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  1. This dogma that is just a dream doesn't work. And the reason is that even nighttime dreams are not just dreams. Usually telepathies mostly happen in nighttime dreams. So even those dreams are not just imagined by your own consciousness, but are created jointly by multiple consciousnesses. So, no, is not just a dream. There are rules for how reality is constructed. And if you are not interested to understand these rules, then you are not awakened as you like yourself to consider. You are faaaar from it.
  2. What is the purpose of self inquiry? I can recognize that when the question, who am I, is asked in thought, there is awareness of that thought which is itself not a thought. After that point, I'm left with pressure/tension in the head and other sensations of the body. How deep is the inquiry supposed to go? I find myself getting bored/distracted after repeatedly asking who am I, and it feels like later on during the sits I'm not as attentive to what's occurring as during the earlier portions of my sit. For anyone who awakened through self inquiry, can you give a description of how the process unfolded for you.
  3. Well, you can't ever be completely certain, but if your consciousness is high enough you can usually tell who's less/more conscious intuitively. Try being around christians that parrot Jesus and then meet real mystics in a christian monastery. They say the same things but there's a different feel to them. I became aware of these differences after a kundalini experience, I meet a lot of christians (I grew up around them) and can differentiate between those that had awakening experiences and those who are just parrots. If your kundalini is at least partially activated there might be a literal "glow" in your vision when you hear/read/see an awakened person. This exercise works best with Christians, because there's a huge variety among them. It won't work as well with buddhists, since most of them actually take meditation seriously.
  4. @fridjonk I mean more stages or names within the non-dual. I found this picture on integral theory and I am interested in if there are any told stages at unitive. As you go through life in the unitive stage like Buddha or Krishna there is a progression from an outsiders perspective. I am looking for names or stages such as sage, guru, awakened, enlightened. I don't know any more.
  5. The meaning is always in the head of the perciever. The goal is only to explain the shadow of the real thing as to guide or help those on the journey of life. Love works fine, such as every other explanation. It's just that there doesn't seem to be one explanation that is mainly used. And for us that have awakened there are grades of how deep you are loving and being, are there words or names for those at a certain point of being? There seems to be in the yogic culture/history but I don't know of them as of yet. These names might also have a hard time reaching the people of Europe or America.
  6. After awakening you learn to experience life to the fullest at will. But is there a simple word for it, LOVE won't do because it is a currupted word and shouldn't be told to the masses as the ultimate thing. We can call it being yourself, being boundless, experiencing life to the fullest, surrendering to your highest self, letting go of ego, love, being ecstatic by nature, being your full potential... With "being yourself" I mean the same thing as people achieve through kundalini yoga. Where the source of creation utilises your energies and your experience of life to its full potential. You become boundless, time moves fast, perception - the experience of life is ever changing, energy is at its peak etc. I can't explain this in a good way, I hope some of you have awakened and get what I talk about. Gurus and spiritual people seem to have all these different ways of explaining this. And now my question is, is one of my examples the general explanation of this "being yourself"? Also how would you explain it?
  7. Who is asking why? "From the Upanishads on down, there have been sages who have discovered the meaning of ajata’s message, and have declared “no creation” or “no origination” or “no birth” etc. They are stating that the nature of ultimate reality is emptiness or nothingness or a void, and that from a “condition” of emptiness not anything can ever come out or originate or appear. In other words, any thing which appears to exist is not, and cannot be, a creation from nothingness. Put another way, any thing which seems to appear is not real, from the ultimate standpoint. This is not a denial that things do seem to appear. Both anything which seems to appear and the person to whom they seem to appear are unreal. The analogy which is classically given is that of a sleeping dream. In the dream, you–a figure which is not actually real–interact in a world which dos not actually exist. In this analogy, when you–whom ajata says cannot have had this existence from the start–wake up from the sleeping dream, you are nevertheless an unreal person seeming to live in a world, which does not exist in actuality. In other words, the waking “dream” is a continuation of the sleeping dream. Neither one can be anymore real than the other. Another way in which the literature puts this is to say that all forms are empty. Anything which is truly empty cannot be said to “exist”; and where existence is out of the question, “not exist” is not applicable. You, as a form, are empty. The world, as a form, is empty. In other words, both are nothing. Both have not ever been created, or originated. Though they seem to appear (within the big Dream), both are without any actual reality. The seeming person continues to live out her life (from supposed “birth” to “death”) in a seeming world, in a seeming universe. Yet, in what could be said to be the true or ultimate reality of emptiness, not anything ever has, or could, happen. From the ultimate standpoint, there is not anything that ever needs to be explained. Any questions which arise and any answers are within the Dream–and the Dream is not real. Those who understand this, the sages would say, have awakened from the big Dream. Whether one does or does not, in the end, makes absolutely no difference. But for those who do awaken, all their questions–within the Dream–are seen to be utterly empty". -- Ajata Project (Robert Wolfe)
  8. @xxBryantxx in my opinion as far as i understand the situation the problem isn't some consciousness gap but lack of proper communication. it seems she doesn't care about your subjective experiences and you think she's too 'unconscious' to understand you. i think if you truly were awakened as you say you are then there shouldn't have been any problem in the relationship if that was the only thing. the problem is like in a lot of relationships i think and nothing about this one is special. i think what you need is to have a serious talk and share what you two hold in yourselves while accepting and not invalidating the other's subjective experience. your true emotions, your true needs and which needs you both feel are unfulfilled. i think you might use spirituality and consciousness as an excuse to not do emotionally laborious work thats necessary to keep a healthy relationship. take this all with a grain of salt as i dont know the whole situation.
