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  1. 'Illusion' is a thought you're having. So is what you call 'nothingness' now before awakening. You're looking at dualistic thoughts when you say things like 'illusion', 'nothingness' without having direct experience of the actual (...) prior to any concepts. You are not a concept. You are not a thought. You're not an illusion. Also, you're not a creature/human on planet Earth who's been born on a physical plane. The way you experience life right now needs 'a backdrop of the story(you're creating)', a fabrication... aka 'my past as a child, my birth, my memories, historical events' and so on. Because Reality is ultimately groundless. But not what you think(before you awaken) 'groundless' means. You are absolutely free. Freedom itself. God's Will is all-powerful. Infinite creative control, infinite creative power + Infinite intelligence,imagination. You are Truth. By using the word 'truth' I'm pointing to THAT which is prior to any concept. Once 'it' gets recognized for what 'it' truly is/once You actually awaken to your true nature, you realize that Reality is truth. The Substance of 'what you call your body' or 'sound' or 'light' or rain' & everything = God. There is no external substance, there is no 'separate anything' in Reality. The meanings that can be manifested/dreamed into existence are potentially infinite. God/You/Consciousness is Absolute infinity. So any relative stuff it creates, any stories, life stories, identities etc are facets of Absolute infinity too. Beyond all the layers & concepts, there is actuality. Beyond any label & way of explaining away the present moment, there is Truth. But only by recognizing the relative for what its substance really is will You recognize that form & formlessness are identical in nature. This right here is it. Always.
  2. @Anahata so we are an illusion in this illusion? nothingness?
  3. @EmptyVase @Nahm Truth/Love/Consciousness/Nothingness is like an ocean. Beliefs and thought-attachments are the same water put into cups. They are isolated from the natural currents of the ocean. The borders of the cups is fear. The friction between the natural currents of the ocean and the isolated water is suffering. Via feeling and consciousness the borders are recognized to have never truly been there. And the water is poured back to the ocean. Now they are part of one infinite whole and it's natural currents.
  4. @OBEler depends on your dose. If you took a large dose you can enter absolute nothingness and God realization even when your trip seems to be over. I've never tried it during peak, but even hours after the peak it will completely shatter your materialistic paradigm.
  5. If you just want to have fun and enjoy the visuals, get yourself an amazing trip playlist, some fruits and go into nature. If you want to have deep, life altering insights, forget about all that. Meditate, calm your mind and watch the video linked above. Thanks @TheAlchemist for sharing it here - this one on a psychedelic will knock you through the floor. One tool i always have prepared for a trip is nitrous oxide (N2O), which can be consumed out of capsules after about 2-3 hours into the trip with a balloon and a capsule crusher. If you inhale the nitrous out of the ballon for as long as you can (till you really have to breath again), you can have a feeling what 2000 mcg of LSD would feel for about 10 seconds. You will become directly conscious of infinity, eternity, nothingness - GOD. Its legal and its quite easy to consume. However do research at your own and read some trip reports about that. Its worth it.
  6. Here's an imaginary conversation I had with my Mother (who may as well have been hatched from an egg, as of course, she is imaginary), the Truth literally sounds like the ramblings of a crazy person: Me: "Hey mum, did you know that science, history, politics, economics are all completely imaginary?" Mother: "Yes dear of course they are..." Me: "That's right, all that exists is the present moment, there's no past, no future, in fact me and you only exist as characters in the cosmic play" Mother: "That's an interesting perspective dear..." Me: "Yep, God is nothingness. My perspective is all that exists, you are a rather convincing NPC without your own perceptual bubble" Mother: "ok you are scaring me now..." Me: "there's nothing to be scared of mum, we are infinite beings! Well, the empty fullness which I am is atleast... The brain is just an appearance within consciousness to create the illusion of a separate, finite, vulnerable organism. God is playing make believe that it is a human having an adventure with "other humans" LOL. Scientists have been measuring the dream the whole time! I learned all of this from Leo Guru... I mean Gura... wait is that even a real name...?" Mother: "-Oh hello, yes I need a psychiatrist for my son, he is trying to convince me reality is an illusion, yes the situation is quite unfortunate..."
