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  1. When you lose yourself in rational thought and see the world through that lens, you impose that limitation and mode of perception upon yourself. You ignore and dismiss deeper levels of interfacing with reality like emotions and senses and forget what it means to live through direct awareness. Your brain becomes trapped in the same loops, the default mode network forms. Your awareness moves around at the top level of the holarchy and only accesses the lower tiers reductively. The lower levels are desensitized and forgotten, only appearing when unmanaged physiological or emotional urges accumulate. Still, they fall into a conceptual framework and are treated as irrationalities to be consciously rejected, repressed or numbed through distraction like addictive behaviors or medication. To uncover, reintegrate and change your state of mind and access the lower, more fundamental layers of your psyche, you need to let go of that which keeps you in a closed mindset, ego. Ego is a self-perpetuating identity. It co-opts fear to protect itself and close oneself of. It creates and establishes emotional barriers, it builds layers of anxiety, anxiety spawns rigid behavior to avoid danger, which is whatever is at odds with the ego's identity. Ego spawns habits and distractions to avoid change and reintegration into a greater whole. It's ultimate goal is to exist in its current form forever, that is however impossible, so it does the next best thing of keeping the organism and reality it exists inside from changing in whatever way possible. It might be rigid in some areas and dynamic in others, change itself might be part of its identity, but then it will be rigid about that. It is an emergent self-replicating behaviral pattern. Life necessitates ego by virtue of desiring to survive, but its extent is infinitely variable and it can exist on any layer, it can become a detriment to the larger system and cause its own downfall because of it. Ego creates hate and hates change and whatever it associates with it. It loves in a conditional fashion that which mirrors itself and is willing to sacrifice parts of itself for a greater good, which is a larger aspect of its identity. Ego exists in division, identification with one side of a duality, creating infinite dualities, interconnecting them and associating your consciousness with that part. Ego is preference, ego is attachment. The less ego you have, the less you exist, for to exist is to experience, but to experience, you need to distinguish, and to distinguish, you must want, and to want, you need a drive, and the drive we're born with is survival, expressed in all our evolved behaviors, hunger, pain, curiosity, love. The collective holarchy is called the social matrix, it's the deep collective drive that is created through many layers of personal and impersonal interactions of individuals and their emergent behavioral patterns they exist in feedback loops with. It creates a sense of obligation, purpose, identity, self-worth and belonging that is communicated and felt by individuals at the bottom of the holarchy through their environment. It is another self-perpetuating ego that can exist in contrast to an individual, or be aligned with, partially or wholly, giving up the individual's independent thinking and reasoning ability for the shared identity with the collective. It is ultimately an emergent property of individual interactions though and mirrors their nature. It can be changed, just as an individual identity can change, but the ego has to be transcended, and it the case of the social-matrix, the collective mass of egos have to transcend their limitations in order for that to manifest on that highest scale. But all ego is self-perpetuating, so the only place change can start, is where ego originates from, undivided consciousness. But how would one break out of the self-perpetuating loop, when lost on the inside? By a different kind of ego. Love and emergent empathy is part of our nature, it drives us towards expanding our sense of identity and becoming in touch with ourselves and the world around us, it raises our consciousness instead of limiting it. If we rejected ego, we'd create another duality that fights against its opposite, in survival it might be necessary, vut surrvival was always the ego's game. We incorporate ego, dissolving dualities of preference, by loving both sides equally and understanding their importance. Love can exist as a duality to hate, a preference, to love one part of a duality is to hate its opposite, the more one loves something, the more one fears to lose it and hates whatever initiates that loss. So love and hate exist within ego as well, just like love exists without ego. The difference is the extent of love, when everything is love, there is no room for hate. But couldn't the duality dissolve into hate instead? Well, hate is an act, and every action is motivated by love, love is the only reason one acts, so even if an ego hates everything, the only reason it does, is because it loves to, it satisfies it and that satisfaction self-perpetuates it. So in truth, hate doesn't exist, it only exists as an emergent property of limited love, love is real, hate is conditional and created through preference, which is the channeling of love onto one aspect