  9. @Nthnl becsuse when you awaken you as @Nthnl will perish leaving only Truth. You BECOME it. This is NOT a belief. Keep an open mind here or you will be banned. This work is not for everyone. Very few of the current world population have ever awakened but we hope to change that with the teachings here.
  10. Ofcourse no. It's the total opposite that. You are literally torturing yourself. That's why awakened sages like Buddha and christ teach compassion and no violence.
  11. Well if you are awake you realize everyone you thought are dead aren't dead..they didn't go anywhere.. They are right here. You. An awakened sees the self in all and the all in the self.
  12. If you have a loved one, you've got chips in the game. You'd always be biased towards their survival. So I'd say yes, an awakened person would absolutely grief a loved one. You'd have to be so awake to not grief that there would be no point in loving that person more than another, but then again, you'd also be so conscious that you wouldn't even be in a human state anymore. Edit: Why in the world do I comment about things I've got no clue about...ego alert.
  13. I don't believe that there is something left that can distinguish heaven and hell "after" death. However, during death you can experience "eternity", the "eternal now". I also have experienced this with suffering. Eternal now + suffering shot me into the nothingness. Strangely "after eternity" ,eternity ironically stops and time just happens again. So probably during your dying process you can be in the eternal now + suffering, which I believe is technically Hell, until you give up and the ego dies before your Body. In the nothingness I don't remember being bothered by the "eternal suffering" that preceded. It's just a belief, but I think nothingness transcends heaven and hell. at least the nothingness transcended heaven- and hell-awakenings I had. Test it out in life, you might not have to literally die for that, let yourself be absorbed into heaven until there is no heaven, an let yourself be absorbed in hell until there is no hell. If that's also the case after death, nobody really knows, however it seems strange to me that you can transcend heaven and hell during life, why would we be stuck in those mildly-awakened states after death?
  14. What is death to an awakened one?
  15. Does an awakened person feel pain if you cut their finger off? Does an awakened person feel hungry? What changes is the perspective not the sensations. And according to some there are infinite "levels" of awakening. Maybe there are perspectives which are totally disconnected from sensation, but that's just my speculation.
  16. Does an awakened person not feel grief for the death of a loved one?
  17. this is true , and this seems consistent so you think your real and can function and Play out the story you need to without being a crazy person. This is the greatest gift you have given yourself is this illusion of consistency. However when you start to become fully awakened . Consistency isn’t the same anymore. It’s always rn , times constantly jumping. You start to realize your own memories from the day aren’t even real and some things that happen throughout the day that seem crazy you just forget about. You can bring up these repression’s in hypnogonic dream state. You actually see some fucking crazy dream like shit everyday you just forget . Like entities and shit . Crazy shit I promise u.
  18. @Sam Johnson There is a bell curve of spiritual capacity that humans have. From spiritual retards to gods. For example, I've met people who were born awakened and live multiple live simutaneously in parallel from birth. Stop assuming that other humans are like you. Their consciousness can be totally different than yours. An advanced yogi is gonna be in the top 1% of the spiritual bell curve with zero practice. And then he will add 1000s of hours of practice on top of that. So you, an average guy, have no hope of attaining his level naturally. It's like you think you can play basketball against Shaquiel O'Neil.
