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  1. Glad my copy has convinced you sufficiently! This is the kind of event where you're encouraged to participate by doing things there that are important and meaningful to you. If you suspect nobody is doing those things or you go one year and find nobody is doing those things, come back and bring your passions to engage as many people with them as possible. Like I said, Burning Man can be one big party, it can be a potentially powerful tool for incubating personal growth and transformation, and depending on your perspective, it can be both if you like.
  2. Memento Mori: Remember that you're gonna die. Undoubtedly one of the greatest lessons I've ever come across. I've yet to come across a single truly self actualized and wise person who hasn't seriously contemplated with his own death and thus have a mature relationship with his mortality. If there is one thing that's truly ours in this world, only thing certain, it's our own physical death. Nothing can take that away from us. Where do you think all these values, search for knowledge, spirituality came from? It is all because of death, our very short finite life. If there was literally no end there would be no search for anything. Death is the full stop. Any worthwhile adventure, search and wisdom comes from being aware of one's mortality frequently. So what does the ego or the devil need to do to ensure it's fictitious existence? Bastardize and avoid death at all cost, usually through incessantly distracting itself. And thus we got the 21st century, where everyone has opinions about everything except facing the thing that matter the most. Death, my bestest friend, thanks for recovering my life. @Your place at Heart your story is inspiring and bold. Such a transformation can only come from tapping into something REAL like death. Thanks for sharing.
  3. It might not be typical spiritual position for this list but it did give me quite a kick of consciousness when I was reading it. Maybe because it is a great example of shift from a blue stage to orange with even green on a horizon. It is a true story of a girl brought up in a very idealogical Mormon family with a father with bipolar disease (that made him also very paranoid and dogmatic). She goes through enormous effort and internal transformation to get out of the paradigm she was brought up in and she is describing the process. I found it very hopeful and something you may learn from. I have always loved stories about progress and transformation - my favourite kind
  4. Maybe it depends on several factors, even people's karma. Depression is not a bad thing at all. Many geniuses of history had depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder and even schizophrenia. Such mental disorders are transformation, and not something to be ashamed of.
  5. Transformation is Inevitable Hope is irrelevant <3
  6. I haven't been watching last Julien Blanc's videos, but he has approached some stuff related to spiritual enlightenment after the media scandal. I still think he has some shades of Orange. He needs to create a new course by the way. Transformation Mastery is getting a bit old and it would be awesome to have some of his new insights in a course pack.
  7. btw for anyone wanting to read some testimonies of health transformation through strict carnivorous eating and open your eyes up then check this site out:
  8. A short and powerful inspiration has come to me that may help you, let’s get into it! As you all know I have a heart-centered practice which I found at the start of this year after a year and a half of searching for the fastest, and most relaxing, joyous and exciting path towards enlightenment There is one caveat to this practice or warning I would like to share. I’ve noticed in me that when I feel the beginnings of love in myself I stop focusing on the air in my chest cavity. But then I feel sadness again in my heart and so I give it attention again as I would a small child, caressing the child, adoring it’s presence, and thanking it for giving me life. It’s a cycle. And yet the secret is to continue giving the heart attention well after emotional and mental health has returned, well after you’ve felt peace, bliss and oneness. I mean forever. Or we can focus on the head forever. Just like it’s natural for us to focus on the head, so too will it be for the heart; this means we can relax and really enjoy this process of self-transformation into our greater unlimited selves. We can always relax, and surrender even deeper when we know everything is perfect, and no matter what you do, you’ll always be just where you were meant to be. Everything is love, and you are this love; and the heart knows this deeply, that’s why we are doing this. Because the heart knows only the Truth of this universe; the love that exists everywhere. Your mind will resist this by creating truly awe-inspiring stories of fear, and will even bring up past memories you thought you had overcome years ago ? I saw this today so clearly as I surrendered as the awareness, watching the mind whirl away on the past. This made me rededicate myself to my heart because I understand that no amount of knowledge can convince my mind to surrender. Only I can; only the God within me. Love is the only answer; it’s the only answer your mind will silence and surrender to. Love is always here, and it is very asseccible. It is flowing through your veins, it is the beat in your heart, and it’s all around you. You can’t escape it, you can’t hide from God as God. Let this really relax your nervous system, and allow you to embrace this moment like never before; that love is always always here for you. May we all love heart-centered within each moment and inspired to create whatever makes us jump with excitement.