only. The fundamental mental building block of existence hence appears to be: The channeling of love. That creates identinty and preference, division and reality, to experience existence at all, one has to channel love into a specific aspect of oneself to be able to experience it. Without preference, everything would dissolve into nothing, perfect unconditional love and indistinguishable Non-Duality. So god has no desires except to be god, but god is infinite and to be oneself and see onself, god has to divide and channel love into all these parts of itself. So then god simulates the entire universe through divison and our consciousness is tied to a biological entity's first person view of itself and its environment and that it perceives itself as such, but all of it is awareness, all of it is consciousness. That entity has a subconscious it cannot access at all times, that's a limitation imposed both by its ego and god that granted it that limited form. That creature, human, individual is beautiful but limited, conscioisness is everything. Right now, your consciousness is limited to your first person view of the world, but it is imaginary, and yet real at the same time. After all, the difference is imaginary, god is being, you are being, you are a part of god, your indentity is imaginary, your world is a simulation, your life is real, your existence is real, the pain and love is real. It is imagined, interpreted through identity, preference, bias, all perspectives, all lenses, but in the lens you live, it is real. Nothing is real and everything is real, nothing is imaginary and everything is imaginary. The distinction is both real and imaginary. The distinction exists but it is a perspective. Are perspectives real? They are partial, real in themselves, a delusion from the outside, what they really are, is arbitrary. Maybe that word can dissolve the distinction betwen real and imaginary, the difference is arbitrary. But any word is a duality by virtue of being a reference because to point to something is for something to exist in opposition to something else, else there'd be nothing to point to as there would only be that one thing. Arbitrary might be a duality to consistency, a constant, immutability. But all of reality can exist in limitless superpositions, the channeling of love can occur in any configuration, yet reality happens as it does, its distinct and it occurs regardless of how complex it seems. Our being is the truth and the truth is immutable, constant, consistent, aligned with what god imagines. But what god imagines is arbitrary, but at the same time not, because god is unbiased. The truth is that which is the case, that changes all the time, hence arbitrary, but it is always itself, what it is meant to be, what god imagines it to be, aligned and constant. It dissolves that contradiction. God is absolute truth, god is unconditional love, god is infinite. Why? Do we adapt those beliefs? Nope, we define and experience god. God is Non-Duality, the end of ego dissolution, God is your highest form, your most actualized self, your undifferentiated consciousness. Consciousness is your direct first person experience of reality, god is that reality dissolved in love. God is not hypothetical, god is not belived, beliefs are rational pointers, impersonal, biased and easy to misinterpret. They are an attempt at communicating the importance and extent of the divine, its form and nature, but they're stories, ideas, human concepts and they end up perpetuating ego, the exact opposite of the path to god. God is the dissolution of all boundries and pure unconditional love, all of existence, whose parts we are and whose consciousness we are. We are ego and we are god, the difference is the level of love and division. To live in this world is to divide it, to live is to care about surviving. To love someone is to want them to keep living and be happy. All of these preferences will be given up on the path to godhood. But until then, your identity needs to expand from inside this automaton's survival bias, towards collective health, towards caring for the planet, towards wanting what's best for all life in the universe, multiverse, towards drawing less distinctions about when life becomes life, towards letting all of it flow, ego and egoless. And then there's psychedelics, inducing a state of deep conscious interaction with reality and understanding your ego through being thrown into love and a non-scarcity growth mindset, inducing unconditional love shows you the limitation of the ego. Your brain's pathways shape after the ego you create and the way it views reality. Psychedelics dissolve that ego by connecting every part of the brain, creating neural plasticity and giving you control of all your brain's pathways back. They also show you what experiencing reality freshly at a higher state of engagement feels like. In high dosis, they lead to hallucinations, which is really just your brain interconnecting and speedrunning all associations and their relation to each other, interpreting all of your senses, emotions, thoughts, ideas creatively at a profound level. That's where all the insights come from, that's where all the crazy stories come from, that's where all the fascinating hippie reports from the 60s originate. A brain on psychedelics interconnects reality at an insane rate in