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  1. 12th name Amrita Varshini It's a name given to Devi, which means "the one who showers Amritam". Amritam represents a liquid which is the pinnacle of sweetness and pleasantness and is also considered to be the elixir of immortality. Varshini is term used to describe the 'goddess of the rains'. Devi is believed to shower an abundance of Amritam on her devotees, if they are open and receptive to receiving it. 13th name Bhakta Rakshini Bhakta Rakshini - the fierce goddess known for the unwavering protection of Her devotees. She is revered as the ultimate mother and guardian of the five fundamental elements of nature and the entire cosmos.Bhairavi devotees can experience her protective nature through consecrated forms such as The Bhairavi Raksha or a Devi Yantra. Additionally,physical contact with a consecrated form of Devi can create a protective cocoon around the devotee. 14th name Saubhagya Dayini The name means - The Bestower of Good Fortune.Devi is the one who grants prosperity, happiness,and success, not just in material aspects but also in terms of life and its fulfillment. With Devi Bhairavi's Grace, good luck is showered on her devotees, blessing them success beyond their own capabilities and efforts. She is the ultimate Giver of all that is essential for one's growth and blossoming from various walks of life. 15th name Sarva Janani Sarva Janani is the name of Devi that personifies her as a mother of all. Sarva means all and Janani means one who gives Janma or birth. So Devi is the one to breed, nourish and sustain life, not just of human beings but of the entire Earth. As a mother is tender, nourishing, and fiercely protective, Janani also pertains to all women and denotes the feminine nature to the closest. 16th name Garbha Dayini The name means bestower of the womb. 'Garbha' refers to womb. 'Dayini' means the bestower. As Devi is the ultimate mother of all life here, she is also the one to bestow this gift of motherhood.She is the womb where existence happens, a space where all creation is. So, she is also the one who provides the power to procreate in all life forms. 17th name Shoonya Vasini This name means the one who dwells in shoonya or emptiness. Out of all the words that we can use to describe shoonya - the origin, infinity, emptiness, void, vacuum, nothingness - Shoonya is the vast nothingness from which the creation was born. In Sanskrit, shoonya implies empty space or void. In mathematics also, shoonya denotes zero, the ultimate number that has no value of iits own but can add value to any other number. As creation happens in the lap of this vast limitless void, Devi dwells in shoonya. In this very source of all creation, She opens it up as a possibility for all. 18th name Maha Nandini This name is the praise to Devi as one who is a great giver of joy, pleasantness, and happiness. 'Nand' means delight/ joy. Literally, nandinī means a woman who brings joy. It also specifically refers to a daughter, as a daughter brings joy to the family. In the Hindu religion, Goddess Parvati is often addressed by this name as Nandini refers to one of the eight eternal companions (Ashtanayika)of Goddess Parvati. 19th name Vameshwari Vama means the left side, and Ishwari means The Goddess. Goddess Parvati is referred to as Vameshwari because she sits on the left side of Shiva, she indicates that the left side of the human body is feminine. Even today, in our culture married women are made to sit on the left of their husbands.Vama also means occult or path of tantra. As Vameshwari, Devi is also the basis of all occult and tantra
  2. There is no God sitting around somewhere watching anything. Energy is appearing as form out of no-thing which is Absolute. Anything can appear and we have labelled having sex with children pedophilia. That nothingness appears as that. There is no Absolute form. The Absolute is formless. It is the child, it is the pedophile.
  3. @BipolarGrowth ill be taking a closer look at the article. however im still curious as to how you would ever verify the "existence" of something non-experiential? Even in deep sleep, there is the experience of total nothingness or a complete void, some would perhaps label this as non-experience or unconsciousness. However something is still aware of experiencing the non experience, otherwise deep sleep would just be a literal time skip until you woke up again, and you would never had known there was a cessation of phenomena, in which case the non experiential would not exist neither. when you wake up, you are aware that there was a period in which all phenomena ceased. you would not be aware of this period of "non-experience" if you were not still aware during the period it happened my point is that you can never verify something "unconscious" or "non experiential". you can experience the lack of all phenomena, which would be something like deep sleep, however even that is still an experience. the fact that you are able to contrast experience to so called "non experience", is proof that even "non experience" is in itself an experience EDIT; also im fairly certain you're misinterpreting the article. hes talking about physical consciousness (vinanna) and metaphysical consciousness (chitta). this video clarifies it quite distinctly (if u dont have time for the whole video, he talks about it specifically from 18:00 and on) Chitta basically means the same in hinduism, sadhguru quote; "Chitta is mind without memory – pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence – simply there. Everything happens because of that. It does not function out of memory – it simply functions. In a way, what you call cosmos is a living mind, not in the sense of intellect but in the sense of chitta." (this is the guy who wrote the article)
  4. Every minute, every moment is an opportunity to experience enlightenment. Blissful awareness. Unfuck-edness. So how did you feel enlightenment today? By giving up some of your stress..... So how did you feel enlightenment today? By not caring at all..... So how did you feel enlightenment today? By surrendering into the stillness of a moment So how did you feel enlightenment today? By being less worried about survival So how did you feel enlightenment today? By being one with the universe So how did you feel enlightenment today? By having more silence in your day Enlightenment is the solitude in solitude, the nothingness of nothing, the absolute splendour, silence and joy of every minute in infinity. That tapestry is enlightenment.
