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  1. Okay, assuming you have had a spiritual awakening, you will know that there is only subjective experience, and no experiencer. This means that the entire universe is a self perpetuating, ever changing, infinitesimal moment in time that can be best described as pure consciousness. Since there is only one thing in the universe, and you exist, you have to be that thing, so you are the entire universe. And again, since there is only one thing in the universe, the statement "you are the universe" and "I am the universe" are equivalent. This line of reasoning is obviously begs many questions if you are coming from a dualistic paradigm. I recommend Fred Davis's YouTube channel. He does a really good job of addressing pretty much every objection to the claim of nonduality out there. He helped me understand this thing a lot. The second statement is pretty easy. I have been interested in physics, philosophy, and religion my entire life. Practically the whole idea of a "spiritual journey" is trying to understand the world from a fundamental perspective. If you study physics for any extended period of time, you will find that the specific things we see in the universe are emergent from a few underlying principals that all work together gracefully and perfectly. Noting the way mathematics not only is able to describe everything we see around us, but seems to be the only way to do so, as well as the fact that math is a field that again fulfills a few underlying principals to give us amazing ways to think about the world, I think you might be able to say that the way reality is structured is the only way it could possible be structured. And since the natural numbers are literally constructed from so called "empty sets", it may be logical to conclude that total nothingness implies this exact universe.
  2. @Leo Gura Well, I can certainly understand that, as you have seen or even stood in the metaphysical 'Promised Land' from what I gather. But it will be nagging at me until I know if you actually understand what the Bible is communicating, not for the sake of any authority or spirituality, but in the same spirit of your Aztec Nonduality video. (Please abide the solipsism technicality jargon) In a sense, you can become aware of just how abused and disempowering this document has become on this planet, and how it is suffocating the spirit of so many. This is mainly due to ignorance of the symbols of the bible, leading to a literal historical reading of it. I mainly want to know, if you know that the Bible includes solipsism and that The One God(only thing that is existence) descends into human form? It is completely consistent with what you are describing from your trips! Is any of this surprising that such a widely regarded book is so deep and yet hugely overlooked and misunderstood! I just feel like I'd like the characters in this world to know about it when they appear again. After all, I still feel the quality of the food I eat in this perfectly detailed creation, and if you made a video on it, the world would be better off, to whatever degree that matters?. Millions of humans believing in a power outside themselves even though the book actually teaches the opposite, they even pray opposite of how Jesus taught! Surely this affects us at an ambient level while in this body living here! I don't ask that you treat the Bible as special(I don't, I simply see it as a surprisingly cool existential manual), but it seems like a relevant piece of this setting and the people around here. The thought that you have researched so thoroughly all these religions and so on and not found this out(possibly, don't want to sell your rigorousness short), would irk me to a limited degree! I mean, if Andrew Tate is important enough to cover, why not the hidden meanings of one of most importantly held books of our culture! Sorry to dump all this fixation on ya, I should at least thank you for all the consciousness videos you've made, a uniquely pure channel(in two senses of the word?), and it has changed my mode of being greatly ☄️??
  3. @Leo Gura So, I've not taken any psychedelics other than 6 instances of Ketamine over many weeks for therapy, so I won't speak to higher levels of consciousness (which I have found your videos on very helpful and powerful, thanks for that ;D), but from what I've gathered, the creative power of God dwells in Man, and is accessible to us. I'm speaking of the Law of Attraction sphere, which I'm not sure of your stance on it, but according to my own testing and also the symbology of religious texts, our mind can interact and impress qualia onto the essential 'I AM' to have it reflect back as our manifest reality. Not to glorify it as the ultimate thing, but this can be a great way to fulfill long held desires, acquire what you want for your dreams and change your self concept. It was particularly fascinating to find out that the Bible was partly a manual for how to work this mechanic of existence. I don't know if you've done videos on the Bible, but it's a huge book in this culture that is totally misunderstood. The Bible covers psychology, mysticism and our individual nature as God because it is a (non-historical) veiled symbolic scripture! I saw your coverage of Aztec nonduality, but it seems a shock that the Bible is also Non dual! I and my Father are One. I suppose you could already know this given how much research you've done, but if you haven't done so already and decide you want to cover the meaning of this contemporarily relevant book. I'd be fascinated by your video on it! I learned it from Neville Goddard and Bill Donahue (myth decoder guy, not the catholic org leader). Neville in particular experienced mystical visions related to Biblical scripture. Forgive me if you already knew this. I think this information is a practical 'everyday' tool that can help bridge the gap between God Consciousness and Human Consciousness. For instance, the Garden of Eden = Subconscious, Noah's Ark = Mind, Ark of the Covenant = Human Body, Cross = Human Body. There's also all the numerology in the Bible that is meant to symbolize things, too much to information to appropriately fit in this forum. I just have to know if this is already a piece you've considered in all your research or if this information is of help! Please let me know what you think.