  9. oblivious fat woman. Things are shifting in me. I'm reminded of that one scene in WALL-E where WALL-E accidentally bumps into one of the oblivious fat people on the ship, who truly notices her surroundings for the first time: I am that oblivious fat woman. For years, I successfully avoided participating 100% in my life. I am the wallflower, koo-koo ka-choo. I used a variety of distractions to cope with the empty feelings, but now those distractions have run their course. (Until another set of distractions find their way into my life, and I get sucked into the unconscious vortex once more...dun dun duuuuuun...) My Internet/Information addiction is on its way to the trash. As that happens, I realize how empty my life is - empty of quality meaning and relationships. Empty of that vivacious, self-expressive juice I used to have as a kid. Of course, I won't discount my near-miraculous transformation over the past year. Life is definitely a lot fuller than a year ago, but I clearly see now that I still have a ways to go. I'm eager to live fully, but I'm simultaneously afraid to live fully - like a dog that's lived in a cage his whole life and is too afraid to leave, even though the cage door is open. A psychological death is required to proceed, as is the case with most personal growth. Yesterday's events shook me in a good way. I acquired a fresh new perspective on things, and it makes my old perspective feel... well, old. And it makes my current circumstances feel expired. More specifically: the longer I stay in this living arrangement with the parents, the more I feel like I'm wearing an itchy wool sweater that I want to take off immediately. Fortunately, I think I have an escape route.
  10. Been quite attuned to this as of late. Here’s what I’m experiencing: 1. Friends. Posted about this the other day. Have fully realized which friendships are working for me and which ones are exhausting and not worth my time. Even if they served me well before, they just don’t work for me now. 2. Assertiveness. Was always weak in this category. I’m finding myself able to stick to my guns both professionally and personally. 3. Compassion and empathy. I feel for certain people. I can delineate between someone who truly is down and out and someone who is simply using me for this. 4. Loss of interest. Things (activities) I used to look forward to, I don’t care to do anymore. Oddly enough they usually involved bad habits such as drinking. 5. Drinking. I do not crave alcohol, I do not need alcohol. The old me threw down at least half a bottle of wine each night or at least enough booze to get me buzzed. Now, I couldn’t care less if I have it, although a nice cold beer on a hot day is always welcome. Only difference is I stop after one or two. 6. Sleep. I went through this odd phase where I was sleeping early, and waking up at certain times through the night (every night). It is starting to normalize a bit more now. 7. Confidence. Gaining this very slowly. Small, very small things that give my confidence a boost. Not being shy, not being embarrassed, living in the now. So far, that’s what I’ve been noticing.
  11. Yes I found chanting mantra to be the most direct way to personal transcendence, and lasting personal transformation thereafter. The bare minimum "spiritual work" I do every day is to passionately chant AUM several times long and deep. A yogi form India once told me that Sanskrit is more than a language, but a sacred system of sounds that corresponds directly with the bodies energies. This explanation made a lot more sense than the new age woo woo about invoking angels or summoning the spirits of all who've ever sung such words. Regardless, I don't think it matters what I believe about any specific mantra, if anything, and I dare say that mantra meditation is a stage turquoise experience. It is about merging with and becoming the sound itself, losing all sense of self-ness, entering a post-rational realm that transcends everything else that is normal human experience. Intensely vibrating sound currents like aum, or repeatedly chanting a mantra feels like it bypasses the thinking and sensing parts of the body, which is why it is so powerful. Sometimes I chant a cappella , or along with a track, which has the added benefit of regulating breath patterns as part of the meditation. Never done much of silent meditation, so I can't compare the two, but I can assert that diving right into mantra chanting is the most accessible way for anyone to experience meditation immediately. Particularly useful if you want meditative experiences but lack the discipline, time or ability to stay seated for zazen style meditation. I find that I can change sitting positions and also alternate between standing up, kneeling and lying down with my knees up during mantra meditations and it doesn't detract from the soundwork.
  12. What dies is the body. The eternal being that we are cannot ever die. I'm also convinced it's impossible to kill the ego-mind with one blow. What if the body is needed for the processing/ transformation of ego-mind, then you really don't want to kill the physical body until you've completed your ego transformation.
  13. I realized something very profound the other day, and couldn’t quite put my finger on it until now. Certain existing friendships no longer serve me. Throughout this change of mine, transformation, I’ve made some new friends and developed stronger friendships with existing acquaintances. However, there were a few that I just didn’t have the energy or desire to maintain anymore. My theory was proven after going out for dinner with one old friend last week, and finding myself wanting to get it over as soon as I could. After, I needed time alone just to recharge myself. I shouldn’t feel ashamed or bad about this at all. It’s all apart of growth.
  14. that's a nice way to put it. Reminds me of something i read in Eckhart Tolle's book called 'A New Earth'. In it, the author said that he likes to contemplate on the first day when a boom happened all over the world and Flowers covered the entire earth with colors and fragrance for the 1st time millions of years go. Before the flowers came, trees existed for millions of years but there was no flower. He uses these analogies for Enlightenment. From Tree to flower. From Reptiles to bird. From rocks to diamond. From ignorant man to Enlightened man. A total transformation. But this widespread boom may take few more thousands of years lol. We still haven't learnt to crawl, let alone coming out of the cave
  15. Not completely. The ego expands. You know how an enlightened person is like "everything is one, everything is me". That's because you identify with everything. So when you say identifying, you mean identifying with only certain things, which causes the resistance. So the issue isn't identifying. If you hang onto your identification, you are not identifying with a wide enough variety of things so to say. Your issue after reading the post seems to be something else though. You probably have spirits/thoughtforms that generate those thoughts. They probably came about from a previous bad feeling and stayed there. So don't feel bad about having those thoughts. I could be wrong though. So yeah it will get better after a while. You're going through a lot of transformation right now
  16. This is a very classic spiritual trap. Sexual repression does not work and will actually retard your development. True celebacy comes AFTER decades of deep spiritual work. It must come naturally, not be forced. People think they can ape enlightened masters and become enlightened that way -- by copying their external behaviors -- but that doesn't work. What's required is an inner transformation, which only comes from deep practice. This is the whole problem of the Catholic Church in a nutshell. Also, don't compare yourself at 20 years old to a 60 year old yogi. The hormone levels are totally different. In their 20's many of these yogis were likely fornicating like rabbits. See Gandhi as one example.
