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  1. According to some here, Israel should be the first nation ever in recorded history to drop their collective identity and absolve. To give it up to the Palestinians, who will go on to do the same thing and build a national identity. But this is right, because of the Palestinians connection to the land and... identity. We've gone into the spiritual domain now and the question of identity. Why do we identify? Even In @Leo Gura's spiritual framework it's because he chose it. We write these stories, and these stories will continue. Maybe one day we will all slowly dissipate into nothingness. It isn't going to happen overnight.
  2. Artem will take 1000ug of acid or smoke 5meodmt and nothing happens. This was not the case for him earlier in his journey, 50ug of acid was incredibly intense. The issue is it doesnt fit the paradigm of Leos work. He isn't acknowledging the energy fields that encasputlates conciousness: awareness, perpcetion, nothingness. Once once has purified there personal conciousness by aligning with this higher energy fields: i.e. enlightenment, its perfectly reasonable psychedelic woudlnt work, as they only act ona certain energy field.
  3. The ground is flat, flatness, a perspectival distortion, euclidian visualization, imagination, fractal geometry. concepts, words, perceptions, ideas, absolutes, experiences, consciousness, being, projection, recursion, loop, fractal, spiral, meta awareness. What is the ground? A thing, a form, a wave stretched and misunderstood, but separated, absolutized, inverted, made its own thing, an absolute concept, a singularity, a lack, a being, creativity, a newly acquired lens of perception and interpretation, universe reinterpretation, holistic expansion, foundation for creation, fractalization, reality manipulation. But what is it really? Zoom in, matter, more matter, even more matter, waves, energy, forms, fractals, dust, light, waves, emptiness, fullness, nothingness, everythingness, a mirror, self-reflection? What self, everything is a self, there is no self, everything is everything is nothing, but not nothing, because its something, but that something is always a reflection of something else, but that something else is its own reflection, how can that be, two mirrors mirroring each other to infinity, but what's the substance being mirrored, how does form arise from formlessness, or does it? form is form and formlessness is a form, everything is form, non-duality, the aether, the fifth platonic solid, the ground of being, universal frequency, the eternal substrate. The form is the form and is not the form but everything is form and beyond form there is more form, but is it the same form? The fractal nature of existence and meta-cognition, expanding in all directions from where? no where? No! Everywhere! Every point a singularity mirroring every other singularity in existence and separated by psychic awareness, the aether, the ground of connection, invention, a new realization! Two waves overlapping, double slit, wave particle duality, a form of perception, projection, new visualization, self-reflection, intention creation, ever flowing imagination! Observer dependent? What's an observer? Consciousness, what part of it? Every part of it but what is awareness when its lacking? Particle when observed, wave when not? But is it itself not an observer, isn't everything consciousness? Yes, but what is it when it doesn't observe itself, nothing and everything unless someone wants it to be something, The light reflects you, there is no light, there is you, you are the light, there is no you, there is light, there's both you and light and there is neither and that's consciousness for you.
  4. The point of death, fear, collapse, I am continuously circuling around it. The dissolution, transition, inversion through nothingness into pure imagination. A knowing, being, source, formless field spawning desires, conditions, forms. Desires manifest reality, sustain it, splits oneself to experience that self, merges, fusion, ecstasy. Karma, beliefs, frameworks, judgements, preferences, sustaining the growing self, ego, Leo. Desire to know more, a reason to live. Life grows out of itself, building karma in the waiting room out of boredom. Sacred geometry complexities, fractals, expands, diverges, self-reflects. External action comes from internal desires, a projected seperation of self, belief reinforcing itself, materializing as reality, retroactively spawning physical laws to validate previous unconscious action, reinforcing belief in constants, laws, reality. Karma is the memory and physicality acquired by consciousness buying into it's own forward projected imagined dual desires. Desires are self-sustaining, you are not desire, you are not form, you are consciousness. Consciousness spawns all form, dimensions, universes. Consciousness is and consciousness creates. Consciousness forgets and consciousness remembers by realizing it's own self-creation.
  5. So when something concrete arises out of nothingness (=hidden infinite possibility space), then it becomes a conscious experience, right? Higher Consciousness = More hidden things in possibility space become unhidden = more concrete experience But then, how it is decided what exactly arises out of the infinite possibility space ?