  4. I agree i mean i haven‘t seen his instagram but he seems too gimmicky and always with these catch phrases i watched a few videos about him yesterday, don’t know if he can be considered black also i watched some discussions recently which included black people about nonduality, but don’t remember what they were called
  5. Long enough time in that state you are training in will open the window for the shift towards Realization. You already perceive the facets of the elephant quite clearly and unmistakenly (Infinite, no concepts, Reality itself, unmistakenly,...). Long enough burning of all remnants of the separate self/ego-clouds in clear brazing Sun of your Empty Pure Impersonal Infinite Nature will clear the last clouds away. And when "you" rest in that and need to do nothing (because who would do it) to maintain these Awakened Impersonal Infinite Nondual Awakened States of Awareness, then suddenly it can become totally clear. The last remnants of the separate self are very very subtle, way more subtle than concepts or I-feelings. They need to get seen as object and transcended/cut off again and again. Its like learning a high-speed search and reckognition task of not looking through these filters/lenses/centers, but seeing them moving in True You. When its pure enough, the shift will happen. When you have gone this path, you know and have learned how to cut off/transcend/let go of all these clouds, all filters of the separate self. That is why the realization is accessible sobre later. You know (automatically) how to produce nondual awakened states but cutting off the filters. What can help at that stage is for example the practices of the Mahamudra-System stage 3, Yoga of One Taste (One Taste= Nondual), and 4. Stage of Nonmeditation (Where any doing/doer/Activity is and be dropped and the nondual awakened state can still be maintained. In this stage 4 the mind continuum ripens so that the big shift towards Enlightenment can happen. Afterwards the access to the Infinite or Awakend Nondual Awareness is quite stable, depending on the practice done before. It is very lovely "there". Already when approaching it it is so blissfull in these nondual states. In that bliss the ego-contraction dies/dissolves, because it is clearly seen and felt as contraction in the head, unpleasant and making nonduality localized again. I have written quite a bit about the Mahamudra stages of Nonmeditation Yoga and Yoga of One Taste. Maybe you find that interesting: Yoga&author=Water by the River"Yoga of One Taste"&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy
  6. "When I look around me at the things in my world and say, “Everything is alive,” what I’m really saying is that everything is consciousness in a process of evolution. Just as evolutionary biologists look at a human being and say, “Millions of years ago, you were just a single cell swimming in a primeval sea,” so I might look at myself and think, “Millions of years ago, my consciousness was a sofa in an alien’s living room circling Epsilon Beta IV in the Gamma Quadrant!” And who knows what far future David Spangler may be starting his evolution of consciousness as my easy chair right now? This is fanciful, of course, but my main point is not. We all participate in a universe of consciousness that is evolving all the time, from the dimmest flickering of sentiency existing in a dream state that is not even self-aware to the fabulously and unimaginably complex and radiant cosmic Beings whose lives embrace entire galaxies. And what we do affects that evolution, at least in the environment around us. I have encountered subtle beings in the higher-order realms in comparison to whom my consciousness is not much more evolved than the sentiency I find in my sofa. Their response to me is always loving, caring, considerate, and appropriate. They are like shepherds of consciousness, tending its evolution across vast expanses of life and energy. The light of my sentiency is like a shadow compared to theirs, yet they tend to it—as they do to millions and billions of other lives and consciousnesses within the field of their awareness—as if it were the brightest, most valuable flame in creation. This is the true implication of saying that everything is alive. We are each caretakers for the consciousnesses evolving around us, particularly those of lesser complexity and capacity than our own. When it gets down to it, I really am my sofa’s keeper!" David Spangler, Subtle Worlds, An Explorer's Field Notes I thought maybe that is interesting for some. The range of beings, from Sofa to human to beings embracing entire galaxies, towards totally alien realms beyond. And we as humans in the middle. Able to realize and live our True Nature of Infinite Consciousness/Reality itself. Until we do