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  1. My Spanish isn't quite good enough to comprehend easily. I will give a closer listen later. As an aside about learning languages. . . I've found it super helpful to listen to native speakers on content that I am interested in and can understand 70%-90%. The nice thing about nonduality / consciousness speakers is they speak relatively slowly with pauses. This speaker articulates very well. He is speaking at an upper intermediate B2 level.
  2. @Annoynymous The mind likes to think in opposites. Either I am fully aware and present all of the time, or I am lost in thought all of the time. From a personal perspective, I’ve found it helpful to have reasonable goals. Expecting to go from a continuously thinking chatterbox to abiding thoughtless presence is an extremely high standard. It’s like going from a couch potato to an Olympic gold marathon runner. Rather, I found more realistic goals helpful. At one point, I estimated that 90% of my life was lost in thought of past/future and lacked presence. My goal was to decrease that to 50% over a three month period. Everyday, I had “Now workouts”. They started with 30min a day increased to 2hrs a day. I told my mind can do what it wants the rest of the day, yet for the next 30min. it’s a Now Workout. Just like we were going to lift weights at the gym. My Now workouts included things like meditation, gardening, self massage, yoga and watching nonduality videos. In the beginning, there were only a few gaps here and there (a few seconds). Over time, my mind got better and better at it. I remember one day I was walking in nature and my mind effortlessly relaxed. Then I suddenly realized “It’s Now! And I’m not even doing a Now workout!”. Thoughts arise Now, yet for me thinking was the biggest hindrance. It’s so easy to get mesmerized and captivated by thinking. So I put a lot of practice into relaxing the mind body, slow down thinking and develop an observer awareness to thoughts - such that there wasn’t attachment and identification to the thoughts. As well, there may be underlying conditioning/karma that keeps sending impulses and needs to be released.
  3. All nonduality teachings are not the same... You can explore everything we have discussed on this post for yourself. For example have you ever experienced anything other than THIS. Have you experienced the "ME" character created since birth is an illusion, and starts dissolving when closely looked at and questioned deeply. ❤
  4. Greetings kamekat and welcome to the forum Sometimes it's hard to know if the struggles we all experience are just part of the process, or a sign that we aren't on the optimal path or technique for ourselves. It takes time to build up that experience, especially if we are following a solo path, rather than belonging to an organisation. But as a rule of thumb, there's no need to be judgemental about your meditation sessions. If it feels like a struggle and you can't keep your attention on your meditation object, that doesn't mean it's a bad or unsuccessful session. Likewise, a focused, relaxed and blissful session isn't necessarily better. You develop and make progress either way. Me too. I have a basic theoretical understanding in my mind, but only enough to get bogged down in paradox. But that's kind of the point, the spiritual side of nonduality (as opposed to the philosophical side) is trying to point us beyond the intellectual understanding to direct awareness. Hence the promotion of practices like meditation and yoga. So the moral is, don't worry if you don't understand nonduality. Feel free to treat all the ideas here as purely provisional until you have built up your own experience to the level when you can find out for yourself.
  5. Hello friends, I'm fairly new on my awakening path. It started about a year ago after a lot of suffering. I still struggle to meditate and to understand the concepts of nonduality but this forum and Leo / Abraham Hicks / Alan Watts etc have been very helpful in paving the way. Please share anything you think might be helpful to hear for a new seeker. Thanks!
  6. @IChoseTheRedPill On a personal note, I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. On the actuality, or existential note, grief - the feeling, not the thought content - can be a bridge into nonduality when we explore into the feeling nuance, as to wether grief is essential to our being. This is revealing of what is essential to our being, which in turn brings tremendous peace, changing the content, and the feeling of, grief. In the sense, pain, suffering, loss... can be the wrapping on unthinkable gifts, insights, and realizations, of Love...Self-Love.
  7. Ah, this is the kind of conversation I've been missing having on the forum lately, thank you. It's not a must or a responsibility, it's more like a desire that cannot be quenched, and that desire is to feel good. All real, honest responsibility and morality comes from love, it comes from feeling or intuiting that hurting others hurts ourselves. It's all essentially about the desire to feel good, or to feel love. It feels a lot better to stand up with courage and say something rather than to watch something that feels awful continue around you. I believe that you are right about insights being distortions, and yet an insight is not an insight because of what is communicated from the insight, it's an insight because of the way it feels. The true "insight" is never what's communicated. However, insights CAN be communicated, because this entire game we are playing of awakening, is just that, a game. Where does the real story of The Lord of the Rings exist? Is it in the letters, or on the paper of the books? It requires your intelligence to decipher the words and give them meaning and your imagination and heart to make it into a story. You say that you love the books, and credit them for how you feel about the story. But you love much, much more than just the book. Nonduality never, excludes, it always includes. We cannot exclude insights as devilry, so they have to be like beautiful easter eggs on the scavenger hunt "story" of awakening. Love is the thing that includes. So love your insights, like you love The Lord of The Rings, knowing that it's much more than you can say. Love can only appear to be directed at something. There only appears to be a source of light and an object reflecting it.
