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  1. @Max_V You get transformation mastery on for free. I bet Julien only has reorganized knowledge that is already out there.
  2. The trap I've often fallen into is approaching life as a passive victim because I can just program my attitude towards unconditional happiness & acceptance. And negative motivation never worked for me either. So tell me if you could explain it well, how once can use emotional mastery to be a motivating and empowering force for deep transformation that extends into the material realm? Because if happiness is not something you have to work for, and there is no way to work towards it anyway, it is easy to become complacent, especially when taking responsibility for your life circumstances requires understanding complex, confusing situations and immense mental effort to overcome resistance. Like if I can just choose to be happy, why even get out of bed, why do anything? This is something I am honestly trying to figure out right now, how to reconcile purposeful, directed action, personal; development, material progress etc. with spiritual development, detachment, releasing ego, selflessness, not doing, just being, experiencing beingness.
  3. Haven't been counting the days, but by now it has been at least 50, including my first ever 'no-fap September.' Went most of august without fapping too, but relapsed some time over 50 days ago when I found some forgotten porn on a data backup stick I forgot to delete. This is also the longest I've gone without ejaculation in the past 10 years actually. The 3 key factors which led to success this time around were I began by journaling almost every day to recall all of my past experiences with masturbation addiction, and desire for cutting out that habit completely. I fully internalized that ejaculation is not something I want to do, never in my best interest, always detrimental. In my posts I often reference how I learned to avoid alcohol since I feel like shit an hour after just one drink. It was so much harder to quit fapping since the detriments were far more subtle, but I learned to associate the feeling of living an overall shitty life as a regular wanker with the act of jerking it at all, even edging, and no it's something I avoid like liquor. I stopped fantasizing about sex altogether. This is the biggest difference and I believe it's why it's felt so effortless this time. Even when I was previously successful at going 10-40 days without jacking, I still ended up daydreaming about having sex, distracting myself with fantasies of making love with women, even sometimes shedding my anti-natalism and wanting nothing more than to fearlessly inseminate a fertile minx. It seems like this time I don't forget how psycho-spiritually draining to feels for me to cum, and also how addictive it is, and I don't take for granted that this activity which used to consume my life has been stamped out in a way that feels so effortless at the moment. I just seem to have completely lost interest in sexual activity, and in this respect, life has never been better, I have never been happier. Keep in mind though, not long after I started wanking at age 14 I was addicted to it going 3-7 times a day often times, could never moderate, only abstain some times. I also do kriya yogas, breathwork and mantra meditation somewhat regularly, alone and with a community, so this helps both with letting me experience my own energy, noticing & appreciating the transformations which occur as my body keeps recovering from years of over-stimulation, and also with circulating the sexual energy around the body so that it doesn't stagnate and fester, i.e. turning into a ferociously horny animal preoccupied with lust. Where do I go from here, to great heights presently unbeknownst to me. To quit fapping is just the necessary first steep to deep transformation of my entire life, since doing that constantly dampens my experience of life, and the brain fog keeps dissipating, showing me all of my gifts and flaws, strengths and weaknesses, self-deceptions and things avoided, or repressed. It brings everything to the surface, forcing me to deal with it, but along with this a new type of energy and optimism to work through any issue, no matter how fucked up it seems at first.
  4. @Max_V i watch them everyday actually haha. my PM meditation is julien's transformation mastery release for like 6 months you can pick up on their lifestyle if you watch them enough. they havent embodied a lot of what they teach yet. thats all great content tho. i get lots of nice reminders from them
  5. @Hello from Russia I almost watched all of The Natural Lifestyle's videos, they're amazing. That silent pickup video pretty much motivated my whole journey towards becoming socially free and bringing my consciousness work out into the world instead of just my cushion. Game with consciousness. A beautiful thing. @d0ornokey Don't write everyone off so fast. Many of them have deeper insights than you think. It's easy to assume that they are just all superficial there just for pussy and money, I did the same, but with a second look you might be surprised. @Rebec I wish I could afford Julien's transformation mastery, really some deep value in there for sure. @aurum I will watch that, thank you.
