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  1. therapy with a conscious professional who is holistic and accounts for spirituality in their practice and has awakened themselves. the modality itself usually isn't what is most important I've found.
  2. You mistake yourself for actions, thoughts and others philosophies. How do you know that you are the devil? Because you do things that are out of alignment with your desire to be kind & loving? Does that not tell you that your basic inclination is Love? That what you really want is to love your brothers and sisters, including yourself? Does not sound like a devil to me, more like a case of mistaken identity. You are trying to understand that you are God through intellectual understanding. It won't happen. God is prior to intellect, and also prior to everything anyone ever says. I do not care who says it. God is prior to what I say too. You are not the devil. You are not God either. You do not exist. You are only a fiction in the mind, and so is Leo, and me. Can you for a moment seize striving? Seize trying? I really mean it. What if you do not need anyone's conceptual understanding or framework? No matter how lofty and beautiful. Trust in The God Within to guide you instead of humans. Yes, humans are a manifestation of God, but humans are not God any more than plants are. Everyone and Everything is God, yes. But only God is YOUR God. Only God is ultimately reliable, and always True. Humans are wonderful and fickle. We keep changing our minds. We have loads of opinions and assumptions. Even "after" Awakening we carry a lot of our notions and beliefs with us, and translate them into "Awakened" lingo. God Within you is your Guru and True Teacher. God may (and does) teach you through "other" human beings. All are your teachers, but only God is The Teacher. Talk to God, your Heart, your True Being. Tell Him (I like the word Him, but obviously God is him/she/it, all of it and none of it) that you want to come to know what your Heart already knows, knowingly. Ask to see what God sees. Ask God to show you that you are already God and to take you beyond all concepts and ideas. Including the concept and the idea of you. Just remain open, and keep talking to God. Forget about the "how's" and the "why's". Remain open, willing and innocent. Like a Child. A Child of God who wants to know its Source and Origin. Who longs to know The Truth that only God Is. Surrender to your Inner Being, do not surrender to anyone else. Do not surrender to me. Only to God. Read this with an open heart and a mind that is willing:
  3. I’ve already said that I rightly belong within some category of rednecks and there is a wide variety of categories. The same goes with Academics. Leo raked Academics in general over the coals pretty good in his last video. I put in that little preamble/disclaimer, what ever it is, so I could take the opportunity to pile on. In his book Higher Being Bodies, Ocke de Boer discuses the differing views of two well known Dutch Scientists. One a cardiologist and the others neurologist. When the neurologist starts making fun of the cardiologist for stating that consciousness can be seen apart from the brain and he begins to comment on spirituality, Ocke says he begins to embody a strange mixture of arrogance and humbleness— so often to be found in academics. That little quote really stuck with me. Probably because I got a big chuckle out of it This is the section of the book where Ocke is discussing the scale of Being. Human #4 is someone who has balanced their centers and is awoke somewhat.Human #4 knows that they are in Plato’s cave. This is a big achievement. Humans #1, #2, and #3 are lopsided in one of the centers, instinctual, emotional, or intellectual. Anyone who is awakened, which are humans #5 #6, and #7 knows that real intelligence means the position of a phenomenon in the scale of Being, and the influences to which this phenomenon is open in relation to higher worlds. They also know that they have to hide, if they don’t want to be pecked to death. For anyone who has studied Gurdjieff or the Fourth Way, I highly recommend Ocke de Boers two books. Higher Being Bodies and Two Souls. If you haven’t already studied Gurdjieff’s Works, I don’t think you’ll get much from them. I have to confess though that I’m somewhere between believing and knowing Some of the phenomena I know, but not all.
  4. The best for humanity is that politicians say that they want, spiritual master wants you to wake up. i have listened to shadguru many times and I always see that he treats you like a child. waking up is not for you, for you there are certain practices to live better. true awakening is for higher beings, like him, who remembers his reincarnations in which he had a guru, and that is why in this life he has awakened without a guru, and the superpowers..... do you believe it? It's your decision.
  5. Kinda hate to break it to ya, but you’re focusing on thoughts & beliefs which don’t feel good to you... which don’t feel good...because they using “awakening” or “having awakened to young / early” as the reason. It’s not the reason, it’s just that the thoughts are off. Humble pie tastes like liberation, the recognition control, death, etc, are thoughts, while reality is pure spontaneous infinite love. Rather than ‘coping’ as a remedy... inspect the non-resonating thoughts directly...and it is found there is nothing in need of coping with. “Epistemic truth paradox” is also just one thought...which can be inspected, scrutinized, realized, as there ultimately are not any paradoxes.