  8. Enlightenment is a complete paradigm shift and a total shattering of the illusory self the ego creates. Integrating back into this fictional domain would basically be like trying to forget that Santa Claus isn't real... it simply doesn't work that way... You still chop wood and carry water but you constantly see how everyone's minds create their own personal prison and you are reminded of this fact everyday by humanities behavior and actions. Once the bottom of the bucket falls out it will never again hold water... Freedom is free because you don't actually lose a "ME"... Oneness realizes it was never there to begin with...? # nonduality#enlightenment#freedom Letting Go of the Ego: Because the ego has multiple aspects, it is not practical or effective to dissolve all of it at once, nor is it likely that you could do so. Much like a tree or large bush that is overgrown in the yard, you don’t just lift it out and throw it away – you cut off manageable pieces instead. The same approach is effective with letting go of the false beliefs that make up the ego. You begin by detaching from individual thoughts that reinforce the ego, then let go of beliefs, separating yourself from the false identity of your ego. We have spent years building our ego self-images, living inside of them, and reinforcing them. Extracting our genuine self out of this matrix of false beliefs will take more than a few days. Yes, it will take a while… so what. It also took a while to learn to read, do math, walk, and develop proficiency at any valuable skill. Things worth doing take time and practice. What better thing do you have to do than let go of what is causing you unhappiness? ❤
  9. Why learn about deep deep nonduality from teachers that are deeply entrenched in duality? LMAO indeed
  10. Leo's teachings are too advanced for most of you to fathom. How about you guys try and directly experience what he's telling you. If you're not interested in deep deep nonduality then you should probably stop watching his videos and go do something else. But please don't criticise him when you have no direct experience to back you up.
  11. It's a common misconception that we are getting rid of duality and ego. That's not the case. We are removing the shackles, no longer being constricted to duality and ego. Nonduality includes duality. We are transcending not removing.
  12. I think Nonduality is spreading like a wildfire through society. As evidence: Ralph Wiggum "Everything is Nothing".
  13. There are more facets of awakening, or explained alternately, there is a wider variety of life experiences that Source desires to experience as the story of a specific human form, than are appreciated and known about on this forum and within the realm of spiritual "work". So it may appear that some people have a head start but then from another perspective the awakening process and intellectually understanding within duality nonduality is just an experience you chose to have in this life.
  14. @Bill W I agree with you, and would like to hint at another layer of deception, in accordance to your point: so we have the duality belief vs. direct experience, who determines which is truer? Leo and these guys say that direct experience is true, but on the other hand, Jesus and other figures said that beliefs are true. The conclusion I've come to is that it doesn't really matter. You're never gonna reach the truth without having to make up stories. So, whether it's your direct experience or beliefs, they're all still self-deception according to Leo's paradigm. But then again, is the self-deception concept even true, or just a part Leo's paradigm? But then again, is this skepticism that I'm practising right here true, or just a part of my own paradigm, which I've picked from my environment including Leo and other people? You see where this is going, strange-loops within strange-loops within strange-loops to infinity. And in non-duality, everything is interconnected, so eventually it's not possible to have a direct experience without beliefs, and it's not possible to have beliefs without a direct experience. You can't separate the two. In complete nonduality, the direct experience of Jesus equals the direct experience of no one, and so everyone is Jesus as well. It'd then be the same thing to believe Jesus or to have his direct experience experienced once again from another point of view and then interpret it some other way. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone. But these people here preach non-duality while not actually grasping what it is. I am very careful around them. Be careful. Thanks.
  15. haha nice advice guys. But the blue being wasn't an entity, it was blue 'being', being God. It was a way to describe nonduality.
  16. I have extreme sensitivity to psychedelics and I noticed after several satori experiences which were all with LSD and ALD-52 that I do not seem to have as much visuals when I take these substances like I did years ago. Like I recall LSD having more of a pronounced visual expression whereas now it is more clarity and more lucid than before. I have also been meditating and delving into the works by Chogyam Trungpa, Dilgo Khyentse, Gurdjieff, Taoist masters, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramakrishna, Nityananda, etc. There was one LSD trip in particular from like two years ago where I only took 3/4 of a tab and tab was not crazy in dosage but I had the most pronounced satori experience and I left my body(it was very difficult/impossible to remember this "peak" of the trip more so that anything else I have ever gotten into from psychedelics) and think I glimpsed the clear white light or some astral analogue of it I don't know. It was such a "feelling" of no reference and pure bliss/being at home and like everything existed simultaneously and like the heaven of heavens. Intuitively right when I came out of it I felt that this must be what enlightenment is or is a bit further up the continuum than what I glimpsed. I recall somewhat having spherical vision(It was like I was not seeing with my physical eyes and I remember Yogananda mentioning this feature to cosmic consciousness when Sri Yuktweswar granted him the glimpse in the book about the notion of spherical vision?). I don't have really anyone to speak about this with. Leo, would like to hear from you about this One of the "warnings" the Buddha gave was about not getting caught in the jhana states. The higher jhanas are sort of astral analogues of nonduality/enlightenment/omniscience/etc. I remember Ram Dass going into this on his latest Be Here Now podcast Here and Now episode recently posted called "asral fun" I think. So psychedelics are jhanic experiences in the vast majority of cases it seems
  17. Blue Beings and whatnot do not contradict Self-Love, and since any kind of being is a form, it is still a subtle form of duality. I didn't say things "stop" at Self-Love. Self-Love is infinite. It's all that is. You can keep exploring the world of form forever. No matter what new forms you discover, it will all just be facets of your Self. So there's no real contradiction here. Just people talking about different facets and forms in different ways. There may be all sorts of beings in the universe. So what? None of it threatens or undermines nonduality.