hyper-creative ways and no resistance towards doing it, seeking and giving itself love while experiencing overwhelming emotions through a strong link between all brain areas. The brain is imaginary but real, arbitrary but consistent, it is what it is, a vessel for our consciousness to perceive and experience this simulation's world from inside of. Psychedelics increase brain activity and interconnect it, and our conscious experience is exactly what you would expect. Less bias, less preference of pathways, means more direct unlimited perception, more engagement, more experience, more creativity and by lack of bias, love. Tons of love. To take psychedelics is to speed up your psyche, to induce ego dissolution physically instead of mentally. But it will only work if you know what you're doing and can make sense of what it means, else you'll get confused and overwhelmed, thinking it is real and might last forever, you might get scared, you might be overstimulated, you might get paranoid, you might interpret paranoia into your perception, you might get very stressed and time might stop for an eternity, in the wrong state of mind, it might amplify your most negative aspects to infinity and make you speedrun hell instead of heaven. Though the speedrun will only last for hours of thw world's time, you will experience it for a perceived eternity, granted how fast your brain will reinterpret reality and you might hurt yourself in the process or do worse. That's why sellers tell us to start small and be careful and respectful. It's so be don't fall into a self-perpetuating loop of misery and dissolve our sense of control and autonomy to stop it in the storm. Just like reality, a bad trip is imaginary but real. There are people unable to deal with the state of their reality and have mental breakdowns and bad trips follow the same mechanics because realness is imaginary. Psychedelics show you that arbitrariness, but you have to realize that's what they're pointing to, god's imaginary multiverse. Without resistance, there's no suffering, so that's why you always hear not to resist a bad trip, align yourself with it and it will pass, it might even turn into a good one, realizing the difference might as well be the most informative thing you'll ever learn. But be careful and learn how it affects you, else you're jumping into water not knowing how to swim, you might learn it on the way, find a piece of wood to hold onto, someone might throw you a life ring and save you, or you might drown, or you could learn how to swim beforehand, but you can only last so long in deep waters, so you need to keep practising and improving to swim further, dive deeper and know that if you're out of energy, you need to lie flat on the surface and float on top until you're eventually washed ashore. Psychedelics are a speedrun, they also induce awareness and presence, they're invaluable tools for growth, transcendence or even just fixing your life by taking you out of ego and seeing things more objectively and creatively, use them wisely. Of course to learn wisdom, you must experience first hand, after all, only you can know what's true, but you can use others' experiences as pointers and guidance to help you navigate and where to be more careful. Danger might be fabricated by the ego or it might be real and deadly, when someone alarms you to danger, take it slow, analyze, interconnect, learn, look at other people's experiences, figure out everyone's bias, if you decide to face the danger, do so in small steps in a controlled environment with safety and precautions. After all, if you don't know what the nature of the danger is, it is unpredicable and potentially deadly, once you understand its mechanics and what it is fundamentally, you can assess its behavior and make aware informed risks based on your best reasoning ability. Consensus is not evil but it is biased, you can use it as the first step, it is what you're accustomed to, what kept you safe until now, but now you're ready to take in more of reality, to learn, make your own decisions, expand your paradigm and take responsibility, evolving your understanding and part taking in creating a better consensus. You are the unknown, you are the alien, everything can only exist inside of yourself, don't be afraid. But you have put yourself in this human form for a reason, so love it and love reality as it is, explore yourself as much as you can, and be as loving as you can possibly be. Don't get lost in egoic non-duality desiring, everything you desire you can be instead, don't tell others to be a certain way, exchange understanding or point them to contemplation instead. You are still a human, you can troll or have humor, you can mess around and have fun, that's love, it's all love. But you know, if you want something, there are many strategies to get there. And if you only want people to awaken as fast as possible, look at who they are and what would get you there if you were them, and if that's the best and most loving way to get them into love or if it will only spawn a cycle of suffering and confusion. That's part of reality too, necessary to appreciate it, but there's diminishing returns at some point. You have the power to do anything you want to change yourself and others and the perception of realty. Being in tune with yourself is a beautiful way to be.