  19. This is a great tread to people who have different paths towards awakening. shows how people can truly take random ass paths and end up at the same place. All was meant to be. Btw, I wouldn’t really agree with that. I’ve seen people who suffered nothing and got awakened. They took the Hindu path sure, however I saw them not suffering(doesn’t mean they all won’t suffer). I suffered a shit ton to awaken. Not a big deal, but I would like to point out this bs. it’s just one path(edit: It is just one path that thinks about suffering is the best way to devolve the ego. Don’t get lost in stupid and toxic beliefs) . To newbies this stupid belief can be taken on dogmatically really quickly so don’t get lost in it. YOU DONT NEED TO SUFFER. And even if you do no worries. Suffering can be fun. Once it is done you can look back and laugh. lol, I would like to say that many people in spirituality have a lot of mixed Buddha beliefs which I see hold them back. Such as not killing, love, and other stuff. These aren’t bad they are just one pointer to purity. Question your own beliefs. Budddha path is not meant for a lot of people. It’s kinda girly too.(I reread this and I saw how this can be taken wrongly to the girly folks. This isn’t shitting on Buddha’s. I love em. They take a path in which I cannot.) Have you ever seen a truly masculine path? (Lol I wouldn’t consider this a super masculine path, however you know people kill impure people and get awoken? It’s a legit path.)
  20. If The Buddha, Eckhart, St. John of the Cross, and others awakened ass-backwards count me in
  21. @Breakingthewall You do you and I do me. Here is my story: When I had worked upon my fears etc and when I kept some attention to my body to keep it at ease. Then the way I awakened was pretty funny. I lied down as I always do when meditating. And focused all my attention on all the desires I had and to experience them, so mind created a little fantasy I laughed and continued to focus on laughter/ecstasy... Getting deeper and deeper into being. Deep enough that there wasn't enough awareness to remember the experience at the deeper levels. The only thing I was creating was this ecstasy, normally mind and body would create lots of unsatisfactory things such as thought. Now weeks later being sick there was not the energy for me to create ecstasy or attention on the body. Following the same procedure as before to reach highest ecstasy instead I reached only being. No thoughts, no emotion, no body just being, it was nothingness. What James wrote that nothingness is lonely now comes into play. Because if u start from nothingness you choose what you will create. This can be called unconditional love, because you in being is nothing so you don't gain anything, it's just a love to explore and create life. This at this point will be your choice, the desire of your being should tell you what u want. Did this help in any way?
  22. I just repeated in slightly different words what every non-dual teacher tells us, not sure why you laughed at this. There is the awakened state and the dream state, unless you are new to these concepts this shouldn't surprise you.
  23. That's exactly what I meant? Yes, it's from this I assume myself to have awakened. I don't know anything other than the now but still I talk. What you want to call all other than what we know I do not know. Ego and truth perhaps.
  24. the spiritually developed have another take on conspiracies, they allow themselves to go beyond the ideologies, and the beliefs because they don't have this need to trust something outside of themselves. Personally It has been my inner journey that has opened me up to new information that gets labeled as conspiracy, or knowledge based in that territory. Now i could come here and share all sorts of fascinating interviews and talks relating to new ways of perceiving the world, but for a mind that still fears it's own shadows, cognitive dissonance will kick in, tactics like skepticism, blame, and write offs will take place. This is a survival mechanism for the divided mind/paradigm/ideology. I will not go anywhere new from a place of constricted skepticsm, but rather i choose to only travel through new systems with curiosity, as truth be told, really there’s nothing to gain or to lose, as the mind is a tool, not the master of this life experience. Not everyone has this relationship with the external, without being in an “awakened” state, but it’s practice of raising frequency and vibration, to Know the energies. It may not make much sense to you, but i am fully aware and know most people here are still facing certain shadows in the form of conspiracies, so all i can say is i get frustrated, sometimes too frustrated to even be here
  25. Haha u all talking about "enlightenment" or awakening. Yet none of us are in that state right now, you all should know that. Also when I first realised it was so easy to get into these states of being. I willingly took a great journey into ego after awakening and then apperantly it's for some reason now difficult to do the thing that was the easiest before. This clearly showed me how enlightenment is only difficult when you are not ready for it. Because when you are ready you will figure it out easily so we don't need to talk about it and how to do it so much. Instead we could talk about how work upon yourself. Also before one is ready to do these life altering things if you are mentally ready to experience awakened states of being continously then your external situations must be prepared before hand, isn't it so? So to preparing your external situations before awakening could be very beneficiary. This is why I am in states of much ego right now, otherwise I wouldn't be using my mind in this manner that I am. To begin with I don't now how one would manage work if they were to follow their highest self. In many jobs you need to be detached from life to do it well. So you should have saved some money to take a journey, where after awakening you could work towards life purpose and then finance yourself through that. This post I made is 100% from my own experience, I don't copy something I've learnt from gurus or actualized because I only remember that which I have life experience of and there is no guarantee I speak the truth. Because I am not living in such states like buddha did, I've only just recently awakened and as said am using ego right now to secure some of my external situations.