  18. Welcome to the forum. You got a good look at nonduality and "high conscious" integrative awareness/thinking. . . . Integrate what you can. Be mindful of over-contextualizing and trying to make sense of it all. It is at a "higher" level than intellect. You essentially got direct experience that is worth many years of spiritual work. Yes. Mixing high doses of two intensely neuro-active compounds as a teenager in this setting with little experience is risky and irresponsible. You are fortunate that things worked out ok and "you got away with it". Things aligned for you and you were given a gift. Yet be careful with psychedelics going forward. They are very powerful at high doses.
  19. Yes, this is precisely correct. Although there is an even deeper level where you realize that something and nothing are identical and there is nowhere else to go. You can't choose to experience Nothing because you're already experiencing Nothing all the time regardless of whatever you're experiencing or not-experiencing. That Nothing you encountered was The Void, The Godhead, Mu, or your Original Face as the Zen folks call it. There are of course much deeper levels of nonduality and more facets you can access with practice. Be careful taking such large doses and mixing substances. Lower your dose to 125ug of LSD and learn to contemplate.
  20. I recently had the priviledge to attend a presentation of Deej Savarese. He is a non-speaking autistic. As a child, he was rejected by his biological parents as being damaged. He went to a foster home in which he was abused, ostracized and stigmatized. Later in life, he was adopted by loving parents. He learned how to develop friendships. He became the first non-speaking autistic to graduate from a U.S. University. He is now a poet, philosopher and advocate for neuro-atypical people. At the beginning of the talk, I felt a lot of sympathy and compassion for him. He seemed like an inspiring person that overcame a lot of adversity. . . Yet as the presentation went on, my consciousness shifted. The presentation started off with Deej's poetry. It was amazing. Deej's consciousness is more oriented toward non-duality than duality. His poetry expressed nonduality in a way I've never heard a nonduality speaker explain it. Then they played prepared remarks from Deej in which he spoke of the interface of real, unreal and relative reality. Again, I've never heard it described like this and I realized he had something very special. Not in a "special person with a disability" kind of way. In a genius kind of way. What he was describing was just out of my reach. It was a nonverbal realm that Deej was trying to express verbally to us and I just couldn't quite access it. After the presentation, I went to the stage and stood by Deej. There was a deep connection I wanted to make with him, yet I didn't know how to put it into worlds. I stood there trying to speak a question, yet I couldn't. Now I was non-speaking. I got frustrated and wanted to cry because I couldn't do it. I knew I was close, to meeting him somewhere yet I couldn't do it. Then Deej gazed in my eyes and we went there. His skills where higher than mine and he brought me there. We gazed in each others eyes for a minute and were a somewhere that was beautiful love. Neuro-atypical people have certain skills that are unique. Unfortunately, cultures create a "Myth of Normal" in which those that appear different are labeled as "abnormal" and are ostracized/stigmatized. Yet more and more people are waking up. There are some low conscious people out there, yet there are also some people that are waking up and have a higher capacity to love.
  22. Unconditional Love is nonduality. You are already exploring and experiencing it. You can try and dive into the intellectual understanding of unity. That can be fun and beneficial, too. Just know that the mind can never truly and fully understand. It cannot grasp infinity. At the end of the day; what really matters is what you're already experiencing. Sensation. Infinite love for no reason, at all.
  23. You are creating a duality between duality and nonduality. That's still the mind at play. There is absolutely no difference. There are no illusions. No tricks. There never were. If duality is an illusion - so is oneness. So is God. Only when there is no God - God is. Only when there is no notion of any distinction - peace is. Love is. Unity is. You are creating a separation by trying to expose the illusion of separation. I trust you had great insights. But your mind is unable to drop it and surrender to the now.
  24. @VeganAwake If you say nonduality is true and duality is illusion or false, you've just made another duality. I think that's why people like to say that nonduality includes duality, it's a "yes" to everything, so everything is as true as it is false. Inclusion is more true than exclusion because exclusion is duality and inclusion is not. Which is why it's described that way. I just watched The Little Mermaid and in that moment and now recalling I am just as much Ariel, Ursula, and Flounder as I am Mandy. I am nothing but consciousness yet also including everything within consciousness. The illusion is beautiful, it creates a whole new world of possibilities through creating choice and limitation. It cannot be enjoyed properly without the knowledge of oneness and yet, that's what we came here for.
  25. I recently made a video about this...please check it out: Nonduality does not exclude past lives and reincarnation, but often spiritual seekers build and reinforce the illusion of "me" through past lives. Ultimately, there is no "me"...the Self is all there is.