  6. Has anyone else experienced this "Uno reverse card" in thinking? When I first started doing practices to discover my true nature, I scoffed at and scrutinized Leo's videos, thinking "Well if it's really true, how the fuck can a person even know it?! That's impossible!" Deep down I felt like it was really possible, I was just resisting. In the beginning, I thought "how can reality feel different than the 'separate self' way, as a human body 'here' and the world 'there,' that I am familiar with?" There's a lot I could say about the middle part of "my" journey, but let's just fast-forward to today. Over the past few days, I've had a feeling that I am the whole entire experience arising in front and behind my face, complete with ZERO control. It reminded me of the jokes people make about awakening: "It's like jumping out of an airplane and never having a ground to land on." But now, I am thinking, "Wait, how come 'this' isn't obvious?! It's the most obvious thing ever! Once you've crossed that non-existent boundary between not knowing 'this' and knowing 'this,' you have the feeling that it should be common knowledge that we are 'born' with. Complete reversal from "You can't know that," to "How do you not know that?" Shocking paradox... Can anyone relate to this? I've been having lots of internal resistance to these deep insights over the past few days. I do not consider myself enlightened, but I've had some big and small glimpses, and last night was one of them. My mind was blank, I was speechless, and I felt like I couldn't do any "practical human stuff." Is there anybody reading this who thought they awakened 'too early in life.' (I know that might be a silly question for a number of reasons, but I'm seriously questioning whether I should take a break from spiritual practices for a bit. On the one hand I feel like it's too late and 'my life' has already ended. I am D-E-A-D, and I just need to accept that. On the other hand, I feel like I'm going insane because I'm constantly thinking about awakening-stuff, when I have all of this human stuff I want to focus on too.) Much love~
  7. @Carl-Richard this is awesome This decade we will constantly see “more” awakened Actors, athletes, celebrities etc etc Of course we can’t have more as we are all that! ? But, more will become conscious of their own being, and I can’t wait for it!
  8. I don't agree. Mania is like a high. It can be addictive just like a drug. Are you able to maintain that "awakened" state? Or do you afterwards fall into a deep depression?
  9. I respect your sincere pursuit of truth, and your desire not to insult other people. As I see it, the degree to which someone feels offended is an indication of their ego. If someone has truly awakened, why would they ever feel insulted in the first place, given that the nature of the realization is that we are all the same Consciousness? Is it possible to insult yourself? You mentioned that you have had profound insights about reality. How do you reconcile those insights with the realization that as humans we know nothing? My answer: Direct insights arise from Consciousness, and are non-conceptual. As humans, we can know nothing conceptually, except that we know nothing. We can only directly realize truth, free from concepts. You don't come across as feeling superior to others because of your personal insights. Perhaps others, who have had insights along the lines of what Aldous Huxley mentioned, similarly don't feel superior to you. To the contrary, the very nature of the core realization is that we are all the same, and there is no inferiority/superiority
  10. @Leo Gura I think I see more of what you mean. When we look at the future through a doomsday lens we are basically being victims. We are working toward being powerful creators and every thing is just perfect we just need to increase our awareness to see it. Forgive me Leo when I fall asleep or get lost. I know you know how big and hard this is for us as we grow into fully awakened Gods. I feel like I am just becoming online and I still have ups and down. There are so many Axioms to develop and states to maintain. I am the planet so, just trust in God.