  2. Where did you learn this from? It depends on various factors, whether personal or cultural. Or situational. Some people don't like to be touched. Others don't mind. Others find it too impersonal. Depending on her own sensibiltiies, it's difficult to say in any broad or absolute sense that this can symbolise friendship.
  3. @ivankiss. Nice post . The character/individual floats around in the real You. Capital Y. And it is more or less subtly disturbing the realization of the real impersonal nature of Absolute Reality/Consciousness. It is just that fully realizing that is the death of the illusion (technically called ignorance) of the small you, or the individual. And zero chance to fully get that until..... small you/individuality is fully seen through and dead. Which is an event that doesn't get overlooked so easily, since, um, what you were before is dead then. Replaced by the impersonal (!) Totality, the Real You. Yes, IT is not personal. IT doesn't need anything, not even self-consciousness. IT just is. Good news: IT always is. Never can not be. Being itself. Same can not be said for the character/individuality. And if one is not exactly THAT right now, and fully aware of that (and its impersonal nature), merged with (or better BEING) the Totality in a boundless infinite nondual way, there is some illusion/individuality/ignorance going on... Alien or not. Of course it is much easier to project the remaining "individuality" floating around in the truly impersonal infinite Absolute Reality ON all the manifesting appearances happening in that Absolute Reality, nondual (but not impersonal) states boosted by certain.... substances. And then go mountain-ridge-facet-of-the-Absolute climbing, proclaiming I AM GOD... Only problem: The "I" in the sentence before is the illusion with lots of ignorance still remaining in it, not the real Impersonal God/Reality/True You. So the question is again: Who (really) hears these words? Selling Water by the River
  4. I mean guys are so lost in spiritual puffy buffy land of impersonal cloud of "consciousness " floating around without a "you " owning it . You gotta outgrow that shit . That's kindergarten to this work. Are you aware of cartoon wolf awakening 2.0 ?
  5. "You" are not infinite, you are a limiter that gives shape to the infinite, which is still infinite but seems finite. That's why "you" can disappear and the formless infinite continues to exist. It is something that becomes evident if you break your limited form with psychedelics, then you understand what you are. Infinity, the substance of reality, is impersonal, it is not alone since it has no limits. It is not one, it is not two, that is why we speak of non-duality and not of unity. the others that appear in your limited experience are also the infinite, everything is. Outside of you there is experience, since "outside" you really is inside, but you do not perceive it because "you" are a limiter. You are the blinders of a donkey that forces it to see only what it has to see and blinds it to the rest. But this is just an idea , maybe it's different. How to know without doubt?
  6. Not so misterious. The absence of limits inherent to absolute emptiness makes inevitable that everything is. Zero and infinity are the same. the infinite, in which the totality of existence is contained, flows on itself in a kind of creative and inevitable dance. This total infinity is unlimited intelligence, will, power. It is completely impersonal, a natural phenomenon, not a concrete entity, but this is what is called god. God understand everything because only one thing is understood: infinity. If you realize and become infinite, you understand everything, just being infinite. understanding empty of content or structure. The infinite in its flow creates increasingly complex forms whose substance is the only substance that exists: the infinity ,where the part is at the same time part and totality. This is, as you said, not originated, since there were never limits. It is always now, moving on itself infinitely. That's what we are, there is no mystery, only reality
  7. This = You Self-awareness Objective Subject , Subjective Object That's what I mean by impersonal self, object and subject, both, neither Call it suprapersonal or whatever, langage is dualistic