  6. @Rilles Have you got any ideas about how to do that? Because it seems hopeless, its on such a large scale and this is big business for people, and peoples livelihood and people tend not to react very well when you try and mess with there survival. It would take everyone to make this change and people just won't do. I guess I could work on trying to create some sort sanctuary for animals like a farm that has the purpose of caring for animals instead of butchering them, but again that takes a lot of money. And even you if could do that its still on such a small scale maybe 100 animals and what's that compared to the billions of animals that are killed for human consumption on a yearly basis. Maybe a more effective way to go about that is to assist in transforming the human Psyche to a point were eating animals is no longer an option, but again that requires a complete transformation in myself first which is no easy feat, that would take a lifetime of disciplined work and then you have the issue of trying to help others which would be just as hard. Look at krishnamurti he spent his whole life trying to do just that and failed, not long before he died he felt great sadness about it all that it never made a difference. People just don't care enough, there consciousness is so involed with there own survival and agenda, this is the self minds job. To quote krishnamurti " there's no sanity in the world" @Rilles
  7. They say its really healthy they say you can get transformation in your conciousness...
  8. 1. Believe that you have control over your emotions. If you can't even believe this yet, believe that it is at least possible for you to learn how to choose your own emotional states. This is actually the necessary first step to emotional self-mastery, to accept that it is something you have control over. Most people go through life being emotionally reactive, they just instinctively respond to stimuli in their environment, thinking there is an external world that supersedes their internal world. This is the biggest limiting belief there is, you underestimate how you can shape your perception of reality and develop psychological capabilities far beyond the levels of consciousness previously known to you. 2. Disengage emotion from perception. Realize that emotions are entirely subjective, and existentially meaningless. You were predisposed by biology, and programmed by society to feel happy when you accomplish things, win competitions, and receive approval, praise, sexual validation and a sense of belonging others. Consequentially you would naturally feel unpleasant emotions when you desire such things and do not get to experience them. Humans evolved this way so that you would be guided by your urges to survive, compete and procreate, really no different from any other species of animal. By realizing that's the whole point of having emotional reactions, that they are just shallow, rudimentary, primitive instincts designed to enslave you to the game of life, you can relinquish any sense of attachment you may have had to your emotional states. This is the hardest part of the transformation, because people think of their emotions as deep, meaningful, and real, denying the validity of your emotions seems like destroying your sense of self altogether, and perhaps this is the very means by which you stop being a victim of emotional reactiveness, and start being the author of your own emotional states. Since emotions are not grounded in any objective, external reality, they all come from within the psyche, why wouldn't you be able to just choose your own emotional states- if you want to be happy, then be happy for the sake of being happy. What is the point of clinging to the reactive model of emotionality- you don't need it at all. It's just an embodiment of the victim mentality which is keeping you depressed. Time to discard that old paradigm. 3. Differentiate between emotions, sensations and meanings. Be conscious of the pure sensations you experience in your body at any moment, without attaching any thoughts or emotions to them. Think about an emotion you have felt- any emotion. Now what is the emotion made up of? Sensations and thoughts. Sensations are visceral things you experience in your body, and thoughts are the language you use to describe it, the meanings you attach to the sensations. For example, just notice how your body felt when you had been sad, or angry, or scared. How was your breathing, muscle tension, posture, heart rate, etc. And what thoughts did you associate with these sensations, what stories did you tell yourself? Now you are beginning to see the big picture. By dissecting emotions into their components, you can manipulate those components as to eliminate unpleasant emotions, and create desired emotional states. Body and mind are not separate entities, but one integrated organism in a continuous feedback loop. You can be more conscious of what you do with your body, and of what narratives you tell yourself. By doing both of these you can actually affect the root sensations as well, and control the entire process of feeling emotions. 