  11. that isI @Moksha this concept and claim that I hear every day from many different people of “being awake”, I find very egotistical and delusional, I really am not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but that is how I see it, you can expand your consciousness and gain wisdom and even reach a certain state of mind that changes your reality or become conscious of your infinite awareness, but I assure you that there are many many many more insights to get and knowledge to gain and higher levels of consciousness and I’m sure that there are many truths about reality and existence that nobody has ever come close to realising, I’m not an awakened being or an enlightened man but I’m sure there are many things that I could teach you that would drastically change your view of reality and I’m sure that there are many many things that you could teach me that would drastically change my view of reality, god bless you and spread kindness and understanding ?✌️
  12. that is a very good and thought provoking reply and made me think, it comes across as being very honest and rational, but I have been studying philosophy and the nature of reality for many many years passionately, and I use truth extremely mindfully and regimentally , and that includes any time I get egotistical, I know I’m not of higher than average intelligence but my strict promise to truth and extreme open mindedness plus obsessing about reality makes up for that, people who know me always say I’m really clever but I know I’m not, I’m often the last person to get a joke and I’m terrible at maths for example, the reason I say this is because as the years go by the lonelier I get because of the profound insights I have had about reality, it’s extremely lonely, but I refuse to say that it’s because I am awake and they are not, that is an insult to my fellow human beings, I have just experienced states of consciousness that i can never forget, but I know 100% that as a human being we know nothing and to claim to be awake and to have experienced a state of consciousness that leads us to believe it an ultimate realisation is narrow minded, almost everyone answered my question with a spiritual cliche, we can talk humbly, if someone asks you what part of the brain deals with vision, you can just say the frontal cortex or wherever it is without saying who is asking the question or the brain isn’t real or some other we have all heard before, you can just answer ?‍♂️ @Moksha this concept and claim that I hear every day from many different people of “being awake”, I find very egotistical and delusional, I really am not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but that is how I see it, you can expand your consciousness and gain wisdom and even reach a certain state of mind that changes your reality or become conscious of your infinite awareness, but I assure you that there are many many many more insights to get and knowledge to gain and higher levels of consciousness and I’m sure that there are many truths about reality and existence that nobody has ever come close to realising, I’m not an awakened being or an enlightened man but I’m sure there are many things that I could teach you that would drastically change your view of reality and I’m sure that there are many many things that you could teach me that would drastically change my view of reality, god bless you and spread kindness and understanding ?✌️
  13. @allislove I am rumi? @integral I @Moksha this concept and claim that I hear every day from many different people of “being awake”, I find very egotistical and delusional, I really am not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but that is how I see it, you can expand your consciousness and gain wisdom and even reach a certain state of mind that changes your reality or become conscious of your infinite awareness, but I assure you that there are many many many more insights to get and knowledge to gain and higher levels of consciousness and I’m sure that there are many truths about reality and existence that nobody has ever come close to realising, I’m not an awakened being or an enlightened man but I’m sure there are many things that I could teach you that would drastically change your view of reality and I’m sure that there are many many things that you could teach me that would drastically change my view of reality, god bless you and spread kindness and understanding ?✌️
  14. @Moksha this concept and claim that I hear every day from many different people of “being awake”, I find very egotistical and delusional, I really am not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but that is how I see it, you can expand your consciousness and gain wisdom and even reach a certain state of mind that changes your reality or become conscious of your infinite awareness, but I assure you that there are many many many more insights to get and knowledge to gain and higher levels of consciousness and I’m sure that there are many truths about reality and existence that nobody has ever come close to realising, I’m not an awakened being or an enlightened man but I’m sure there are many things that I could teach you that would drastically change your view of reality and I’m sure that there are many many things that you could teach me that would drastically change my view of reality, god bless you and spread kindness and understanding ?✌️
  15. @Nahm Nahm, awakened being slash business mogul.. Seeing a whole new side of you
  16. Yup, I feel the same. I still do not consider myself awakened, let alone enlightened. I still don't know what's 'behind' awakening at all, even though one could argue that I had my fair share of 'glimpses behind the silhouette'. Nevertheless, I don't know whether I'm 'awakened' or not. At the end of the day, it probably boils down to what one defines as awakening. I've let go of the idea, where to draw the boundaries between awakened vs. not-awakened because honestly, I wouldn't know where to draw them. Everything has changed, yet everything is still the same. Could you elaborate on your definition of awakening and/or enlightenment? I'd be interested in hearing your perspective.
  17. Basically you awakened your energy to some higher levels, with all these energy manipulation practises, you manage to clear the energy pathways and to direct your prana to your skull, then the mind becoming still would be the consequence of that. But since this energy is highly intelligent after a while it automatically flows through the central channel in your spine and goes into your head effortlessly without you doing anything, then suddenly this whole game becomes much more enjoyable since you no longer need to sit and do a lot of practises just to be able to get that stillness of mind or maybe you need much less work to achieve that. So I'd say that now you work on those chakras you feel you need to work on, and balance your chakras one by one, Awakening your Kundalini should be your goal, but never ever force it, The divine energy is highly intelligent, just have the chakras balanced and get rid of blockages, it'll automatically rise when the time comes!