  5. Guidance should never come from your lowest chakra. It should come from a meta position. Because in the meta position, it's undeniable that can work against true nature. Everything else is bullshit. You can't experiment too much with your given reality, it will only yield confusion and loss, but from a meta position everything will look balanced, because that's how everything should be. We make our lives and our realities unnecessarily complicated. It shouldn't have to be this way. And if it cannot be any other way, it is simply pointless and redundant. You're a monkey mind playing mental gymnastics with your own mind, a dog relentlessly chasing it's own tail. What will you get in such a matrix? What was before you? Nothing. What is after you? Nothing. Was there ever a place for silence in our lives? Never. Was there ever a place for absoluteness in our lives? Never. Was there ever a place for nothingness in our lives? Never. Was there ever a space for space in our lives? Never. Was there ever a place for vaccum in our lives? Never. You see. I have coined a term. I call it "beyondity." Or beyond-ness. I ask myself - what's beyond everything? Absolutely everything? What happens when we transcend everything? The answer is nothing. Only blissful awareness. Enlightenment is that state of blissful awareness. The more you access this state, the more you see the hollowness of reality and how white noise is almost canceled from everywhere. We need drama. We need the beat of a drum, the humdrum of life, this is existential fear not letting go, not letting moksha.
  6. You are right. We don't need to interfere with your dream state. Your detachment from the Absolute. There's really no separation but the mind creates that; which is illusory. When @Razard86says we don't want to Awaken I totally understand now what he's pointing to. The character you've created doesn't want to "die" and is fighting to stay alive. Good news, it's OK because it doesn't exist. What exist is nothingness and everything else is just appearance. You're in luck, don't worry, don't be so serious, lighten up and relax. Even my comment was meant to be a joke and you couldn't see it as such. Thought is battling thought. That's all. Meditation is the mediator; so maybe it'll do you some good. Much ❤️
  7. That essay explains that your need for a shorter essay is null and void and made of nothing. It's empty words appearing as a signature that arose from a non-sense, lack of appearance that appeared as words and your words are also made of the same thing and came from the same place which is a void of nothingness that lacks appearance that constructed itself into being which can disappear and reappear. No point in asking to shorten a construct that was constructed out of a blank void and a selfless self that constructed time, space, distinctions and other, so problem solved. Phew did I get that right, @Razard86doesn't matter as it is just a construct that came from a lack of appearance and appeared into an empty existence along with other empty existences which are made out of a lack of appearance that constructed other and time and space. Null and void. Problem solved. I think I went berserk in this time and space my constructed self constructed from nothingness which definitely doesn't lack appearance in this void of existence. Help!!
  8. I've taken LSD about 30 times before. My procedure is to fast a few hours before dosing, as the trip comes on, my mouth feels numb, tingling sensation in my legs, neck and arms. I feel dreamy but not sleepy. After the physical effects grab my attention I start having a mental trip. My mind becomes malleable and flexible. Thoughts are externalized, I reflect on my past, present life circumstances and my family, I describe it as I'm about to step off a cliff or about to be killed. I isolate myself anywhere away from other people preparing to go deep and be free of distractions or influence. Once I'm alone I start crying and allowing the mind to run the movie of my life, I am grateful for my family and step out of the game of survival to enter a empty space of nothingness and void. Now is a time to sit, stretch and really have sex with reality. I am penetrated by visions and insights that are so mind boggling and extreme that I trust whatever happens I will allow it without resistance. Understanding of Life, Death, suffering and Transcendence flood my Being. And the highest I have reached is the revelation of God as Self. The come down is no issue other than psychological shock. Usually the next day I am down but I am never the same after each trip going forward but in a positive loving way. After realizing the dream is embedded in Self and that I am That I get inspired to live my life in the best way I can and to continue to play hide and seek for eternity. Let me know how you can relate, I'm glad I found you Leo and this community to virtually be around folks that are open minded and have experienced reality beyond the edge of ordinary normal low awareness existence.