4. Hack into the emotional feedback loop. The most straightforward demonstration of this would be the relationship between facial expressions and emotions. Normally, facial expressions are simply external reflections of an animal's emotions, and their evolutionary purpose is to broadcast those emotions to communicate with other animals. But this is a feedback loop, and it works just as well the opposite way around. It's devilishly simple how you can just manipulate your own emotions by changing your facial expressions, you can make super wide smile, a deeply smug, evil grin, smile so hard your cheeks get sore, and keep smiling like that for 5 minutes. You will soon be overcome with very pleasant sensations, and start to actually feel ecstatic, blissful and overjoyed. Hacking into your emotional feedback loop, getting something from nothing, is really this simple. You can also listen to upbeat, fast paced music while clapping your hands to help get into state when doing this smile meditation. This is totally not normal, I'd even call it an abnormal psychology technique, but it absolutely works. Normal people are miserable, neurotic, emotionally reactive messes with very little self-awareness, drifting through life haphazardly, reacting to stimuli, deriving a sense of self worth from other people. Disregard all that nonsense, and create your own reality. And there are endless more techniques like this that allow you to just change what you do with your physical body in order to bring about desirable emotional states. Some are fairly simple like smiling, deep breathing, posture and body language control, music/sounds and aromatherapy. There are also next level techniques you can use to release emotional baggage, like through intense sound vibration (think chanting AUM so deeply you become the mantra) and deep tissue release, massaging whatever parts of your musculature you can reach, applying as much pressure as you can without injuring yourself, also kneading your back and upper legs on a lacrosse ball. I reiterate again, there is no separation between mind and body, treat it as one feedback loop. Emotional tension is physical tension and vice versa. You won't become happy just talking about your "feelings," nor by numbing them with drugs. You become happy by dissolving any sense of duality between your mind and body, the internal and external reality. It will seem very simple once you get it, because happiness is naturally the default state of being, since once you realize nothing actually matters, you can stop projecting meaning onto everything, no longer feel you need to do anything in life, and just experience the bliss of "beingness." 5. Step 5: Commandeer the emotional feedback loop as your source of self-sustaining internal happiness, permanently detaching your mood from any outside input. It can get to the point where your subjective emotional states become their own enclosed ecosystem, and absolutely nothing external to you can penetrate this bubble. This takes practice, and when you find yourself removed from your comfort zones, you are forced to get creative, and can reach profound levels of personal development much quicker than when just thinking about this as a concept. Facing situations that would have used to make you sad, scared or angry can force your emotional resolve to really kick into overdrive, and this builds a resilient foundation for achieving emotional mastery. The process I am trying to describe here is super-normal, the establishment might label as psychosis, a breaking from reality, emotional derangement. This is also necessarily a rejection of affective empathy, refusing to react emotionally to others by not opening yourself to instinctively feel what they are feeling. On the other hand it is the core of self-mastery, fully internalizing that you are the creator of your own reality, the fundamental kernel of true personal freedom. Though one potential thing to watch out for is that when you are happy, negative motivation will no longer work, so once this happens, all of your actions will have to be driven by love, not fear.
  9. @LiakosN Mind=bondage to something. The mind is an energetic parasitic system. The content of experience is the mind. The mind is like a vampire that is sucking the life energy out of the body for it's own survival. It stores the energy in the body in form of some tension. When the right time/environment factors are triggered the stored emotional energy manifests as a reaction that moves the body in a certain direction. Behind every reaction there is a thought. These thoughts are subconscious but when we bring them to the surface, to our conscious awareness then we can analyze them and write them on paper. Then after that the content cycle repeats but this time, there is more wakefullness of the thoughts that manifested the experience and then one can use empowering statements to self-correct (speak out loud) and then the fundamental crystals that store the memories are transformed to be more in alignment. This is a process of waking up from dualistic egoic living, it's based on awareness, self-correction, transformation, transmutation, transcendence and integration.
  10. If there is conflict, there cannot be quietness. If there is not quietness, the illusion may persist. In this perspective, a technique may be a path towards subduing the conflict, carving the eventual persistence in being. There is no reward, there is only impermanence and an eventual transformation
  11. catching that unicorn was waaaay easier than catching the unicorn that was in me in fact, i knew that i would find someone like her after i managed to transform myself. i just didn't know that it would only take 3 months after the major transformation. sure, you can see the unicorns. btw, the video you posted above is extremely superficial it doesn't tap into the best of Life! i highly recommend dropping the "women as toys for sex and trophies for the ego" game. it's a very toxic way to relate to people.