  7. I have suffered a lot post nothingness and I suffer most of the time when I am not in nonduality. My mother had a stroke, couldn't swallow any fluids and begged for water 24/7 in the hospital. She didn't get any enlightenment from it, and sais we're in hell here. She suffers, I suffer. I start to doubt that suffering leads anywhere. I'd rather have euthanasia than go through the same experience that she sent through. I torture myself with sauna, cold water and strong determination sitting. Suffering still is suffering. Physical and Emotional pain still leads to suffering. I'm not going to hurt myself anymore, I'm going to take hot showers and be really comfortable. I'm going to take sleeping pills instead of being tired. I thought that suffering leads to awakening, but my biggest awakenings weren't triggered from suffering and suffering never led me anywhere. Asceticism is a fools errand. I want liberation without suffering, and I don't know what path to chose now. I can't anticipate suffering and I can't find a solution to it. I'm exhausted from fighting an uphill battle. Is there a path of surrender that isn't islam? Or something you can point me towards in my situation?
  8. It's a semantic game to you because you don't recognize the nature of Isness. Reality is Illusion, it's one word for the same thing, so you might aswell say that Illusion is Reality. It works both ways. However when we talk about this in the context of Enlightenment, it is more like you are letting go of a certain aspect of illusion or realness, which previously existed. And that recontextualizes the other dimensions of what you call experience. Interestingly enough this kind of recontextualization is not any more real than the previous one, it is still part of delusion (different from illusion). Without delusion, you couldn't even call reality illusion or reality, because both of these things would be reveal as nothing but their own substances, which you confuse for every other substance. Nothingness isn't Illusiory, it isn't real, it isn't imaginary. Rather, illusionness, realness and imaginariness are aspects and forms that come from the Sourceless, that which is Mysterious. The Mysterious cannot be described, it is self-descriptive, so everything you will claim about what it's nature is, will be it's nature, but merely one of it's infinite natures.
  9. Reality is a dance between the world and Nothingness. Escaping Nothingness gives you the world. Escaping the world gives you Nothingness. Whatever you do, you must find joy in the dance.
  10. When you realise yourself as God, you are more than happy to along for the ride. No free will, imprisoned, all alone... it doesn't matter. This holographic movie is so engrossing, so stunningly intelligent, so beautiful, so elaborate! And you are ALL OF IT! I literally created all my favourite music hahahaha. How??? That's the mystery. I am the feminine. The beauty of the ego is that it makes you think you are not good enough. Then when you realise the whole thing is a magnificent illusion, even your body, then it's like holy shit... I was just being entertained this whole time, God has fucking good taste! I trust in God, even if I am nothingness, this has been wildly entertaining. More entertaining than my illusive ego could ever dream up.
  11. All realities can only manifest into existence by way of consciousness. When discussing a universe devoid of consciousness, but with floating chairs, that is not possible, because a chair is a perception. A chair is made of seeing, feeling, etc. And seeing and feeling can only be done by a perceiver. Everything is fundamentally nothing, and presents as something via perception alone. To say that an unconscious universe of floating chairs exists, is like saying that the world of your dreams exists when you wake up. The dream vanishes when not perceived. Because it is nothing. All things are nothing. Consciousness itself is absolute total sheer nothing. It isn't ANY kind of something. It is literal nothingness in the truest sense of the word. It is just that perception does not exist without perceiver. So wherevee there is perception, there is an illusory "perceiver" that exists because it comes WITH the perception. But the perceiver is nothingness. As is all somethings when robbed of perception.
  12. @StarStruck Exactly, all that "nothingness" can do is it can dream up paradigms for itself, that is literally it, it is the only relative somethingness within nothingness...