  9. How do you go from "nothingness" to reincarnation as a whole new individual? There must still be something above that decides what to create. It's logical, if you become nothing and despite yourself become something totally new, it's because you are not God.
  10. I think this guy explains it very well... I take the liberty of copy pasting this message that I think it goes well with the discussion in here... it's from Reddit from the Non Duality forum: Non Duality - There is Nothing but the ONE MIND - Drop ALL Dogma and Find Freedom! Discussion So I don't plan to make many more posts about anything like this because I finally saw it and I get it at long last. There is nothing left for me to learn, I don't mean this arrogantly. I just mean I get it! I am no longer interested in dogma or meditations or anything else. I have been in Void like states for the past week or so now. I am only writing this to help anyone who may of been lost like I was. Yes it was mind blowing too. It made me realize that the more I looked outside and the more I gained knowledge, the more lost I had become. I now get what Non duality is and what it isn't. It is not about ego deaths, awareness, observers or being observed. Even cliche terms like Enlightenment and Awakening do not touch upon it. It is none of those things and to use terms like these are to create dualities where there are none and to fall into extreme ignorance. All of these terms and concepts are the real illusions we must overcome. If I say today that I awakened. It means that tomorrow I can fall asleep again. I am now in some battle of being awakened vs being asleep. I am the One Mind that is the SOURCE OF ALL THINGS! My mind is the source of being awakened and being asleep. To say I am awakened or enlightened is to stay highly ignorant and to create a duality where there are none. There is no ego to kill, to say I have an ego is to say there is an entity that exists apart from the One Mind. Anything I call an ego, is just a concept within the One Mind. The idea of an ego is another fantasy concept made up and imagined to be some kind of obstacle to be got rid of i.e - it is Complete nonsense. If you believe an ego exists, then you believe in something having some level of independent existence. There is nothing to be achieved, attained, gained or realized. These are all dualities again. Again, you are creating obstacles where there are none. Any of these terms hint that we must seek outside of ourselves to find the One mind, there is only the One mind. We simply need to see the Nature of our own mind, which is the One Universal Mind. Non duality is the realization that everything is merely a creation of the ONE MIND and we all share that ONE Mind. There is nothing else to get your head around or understand. That is Non duality in a nutshell. There is no Real or Illusion either, to say something is real or to say something is an illusion is to create a duality. To say something exists and something does not exist is another duality. Everything is just the One Universal Mind. Remove all your concepts, dogma, rituals and belief systems and simply See this and you then you will partake in the Void. The state where you no longer feel separate or independent, you know you are everything and everything is you. The place where you see that everything is just emptiness and nothingness, all attachment having vanished into thin air. The Void is the place where you truly FEEL FREE! It is not enlightenment or awakening it is FREEDOM from all concepts and belief systems. You simply know that All is just a creation within the ONE Mind. Your mind being the ONE Mind that creates all and is the Only Reality and Original Source of all things. A quote from Huang Po to finish - 'All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, beside which nothing exists. This Mind, which IS without beginning, is unborn (Unborn not in the sense of eternity, for this allows contrast with its opposite; but unborn in the sense that it belongs to no categories admitting of alteration or antithesis). and indestructible. It is not green nor yellow, and has neither form nor appearance. It does not belong to the categories of things which exist or do not exist nor can it be thought of in terms of new or old. It is neither long nor short, big nor small, for it transcends all limits, measures, names, traces, and comparisons. It IS that which you see before you-- begin to reason about it and you at once fall into error. It is like the boundless void which cannot be fathomed or measured. The One Mind alone is the Buddha, and there is no distinction between the Buddha and sentient things, but that sentient beings are attached to forms and so seek externally for Buddhahood. By their very seeking they lose it, for that is using the Buddha to seek for the Buddha and using mind to grasp Mind.'