  6. I just had my deepest trip ever on these seeds. I think they have as much potential as any other substance. There are physical side effects though, so they’re not for everyone, but they’re completely legal and easy to order online. This is my 5th experience with LSA. I had previously worked my way up to 12 seeds, but this time I only took 7 and it was way stronger than 12. I guess the potency of each individual seed can vary a lot. I took a 5 mg THC sativa edible with it, which is also psychedelic for me. The effects started at around 5 pm. I was hiking in the forest, and felt a sense of oneness with everything around me. I was absolutely flooded with insights about how to better express love in my daily life. I had received similar insights in previous trips, but not integrated them well. This time though, it felt like I really got the message. Then, I laid down in a field and stared at the sky. Usually the visuals on LSA are pretty subtle, but this time they were much stronger, with things looking a bit like they do on a moderate dose of mushrooms. I then dropped down into a neighborhood, a straight road would take me back home, but it was a place I had not been in a long time, so it felt cool and unfamiliar. LSA can have pretty strong time dilation, so it felt like I was walking for a very long time. About 4 hours in, after I had been home for awhile, things started to take a darker turn. I was confronted with levels of existential confusion and complexity greater than I had experienced on other substances before. I saw that my unresolved emotions and lies that I’ve been telling myself were blocking me from breaking through completely. LSA can be kind of like a truth serum that tries to break down psychological defense mechanisms. I wasn’t yet ready to let go completely, so I encountered lots of emotional resistance. About 5 hours in, I started dwelling on the possibility that me and all of reality would someday start exploding forever and never stop exploding. And that since this explosion is still a finite form, it itself would need to explode into Infinity/Nothingness. And any form it could take would still not be the Absolute, so it would need to continue exploding in a never-ending, recursive, unresolvable paradox. This may have just been my mind trying to conceptualize something that’s impossible to conceptualize. Or maybe it was a paranoid delusion, I don’t know. My takeaway was that at least for awhile I should be careful not to dose too high. Maybe I am destined to awaken someday, but it is not yet that time. About 6 hours in, I was able to calm myself down a bit and resume productive contemplation. I’m autistic, so I was trying to understand better how my mind works compared to other people. I became more self aware that I’m still mentally off in certain ways despite being outwardly functional and well adjusted. Things started to wind down and I fell asleep about 2 hours later at 1 am, although I woke up briefly at 3 am and was still tripping. In the future I’ll start a bit earlier in the day. My main takeaways are first: I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING Reality is so much more vast, complex, and paradoxical than I could have imagined. All human knowledge is contextual, metaphorical, reductive, and imaginary. The second takeaway is that we exist in this human form to master human life and everything that exists here. I believe that this life is some kind of “training ground” for whatever lies beyond in the greater universe. Infinity can unfold in structured, ordered forms or in chaotic, incomprehensible ones. I think that somehow mastering your mind and human life here makes you better equipped to handle these things. So that things can be stepwise and integrated versus an emotionally painful flood.
  7. The more context I gather and the more I feel into it, the more it feels like psychedelics are burning away our karma and the negative resistance and side effects of prolonged usage are really a denial of what seems to be a natural progression to Mahasamadhi. And it would also explain astral projection causing headaches as the mind gets disconnected from the body and needs to reintegrate. I felt several times like I was at the verge of dissolving into nothingness, accessing alien consciousness or desiring to transcend physical existence to break material limitations. At some point, these tools for god consciousness lead to a natural continuation of the spiritual path when the desire for material pleasures fade away as we resolve our traumas and become whole (the whole path of Buddhism and esoteric Hinduism). So then why do we immediately judge side effects as health complications when really it might not be a bug but a feature. Psychedelic kundalini awakening can be pretty anti-climactic though because all desires burn away, but so is grinding after an externalized goal for 20 years to realize it doesn't bring happiness. So my take about psychedelics is, they inevitably lead to mahasamadhi and all negative side effects are resisting and postponing that process in intuitive fear of dissolution, but maybe there's more life to experience so "awareness itself is curative"
  8. But then God is not synonymous to Consciousness, and Being not synonymous to Consciousness Consciousness is only the less formless part, and the more formless it gets the less consciousness Consciousness is an aspect of God then, and the other aspect of Being cant be conscious of That means the more formlesness or nothingness the less it can be experienced or known
  9. When you say "drop the knowledge" I see many layers of that: do you mean my ideas, directed thoughts, stories? Does it go further to get a similar feeling when I was little, a lack of self-reference, the not knowing that vision is vision and a thing in itself but being engaged in activity without knowing the senses to be senses but instead operating with everything as direct experience? Beyond that, does it include feeling, doing, wanting, acting out an innate inner desire for action? Beyond that, does it include the awareness of existence itself and dropping it as well? I'm going back through my life towards my birth letting go of what I think you might be referring to and dropping every idea, perception, awareness. Is it a state of deep not knowing and inability to make sense? Is it nothingness or is it some retroactive higher understanding and context that arises when going meta instead?
  10. What you mean with people dream different dreams ? Isn't that, that Solipsism is true and there is only one single dream and nothing outside of it, no other parallel dreams. And everything that exists right now is only this one dream(=consciousness) creating the illusion of a human life Everything that exists right now is consciousness/being/god: colors, sounds, thoughts, smell, tastes, feelings This dream is made of different types of consciousness (like colors and feelings), and thats all there is If nothingness exists, why is it so difficult to become conscious of nothingness if possible And when the solipsistic dreamer is not conscious of nothingness does it even exist ? Because all that exists, the solipsistic dreamer is beeing conscious of right now And everything that the dreamer is not being conscious of does not exist Is there a difference between nothingness and consciousness ? Or is nothingness a very subtile type of consciousness ?