  12. I will share my awakening story in other moment. Working with magic mush the last year on meditation took me thru is call kundalini awakening. The life energy, the serpent dormant on your root chakra. I was feeling the energy going up and down my entire body. One day kriyas (involuntary movements after meditation or relax state) appear. I was scare, but never to the point to keep my practice, my expansion of consciousness. after a couple weeks during deep meditation a realization appear. Kriyas just vanish because I realize that was my awareness taking place, moving ego to the side. My mind was quiet for the first time in my life, I was feeling like eckhart tolle. Able to answer any existence question. But, I keep pushing myself into more meditation. Now I understand concept like reality, duality, awareness, nothingness, free will...and more. Pressure on my head was the indication of the third eye open and going to blow into crown chakra. last meditation on 10 gr, I understand the meaning of enlightement, my body was ripped on parts and the feeling of I was dead overwhelmed. The "source" a warm amber place where I discover who I am on my first meditations was replaced for what I call "the white room" was like waking up from the illusion of life. Was the explanation and understanding that I'm consciousness and everything is consciousness (maybe we can called god or creator) the understanding on how consciousness in order to experience his own consiousness destroy itself into we call reality, the deep understanding of the illusion of time and space was downloaded on me. And the realization of what enlightement mean and how to reach that state. That we are one consciousness. The understanding of reencarnation enlightenment is trancendanse, the transformation to your highest level, going into pure consciousness.. we called dead, but to reach that state, you have to peel all the layers of the ego illusion on you, and need to be done before time and space illusion makes you come back as a new being (before getting old, and that is other kind of enlightement) i know, this is my reality, and after enlightement everything I know will be vanish. But, I'm holding tight on my left over ego is on me, I changed to much in a short time. is hard to swallow, but in a ruff way to reach enlightement is thru self destruction of the illusionary self the destruction of ego. And that is way monks, yogis and others practice. if you relate, please let me know what's coming, I don't want to keep going, I'm not ready for what's is on the end of the rabbit hole.
  13. Chapter 2 The Five Element Symbols: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Spirit Catherine Beyer Updated June 01, 2018 The Greeks proposed the existence of five basic elements. Of these, four were the physical elements – fire, air, water, and earth – of which the entire world is composed. Alchemists eventually associated four triangular symbols to represent these elements. The fifth element, which goes by a variety of names, is more rarefied than the four physical elements. Some simply call it Spirit. Others call it Aether or Quintessence (literally "the fifth element" in Latin). In traditional Western occult theory, the elements are hierarchical: Spirit, fire, air, water, and earth – with the first elements being more spiritual and perfect and the last elements being more material and base. Some modern systems, such as Wicca, view the elements as equal. Before we examine the elements themselves, it is important to understand the qualities, orientations, and correspondences that are associated with the elements. Each element is connected with aspects in each of these and it helps correlate their relationship to one another. In classical elemental systems, each element has two qualities, and it shares each quality with one other element. Warm/Cold Each element is either warm or cold, and this corresponds with a male or female gender. This is a strongly dichotomous system, where male qualities are things like light, warmth, and activity, and female qualities are dark, cold, passive, and receptive. The orientation of the triangle is determined by warmth or coldness, male or female. Male, warm elements point upward, ascending toward the spiritual realm. Female, cold elements point downward, descending into the earth. Moist/Dry The second pair of qualities is moistness or dryness. Unlike the warm and cold qualities, moist and dry qualities do not immediately correspond to other concepts. Opposing Elements Because each element shares one of its qualities with one other element, that leaves one element completely unrelated. For example, air is moist like water and warm like fire, but it has nothing in common with earth. These opposing elements are on opposite sides of the diagram and are distinguished by the presence or absence of the crossbar within the triangle: Air and earth are opposites and have the crossbar Water and fire are also opposites and lack the crossbar. Hierarchy of Elements There