  11. Didn't you get the memo? Fighting over literally nothing is Nothingness' favorite pastime.
  12. I've been contemplating this... Don't know about addiction. But about procrastination, you're already assuming there's things you gotta do. And those things are often things you'd rather avoid for reasons unknown. You may love it, in some sense. But yet it's hard to bring yourself to do it. Recently I've entered a different territory. And it's been difficult to preserve the meaning in anything I do. I eventually gave up trying to build meaning. What can be easily broken is better off broken. The truth is, vision is a poor substitute for awareness. My only goal these days is to preserve my awareness and pass a certain threshold. No real reason why. It's not even worth calling a goal. Because it's not. It should be natural. But this again, like you said is extremely difficult to do, when the energy is pulled in many different directions. And I have to constantly remind myself. I'm terribly disappointed by human standards of living. It's partially because I want everyone to have a different, more evolved norm. But realising how unrealistic it is. And how much it will hinder their survival and they can't afford it. For me, it was, so far I've built my interests by following my heart and ignoring every little motivation factor from outside. Now, I feel utterly lonely, I realised the place I've reached is so lonely. And this is the place I call home. And been losing friends from my life on a high speed. May be procrastination is a coping mechanism to go back to the world's norms.. And a way to preserve my empathy for the world.. And be a part of it.. like an actual part, of the group. There's only 2 things, which can break this. A strong ego, or a strong nothingness. Both will do. Ego is easier to summon, but hard to maintain. And nothingness takes a bit of work and pain sucking.. but less energy is needed to preserve it. I guess drugs are a failed way of preserving one or the other.. same for any addictions. Life purpose is equivalent of building a strong ego and maintaining it. Higher learning requires you be fluid.. But survival requires you be grounded and be blind in a way. That is if you're going the ego route.
  13. Correct, i share this view. When sense of self is gone, there is not a possibility of being alone, because the self constructed everything, including world, others, reality, time, etc. Enlightment is complete death, which is why most of us are never enlightened, Only "states" of consciousness or "enlightment experiences". After a while Sort of sense of self has to build in order to keep playing illusion, if not physical body can not be hold for long time. So we are moving there, i think. Every one of us is a limb of the Nothingness Consciousness, little by little more awareness is being stablished. The goal is the dream one day Will come to an end. Whole world came from nothing and Will go back to nothing. But...the gift (or curse?) Of apparent individual experience comes from a freedom of choice of when you want to exercise that freedom Yourself. Every being goes at is own pace... altough the beings are imaginary yes, there is Only the Nothing.
  14. Consciousness isn't nothingness or 0. It is existence, Love, and awareness. It is complete and whole. It is indivisible Oneness. This dream, an illusion of multiplicity, is the opposite of that Oneness.
  15. You've all heard of solipsism and many in forum actively defend solipsism as truth. Why solo? We might be on the same boat that there is only 1 consciousness (even if there are many minds). But it is 1 consciousness, because it is literally Emptiness, or Nothingness, or 0, so you cant really talk about it beginning, ending, or dividing it. So the correct term then should not be Solipsism if you believe in that 1 consciousness, it makes much more sense to call it Nonipsism. Not one entity that dreams it all, which is what the word Solipsism implies. Consciousness is literally no one, we can't talk about Solipsism, if there is no Solo. Solipsism is the ego running away with truth, in my personal point of view.
  16. @James Swartz Did you discover answers to the most important questions in life? Like: The reason behind the creation of the universe? What is God/Self? Is life a dream, an illusion, maya? What is the practical process of coming back home (to Self)? How do we break the cycle of birth and death? If God is perfect Love and the Creator of this domain, why is there suffering, pain, and death? Are you aware of the activities of the unconscious mind and the thought system that is hidden there? Is life made out of vibrations? Is the universe infinite? Is the theory of multiverse correct? Is it holographic? Does manifestation work? Is diet important in awakening? Was Buddha enlightened? If so, why didn't he mention that God is Love? Perhaps he was mistaken and finished his journey by only attaining nothingness aka cessation?
  17. Any emotional state is infinite. I wouldn't advise seeking a wider spiritual experience with other emotions unless you are very well grounded. I've experienced: Infinite Nothingness. Infinite bliss. Infinite sorrow. All of them were me.