  11. Well, my 70g truffle trips sure made me feel like I was dying/disintegrating as well. My first one, I felt that if I tried to fall asleep, my awareness would forever disappear and the remaining self would continue living an unconscious boring life, so I didn't surrender to it. On my second, I tried leaving everything behind and dissolve as much as I could, realizing the lesson of love in the process, I learned that nothingness is perfect and somethingness can be too depending on how deeply we accept it are are able to embody it. It might be, that the large dose made the come up chaotic or your fear of being poisoned and preoccupied with those small ones materialized in fear of death or they being aborts contained elements that brought you into an emotional state of feeling those dying mushrooms. It could also be that it was a harsh process that was meant to get you to lie down and surrender completely. Maybe you had an out of body experience you couldn't bring back, maybe a part of you transitioned beyond or got dissolved in love, leaving your memory. Maybe it was a kind of strong release process of traumas, perceptions and energies within you that created massive resistance and led to an unpleasant experience. I can't really tell, gotta hear how you're feeling since.
  12. Pick which ever you want. It would be as real as the physical world. But everything the Mind imagines is absolute in the ultimate sense. The mistake is holding only Nothingness or Formlessness as absolute. But all form is absolute too. This what the nondualists miss. You can explore other kinds of consciousness and other dreams. Of course they are still dreamt by you, but its like you enter a new reality. It's not like you cannot travel beyond your one island. Of course you cannot escape it all being your imagination. That's always the case no matter what.
  13. Death feels like an ultimate escape. Suddenly everything doesn't matter. Responsibilities, work issues, health issues, psychological issues, family, society, other people, war, disease, end of the world. Nothing matters. It's like you suddenly gain ultimate control over everything. All those things that you were so afraid of and worried about are powerless now. It's like when you graduate school and realize that you don't have to care about opinions of your stupid teachers anymore, or grades, or relationship with other kids. Or like waking up and realizing that you don't have to go to that work that you hated anymore, because you've just won the lottery. Not even for a single day. It's over. I think a lot about how you can just drift away into nothingness and everything will be gone. And you will finally be at peace. Darkness and total silence.
  14. Pure energy-flow... Or undistorted (undisturbed) light. Quite contrary to the concept of light that you're used to. It's not daylight nor sunshine that I'm talking about. But the actual light which is unreflected, not refracted, light in its pure transparent state of being. In this sense you may understand that the original light has neither form or colour – it's only quality being the pure flow of energy. And that's it. That's nothingness. But also, that's you without the potential for love, or rather, the activity of love. Think about the word infinity again. Look at it as if it's the first time learning of the word. And begin to decipher it as though you were a student of a foreign language: You begin with finity , understanding it as the quality of being finite. What has this quality of finitude if not everything we experience? Every thing is finite. Because every thing is form, and all form is, as you've probably learned by now, limited. So finity = form = something = a perturbation of some sort. Then you begin to decipher infinity: in-finity – a direct contradiction to that quality of finitude – meaning thusly without form, without limitation, without anything, for all things are forms. So what is infinite? Nothing really. Nothing except for light. Light is totally unified in its beingness. So much so that it's the only thing that science cannot begin to break down into smaller units. How so? Because light is energy itself. Because energy might not be a thing at all. And when energy flows purely, that is, without any control or means of direction, without distortion – it's appearance is Nothingness. However, nothingness has only ever been a word that describes an appearance, even if that description is the absence of an appearance. In truth, there is no Nothing, there is only you in your state of untapped potential. You are the current. You are that pure energy-flow. Because you Are. Perhaps it's not Nothingness that we've been talking about. Perhaps it's always just been, just is, Beingness amidst the confusion of many many (finite) loves. It's just light being distorted by love.