is traditionally a hierarchy of elements, although some modern schools of thought have abandoned this system. The lower elements in the hierarchy are more material and physical, with the higher elements becoming more spiritual, more rarefied, and less physical. That hierarchy can be traced through this diagram. Earth is the lowest, most material element. Circling clockwise from earth you get water, air and then fire, the least material of the elements. The pentagram has represented many diverse meanings over the centuries. Since at least the Renaissance, one of its associations is with the five elements. Arrangement Traditionally, there is a hierarchy among the elements ranging from the most spiritual and rarefied to the least spiritual and most material. This hierarchy determines the placement of elements around the pentagram. Starting with spirit, the highest element, we descend to fire, then follow the lines of the pentagram over to air, across to water, and down to earth, the lowest and most material of the elements. The final line between earth and spirit completes the geometric shape. Orientation The issue of a pentagram being point-up or point-down only gained relevance in the 19th-century and has everything to do with the arrangement of elements. A point-up pentagram came to symbolize spirit ruling over the four physical elements, while a point-down pentagram symbolized spirit being subsumed by matter or descending into matter. Since then, some have simplified those associations to simply represent good and evil. This is generally not the position of those who commonly work with point-down pentagrams, and is often not the position of those associating themselves with point-up pentagrams either. Colors The colors used here are those associated with each element by the Golden Dawn. These associations are commonly borrowed by other groups as well. Ceremonial occult systems traditionally depend on systems of correspondences: collections of items that are all associated in some way with the desired goal. While the types of correspondences are nearly endless, associations between elements, seasons, time of day, elements, moon phases, and directions have become fairly standardized in the West. These are frequently the basis for additional correspondences. The Golden Dawn's Elemental/Directional Correspondences The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn codified some of these correspondences in the 19th-century. Most notable here are the cardinal directions. The Golden Dawn originated in England, and the directional/elemental correspondences reflect a European perspective. To the south are the warmer climates, and thus is associated with fire. The Atlantic ocean lies to the west. The north is cold and formidable, a land of earth but sometimes not a lot else. Occultists practicing in America or elsewhere sometimes do not find these correspondences to work. Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Cycles Cycles are important facets of many occult systems. Looking at daily, monthly, and yearly natural cycles, we find periods of growth and dying, of fullness and barrenness. Fire is the element of fullness and life, and it is closely associated with the Sun. Therefore, it's unsurprising that noon and summer would be associated with fire. By that same logic, the full moon should also be in the same category. Earth is in the opposite direction as fire and therefore corresponds with midnight, winter, and the new moon. While these things might represent barrenness, more often they are representative of potential and transformation; the point where the old gives way to the new; the empty fertility readies to feed new creations. Air is the element of new beginnings, youth, increase, and creativity. As such, it is associated with spring, the waxing moon, and sunrise. Things are growing warmer and brighter, while plants and animals give birth to a new generation. Water is the element of emotion and wisdom, particularly the wisdom of age. It represents a time past the peak of livelihood, moving toward the end of the cycle. Fire is associated with strength, activity, blood, and life-force. It is also seen as highly purifying and protective, consuming impurities and driving back the darkness. Fire is traditionally seen as the most rarefied and spiritual of the physical elements because of its masculine properties (which were superior to female properties). It also lacks physical existence, produces light, and has a transformative power when it comes in contact with a more physical material. Qualities: Warm, Dry Gender: Masculine (active) Elemental: Salamander (Here referring to a mythological lizard creature which could burst into flames) Golden Dawn Direction: South Golden Dawn Color: Red Magical Tool: Sword, athame, dagger, sometimes wand Planets: Sol (Sun), Mars Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Season: Summer Time of Day: Noon Air is the element of intelligence, creativity, and beginnings. Largely intangible and