  17. Life is perfect as it is. It is daring you to relax/loosen up no matter what situation you are in. You have beleifs inside you that people won’t accept you and what happens? You start to attract people who don’t accept you. As such, life is a perfect reflection of your deepest beleifs about yourself and other people; use this to your advantage. Go our in the densest area possible and ask yourself, “Where is the danger here? Where are the people who don’t accept me? Where are they right now in this moment?”. Look, see, know. You’ll find through direct experience that there is no one to be afraid of, or worried about from this place of higher consciousness. Even put a clown hat on yourself, and walk around. See all the people watching you and radiate love through your eyes towards them. Come on, it will be fun you know! This direct experience is how we change our beliefs. Another effective way to change these beleifs is to anchor love. You may want to move somewhere safe and queit when you feel very anxious, and focus on the breathe. This technique is exactly the same as sitting on your front porch and watching the stars, it relaxes you and anchors love. Your love will purify everything, so bring it with you as much as possible. For in every moment we have a choice: we can choose love or choose fear. It’s up to you honey. This is your time to shine brighter than ever if you want to, to feel so much love beyond anything you’ve ever experienced. Even in the deepest state of fear, you can choose love, that is the fastest way to change beleifs. That’s why I suggested to go into a crowded area where I know you will be afraid and to use the technique of radiating love from your heart through your eyes. Whenever you are afraid, you have a misaligned belief. Dive into the heart of that situation that scares you and shine love through your eyes for fast transformation. Be that love that you desire from the world everywhere you go as best you can. Also I would like to suggest that you do not meditate right now. There are other practices that are much more beneficial for you. Here is a link to them: Specifically the ”OM” would really help for about 10 minutes a day or more. It will release all of the anxiety through your voice, and the love frequency contained in the “OM” sound will purify your beleifs over time. Also I recommend the Urijjya breathe or guided breathing for 15 minutes or more a day to help you regain control over your thoughts that are making you have these attacks. The Ujjayi breathe has the potential to take you to unconditional love. The day practice I already said above to radiate love through the eyes ❤️? Hope this helps you Moonlight. This is what helped me with my social anxiety; and has changed my beleifs so much that I only attract the most loving people in my life and it is magical how it works through practice of what I recommended. Step into your power as the God that you are. Dedicate yourself to practice in all your free time. You are the love, you are the light; everything is beautiful. To see this, practice what was on that article that you enjoy for hours a day if you really want to realize that you are love. You have this power to do this with your own free will. You are the creator. You create in every single moment. All your answers will be resolved in the art of practice my darling. With love.
  18. get a trip sitter, meditate before and dont eat the whole day and get ready for unchangable transformation
  19. Interesting read from an LSD user: some interesting snippets: In the case of psychedelics, such as LSD, other considerations apply. While we still will argue that they do not “expand" the mind or consciousness (which is not an experience, but that which is aware of experience), they have affects that may seem to do so, in the sense that they can temporarily reduce ones identification with certain limited assumptions, such as body-identification, and may also give a flash, a glimpse that the world is an idea, which is a step towards the advaitic realization that all is Mind. The problem is that they may also definitely NOT “purify Buddhi,” or the ability to discern truth from falsehood, especially when their immediate effects wear off. The ability to concentrate effectively may be lessened - it is unlikely that they can increase ones ability to deeply concentrate, as in reaching samadhi or penetrating the third eye and going to higher planes voluntarily - and the ability to make feeling connections may also be either enhanced or decreased, depending on many unpredictable personal, individual factors, including the biological condition of ones brain. Hence there are risks involved. -- Dr. John Mumford warns the Western student of attempting to mimic the drug use of the qualified Tantric practitioner: "Indiscriminate use of conscious-expanding drugs without prior mental training and the absolute physical discipline imparted by years of Hatha and Raja Kriya is equivalent to dynamiting open the door to a treasure vault (the unconscious mind) and discovering the blast has destroyed half the treasure plus irreparably damaging the door so that it cannot easily be shut at will. The karmic basis of life is that a price is exacted for everything, including illumination. The Yogi or Tantrist pays his karma through his years of practice and discipline well before ever opening the mind with a psychedelic drug.....Most Westerners dropping "acid" or other such substances risk paying a karmic debt after the experience with depression, inability to cope, de-realization, depersonalization, psychological malaise, and in some cases precipitation of latent schizophrenia or recurrent psychotic episodes." (5) -- Sant Kirpal Singh remarked that the use of such drugs was "a mockery of the divine grace". Sant Rajinder Singh affirms the view that drugs lower one’s consciousness. Most importantly, truth or realization is not just an acquirable experience, but "a turnabout in the deep seat of understanding AND the incomparable transformation-death of the Bodhisattva's individualized will control" (6), and this must be paid for with the sacrifice and submission of one's whole being, whether or not one ingests a particular herb or other substance on any occasion. Roshi Philip Kapleau remarked: "the spiritual heights can no more be scaled by smoking pot and dropping acid than a mountain can be climbed by looking at a map of it while reclining