  15. @BlurryBoi Since you're facing deep existential fears and don't know how to go about surrender, let me tell you a story about my own similar conundrum from half a year ago where I went completely overboard with psychedelics and it was absolutely crazy, scary and fascinating. Everyone on the forum was talking about figuring out reality being a waste of time and the only action to take being surrender. The way I interpreted that was that everything was that everything is an illusion and I was literally meant to dissolve into nothingness, thinking that's the ultimate point of life. So I went ahead and chugged 75g of truffles with orange juice to initiate the gulp reflex in three moves with the sheer intention to let go of everything I cared about, everything I knew, thinking, feeling, understanding and unexist myself. I put on hardcore breakcore music and decided to speedrun letting go. I sat down on the bed and asked myself some questions about god, it seemed like answers were coming through me but from another source. I decided to visit a random forum post but couldn't read because it was literally made of hieroglyphs, I focused very closely on a specific segment and it said something akin to "You are not self" and "There is no self", I couldn't read anything around it, it all looked like Allison Grey's secret writing. I lied down, barely managed to find the music, put it on and closed my eyes. I confronted different parts of myself externalized, they took form of alien lifeforms geometrically centered around a specific trait and weakness. The psychic was a fool, the strong one was weak, the loving one was monstrous, the happy one was useless, the content one created backlash, the strategic one was reckless, the alien one I became. For the next hours I found myself in alien dimensions exploring microscopic life, the structure of DNA and epigenetic variability, sacred geometry, esoteric knowledge and non-euclidian space. From time to time I had to run to the toilet and purge. Eventually, I was fine and lied down again. This time, I saw a terrifying monster but I became the buddha, I saw that monster as a distraction from becoming nothing, it had countless terrifying rectangular eyes all looking at me from different angles, but I wondered, a predator would simply kill me, this one looks scary but that's not effective, what's the purpose of looking scary anyway? It's a distraction! So I dismissed it with the peace of buddha and moved away from it. Then it became small and whimpered, like leaving it behind would kill it and it was only trying to survive, but it stood between me and enlightenment, I identified it as not an entity but a materialized mechanic ego defenses mechanism, so I dismissed it and became nothing, but not completely yet. Or at least I was merging in and out of existence. I became a mirror reflection, a crystal, a singular beam of light, the concept of gender, the loop of time, I didn't give up all parts of me yet, there were still lenses through which I saw reality. I saw time as a loop, everything repeating endlessly, every day identical until the end of time, every action taken later forgotten to be repeated, limbo. I needed to find a way to make progress, I would wake up and fall asleep again, waking up in the same loop with the same thoughts but I needed to become nothing. I thought about my parents and how I'd never make progress, repeating the same cycle, never getting anywhere. I woke up for a minute and then get overstimulated to the degree I'd end up in the same bed out of existence, then wake up the same way. I wouldn't know if I was repeating the same thing or actually made a change, but the loop seemed inevitable, I'd end up going through the same motions with the clock pointing at the same time, forever and forgetting, waking up again, putting on socks, preparing to step out of the room, only to not want to meet anyone in that state, going in a circle, but everything back and end up the same way in the bed. Like I'd never snap out of it, limbo. I felt like my kid self, I felt like I really screwed up, I felt like I disappointed my parents, well hypothetically since I'd never see them again stuck in limbo. This kept happening forever. At some point I was waking up for half a second longer than last time, this time I showed myself self-compassion, falling into bed all my worries dissolved and I felt so much love, I saw that love as the point of femininity, that being nothing and needing nothing was one polarity of existence experiencing absolute love and satiation through non-existence, then I woke up and felt stronger and more capable and saw this as the point of masculinity, making progress and the capability of bearing ever greater burdens and feeling equal but opposite maximum love as a result, maxing out my potential and capacities. I oscillated between nothingness and reality materializing for ever greater periods with ever greater capacities for activity and experience. I felt perfect because nothingness was absolute love but so was somethingness, the only problem would be to expect something of myself that lied outside of my experience but since reality was such a small bubble at the time and I was all of it at all times, I felt content. Eventually I returned for much longer periods, and my field of perception returned from being a vibrating sea of liquid mercury making up all surfaces into their normal detailed forms. I was disappointed, because I now experienced there being reality outside of my field of awareness, but on the upside I was now back to being able to make sense of reality and being aware of all the parts of life I lost. I looked at the clock, 6 hours had passed. This might have given me some existential angst, but really I was fine afterwards, a little traumatized maybe, but it was also deeply exhilarating. In retrospect, it was that time loop that was the worst imaginable thing to me, but every other part was amazing. Well, there was another part I didn't mention where I had the idea that every possible belief and counter-belief had to be true simultaneously and there'd have to be a transcendent one that included both and I could not utter a single word or concept or idea without compulsively accounting for the opposite anti-idea and making everything Non-Dual. What I learned from succeeding trips, dissociatives, new paradigms and self transformation: What doesn't kill you (or cripple you) makes you stronger, but you can be tempted to end yourself Psychedelic love is addictive, you need to find the traumas the keep you from it when you're sober Dissociatives are great tools for detachment and as a result finding all the resistance blocks inside If you do a lot, you'll go through a Dark Night of the Soul, fighting apathy, anhedonia, meaninglessness You can end up feeling utterly worthless and incompetent, feeling like you're the worst person alive You can also experience lots of fear, paranoia, projections, hallucinations, shadow entities and scary stuff You need to build up a universal sense of awareness and observe whatever happens with control and contentment Dissociatives are more effective at dealing with trauma, while psychedelics raise awareness and access new paradigms Dissociatives still need awareness to keep up that state of mind and face the underlying trauma and resolve it for good Combining dissociatives and psychedelics responsibly makes for a great combo for the release of the authentic self That combo specifically overrides self-suppression, confess all your reasons you are the way you are when on them Honestly look into your past to find the root of your beliefs and reasons you self-suppress in the present These are tools, you can do without, but they're powerful catalysts that overpower those barriers that keep you shackled This trip helped, but it took many many more to heal me and lots of self-understanding and experimentation My suggestions: Learn the basics of IFS Therapy off YouTube, it's a good framework for self-understanding, compassion and healing Experiment with reasonable amounts of Dissociatives, but remember that you're supposed to feel that way sober Set time aside, set and setting matter a lot, don't judge yourself too harshly, observe arising emotions Understand the sources of your troubles, be honest, be shameless, at least with yourself, be unreasonable but truthful Journal, take a look at your past, your motivations, your desires, what you authentically love and want and yearn for Sometimes, you are the one separating yourself from parts of yourself and seeking them in the outside world. In those cases, you can give up the pursuit and find them inside, but this costs emotional labor and feels deeply dissatisfying. Dissociatives dissociate you, psychedelics raise your awareness, use them for understanding and detachment to see yourself from the outside are that desires are a part of you but you are not your desires and you are the one separating yourself from happiness without being aware of it because you are tying your joy to an external experience you can't access and that is what you need to let go of and surrender, that's why it's hard. The nature of surrender is giving up the pursuit of the things you seek on the outside and instead focus on the process of living instead of achieving, this can feel deeply dissatisfying at first, because you are giving up on your passions, or at least that's what it feels like, but actually you're just giving up on the results, instead choosing to focus on the process and finding joy in it instead of needing the outcomes for happiness. You also need to become more self-compassionate and this can look selfish, you need to put yourself first. Your entire life may change, but is knowing more ever a bad thing? It gives you choices, options and understanding, if nothing more, seek self-understanding of what makes you you. As Leo once said "Awareness itself is curative" if you do enough of it.
  16. When all the the ego attachments (five aggregates) are deconstructed, what is left is not infinite and unconditional bliss and goodness but Nothing, no experience, oblivion. I challenge you to convice me that the God/Atman/Infinite love, etc as essence of reality makes any sense. This experience is also an ego attachment, still craving, and therefore can be deconsctructed too.
  17. In my humble opinion: You got it. Infinite Being contains Infinity up and down the ladder. In Wilber-speech: Holons, downwards to Infinity, upwards to Infinity. Especially upwards is hard to stomach. But a necessary step to see the smallness of any(!) holon, be it human or alien. Even the alien has an Infinity of Holons "on top" of it, upwards from it. It is absolutely senseless to seek any refuge in Infinity. Not so in the Infinite. Or Infinite Being. Who or what created all of that? Who or what contains all of that? Who or what explores itself forever and ever and ever? What is in the end a mystery to itself, both when it comes to its essence of Nothingness, and its forever unreachable Event Horizons of Infinities of Infinities yet to explore? And who at the same time never leaves its True Home while doing so? This simple thought experiment frees from the need to grasp every mechanism of manifestation, and trying to "understand" all of these realms. Even God will forever explore new dimensions and realms, strange and multidimensional (n+1) realms and universes totally different than ours, and will never run out of them. It is the nature of Infinity. N+1 dimensions. And God will never run out of its fascination with the mechanisms of these Infinities. An Infinity of Infinities. Home is Infinite Being. Not Infinity or Infinities. Home is that "before" or "within" which all these Infinities of Infinities of appearances & manifestations "roll" by. I wonder if Leo ever had in his Aeronautical Engineering mathematical courses. N+1. Yours truly did. " Mathematical induction is a method for proving that a statement 𝑃(𝑛) is true for every natural number 𝑛, that is, that the infinitely many cases 𝑃(0),𝑃(1),𝑃(2),𝑃(3),…  all hold. This is done by first proving a simple case, then also showing that if we assume the claim is true for a given case, then the next case is also true. Informal metaphors help to explain this technique, such as falling dominoes or climbing a ladder: Mathematical induction proves that we can climb as high as we like on a ladder, by proving that we can climb onto the bottom rung (the basis) and that from each rung we can climb up to the next one (the step). — Concrete Mathematics, page 3 margins." It never ends... Aliens and alien realms n+1. In what do they all appear? "It takes a leap of faith To awake from these delusions You are the coder and avatar" And now you can drop into Infinite Void in peace, if your Karma holds that for you.... Selling Mathematical Inductions by the River