  18. There's no actual process. Just appear that way. There's no actual space or time, how can there be an actual process, but only within the dream. The dream of separation. There's no separation within the Absolute, its already whole and complete. Yea, to the meaning that there's no meaning to what already is. It doesn't need a meaning to be what it is already. The story doesn't exist. To exist means to stand out. Where is the story that stands out from anything else. Is made of nothing. This implies separation. There is none. It's illusory to the dreamer. Nothing to be conscious of if it's whole and complete. What's that? I've only heard the term through Spiritualists. Never knew what I've come to recognize had a name. What is false freedom. Doesn't matter if the dreamer thinks it's free or not free. The Absolute is free to appear as "false freedom". There's nothing but the Absolute which is already free. A person who thinks it's free is in no better of a position than one who thinks it's not. It may only lead to a better experience, which is ultimately not even happening. The form cannot be annihilated because it's just an appearance. It can only appear to be annihilated. Both collapses into nothingness. Existence cannot be defined because the words used are also it. There is no balance in wholeness. Completeness. It's already done. You see, I'm not speaking from some non-dualistic teaching that you assuming I got from some Neo whatever. It has become pretty obvious what this is. All you're saying is what seems to appear within this wholeness and what you assume about what's happening with what's appearing, IS THE STORY.
  19. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Your words are also love. A nothingness form of love.
  20. A small passage from my I-Ching consultation yesterday,,, This line can also refer to a person who, in following a spiritual path, has not experienced the benefits he expected. Instead of questioning whether he has been following the correct path, he interprets the counsel "to return" as saying that he has not tried hard enough, and needs to try harder. He must recognize that a spiritual path, as described in the main text, is a forward-leading path that leads to more and more separation from his true self, as he tries to become something special (i.e., a "spiritual being"). The path of return indicated by this hexagram is the path of divesting oneself of all self-images and attempts to be special. The person needs also to rid himself of the blame spell he has put on himself for not doing enough. (See p. 550, Deprogramming Procedure.) Pertinent correlation from Almaas’ Teaching- Ending Up with a Mental Image for an Identity An important question remains unanswered: Why, when Being or its aspect of space is lost, is what remains nothingness and not something else? In other words, why do we end up with emptiness and not another content of experience? To answer this question we have to discuss the point at which psychodynamics touches phenomenology. We need to see how psychodynamic processes—which are processes in time—affect felt phenomena—which always involve spatially experienced objects of perception. We first consider how specifically the loss of space leads to deficient emptiness.pace is lost as the mind takes self-image for identity. We have seen that this leads to the building of boundaries in the openness of space. The final result is that instead of the experience of Being without mental images, one ends up with a mental image for an identity. So instead of space being pervaded by Being it gets filled with a self composed of many self-representations. Now, what is the phenomenon of space when it is filled with the self? In other words, what is the mind filled with the psychic structure? On the surface it is the usual experience of the personality with its various manifestations. But, at the core, it is the deficient emptiness. The Void, pg. 135 We Know Ourselves From the Veil of Memory The mental images and attitudes that determine how we experience ourselves form the basis of a whole implicit worldview. We also experience ourselves only indirectly, as a subject experiencing an object. We are aware of ourselves as an object like other objects, seeing ourselves in the world as one object among others. Even when one is aware of oneself as perceiver or subject, this perception is different from the direct sense of our facticity, from the fact of our existence. We still know ourselves from the veil of memory. The Point of Existence, pg. 21
  21. Everyone makes it so complicated. Nothingness is a blank. Right now look all around you, notice that everything you see is within a blank. A blank cannot be detected by the senses, it cannot be perceived. When you go in deep sleep, it's a blank. So BEING, is so nothing, it doesn't exist as an appearance. Then there is knowledge, what we call appearance. To know a thing is to observe a thing. So creation is the birth of knowledge. So existence, is knowledge itself. But what is knowledge comprised of? Knowledge is made of being, an existence that is prior to appearance. So the biggest mind fuck of all is you can exist as nothing in particular. But if you do not exist as something in have no knowledge. So the embrace of non appearance as existence is to realize that appearance is literally made up of NON-APPEARANCE. This means you cannot die because you were never an appearance anyway. And death is just the expansion into a greater appearance, the unlimited unknowing self, with the unlimited all knowing self. This is Absolute Truth in its totality where everything is known as being. So it has complete self knowledge and complete awareness of its being at the same time. It has absolute control and it realizes why it gave that control to expression and knowledge of love with the full force of its intelligence.
  22. by the River Selling Nothing by the River PS:
  23. No, "everythingness" is not in duality with nothingness. "Existence and nonexistence are incompatible. The difficult and the easy are mutually opposed. The long and the short, the high and the low, the lod and soft, the before and the after- are all opposites. Each reveals the other." from the Tao Te Ching But in a sense everything is nothingness, but not in a dual relationship like long and short.
  24. If that so what does that mean for Leo's teachings? Just curious about the answers.