in an easy chair drinking beer. It is the climbing that brings joy and strength - joy in the release from the bondage of self and mountain, top and bottom; strength to LIVE in this realization." (7) -- Many a soul has doubted his own existence while on LSD! Perhaps a few have had intimations of the ineffable as well. This writer remembers a decidedly unphilosophically inclined friend of his at Cornell who sat for hours on acid repeating, "It's all the same, IT'S all the same, it's ALL the same, it's all the SAME, it's all the same, IT'S ALL THE SAME!......" But the next morning it wasn't, nor was he. (Reminds me of Leo lol, Isn't this exactly what Leo was saying over and over in one of his videos?) In The Web of Life John Davidson makes the following statement regarding the effects of various mind-altering drugs: "In general terms, brain drugs such as LSD and L-dopa can move the center of attention into the more subtle physical realms by biochemically ligaturing part of the physical brain pathways, thereby forcing attention to focus on the more inward subtle constitution." (18) This, no doubt, sometimes occurs, but even so it still would not amount to anything of lasting spiritual significance, for the reason that it is only more experience (in this case of the inner aspects of the brain), and not the transcendence of experience itself. Moreover, we have the strong warning from primal therapist Arthur Janov that such drugs as LSD can do serious damage to the gating (pain defense) mechanisms of the nervous system, even permanently altering the pathways between the reptilian, limbic and cortical areas of the brain. This can lead to extreme difficulty in accessing feelings and thus opening the heart. There is also the danger of psychosis in those whose “gates” are already too open. -- Marilyn Ferguson stated years ago: "It is impossible to overestimate the importance of psychedelics as an entry point drawing people into other transformational technology." (19) -- We conclude this discussion simply by agreeing that there is in fact a spiritual way, but there is likely no pharmaceutical - or even yogic - "shortcut". -- Ramana Maharshi: spoke about the use of drugs by those practising yoga: "I do admit that drugs have some beneficial effect. A certain drug can make the whole body melt and flow like a milky ocean. One man told me that when he was given chloroform before an operation he experienced a nectarous bliss and longed for that state again. The Chinese look like skeletons, but when they take opium, they feel like giants and do any amount of difficult work. These drugs, however, must be taken in limited amounts and secretly. Otherwise all will demand them. Moreover, after some time, the drug habit will become a great fetter and obstacle to jnana. Its addicts will not flinch from any crime to satisfy their cravings. So, it is best to remain desireless. Having seen the effects of all these drugs, I have decided that to be as we are is best. To strive for knowing one's real nature through self-enquiry, though it is a little difficult, is the only safe path." (10) Paul Brunton (who spent time with ramana Marashi and brough his teachings to the west): “Young persons are easily deceived by the sham uplift which drugs may confer. It is an astral plane experience, not a Buddhic plane one, as it seems to be.” (13) “What the drug taker gets is imagined reality, not real reality. Consciousness assumes the experience of knowing Truth, gives him the most vivid idea that this is IT. The end-effect is not to bring him nearer to the goal, as he wrongly believes, but farther from it. Such are the tricks that mind can play on self.” (14) “The drug experience, however exalted it is, never really gets beyond being an astral plane copy, a pseudo-contact with a pseudo-god. It is illegitimate for modern man to break Nature’s safety barrier in this way. He may pay a penalty withhealth, sanity, or self-deception.” (15) “The glimpse brings him to himself, but no drug can do that. The drug brings him before a vivid mental picture which he lives; it is still only a picture - sometimes horrible like a nightmare, sometimes sublime like a mystical ecstasy. But never in these experiences does he enter his true self. Always he is looking at and living with a picture.” (16) Sri Nisargadatta speaks from a larger [perspective when he says: M: ...."No doubt, a drug that can affect your brain can also affect your mind, and give you all the strange experiences promised. But what are all the drugs compared to the drug that gave you this most unusual experience of being born and living in sorrow and fear, in search of happiness, which does not come, or does not last. You should enquire into the nature of this drug and find an antidote...Birth, life, death - they are one. Find out what has caused them. Before you were born, you were already drugged. What kind of drug was it? You may cure yourself of all diseases, but if you are still under the influence of the primordial drug, of what use are the superficial cures? OPRAH WINFREY (HOST):Sounds like a drug trip. ECKHART TOLLE: Well, later on, people tell me, they ask me, "Is that like acid?" Because some people take acid and they say, "Oh, we experienced that when we took acid," they told me many times. Until finally, I'll tell you in confidence, finally I tried acid just for once. OPRAH WINFREY: You're telling me in confidence here? ECKHART TOLLE: Yes. OPRAH WINFREY: Okay, good. ECKHART TOLLE: I tried it just once just to see… OPRAH WINFREY: If it was the same thing? ECKHART TOLLE: Yes. OPRAH WINFREY: Yeah? ECKHART TOLLE: It's not quite the same thing because what I experienced was much more subtle and beautiful. The acid I experienced has almost a violent thing where violently the perceptions, sense perceptions become so magnified that there was no room for thinking anymore. But I could see why people say, for some people it's a glimpse of what it means to perceive the world without this continuous interference of mental noise. OPRAH WINFREY: Yeah, but your trip without acid was better. ECKHART TOLLE: Much better. Papaji: (not a drug related but interesting quote) Q: "Do you foresee a time in the not too distant future when there will be many people on earth who are Enlightened?" A: "There is no future, there are no people, there is no earth, there is no one seeking Enlightenment, and no one gaining it. This is the final and only Truth."