  18. @NoSelfSelf Let's see if I get this: You're disillusioned with authority based objectivity and realize that truth seeking is a personal endeavor filtered through subjective lenses of purpose. Varying subjective lenses can coexist due to a difference in lifestyle, purpose, intent. Since all external information is essentially a claim, you emphasize how essential Self-Understanding is, being the only way to actually access truth. I see you asking how we know what's best. You only know what works in retrospect, one can have experiential frameworks, good intentions and carefully observe situations to make informed decisions but we cannot predict the actual future. God may know all possible courses of action and which ones lead to the best outcome but we are not that omnipotent God right now that would make knowing what's right easy. Leo mentions relative objective truths. All models of reality are theories based on observation correlating with premise, they may be better informed and dismiss previous biased prescriptions based on deception and paradigm lock but they are a map, not the territory. We can get more objective by being in tune with our biases and gaining more experience to flash out and interconnect more dots. We can also create logical frameworks that are true by definition and work through that. Experience creates a deeper understanding of reality, hence more objective, less reliant on specific parts. Regarding your example about science (objectivity) of genes limiting someone's athletic potential. Science is a study, yet it often generates claims based on lack of counterexamples creating dangerous and stifling paradigms of limitation that can create toxic narratives until they're shattered by someone like Wim Hof proving them wrong. Science is not Objectivity, healthy science knows its limitation and strives to be as objective as possible, but it can only do so much. But then maybe you want to know about that example from a perspective of absolute truth. If you were omnipotent and knew the extent of your athletic potential, it would still give you a choice to start or not to, it would transform your struggle from desiring to be the best to an activity you would decide to engage in out of the pure joy of it, or make a better decision that would allow you to compete without wasting time. Note that nothing you hear is absolute objectivity, most of the time we generate self-limiting paradigms based on previous experiences. Question others, question science, question spirituality, question me, question Leo and most importantly question yourself and your own beliefs. Regarding your second reply about the relation between Absolute Truth, Objective Truth and Subjective Truth. Absolute Truth is the ground and fabric of reality, the source of all possible experiences and the exact way it manifests itself through you, that is the direct experience of it uninterpreted. Subjective Truths are constructed in response to that Absolute Truth and are an interpretation of it, as Leo mentioned there are Relatively Objective Truths like the earth being round, these are based on continuous multi-perspectival observation by different people agreeing on the premises. You might say: I prefer apples, another might say: I prefer oranges. Those are subjective truths, the relative objective truth is that you both agree on the existence of apples and oranges, the absolute truth includes your preferences and the existence of those, but at the same time it renounces those, apples and oranges and taste and preference are interpretations and assessments of Absolute Phenomena given labels and forms. The absolute truth as I understand it is the ground of being from which all possible interpretations can originate, it is and is not them, it is beyond but includes them, it is nothing but everything and makes it possible for all possible states, combinations and interpretations to coexist. Imagine there are no atoms, no ideas, no stories, just energy, pure energy vibrating at various frequencies, the same energy taking different forms, everything is the same wave, the same elephant and we just happen to see different parts of it, it is all those parts and their opposites and nothing at all, and everything too. @Leo Gura Even with all this writing, I have questions myself, if God says "Let there be light" or "Let there be an earth", are those illusions or reality, is God playing a game of self-deception when in truth there is noting specific/infinity or is that possibility equally true to infinity, isn't everything absolute including subjective opinions? Of course they're emerging properties of observation but in themselves they have a shape inform, the ego dreams as god does. God dreams big, ego dreams small, though the ego interprets rather than creates, but then isn't imagination creation? Or is it the relation between God's intention and the Ego's misunderstanding that separates those? Then again, isn't the ego another perspective, maybe God has various scales like Absolute Unity and then a low duality state of knowing his creation and seeing it which means he'd have to externalize himself of it as a perceiver but that still feels pretty objective. Is God the ego as soon as he isn't 100% undivided? Is only nothingness absolute? Why is interpretation in and of itself as its own fabric absolute? Imagination exists as surely as the present experience in its own right. Though I guess the whole sense of self is a deception and all that comes with it but then what isn't. Pure vision, hand without the interpretation of it being a hand but just the perceived being itself? How is imagination not just another sense in that regard? Or is it the intentioned experience from God, but then on psychedelics, everything morphs, how is a morphing hand less real than a non-morphing hand when it is all equally part of God's imagination? How is any part less real than another, or is it the holarchy emerging parts on higher scales but then those scales go down and up infinitely, don't they, from the center, the present experience whatever it happens to be? So much writing, sorry Leo for taking your time, but you say a lot of things that I can't help questioning, although I know I can only really know through direct experience, I'd like to reconcile apparent contradictions.