  13. It's actually interesting, but there is a more core problem here that you are missing, and it is that you are misunderstand what meaning actually is. Ask yourself truly, what is Meaning? What is it's nature, what is it's substance, when is it experienced? See, you are creating a narrative of meaninglessness. This Narrative is in opposition to the narrative of "Life is Meaningful". Both of these perspectives are delusional, they confuse one aspect of reality for another. Meaning is a dimension of existence, and it does exist. Life, or existence, is full of Meaning. But nothing about life is Meaningful. Nothing other than Meaning if Meaningful. This is fundamentally your misunderstanding and why you are suffering. See, the more clearly you look at reality, the clearer it will be for you to distinguish between different aspects and dimensions of existence. A clear mind can clearly differentiate between it's thoughts and other experiences. An unclear, muddy mind mixes up it's thoughts and experiences and cannot distinguish them, confusing them to be one object. Through clear mindedness, you have recognize that Meaning and any other Experience are seperate. Redness is seperate from Blueness, Blueness is seperate from high pitched noise, high pitched noise is seperate from warmth, warmth is seperate from anger. Previously, the way your mind worked is the following: It experienced redness, and it experienced happiness, and then the mind said "Redness is Happiness!". But Redness is not Happiness, Happiness merely accompanied Redness, and then the mind created an Object out of the two. It took two experiences and said "This is one experience!". See, when you see a beautiful landscape, the landscape is not beautiful. The landscape is the landscape, and the beauty is beauty. They are clearly seperate, but the mind has connected them. This is what the mind is, that is it's purpose. So now you have learned to look clearly at everything in Experience, in Existence. You look at redness, and suddenly you can't find any beauty anymore. You look everywhere, but nowhere you can find beauty. This is because beauty is not found in any other experience but Beauty itself. So you are basically looking at the wrong places. Nothing in Life, nothing in all of Existence, is Meaningful, Beautiful or Good. Nothing but precisely one thing is Meaningful. Only Meaning itself is Meaningful. Only Beauty is beautiful, and only Goodness is good. The only thing that could possibly be Beautiful is Consciousness, or Nothingness, or the Substanceless Substance. Because only the Substanceless Substance, or Nothingness, can take the Form of any possible form of existence. Nothingness can be Everything and Anything, this is why only Nothingness is Beauty. Beauty is Nothingness, and so is Meaning. So, the question here should not be "How do I find meaning in life?", but rather, the correct question to pose is "What creates Meaning within Life?". Life will never be meaningful, because Life is not meaningful. However, Life can be Meaning-Full, full of meaning. Life can be a container of Meaning, but life never will be Meaning itself. So now that this is established, let us question, when is meaning created within the mind? Well, as you probably know, the human mind can create an extraordinary amount of Meaning by simply listening to Music. Why is this? Ask yourself, what is so special about Music? What music basically is, is individual parts creating a Whole, a rythym which can only exist if you can see the Whole the parts create. The Whole doesn't truly exist, notice this. You never can hear all of the music, you only hear music one note at the time. Yet, your mind creates the impression of continuity, of rythm, of harmony. You are seeking a Narrative of Meaning, but you are not truly seeking Meaning itself. Meaning is like a substance that can be created, and if you want meaning in your life, discover what creates this substance. I can look at an image, and when I look at it, I can feel meaning. Not because the Meaning exists in the image, but because my mind creates Meaning as a result of becoming aware of the Whole, or how the individual parts interconnect to create a Whole. When you can recognize the Whole, you can recognize within it Purpose. And what Purpose is, that is mysterious. It is something akin to intelligence, to wisdom, but it is far more metaphysical. Like I said, it is mysterious, but it is clearly present. It is basically a Self-Recognition, or a recognition of your own Creativity. This kind of Purpose, or recognition of Purpose, of how the Part fits into a Whole, a Whole that has Intelligence, that is like a vein of Ore, an Ore that you call Meaning. So, you don't need to find Meaning, you need to recognize yourself as a Part within the Whole, which will make you understand Purpose, and Purpose is the reason why anything exists at all. Mastery will be sought when you recognize this vein of Ore, and you decide that this is where you will set up camp, and where you will create a mine, a mine which will allow you to get to more and more of this Ore. And in this way, you will have played your part in the orchestra of the Whole. It is not a Narrative, it is a Substance. A substance which fuels every cell in your body, every bit of gravity, every bit of mass in all of the Universe.
  14. Do you think it is right to give form to something which is inconcievable and is nothingness? And that too human form?
  15. God is infinite Love ; God is nothingness; God is consciousness; God is omnipotent, omniscient, infinitely intelligent ; God is .
  16. From Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "Materialism: a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter". “Everything is matter.” Who says so? I, the subject. And if there were no subject who says so, there would be no one for whom matter matters, and therefore there would be no sense in saying that there is anything at all, because being and its meaning are not separable from each other. Nothingness of meaning means nothingness of being. So there is at least (1) the subject's (2) consciousness of (3) matter, instead of matter only. All three components are necessary to make a satisfactory ontological picture of reality. That I, as the subject, could be somehow reducible to my objects, or that my consciousness of matter could be somehow reducible to what I am conscious of, is absurd. Matter matters to me, but nothing matters to matter. So by doing a simple phenomenological analysis of the being of matter we find that materialism is a self-contradictory position.
  17. @Tim R ahh yes, this actually makes more sense ? of course, it's nothingness There is still something very peculiar about transitioning from relative to Absolute. @Nahm I guess a better question would be, why does a psychedelic disrupt the flow of consciousness? If it's just enhanced neurotransmitters in the imaginary brain .. that means I imagined the psychedelic and I imagined the psychedelic wearing off. So basically I have zero free will. But relatively speaking it feels like l have choices as a human? Like to take the imaginary psychedelic or to not, for example. So therefore God chooses when to reconnect with the Absolute?