  20. @Shanmugam I read your ''journey of a seeker'' post before. Today I read the link you've just posted once again. Thank you for sharing it. This testifies that a complete transformation is possible no matter where you are at life. I could relate to a lot of things from your early years. Most of my school and college years was like a farm house to produce fear and neurosis in me. And thanks for your contribution in your blog. I love your no nonsense non-duality approach. Cleared a lot of things and myths I was confused about for years. The people who are hating you right now, don't get surprised when the day comes when some of these folks actually wake up and mention you and your blog and how much it has helped them. Take care
  21. Source Work As MeditationOsho on Work as Meditation "Work is a necessary part of your transformation. Groups clean your mind but without work the mind will again gather rubbish. Meditation takes you into beyond-the-mind, but it starts cutting roots from the body-mind, and I want you to be with a wholesome integrated personality. Therapists clean the rubbish that centuries have poured into the mind, then work should make the body rooted in the ground, and then meditation can grow like flowers of a tree in the high sky. "People need to change the attitude that exists about work, particularly in the Western mind. Meditation should be part of the work, not separate from it. "Work and relaxation are not contradictory. In fact, the more you put yourself into work the deeper you can go into relaxation. So both are important. The harder you work the deeper you can relax. Work is valuable. It will bring humbleness and silence. People should feel that their work is something very special, and that whatever work they do is respectable." "The emphasis should be on full-time work. 6 hours a day is perfectly okay. Work is part of the whole program – when you work, work as if it were a group therapy. Call it "work meditation". If you really want to meditate and get into yourself, at least 6 hours work is a necessity – is part of the whole change in your energy. It is scientific. For 6 hours you should forget everything else – forget the whole world, forget your problems – whatever work it is, be total in it. Then something is possible." ... What do you think, is it possible to do highly cognitive demanding work while meditating (studying for example) or should the two habits be separated?
  22. @Athena It is true, I find myself very fortunate beign able to be very aware so young. At the same time, I have always been very "awake" from a young age. It was an insane torture in a family like mine. It devastated me completely, although nothing can stop me from putting all the pieces back together. We see things the way we do for a reason. Maybe the things you didnt know before were that way only to set you up for a bigger transformation coming your way, acting as a catalyst! If we were born with all the knowledge and insticts of the universe, there would be no transformational journey, yet taht is exactly what we are here for isnt it?!