without permanent form, air is an active, masculine element, superior to the more material elements of water and earth. Qualities: Warm, Moist Gender: Masculine (active) Elemental: Sylphs (Invisible beings) Golden Dawn Direction: East Golden Dawn Color: Yellow Magical Tool: Wand, sometimes sword, dagger or athame Planets: Jupiter Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Season: Spring Time of Day: Morning, Sunrise Water is the element of emotion and the unconscious, as opposed to the conscious intellectualism of air. Water is one of two elements that have a physical existence that can interact with all of the physical senses. Water is still considered less material (and thus superior) to earth because it possesses more motion and activity than earth. Qualities: Cold, Moist Gender: Feminine (passive) Elemental: Undines (water-based nymphs) Golden Dawn Direction: West Golden Dawn Color: Blue Magical Tool: Cup Planets: Moon, Venus Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Season: Fall Time of Day: Sunset Earth is the element of stability, groundedness, fertility, materiality, potential, and stillness. Earth can also be an element of beginnings and endings, or death and rebirth, as life comes from the ground and then decomposes back into earth after death. Qualities: Cold, Dry Gender: Feminine (passive) Elemental: Gnomes Golden Dawn Direction: North Golden Dawn Color: Green Magical Tool: Pentacle Planets: Saturn Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Season: Winter Time of Day: Midnight The element of spirit does not have the same arrangements of correspondences as the physical elements since spirit is not physical. Various different systems may associate planets, tools, and so-forth to it, but such correspondences are far less standardized than those of the other four elements. The element of spirit goes by several names. The most common are spirit, ether or aether, and quintessence, which is Latin for "fifth element." There is also no standard symbol for spirit, although circles are common. Eight-spoked wheels and spirals are also sometimes used to represent spirit. Spirit is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. In cosmological models, spirit is the transitory material between the physical and celestial realms. Within the microcosm, spirit is the bridge between body and soul. Golden Dawn Direction: Above, Below, Within Golden Dawn Color: Violet, Orange, White
  14. @Good-boy But dont try to solve your problems by looking for the perfect 11/10 stage red ninja girl. Thats can really be a huge obstacle. I used to be in your shoes back in the day, experiencing first breakup, very emotional thing. But then I was so depressed that I am so unattractive and shit like that, you have probably heard that story quite a few times. But as I am going deeper, I am becoming more and more introverted and independent, I am not seeking relationships anymore. This kind of transformation is also possible.
  15. @Barna Mhhhm no thank you I do not care for experimenting with pain Frankly I dont need to. Pain will find me when its time to be transformed...I do see benefit to all pain, every painful moment is a moment of transformation, just like Jesus on the cross was being transformed. But after the crucifiction, what else is there to come but the resurrection. It perfectly describes the process of transformation, every death is a moment of transformation, every pain reduces us to ashes just so we can rise like a phoenix, more bright and radiant than before. I am not afraid of pain, pain knows my address and its been knocking on my door every day for the past 3 years. But that doesnt mean I like the experience of it. I mean... lets be honest its awful I hate it Ive been in so much pain that I prayed to god to take me out because I cant take it anymore. And even that doesnt stop me from facing it. I think when we try to make pain into pleasure, it can be a subtle form of denial. I appreciate the honesty of saying "I hate pain, I dont like pain, but I can acknowledge that it is a moment of transformation."
  16. Now that I don’t feel like throwing up anymore and wanting to set fire to my local Safeway and other grocery outlets after watching these factory farming videos... I think (self) honesty and awareness can be the big accelerators in moving up the spiral dynamics stages. What I’ve noticed lately is the increasing of my own awareness gets me more in touch with my current motives. As a result, this keeps the conditioned self at bay and also allows me to be more in touch with the motives and values I’m authentically towards. I think the biggest trap in staying stuck in a stage is to anchor yourself and lose touch with the awareness that got you to that newer level of development in the first place. I literally picture awareness and honesty to be like the lever that open the floodgates to new possibilities of evolution of concsuouness, ego is transformation (and of course transcendence), maturity, and higher motives & values.