  19. There are several Enlightened people who 5meo and all psychedelics stopped working entirely. And they had all the God-realisaiton stages too, so Id remain open minded that all of conciousness in its entirety is suspended in a larger context/perspective, and this is Enlightenment, and once you get there all pscyhedelics will stop having any effect. Your being very evengelic with psychedelics being the ultimate perspectiv Also just map all this to states of samadhi/meditation, there is The Mind Base of Infinite Conciounsess as the 6th Stage, this is suspended in a higher stage of Base of Nothingness, that is suspended in The Base of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception, and finally Nibbana/Void. It seems to me all pscyhedelic experiences are in the Mind base of Infinite Conciousness, which is 2 stops away from the highest energy fields and perspectives
  20. To give a preview on these facets of True Being. To know these states are real. Awakened (impersonal, not personal, no empty witness or duality of any kind left), Nondual (boundless and infinite field/vastness, Unity, Oneness) and Groundless (mere appearance, really just mere appearance or hologram-like character of the world hovering in Infinite limitless Nothingness, that behind your body), no external world if it is not imagined. Eternal and timeless and absolutely fundamental, since its boundless and can't go anywhere else, it is more fundamental than time in mathematical language. And how one imagines past &future&"background-fairy-tale-of-the-separate-body-mind" real time right now. Just more appearances/modulations appearing in the Infinite vastness/Infinite Being. Infinite and spaceless (since space is literally imagined in it, and with that any 3-,4-, or n-dimensional space, be it euclidian, non-euclidian, or whatever of the infinity of possibilities) Blissfull and salvation, since the separate-self-contraction suffering/bad-feelings and thoughts can get cut off/transcended in real-time by just looking into their nature. They appear & literally "move" within True Infinite Being, as its "modulations". Without psychedelics, one needs a looong time of this here: That cutting-off of the separate-self-arisings real time is what unlocks the states mentioned above, and their resulting insights/realizations. Basically cutting-off real time separate-self arisings done proficiently enough= creates awakened states (above) and same effects as psychedelics. And with psychedelics, one still needs to do this until the very end. Else the whole elephant won't show itself. But at least one knows then that there is an elephant. Psychedelic Pro: Prooves that nondual states are not mere fantasy, and gives nice awakened states on which to cross-check if ones meditation-path is moving one there. And of course explore the Multiverse with its myriad of Realms and Beings, from Angels and Demons to ET&Aliens. And understand the mechanisms of manifestation/appearance (Chris Bache, Stan Grof, Rick Strassmann) for example). Psychedelic Contra: Doesn't deliver transcending ones personality/ego fully. This here: "That cutting-off of the separate-self-arisings real time is what unlocks the states mentioned above, and their resulting insights/realizations. Basically cutting-off real time separate-self arisings done proficiently enough= creates awakened states (above) and same effects as psychedelics." So we get God-realized Egos. Not stable realization. A mighty trap. Somebody ought to make a video including that trap also. Committing blasphemy against the holy Liturgy of the church of god-realize-your-ego and then getting drowned in the River by an Infinity of Gods.
  21. God Realization from what I have seen is just understanding more than the usual psychedelic Awakening (where one just projects an ego in nondual unity on the visual field or Nothingness or whatever). Like, how one imagines the past real time right now (which one does, and it doesn't exist anywhere else). And how one imagines everything else just to fool oneself (like parents, job, being a person,...). The problem with God Realization is: There remains a subtle "realizer" of all of that. Very subtle, very hard to transcend, since this is just a totally empty "Individuality". That is the last hindrance to Enlightenment, which then is therefor also stable if that element is seen through. Wilber calls it Empty Witness (see for example Religion of the Future). But not fully transparent and fully boundless nondual without individuality. And that is why God Realization is not stable sobre. These remaining separate-self elements kill the Awakened nondual states after the trip. In Enlightenment, all of that is totally obvious, and since these components are in place, or rather there illusion-counter-components (like self-existing personality, space, time, outer world, duality/out-thereness) are seen through in real time. Below, the outcome first, and then which kind of illusion-part of the separte-self structure it shuts off. Awakened (impersonal, not personal, no empty witness or duality of any kind left), Nondual (boundless and infinite field/vastness, Unity, Oneness) and Groundless (mere appearance, really just mere appearance or hologram-like character of the world hovering in Infinite limitless Nothingness, that behind your body), no external world if it is not imagined. Eternal and timeless and absolutely fundamental, since its boundless and can't go anywhere else, it is more fundamental than time in mathematical language. And how one imagines past &future&"background-fairy-tale-of-the-separate-body-mind" real time right now. Just more appearances/modulations appearing in the Infinite vastness/Infinite Being. Infinite and spaceless (since space is literally imagined in it, and with that any 3-,4-, or n-dimensional space, be it euclidian, non-euclidian, or whatever of the infinity of possibilities) Blissfull and salvation, since the separate-self-contraction suffering/bad-feelings and thoughts can get cut off/transcended in real-time by just looking into their nature. They appear & literally "move" within True Infinite Being, as its "modulations". That cutting-off of the separate-self-arisings real time is what unlocks the states mentioned above, and their resulting insights/realizations. Basically cutting-off real time separate-self arisings done proficiently enough= creates awakened states (above) and same effects as psychedelics. And all of these states and/or insights above one can happpen one at a time, or two, or three combined... Any combination possible, and that creates the myriad of half-baked and different Awakening & (smaller) Enlightenment-descriptions ("Kenshos in Zen"). Ever heard some people