something else next life. Maybe develop towards that Galactic thing? Who knows... And endless wonderful path still ahead. What do we do while here on the planet? Preview being Galactic beings (or Alien beings/realms beyond) in certain psychedelic states this life with boosting consciousness? Or realizing and stabilizing our essence, that which we really are: Absolute Reality, Pure Impersonal Infinite Awareness in nondual Union with all that is arising? The blissfull Empty Infinite Centerless Timeless Nonduality of Awakened Awareness? And going previewing other possible modes of existence from that basis/realization, with or without psychedelics? Or not at all? Or tending our garden, hobbies, enjoying earth? Or both? That I don't know, and the answer is unique for each being. But one thing I do know and have realized, beyond any doubt or possibility of error: Going exploring before having stabilized the realization of True Nature/Enlightenment and access to ones True Impersonal Nondual Infinite Nature (and the blissfull states it brings resting in that can bring) can only mean regular suffering. By definition, like any other separate-self and its projects to ease the suffering. Because where there is not this realization, there is only the self-contraction/duality/separate ego and its cycles of suffering and fear and contraction. Which seeks easing its suffering by having the sublime experiences/states of higher consciousness/realm states, often of psychedelic nature. Having said & written that: Bon voyage on whatever your path may be. Walk it, but don't have the illusion that peaking and previewing divine and higher realms brings the permanent freedom from (psychological) suffering/resistance/contraction that only transcending the self-contraction/ego can bring. Preview it, peak into the bliss of divine higher realms, explore it and try it for as long as necessary, and then realize and stabilize the bliss of ones True Nondual and Pure Impersonal Nature/Being right here, right now, on this earth. Water by the River PS: 2nd thread started ever. Hope nobody is too annoyed by this one.
  7. That's great, yes this is the best dopamine reset there is cause usage of sexual energy wastes by far the most dopamine and energy out of any other action there is in life, sitting with a craving is a great approach. I recommend you to checkout this guy ( for videos about NoFap/Semen Retention/Brahmacharya, i've seen so many audiobooks, books, sources and YT channels over the last 3 years on semen retention and Brahmacharya and this guy is absolutely the best one, really chill, keeps it real, has experience cause he is like around 50 years old and has been doing it since his teens, explains things in such detail and depth and is conscious about it, check his content out, it will absolutely help you like it helped me, also he has another channel ( which is more about spirituality/nonduality, also quality so you can see it if you want. Also you can add basic dopamine detox into the mix, you know staying away from too much technology and social media, it's up there with brahmacharya imo, even tho brahmacharya is the best, i personally fell in love with it and i'm probably going for life, unless life leads me to another direction of creating a family etc., i won't mind of course, but i doubt that it will happen, life is too blissful on it, heaven 24/7.
  8. I’ve had a therapist teach me this way back when I was 15, before I even knew about nonduality and spirituality. I wasn’t able to make the recontextualization until now, a decade later. Back then, I was creating a separation/duality between Osaid and Leo’s points of view. But now, I see that even those merge into ONENESS!
  9. - - - - Out beyond nonduality and enlightenment there is a field of cartoon wolves. I'll meet you there.
  10. You forget this is not the nonduality godhead section of the forum
  11. You mean the kind of people who think that nonduality is somehow better than duality and can be experienced without it?
  12. You will not understand God by realizing that water is wet. That is not serious God-Realization. That's just ratty nonduality.
  13. Recognize the trap for what it is. A figment of your imagination. The bottomless hole is always there. The relative content is nothing but its very own expression. Nonduality and Duality are two sides of the exact same coin! To recognize the formlessness that expresses itself through form is entering the kingdom of God. No need to get rid of anything, brother.
  14. Everyone learns at their own pace. If you would have asked me just a year ago if nonduality and enlightenment is the highest teaching, I would have said yes. I’m also not claiming that I am perfect. There’s plenty of stuff in the human domain that I lack experience with!