  23. The Attraction for Drugs is Spiritual – Osho (No prohibiting the use drugs) Drugs are as old as humanity itself, and they certainly fulfill something of immense value. I am against drugs, but my being against drugs is for the same reason as for thousands of years people have been addicted to the drugs. It may look very strange. The drugs are capable to give you a hallucinatory experience beyond the mundane world. That is the experience that is being searched through meditation. Meditation brings you to the real experience, and drug gives you just a hallucination, a dream-like experience but very similar. To meditate is difficult. The drug is cheap. But the attraction for drugs is spiritual. Man is not satisfied with his mundane existence. He wants to know something more. He wants to be something more. Just the ordinary life seems so flat, so meaningless, that if this is all then suicide seems to be the only way out of it. It gives no ecstasy, no joy. On the contrary, it goes on piling you up with more and more misery, anxiety, disease, old age and, finally, death. From the cradle to the grave, the ordinary life is just a drag. People go on living it because they are cowards. Otherwise they will commit suicide. They don’t have the courage enough to commit suicide. But this is not something one can rejoice in. You can drag on but you cannot call it living. There is no dance in it, no color in it. It is just a vast desert spreading as far as you can see, with no oasis anywhere. I am reminded of one of the dreams of Leo Tolstoy. It is a rare dream. It is also unique that it went on repeating continuously almost his whole life. As long as he could remember, the dream was happening. And the dream is very strange. In his dream he sees a vast desert and two gumboots without anybody in them, just the two gumboots without any feet inside them, are walking. They go on walking and they go on walking, and there is no end to this walk. The desert is endless. And he always woke up perspiring, his heart beating louder, gripped with great fear. Without going to any psychoanalyst, he knew the meaning. He himself was a genius. He knew that this is his life, this is not a dream. It is not even symbolic. It is exactly his life. Where he is going? Wherever he goes he will end into the grave. Who is going he does not know. The gumboots are empty. He is unaware of anybody inside. He is unacquainted of the person who is wearing the gumboots. He is invisible. All that is visible is the gumboots and the desert, and the tedious journey, pointless, meaningless. This is the reason that drugs have attracted man since the very beginning. And they have at least given him a temporary relief. Only few people tried meditation. And my own understanding is, these people also tried meditation because drugs at a point become useless. You become immune. In the beginning they give you tremendous experiences, but soon they become almost part of your body chemistry. Then if you don’t take them you are in trouble. Your whole chemistry wants them. If you take them, you gain nothing. You go on increasing the doses. In India where the experiments with drugs must have been the oldest, because the oldest scripture in the world is Rigveda, the religious source book of the Hindus, it talks about a certain drug, Somras. Because of this Somras, Aldous Huxley has called the ultimate drug one day, when LSD is refined and there is no side effect, it will be called Soma. The name is from Rigveda. Rigveda according to Hindus is ninety thousand years old, and nobody has been able to prove that they are wrong because their arguments for its old age are almost irrefutable. They are not logical, otherwise it would have been easy. They are astronomical. In Rigveda there is a description of a certain combination of stars that had happened according to modern astronomers also ninety thousand years before. Now there is no way for the people who were writing Rigveda to describe it in absolute detail unless they have seen it. Now this is such an evidence that you cannot do anything about it. The astronomers say for ninety thousand years that combination has not been again in the sky. So certainly whoever was writing it was fully aware of the combination of stars at that time. For ninety thousand years Hindus have accepted drugs almost as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only under British regime that drugs created trouble, but because they were part of a religious ritual, which is the ancient most religion in the world, even the British government was afraid to interfere with it. It continued. Even in my childhood all drugs were available in the market. There was no question of any illegality. And every school of Hindu religion was using drugs, but they were using it in a very scientific way. They will give the drug in a certain quantity, create a certain experience in the man, and then when he will come out of it will tell him that, “This was only an illusion. It was simply because of the drug, because of the chemistry, your mind experienced. “Would you like to experience it in its reality? If the illusion is so beautiful, you can think how much more the reality would be. And the experience created by the drug lasts for a few hours, and again you are back to the same old rotten world. But if the experience is real, it is yours forever. You never lose it. It is not something that has happened to you, it is something that was already in you; you have discovered it.” So I don’t see that it was wrong to use drugs in this way. In fact, this should be the approach around the world for the modern man. And now we have more advanced drugs, synthetically made, and we are capable to purify them more. We can make drugs which have no bad effects at all. We can make drugs which are not addictive. And we can have in every hospital, in every university, a certain department which teaches people how to move from drug to meditation. Just to talk about meditation remains simply verbal. There is no way through the words to give you any experience. But drugs are immensely useful. The words can explain to you what meditation is, the drug can give you an hallucinatory experience of it. And then you can be initiated into a method. And now you will not be moving in darkness. Now you know that something… if an ordinary drug can do so much, then there must be some way to find an authentic transformation, to experience it without any dependence on anything. So the drug simply opens up a door and helps you to understand that man’s life and his experience need not be confined to the ordinary mundane world – he can fly high towards the stars — that he is capable of knowing things which are not ordinarily available. Under proper guidance — medical, meditational — drugs can be of immense help. I said I am against drugs because if they become addictive then they will be the most destructive for your journey towards the self. Then you become enchanted into hallucinations. And because it is cheap — no effort has to be done, just you have to go on taking bigger and bigger doses…. In India it came to a point…. Still today there are monasteries where they keep poisonous snakes because the