  8. That's just it. Anything impersonal is a duality. It suggests a subject- you- observing the object - this.
  9. This is God, the impersonal You The word "This" leaves no room for non-solipsistic bullshit, of course I use it in the non-dual sense especially when I say it's infinite
  10. Dissolve the self, then you will realize what reality is. Infinity is not you, you are a creation of the reality. Ultimately, you are the bottomless existence, but it isn't a you, it's totally indefinite, impersonal.
  11. You literally are arguing Absolute Solipsism while agreeing with it. Absolute Solipsism says THE SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION. All the things you said...IT SAYS. That's the point. You are arguing against something you agree with because you want to keep it vague. Absolute Solipsism says THERE IS ONLY EXPERIENCE. EXPERIENCE CANNOT BE DIVIDED!! Hell you can go further with Absolute Solipsism and say screw the word impersonal. We will just say is. IS cannot be divided. It just is. IS does not have OTHER to Is. Because there is only IS. As such, there can never be division. That IS is sentient, and alive and eternal. As such it always IS whether it is aware that it is or NOT. So there can be NO OTHER TO THE IS. You see? No matter what you say, no matter what twists and turns and leaps of logic there is always a SINGULAR IS. This is why I said you are dishonest. You agree with me and then lie and say you don't. In fact that is perfection of the design of truth. Because Absolutely Solipsism is Absolutely true you can agree to disagree and actually be in agreement. So you actually agree with me and can DELUDE yourself that you don't BECAUSE ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM IS SO TRUE even your disagreement IS AN AGREEMENT. Sorry you cannot escape no matter how hard you try. Even your lack of logic can't get you free. YOU ARE SO FREE YOU ARE TRAPPED!!! LOL!!!! So funny!!!
  12. Solipsism says: only I exist because I will never be able to leave my experience, if my experience becomes the entire cosmos I will continue to be me, therefore, only I exist, the others do not exist, they are hallucinations within my experience without self-consciousness . This is a construction based on logic. The first is to understand that the self as we are perceiving it is a sensation created by the dual experience in which there is an unappealable difference between me and what is not me. If they hit me with a hammer it hurts, if they hit you, it doesn't hurt. Therefore the self is the center of the experience that thinks and survives and for this it relates to others. Solipsism says that it is all a hallucination created by the self on another higher plane that hides itself to live an adventure. That self is the same dual self only expanded to infinity, and therefore, one. there can be no other. What I see as wrong here are two things. The first and most fundamental is that the perceiving self, which is the center, is a temporary construction. the moment there is no more center, there is no more self. It is difficult to maintain this state, extremely fragile because the center pushes to return. It's ego death. In ego death one perceives that reality is an unfathomable well of living existence, this existence is what we are and is impersonal, it is not someone, it is pure intelligence and life that arise from the lack of limits, one could call this god, but it is completely indefinite and impersonal. This reality is infinite. What infinity means is that the whole and the part are the same, infinite. Inside and outside are the same. When the infinite is limited to one experience, it automatically is all experiences. this is the cosmos. The entire cosmos is contained in this moment now, it is cyclical and it is infinite. Within each cycle are all the cycles, and within each one of them, again all of them. it does not have an end. Others are within you and you are within them, but you, the self, is the limitation of the infinity to this concrete experience. Its is not a playful god who goes on adventures, it is the living infinity in its infinite cycles balancing each other perfectly, like infinite snow crystals that fit together perfectly. The word consciousness implies being aware of something, infinity is not consciousness, it is existence that creates consciousness by exploding into all the infinite fragments of existence it contains. Everything, absolutely, is alive, and everything is infinite. To think that the thinking self is the totality is wrong. It contains the totality, but is limited for the experience to exist. In fact, it's a limit, so temporary. When the experience ceases, he will cease.