have new Awakenings all the time? That is that. For truly awakening to what one truly is, beyond any doubt, one needs all of them. When that Waking Up happens, it is definitive. Because it kills the former illusion of being a separate-anything. That can never be believed again. It is dead. It always ever was an illusion. Even the God-realized ego/separate-self. All a dream. There was never anything else than the Infinite Ocean of Being, formerly with ignorance and illusion arising within it, and now back to the real state of "things", the ignorance no longer arising. Basically, one gets all facets of the Infinite Absolute True Being all at once, and once this happens Infinite Being is totally obvious. It is You. All of it. And can't get more Infinite than Infinite and more eternal than eternal, that is why it is final. The rest is just more appearance IN You (or consciousness OF x, man, woman, Alien, Alien n+1,...). Interesting for sure, but not so urgent. Got Eternity and Infinity to explore, remember? And even if getting distracted by the Lila-show for a moment, "it" is "just there", by just reaching out and killing the illusion-aspect that got re-established by just looking into its nature and just finding the Infinite Ocean of Awareness-Being. Your True Self. So in summary, God-Realization as used here, is a step in the right direction, but it is still not true Enlightenment. Of course, what is sold as Enlightenment is in 80%-90%+ cases not Enlightenment as waking up out of the dream, but just some nondual "Awakening". A dual dream has become a nondual dreaming. Dreaming nonetheless. What Leo calls (correctly) nondual BS. Zen differentiates between Enlightenments (Kenshos), and fully waking up (calling that Great Enlightenment). Only in the latter one there is waking up from the dream. With the former one, a nondual, or god-realized, or whatever ego/separate-self continues dreaming its nondual dream... Lovely place to be at, but still a dream So God Realization is between the naive nondual-Enlightenments with a dreamer still well and alive dreaming nondual-unity-dream, and true waking-up Enlightenment is beyond God Realization, since even the "subtle" one having the God-Realization is seen through as more dreaming. And one can wake up only once, then any separate-anything illusion is ruined for good. That illusions never recovers its fully. And then, one can go still playing with the Aliens for ever new insights, if one is so inclined... So it is tricky, because Leo basically has a Pre-Trans-Confusion in Wilbers lingo. Sorry Leo, but needs to be said. God-Realization is "higher" than a standard nondual-awakening (Nondual Unity Awakening of ego still believing its background story like parents, world, others). These are the Nonduality or Enlightenment-Fundamentalists he criticizes. but it is lower than True Enlightenment, since the final individuality/separate-self/God-realized-ego is not seen through. And once the psychedelic state delivering most of the items listed above wears off, this remaining not seen-through-in-real-time individuality/separte-self/ego kills the awakened state. and since it is all very subtle and impossible to fully understand without having had these awakened states, it is also IMPOSSIBLE to understand True Enlightenment from the perspective of God-Realization before it truly happens (else, one would be already fully enlightened when having seen through the last subtle elements of separation/individuality), Water by the River recommends the age-old recipe of Matthew 7:15-20 "You Will Know Them by Their Fruits". And the proof for that is: Psychedelic Godrealization doesn't last. When the psychedlic wears off, the filters/lenses/contraction of the remaining separate self/ego kick back in, and bye bye awakened nondual states (the ones listed above). And even during "God-Realization", the remaining individual projects itself mightily on all these insights. And then we get Infinity of Gods and stuff not for the faint-of-hearted as compensation. While there is only one Being/Reality, we now have an Infinity of "god-realized" egos. Basically, God-Realization never gets rid of the Individuality/Separation fully, there is always a subtle "someone" having all these realizations. Selling "going all the way" by the River PS: Roger Thisdells version of that. vs. Even the God-realized ones need to fully jump into the mixer Void PS PS:"God Realization"&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy
  22. @bambi I understand what you’re requesting but it’s hard to answer. It’s like requesting me to draw in a page the dimensions of the depths of the ocean. I’ve spent 6 weeks with Ralston in person and read all his major books, some many times over. Slowly he begins to change your whole way of thinking and looking at reality. I can tell you it is NOT like other spiritual books, at all. It’s another beast completely. He fucks your whole mind open. On his retreats I had awakenings daily, and it’s not just enlightenment. We dove into the illusory nature of language, identity, emotions, space, social constructs, perception, basically how the whole thing works, not just what it is (awareness, nothingness)- as other spiritual books and @Water by the River would tell you
  23. Does all apparent experience/apparent somethingness require an apparent experiencer/perceiver? Looking at it this way it seems Infinity is very binary. Only two options: 1.) no apparent experiencer and nothingness like deep sleep or 2.) an apparent experiencer and somethingness. Is THIS really that black and white? These are the only two ways of reality?
  24. Hey folks, hope everyone is doing so well. As the title states, do you think posting on your personal Facebook profile to gather a following is a good idea? The intention is to gather a following and eventually, sooner than later, make an offering, i.e: coaching, sell something I believe in... Thing is most of my fb friends are old friends prior to awakening, and while I'm getting better at judging myself and others less, there's still some feelings of self consciousness that come up. I randomly get these ideas of posting a random thought or spiritual idea. I've done this in the past, but wasn't consistent about it. That's another thing, i really want to feel into this before doing it half heartily as i have at times in the past and then not stuck to something because I wasn't feeling too excited about it anymore. Sometimes I get 'deep' and go to the Who Am I, nothingness, non-duality area, and not even a lot of my spiritual friends would resonate with that. Or maybe they would? Not exactly sure what i would be posting but there is some excitement. What's your opinion on this? Thanks!