  15. Who or what would be the knower? Is the knower known or unknown? If the knower is known, who or what is its knower? Nothing is everything. Nothing is absolute and everything is relative. Nothing is unknown and everything is known. Just play of words. Everything is as known as the birds chirping. No meaning, no purpose, just birds chirping - not even that - whats a bird, whats chirping aside from words, thoughts? What is a word/thought made of? Other words/thoughts. What is a word/thought? Nobody knows. So nothing is known in that sense. But birds chirping appears! So its 100% known, isnt it? So everything is known like that, since it appears. But not in words, words cloud the clear seeing of what is, apparently. Which is another story, bunch of words. Go listen to emerson nonduality on youtube like you would listen to birds chirping. Hes got a lot of videos about the unknowing/unknown
  16. Stages purple, blue, and green are more spiritual than the rest of the stages in tier one of the spiral imo, take a look at those and see what you resonate with. You probably won't resonate with purple but you may want to get into stage blue or green; stage blue is organized religion based spirituality and green is love based, heart-centered spirituality. But I don't think true non-duality can be discovered until you reach tier two thinking (yellow and beyond), this is when you start to take your ego out of the equation and start looking at the world from a lens of "what is true?" If you're serious about nonduality, then study yellow and turquoise and see if you can start to engage in activities that will get you into truth work where you can have some insights into nonduality.
  17. I appreciate the responses. For those that are interested, here's a list of the facets taken from Leos video: Facet of the Non-dual State: To enter a non dual state, to experience a mystical experience Facet of No-self: Realizing that the identity as a human self is an illusion Facet of I-am - Realizing that you are pure I-am ness, this is what the true Self is Facet of the Universe: You experience the entire universe Facet of Omni Presence: Realizing that the I-am-ness is not located anywhere - it's located simultaneously everywhere and no where Facet of Consciousness: You realize what consciousness is and that consciousness is all that there is Facet of Awakening: You realize what it truly means to awaken - you realize that you're entire life is a dream, you literally wake up from your dream state Facet of Oneness or Nonduality: You fully realize that you are one with everything, all boundaries are connected in a unified field of consciousness Facet of Truth: You realize that truth is absolutely everything, you realize what Truth really means Facet of the Absolute: You realize what it means for something to be absolute and not relative, absolute is something that is true under all conditions Facet of Absolute Infinity: You realize that consciousness is infinite, and you experience what infinity is Facet of Absolute Nothingness: You realize that everything is made out of absolutely nothingness, that's what reality is, absolute nothingness, infinity is synonymous with nothingness Facet of Why is There Something Rather than Nothing: You realize that something is the exact same thing as nothing - there is no difference between the two Facet of God: You have a direct encounter with God, you become conscious of what God is Facet of I am God: You realize that you are God Facet of Self Equals Other: The collapse of the boundary between you and other, all other entities are an illusion, you realize that you are all one, therefore you are totally alone Facet of Love: Becoming conscious of what infinite, absolute love is, and that love and truth are identical Facet of Infinite Mind: You realize that everything is Infinite Mind, everything is being imagined in this cosmic, universal mind, God's mind Facet of Self Design: You realize that you are creating and designing yourself, as well as the entire universe Facet of Birth: you realize that you were not born at all, that story is imaginary, you were born by imagining that you were born, you've been alive forever, you've always existed Facet of the Absolute Now: You realize that there is no past and future, everything that has ever happened is happening right now, this moment is completely eternal, you realize that time is an illusion Facet of Death: You realize that death is imaginary, death is impossible, you are totally immortal and eternal because God cannot die Facet of Heaven: you realize that reality is absolute perfection - you have no more fear of death because you realize that death is not real- when you realize that you are immortal, you are in heaven Facet of Bliss: Once you realize that you are living in heaven and that all there is is infinite love, you experience a state of eternal bliss Facet of Infinite Intelligence: You realize that consciousness is infinitely intelligent, you realize that the intelligence of human beings is a tiny little infinitesimal part of infinite intelligence, everything is intelligence Facet of Absolute Goodness: You realize that everything in the universe is absolutely Good, there is no evil Facet of Infinite Will: You realize that everything that is happening right now is happening through the will of God Facet of Infinite Power: God and Will is totally unlimited, you realize that God can do anything and everything because there is nothing outside of God that can limit it, God can limit a human but nothing can limit God Facet of Omniscience: The state of knowing everything Facet of Divinity: You realize what divinity is, what magic is, there's a profound mystery to everything, you realize that you don't know anything about being Facet of Being: You realize what being is, you realize what the substance of reality is Facet of Infinite Fractal: You realize that the universe is an infinite fractal Facet of Perception: You realize what is perception Facet of Life: You realize what it means to be alive and that everything within the universe is alive, the whole system is alive Facet of Purpose: You realize what the purpose of anything and everything that occurs within the universe is, and it is love, your love as God is the purpose of everything
  18. Hey, how was breakfast? Look, I just came up with another illustration that might help to get my point across... and of course, it involves my beloved Yin & Yang symbol. As you might have heard me say before, this symbols represents the experienceability of unity (nonduality) through form (duality). Or to put it in slightly less fancy terms: The whole thing is God, and the white and black shapes that it is made of is all of the stuff through which God expresses and experiences itself. Now imagine the white part of the symbol waking up one day and saying "hooooly cow, I think I just realized something... I AM EVERYTHING!! White is all there is, there is no black! Black is just white's imagination!! WHITE AND GOD ARE LITERALLY ONE AND THE SAME THING!!!" Do you see how utterly absurd that would be? And yet this is exactly what Solipsists are saying. They claim that the part of the whole is the whole itself... which is obviously (?) preposterous. Amirite?
