduality.
  8. I wonder is Satan came up with nonduality so he could pass through metal detectors and not set off the alarm
  9. @Synchronicity actually I think you're an amazing super intelligent guy. ❤ I was trying to help with a misunderstanding that had me confused for a very long time. In my experience there has been several layers to understanding nonduality. Some lucky people get it in one shot but I am going through a gradual Enlightenment experience. I would like to awaken at least one person on this forum, it would be a cherry on the ice cream sundae. Maya runs deep and it's much more clever than I originally understood.... It can transform into a loving and spiritual ego. You can always spot the ego by the feelings of guilt, separation and incompleteness. The ego always wants more more money more power more knowledge More Love more enlightenment more of everything it's never satisfied. This work involves emptying your glass and realizing you are trapped in The Matrix before starting. It's not easy but it is also not hard. I love this quote: "The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences" When you drop the false self and become nobody you realize you are the all-encompassing one consciousness. ❤ Is this something you think you can do?
  10. I wasn't thinking about just you when I posted it. I'm trying to help you and a few others understand that duality is an illusion from direct experience. ❤ The broader perspective you are claiming is the misunderstanding itself. You're transcending nonduality talk is the ego at work. It's almost as if you are claiming to understand infinity + 1, which obviously makes no sense, since we are describing the all-encompassing already. You are trying to understand the absolute with the mind which is impossible. You are seeking outside of yourself and not doing the difficult work of turning within and dropping the false self(Maya). This will hurt your ego and it will immediately want to resist this information but I assure you it's the truth. Remember if you think you already know the answer, you won't do the difficult work. This is actually what is meant by: "The biggest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, its the illusion of knowledge" meaning if you think you already know the answer, it will blind you from finding the truth. This seeking outside of yourself can keep you trapped in Maya your whole life. I love you bro ❤ ❤ I hope you can appreciate the straightforwardness of this message. It's from my heart and the very definition of tough love. ❤ I'm always here if you want to chat more on private message ❤
  11. Yes exactly. Perhaps it would’ve been better for me to say I’m speaking from a perspective that “unites duality and Nonduality” rather than “beyond duality and Nonduality”
  12. I don't even know if it was a date, you'll know later why. So, there's this woman, a secretary from the work I left one and a half years ago. Ever since I worked there, I could tell that she'd had a crush on me, and I deserved it because I was the superstar there, I was a super productive workaholic. I didn't really have any feelings towards her at that time. I would treat her with kindness like I would do with any other woman. Anyway, so right after I left that job, she kept contacting me to keep in touch. And then we decided to go every morning and walk together as she was (still is) overweight and I wanted to help her out. We walked for almost a week and she told me all about her past. She's divorced, mother to three girls but has difficulties in being able to contact them, has a painful traumatic past, her husband was physically abusive to her and her children, and she has mother issues (if that's even a thing). However, I stopped talking to her because I sensed that she started making excuses to stop the daily morning walk. I completely cut off texting or calling her, I even deleted her phone number. She contacted me twice after I stopped talking to her and asked me if anything was wrong. I responded kindly with fake answers. And that was that. After that, I went celibate for a year (almost until now), with not really much friends, with the intention of finding "the truth" (done). And the only time she contacted me was the night before Valentine's day (romantic gesture?), she called offering me a new job opportunity elsewhere. I didn't recognise her at first, but then she reminded me and I responded kindly and thanked her and with complete respect, I rejected the job immediately, since I was focused on my goal and I didn't want to distract myself with work or relationships. Anyway, in April this year I started a new job, and she ended up finding out about it from my brother who replaced me there where she works. She (and actually my former boss and colleagues) would always ask my