  13. Nihilism is self-contradictory. It proclaims there is no meaning. Besides the meaning that there is no meaning. So it is self-contradictory. Self-contradictory is the same as wrong. And it makes you a self-contradiction on two legs. Which is the same as suffering because of that internal conflict and contradiction. And because of that self-contradictory nature, you can (and should) forget about it when it comes to daily life. Because it can only harm your life, which happens on a relative level. Solipsism leads to Narcissism, that leads to Nihilism, and that leads to suffering. Just wait long enough and watch what happens to the aficionados of Solipsism/Narcissism/Nihilism and how they feel, write and come across. The energy you feel from them... All three have the same endgame: Suffering. And none of these three conceptual belief(!)-systems lead to stable Awakening/Enlightenment (which is non-conceptual), and resting in your True Nature of Impersonal Infinite Awareness/Suchness/Nondual Reality on a stable basis. Selling Water by the River
  14. God isn't a thing; there is no creator. There is nothing to understand~ god doesn't do understanding. It's a good thing! Our nature is nonorigination; just this is quickening aware potential, perpetually on the brink of going into action. Never having fallen into action (the Creative), what would constitute self? Thus, such selflessness has no moral value. The value selflessness, vis a vis human potential, represents, is one of actualizing its enlightening qualities in the midst of ordinary situations unbeknownst to anyone. It's not that enlightening being(s) do anything other than see reality. The extreme of one's absolute nature and the extreme of one's absolute delusion is only relative to one's habituation to clinging as one extreme or another by virtue of ego (self-reified consciousness). The psychological apparatus isn't the issue. The issue of self-refining practice is getting rid of the clinging mentality (habit-awareness). Psychological and nonpsychological (selfless) consciousness is a seamless awareness, nonoriginated. The one just comes to be aware of itself by virtue of having a body; the other awakens to its selflessness by virtue of forgetting the body. What about god? Since there is no creator to speak of, the explanation is obvious. Creation is a mystery …an inconceivability no less or more miraculously aware than mere people. It is the way it is, and no one knows why. The will to enlightenment is indicative of such questions posed by the OP, none the less. There is no god. One's true nature is absolutely nonoriginated, and it is actualized in spite of one's ignorance, otherwise such questions and ponderings would never arise— would never be pursued to the absolute limit of the extreme of human potential. Even so, it is the aftermath of such discovery into the nature of perception that people get over such extremes, both created and non-created, and endeavor to apply the knowledge of potential. This is the Science of Life, as set up by various ancient teachings in the guise of their various traditions' devices. They didn't invent it. Mind itself is the authentic teacher. Understanding and logic is attributable to the light of Mind. There is no other mind. Mind is one. Even ego reflects this no less. Even before realizing Mind, it is possible to awaken to and establish rapport with potential inherent in situational evolution. One's impersonal aware nature is not different than real knowledge arising by virtue of ordinary situations. But habituation to self-reflecting consciousness obscures real knowledge. Yet, one must know a healthy ego before attempting to forget it. What to do, what to do… ed note: add 2nd sentence, typo paragraph 6, spit-polish penultimate sentence
  15. You can reach a point where your feelings are like clothes you wear. They are an expression of yourself but they are not yourself. Feelings only matter when you are trying to accomplish something, protect something, and heal something. For fun I recently did a deep dive into some dark moments in my childhood and an extremely large hole of pain emerged. When I discovered it I felt like a surgeon operating on a patient who was surprised some damage was still there. Look the emotional pains we feel are only as strong as the importance we give to the story. The whole point of awakening is being able to jump back and forth between personal and impersonal consciousness. I finally get what they mean by we fall asleep. Our true nature is impersonal, you really do forget this and fall into this deep personal belief about whatever and the pain and agony can really pull you in. But there is really a space there that unfortunately right now you think its nothing. But that nothing hilariously is what you actually are. You need to become aware of that space. How can you do it? Now this is not going to be something you like but it worked for me but it can be dangerous. I have done some emotional deep dives that has brought up repressed deep seeded emotions, and have become really good at sitting with them as they express themselves. It is truly amazing to realize you can have really painful emotions expressing and you can just watch them. You can start small, think of a small event that bothered you. Really focus on that until the pain of that event comes up, then sit with it. Allow it to express while sitting, feel if you can detect any space. The better you get at detecting that space, the less you can get pulled into that feeling. If you get really good at this, you will have broken your human identity. No longer can you get stuck in character, no longer can the voice in your head or other people tell you what you are. Hell even your feelings won't be able to tell you who you are because you realize...they are just a temporary expression that eventually fizzles out. Using music can help with this process also.