  18. You (the father) created an avatar (the son) that experiences reality (the Holy Spirit) this division makes experience possible. Other way there’s only nothingness . here are some analogies The father is having a dream , he dreams he is the son living in the world (the Holy Spirit) Or... The father is the game developer the son is the player and the Holy Spirit is the game itself
  19. Our nature is Nothingness [or infinite potential as @toocrazytobecrazy would like to label it] But how does Nothingness understand itself when it is nothing? By projecting itself as everything reflecting back to itself as itself. Like a mirror. Our nature is Love [or intention as @toocrazytobecrazy would say] How can we love more?
  20. No. Seeking oneself is seeking Now. Not future. You are assuming that to seek is to seek a future self. For Awareness. For Love. Can you not see that everything is perfect and there is nothing to seek? Just BE. That's it. I get that we are intention and expansion is inevitable. But I am talking about BEING. Nothingness. We are a miracle, there is nothing to change. We ARE change. Stop seeking what you already are.
  21. @toocrazytobecrazy Yes, exactly. Void, Nothingness, it's all the same. God. Maybe I should say, like the Nothingness inside of you then. But even saying nothing isn't really it. Even saying inside of you isn't really it. It's prior to all labeling. There's nothing better to seek. It's all there is.
  22. @anxious_turtle Damn bro, you were so close to a Kundalini awakening. You already had the prana activated. This is going to be a fun and terrifying ride if you go through. Instead of moving the energy. Get to one pointesness on the mind, while fully surrendering and place it on the piercing sensation in your lower spine that is activated by that prana vibration energy once it shows up. Forget the orgasm you had, Kundalini is like being penetrated by a Goddess, having an orgasm in your whole spine. Word's can't describe the beauty. There's more to it. Inform yourself about Kundalini as much as you can before you do that, because it can be a terrifying ride. By far the most pleasant experience I ever had. Not sure if you already experienced ego death or nothingness, but your mind will freak out once you have kundalini + ego death + kryias combined and don't know what's going to happen next.
  23. Okay, I would love this to be true. However, for now I haven't been able to consciously do this once! I tried, but I have yet to experience it. When I was "trapped" into the nothingness, I had that worldview. I don't know what exactly I tried to manifest, but I haven't had the "wow"-moment it happend. At least I couldn't consciously create it. However I already dreamt about something very specific and absurd, that happened in real life the following day. On the other hand, I also dreamt about stuff, which I feared would happen, that fortunately didn't happen at all (Car crash). Do you have anectodal evidence for your method? I would love to hear it in details. I am actually more afraid of it working than it not working, that would terrify me. I fear it being selling my soul to the devil lol. Do you have other easy methods I could try? I'm going to buy a lottery ticket and meditate on the numbers, but I am afraid of karma backlash.
  24. By ultimate truth, I am referring to the underlying ultimate reality, beyond the cosmos. Ultimate truth is timeless, changeless, infinite Consciousness, which is beyond all forms and boundaries. It is uncaused, and is the cause of all things. Relative truth is the dream realm created by Consciousness, bound by illusory time and space, from which all forms arise, and to which all forms return. Both ultimate and relative truth are real, within the realms that they inhabit. It is all Consciousness, in different states of Self-awareness. The Bhagavad Gita describes this beautifully, especially in Chapter 8. The Day of Brahma ends after a thousand yugas and the Night of Brahma ends after a thousand yugas. When the day of Brahma dawns, forms are brought forth from the Unmanifest; when the night of Brahma comes, these forms merge in the Formless again. This multitude of beings is created and destroyed again and again in the succeeding days and nights of Brahma. But beyond this formless state there is another, unmanifested reality, which is eternal and is not dissolved when the cosmos is destroyed. 1,000 yugas equals 4.3 billion years; clearly it isn't literal, just a figurative reference to the near-eternity during which the cosmos lives and grows, before returning to dormancy, in an endless cycle of creation and destruction. Commentary on this chapter from Eknath Easwaran Just as day follows night in eternal, unvarying rhythm, so does the entire universe undergo cycles of creation, death, and new birth…It ceases to be – or, rather, it continues only in a subtle, unmanifest form, a dream in the mind of [ultimate Consciousness]…cosmos after cosmos arising from the black immensity of nothingness – is quite similar to modern theories of the expanding and contracting universe put forward by contemporary cosmology.