brother about me and send me greetings, and I wouldn't respond. So, as soon as she knew where I work, she came to visit me. She definitely surprised me, but I didn't really care. I told her that I want to be alone and she hoped that I would come back to normal. Days go by and she starts texting me again, and I, as usual, compliment and flirt with her, like I would do with any other woman if she's receptive. When I was working with her, I even created a nickname for her and she liked it only from me. On her birthday, I gave her a bracelet as a gift, but so did the other co-workers (different gifts obviously). She also visited me at work once again last week. Now we're done with the background story, and on to the date: We decided to meet today at sunset at the same park. We walked a little and talked then sat down on a park bench. We talked about how our past year went and etc... and then we walked again to move our location. We went to an isolated part of the park, and I asked her if it's okay, she said of course. We sat down and the dark started crawling. We talked for almost two hours about all kinds of stuff, BUT, and here's the interesting part, she would talk to me about her boobs (she didn't actually use the word boobs) and about her period. She would tell me that she's done so much ultrasound tests because she's afraid of cancer (she doesn't have any), and that her beasts hurt her all the time and that she gets relieved when she wears her bra, and that she didn't use to wear a bra at home, and that she feels relief if they're squeezed, and so on.. And then she would tell me about her ovaries and stuff and pain related to them, and that eversince she got divorced she developed that pain while not getting into any other relationships whatsoever, I interpreted this as a sign for being horny and wanting to have sex. And here goes the mixed signals that she would send. I do some random thing like crossing my legs and she does the same, I do something else and she doesn't. She confused the hell out of me. I even got a boner and adjusted my penis inside my pants while she was talking about her boobs and how big they are (reminder: she's overweight) and how their weight worsen the pain for her. I mean I shouldn't be such a pervert but come on! This is girl to girl stuff. Why is she telling me that? I thought about making a gesture but I didn't find the mood to be appropriate. We have the typical bumping hands gesture (??) so I did this as much as I could so I can show her that I'm interested in her (not love, just sex, I'm not ready for a relationship yet). We talked about non-duality and philosophy, she doesn't know about nonduality but I used a simplified language to explain it to her. She told me that she doesn't want to get married ever again, and I told her that I will eventually have to get married and she didn't seem upset. She told me that she is afraid of the future, since she does not have a stable job and doesn't have a family to support her. But she still would refuse the idea of marriage. We got cold so we walked again, and I walked her home and she said that we should go out more often and then we parted, and story's over. Soooo... Guys: what would you do? Go. Ladies: WTF is going on FFS? Is she messing with my head? Is she in love with me? Does she find the warmth that her mother didn't provide only with me? I don't have a clue what she is up to. But I can simply just ignore all that and continue living my life and I don't have a problem with meeting her in a friendly way. I just want more clarity. Sides notes: I am borderline poor, not Alpha and not Beta. Just a normal dude with a little more than the average consciousness and kind of semi-self-actualized, and with amazing complimenting texting skills as she once told me and as I have been told recently from another girl. I haven't spent a cent on her except for the birthday gift I've given her two years earlier.
  13. @Inliytened1 No I’m speaking from a broader point of view. One that’s beyond duality and Nonduality
  14. I actually think you misunderstood me. I am saying Duality is an illusion, it is not real, it is not both, and neither is impossible because there's only nonduality or Oneness. Your example here is a lack of complete understanding and experience. We can still peacefully disagree ❤ ❤
  15. But even that is just a thought. For nonduality to be there needs to be an opposite. For Oneness to be, there would need to be not-Oneness. By naming it, you automatically imply that there is a contrast to that. That's why all that needs to be let go of. You can realize oneness and not see that that is still an interpretation of that which has no opposite, which can't be named. Duality and Non-Duality is still a pair, still a contrast. Even all that jargon is too much already!