people had become so addicted to all kinds of drugs that no drug has any effect on them. They can take any dose and they will remain normal. The only thing that gives them a little experience is a bite on their tongue by a cobra. That will be death to anybody, but to them it is a beautiful drug experience. Sometimes it has happened that these people become addicted even to cobra bites. Their whole bloodstream becomes poisonous. And it is on record, and once it happened in front of me, that a cobra was brought to bite. The cobra did it perfectly well on the tongue, and died. The man had become so poisonous… because the cobra is not poisonous in his whole body. He has simply a small gland which has poison, and that gland is just in his mouth. So whenever the cobra bites someone, he immediately turns upside down, because the gland in his mouth has the opening up. He will bite; that is not dangerous. That is simply making your blood available. And then he will turn over to pour the poison on your blood. The bite is not really poisonous. The poison comes from the gland which hangs above his tongue in the mouth. It has to hang that way, otherwise the poison cannot remain in it. So he turns upside down. The poison starts flowing out of the gland into the wounds that he has made by his bite. But before he could do that, biting the man was enough to get poisoned himself. For thousands of years people have been using drugs. Moralists, religious people, governments have been trying prohibition absolutely unsuccessfully. And I don’t see that they can ever succeed. The only way to succeed is what I am suggesting. Rather than prohibiting drugs, let the scientists find out better drugs which give deeper and more psychedelic, more colorful, more ecstatic experiences and without any side effects, and without any addiction. And these should be available in the universities, in the colleges, in the hospitals — wherever some kind of guidance is possible, that the person is not prohibited, is allowed total freedom to use anything that he wants. And we use his experience to help him grow towards some authentic process so that he can start experiencing something far greater than any drug can give. And only then he can compare that the first one was just a dream, and this is a reality, and the first one was just cheating myself through chemistry, ‘And the first one was not helping me in my spiritual growth. It was in fact preventing the growth, keeping me addicted and retarded’. The second one goes on growing, and now he starts gathering courage to explore more. He was never aware that these experiences are possible, that these experiences are not just fiction. So drug can be used in a very beneficial way, to make the person realize that this is hallucination, and the hallucination is so satisfying, would not you like to try the real? We have the real drug also. I call it meditation. And it takes you to the uttermost blissful experience possible. Then only drugs become useless for you. If we want humanity to get free of drugs, then meditation is the way. But before we can get free of them, they are very important and can be used to introduce people to meditation. So this paranoia about drugs is not helpful to humanity. You can make drugs illegal, it makes no change. In fact, they become more attractive, more exciting. Particularly to the youth they become a challenge. I am amazed sometimes, is man going ever to learn even the ABC of human psychology? The same stupidity goes on which God did with Adam and Eve: prohibition. Don’t eat the fruit of this tree. But that becomes an invitation. That becomes a challenge. And thousands of years have passed, but the authority figures are still in the same mood: don’t use the drug, otherwise imprisonment for five years, seven years. And nobody bothers that drugs are being made available in jails. Just you have to pay a little higher price. And the people who come out of the jail are not cured. They go back again because … the reason is the drug gives them something which your society is not giving. They are ready to destroy their health, their body, their whole life becomes a mess, but still that drug gives them something which your society does not give. So rather than preventing them, create a society which gives something which is better. I have been fighting in India with one of the most idiotic prime ministers India had, Morarji Desai. He is absolutely fanatic, is not ready to listen to any reasonable argument. Alcohol has to be prohibited. He prohibited the alcohol. That does not make any change. People start making alcohol but that proves dangerous. Thousands of people died because the alcohol they drank was poisonous, was not made rightly. The people who were making it had no idea what they are making. And this has been happening around the world. Once in a while some idiot comes in and tries to prohibit, but nobody asks why people drink alcohol. Your life gives them nothing. You suck them of their blood and in return what they get? No joy, just anxieties upon anxieties. Safe alcohol makes them relax for few hours, sing a song or have a little dance — or a fight in the pub. But for few hours they are transported from your world. The very attraction proves that your society is wrong, not that alcohol is wrong. Your society should help people to dance, to sing, to rejoice, to love. The alcohol will disappear. The other drugs are far better than alcohol. There are many drugs which have less bad after-effects, particularly synthetic drugs taken in a right atmosphere, in a right mood, for example, LSD. It simply enhances your mood, it does not do anything to you. If you are in a despair the LSD experience will become a nightmare. But if you are feeling a well-being, that is the time to take LSD. Then it can give you a really positive ecstatic experience, although it will be hallucinatory. But if you don’t know the real, it looks almost the real. Even a man like Aldous Huxley, one of the most intelligent men of this generation, thought that through LSD he has achieved the same experience as Gautam Buddha, Kabir, Ramakrishna. If you don’t know the real, naturally you cannot call it hallucinatory. It is so real. Huxley had no experience of meditation. He has really no right to say such a thing. You can say such a thing only when you have experienced both, that it is the same experience as Kabir. Kabir never used any drug. His experience was purely of meditation. On what grounds Huxley can say it is the same experience? He does not know the experience of Kabir. I can understand that he has been through a tremendously beautiful experience, but that experience disappears as the effect of the LSD goes out of the system. But Kabir’s experience remains twenty-four hours, day in, day out, his whole life. Once it happens, it is always there. This is a simple criterion. But he was so much fascinated by the experience, and he corrupted almost a whole generation. They thought that if a man like Huxley says that LSD can give you samadhi, then what is the need of going into so much trouble for meditation with no guarantee whether you will be able to succeed or not? I am against drugs because they can become