  18. That's not true. Some reasons why an awakened one wouldn't teach if acting from the absolute perspective: others are imagination there will be no future there is no good or bad In that sense, there is no reason to teach. However, by the same 'logic' there is also no reason not to teach. That's the mindfuck I'm currently struggling with (not only in terms of being selfless, but doing anything at all). And knowing that there is no self to decide either way only adds to the mindfuck. If that paradox gets integrated, teaching others can happen even from the absolute perspective. There is only Love. Love is the only 'reason' to do anything (or nothing). And even though Love loves unconditionally, good and evil equally, I still feel like there is a tendency towards selflessness and maximizing Love. It's hard to put into words, and I might be deluded here, but that's what it seems to me. This is what happens if the paradoxes are integrated and transcended. It might seem contradictory, and in some sense it might be, but what I'm trying to point to is beyond logic. @freejoy Maybe this is also an answer to that question/situation:
  19. The trap is that true morality looks like what happens after awakening. But since most people aren't awakened, the best a spiritual teacher can do is give a sort of list of things you'd do after awakening. Golden Rule and all that. But Jesus didn't come to the Golden Rule through some other spiritual teacher, he derived it for himself by awakening. In that sense, preaching morality is like giving the answers in the back of a math book to students. The transformation and wisdom comes from having going through a process where you discover true morality for yourself. Not because someone just told you to. That would lead to devilry, because you wouldn't actually understand it and would abuse all the teachings. Which is of course if often what happens, thus religion becomes corrupted.
  20. @infinitelovegodetc I don't think you are awakened.
  21. Well..I never welcomed you to the forum. So...welcome.. There are only a handful of actual awakened beings here and he is one of them
  22. That is enlightenment not mahasamadhi or permanent enlightenment. The awakened mystic is not yet ready to collapse into Infinity.
  23. you are either inspired by the energy of the awakened ones like Leo, or if this is not your time you are not some words of osho
  24. Hey guys. I'm Indie Im 19... I have no gender but that wasn't an option btw Leo... and I've been watching these videos for a while. Spiritual gifts run through my family. I had my first taste of Nirvana (nothingness, unity, peace, lack of distinction) at 15 but it was completely random and out of context and I didn't understand it at the time. I thought I had dissociative disorder my whole life, then I understood it as a non-dual state and feel blissful there. I had a few enlightenment experiences after hard work with contemplation, meditation, astral projection, and tripping, but contemplation being the biggest factor. To clarify what I mean by enlightenment is the understanding of the infinite nature of the universe, especially complete acceptance/ love and experiencing and perceiving life as very trippy even when Im sober, detachment from self, desirelessness, and nothingness all stemming from an indescribable awakening/ that left me sobbing tears of joy for hours because EVERYTHING MADE SENSE and it's so beautiful. Now I am in college and the material world seems so silly to me, even though I understand it's importance in human perspectival development, I am trying to figure out how to be true to self and Self while figuring out how I want to fit in this world with this new understanding without dropping out and disappointing my parents. I want to become some sort of neo-sage who helps people awaken but in a more modern way to appeal to my generation. I've already started leading yoga and helping people astral project and asking dogmatic young Buddists existential questions but I can't help but look at the world and wish I could do more because of how unconscious culture is and how much suffering it causes. Basically, I'm confused because of how transcendent of logic enlightenment/awakening is and my mind constantly trying to make sense of it and I'm also confused about what to do with my life with this new understanding because I bounce back from bliss zen detachment with no motivations or desires, and a completely zoomed out experience, to the egotistical material world that seems rather trash in this society. I need to understand how to aline ego self, God self/realization, and my life in a way that feels authentic. I feel like a lot of Leos videos show you how to get enlightened but not what to do with it our how to cope with it, because while beautiful, it's rather visceral and confusing to the psyche and ego. I know Love is the answer ultimately but I wanted to hear out some practical solutions or ideas. Also I'm trying to talk to other enlightened/awakened people because I have a hard time expressing/discussing all these meta perspectives in my current friend group I always feel like I can't explain it, its over heads, or woo woo. I also need to learn how to talk to different places on the spiral and reach people where they are.
  25. Alright, I’ll provide the straight-forward answer that it seems you’re looking for rather than the Nondual, “your Awakening is the whole Universe Awakening” answer. Yes, there are entire worlds full of Enlightened beings (to a variety of degrees). In fact, there exist infinitely many such places - even entire Universes of Awakened beings. Of course, I don’t have scientific evidence at the moment to back this up. I’m just speaking from first-hand embodiment of the nature of reality.