  16. when the contraction that means being human disappears and the opening is total, is the total infinity manifesting. There is nothing like: oh yes I am God, or I am one, since if there were this it would be that there is still structure. It is an abyss of existence in which everything is, the total glory of being, and it is completely impersonal, it is not someone who does something. What it is is because since there are no limits, everything is. This everything is not imaginable, since in our human experience reality is always structured, ordered, to be able to be as human. The total free and wild reality is total glory, nothing can be better because there is no limit, it is absolute freedom. The only thing that can come to what's left of your mind is: yes yes yes in absolute joy. control has disappeared, reality flows without brake. I suppose that if you were in this state for several days in a row you would die. There's nothing like: oh wow, I'm god dreaming reality. That chain of thought entails a battery of structures upon more structures that are the opposite of free reality. In free reality there is nothing to understand or know, it is free, it is total, it is alive. that's it. That is the substance we are made of. How? I don't know, that's secondary, the important thing is the substance. about how theories arise later, but they are irrelevant, it is the total glory of unlimited living existence. enough
  17. Forms are imagination/dreams of the formless void. That impersonal void is dreaming this place up, it may not be a person with a personality but it is definitely a conscious entity. That impersonal void is attached to a single body, the only body with experience/sensations in the entire universe, hence the solipsism. The experience of this impersonal void that is simulating only one set of 5 senses is the entirety of existence.
  18. @UnbornTao still working on it. So far, this line of contemplation has led me to realise absolutely that I as an ego am a complete illusion. Whatever I think I am inside my head, that whole identity is a thought that’s illusory. When seen from outside the ego’s perspective, reality is infinity, or a part of it. It is beyond “me”. It is. isness. Impersonal but very personal at the same time. breath is this infinity too. It is also isness. No one is breathing, breath isn’t there, it’s just isness. All of this used to give me panic attacks but now I seem to accept it. I accept my own reality. But I’ll keep going until I have some cool 1 liner as an answer for the initial question
  19. @ActualizedJohn1- There is only One consciousness bubble, the one you are experiencing right now. 2- This bubble is limitless. There is no inside nor outside. To the point that even the term bubble is misleading, because bubbles presuppose a limit. 3- Notice how the thought "there are several bubbles" can only appear in your bubble/experience. 4- So, every division/border/content of experience is fabricated/imagined/Hallucinated. 5- So is there a imaginator/creator? No, it's an impersonal process, there is no actual ground one or source. The concept of a "source" is an object appearing in your experience. The answer you your question is: The splitting is imagined and is going to be real for you as long as it is imagined to be real. You are part of an imagined narrative. So since it is fabricated, if the "Me" in the narrative realizes that division is part of the narrative, the narrative will change accordingly Notice: everything i wrote above is still part of the narrative.
  20. okayyyy~ So what then is the point of realization? If awakening to essence is truly accomplished, what then? In taoist terms, the science of essence cannot be taught. If one stumbles upon the root source of one's essential nature through no action of one's own and truly penetrates to the source of impersonal nonoriginated potential (awareness), it is obvious there is no understanding understood. At such a time, even absence is absent. This is called the Absolute. Since such realization in the selfless quality of awake has never been otherwise, so be it~ who knew? But what of the science of life? The science of life can be taught… Have you ever heard of the science of life?