  19. The "people" have the exact same Pure Impersonal Consciousnes/Awareness as their essence as "you" and "I". That is an obvious fact once you realize your own True Being. There is only That Infinite Reality/Consciousness. You see and realize your own Impersonal Pure Being in them also. That is the meaning of True Nonduality. That is the source of love. For the other "people": Notice the non-euclidian (infinite) space in the vision below. And now just forget all the other perspectives (forgetting not in time, but in space so to say). That is how you splice up Infinite Consciousness, and forget that YOU are all other beings/persepctives. The people/beings are just perspectives in Indras Great Net, reflecting each other, and that Impersonal Pure Infinite Consciousness/Awareness is the True You. Every "other" appeance (of the world, such as a tree) you see as as its essence THAT Infinite Pure Impersonal Consciousness in a nondual way. That is what becomes totally obvious with Full Enlightenment. There is only That/You. "You do agree that people have no POV just like in your dreams right ?" That is exactly the pretty nuts wrong interpretation of Solipsism. Why do you even talk to "others" if you hold that as true? Pretty unnecessary, isn't it? And space and time are of course imaginary. But one more thing: If all is imaginary, everything is just as real as anything else. Because if there is only imagination, there are no degrees of "real". Including that sentence and this insight.
  20. She's partly awakened and somewhat based when it comes to intersexual dynamics, so I guess that raises her above a vast majority of content providers. Being quite above "normal people" is not a high bar to clear these days, which is kind of sad. A "normal person" isn't remotely close to being stabilized in nonduality Stage 1, e.g., so that automatically puts you in the 1%, and probably even the 0.1%.
  21. How many psychotic gurus have you seen? Why are you so biased against psychotic breaks? It's too hard to explain. I don't know how to explain it. I have given plenty of explanation of problems with Buddhism. But the really deep problem cannot be explained so simply. I'm in the process of articulating it to myself. And it's hard to do that when I'm being gaslit by them on the regular. A certain orbital escape velocity much be reached to transcend Buddhism + Nonduality + enlightenment. Which is why you don't see many people escaping it.
  22. because everything isn’t one, everything YOU experience is YOUR dream but there are infinite dreams. nonduality is a gross oversimplification.
  23. Pretty much every meditation traditions differentiates between the preliminary awakenings/enlightenments (both words used) and the final big shift. The former ones prepare the mindstream for finally understanding what lies "beyond" (called Final Enlightenment or Great Enlightenment in some traditions). To grasp what is beyond the boundless nondual field, one first needs to have experiences of that boundless nondual field (called Enlightenments or Awakenings). The totality can not be grasped from a partialized/dual perspective. These initial nondual unity experiences are the unity of a still existing separate self (however refined/empty that is) with the boundless nondual field. That ripens then towards True Nonduality with no separate-self remnants. And in these awakened nondual states the big shift can happen.
  24. @MsNobody I don’t hear McKenna speaking about nonduality or Awakening that much. I think we can judge his level of enlightenment by how he describes Truth and Consciousness.