  17. I love helping people, and saying just the right words that they need to hear to transcend their current paradigm. But I am a very loving and generous person after all, I’ve always wanted other people happiness, even over my own. But as I am becoming more of a high consciousness spiritual coccreator of my reality I begin to see the mixed vibrations I am anchoring in what I choose to do daily. On here for example I often come because I think that without me people will suffer, when I have wisdom to change that whatever it may be. But it still compromises my own integrity, and so I want to start going on a purge in my life leave only inspiring, and exciting, and peaceful consciousness evolving activities in my life. I do the inner work in every second of the day, but I haven’t used my free will to reflect that in the outer anywhere near as much So it’s more of a list of things to give up than do but here is a few: Give up any source of information that causes tension, stress, worry, fear etc. such as the news, television, most of YouTube, Facebook, podcasts, radio. Reading more books describing loving visions for this world, or some rather thought provoking philosophical works. Im starting iyengar yoga at a yoga center near me to keep my body energetically and physically healthy. I’m also aiming to get a car so I can drive there without parents, and so I can go to the beach or in nature more often, or skiing. Im committing to stop eating those little chocolate teddy bears, chocolate in general, and maintaining a healthy balanced diet like I have been. Also in terms of health I think I will get one of those kindle ink readers to be able to read more books, but still stay natural with the eyes at night. Most importantly I have been staying in constant awareness of my chest rising and falling, which has brought unbelievable peace, oneness and connection that I never had before. This guides me to do new things, and I want to keep that very pure by leaving much of my life open to change, but while still finding a balance and doing these healthier and more peaceful activities. One of the things I had a while ago, and maybe you had, was other people’s voices and opinions in my head. From all the spiritual videos I watched I kept hearing thoughts telling me what I should do, or to worry about things that are out of my control like the suffering in the world. As soon as I turned off these voices my life is much improved, much more gentler, and contemplative. Of course I am ever grateful I spent months glued to my phone screen, it’s time to have a break. In fact I can honestly say that if the internet didn’t turn on again, I would know how to live an extraordinary life, I would know how to find Unconditonal Love, that’s a why I’m grateful for those months, even if they were not that peaceful. This is all about making my life reflect who I am. The heart will eventually guide me in every single moment as I begin to enter into these thoughtless states during the day. But until g trying that direct guidance, I can only do my best to have some activities and goals to work towards and do that help me feel joy. My life is quite empty if you look at it from outside, and I would say yes. But I would also say how grateful I am that reality took away all of my old friends, all of my sports, old habits, addictions so I had the space to completely change my life, and make things a complete reflection of who I am as Love. It’s a blessing that I am not trapped in some job, or feeling I need a low conscious group of friends for company; it’s nice that I’ve already said goodbye to all of that, leaving this space? Im sure you guys have experienced this too, where friends just disappear, or you are randomly told to leave your job. It’s life giving you a helping hand ? So that’s an insight into my life. It is a challenge to reintegrate socially with people when I have “no life” but I also know that you need the experience of “no life” to have a “life”. And I know the new life I am creating now will just be amazing. Living from the Heart take courage for you start slipping on your sentences, you start wanting to not do old things, and you begin to not be able to communicate that well. It takes time to transition from human mind to God mind, practice, and faith in yourself. Pretty much all of the time when I’m next to someone I don’t have any thoughts in my mind. So what do I say to them? This is what I mean, it takes adjustment to speak without thoughts. So in conclusion there are many things I am not doing anymore in my life, that which causes tension, and doing more of that which brings peace. Here is one of those places that brings tension, but which I feel obliged to be; so I wanted to write this to say I may be on here not that much. It fills my head with other people’s challneges, and I’m too sensitive right now to be taking that on, at least not 40 posts a day. Much updates to come in regards to this in the next few months of how changing the outer in harmony with the inner; to do things for the love or curiosity of it is making me feel. It’s a deep transformation I’m in, and it’s something few have ever dared to do, so extra self-love and support is needed because I’m healing and purging as if there is no tomorrow! Again I’m sure you guys can very much relate. I hope everyone can feel connected to life, find the love in their hearts, and change their outer lives too so it is more peaceful until you are guided solely by your heart and not your logical facilities. May we all take this one step at a time, knowing we have years to live to achieve our goals. And for you to not worry about the things you can’t control such as the world hunger, it’s okay to look away and look after yourself you know. That is what helps more than worrying about it. Im going now, I could write all day. Namaste everyone.
  18. Glad my copy has convinced you sufficiently! This is the kind of event where you're encouraged to participate by doing things there that are important and meaningful to you. If you suspect nobody is doing those things or you go one year and find nobody is doing those things, come back and bring your passions to engage as many people with them as possible. Like I said, Burning Man can be one big party, it can be a potentially powerful tool for incubating personal growth and transformation, and depending on your perspective, it can be both if you like.