addictive and they can prevent your spiritual growth. You can start thinking that you have achieved what you were seeking, and your hands are empty. You are just dreaming. But, on the other hand, I am a very scientific mind. On the other hand, I would like drugs to be used, not to be prohibited — but used under proper guidance as a stepping-stone towards meditation. And governments should pay more attention for improving the drugs rather than preventing people. If improved drugs are available, then other drugs will already be out of the market. There is no need to prohibit anything in the world. Just produce something better — something better, cheaper, legal. Then who is going to bother about marijuana, hashish, heroin — for what? There is no reason. Something better is available with the medical store, without prescription. Even in the hospital you can book a place for yourself that doctors can look after you while you are in the drug experience. Meditators can help you to understand what has happened to you. And this is possible very easily through meditation. One thing more, that if something even hallucinatory happens to a person, meditation becomes easier. Something in him becomes certain. Something in him is now perfectly guaranteed that meditation is not just fiction. And the hallucinatory experience also opens some doors. The guidance can be of very much importance. For example, when somebody is under LSD and is having an ecstatic joy, that is the moment to teach him the method of meditation, because he is very sensitive, very clean and clear as he is not ordinarily. He is dull and cloudy. Now the whole sky is a clarity. You can teach him meditation more easily in this moment than you can teach him when he is in an ordinary state. He seems to listen but he only hears. It does not go deep. His sleep is thick. But in certain moments under LSD he is very close to awakening. Under a right guide he can be introduced to the technique of meditation. He can be given what is called post-hypnotic suggestions for which he is absolutely vulnerable. He can be told that, “This meditation, you will be able to do it when you are out of LSD experience.” You can go on repeating it that, “You are going to succeed in it.” It is a simple method and there is no problem in not succeeding in it. Just one or two sessions with a guide will be enough. The man can be moved towards meditation. And once he moves towards meditation, drugs have no importance at all. All the efforts of scientists and the government should be to understand that if a certain thing has been so attractive for the whole history of man, and no government has ever been successful to prohibit it, then there must be certain need that it fulfills. And unless that need is fulfilled in some other way, drugs are going to remain in the world. And they are destructive. And the more governments are against them, more destructive they are, because nobody can make any refinements on them, nobody can make any experiments on them, nobody is even allowed to say what I am saying. But I can say it because I am against drugs. But that does not mean they cannot be used. They can be used as a means, they are not the end. And if we can hope a future free of drugs, if man becomes naturally meditative…. And that is possible. If a child finds his father is meditating, his mother is meditating, everybody is meditating, he will start being curious about it. He also wants to meditate. And that is the age when meditation is very simple because he is not yet corrupted by the society. Yet he is innocent. And if everybody around him is doing something and enjoying in doing it, he cannot remain behind. He will sit with them with closed eyes. First they may laugh at him, that it is not possible for children. But they do not understand. It is more possible for children than for the so-called grownups. Just the atmosphere of meditation in schools, in colleges, in universities — wherever the person goes he finds that atmosphere which nourishes his own meditativeness. I would love to see that no drugs are needed in the world. But not through prohibition, but through creating something better, something real. Drugs will be defeated without any difficulty, but these idiotic governments go on giving importance to drugs and they go on destroying the youth around the world. The most precious time of life is wasted in hallucinations, and by the time they realize what they have done to themselves, perhaps it is too late. They cannot come back to a normal state. Their body has become accustomed to have certain chemicals in it. Then even unwillingly they have to go on injecting themselves with all kinds of poisons. Or if somebody has not been on hard drugs, returns back, then he finds life very much dull, more dull than you find it because he has seen something beautiful. It always remains a comparison. He has made love under the impact of drug and he had felt at the very top of the world. And now he makes love and finds that it is nothing but a kind of sneeze. It feels good; you sneeze and it feels good, but it is not something that you live for. Nobody can say that, “I am living here for sneezing.” -Osho From The Last Testament, Vol. 4, Chapter Six
  24. Your beleifs create your emotions, they create your circumstances, they create everything. Change your beleifs by anchoring a higher vibration all of the time. Use decrees, affirmations, heart-centered awareness, follow highest excitement; and surrender/just being when you feel you are ready to take the leap into the infinite. I post this teacher a lot, but he has helped me the most with his teachings “As you already know, suffering exists and there is a state free from suffering. The mind will have many reasons for choosing suffering. The mind believes “I am unworthy of love”. “Enlightenment is too difficult”. “Society won’t let me be happy”. My romantic partner is the cause of my suffering.” “My parents caused all my problems.” Etc. All of these thoughts, and others, continue to create emotions of suffering inside our bodies and minds. As though we are hypnotized, we continue to listen to these thoughts and feel these emotions. We stay identified with what we hear and feel. We stay convinced that we are this story, this false self. We continue to suffer and feel we’ll never find a way out. There is a solution. There is a very direct spiritual method that will free you from your ego and all of it’s beliefs, stories and emotions. This method bypasses all need to analyze the mind’s content. This method is the most direct way to experience emotional freedom, a silent mind, and a blissful Heart. Watch this video to be guided in this method of spiritual awakening. Trust in the Heart’s energy. Your direct experience of the Spiritual Heart will show you that it is trustworthy. By putting your faith and trust in your own Spiritual Heart, you can more easily leave the suffering of your thoughts and emotions. That which we trust, we connect with and we move closer to. Your trust is one of your most potent spiritual tools for personal transformation. Use it! I wish you success on your spiritual journey of awakening. May you be blessed. Blessings and Love.”