  16. Its not the same thing bud...The glass analogy is a true perspective, as in both statements are correct. Calling an illusion reality is a lack of understanding. Oneness or nonduality is all there is. Duality is a figment of the imagination, I mind made fictitious belief. Its Maya!! But you don't have to take my word for it find out for yourself. You are very clever ❤ Here is one of my favorite quotes: " The biggest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge"
  17. Remember Duality is an illusion, don't make it into something real. Although the waves appear to be separate there still the ocean. All the sandcastles on the beach are still just the sand on the beach. Duality does not equal nonduality because duality never actually existed it was just your mind that created it. There is no other it's always just been oneness. This is the meaning of nonduality. The separation never occurred it was just your mind that tricked you into believing you were a limited separate self. Saying duality = nonduality is like saying the Mirage of the soda machine in the desert is the same as the soda is not, the soda machine will give you a cold soda. The Mirage will have you walking until you dehydrate and die. Make sense? Love you all ❤
  18. @Inliytened1 Nope. The chair is not the table. One can argue there's no chair and no table. One can argue both are made out of the same substance. But if there is a chair, it is certainly not the table. Nowhere to go; everywhere to go. Within stillness I move. There is no actual difference between duality and nonduality.
  19. Just use one of the less religious synonyms for God instead and proceed, substitute on of these words: Everything The All Consciousness Nonduality The Universe Existence
  20. I'm new to the forum. Hello! Being generous. Listening to others. Allowing them to be. Allowing them to enter the stillness within me. Acknowledging that everyone is made of the same substance as me. Seeing them as more than who they appear to be, but for who they truly are: pure consciousness, or God. Nonduality. The illusion of the ego. My question is this: How do I find motivation to form deep, meaningful connection with others, when I’ve grown so detached from my ego that I’m only able to see sharing myself as a form of ego inflation? Is there a balance I need to find between relating to others in terms of being and ego? Of unconditional love for the universe and my human need to connect to others? I'm emphasizing friendships over romantic relationships, though I think the answer to my dilemma will be the same for the latter. How do I handle this situation of having no drive to want meaningful relationships, when I've identified wanting as a form of egoic action? Is this something I should seek in the first place?
  21. Preface: This was the first proper trip after my last one which was preceeded by a panic attack and subsequent ego death. I was not entirely sure if I was ready for another round however I felt really good this morning and decided to go in again. The Come Up: Just like last trip the body panicked upon intake of the tea. However this time I was able to stay completely calm. The heart and stomach were beating, yet the mind was calm and clear. And after a couple of minutes the body panic stopped and the trip started. The trip: After the heart beat returned to normal there was a simple sentence that came to me: "Remember, the Darkness is the Light". And as it turned out this should be theme of the trip. The Darkness The trip started of dark. Really dark. Mushrooms can be like that. Someone once wrote here that it's kinda like being dropped of on a random planet. Pretty accurate I would say. Well this planet was at war. I had a vision of someone being tortured. Me being the one leading the interrogation and the one taking the pain. I had vision of a couple young boys having a fight and beating the living shit out of each other. I had a vision of an Asian genocide happening before my eyes. Lastly I had a vision of some violent alien race pillaging the galaxy... led by some sort of hive mind. Note, I include this to be accurate. I don't know if there is any truth to that whatsoever. Yet it kinda felt like a warning. The Shadow After all that darkness I decided to take a little break. Once I came back from taking a piss I lied back down and the darkness revealed itself as the shadow. The male shadow to be exact. The male shadow is anger. And, very interestingly the female shadow is deception. I have not studied shadow work yet, however this is my direct experience. Both energies seemed to be wounded deeply and I had visions of both being acted out by people I know. Then I was also shown how to be a man. Being a man entails dealing with that shadow and shining a light on it (note that everyone has both male and female energy). And very interestingly it includes homosexuality. I have one gay friend however I noticed that I have a bit of a resistance towards being gay. That resistance was surrendered. This side of me which was resistant was able to be re-integrated. I still like women last time I checked but I feel more whole as man. The Light After all of that the Light came. I still had some violent visions however this time it was different. There was a light shining through. There was a particular scene I remember. The light merged with the darkness becoming pure light setting the scene in stone. I remembered that all that darkness is Love. It is light. It is Goodness. Love (with a capital "L") includes all of it. It is it. It is the darkness and the shadow. That