  19. Memento Mori: Remember that you're gonna die. Undoubtedly one of the greatest lessons I've ever come across. I've yet to come across a single truly self actualized and wise person who hasn't seriously contemplated with his own death and thus have a mature relationship with his mortality. If there is one thing that's truly ours in this world, only thing certain, it's our own physical death. Nothing can take that away from us. Where do you think all these values, search for knowledge, spirituality came from? It is all because of death, our very short finite life. If there was literally no end there would be no search for anything. Death is the full stop. Any worthwhile adventure, search and wisdom comes from being aware of one's mortality frequently. So what does the ego or the devil need to do to ensure it's fictitious existence? Bastardize and avoid death at all cost, usually through incessantly distracting itself. And thus we got the 21st century, where everyone has opinions about everything except facing the thing that matter the most. Death, my bestest friend, thanks for recovering my life. @Your place at Heart your story is inspiring and bold. Such a transformation can only come from tapping into something REAL like death. Thanks for sharing.
  20. It might not be typical spiritual position for this list but it did give me quite a kick of consciousness when I was reading it. Maybe because it is a great example of shift from a blue stage to orange with even green on a horizon. It is a true story of a girl brought up in a very idealogical Mormon family with a father with bipolar disease (that made him also very paranoid and dogmatic). She goes through enormous effort and internal transformation to get out of the paradigm she was brought up in and she is describing the process. I found it very hopeful and something you may learn from. I have always loved stories about progress and transformation - my favourite kind
  21. Maybe it depends on several factors, even people's karma. Depression is not a bad thing at all. Many geniuses of history had depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder and even schizophrenia. Such mental disorders are transformation, and not something to be ashamed of.
  22. Transformation is Inevitable Hope is irrelevant <3
  23. I haven't been watching last Julien Blanc's videos, but he has approached some stuff related to spiritual enlightenment after the media scandal. I still think he has some shades of Orange. He needs to create a new course by the way. Transformation Mastery is getting a bit old and it would be awesome to have some of his new insights in a course pack.
  24. btw for anyone wanting to read some testimonies of health transformation through strict carnivorous eating and open your eyes up then check this site out:
  25. A short and powerful inspiration has come to me that may help you, let’s get into it! As you all know I have a heart-centered practice which I found at the start of this year after a year and a half of searching for the fastest, and most relaxing, joyous and exciting path towards enlightenment There is one caveat to this practice or warning I would like to share. I’ve noticed in me that when I feel the beginnings of love in myself I stop focusing on the air in my chest cavity. But then I feel sadness again in my heart and so I give it attention again as I would a small child, caressing the child, adoring it’s presence, and thanking it for giving me life. It’s a cycle. And yet the secret is to continue giving the heart attention well after emotional and mental health has returned, well after you’ve felt peace, bliss and oneness. I mean forever. Or we can focus on the head forever. Just like it’s natural for us to focus on the head, so too will it be for the heart; this means we can relax and really enjoy this process of self-transformation into our greater unlimited selves. We can always relax, and surrender even deeper when we know everything is perfect, and no matter what you do, you’ll always be just where you were meant to be. Everything is love, and you are this love; and the heart knows this deeply, that’s why we are doing this. Because the heart knows only the Truth of this universe; the love that exists everywhere. Your mind will resist this by creating truly awe-inspiring stories of fear, and will even bring up past memories you thought you had overcome years ago ? I saw this today so clearly as I surrendered as the awareness, watching the mind whirl away on the past. This made me rededicate myself to my heart because I understand that no amount of knowledge can convince my mind to surrender. Only I can; only the God within me. Love is the only answer; it’s the only answer your mind will silence and surrender to. Love is always here, and it is very asseccible. It is flowing through your veins, it is the beat in your heart, and it’s all around you. You can’t escape it, you can’t hide from God as God. Let this really relax your nervous system, and allow you to embrace this moment like never before; that love is always always here for you. May we all love heart-centered within each moment and inspired to create whatever makes us jump with excitement.