  21. Morality is just the rules of engagement humans come up with for the benefit of their species. Majority of humans do not think you are evil for stepping on an ant or spider. But if you cut off its legs for fun and torture it some might. But if you kill a human outside of self defense majority of humanity would think you are evil. So morality is just a human construct that can be deconstructed. God equally cares for lint on my jacket as it cares for all of humanity. Humanity in the grand scheme of things is smaller than the smallest atom in relation to earth. God is both infinitely impersonal and infinitely personal, the personal(ego) thinks too highly of itself to think its little human morality actually matters.
  22. "It [Solipsism] states you are ..". If that is not a concept I don't know what a concept is. "Solipsism" is a concept, "you" is a concept, "mind" is a concept. The two sentences above are conceptual, consisting of concepts. And that is why these two sentences of yours are: But hey, don't want to spoil your gig. You are a perfect example towards which certain teachings lead to. And the originator of these certain teachings (Solipsism) apparently doesn't object the outcome of these teachings. Like you flooding the forum with conceptual ideas like Absolute Solipsism (loaded with ego & separate-self). Actually, it is not so difficult: True Self = Infinite Impersonal (!) Suchness/Being/Reality/Consciousness: Solipsism ok. But that takes the death/transcendence of the separate-self/separating ego. Not blowing it up to infinity-proportions (God-ego). And even then, what is the use of talking "Solipsism" to other un-enlightened egos, when it mainly tends to blow up their obstacle towards true liberation, which is their untranscended separate ego/separate-self, to God-Ego size? False Self = separate self/ego/self-contraction/all of these concepts: Solipsism = madness. It depends on the mindstream claiming Solipsism. If done not from a truly enlightened perspective/mindstream, it is just ego-inflation: Ego = God. Which is the equivalent of shooting oneself in the knee and embarking on the Enlightenment-marathon of getting rid of anything separating/ego. Quite a show, although it doesn't reach Athens. Selling Water by the River
  23. awakening is realizing the true nature of existence. It is opening yourself to the bottomless void that is the now, and completely disappearing into it. then the indescribable glory that reality is is manifested. the joy is absolute, but it is totally impersonal. unlimited vastness is not "i". and all that you say about whether others exist or not, or the dream, etc, has no relationship with awakening. It's like saying if there are multiverses or not. There may or may not be, it's the same. the limitless has manifested, hallelujah. and that's it. the rest are bullshit.
  24. @Princess Arabia I had to laugh out loud while reading this... these conceptual crazy trains of thoughts about thoughts are an absolute marvel of absurdity, lol! And of course, I am not talking about this train of thought specifically, but about conceptual thinking in general. It's ability to complicate the most simple thing in existence is truly an amazing sight to behold... Sure, if you don't turn a thing into a concept, it becomes (or rather stays) everything. But then it's no longer a thing! It's not 'consciousness', it's not 'you', it's not 'me'... it just IS. Isness itself, so to speak. Which is impersonal, formless, without quality, can neither be observed or be observing. So pure Isness itself is not an experience, because there is nothing about it to experience, you see? You cannot even call it 'nothingness', because even nothingness is 'something' aka. a concept. And guess what... 'pure Isness itself' IS OF COURSE A CONCEPT TOO, which makes everything I just said null and void. Muuuahahaha... Well, take a guess what 'the mind' is. Hint: It starts with a C... and no, I am not talking about the four letter word. Can a concept conceive another concept? Ponder that, if you got nothing better to do for the next thirty minutes.
  25. What are You debunking tho Random concept? Does it really feel random? And is the deepest understanding of "You" really: a concept? And why wouldn't there be a personal aspect to reality? Only the impersonal? Is that the whole truth?