is what pure Love entails. And why all the darkness? Out of Love. The Voice I still wanted to break through to God and tried to surrendered further. Then, for the first time I was able to see existence as a projection. It's a hologram. It has no substance. What we call life is a projection onto the screen of consciousness. The body is a thought and has no absolute essence. The mind is illusory and has no absolute essence. My birth is a story. I am a story. What I call "me" is a character in a game called life. It has no essence. What is left then? Isness. Pure self aware Isness. Why is there a voice inside of my head? Most of the breakthroughs I had were kind of narrated by the voice in my head (until the event horizon was passed so to speak). This time I could see how the voice lost itself. It still narrated but it lost itself in a sort of echo chamber of God. It too had no essence of itself. I, as God was talking to myself. There were no bells, whistles of ecstasy this time. It also wasn't a complete breakthrough. More of merging in and out of Nonduality. That's it. Short and sweet. Most important (for me at least) was to be able to face the fear and jump into the deep end again. There is still work to do. Don't know when I will trip again though. Have a good one! Much love
  22. Here you are using a relatively much more secular word "The Absolute". I have seen you use similar words said in other statements that you have made using the word "god" and then for a moment switching to "The Universe" and "The Truth", relativity secular words You are speaking here of consensus. The consensus in America of what "God" means is that it is superior being that watches over us, judges us and cares for us, most perceiving it to be a part of a biblical dualistic paradigm. The consensus is that it refers to a being described in the Bible. The word "devils" , by consensus also has a connotation of the Christian or Islamic tradition (but if it is in the same speech as the word "god" probably not connoting Islam since they would be using the word "Allah" ) So if you use the word "god" in America or Europe and some other places, the consensus is that you are referring to "god" as described in the bible. But if you then have to explain to each stranger you meet when you said "god" you mean something else or you tell them "your are god" you would be going against the consensus and expressing you " willy-nilly" variation of the word So why do you ever use the word "God" instead instead using the word "nonduality" or "everything" or "consciousness" or "actualized" or "the universe" or "the Absolute" or "The Truth" or "The All" or "It" ? You do switch to some of these other words at times but you are still using the word "god" much more Instead of using these much more secular words why would someone not referring to a Biblically described God use the word "god" and have to explain to each new person, going against the consensus connotation that you in fact don't mean the biblical version? One reason might be that the word "God" (capital G noted) evokes a sense of authority and these other words don't or are less personal feeling
  23. You could call it a kind of experience, but like a null experience. The experience of no experience or pure empty consciousness. It feels a lot like emptiness. It's so empty you cannot even feel it as being empty, because that's still not empty enough. "Experience" and "perception" are concepts which are already loaded with a hidden assumption of an experience and an experiencer. What you have thought of as "experience" your whole life is actually the body of God. Ultimately experience isn't experience. Experience is an improperly understood BEING. Being is not experienced or perceived. Being just is. You cannot get any more fundamental than Being. You cannot ask, "But who is experiencing Being?" Because at the level of Being there is no who and experience. You with a capital Y cannot be observed. YOU is! Again, "observation" is a loaded concept which assumes a subject/object duality which is illusory. Subjective/objective is a duality. We are talking about nonduality here, which means that you cannot ask if it is subjective or objective because there is no difference between anything in nonduality. What is a dream? A dream is when you think there is a difference between any two things, including the difference between a dream and not-a-dream. Is there a difference between a kangaroo and a refrigerator? If you said YES, then you're dreaming. You are dreaming that difference! The difference seems "real" precisely because you are dreaming it! A dream is when something, anything, seems "real". You are even dreaming the difference between "real" and "unreal". There is no such difference unless you dream it. Absolute Consciousness cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not.
  24. I think most of the world that say they believe in God do not mean it means "everything" However for those that do, why not use the word "everything" or "consciousness" instead of "God" and with it's capital G has heavy religious connotations. Why use the word "God" and then have to explain to people you don't mean a separate being that watches over and judges us when if you used another word "nonduality" , "everything" , "consciousness", "The universe" , "existence" may not be perfect but do not have the religious baggage attached like the word "God" does? Trying to align others with your conceptualization is absolutely unnecessary, enforcing words is trivial, having the similar understanding is enough.